07x15 - Public Displays of Affection

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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07x15 - Public Displays of Affection

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Ashton] Previously on Below Deck...
-[Courtney] Can I have a hug?

The thought's obviously going through
my head about what's gonna happen

with myself and Courtney in a serious,
long-term commitment type of way.

All right, lovely. I'll see you later.

To be honest, I feel like
we're on different lengths and stuff.

-I mean, I'm trying to have some fun.
-What the hell?

Tanner's definitely the definition
of a [bleep] boy.

Chef to chef, you should probably go
a little bit more upscale tonight.

I'm just trying to look out for you.

Yeah, no, but I don't need
to be looked out for.

Chef to chef, Justine can go
[bleep] herself.

[Justine] All right.

-You were warned by Captain Lee.
-Quit pointing your [bleep] finger at me.

Rhylee, you don't give
a [bleep] about anybody.

You're right, I don't give a [bleep].

[Ashton] I would never speak to you
the way that she spoke to me last night.

I'd like to go into the next two charters
a man down.

[Captain Lee sighs]

I don't feel that she's right
for the crew.

Every day, there's an issue.

I feel like the responsibility
falls more on Ashton.

Nobody is putting Ashton in check,
and it's time someone does.

Why have a bosun
if they're not gonna manage the team?

I'm fed up with all the whining
and bitching. I have to make a decision.

God, what a [bleep] show.

[Simone groans]

Rhylee, Rhylee, Lee.

[Rhylee groans, sighs]

Go in there, take responsibility
for your...

Go ahead, Cap.

-Can I get you in the sky lounge, please?
-[Rhylee] On my way.

[Kate] Take responsibility
for everything.

[Rhylee] It's my fault.


So, I've talked with Ashton,
and I talked with everybody else.

We do have a situation...

and it's unpleasant.

You're probably one
of the hardest-working people

I've ever worked with,

but this ain't Alaska, it's a yacht...

and we behave differently.

As with all unpleasant situations,

there are solutions.

And I've come to the conclusion
that we're gonna make it work,

and that's gonna take some change
on Ashton's part.

It's gonna take a lot of change
on your part.

The only way that you're gonna change
the way people treat you

is going to be how you react
to how they treat you.

Rhylee's a hard worker.

Her edges are about as rough
as they can possibly be.

But we're so close
to the end of the season,

there's no way I'm letting her go.

-You have my word that I will do better.
-I expect it.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

[Rhylee] I've tried really hard,

and the fact that I know that these people
that I work with

try to get me fired, it hurts a lot.

[Kate] It's okay.

[Rhylee] They genuinely
just don't like me.

Where do I go from here?

[voice breaks] I just need a break.

Ashton, meet me in the sky lounge, please.

Have a seat.

I've talked to everybody.

I could deal with this situation the way
that you are,

which is we'll just make it go away.

But that's not managing the situation.

-We are not gonna change her.
-I'm not asking you to change her.

I'm asking you to try and make it work.

Did you tell her
that you've been just tolerating her?


Since you've come on this boat,
I've been tolerant towards you...

-Tolerant towards me? What does that mean?

And because it's the truth, Cap.

Sometimes, the truth isn't always
the best management skill.

What you were doing at that point in time
was retaliating,

and that's not a role
that you can afford to take

when you're trying to manage somebody.

I respect you, Cap,
and I respect your wishes,

and if you want me to go ahead and try
a different approach,

-I'm willing to do that.
-Try doing it with an open mind.

Your mind's not open right now.

I'm shocked at the way
this has just turned out.

I'm the bosun that Captain Lee
brought back and trusted,

and now when a decision needs to be made,
he's going with the third deckhand.

-Thank you.
-You know, I will always respect him

and do what he says, but I just hope

there's a very good reason
for what just happened.

-Rhylee, Rhylee, Ashton.
-[Rhylee] Go ahead.

-Can I see you on the sun deck, please?
-Copy that, on my way.

Um, so we don't need to beat
around the bush,

we know what happened last night,
we know what happened this morning.

We need to make this work
until the end of the season.

Respect each other, respect the situation.

I think if you and I
can put in that effort,

I think we'll be okay.

-All right?

Is there anything else that you want
to say or add? Cool.

-Thank you.
-[Rhylee] [bleep] joke.

-Rhylee's not going anywhere.

-She's not going anywhere, bro.
-That sucks.

If we want to invite those girls tonight,
we can.

Oh, I can't do that, obviously.

-Work it, Molly, work it.
-thr*aten me with a good time.

Should we invite them? Should we not?

I don't want to cause [bleep]
amongst the crew if we invite them.

