06x01 - Smoke and Mirrors

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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06x01 - Smoke and Mirrors

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Royal Pains...

Chief investigator of
the clinical trial agreed

I would be able to travel...

If there is continuity of care.


Our marriage has been on hold

since that crazy night it first began.

We'll take the time we
need to work through this.

And then we need to focus on us...

We need to go to marriage counseling.

On our honeymoon.

Marriage counseling.

You'll be on bed rest... No going to work,

no going anywhere that's
farther than the fridge.

You'll need help.

- Are you two...?
- No, we're just friends,

and I'll be taking care of her.

Jeremiah, what if you
could return to Hankmed

and not work with me at all.

How would that be possible?

You would be in charge.

Just out of curiosity,
does your offer still stand?

I would need a full commitment.

How long till we leave?

How fast can you pack?

Young man, where is Divya?

Uh, which one is she, the Indian one?

I have another one of these in an hour.

You double-booked puja ceremonies?

Pujas don't pay as much as weddings.

I have to overcommit to cover my nuts.

I think it's "nut."

I'll track her down for you.

Inappropriate for this setting?


- Highly inappropriate.
- Oh.

But I hear there's a dozen
empty bedrooms upstairs.

- Oh, really?
- Quiet, private.

In fact, some of them probably
haven't seen action in years.

Well, I feel really bad
for those rooms, uh...

More so for myself, actually,

'cause I need to find Divya right now.

I'll assume that's an unrelated matter.

Highly unrelated.

- Have you seen her?
- No.

No, good call. Where is he at?


So when was the last time
Divya spoke to the father?

Oh, I-I'm not sure.
We're just good friends...

And roommates and, uh...

But I don't know all
the details of her life.

Do you know where Divya is?

Oh, yes, I do. Here, follow me.

Sashi, your blouse is blue,
just like that sky up there.

- Hey, you two.
- Hey.

What are you doing way over here?

I'm hiding from the army
of random Hampton notables

my father has invited.

Who has ever heard of hiring a
P.R. firm for a puja ceremony?

Who ever heard of a puja ceremony?

Your dad is so excited to be a grandpa.

He's excited to be the center
of attention for a change.

Hmm, well, you, Divya, need to
keep up with today's schedule.

It's time to start already?

Yeah, your pundit has summoned you.

All we're missing now is Hank.

Evan, you know that Hank RSVP'd "maybe."

When did "maybe" become the
new "no," guys? Come on.

Well, Rafa declined the old-fashioned way.

He just said, "decline."

- Oh.
- Did he give a reason?

Uh, his latest stalker.

The police are after her,

and he didn't want to attract
any craziness to the puja.

Mm-hmm. All right, giddy up.

Hey, babe, listen, um, I know you miss Hank,

But do you think
you might be projecting?

What do you mean?

I just don't want to see you
get hurt, like last time.

Hey guys, we don't need to find a new doctor

for the summer, okay? Hank will be back.

Evan, you're being unrealistic.

Boris' clinical trial won't
even end until August.

Why don't I pull some resumes, just in case?

That sounds like a fair compromise.

- Agreed.
- I'm really proud

of the way you just stepped
outside of yourself.

Okay, so, Jeremiah, that covers personnel.

Good. What's next?

Next, you guys discuss
outstanding follow-ups

while I continue making headbands

- for the Valentine's Day party.
- You know what?

- I will help you.
- Oh, good.

How... oh, my goodness.
How am I gonna help you?

Um, what do you think of this one?

You're like a headband savant.

We got another call from Mrs. Abovsky.

Her abdominal discomfort hasn't abated.

Let's move her up in the schedule.

She's complaining of nausea,
cramps, sharp pains...

- We're acting out symptoms now?
- No.

No, I'm... I'm having a contraction.

- Oh my God.
- Oh! Ho ho.

Oh. Oh.

And now the father of the mother

will address all those congregated here.

Rubina and I have the distinct
honor of informing you

that Divya's daughter has been named Sashi

after her grandmother, my beloved mother.

It has taken 30 years,

but Divya has finally embraced her heritage.

Divya beti, I'm so proud of you,

as are all of us here.



