02x02 - Christian Troy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Nip/Tuck". Aired: July 22, 2003 – March 3, 2010.*
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Drama is set in a plastic-surgery center, McNamara/Troy, centering on the two doctors who own it.
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02x02 - Christian Troy

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, yeah.

Slow it down.

That's right.

Now use both hands.

And don't be afraid
to use that either, sweetheart.

I don't usually get so many notes
during a performance.

- Am I not...
- Amazing.


It might help more
if you paid me a little attention first.

First come, first served.

Why didn't you say so?

Saddle up.

Oh, my God!

You like that, don't you?

Sweetheart, I can't go down
any further than I already am.

No. Down.

I'm super allergic to...

The gall of her lawyer
to say the morphine made her do it.

Libby Zucker blew her best friend's head
off out of revenge. Pure and simple.

What's not simple is the week we have
to spend in court to clear up her mess.

What happened to you?
Husband come home early from work?

The model that was sitting on my face
this morning sneezed...

and jammed her p*ssy...

With a mouth like that, she could've
done us a favor and broken his jaw.

I thought finally
we had something in common.

Isn't this what happened to your nose?

Where are you headed?

I got an operation at 9:00.

See you after surgery.

I'm fine. I haven't had a single tremor
in 10 days.

The neurologist verified it was a symptom
of psychosis triggered by anxiety.

Not surprisingly, now that
my mother-in-law's face-lift is over...

so is the anxiety.

Welcome back, partner.

Can I...

Can I get a second opinion?

Up until now, the worst thing that's
happened to this face is a rough exfoliate.

I never even had a pimple as a kid.

Doesn't look like your orbits are involved.

Maybe just a deviated septum
along with a fractured nasal bone.

I'll reset it after surgery. You'll be fine.

Fine? This face? No.

You gotta make it
what it was before, Sean: perfect.

I only do perfect. Remember?

Holy Mother of God,
it's the steatoma from hell.

That he couldn't afford to have
it removed, even at this stage...

We're doing him pro bono.

You ever lance one this big?
In a nightmare, once.

The quicker we get
Elephant Man out of here...

the quicker you can fix my nose.

Oh, my God!
He hit a pumper.

Vascular clamp.

He's tacking.

He's losing pressure, Sean.

I got it.

You got it?
Got it. I need a 5-0 Prolene.

What the hell
just happened, Sean?

Tell me what you
don't like about yourself.

If I'm gonna work on your nose...

I want to follow the same procedure
as for all our patients.

We're not here
to talk about my nose, Sean.

We're here to talk about
what happened at surgery.

Nothing happened. It was a minor mishap.

You call that river of blood "minor"?

Unger bucked from a bad anesthesia
reaction. It's happened before.

- Your hand palsied again.
- No, it didn't.


Your problem is getting worse.

- It's not getting worse.
- So there is a problem.

Surgery is our livelihood, Christian.

Do you really think I'd hide something
from you serious enough to destroy it?

Let me take a look again.


It hurts. That's all.

You don't trust me to reset your nose.

It's just a hairline fracture.
Surgery might be unnecessary.

What about your burning need
for perfection?

You're always saying that plastic surgeons
can't look worse than their patients.

I don't give a shit
what anybody else thinks.

What I care about is what you're gonna
say to Unger when he wakes up.

What's up?

Matt McNamara?

I'm Det. Collins.
This is Det. Volpey from Miami-Dade.

Are you aware that your friend,
Henry Shapiro, was arrested last night?

Henry? No, why?

Your name came up relating to a crime
involving Cara Fitzgerald.

We need you to answer some questions.

Two days ago, Henry att*cked
and sexually assaulted Cara...

on her way home from school.

She's in the hospital in serious condition.

Henry's being held, pending charges.

Oh, my God.

That's terrible. I had no idea.

So that's your official story, Matt?

You don't know anything
about what happened to Cara Fitzgerald?


Here's our contact information.
You can call us at any time.

