01x03 - Nanette Babcock

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Nip/Tuck". Aired: July 22, 2003 – March 3, 2010.*
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Drama is set in a plastic-surgery center, McNamara/Troy, centering on the two doctors who own it.
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01x03 - Nanette Babcock

Post by bunniefuu »

So you're telling me
you've only had

2 previous
cosmetic surgeries.

2, yes.

My nose to correct
a deviated septum,

And my jaw to fix
a slight overbite.

Mr. Diamond, do you
make a good living

michael jackson?

Oh, yes. I have a condo
here in miami,

But i'm in vegas for,
like, 45 weeks a year.

I'm a headliner.

How else do you think
i can afford

Another deviated septum

And it looks like michael's
just had another one.

He's such
a beautiful person.

[Diamond sighs]

Well, how about
a bleaching peel then?

Mr. Diamond, i'm gonna
be honest with you.

You need to stop
having surgeries,

Particularly rhinoplasty.

What's more important
to you:

Looking like your idol
or breathing?

Excuse me,

Sean has a consult
waiting in his office,

And he just called
and asked

If you could step in.

He has an emergency
at home.

What kind of emergency?

Didn't say.

Liz, if you'll escort
mr. Diamond out, please?

I loved you in the wiz.

Dr. Troy, i have been
waiting in the lobby

For 20 minutes!

Mrs. Grubman, you didn't
have an appointment.

But as you know,

I'm always here for you.

Tell me about your problem.

The problem is,
i don't know how

You expect me to recover
from a tummy tuck

On shitty sheets.

Mrs. Grubman, the sheets
in our recovery center

Are 250 count frette.

I picked them out myself.

You call them 250 count.
I call them sandpaper.

Frette sheets
are hotel sheets,

And i'm sorry,
but if i'm gonna heal,

I need comfort,
not durability.

Mrs. Grubman...

how do you feel about
pratesi, 400 count?

Dr. Troy, i expect
nothing less.

What's going on, matt?
Are you ok?

Look, i'm gonna be fine, mom.

Right? I'm gonna be fine.

Take the ice pack off.

Let me see.

Matt, i changed your diaper
hundreds of times.

I've seen it.

Come on.

You took a chunk out
of your foreskin

And lacerated the
opening of your urethra.

I can apply a slight
pressure bandage.

That'll get you through
the next couple of hours.

And then what?

And then later today

You're coming
into the office,

And i'm gonna give you
a proper circumcision.

No shit?

On one condition.

You start communicating
with me.

If there's something
about your body

You want changed,

One of those nipple
rings, whatever,

We talk it out before
you try self-Mutilation.

And if you have
questions about sex,

For instance, how to find
and stimulate the clitoris,

You come to me.

I want to be involved
in your life, matt.



Captioning made possible by
warner bros.

* ahh *

* make me *

* beautiful *

* make me *

* a perfect soul *

* a perfect mind *

* a perfect face *

* a perfect *

* life *

Ms. Babcock, tell me what
you don't like about yourself.


[Knock on door]

Dr. Troy?

Grace santiago.

I'm the new

We have one already--
Dr. Pendleton.

I guess he didn't work out.

I don't want to intrude.
I can come back.

No. No, please.

Have a seat.

Hi. Grace.

Nice to meet you.

Ms. Babcock,
tell me specifically

What you're interested
in having done.

I--I need

Under my chin,

I hate the bump
on my nose.

I hate my breasts,

And my stomach has
stretch marks.

They make me sick.

I'd like those
to go away.

Dr. Troy, could i see
ms. Babcock's patient form?

Ms. Babcock,
you're interested

In changing
a lot of things.

Well, i've been saving
up my money for this.

I drove all the way here
from port lucy.

I'm going to my
10-Year class reunion

In a month.

I want to go
as a new person,

Someone they don't
recognize as a girl

They used to call

Well, i think
we can send you off

To that class reunion

Feeling much better
about yourself.


You'll help me?

Thank you so much.

I can't tell you how...

aah! No food 12 hours
before surgery.

Matt, you've never even
had your tonsils out.

Are you sure you want
to do this?

Yeah. It's important
to me, mom.

And dad agrees, so--

No, i don't agree.

What you did
has to be corrected

By a professional.

I'm doing your circumcision
out of medical necessity.