Anyone home?

You embraced your heritage?

Well, I realized the importance of

having a legacy to pass down to my child

like that bottle of gripe water.

Exactly, though medically speaking,

I would never use that stuff on my baby.

My mother used it to soothe
my stomach when I was little,

so I carry it around everywhere
as a token of family tradition.

- You forgot the gripe water.
- Yes.

Oh, it's your phone again.

Is everything okay?

No. Rafa says that his stalker
may be in the Hamptons.

He wants me to alert Shadow Pond security.

I'll alert security and
then fetch the gripe water.

Thank you, Jeremiah.



Should I just leave my present here?

Oh, yes. Divya's looking forward
to opening them after the party.

I had no idea that Divya
had such a nice place.

Oh, no... this is the Lawson residence.

Divya's just throwing the party here.

Oh, so the party's still going on?

Technically, it hasn't started yet.

They're doing the ceremony now.

I'm Jeremiah.

I'm Emma.

- Oh.
- I'm a friend of Divya's.

Oh. Well, I'm just grabbing
something for the baby,

- then I can show you to her.
- Great.

Wow. That is the biggest
house I have ever seen.

At 109,000 square feet,

it's the biggest house
most people have ever seen.

Uh, well, I have to get this to Divya.

I'll see you inside.

I am sure it was just an RSVP mix-up.

I'm sorry. I don't even see
you on the invitee list.

Hi, Liz.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I don't believe that we've met. I'm Divya.

Oh, hi. I'm Emma.

Hi, Emma.

And you are?

- I'm a friend of Jeremiah's.
- Really?

A friend of Jeremiah's?

Yeah, um, a family friend.


I'll escort her in, guys. Thank you.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Oh, uh, there's Jeremiah.
I should go say hello to him.


How nice that he invited someone.


I hope you enjoy the party.

- Yeah, I definitely will.
- Hmm.

- Welcome home.
- Likewise, Hank.

I hope you enjoy your stay...
all 24 hours of it.

Watch your step, Boris.

I'm more concerned with
other people watching it.

Remember, Hank, we must preserve
appearances at all costs.

I can't believe how big Sashi's gotten.

You blink at her age, you miss a lot.

Thank you for stopping
through on your way to...

- Oh.
- Wherever you and Boris

- are headed to next.
- Uh, to be honest,

I've kind of lost track
of our itinerary myself.

I saw him limping earlier. Is he okay?

Yeah, I saw that too. Has his...

Has his family disease
finally kicked in or...?

No, no, no, no. Nothing has kicked in.

It's totally unrelated to his disease.

- Oh.
- Uh, we were cliff diving in the Caymans,

and he fractured his tibia.

- Ouch.
- Yeah.

- Cliff diving?
- When is his cast coming off?

Uh, actually, it should come off today.

- Great.
- Yeah.

Hey. See... I thought you were in labor.

She's not in labor.

We don't have to cancel our party,

and you need to dip faster
to keep up with my stirring.

Dr. Neil determined

that the pain earlier was Braxton Hicks.

That means a practice contraction.

Oh, I totally knew that.

Remember what you learned in therapy.

Humility is a strength.

I totally didn't know that.

In fairness, I was humbling Evan

long before his therapist was.

So, if you're not giving birth today,

shouldn't you be back in bed?

That's the good news. I am off bed rest.

Now? So close to the day?

Well, the onset of labor is
measured by cervical change,

and Divya's cervix is...

Not something I'm interested
in, but thank you.

Thanks, Jeremiah.

- What?
- Ugh. Lance hurt his arm.

- Who's Lance?
- He's the lead singer

and guitar player for the
band we booked for tonight.

Sounds like someone should check him out.

- Can you?
- Um, I'm not sure

I can squeeze in another patient.

Divya, you're cleared to stand,
walk, and work, right?

I am.

You know, I'm actually not
sure that's such a good idea.

He's all the way out in Montauk.

I can probably shuffle something around.

Guys, I got it. Really.

- Divya, you're my hero.
- Mm.

With Valentine's Day hanging in the balance,

you are definitely the man for the job.

Hey! You're home!

Hey! You're not answering any of my texts!