You don't wanna lie to the police, Matt.

If we find out there's more to this story...

you could wind up in jail
right along with Henry.

How do you improve on that?

There are ways, believe me.

Can I ask how you...

Bedroom acrobatics.

- Are you here to get it reset?
- No, that's for wimps.

I'm here to consult
Dr. Jordan about a surgical technique.

She's a colleague of mine.


She doesn't know how to operate,
or something?

Dr. Christian Troy.

Calvin Murray.

What you here for, Calvin?

It's kind of embarrassing.

The only thing
to be embarrassed about...

is not taking advantage
of a doctor's free advice.

Triple nipple. Very rare.

I'm betting you're here
because it affects your sex life.

If I had one, yeah.

I won't take my shirt off at the beach.

And you're about to take it off
in front of Dr. Jordan?

Let a chick in scrubs
poke around your chest?

Come by my office tomorrow at 9:00.

This says 10:00.

My waiting room is filled
with beautiful women...

like the one that just strolled out of here.

If we're gonna really fix your problem...

I'd like to make
a few introductions beforehand.

Awesome! Well, thanks, Dr. Troy.

My pleasure.

I'd leave before she comes,
or you may get charged for the visit.

Right. Cool.

- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Great.

Dr. Troy. What a surprise!

Good to see you, Monica.

I couldn't believe it when I saw you
on my appointment sheet.

- What happened to your nose?
- That's why I'm here.

I broke it playing a game of hoops
with the boys.

I'm looking to get a rhinoplasty ASAP.
How's your schedule?

I don't understand.

You're partners with Sean McNamara.
Why is he not fixing it for you?

The scar is gonna feel tight for a while,
but otherwise you're healing nicely.

What do you think, Jess?

- I kind of miss it.
- Miss it?

It scared people.

It was a part of you.

I love you because of your flaws,
not despite them.

Can I get dressed now, Doc?
I gotta get back to work.

I'm afraid I can't let you leave just yet,
Mr. Unger.

There was a small complication
during surgery.

You lost an excess amount of blood.

We need to keep you here
for another day of observation.

- Liz?
- Another day?

Only as a precaution.

What happened?

You husband spasmed
during my initial incision.

A superficial artery was nicked.

I suspect it's because you had
an adverse reaction to the anesthesia.

I don't understand.
I don't feel weak or anything.

- I feel fine.
- That's what we wanna hear.

Sorry to interrupt...

but there's a gentleman in the lobby
who insists on seeing you.

It's about Matt.

So what did I do now?

Matt, Henry's father came by
to see me at the office today.

- He told me what happened to Cara.
- Why didn't you tell us?

I guess I didn't process it yet.

Henry's saying you were involved.

I didn't r*pe anybody.

That's not what Henry's saying.

He told his father you both hit Cara
with Henry's car six months ago...

and then left the scene.

What a guilty person will do
to deflect his crime.

To lie like that so blatantly!

His own father doesn't even believe him.

Wasn't that what he told you?
In so many words.

Henry's father did ask if you'd come in
to give a statement to his lawyer.

Your side of the story.

Are you okay with that?

I have to go get Annie.


Did you have anything to do
with that hit-and-run?

How could you even ask me that?

I did find it odd that you begged me
to reconstruct the face of a girl...

I wasn't aware you knew
prior to the accident.

Do you really think
I could hide something from you...

that could destroy my whole life like that?

You know what, Dad, I'll tell my side
of the story to Henry's lawyer.

I'm sure he'll believe me.

Where's your partner?
I thought he'd be doing this.

I can assure you
you're in very good hands.

Do you know how Dr. Troy's consult
with that other surgeon went?

What other surgeon?

Dr. Jordan. We met in her office.
He was gonna show her how to operate.

Can you believe they let
incompetent doctors cut into people?

We're ready to prep him.

Mr. Murray, the ladies will escort you
to surgery. We'll begin momentarily.

You sure you don't
wanna check up on me?

Make sure I'm handling everything
all right?