Before we leave,
you need to shave

Your genital region,


And the humiliations
just keep on coming,

Don't they?

I don't like this.

He'll be fine.
I promise.

[Knock on door]

I'll get it.

Good morning.
Officer stone,

police department.

Come on in.

May i speak to
julia mcnamara, please?

I'm julia mcnamara.
Is there a problem?

Actually, yes.

Mrs. Mcnamara,
the state of florida

Has a huge problem
with anybody

Who would t*rture
and k*ll an animal.

Your plumber
has notified us

About his discovery
and filed a complaint.

I'll get my purse.

Ms. Mcnamara,
i'm not arresting you.

See, in this state,
k*lling an animal

Is not a crime.
It's a misdemeanor.

So you have
the choice of

Attending an animal
anger management class,

Or paying a $5,000 fine.

Detective, a huge mistake
has been made here.

My wife won't even let me
put a bug zapper

In the backyard.

She didn't k*ll anything.

Yes, sean, i did.

Julia k*lled frisky.

This is very
disturbing to me,

That she's capable
of that.

Got a son who tried
to cut off his penis,

A wife who flushed
a gerbil.

It's like i've moved
back into hell house.

So are we gonna communicate
at all today,

Or are you gonna
continue to pout

Like a 6-Year-Old?

Kiss my tan,
waxed ass, sean.

Why did you fire pendleton
without consulting me?

That was wrong.

I should have checked
with you first.

But i was justified.
I fired him

Because he's a r*cist.


You fired him
because you weren't

The most brilliant kid
on the playground anymore,

And that bugged the shit
out of you.

75% of our patients
are women, christian.

I think our clientele
would, in many cases,

Be more comfortable

their concerns

With someone
of the same gender.

This hire might just
be a boost

In the marketplace.

You know, sean, i'm gonna
throw you this bone

Because hiring a shrink
gives you a moral comfort zone.

If that's what
it takes for you

To stay in this profession
with me, fine.

I'll take that b*llet.

But be honest here.

Admit you hired
grace santiago

Because you want
to get into her pants.

[Heart monitor beeping]

Uncle chris, what are you
doing here?

You're the most
important patient

We've ever operated on,

We're just taking extra
precautions, that's all.

Ok, guys,
ready when you are.

I'm afraid.

You're gonna
be fine, matt.

I wouldn't do this

Unless i could
guarantee that.

Matt, i want you to
count back from 10, ok?

Ok. 10...9...

all right,
let's do this.




Let me do it.
You're nervous.

That's understandable.

I'm fine. I want
to do this.

It's ok. We'll trade.

You do grubman's tummy tuck
afterwards, i'll do matt.

Dr. Troy,
i have the results

Of nanette babcock's
blood prelim.

She didn't test positive
for lithium

Or any similar generic.

How nobly efficient
of you.

I'm just trying
to do my job.

Well, your job
is not necessary.

Is there a problem?

A potential patient's
blood prelim

Just came back.
In good conscience,

I don't see how
we operate

On a manic-Depressive
resisting drug therapy.

I would agree
with that diagnosis.

Sean, i need to speak
to you in my office.


Is this how
it's going to be?

You're going
to listen to the concerns

Of salsa spice over the
judgement of your partner?

Since we've agreed
to hire a psychologist,

I think we have
an obligation

To follow that person's
expert advice,

Particularly when a
consult's medical history

Sets off an alarm.

Nanette babcock could benefit
from some select surgeries.

Sometimes giving a person
a nose job

Changes their lives
in more profound ways

Than a lifetime
of mood controllers.

We can't take on
every patient

Who files
through our doors.

Or are you forgetting
what took place

A month ago?

Are you saying
i have no ethics?

I'm saying
you have a history

Of liking your money.

Screw you, sean.

I have a discriminating eye.

Today, i turned down
michael jackson.

You know the dangers

In manic depressive

You want medical stats, sean,
how about this one?

Women who have
breast implants

Are 3 times more likely
to k*ll themselves

Than women who don't.

Does that mean
we're not stuffing

Any more tits
in this office?

Christian, i'm sure
you'll agree

That now is not the time

To flirt with any degree
of risk.

Dr. Santiago made
the right call here.

Do you want to call
ms. Babcock,

Or should i have her
do it?