-Do you know what I mean?
-It's a bad idea that you want to do.

Once the guests get off the boat,
it's fair game.

-I don't think it's worth it.
-Too late.

-Oh, my God.
-I mean, would you be offended

if Tanner came in here
and we hooked up under you?

[Rhylee] Like, if I was asleep,
I wouldn't give a [bleep].

Okay, great. I wanna [bleep] him.

This boat is stressful.

Kevin's mean to me, Ashton's mean to me.

I need a little consolation.

-I have hideous taste, Rhylee.

[Rhylee] Yeah.

[Ashton] Did you just
spit in your hands, bro?

[Kate] You look gorgeous.

You're a [bleep] sometimes,
I swear to God.

Let's get [bleep] lit.

I like that we have a girls' van
and a guys' van.

-Oh, do you?
-Oh, [bleep] yeah. I'm with them all day.

Molly and Justine wanted to come
and party with us tonight.

-I [bleep] hate Justine, guys.
-I'm in.

That's all right. By the time they arrive,
you'll be sleeping, dude.

[all laugh]

Who are you gonna bang?

Nobody, because I'm pissed off
at all of them.

-So that leaves one of you three girls.


-[Ashton] Let's do it.
-[Kate] Oh, I hear music.

[upbeat dance music playing]

Same same, but different.

[Tanner] I was outta commission
the first time

the crew went to Library, so I'm excited.

A lot of things happened here
the first night.

Ash hooked up with Kate,
Brian kissed Courtney.

Who's Tanner gonna kiss?

-Thank you so much, g*ng!

Are you going home with me?

Yeah, I'll go home with you.

Look at... Lookie, lookie, lookie,
look who's come!

I'll get the door for you.

How are you?


-What's up?
-What's up?

[Kate] God, this is so ridiculous.

-How are you? Hey!
-Good, you?

-You all right? You all right?
-I'm fine.

We were all wanting to know
who everyone thought was the hottest,

and she's always said Ashton,
and I always said you.

We have some cocktail action.

Jiminy Cricket,
Kate and I have sexual tension,

but now Justine comes in the mix.

It's like, oh, I mean, I'm just gonna
get drunk and see what happens.

Here's to good ideas going bad.

Or bad ideas turning good.

The other girls are not happy
that they're here.

-[Kate] Charter guests are there.

It's annoying.

I don't care who you are.
I don't feel like seeing you.

You know, Ashton invited them out.

Spend all this time, listening to them,
and catering to them,

then you get the one time
to not think about them, and it's like...

This is annoying for me
just as much as it is for Kate.

If these boys wanna see these girls,
they can all just [bleep] off together.

This is Valor time.

-I'm gonna let you enjoy your cigarette.
-Okay, bye.

Get over it!

[upbeat music playing]

[Ashton] You are, you're stunning,
stunningly beautiful.

You're stunning.

-I move in three weeks.
-I'll come visit you. I'll come visit you.

-I move in three weeks. Do it.
-I'll come visit you.

-[Justine exclaims]

Take me on a date. You can try a little.

What is that?

If I slide into your DMs,
will you answer me?


[Kate] It's kind of a bummer
the charter guest is here.

I'm the one that's been working
all season.

I should get to [bleep] the deckhand.

-We have to go home right now.
-Can we go to the van?

-Wrap it up!
-Everybody, we gotta go. We gotta go.

Nothing surprises me with Kate or Rhylee,

and I don't wanna make drama,
so let's call it a night.

We have to go home.
I'm gonna see you in five days.

-All right, let's go.
-[Kate] Your chariot awaits.

-Get in, get in.
-It's an hour drive.

-All right.
-Van full of dicks, van full of dicks.

Holy [bleep].

Did we have fun, or did we have fun?


Oh, let's talk about Ashton
making out with Molly.

-Who would [bleep] Ashton?
-If I...

I would rather [bleep] a Vienna sausage.

They're like six little weenies
that are, like, pale and yucky,

and they're in coagulated fat, and nobody
really knows what to do with them.

-I love you so much.

-I'm okay.
-Oh, this is...

-Kate, your room or my room?
-My room.

-Your room?
-My room.

[Brian] I think you're beautiful.

-You're drunk.
-I am.

Normally when I'm dating someone,
I just play it day by day

and see how things evolve.

-Oh, my best friend.
-[Brian] You're so cute.

But with Brian, I like him a lot.

It's nice to have a genuine connection
with someone.

And I just don't know what to say.

[Courtney laughs]

You're amazing. I like you.

Oh, thank you.

-[Rhylee] Tanner, are you okay?
-What's up, bro?

