01x09 - Can I Borrow the Helicopter?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Lab Rats". Aired: February 27, 2012 – February 3, 2016.*
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A young teenager named Leo Dooley lives a normal life until the day his mother Tasha gets married to billionaire inventor Donald Davenport, with whom they move in.
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01x09 - Can I Borrow the Helicopter?

Post by bunniefuu »

Katelyn, calm down,
okay? Calm down.

Yes, Katelyn,
calm down!

Yeah, you need
to chill out!

[ Both laughing ]


Rodney breaks up
with you every two weeks.

That is, like,
totally normal.

No! No, don't cry,
don't cry.

[ Okay, scream. Eaming ]

Screaming is so good!

[ Both shrieking ]

I am so sick of you!

No, no, no!

I'm not sick of you,

Maybe Rodney
just needs some space.

Yeah, maybe Rodney's
an astronaut!

Yeah, maybe he dumped Katelyn
for a one-eyed martian girl!

Katelyn, hold on!


[ No audible sound ]

what were you saying?

I got this.

[ Metallic clang ]

[ Laughter ]

I love magnets!

Mr. Davenport,
I cannot stand them anymore.

Can they please go
live in your warehouse?

Bree, the warehouse is where I
keep my expl*sive chemicals.

Like I said, can they please
go live in your warehouse?

Well, Donald, she is getting older.
She needs privacy.

Why don't you give her
one of your extra rooms?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I do not have
any extra rooms.

You have a pool table
room, bumper car room,

arcade room,
surf simulator room,

not to mention
a room full of mirrors!

Yeah, or as
I like to call it,

a room full of me.

Okay, Bree, you can
have my sewing room.

Yes! So long, bozos!


Without you,
we will make the lab

totally awesome
for ourselves.

That's right.
No more hair scrunchies

or rainbow-colored
toe socks

or pretty, pinky,
shiny junk!

Ooh, but I'm
a little chapped.

Could I borrow some of your
bubble Berry pucker b*mb?

Man, it's always
so hard not to eat.

Narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter...

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?


All: Aaaahhh!

[ Chuckling ]

Man, this is awesome.

Bigger is always better,

except for in this case,

where the little guy just
kicked the big guy's butt.

Uh, you know, Leo,
I don't let just anybody

use my holoscopic screen.

You know, this is a big
father/son moment for us.

Please don't make me
play catch.

That's just gonna get ugly.

So, big "d,"
can I ask you a question?

I don't know.
Can you?

[ Faint chuckle ]

It's funny every time.

So... let's say
there's this girl

you wanted to ask out.

I would never do that!

What, your mom
didn't put you up...?

Then never mind.
Sorry. Carry on.

See, there's
this girl I really like,

and we like a lot of
the same things:

Science, comic books,
and I...

I thought she smiled
at me one time,

but instead of smiling
back, I did one of these:

Leo, I-I think I know
what you're trying to say.

Um... you're in love!

No! No!

I am not in love!
I am not in love!

I'm just carefully
exploring my options

as I venture into a place
I like to call "ladyland."

You have no idea
what you're doing, do you?

Not a clue.

Well, the first time
I met your mom,

I offered her a ride

in my futuristic,
high-speed helicopter.

So I can borrow
the helicopter?

That's a great idea...

In an alternate universe
where bad ideas are great.

Leo, what
I'm trying to say is,

you're like me.

You know, you're smart
and you're handsome,

but people think
you're a nerd,

so you've got
to be flashy

so they know
how cool you are.

Okay. "Be flashy."
Got it.

I'm gonna try some
of that on Janelle.

But let's keep that
between us, okay?


What happens in ladyland
stays in ladyland.

[ Gong resounds softly ]

[ Gong cwhoo! Loudly ]

So, I was looking for stuff
to spruce up our new pad,

and I found
this awesome chair.

Someone just
left it on the curb

with a "take me,
I'm free" sign on it.


[ Coughing ]

Oh, look, and it comes
with a free chihuahua.

Adam! That's a rat!

Oh, good, then it won't
keep me up with its barking.

Adam, get that chair
out of here right now.

Well, if I do that, then where's
the rat supposed to live?

How 'bout we check
with the neighbor's cat.

Hey, if you don't
like my rat,

why'd you buy him such a
fancy little hot tub?

No! You keep that
disease-ridden thing

out of my zen fountain.

And if he
can't swim in it,

then I don't
want it in here.