Oh, sorry. I was dipping
strawberries in chocolate.

Hey, I checked with the hospital,

but they didn't have you admitted yet.

- You called Hank.
- Hey, Jeremiah.

- It was Braxton Hicks.
- Ah.

- But welcome home!
- Thank you.

- Really, Evan?
- You said "contraction."

How am I... I thought...

The point is, I'm so happy to see you.

You're here in the nick of time.

Someone needs to save
Valentine's Day, Henry,

and Divya's in no condition
to go driving around

seeing patients, right?

You are definitely the man for the job.

We have a musician in
Montauk with an injured arm.

Henry, he's desperate.

Yeah, I'm happy to help.
Just let me grab a quick shower.

You realize you still haven't
given me a "welcome home" hug.

- Let's talk after that shower.
- Okay, will do.

Good to see you guys.

Old-school Hankmed back in action.

You think giving Hank a
patient will keep him here?

It's never just a patient with Hank.

Wow. No, I... trust me,
I'd love to fly to L.A.

And play the new forum with you,

but I just don't think I'm ready for that.

Sorry, Billy.

Sorry, Dr. Lawson, to keep you waiting,

especially since there's
probably not much you can do.

It's "Hank," and let's have a look

before you turn down
another trip to Hollywood.

He's always trying to get
me to play on the road.

I'm not nearly good enough for his shows,

but, you know, it's never easy
saying no to the piano man.

Wait a second. I'm sorry.
That Billy was... Billy?

He saw me play at a bar over on 27.

He must've taken pity on me,

because he's been calling me ever since.

Wow. That's very cool.

- All right, let's take a look.
- All right.

- Ooh. Okay. Does that hurt?
- Ah. Yeah.

How did this happen?

I got dizzy, I fell, and
hit my elbow on the table.

- Okay, does any of this hurt?
- Mm-mm.

- I did save kitty cat, though.
- Who?

That's the name of my guitar.

Jerry Garcia called his "tiger."

- So I decided... yeah.
- So you call yours "kitty cat."

Well, I'm, uh... I'm glad
she survived the fall.

Not that she's much use
to a one-armed musician.

Well, let's get you back up to two.

This aspiration should resolve
the traumatic bursitis,

and I think you'll be able to
play tonight without a problem.

Can you hold that down for me?

Thank you.

Lance, have you had other dizzy spells?

Nothing too unusual.

Okay. Other injuries? Falls of any kind?

Not unless you count when I was six

and I fell off the jungle gym.

That's probably when I
decided to be a musician,

not an athlete.

And that's probably not the
answer we're looking for,

but I'd like to do a head C.T.,
just to be safe.

- Why?
- I just want to make sure

your dizziness isn't something more serious.

Do we really need to go there, doc?

It's not very far to go.

We can do it tonight before the party,

our own little warm-up set.

How's that? Is that better?

- Wow, yeah.
- Okay, good.

- Hey. Appletini, please.
- Yes, sir.

If anyone asks, though,
it's a Midori Mojito.



- I didn't say anything.
- Your judgment is deafening.

Just say it. Just speak your mind.


If you're gonna drink like
a woman, own it like a man.

You must be really close with Divya.

Um, I'm Emma.

Evan R. Lawson. Hi.

You live here, right?

No. I used to.

My wife and I just found our
own place a few weeks ago.

Oh, right. Right.

I guess you have to leave the nest sometime.

- Uh-huh.
- Your dad must get

really lonely living here all by himself.

My dad? Wow. That's precious.

My dad couldn't afford the cable bill here.

No, a man named Boris lives here,

and my brother and I rent the guesthouse.

You know, it's a nice arrangement.

Oh, speak of the devil.
My brother's right there.

- Nice to meet you.
- Yeah, you too.

Yeah, I just want to drop my stuff off

and get back to the party

in time for Divya's dad's speech.

Wow. Love what you've done with the place.

What the hell have you done with it?

Well, uh, according to the
time-honored roommate code,

if you leave without saying good-bye,

you know, your roommate takes
possession of all furniture

and electronics and any
hypothetical loose change

that might be hiding
between the sofa cushions,

- even if it's a lot.
- Evan, where is all our stuff?