-No, no, I'm not okay.
-[Rhylee] No?

Not okay. I'm going to bed.

See you tomorrow, 9:00, eh?

-Ten? Nine o'clock.

[Tanner groans]

Jiminy Cricket.

Kevin, I [bleep] love you, brother.

Alright, brother.

I'll admit it, I've had a few drinks,
and I'm bored.

Tanner's been
flirting with me all season.

Tanner, Tanner, Kate.

And now I would like to cash in
my tickets, thank you.

Pajama party!

Oh, baby. Oh, are you okay?

Pajama party!

I think this is a very good
learning lesson for Tanner.

Drink less, so you can hook up more.

So rude.

I don't feel like I was so [bleep]
hammered last night.

-Are you getting up?
-I'm getting up in a sec.

Tanner? What's up, bruh?

[Captain Lee] How was last night?
It was good?

It was good. Yeah.

-Are you okay?
-[Tanner] I think so.

Do you know what happened last night?
I came to check on you

and tell you to go to my room,
and you would not even flip over.

-Oh, man.
-I know.

-Are you kidding me?
-How do you feel?

[bleep]! I blew it!

I feel like the universe does not want us
to be in the same...

Well, at least I need to be able
to perform.

I think you would've taken advantage
of me.

No. I think I would not have.


[Rhylee] Can't fire me, even if you try.

How was your...
I just burned, too much steam.

Are we doing under?

-Trying... Here's the towline.

-Under this guy, right?

Here's this first, if you wanna...

-I'm sorry.
-Never mind.

I'm not a big fan of micromanaging anyone,

and I'm not gonna start now.

-Thank you.

[Captain Lee] With Rhylee and Ashton,
they're adults.

They don't have to like each other,
but they do have to work together,

because neither one of them's
going anywhere.

I've already told you
what I expect. Deliver.

[Rhylee] It's hanging off the stern
of your tender when you're ready, okay?

[Ashton] Cool, thank you.

Last night Tanner was
being so standoffish, or like weird.

Oh, Tanner was canoodling a little bit.

-With who? Justine.

-What a geek.

Oh, my God. Tanner is a playboy for sure.

Simone's already upset that Tanner
wants to hook up with other people,

so I'm not gonna let her know

that Tanner also wants to hook up
with other people that are also her boss.

I'm glad that I don't have to worry
about Brian.

Brian might not be very mature,
but at least he's more mature than Tanner.

Like, what the [bleep]?

-Oh, did you sleep in Court's cabin?

-Are you getting any nookie?
-No, just cuddle session.

[laughs] If you say so.

You guys do seem a whole lot closer.

-You reckon?

With Courtney and myself, I don't
really know where we stand, exactly.

I care for her a lot,

but as far as my daughter's concerned,
I've been single her entire life.

So when I introduce my daughter
to the person that I'm with,

I need to be confident,

because I can't be bringing women
in and out of my daughter's life.

It's just gonna confuse her.

So maybe we should have a conversation.

I don't know what you're talking about,

I'm looking for a snack
that isn't stale Doritos.

Holy [bleep], that's good.

Kate told me she was coming to my room
to invite me into her room last night...

-...but I was too [bleep] up. Idiot!

So, [bleep] pissed.

-Shut up.

Kate, Ashton, Kevin,

I need to see you guys
in the crew mess in five minutes.

Copy that for Kev.

-Hey, Cap, how are you?
-I'm well.

-Number eight.
-Oh, boy.

-Orange County housewife, Alexis Bellino.
-Oh, wow.

"Alexis is celebrating her recent divorce.

Her boyfriend, Andrew, can't wait
to get away with her

on a romantic vacation."

Obviously moving on
to someone rather quickly.

My only concern about having a housewife
as a charter guest

is they tend to be a little dramatic.

The good news is she can't flip any
of our tables

because they're all nailed down.

"Eric is Alexis' best friend.

Fitness trainers and married couple
Jacob and Ashley

are excited to be joining her
on this divorce celebration trip.

Itinerary: they'll be arriving late
in the afternoon,

-so there's no need to worry about lunch."
-[Kevin] Cool.

-Night one. Green. Irish.
-[Kate] St. Patrick's Day?

If you want an Irish theme party,
you're gonna get an Irish theme party.

I don't see anything goofy
on the food side.

-That's good.
-She's requested a cave island excursion.

So we gotta do Pileh Lagoon.

And on night two of their charter,
because she got divorced,

she wants to celebrate Independence Day,
and I get to join them for dinner.

Yay. As long as the charter guests
have the most drama,

then we're doing okay.