Just a minute, Sean.
We gotta set the record straight.

I rechecked my numbers on Unger.

Even the BIS showed he was deep.

- Maybe you read the monitor wrong.
- Machines don't make mistakes, Sean.

People do.

You're here for prep early.

Why didn't you tell me you met
our triple nipple at Dr. Jordan's office?

You're gonna have her
do your rhinoplasty, aren't you?

That's right, I am.

You caught me red-handed, Sean.

I'm cheating on you.

This partnership is a g*dd*mn joke.

I have one minor mishap
after 15 impeccable years of surgery...

and suddenly all your trust
swirls down the drain.

Don't forget whose talent
built this business.

Your talent? Let's take a look
at your record on talent, shall we?

You're the one who left the cautery tip
in Mrs. Grubman, not me.

You're the one
who failed the review boards, not me.

And you're the one who almost cut off
Unger's head the other day. Not me!

Is this gonna be pistols at 20 paces,
or is someone gonna get to work here?

What are you
waiting for, Sean?

Give me the scalpel.

Give me the scalpel, Sean.

Now leave.

I think you're meant to let a doctor
take off your bandages, Mother.

I am a doctor, darling.

I'm thrilled with the results.
Absolutely thrilled.

Is it painful?

Everything just throbs.

Did you drain your fluids today?
Sean said...

I was going to do that now,
if you'd give me a chance.

Here, let me help you.

Please. Hold up the mirror, will you?

What's wrong now?
Is this too disturbing for you?

What's disturbing me is some news I got
the other day about Matt's friend, Henry.

He r*ped a friend of theirs.

How old?
Sixteen, and so sweet.

I don't understand how a boy
who was so young and easygoing could...

Lose control like that.
Do you want my professional opinion?

Can't we pretend
we're having a conversation...

without dragging
your credentials into this?

I'll tell you exactly why he did it.

Children these days are under
the same pressure as adults are.

Society's constantly pushing them
toward perfection.

It's the parents' fault, really.

All these baby boomers...

grew up with high expectations
of what life should be.

Then they woke up in middle age
and became unglued.

- What do you mean?
- It's called transference.

The parents never learned
how to deal with their own failures.

So they pass their unrealistic expectations
on to their kids.

They put pressure on them
to excel in school and relationships.

And it's too much.

Do you think Matt feels that way?

- I don't think I try to pressure him.
- All this is unconscious, Julia.

But, yes, I think you do.
That's why he's so quiet.

He wants to appear in control,
even when he's not.

You make him sound
like he's some sort of ticking time b*mb.

It's simple psychology, really.

If you're in an environment
where you feel you can't fail...

sooner or later, you'll explode.


I never do two consultations
for rhinoplasty.

Why can't we schedule
and get it over with?

Because that's not the way I work,
Dr. Troy.

Another perfectionist?

I thought you might be looking
for a little more than a consult.

No. I just like to take my time...

and be thorough.

What is the big deal?

You only need to administer a local,
reset the fracture, and stabilize it.

Maybe you'd like to
do this procedure yourself.

Could save an awful lot of money.

I'm sorry.

Rough day at the office.

Don't you find that working hard all day
can build stress?

I know how I like to release that tension.
What do you do?

How's Thursday for you?

That's it? We're done?

Unless there's something else
you'd like to tell me how to do, yes.

Now that you mention it...

I haven't had an all-over
body mole check in a while.

Perhaps you could take a look?

Seeing as you're so thorough.

Would you like a gown?

Actually, Doctor,
on occasion, I sunbathe in the buff.

A scrotal melanoma is a stain
I don't want on this birthday suit.

It looks like you've got
more than your share down here.

Wait another minute.

Jesus! What the hell are you doing?

No moles. But I'd recommend some lipo
for those hips.

Are you saying I have love handles?

I do not have love handles.

Not that it's noticeable to
the untrained eye, but to a professional...

I am a professional, sweetheart.