Paige and I needed furniture,

and furniture's really expensive,

and you were off living the
high life with Boris, so...

Speaking of, how's he doing? Is he okay?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, he's, um...

He's doing well.

That's great. Is he...


the trial isn't about curing the disease.

It's about delaying the onset of symptoms.

So this weekend is just
another pit stop for you?

- Mm-hmm.
- Like last time?

Okay, Lance, you can sit up now.


So I don't know if you
know how lucky you are

uh, to have Hank taking
care of you personally,

but he's usually off
jetsetting with other patients.

- Oh.
- You can ask Hank

about any medical problem, anything...

Anything in the world, like,
anything in the universe.

- He'll know how to fix it, like...
- Okay, Ev, thanks for the plug.

Babe, let's give the doctor
and his patient some privacy...

- What a wonderful idea.
- So that Lance

can pick Hank's huge, encyclopedic brain.

Okay, thank you guys so much, really.

I am sorry about that.

I'm not sure why they're being so weird.

What are they usually like?

Uh, well, Paige is usually normal.

Actually, there is something
I should probably tell you.


I didn't just fall off that
jungle gym when I was young.

- My dad dropped me.
- Oh.

It was the beginning of
his Huntington's Disease.

You know that with Huntington's,

there's a 50/50 chance of...

Inheriting it from an affected parent.

Yep, I know.

And once you get it, it's a death sentence.

My dad died less than ten
years after his diagnosis.

There was so many things
he never got a chance to do.

He didn't even have a bucket list.

Lance, have you taken the blood test

to check for the genetic mutation?

No. And I won't.

I don't want a Huntington's
diagnosis to control my life.

If I do, then the disease kills
me before I even get sick.

Well, the good news is
that your C.T. is clean.

Of course it is.

You're one of the ten best
doctors in the Hamptons.


♪ If you ask me where I'm going ♪

♪ I'll just tell you where I've been ♪

♪ If you're looking where to find me ♪

♪ There's no point in
trying that again ♪

Bethenny, thanks for coming.

You kidding me? I wouldn't
miss it for the world.

How do I win this thing?

Oh, it's about finding the
guy who's your other half.

There's no winning.

Honey, you're telling me?

I'm gonna go get a drink at the bar.

You tell Charlie Brown, if he's interested,

he can come find me.

- Okay.
- Okay.


Does Charlie Brown go with Sally?

No. Linus.


- Let's just dance.
- Okay.

♪ Will I find what I am searching for? ♪

♪ Or will I stumble till I fall? ♪

- Hey.
- Evan's an idiot.

Oh, sorry. Are you looking for a debate?

He had no right to take you from Boris

when I'm not even in labor.

Boris is fine. I'm so happy I'm here.

And happy to come back again when it's time.

I wouldn't miss the birth
of your baby for anything.

I'm gonna be right next to you,
watching her very first breath.

Mm. Well, it means a lot that
you would make us a priority.

You are.

♪ I'm running from myself ♪

- He's really talented.
- He is, isn't he?

Talented enough to play
pretty much anywhere.

That's a bad thing?

It may be. Um, I'll be back.

Hey, sorry, man, no more requests for now.

Just... just let us surprise you.

Oh. Uh, can I request speaking
to Lance for a minute?

I'm a... I'm a friend of his.

Oh, so you want to go over my head?

- No, no, no. That's...
- That's all right.

I'll hook you up, man,
if you want to hear it that bad.

- It's cool.
- Okay, thank you.

Lance, that was... I mean,
that was really impressive.

Oh, I kind of botched that last stanza.

- What?
- Good thing the drinks

are strong, right?

Lance, it was awesome...

So awesome, in fact, I got to ask,

why are you playing a winter
party at a summer resort

when you could definitely be
playing a sold-out L.A. arena?

This is a perfectly good gig.

Yeah, sure, but is it the gig you want?

You said you don't want to take the test

'cause you don't want Huntington's

to control your life.

Is it possible that not taking the test

is controlling your life even more?

You've given me a lot to think about.

And I will, right after this next set.