-Works for me.
-[Kate] ♪ I love charter eight ♪

[Simone] Let there be light!

-[Rhylee] Hello, my dear.
-[Kate] Hi, my angel.

[bleep] gashed my nose!

-Look at my face!
-What did you do?

I slipped in the shower
and busted my nose open.

Such an idiot.

-[Ashton] Good morning.
-[Rhylee] What's up?

Okay, so let's get
main deck aft looking good.

We'll uncover everything,

-check all the windows.
-[Rhylee] All right.

I've had my issues with Rhylee,
and I'm kind of stuck with her.

But the best thing that I can do now

is just treat her like the third deckhand
that she is.

She's at the bottom of the ranks.
Just keep quiet and take the orders.

Last two charters, let's enjoy them.


-All crew, provisions on the dock.
-[Tanner] Copy.

-[Rhylee] Good morning.
-[Kevin] Are they here, are they?

Thank you. Oh.

[Ashton] Give one a toss, Rhylee.

Yeah, now we're cooking with gas.

-Last one.

[Kevin groans]

-What did you do?
-I don't know.

Jesus Christ. I've been putting
a lot of hours

into this season here on Valor,
and everything's just catching up.

My back's throwing this morning,
so this charter's gonna be really intense.

[groans, bleep]

Attention all crew, I need everyone
on the aft deck in 30 minutes.

-[Ashton] Okay, cool.
-[Tanner] Done.

-[Ashton] We're good to go.
-[Kate] Good job, Simone.


[Andrew] Oh, yeah, Jake,
get that stride down.

[Captain Lee] All right, let's go.

[Alexis] Vacation starts now!

-Sounds like a dolphin.
-Did anybody bring their air horn?

Always one douchebag.

[Alexis] Vacation starts now!

Always one douchebag.

-Welcome aboard.

-Thank you, hi. Alexis.
-Captain Lee. Alexis, nice to meet you.

-Andrew, how are you, buddy?
-Courtney. Nice to meet you.

-Jake, a pleasure.
-Nice to meet you, Simone.

These people definitely look like
they're from Orange County:

tanning beds, gym memberships.

Like, a Barbie Mattel factory. I'm scared.

-Can't mess up the lipstick, babe.
-You got it.

Welcome aboard Valor,
welcome to Thailand, everyone.


We've got a busy few days planned out,
so we're just gonna get right to it.

Kate's gonna show you around the boat,
give you the tour.

Then we'll get underway
and get off the dock.

-Let's do it!
-All right, guys.

-Kate, they're all yours.
-Let the games begin!

Just watch your step right here.

So we'll go to the master stateroom first.
This will be your room.

Well, you're sleeping on the couch,

-We're not, we're not married yet.
-Doghouse already.


This is your master stateroom.

-Large bathtub, large shower.
-I'm taking notes for my house.

-You have a remote control toilet.
-I might spend some quality time in there.

I need my boyfriend to be with me,
not sitting on the toilet!

[bleep] hell, they're all so heavy.
Jiminy Cricket.

So we've got two queen rooms
which are mirror images of each other,

and then we've got a room
with two twin beds.

All right, we're about to leave the dock.
If you want to go out to the main deck,

-we'll come give you new drinks.

About to light them up right now.
Everybody in position?

-Yeah, copy, standing by on the bow.
-Standing by on the stern.

-Bow to stern, commencing now.
-Copy, Cap, bow to stern.

-That's all bow lines on deck.
-All right, Cap.

You're clear of any traffic to your stern.

Cap, your stern is clear of the dock.
Stern is clear of the dock.

-Oh, yeah, it's too many saps. Yeah.
-Is it?

She just got divorced, and I don't know

if she's trying to prove it to her ex
or her friends

that she is doing fine,

but you can be doing fine
without having a tongue down your throat.

-Love you.
-Thanks for getting us here.

You're welcome. I love you.

-Here you go. Would you like anything...
-Thank you so much, Kate.

-...besides champagne? You're welcome.
-I'll do one of those.

-Okay, sure.
-[Alexis] ♪ Let's get this party started

-Wardrobe change!
-Should I come out hot in the pineapples?

-Party pants.

-What are you making?
-A mojito.


Everyone needs to get divorced!

[Ashton] All deck crew,
get into your blue polo.

[Tanner] Copy that.

-Have a good charter.
-So we'll just flip over laundry

-and then radio me when you're done.
-[Simone] Okay.

You got your St. Paddy's Day
gear on already?

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

"Baywatch" in the house! Hotness.

-They're so easy.
-They are. And they're so nice.

Fitness in the house!

He hasn't had a carb in two years.