Don't try and sell me
something I don't need.

You're 40 years old, Dr. Troy.
A few preventative measures now...

could help you hold onto your current look
for another five years.

I'd recommend scheduling lipo
and some Restylane...

to soften those puppet lines around
the mouth during the same appointment.

Men half my age
want to look as good as this, okay?

You're the one
who needs the work done, Doctor.



I need the number
of our insurance adjuster.

Did you just have an accident?

There was a car blocking my space
at work.

I backed into it so I could get out.

You ran into another car on purpose?

I think four times qualifies
as "on purpose," yes.

Sean, what is going on?
Why are you so angry?

Because it was my parking space, Julia!
I work 70 g*dd*mn hours a week for it!

You don't block a man in...

when he's working his ass off all day
to provide for his family.

Honey, it's okay.

Could you still love me
if I wasn't a surgeon, Julia?

If we had to move out of this house?

Of course I'd still love you.

I can't operate anymore.

I'm having a problem with my hand.

It shakes every time I pick up a scalpel.

A neurological problem?

I had Marty Fine check me out last week.
It's nothing physical. It's all up here.

You mean, it's all psychological.

What's the difference?
I can't keep my hand steady.

The difference is that
if it's all psychological...

it doesn't have to be permanent.

You put yourself under
so much pressure all the time to be perfect.

I'm surprised something like this
hasn't happened sooner.

There's nothing wrong
with wanting to be perfect.

Only if you're willing to fail.

I knew you'd finally come.

No contact or the visit's over. Got me?

This place is crazy, Matt.

I'm not gonna make it
much longer in here.

What are you doing
telling people about the accident?

I had to. It's the only way
I can get out of this place.

Henry, you are in here for raping Cara.

Admitting you're involved
in a hit-and-run against her...

isn't gonna set you free.

But it'll get me into a hospital.

My lawyer says he can plead
temporary insanity for the r*pe...

if he can prove I was under
emotional duress at the time...

which I was, because of what we did.

So now you wanna drag me into this
just because you snapped?

Everything was fine.

All you had to do was play cool
and stay away from her...

and none of this would have happened.

You disgust me.

How could you r*pe a girl
who was so fragile and naive...

- How could you do what you did?
- I didn't do anything.

You pretended what we did was okay!

Doesn't the pressure
get to you sometimes, Matt?

Aren't you at all haunted by what we did?

That's what was so beautiful about Cara.

She was so pure.

She could never do what we did:

leave someone dying in a ditch.

I guess I just thought if I could get
someone like that to love me...

then maybe I wouldn't be
a bad person anymore...

and God could forgive me for what I did.

When she finally said
she'd never go out with me...

I knew I'd lost my chance for absolution.

You take away
someone's chance to be saved, Matt...

you take away their soul.

I know.

You're on your own in this, Henry.

No, don't go. Please.
I'm sorry.

You can't leave me in here.
They're gonna r*pe me, Matt.

I warned you once, assh*le.

Please help me, Matt!
You have to help me!

Tell me how sexy I am.

I wanna hear you say it.
You're sexy.

- You love my body, don't you?
- Yes, I wanna touch you.

No, here. You like my ass, right?

Tell me how much
you like my rock-hard ass.

Say it.

Say it.

What the hell do you think I am
all of sudden?

Right now, I'm imagining you
as a brunette plastic surgeon.

Is that all I am to you? Just a hole to fill?

Get off me.

Get off me, you assh*le!

When are you gonna
get it through your head, Gina?

Sex between us is just that: sex.
No strings attached.

You wanna connect with somebody?
Pay a shrink.

- I thought I was doing you a favor.
- Screw you, Christian.

I'd gone nine months
without a sexual encounter.

I hadn't even masturbated.
And then you...

You bat your eyes at me,
and you talk so nice to me.

- I thought this time would be different.
- Why would tonight be any different?

You're hideous, you know that?

And now, in a fit of karma...

you're as ugly on the outside
as you are on the inside.