Okay, good.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

Okay, I'm done being a groupie.
How about a dance?

Hank, my water just broke.

Almost there. It's right here.

Now, Divya, you're sure
this isn't Braxton Hicks?

- Oh! Oh!
- Okay, I get it!

I get it! I get it! Oh!

Oh, my God.

I think we made a wrong turn
into the Waldorf Astoria.

Actually, the hospital gave
Divya a courtesy upgrade.

Yeah, they did. Here we go. Easy, easy.

- Lights dimmed to 50%, please.
- Check.

My iPod set to soothing playlist number one.


All right, excuse me, folks.

- I'm Tamara.
- Okay.

Here we go. Hi, Divya.

Go ahead and scooch down and
bend your knees for me, okay?

- Uh-huh.
- Okay.

Just let your legs fall apart, all right?

There we go. Wait a second. Wait a second.

It's coming right now? Right this moment?

It's coming out right now?

Are you gonna be a problem?
Is he gonna be a problem?

- He might be.
- Yeah.

- We'll get the chocolate cigars.
- Or a pacifier.

All right, just breathe.

You're gonna feel a little bit of pressure.

- Mm-hmm.
- All right, there you go.


Great. Very good.


- Okay, 7.
- 1 centimeter.

I'm sorry to disappoint
you, but in my defense,

your expectations are pretty high.

All right, you know, 1 centimeter.

Only 9 more to go.

♪ You don't have to take it so far ♪

♪ you don't have to
be more than you are ♪

♪ you don't have to try
so hard to please me ♪

Hey, what made you hire Lance's band?

Well, he's quite a find.
Plus, he did kick off my labor,

so Sashi and I figured that we owed him.

♪ You try so hard you
try so hard, yeah ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

Yeah, Lance!


- Hey, Lance, are you...
- Yeah.

- Are you okay?
- I'm great.

My degenerative terminal
illness is just acting up a bit.

Symptoms started shortly
after I saw you last February.

That's a fast progression for three months.

What did Dr. Sacani say when
he followed up with you?

Uh, he referred me to a
Huntington's specialist.

You were right last Valentine's
about confronting the question.

So, when symptoms acted
up shortly after that,

I was... I was ready and
not exactly surprised.

I'm just glad Divya liked the music enough

to hire me back for this one.

Lance, I can help you navigate this disease.

- Hey, man, you got a sec?
- Yeah.

Excuse me, Hank. The guys
probably want to know

why I was break-dancing during my solo.

Yeah. Okay.

It appears I've healed just as we expected.

Yeah, right.

You've made this a part of
my official medical file, yes?

Yes, anyone who reviews your history

will see what you're seeing now.

Excellent. This puts us right
on schedule for Monte Carlo.

Sorry to interrupt.

We were just trying to find
a place to have dinner.

We'll just find another room.

How long was she standing there?

- I don't know.
- Did she see the X-ray?

I don't know that either,
but I'll talk to her.

- Don't talk to me.
- Divya, it's been six hours,

and you know that pitocin is

a normal, proven method
of stimulating labor.

My baby will come when the time is...


I just think you need...

Do... not... talk... to... me.


Pitocin is not part of her birth plan.

♪ You're the quiet type ♪

God, I can't believe I
missed three months of this.

Motherhood comes so easily to you.

Oh, I assure you, it is not easy,

but her smile makes it worth it. Mwah.

Excuse me for one second, guys.

Hi. Hi. Miss Sashi Katdare,
may I have this dance, please?

And she just stopped smiling.

"Evan, Evan,

all the girls want to dance with you."

I know, but I'm
choosing you. Can I, please?

I promise to have her
back by a reasonable hour.

- Watch this... master at work.
- Okay.

Give me 90 seconds.

Big mistake.

♪ Under the moonlight ♪

♪ Under the moonlight ♪

He really has bonded with her.

He has. Hopefully, the next time I see her,

she'll have a better date.

Next time you see her,
she may be going to prom.

I really am so sorry
about the last time.

You don't have to apologize.

But I was wondering about Boris.


I saw the X-ray that he was holding.

He's losing bone density,

which could indicate he's
becoming symptomatic.