* she has no father *

* no hero husband *

* to help her gather *

* herein *

* so she imagines that *

[Telephone rings]

* the deejay loves her... *



Ms. Babcock,
it's dr. Troy.

I'm afraid we can't
do your surgeries on monday.

But i can't reschedule.

I'm on deadline
for my reunion.

I'll barely heal in time
from the bruising

As it is now.

I'm not calling
to reschedule.

Ms. Babcock?

Look, i know i'm fat,

But i have been working
my ass off...


Nurse linda told me
i should try

And lose 10 pounds
before the surgeries,

That i would recover
faster if i did,

And i'm trying.

That's not the reason

We're not going
to do your surgeries.

Then why
aren't you then?

You said you could
make me look better!

I need to look better!

Ms. Babcock, we're
declining your case

Because we feel like you have
unrealistic expectations.

But every doctor has
their own criteria.

I'd like to recommend my
colleague dr. Martin hargrove.

I don't have time to do
a consultation

And the scheduling
all over again!

I need to
look different now!

You stop playing
mind games with me.

If you want me to pay
more money, i'll pay it.

It's not about money,
ms. Babcock, it's--

I hope you get cancer!

[Slams telephone
on the floor]

* i'll sell my soul *

* i'll be your geek *

* i'll run out in... *

Did it hurt?

You were worth it.

The stitches come out
next week.

We can do it anytime
after that.

Matt, have you urinated
yet today?





Why do you want to see this?

I had to suture
your urinarius,

And i want to make sure there's
no blood in the urine.

That it could be a sign
of internal hemorrhaging...

and i want to be here
to support you.

Why do i need that?

The first time you pee
after an operation

Of this nature,
it's going to feel like

You're pissing fire, matt.

Just press down on my hand
and scream if you want.

Nobody's gonna judge you.

I--I don't need
to hold your hand, dad.

And, uh...

could you give me
some privacy?


Vanessa's a little
hardbody, matt.

Looks like you're dating
a future prom queen.


I can't dance.

Ok, well, let's come back
in an hour then.

No, i, uh...

i mean i really
can't dance.

You're right about
the prom thing.

She's already
asked me to go...

and i don't--I don't
know how to dance.


well, that's ok.

Neither could i.

You just say,
"it's not my thing."

This works?

I didn't even have to dance
at my own wedding.

Women like it when there's
some mystery there.



Oh, shit, it's coming!

Uh, hand.

Yo ho ho. Ha!

[Speaking spanish]

[Both converse in spanish]

[Cell phone rings]


Where are you?

We have a his-And-Her lipo
in half an hour.

Car trouble.
I'll be there.

Since i've got you,

Why did you schedule another
neck lift for mrs. Grubman?

I didn't schedule
that operation.

Well, who did then,
the filofax fairy?

I'm sitting here reviewing
next month's surgeries,

And here it is in pen
on the 15th.

I'm telling you, sean,

I didn't schedule
that operation.

I sliced that
bitch's waddle off

15 months ago.

That's what i thought.

Call mrs. Grubman and tell her
you made a scheduling mistake.

I'll see you in a few.

[Cell phone rings]

Dr. Troy,
what a nice surprise.

I'm healing beautifully.

What a doll you are
to check up on me.

Listen, since i've
got you on the horn,

How many ambiens should
i take if i want to

Sleep through
the entire 8-Hour flight

And wake up refreshed
in tahiti?

Mrs. Grubman, who signed
you up for another neck lift?

I did it myself

With the girl
at the front desk.

You were with a patient,

And you made it clear
i'm not to interrupt.

I didn't approve
that operation.

i'm co-Hosting a benefit

With blaine trump
next month,

And i need
to look my best.

Never schedule another
operation without my consent!

Am i clear?

I don't like your tone,
dr. Troy,

And the next time you
speak to me that way,

Take a minute to remember
who's keeping you

In those gucci suits
you love so much.


Ma'am, i need you
to clear your pockets

And go through again.

Loosen your braids and
take a look, sweetheart.

Do i look
like a t*rror1st?

Ma'am, i need you
to go through again.

Put your phone in
the clearance basket...


Mrs. Grubman?

Hold on, dr. Troy.




I am keeping
the maintenance

As scheduled,
dr. Troy.

No, you're not!