Now, I heard about your, like,
doughnut sessions.

-She said, like, you scarf...
-Oh, I'll pound two dozen.

It's his weakness. That's like Kryptonite.

-No diarrhea, and no stomach ache?
-No, no, no, I release when I'm done.

Just bam, and I'm ready for more.


-Are you doing all right?
-Yeah. Cool, cool, cool.

-Flip, flip.
-[Captain Lee] On my mark,

three and a half sh*ts, and drop.

Copy that, let's lock it in.

-Drew! I can't live without you!
-[Captain Lee] That looked like it hurt.

Tanner, Brian, Ashton.

Tan, if you could stay
on the swim platform with the guests.

-Brian, let's get ready for the excursion.
-Copy. Copy, on my way.

[Rhylee] Okay, what would you have me on?

[Ashton] If you start cleaning
the Jacuzzi. Then go get some dinner.

-If I need you earlier, I'll call you.
-Okay, got it.

-You guys are freaking crazy.

[sighs] For [bleep] sake.
These [bleep] idiots.

-How good does that feel? That's it.
-Way good.

-Okay, go on break. Thank you.

Hey, Rhylee.
We're gonna give you [bleep] work.

[sighs] I mean, what the [bleep]?

It's blatantly obvious that I'm not a part
of the team from their eyes,

so I am feeling defeated,

and it makes me question what
and why I'm doing what I'm doing.

-Guess what, Simone?
-Yes, Katie boo-boo?

-This is very exciting.
-Oh, really?

Yeah, I'm gonna let you girls handle
the dinner service.

-You got this. Don't mess it up.

I definitely feel like I've come
a long way, service wise,

since the beginning of the season.

But still,
Kate is being very condescending,

and when someone is condescending
towards me,

they're insulting my intelligence,
and I can't stand that. Bye, Felicia.

-Are you comfortable with that?
-Yeah, yeah.

[Rhylee sighs]


You got the Irish jig going.

-[Kate] You wanna talk about dinner?
-Yeah, let's talk about dinner.

Dinner at 8:30?

If I can't get through
this dinner service, we're [bleep].

-All right, main bowl.

Brisket in the big bowl.

Just give me some green food coloring,

and it's gonna be freaking Dublin
around here.

I'm trying to spice this up
kind of yacht-style,

this Irish-themed dinner, but as long as
I put some green on the plate,

put a bit of Guinness in something,
I should be fine.

And the dessert,
a Guinness and chocolate pudding.

Cool. Just to get into the theme,
should I be a little more drunk?

[message chimes]

[keypad clacks, chimes]

It's just insensitive
to, like, have a conversation

that's important with someone
via text message.

He's being a [bleep] d*ck.

I've got my one-piece on, is that a crime?

-This is yours.
-[Tanner] Yeah, I'm getting a floatie.

Service actually isn't that hard.

Like, come on,
I'm a freaking math major, you know?

All you need is a little practice
with this stuff.

-[Tanner] Which one's going which?
-[Simone] That's for Eric. Thank you.

I'm proud of how far I've come.

-Eric, whenever you want it, bud.
-All right, thanks, bro.

How was your break?

[Courtney] Brian texts me and was like,

"So, I just wanna chat
about what you're thinking about like us."

And I was like, "What are you thinking?"

He's like, "Well, we're just having fun,

And I was like...

-He said that to you via text?


"Just having fun" is the tackiest thing
I've ever heard.

Nobody wants to hear that the person
that they like

is just having fun with them.

And it just means that they're not
that important to them.

-I'm so surprised.
-[Courtney] That's just weird.

Oh, God.

I feel bad for Courtney.
Clearly, this is her first boatmance.

If you don't mind, you're probably
gonna go on the tender ride.

She is spinning out
about this whole Brian thing,

so I think an excursion
is the perfect thing for her.

She can get off the boat, clear her mind,
and take her misery elsewhere.

[Courtney sighs]

So we're all good for 5:30.
I've told Alexis what our plans are.

[Captain Lee] Who are you gonna take
from your deck crew?

-I'm taking Tanner. Yeah.

[Simone] Where did he go?
Did he go back into the water? Oh, yeah.

[Alexis] We're boarding the little guy

and we're gonna go just around the islands
for a minute

-and then come back?
-[Courtney] Yeah.

-You're gonna have a good time.
-See you soon.

-Thank you.
-Absolutely, a pleasure.

-Hi! There's Eric.
-There you are.

-I was wondering where you were.

All right, guys, hold on.

[Andrew] I wasn't expecting it
to be this beautiful.