The fountain stays.

The rat stays.

Okay, there is only
one solution for this.

We'll have to split
the room down the middle.

Fine. Me and my pet will
be happy right over here.

Great. Then this
will be my half.

Fine. Good news,
Mr. Little paws.

You and I are
gonna be roomies.

Oh, look!

He's so excited,
he made raisins!

can you believe it?

I totally got
my own room.

Now I can give you misguided
boyfriend advice in peace.


I can't hear you.

[ Uh, Tasha!]


Oh! Are you on the phone?


I'll just
do something else.

Okay, Katelyn,
where were we?

[ Pounding ]

Look, it's you and me:

"Bff's." that's
"best friends forever."

I know.

I'm just so excited
to have you up here.

Go ahead, pretend
I'm not here.

Anyway, Katelyn, I would
just give it some time,

play it cool,
and hopefully Rodney

will come to his senses.

Ooh. I wouldn't do that.

Uh, do you mind?

Oh, sure. No problem.

Katelyn, it's Tasha.

You gotta show
that boy who's boss.

If it were me, I would
grab him by the collar

and I would say,
"you are not gonna

walk all over me,

[ Katelyn crying ]

Oh, you're a crier.

This is gonna
take all night.

Ooh, honey.

Guess who is the world's greatest

According to this mug,
it's me.

I'm surprised it doesn't
have your face on it.


Get this: Leo and I
had a moment,

and he told me
about a girl.

Well, what did he say?

Well, I can't. He asked
me not to say anything...

Her name is Janelle!

Aah! I knew it!
[ Laughing ]

Wait, you knew?
How did you...?

Yesterday he slipped
and asked me for

a peanut butter
and "janelley" sandwich.

[ Laughter ]

I know her mother.
This is so exciting!

He was having a little
trouble talking to her,

so I kind of helped him
out in that department.

"Go, dad, go."

You didn't tell him the
helicopter line, did you?

Uh... no.


[ Knock on door ]


[ Knock on door ]


[ Knock on door ]


Okay. Leo, be calm.

Think flashy.

Well, hello there,

The strong wind in here
blew the door shut.

You don't have any windows
open to create a cross breeze.

Suddenly I'm torn,
because it's both good

and bad you're smart
enough to realize that.

What are you doing here?

Well, I'm supposed to pick up
some cookies your mom made.

I guess she knows my mom,
and they do some kind of...

Weird cookie exchange.


Who's at the door?

It's Janelle.

She's her for the cookies.

Oh, no. I ate them all.

I'm such a pig.

But here's an idea:

Why don't you two
make more?

Leo is very handy
in the kitchen.

He would make a great
husband one day.

Janelle, please don't
take this the wrong way,

but I did not want
you to come here.

Yeah, I could tell by the way you
slammed the door in my face.

No, I-I had nothing
to do with it.

Leo, I hate to bake,

and I hear
your mom coming,

so I'm just gonna go.

I got heart-shaped
cookie cutters!

Where'd she go?

Mom, why did you
invite her here?

Me? I didn't!

Well, I wouldn't.

Did she say...?

And what's up with
Mr. "blabbenport"?

I spill my guts to him,
and he blabs all about it.

Hey, buddy, what do you say
we fire up the bumper cars?

You told my mom
about Janelle!

I'll never
trust you again.

This looks like
a father/son moment,

so... I'm just gonna
mom my way out of it.

Nice cow.

Is Davenport down here?


I'm mad at him, but I
need one of his gadgets

so I can be flashy
for Janelle.

Leo, what are you
talking about?

I'd love
to tell you more,

but I've lost my
ability to trust.

Check it out: Another thing
left for us on the street.

Adam, that was bolted
to the sidewalk!

You just stole
private property.

Oh, no, don't worry, I left
the newspapers on the ground.

I just wanted the box.

I'm running out of space.

I think I might
put it over here.

Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, you don't.

This is my side.

Try and stop me.

I will.

I set up an invisible
electric fence.

You went right...

Oh, no way!

You were laughing so hard,
you bent over like this...


Okay, that's
starting to hurt!

Nice cow.

Um, look, Leo, I'm really
sorry I betrayed your trust.

I just got really excited

'cause we had this nice
father/son moment.

I got it. Fine.
Let's hug it out.

[ Shrieking ]

Oh, I'm so sorry! I really
thought that was off!