It goes against
a.S.A.P.S. Guidelines.

It's not ethical.

Please, dr.Troy.
Since when

Have you
ever been ethical?

Mrs. Grubman, that's it.
I'm cutting you off.

My office will no longer
schedule surgeries with you.

[Hangs up phone]

Dr. Troy!


Ma'am, i need--

Look, your machine
is broke!

I am not missing
that flight.

We've got a runner.

[Don't bring me downplaying]


And as you can see,
here is the cautery tip

You left inside my client's
stomach after her tummy tuck.

Without doubt,
this is the metal object

That set off the airport
security system

And led to the as*ault
of my client.

She had the object
quietly removed

By her private physician

At considerable pain
and expense.

Mrs. Grubman, let me begin
by saying how truly sorry--

Dr. Mcnamara,

Seeing as this incident,
top to bottom,

Was caused
by your partner,

I think it is he
who should apologize.

Mr. Ambrose, what kind of
reparations are you looking for?

$10 million...

not a penny less.

g*dd*mn it!

You should have done
an instrument count, liz!

I did. This has never
happened to me before.

I am always so careful.

not careful enough!

We could lose the business
over this!

I cannot believe
your ineptitude!


Hold on, christian.

This is between me
and him.

You examined
grubman's belly

After i did
an instrument check,

Correct, sean?
I mean, that's protocol.


Are we to believe
from your silence

That maybe
you didn't do it

Because you
were too distracted

With your
son's circumcision?

What ineptitude!

Liz, look...i'm upset.

Screw it!

I should never
have come back here!

I am resigning!

No, you're not.

Liz, please,
can you give us a minute?


I can't believe this.

Ironic, isn't it,
that after years

Of my enduring your
"be more responsible" lectures,

You're the one who screwed us?

Look, we have
malpractice insurance

Precisely for this reason.

If we pay out, we
are screwed, christian.

Our rates triple,
and then, basically,

We're working
to break even.

What if she
goes to the media?

Our professional lives
are over!

You have to go to her.


She likes you.
She trusts you.

If you hadn't cut her off,

She probably wouldn't
have been so vindictive.

Hey, i cut her off
because of you.

Oh, i didn't ask you
to do that.

No? You're the one

Who is constantly
berating me

About my supposed lack
of ethics.

You're the reason
i dumped grubman,

And you're the reason
nanette babcock

Pulled a g*dd*mn
glenn close on my car.

What are you talking about?

I wanted to handle
this patient differently,

Make her in some way
feel better about herself,

But you and your
new piece-Of-Ass hire--

I am not interested
in her in that way!

Went all draconian
on me,

And she trashed my car!

Your fingerprints

Are all over both
crime scenes, sean.

How many women have you
screwed over, christian?

A hundred? A thousand?

It could easily be one of them.

She did it, sean.

You deal with grubman.

I'll investigate
nanette babcock...

with grace.

[Pounding on door]


Ms. Babcock?

What are you doing?

Uh, i'm sorry.

I knocked on the door,
and it opened.

You didn't answer my question.

The doctors and i
were worried.

I came by to see
how you were doing.

I'm doing my laundry.

I'm making my lunch.

I'm not going to my reunion.

That's what i'm doing.


you went off
your lithium.

Does your treating psychologist
know about that?

I quit seeing him
a month ago.

He couldn't do anything
to make me feel better.

That's why
i came to you.

You guys did a shitty job
at that, too.

You see what i'm eating?

Bullshit lowfat turkey
with no bread.

The lithium
made me gain weight.

I needed to be thinner
for my reunion.

That's why
i quit cold turkey.

Jim reconia was
gonna be at my reunion.

I bet he would
have loved you,

You with
your perfect face

And your tight ass
and your tits

That don't sag down
to an elastic waistband

That you don't
have to wear.

I hate girls like you.

You always get the jims
of this world.

Was jim a friend
of yours, nanette?

He was the class president.

I read on classmates dot com
that he was recently divorced.

I thought, maybe
if i looked prettier...

like one of them...

he'd notice me...

and strike up a conversation.

But you ruined that.

And you retaliated

By vandalizing
dr. Troy's car?

You think
i would do that?

Because if i'm ugly,

i'm a crazy bitch, too.

Is that right?

Ms. Babcock,
nothing that happens

In a doctor's office
is personal.