-[Alexis gasps] Look at the colors.
-[Ashley] Oh, my gosh. It's gorgeous.

So this is called Pileh Bay.
That's as much as I can tell you about it.

Thank you for those words of wisdom!
That was amazing.

[Ashley] Photoshoot.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah.
We gotta get it all going on here.

Are you kidding me?
That's the last thing I wanna see.

It's the last thing I ever wanna see,
but especially not now. It's gross.

[Rhylee] I love how you were reading
a magazine while you were in the bathroom.

-Do you read a magazine when you [bleep]?
-No, I wasn't.

-I was eating my dinner in there.
-No judgment.

I've never seen this side of Rhylee.

She catches humongous fish,
she's Alaskan, strong woman,

but she's been completely beaten down
by this ex-Chippendale.

Honestly, I don't think
I'm gonna speak to him much at all.

-I'd prefer not to speak him to.
-Oh, yeah.

-[Brian] Can I eat this cheese?
-[Kevin] Yeah.

Hey, what's going on with you and Court?

Me and Court?

She's going around,
like [bleep] saying [bleep] now.

That you messaged her
and said, "Hey, blah, blah, blah".

-What the [bleep], man?
-Yeah, I'm just letting you know.

She came up here straightaway
and just [bleep] told Kate.

[Kevin] It's really pissed me off Courtney
is speaking

about our personal relationship.

I've respected her
by not saying anything to anyone.

And now they're just, like,
talking to each other.

Yeah, this is a different side of Courtney
that I'm seeing. It's not a good side.

Thanks for the heads up, bru.

-Here's to an excellent day.

Kevin made little snacks, if anyone wants.
There's little skewers.

-You guys good to start heading back?


-[Kate] Do you wanna wear a pair, Kevin?
-I'm all right, green's not my color.

-What about a formal hat?
-Yeah, I'll do that.

I've got a green hat on my head
On my head

Oh, I've got a green hat on my head
On my head, on my head

Oh, I've got a green hat on my head

[groans] Oh, my back.

[Ashton] Valor, Valor, Tender 2.

I'm just coming around the bend,
inbound I would say three minutes.

Copy that, I'll have somebody
back there to help you with the lines.

-[Rhylee] Hi!

-[Rhylee] How was it?

[Rhylee] Nice!

-[Ashton] Thanks, guys, hope you had fun.
-[Alexis] Thank you!

-[Brian] Court?

When you've got a second,
can you let me know, please?

-I need to talk to you.
-Um... Maybe.


-After dinner?

[Courtney] I don't wanna have
a conversation with Brian

because I'm at work,
and I don't wanna be talking

about something that's already upset me
while I'm at work.

[Ashton] How's everything
back here at the boat?

Kind of boring.

-[Kate] Hey, how was it?
-It was really pretty.

-Court's got some issue with me.



It bothers me that, like, he's upset me,

and then it interferes with me
being at work.

Trying to give her a heads up
to be honest.

Because I know we're gonna have
that conversation anyway.

Like where's everything going and so,
I kinda wanted to text her first.

Before actually, you know, spoke about it.
And she took it so wrong.

[bleep] you know, it's like
"You're breaking up with me on messenger?"

That's not what I'm doing.
I'm just trying to,

trying to get us both on the same page
and see what's happening.

But maybe talking to him
will make you less upset.

I think it'll probably make me cry,
and I'll have puffy, red eyes,

and then I'll be thinking about
how I just cried at work.

And then she just went up to Kate
and Kevin

and started talking [bleep]
behind my back.

Oh, [bleep] that's not cool.

-What gives her the right to do that?

[bleep] hell.

[Jacob] Okay, I'll fix my hair.

Why don't you go change into your blacks

-and take, like, 15 minutes?

-Is this even, Kate?

Oh, man, that's [bleep] good.

[Kate] Oh, my gosh, slim pickings
for décor here in Thailand.

Irish theme party!
It's the luck of the Irish,

the end of the rainbow,
after me Lucky Charms.


Considering what I had to work with,
it looks pretty darn good.

-This looks so good. Super fun.
-Oh, thanks.

Deck crew, deck crew,
meet me on the bow, please.

-[Tanner] Copy, on my way.
-[Brian] Copy.

Oh, you need some plates

And cheers. Love our coffees.


I'm so sorry. That hurt my feelings.

It was a good day.

So myself and Brian will go down,
we'll be up at 6:00.

Just, yeah, tidy up and keep everything
as clean as we can for tomorrow.

Rhylee, make sure
we got fresh towels for tomorrow,

cover all furniture,
empty all the trash. Okay?

[Rhylee sighs]

-Are you guys ready to go to the table?
-Yeah, let's do it.