Yeah, and... and I'm sorry if I misled you.

He just... he wants to keep this very quiet.

- Okay.
- Okay? Thank you.

Hey. Oh, where did your friend go?

- My friend?
- Yeah.

The adorable young girl, Emma.

No. Emma said she was your friend.

She told me the same thing.

Emma told me she was a patient.

Okay, don't worry, guys.
I've got this covered.

♪ Makes me feel all right
with you under the moonlight ♪

♪ Makes me feel all right ♪

♪ With you under ♪

♪ The moonlight ♪



Lance, are you okay?

- I think I broke my hip.
- Does your neck hurt?

- No.
- Okay.

Divya, maintain inline stabilization.


- Lance, does that hurt?
- No.

- Okay, how about that?
- No.

- His pulse is getting thready.
- Okay.

This? Oh!

- Okay, and here?
- Aah!

Okay, it's not his hip.
He fractured his pelvis.

- Evan?
- 911, I know.

We need to stop the bleeding,
or he could exsanguinate.

Okay, we need to force his
pelvic ring closed, now.

Uh... This could work.

Aah! Aah! Okay.

- Aah! What's he doing?
- Are you making

a circumferential compression binder?

I'm trying to, yeah.

Okay. Jeremiah, can you
hold that tight? Thank you.

This should work. Sorry, kitty cat.


- Okay, Lance?
- Yeah.

- This is gonna hurt.
- Okay.



- Pulse is steadying.
- Good. Good.

What's gonna happen to me?

Okay, the bad news is

you'll need emergency
angiography with embolization

and then pelvic surgery to repair the break.

- Is there any good news?
- There may be.

Lance, did you ever
actually see that specialist

Dr. Sacani referred you to?

And you never took the genetic test?

- Why? To confirm the obvious?
- No, to rule it out.

Lance, I don't think you
have Huntington's Disease.

Will you give us a minute please?

- Is she armed?
- No.

- On any dr*gs?
- We don't believe so.

Then I will be fine.

I know why you're here.

And you're probably
going to be really bummed

when I tell you that the man
you're looking for is not.

Yeah, I already found that out.

It was a long trip for nothing.

Even a short trip to find a famous person

seems a little silly.

He's more than just a famous person to me,

and I'm more than just a fan.

Have you ever even met him?

No, that's the whole point.

Well, these nice gentlemen
will be happy to drive you

wherever you'd like to go,
and I am sure with time,

you will outgrow this little
obsession that you have.

But, please...

Don't come near me or my family ever again,

because the next time,

these gentlemen will not be as nice,

and nor will I.

She's all yours.

- Hey, Lance.
- Hey.


Did you get your pelvis fixed,
or are you just happy to see us?

Am I happy to see you?

So, Lance, the angiogram shows

your symptoms have been caused by moyamoya,

which is Japanese for "puff of smoke."

Wow. One more reason to quit.

Uh, no, it's not actual smoke.

It's a bunch of small
blood vessels that form

to compensate for a blockage
in the carotid artery.

How did you figure it was moyamoya?

Well, during your solo, I saw
you not getting enough oxygen,

and hypoxia is not a symptom
of Huntington's, so...

So what caused the blockage?

Hard to say for sure,
but it might have formed

when your dad dropped
you from the jungle gym.

So I did get a condition from my father.

Speaking of which...

Your blood work came back.

Now, I just need to confirm

that you want the result
of your Huntington's test.

- I do.
- Okay.



Thank you, Hank.


I was so sure I had it, I...

I avoided the opportunity
to be proven wrong.

And in the process,

I avoided a lot of other opportunities too.

Well, you just need a procedure

to correct the blockage, and after that...

I can finally pursue the career I want.

So the next time the piano man calls...

Kitty cat and I will answer.

About kitty cat, uh, medically speaking,

she didn't fare quite as well as you.

Oh, no. Well, she had a good run.

She did. She did.

- Oh, hey.
- Hey.

Why'd you, uh, step out?

I just wanted to give a doctor
and his patient some privacy,

- you know.
- Oh, well, thank you.

Good thing for him you were around.

Yeah, well, you know,
I caught a lucky break.