You rejecting me and
ruining my dream is personal!

You not making me the best
i can be is personal!

I get rejected all the time!

But when i offer to pay
and still get rejected,

That is personal!

Please leave.

[Soft music playing]

[Footsteps approaching]

Sorry to keep you
waiting, dr. Troy.

I was held up
on the phone.

Well, you know
how hysterical

Young women can get

When they find out
their only mother

Almost died on
the operating table.

Now, mrs. Grubman,

You didn't almost die
on our table.

You didn't even suffer
from sepsis or--

Oh, drop the tough-Love

You drove all the way
to palm beach

From your
miami butcher shop,

And i'm sure it was to
grovel, not to lecture.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, well,
it's too late for sorry.


Absolut, neat.

A toast...

to closing you down.

Why are you doing this?

You don't need
the g*dd*mn money.

Your husband
left you everything

When he died.

I'm doing this because
you betrayed me.

I didn't betray you.

I was negligent and left
a cautery tip in your stomach--

I could give
a shit about that!

Then why are you
suing me?

Because you left me.

You left me after
i was loyal to you.

Oh, you think
you made me,

With your implants
and your collagen

And your magic

But the truth is,
i made you.

I sent you all
my society friends.

I even threw
cocktail parties

In your honor
to get you known

In all
the right circles.

And now, dumping me

Like one of your
one-Night whores

Is the thanks i get?

I deserve better.

g*dd*mn this brace.

It's like the hands
of a k*ller

Around my neck!

My decision was correct,
mrs. Grubman.

I just went about it
the wrong way.

Actually, i stopped
working on you because...

because you were
my masterpiece.

There were no more strokes
to be made on your canvas.

After the tummy tuck,
i realized...

"she's perfect now.
My work is done."

You're a g*dd*mn liar.

Keep rubbing.

But if truth be told,

That always
was my fantasy.

That you'd look at me one day
and think i was beautiful.

That you made me beautiful.

That you'd want me.

No more knots.
I think i'm done.

Think again, dr. Troy.

Did she intimate that
if you slept with her,

She'd drop the lawsuit?

Are you actually
telling me

To stick my d*ck
in the cryptkeeper

To make your
mistake go away?

You're right.

You were right about
nanette babcock, too.

We need to put out
a restraining order.

a restraining order

Means involving us
with the police.

Now is not a time

To flirt with risk,

Ok, enough.

I'm gonna deal with her.

And forget about grubman.

I'm gonna tell her
i botched the surgery.

You shouldn't have
to give in to her demands.

I don't know what
our options are, sean.

If i don't, she's gonna
close us down,

And i'm sorry,
i've worked too hard

To end up at 40 saying,

"Welcome to cinnabon,
how may i help you?"

I'm gonna settle
with grubman's attorney.

I need to pay
for my screw-Up.

Great, sean, but why
should i have to pay?

[Knock on door]

[Music playing loudly

* i've got the need,
i've got to feed *


* so baby, please,
i'm down on my knees *

* you should see
it's an emergency, baby *

* it's an emergency,
baby, oh *

* when i'm alone,
i feel no control *

* 'cause baby, your hands
are like rock 'n roll *

* i'm not in control *

* i'm not in control *

* 'cause baby, your hands
are like rock 'n roll *

* it's an emergency, baby! *

* it's an emergency,
baby *

* baby *

* oh, baby, oh, yeah *

* yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah *

Oh, what a night!
What an event.

$4 million raised
for spina bifida,

And you on my arm.

Not too shabby.

Get me a nightcap,

Would you,
dear heart, hmm?


[ Boy from ipanema playing]

[Takes deep breath]

* tall and tan
and young and handsome *

* the boy from ipanema
goes walking *

* and when he passes
each girl he passes goes... *

Thank you.
* ahh *

* but when he walks
he's like a samba *

* that swings so cool
and sways so gentle *

* that when he passes

* each girl
he passes goes ahh *

* oh, but i watch him
so sadly *

* how can i tell him
i love him? *

* yes, i would
give my heart gladly *

* but each day when
he walks to the sea *

* he looks straight ahead
not at me *

* tall and tan and young
and handsome *

* the boy from ipanema
goes walking *

* and when he passes me
i smile *

* oh, i watch him
so sadly... *

You want the lights
on or--


* how can i tell him
i love him? *

* i would give my heart
gladly *

[Music stops]


Mrs. Grubman?


