01x06 - Smart and Smarter

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Lab Rats". Aired: February 27, 2012 – February 3, 2016.*
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A young teenager named Leo Dooley lives a normal life until the day his mother Tasha gets married to billionaire inventor Donald Davenport, with whom they move in.
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01x06 - Smart and Smarter

Post by bunniefuu »




Ho, ho.
What's this?

Hey, that's part of my
put that down collection.

Oh, sweet pen.

It's not a pen.

It's a highly-pressurized
air cannister

that can inflate
a blimp in 8.6 seconds.

This mmm-hmm.Hing?


[ Beep, wind howling ]


You might wanna put a little
warning sign on that.

So, what're you having?
Garage sale for geeks?

[ Laughs ]

We are preparing

The call.

Once a year,
Mr. Davenport and I

present his newest devices
to all the international buyers.

In other words...


[ Blubbering ]

What are you doing?

I wanna be in on...
The call.

Yeah, sorry, Leo.
Tehre's no more room.

I'm already the product
specialist, the set designer,

chief demonstrator,
and insanely happy spokesmodel.

Although, there might
be a role for Leo.

As long as someone
follows him around

everywhere he goes
with a fire extinguisher.

But Mr. Davenport,

I'm way better at selling
this stuff than Leo.

Please. I could sell nunchucks
to a nun named Chuck.

I could sell this thing

without even knowing
what it is.

Leo, no. That's an
electrofield destabilizer.

Whatever you do,
don't let it...

Touch metal.

I have to admit.

A small part of me was
hoping that would happen.

Well, can a big part of you
come over and help me up?

Narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter...

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?



Yes, mom.

Leo and I love our new home.

Oh, you should come
and visit.

Put some muscle in it.

Shh! I'm picking up
radio free Singapore.

[ Sings in foreign language ]

That's gonna be a hit.
You Mark my words.

But not today.


Because Donald's
not feeling well.

Look, I gotta go.

He just threw up in my purse.

Love you, bye!

We're gonna have to have your
mother over eventually.

No, we don't.

Look, my mom
doesn't just visit.

She has inspections.

If she spots anything weird,

she will use it as an excuse
for her to move in.

[ Loud woosh ]

Nothing weird here.

Honey, when your
mother visits,

I will shower her
with love,

I will make her
feel welcome

and I will do everything
humanly possible to...

[ Doorbell, gasps ]
It's my mother!

I'll be in the lab.

Quick! Turn invisible!

Oh, come on, you have every
other freaky ability.

Just run and hide.

Oh, good. It's unlocked.

You're here.

Would've been here sooner
if it hadn't been

for your stupid gate.

Oh, that's just Donald's
titanium security fence.

Well, if you ram it
with your car hard enough,

it pops right open.

Leo. There's my baby.

Come and give me
some sugar.

Ooooh! Grandma's so
glad to see you.

Let me see your face.
Let me see that face.

Let me see your face.
Let me see your face.

So cute!

Grandma brought your
favorite bran fruitcake.

Oh! Wow.

Grandma, you shouldn't have.

Oh, baby.

And when I say
shouldn't have...


Who are they?

They are the... staff!

Big house.

Oh, Tasha.

Still so lazy.

If you are still so...
My mother.

[ Chuckles ]
So what do you do?

Well, I collect rocks,

I lift heavy things,
I chase bugs.

Adam is our chef.

Oh. Right. Chef.

Normally, I wear a puffy hat
and yell things in Italian.


[ Nervous laughter ]

What a wonderful
sense of humor.

And who is she?

Bree is my personal trainer.

Oh. And what exactly does
a personal trainer do?

It's personal?

And chase...

Chase is Leo's nanny.


Aren't you a little young
to be a Manny?

Aren't you a little young
to be a grandma?

Oh, I like him.


I said, of course not.
A camel has two humps.

[ Laughter ]

Guys, so,

here are your
fully collated,

presentation packets.

I had them laminated so you
can practice in the shower.

Uh-huh. You know,
I say we just wing it.

Leo's right.
We shouldn't over think it.

But, guys, I wrote
an entire script

filled with our spontaneous,
yet, witty banter.

And we would all love
to hear that someday,

but now,

big d. And Leo are
gellin' on the sell it.

[ Blubbering ]

No, no, no handshakes!

I mean, uh...

Leo's great and all,

but you and I are
the dynamic duo here.

What if something happened?
He could get electrocuted.


Yeah, we could use the help.

This year I am unveiling
my coup d'etat.

With children in the room?