-♪ Doot doot ♪

-It's a lot of green. Like, you really...
-Shut up.

Thank you.

-That's water, this is water, right?
-Yes, it is water.

-Let's have a good time.
-Yeah! I love it!

I told every guy that I dated
I'm never getting married again.

And I told him that too.

I'm like, you can date me,
but I'm never getting married again.

I've done that. Done.

And then I met him, and I'm like,
"When are we getting married?"


-Happy St. Paddy's Day, Irish friend.

[Kevin] Kate's still running plates,
though, right?

-Yeah, yeah, she's coming.
-Girls, I'm gonna be one minute.

Kate, could you please come
to the galley for service?

This is the most sexy Irish food
I've ever seen.

-There you go.
-Oh, thank you.

-You're welcome.
-Oh, that looks amazing.

[Kevin] Brisket should be nice and soft,
and then whipped mashed potato.

It is very Irish.

-That is, like, a real...
-I love that.

All I hear is "delish."

[groans, bleep]

-Back to my happy place.

-Except it's broken.
-How busy are you right now?

-You wanna have a smoke?

[Kate] Thank you.

How you guys getting on today?

-You guys did pretty well, huh?

What do you think of hooking up?

Don't tell me you wanna hook up,
just do it.

I mean, I don't...
I think it's being overthought.

I think if it happens, it happens.

-It's just a little awkward with Simone.
-I know.

-We should probably wait a day or two.
-Yeah, I think so too.

[keypad clacks, chimes]

Thank you, Jesus, that he did not
give up on me, because I was a bitch.

Okay, I wasn't quite that...
Was I that bad? I wasn't that bad.


[Courtney] Brian's, like,
still texting me, like, stop texting me.

He's like, "You shouldn't have talked
to Kate about it.

Now it's all this
and, like, you took it the wrong way.

[Kevin] As soon as the cream on, let's go.

-Brownie souffle.
-Here you go.

-Looks delicious, thank you.
-I've got some Irish shortbread,

and the chocolate pudding's made
with Guinness.

And then just double cream on top.

-Double cream, yeah.

-How is everything?
-So good.

-You broke your carbs rule?

-I'll give him a spanking.

-Do you have Diet Coke?
-Yes, we do have Diet Coke.

-Diet Coke, thank you.
-You're welcome.

-These are so good.

[Tanner] [bleep] There's no [bleep]
toilet paper in here.

You're really, like, too much for me
to look at right now.

-I'm dizzy after all that chocolate.
-You're welcome.

We're going to bed. See you all later.
We're going to have fun.

-Let's go.
-All right, love you guys.

I am sweating.

-[Simone] You okay?

[Kevin] Yeah, I'm all right.

-All right, I'm going to bed.
-Later, brother.

[Alexis[Oh, my gosh, there's a mirror
up there. Drew, this is foreplay. [laughs]

Guess what? It's 10:00.
You're on breakfast.

-6:30, on deck.
-[Courtney] Toodles.

[Ashton] As soon as we're done covering,
get to bed.

[Courtney cries]

It's overwhelming.
I thought that he genuinely liked me,

and he's someone
who I've probably taken comfort in

for the majority of this charter season.

And now I'm questioning the legitimacy
of how much he actually likes me...

and I can't handle that emotionally.

[continues crying]

[Kevin] I think it's gonna be a good day.

-You and Brian sorted your [bleep] out?

[Courtney] No, I haven't talked to him.

Good morning, how are you?

-Well, how are you?
-Good, thank you.

Did you get some good rest?


You know you gotta get up
in, like, 10 minute, eh?


Literally my favorite meal of the day.

Kevin, they're ready
to bring out breakfast stuff.


Hi, good morning, beautiful people.

Now with eggs, I can pretty much
do everything and anything.

-Eggs Benedict? Okay.
-Yeah, of course.

So what we're gonna do now,
we're just gonna get

one of the tenders back on board.

-Here's your two eggs over easy.

-Here we go.

-Thank you so much.
-The best scrambled eggs in the world.

Thank you.

Hi, Rhylee.

-Good morning, everybody.

-Ready to see more of Thailand?
-Yes, we're ready!

Well, you guys enjoy your breakfast.

-It's so good. It's so good.
-That is amazing.

-It's so good.
-I think they like Rhylee.

All the guests like me.
It's just you guys I have problems with.

The guests only have you in small doses.

I really don't have anything to say
to that.

See how happy I am with you?
Because I've only seen you a bit today.

[Rhylee] [bleep] dumbasses.


-[Simone] What are you doing on the floor?
-You need to get me some painkillers.