Hey. What's wrong?

It's nothing.
I just...

tell me.

I haven't been

By a man like that
in 12 years.

Not since
my marvin died.

Oh, i know
i'm pathetic,

Bribing you
for affection.

Believe me,
i know that.

The nights are
the worst, you know.

That's when
i miss him the most.

We used to have
a little ritual,

My husband and i.

I'd take my makeup off
in the bathroom and...

and i'd get in bed
all clean and bare.

He'd lean over
and look at me

And he'd say...

"you are
so beautiful."


Oh, god.


[Blows nose]

Oh, how sad
you must think i am.

You are beautiful,
mrs. Grubman.

we live in a world

Where only
one kind of beauty

Is recognized anymore.

But i'm telling you,

The way you worked
that room,

The way you would just flirt
with those rich guys

And bat your eyes
and walk away

With a $100,000 check for
a cause that needs you...


was beautiful to me.

Thank you.

Do you know what i--

Do you know
what i like best

About your working
on me, dr. Troy?

It's not when
the bandages come off.

It's when i'm lying
there on the table

Ready to go...

and i look up,
and there you are.

And you hold my hand
as i go under,

And the last words
i hear you say are...

gonna be ok."

Everything's gonna be ok.


Ms. Babcock, this is

Sean mcnamara
of mcnamara/troy.

You came by last week

For a consultation
with my partner.

I was wondering
if you were

to come back today

To see me, say 2:30?

Let my office know

If that time
works for you.

Thank you.

And don't let them
bump my time.

I want to be the first
one in the morning.

Mrs. Grubman.

Dr. Troy, don't worry.

I'm not here to rekindle

Any of that ugly
lawsuit business.

I just came to schedule
some light bottom lipo.

I didn't approve
that operation.

Oh, but you will.

And correct me
if i'm wrong, dr. Troy,

But from now on,

No matter
what the operation,

There'll be no charge.

I thought we had
an understanding.

Yes, we do.

You understand me,
and i treasure that.

See you next month,
dr. Troy.

Please tell me
she hasn't decided

To reopen her lawsuit.


We have a lifetime
pro bono.


Nannette babcock's here.

You want me to sit in?

No. I need
to handle this myself.

I'd like to do
the surgeries tomorrow.

I found this makeup that
could cover the bruises.

I could still
go to my reunion.

But i think since you've
inconvenienced me,

You should
cut your rates.

I think
that's only fair.

Ms. Babcock, i didn't
call you in today

To reschedule
your surgeries.

Then why are you
wasting my time?

I've taken a personal interest
in your case, ms. Babcock.

I'd really like to help you.

You can help me
by fixing my face.

Ms. Babcock, i suspect
that because

You've gone off
your medications,

You are in or are nearing
a manic episode.

I'd like to recommend
you visit dr. Marvin sumner.

He's a friend of mine
who specializes

In manic depression.

I'm not crazy.

I've arranged
for your consultation

With dr. Sumner
to be free of charge.

I can drive you there
myself, if you like.

Look, i'm really trying
to do the right thing by you.

That's all i want to do.

I'd like that doctor's
number, please.

So annie just showed me
the frisky doppelganger.

How many pet shops
did you have to go to

Before you found one
that matched?


Why didn't you tell her
the truth?

Because she shouldn't
have to pay

For the damage we've
done to each other.

I think you did
the right thing.

You do?

You're a good mother,

You just proved it.

Sean, i'm not going to
blame you anymore

For me not becoming

Who i always wanted
to become.

Instead of being angry,

I'm going
back to school.

I think
that's a good idea.


By the way, annie wants
to know why frisky 2

Is dry humping frisky one.

Oh, my god!

Did i get a female
gerbil by mistake?

Mmm. You better
check it out.


[Door opens and closes]

Sean: hey!

Come on in here.

So tell me.

Tell you what?

How'd it go
with vanessa?

The stitches
are out.

I figured you...

you know.

It was...great, dad.

Just great?

It was everything
i wanted it to be.

And i want to thank you

For just really
helping me out

And giving that to me.

You're welcome.

Uh, i'm gonna go wash up
for dinner.
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