No, I am talking about
a level of technology

so amazing that I have to
unveil it game show style!

It's my exo-skeleton.

And, Leo, you have been doing
such a great job helping,

you're gonna be in it
when we make...

The call.

[ Laughs ]

What? No.

You said that I was gonna
present the exo-skeleton.

Chase, you've been
doing this for years.

It's not gonna k*ll you
to let Leo demo one thing.

Besides, there will
be plenty of other

little things
for you to do.

Yeah, like
stand and point, vanna.

Fine, you know what?

Leo should demo the exo.

See, that's more like it.

You deserve it, Leo.

Well, I do pride myself
on my work ethic.

Buckle up, exo,

'cause you're about to go
on Mr. Leo's wild ride.

[ Loud buzzing ]

Mmm-mmm. See, there is too much
technology around here.

In my day, we didn't have all
these gizmos and gadgets.

You had to family,
it was horrible,

and you lived with it.

And don't get me
started on your staff.

I mean, how is my Leo supposed
to learn how to do

anything for himself?

Well, he'll learn without
someone criticizing

his every move.

I'm just saying.


what is the master chef
preparing anyway?


He's making...

What's easy,
what's easy?


I love how you always
follow the directions

exactly as written.

Hey, why don't we
do some exercises?

It'll help loosen up
your creaky bones.

And by creaky, I mean

and full of experience!

And one can of tomatoes.

[ Humming ]

Simmer on low heat.

Low heat.
Oh, okay!

Yeah! I'm cooking!

Which I always do.

[ Moans ]

Oh, thank you.

Um, let's move on to
a simple little exercise

that can strengthen your core
while crushing a man's windpipe.


They already kicked her
out of book club

for using that one.

Anything else?

How about, um,
pick up the hat?

Yeah. You reach down like
you're gonna pick up a hat,

and then you kick
the air behind you.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

How'd you get
behind me so fast?

Uh, how did you get in
front of me so fast,

you speedy, little
grandma, you?

[ Laughs ]


The Davenport industry's
tabletop particle collider.

I have absolutely
no idea what it does,

but it sure looks pretty.

Isn't he cute?
Kids. Okay.

Up next we have something
even more exciting.

It's thrilling,
yet mysterious.

Exotic, but useful.

I have no idea how any
household has survived

without the...


Go ahead,
you're doing great.

You stole my thunder.

He stole my thunder.

Who needs thunder when
you've got lightning? Zap.

Guys, uh,

now might be a good time to
unveil my coup d'etat.

Yes, Leo, why don't
you go do your demo?

Opne coup de Leo
coming right up.

You know, ladies and gentlemen,

I think it's about time

for the moment we have
all been waiting for.

I know it's the moment
I've been waiting for.

[ Heavy footsteps ]

Exo-skeleton in the house!

That's right,
the power of ten men

in a one size fits all suit.

Leo, please demonstrate
by lifting this table.

Now, ladies and gentlemen,

see how elegantly he...

[ Leo moaning ]

Smashes my table
of priceless inventions.

[ Gasps ]

Gee, if only I had warned you
that letting Leo help us

was a bad idea.

Leo, stop!

I can't!
I'm not doing anything.

This thing is out
of control!

- Whoa!
- Oh, no!

My bad!
You didn't need that, did you?


Was that expensive?

Live web cams.

You know anything can
and will happen,

it's just extraordinary.

You know what?
We'll call you back.


[ Yells ]

Okay, this is the scariest

and most awesome thing
that has ever happened to me.

Are you using me
as a shield?

You're bionic.

[ Yelps ]

I don't get it.

I must've tested it,
like 120 times.

I don't know what
could've happened.

Something must've gone
haywire with the power source

when I reversed the controls.

I guess?

I'm sorry.

I... I didn't mean
for it to go berserk.

I just wanted
to mess with Leo.

[ Gasps ]

Well, next time,
could you give him a wedgie

like everybody else?

Big d., I hope this doesn't
hurt our friendship,

but I think I'm
about to crush you.

[ Yells ]

Not the face!
Not the face!

[ Powering down ]

I think it
drained its battery!


Still unnecessarily handsome.

Leo, get out
of that thing.

I know this wasn't exactly what
you were going for, big d.,

but, man, are we gonna sell
a ton of these!

Chase, how could
you do this?

Come on, with my mechanically
inclined intelligence,

how could I not do it?

Well, you did something,
all right.

You ruined my biggest
sale of the year.

Now I'm gonna have to

The ca...
You know what?

It's not even fun
to say anymore.

What on earth is going
on down here?