I can't straighten my back. [bleep].

Kevin groans]

Kate, Kate, Kev.

-Would you like another mimosa?
-Yes, thank you.

-What are you doing on the floor?
-You need to get me some painkillers.

[Simone] Do you want Tylenol?

-Oh, no.
-I can't straighten my back.

-Can stand up?
-I think so.

Oh, [bleep] that hurts.

-Can you stand?
-I don't know.

[Kevin] I'll just sit here like this,
this is fine.

You can relax, I'll get you an ice pack.

This is the worst back pain I've ever had.

I've gotta be physical in this job,

and I don't know how I'm gonna get through
this charter.

My back is just throbbing.

Do you want me to bring some painkillers
for you?

Yeah, just go behind my window
in my thing,

-and there's a plastic bag there.

-You've got one left, eh? Okay.
-Yeah. One's enough.


-I'm so full.
-As am I.

And, like, with alcohol and food.

[sighs heavily]


This is probably the hardest work scenario
I've ever had.

I'm still trying to learn
the yachting industry,

and the fact that you throw in
a bunch of drama

with a meathead who can't control
his own temper...

...boys who are gonna follow suit
because that's bro code, it's hard.

[Kate] Courtney? You wanna go on break?

-Thank you.

-Poor Kevin, did you see he hurt his back?

And, like, couldn't move.
And Teh had to come help him.


[Ashton] I'm gonna have you pull in
the anchor this morning.

When you're ready, you take the brake off
and then you tell him to stand by.

-Sweet. Yeah, too easy.
-You good?

-To my Thailand boys.
-Tanner, you can start pulling.

-Anchor's at the water line right now.
-Love you guys.


Anchor's in the pocket.

[Captain Lee] Roger that,
let's get outta here.


[heavy sigh]

-Courtney, you wanna talk?

What I said to you last night,
you took it the wrong way.

You texted me that we were
just having fun, and it upset me.

Because I thought that you liked me.

I do like you. This is why
I'm coming to try to sort things out.

I don't wanna end this, whatever it is.

I don't understand
why you went to Kate and Kevin.

I mean, like, everything else
that we spoken about and done,

I've never, ever gone to Ashton,
I've never gone to anybody,

because I know you're conservative,
and I respect that.

I think you're blowing that
a little bit out of proportion.

I don't know why you're
getting so upset about it.

Because I don't want anyone
to know my business, end of story.

Like you don't want anyone
to know your business,

and I don't tell anybody your business.
But now you're telling everybody mine.

I'm sorry that you feel that way.

I just have been busy,
and it's distracting me when I'm working.

You're sorry,
or you're sorry I feel that way?

Sorry that I didn't realize

that you were that private
about those sorts of things.

It's not that big of a deal to me.

Well, I just wanted to let you know,
I didn't want to hurt you.

I didn't mean it like that.

-Can I get a kiss?
-I don't know.

No? You don't know? Okay.

-Brian, Brian, Ash.
-Yeah, go for Brian.

-Meet me on the bow.
-Copy. On my way.

Think about what you want to do,
and we'll speak about it later.


Sorry to interrupt you.

Um, Kevin seems to be in a lot of pain.
He can't move.

[Captain Lee] [bleep]. That's all I need,
is for our [bleep] chef to go down.

It's the last area.
Every other area, I can fix myself.

But that's not what they paid for.
I'm just an old [bleep] line cook.


If the chef can't cook, nobody eats.

And if nobody eats, we're [bleep].
I mean, we're in the middle of nowhere.

There's no way I'm gonna get somebody
out here in time to bail us out.

[Kevin] Oh, [bleep] you, man.

Ashton was just like,
"Oh, how would you feel

-about Kate and Tanner or whatever?"
-So, when's the next invite to your room?

-I don't know.
-You already knew that they kissed.

No, I didn't.
I just feel my blood pressure... whoa!

Screw you, Kate.

-Awesome, two more? Yeah.
-Don't buy all of them!

-And then one more.
-You're a prick. Move along.

-What a [bleep] bitch.
-You're a [bleep] misogynist pig.

-[bleep] off. I don't [bleep] like you.


-Why are you sticking up for her so much?
-Every time I do something,

you get mad at me for it.

I just don't know why he's so mean to me.

-What happened, Courtney?
-What do you think happened, Rhylee?

Get the [bleep] off of my [bleep] jock.

-You're a bunch of [bleep].

How dare you? How about this?

This hour of the night,
I don't need to hear slamming doors.

I don't give a [bleep].

They're acting like assholes.
I'm madder than a pissed-on chicken.
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