[ Squeegee rubbing glass ]



I just wanted to keep
your new room fresh.

Oh, and good news...
I talked with Katelyn.

She's back
with Rodney. Yay!

Um, Tasha, no offense,

but I moved up here so I
could have some privacy.

I totally get it,
so look what I did!



Privacy. Yay!

thanks for coming.

I suppose you're wondering
why I asked you here.

We're at school.

Oh, you!

Anyway, I wanted
to show you something

that someone who's both cool
but nerdy can appreciate.

Please ignore the fact
that I called you nerdy

'cause I also
called you cool.

Fine. But if you
call me ugly-pretty,

we're gonna have
a problem.

Oh, you!

With the flip
of a switch,

I can create
a virtual trampoline.

Allow me to demonstrate.


Wow! I did not think
that was gonna work.


So... how high
can you go?

Let's find out.



Uh, would you mind
carrying me over

to that girl who's
walking away in disgust?

[ Horse whinnies ]

Look what I found.

Who would leave a perfectly good
horse in the middle of a field?

Okay, you
and your stolen horse

need to get on
your side of the lab!

Calm down!

We tried to take
the elevator,

but he couldn't press the
buttons with his hoof.

Poor thing didn't even know
what floor we were on.

He's not the brightest.

Is that horse
wearing my high-tops?

Well, I wasn't
gonna let him walk

across town
with bare feet.

I mean,
he's not an animal.

[ Knocking on door ]

[ Deep voice ]
Uh, sorry Tasha.

Bree's not here.
Thanks for stopping by.

Bree, it's chase,

and your lame "man voice"
doesn't fool me.

[ Sighs ] I cannot deal
with Adam anymore.

Without you, we've
turned on each other.

I need you to come
back to the lab

and be the brunt
of our pranks.



Here's the thing:

I can't leave this place.

I mean, I just
love it up here so much.

Please, I'm begging you.

Well, I guess
maybe I could,

as long
as you promise me

full privacy
whenever I ask for it.

Yeah! Like that's
gonna happen.



I have to move back!

I have less privacy now
than I did before.

Tasha is
a smothering lunatic!

She stepped inside
of my capsule!

[I know!]


That horse just ate my giant
plastic chili cheese dog,

and I'm afraid to see
what happens next.

See what I have
to deal with?

If you give me what I want,

I can take care of
that for you.

Okay, fine.

whenever you want it.

Adam, we're all moving
back down to the lab.

You're gonna get rid
of the horse,

and things are gonna go
back to the way they were.

What? Can you believe
how bossy she is?

I know.
She's the worst.

We should probably just stick
together and do whatever she says.

Oh, yeah!
That'll show her!

Guess what, Bree:

I just read your horoscope,

and it says you shouldn't
be alone tonight!

You know, actually, I'm
moving back down to the lab.

My brothers need me.

Oh. Okay.

if you change your...


I wonder what Leo's up to.

Oh, hey, Leo.

Remember when you
shocked me earlier?

Yeah, neither do I,

because I pass out
when I'm electrocuted.

Yeah, well,

I took your advice
and tried to add

a little dose
of flash to my nerd,

and I ended up in the
arms of a lunch lady.

Luckily for me, she's also
a retired pro wrestler.

Leo, let me
make it up to you.

I-I think
I have an idea.

[ Helicopter rotors whirr ]

Leo? What are you doing?

Your ride awaits, m'lady.

Not you!

[ Rotors whirring ]

Leo, this is amazing.


Or just another Thursday?

[ Laughter ]

Aren't you a little young
to be a pilot?

Please! My first
diaper was a parachute.

I went straight
from crying to flying.

[ Laughter ]
You're funny.

Well, if by funny,
you mean...

Right.k*ll it.

Control tower,
this is captain Leo.

Thanks for a great flight.

No problem, Leo.

Hey, even though
I'm controlling this,

let's not let your mom
know I let you

up in a helicopter, okay?

Copy that.

And if you're
gonna get romantic,

snap to it. You're
almost out of gas.

So, imagine my surprise

when the plastic chili dog
came out in one piece!

Do you have any idea
what he's talking about?

Nope. I just smile
and nod until it's over.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Good boy!

You learned to push
the buttons!

Now let's go get chase in here,
and we'll hit every floor.

Down, please.

Huh. Nice horse.


♪ lab rats

♪ lab rats

♪ Lab rats

♪ lab rats
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