The exo-skeleton went berserk
and almost crushed me.

My mother is upstairs.

Yeah, okay.
You win.

She's been asking
where you guys are

and I'm running out
of excuses.

I need everyone upstairs

acting like a normal
family now!

We should probably
do what she says.

She's more prone to v*olence
than the exo-skeleton.

And, chase, I am very
disappointed in you.

I don't want you
on the next call.

I wasn't trying
to bump you out.

I was trying
to show you up.

You know, add a little
sizzle to your steak.

Well, congratulations, Leo.
You won.

You got the sizzle,
you got the steak,

you got the whole
stinking cow!

Hey, you're my Manny.

You're supposed to be
nice to me.

[ Beeping ]

[ Mechanical whirring ]


About time. I was beginning
to think you were avoiding me.

I was... uh, sick.

I mean I was sick.
I was feeling very ill.

And I had a very
important phone call.

Uh, it's not nearly
as important as you.

[ Chuckles ]
Nice save.

Thank you.
I thought so.

Honey, what're
Adam and Bree doing?

You mean our
chef and trainer?

That explains what
they're doing.

Uh, just a couple
more minutes.

Till what?
You melt the pot?

You know what?

Let's just all sit down

and have a nice
dinner together.

We can sit down,

but having a nice dinner
just isn't gonna happen.

Hey, you're Leo's Manny

and you're letting
him near a hot stove?

Watch it, Leo.

You wanna get sent to bed
without any supper?


[ Pasta rattles ]

What the...?


What in the name of great
ceasar's ghost

is going on around here?

Trust me, there is nothing
unusual going on here.

Everything is
completely normal.

[ Whirring, beeping ]

That was horrible timing.

What is that?

That is another member
of our staff.

Go away, James.
We don't need you right now.

Boy, I'm old, not senile,
and that's no Butler.

I'm out.

Adam, don't just sit there.
Go take that thing down!

No! You do that,

and someone will know that
someone has certain abilities!

[ All gasp ]

Oh, well, great.
Now dinner's ruined.

Donald, you're the man
of the house, do something!

I'll take care of this.

[ Yells ]

My hero.

Wait, I have an idea.

[ Yells ]

Now, you see?

Your little gizmo's
putting us all in danger.

That robot's about
to k*ll us.

See, back when I was a kid
back in the day...

Yeah, that's a fascinating
story, Rose.

Do you mind if we hear
about it later?


It's destroying our house
and your tossing pillows at it.

Well, they're called
throw pillows.

Time for this exo
to meet its match.

The electrofield

Great idea, Leo.


Here. You should do it.

Sorry for stealing
your sizzle.

No, I'm the one
who should be sorry.

I just have to get
used to the idea

of having another
brother around.

Guys, I'm really enjoying
the heartfelt moment,

but I'm running out
of pillows here.

Shall we take this
bad boy down together?

I'll flip, you zap?

[ Objects breaking ]

Hey, exo!

Here comes the pain.

Oh. Hey.

Hey, chase, did we
have a plan b?


[ Whirrs ]

Nobody lays a hand
on my grandson.

It's time to pick up
the hat!

Way to go, grandma!

And you didn't even
break a hip.

[ Mechanical whirring ]

Look out, Leo!

Stay close.

[ Electricity crackling ]

- All right!
- Yes!

[ Cheering ]

Somebody better tell me
what's going on right now.

And right now just passed,

so you're not talking
fast enough.

Uh, Rose, there is a completely
rational explaination

for all of this.

You are delusional.
Who wants desert?

You know what, mom?

This is our life.

Our house may be high-tech
and chaotic,

but it is full of love.

And it may not
be perfect for you

but it is perfect
for our family.

What family?

Wait a minute,
who are these people?

They are my brother's kids.

That I adopted
when he died.

Fell in a volcano.

Well, why didn't you
just say so?

Now it all makes sense.

You're just a modern family
with a bunch of adorable kids.

Who is gonna need their
grandma around all the time.

I can stay for a few days

in the spare room you got down the hall.
Come on, baby.

I got my overnight
case in the car,

and Gladys is watching poochie
so it's no problem.

Don't thank me now.
Come on.

No way!

Chase, you really
messed up today,

but you kind of made up for it
the way you helped Leo

like a brother.

And since we have
to reschedule it anyways,

I want you both to be on...

The call.

Hoo, it's back, baby.

Oh, man. I am starving.

[ Doorbell ]
Oh, that must be the pizza.

I'll get it!

Leo, what're you doing
in that thing?

[ Mechanical whirring ]

Getting free pizza.

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