Don't worry. That was just a compliment.

That was not me trying to get you

to stick around like before, okay?

- No, I...
- No, I get it.

You... you're a different
kind of doctor now.

It's... it's cool.

No, that's not true, Ev. I'm not.

You should take it. It's
probably someone important.

Dilated to 5 centimeters.

- At least there's progress.
- Yeah.

But the baby's now in the
occiput posterior position,

and as you well know, delivering
sunny-side up can be very risky.

Divya, it's been nine hours.
You have a slight fever.

I really think you need to consider...

Divya has a very specific birth plan.

Okay, well, sometimes plans have to change.

I'd like to try different laboring positions

- to adjust the baby.
- Okay.

I'll be back in a few hours, then.


- Hank, just take the call.
- No, no, no, I can't leave now.

Unfortunately, this is gonna be a while.

- Okay, okay.
- Mm-hmm.


Oh, easy.

Uh, now... now rotate your hips.

Maybe more like you're hula-hooping.

I've never used a hula hoop.

Me neither.

A wire must have come loose.

No, the baby's heart rate is dropping.

- Is dropping to what?
- It's...

The baby is in distress,
and your B.P. is dropping.

- A placental abruption?
- It's possible.

Let's get that C-section now.

There's a lot happening here too,

so just tell me what's going on.

It's begun. I've broken my leg.

You broke it now?

Wait a second. Is this... are you sure?

Hank, it's broken.



Okay, I can be on the jet tomorrow.

Make it tonight, please.

No, Boris, I said tomorrow,

and I really can't sit here
arguing with you about it.

I think I made myself quite clear.

Yeah, you have.

Tamara! She's in the O.R...

Emergency C-section.

Here is your perfect baby.


- Oh, my God!
- Hi.

Sobald die arzt bereit ist.


Where is your bag?

I can't come to terms with leaving again.

You made a commitment to me, Hank,

and we have a very specific plan.

sometimes plans have to change.

I'll still fly to wherever I need to

to continue administering the monthly dose

- of your trial medication.
- It's not just about the trial.

- And you know it.
- I do...

which is why I should've
stayed behind the last time.

Is this about your patients here?

It's about them and much more.

I don't want to be a
helicopter physician anymore.

You can be any kind of physician you like

after we've fulfilled our objectives.

I'll see you on board.
We leave in ten minutes.

Come to terms with that however you like.

- I mean, look...
- I can't look,

'cause I'm trying to look at the ball, okay?

- Don't get me wrong. I'm...
- Okay.

I'm thrilled you're back.

I just want to know why
you changed your mind.

Helping Lance made me remember
what I've been missing.


What about Boris?

He's a patient too. He's the patient.

He's top priority around here, right?

Yeah, Boris is a...

complicated man.

That's a groundbreaking insight.

Thank you.

I'm gonna more beer now.

Maybe if I get you drunk,

I'll get a straight answer out of you.


- Mama?
- Hmm?

- I'll be back.
- Okay, baby.


- I had a major epiphany.
- Yeah? When?

- Over the winter?
- No, just now in the kitchen.

Oh, you found beer and enlightenment.

I realized it doesn't matter about Boris.

I'm just happy the family's back together.

- Yeah.
- We're together.

You and me are back together again.

Things are finally back
to normal around here.

To normal.

In fact, I'm ready for
that "welcome home" hug.

Actually, I'm good now, but thank you.

Ah, come on.

I missed you, bro.

I missed you too, but this
is as long as it should be,

- I think.
- Two more seconds.


- And I'm...
- Make that six.

I'm really... I'm good.

- Make that eight.
- All right.


- What are you doing here?
- Oh, that's funny.

I was just about to ask you the same thing.

I thought you knew why I was here.

I thought so too, but you're
not Rafa's stalker, are you?

Stalker? What? Who's Rafa?

Emma, who were you looking
for today at Shadow Pond?

I was looking for my father.

Your father?

Well, who is your father?

- Hey.
- Oh, hey.

What's going on?

Hank, this is Emma.


The famous/notorious Emma.

I've heard many different things about you.

Well, Emma has another one

to add to the list... the truth.
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