In here.

How bad is it?
See for yourself.


You need to clean this up.

What in the hell were you doing?

I managed to make the cut
with the 11-blade...

but when I reached for the osteotome
and set up to break the bridge...

guess what happened?

You realized how completely ridiculous
you were being?

My hand started to shake.

I was staring at myself in the mirror...

and I realized I'm all alone.

My nose was bleeding...

and the only person that I trusted
was myself.

I couldn't handle the pressure.

I choked.

At least you had the sense to stop yourself
before you did more harm.

Now I understand
what you're going through, Sean.

That anxiety.

If I treated every patient
the same way I treated my face...

I couldn't manage.

But that's what you do, every day.

I scheduled myself for surgery
tomorrow at 8:00 a. m.

- You're gonna fix this properly.
- Me? No, I'm not ready for that.

- What about your need for...
- This is about more than just my face.

It's about our future.



He's prepped and ready for twilight.

Place your fat noggin on the pillow
for me, sleeping beauty.

You look fantastic. Have you lost weight?

If you think one lousy compliment's
gonna stop me from k*lling you...

after all the shit you've put me through,
think again.

You're gonna be fine.

I know I am.

Count backwards from 10 for me.



eight, seven, six...

Stop the anesthesia, Liz.

I can't do it, Christian.

Call Dr. Jordan. I'm sorry.

Tell you what,
if I think you're not doing a good job...

I'll stop you myself. Fair enough?

What are you talking about?

Let's pack my nose.
Numb it with 10 cc's of lidocaine.

And hold a mirror in front of my face
so I can see what's going on.

I don't want Dr. Jordan, Sean.

I trust you. I'll stay awake the whole time.

We'll do it together.
Are you crazy?

I'm not performing a rhinoplasty
on an unanesthetized patient.

Not alone, you're not. I'll assist.

I tried it alone myself.
Didn't work for me, either.

I think we both work better as a team.



I need to reset the septum
before I can properly set it straight.

Even with a local,
you'll feel the bone break.

Let me give you some Versed,
just to relax you.

And miss all the fun? No way.


Liz, you wanna hold his head?


You're doing great.

Don't even think about it.
You've done a thousand nose jobs before.

And you are gonna do
a thousand more.

Breathe. That's good. Breathe.

All right, ladies.

Let's stitch him up
and wheel him off to Recovery.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You wanna go over
what you're gonna say?

Henry's father is already in there.
I talked to his attorney again.

He told me if the story
about the hit-and-run was true...

since no one died...

the whole case could probably
be plea-bargained...

Jesus, Dad, who do care more about:
me or Henry?

That's silly. You're my son, Matt.

And Henry was the one who r*ped Cara.

So why are you keen on
having me help him get off?

- That's not what I'm saying.
- Then what is it? You don't trust me.

I'm saying I want you to trust me
when I tell you...

that admitting
you've made a mistake is okay.

Driving into someone and running away
is just a mistake to you?


As a matter of fact,
I did the same thing the other day.

I used some bad judgment
during a time of crisis, and I overreacted.

But I took responsibility for it.

Relying on another person's faith...

when you don't have faith
in yourself isn't easy.

But you've gotta trust me.

What I'm trying to say...

is that I love you, Matt.

And if I actually admit it,
that I ran over someone...

and left the scene of the crime...

you'd still feel that way?
You'd still stand by me?

No matter what.

We're ready.

Present today are
Richard Shapiro, Henry's father...

Sean McNamara,
and his son, Matt McNamara.

Matt is here of his own free will...

and has agreed to give a deposition
relating to a purported crime...

that occurred some nine months ago.

Matt, at this time,
I need to remind you...

this is very serious matter.

And we'll be going on record
as part of this investigation.

Do you swear to tell the truth...

the whole truth, and nothing but?

Yes, sir.

Very well, then. First question.

Were you in any way,
as Henry Shapiro has stated...

involved in a hit-and-run accident
against Cara Fitzgerald?

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