06x16 - Au Revoir!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x16 - Au Revoir!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Below Deck"…

Krystal can't imagine
a better way

to ring her birthday
than with her friends.

You can cry all you want.
I don't give a [BLEEP].

Is she okay?

Oh, I mean, no one cares
about that.

We found tickets to New Zealand.

They're about $1,300 for both of us.

I'll book Kai,
get you guys over here.

I'm hoping that me and Allison
can just get a fresh start.

You are really
honest and kind.

Did you just give me a compliment?

-I did. Is that weird?

The seeds have all been planted.

And I think the garden's
growing at the moment.

Adrian's a bit ----ing…

Like, the comments every day.

I was inspired by
your breasts.


It's gross.

We're in the same town
at a later date, rad,

but for now, I want to,
like, pump the brakes

-and like--
-What do you mean?

He's not wanting to be
a part of my life.

Naa. Am jus' take a nap.

Never wake a sleeping bitch.

----ing stop!

What do you recommend?

Just let her sit there.

So just stay up while she sleeps?

I did not get into yachting

to watch
spoiled princess sleep.

I literally don't give
a [BLEEP] what you do.

This is ----ing nuts.

Get the hose out.

[horn honks]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

This is ridiculous.

She can get from there
to her bedroom.

She has two legs.
Let's go.

This is not the preschool
at the country club, Krystal.

You're gonna have
to get in your bed.

Hi, it's Kate and Josiah.

I literally don't give
a [BLEEP] what you do.

You don't give a [BLEEP]?

Do you think you can move
your legs?

-Honestly, this is for your best--
-No, it's fine.

I'm gonna go inside,
and I'm just gonna puke

everywhere just for you.



Live your best life.

You can get out of my bed
now. Thanks, Kam.

Literally, get out of my bed
now. Thanks, Kam.

Get out of my bed now.
Thanks, Kam. Good-bye.

-We're safe. Good night.
-Good night.

♪ ♪

It's literally a ----ing

and when I puke everywhere,
it's not my fault.

♪ ♪

It's the best I could do right now, so…

Yeah, no, no, no, it's fine.

-And, again, it's for Kam so…
-Okay, so is she downstairs?

She's in the master's
bedroom actually right now.

She is.
Okay. Perfect.

Good morning, I have your tea.

Just want to make
this very clear.

You do not enter my room
without permission.

Get the [BLEEP] out.

Let's get the anchor up.

♪ ♪

This season has been epic.

We've had
the highest of highs,

the lowest of lows.

Anchor's in the pocket.

But when it all comes out
in the wash,

I still have the best g*dd*mn
job in the world.

Lock it in.
Let's get out of here.

-What up, baby girl?

So when are you
going to South Africa?

[laughs mockingly]

-He likes you a lot too.
-He does, doesn't he?

I got that vibe.

He's always talking
about your butt.

All these sexually frustrated

-Like you're not?

I definitely feel comfortable
with Laura.

I feel like we've developed
a friendship.

Rooming together
helped our relationship,

especially in the evenings.

You know, we can talk about
our frustrations,

and it's nice having somebody
to talk to about that.

So I'm gonna miss her a lot.

Oh, ----ing hell.

♪ ♪

-Oh, that was quick.
-Yeah, already.

Ashton, Ashton,
give me five on my mark.

Copy, Cap, five sh*ts.

And drop.

-Lock it in.
-Think this is good.

We both got lucky and missed
out on the drama.

She's like a little
----ing kid.


She's spoiled, yeah.

She was being a bit
rude last night.

Yeah, she was super rude.

I got to say, really rich
clients isn't my thing.

How did you sleep?

I sleep like a baby,
as you know.

Oh, I know.
You sleep like it's--

-I'm a rock.

-I wish I could sleep like you.

You want to get
their egg order?

Yes, I do.

Do you know what time
breakfast is?

We're starving.

Last night was definitely
one for the books,

and they're all acting
like nothing happened.

I don't know what's going on.
Are we in "Twilight Zone"?

Literally, it's like they're
scared to talk about it.

It's weird.

Okay, I'll help you up here
for a little bit.

Move that slide in place.

♪ ♪

And did you want to put
your orders in for omelettes

-or eggs or anything like that?
-Can I do--

Can I have, like,
Eggs Benedict?

-Is that possible?
-Yeah, of course.

Wow, good call.

Can I have an omelette with--
do you have arugula?

-Eggs Benny?
-Eggs Benny.

-An egg white omelette…
-No problem.

With spinach, mushroom,
tomato, onion,

oh, my God, avocado.

Do you have crab by any chance?

Do you have, like,
sun-dried tomatoes?

-Do y'all have waffles?
-Lots of greens.

And bacon on the side.

Egg white crab omelette.

Beautiful way to start
your day.

-Thank you.
-No problem.

-You okay there?
-They want it now.

Like, right now.
Like, right now, right now.

-Like, I'm starving.
-Really? Which one said that.

Main bitch.

Some biscuits 'cause
you're starving.

Oh, my God. Am I supposed
to eat breakfast still?


Should we start
arranging this

so we can get the Jet Skis in?

It's the last charter,
and there's not much to do.

It's the end of the season.

We're so well-oiled,
it's just like,

you know,
mission accomplished.

It's cool.
I'm proud of everyone.

We are ----ing bored.

-I know.
-We are properly bored.

What do you want to do today?

Oh, I want to go on
the slide.

It seems to be
a very long process.

Yeah, are they blowing it up
with their lungs?

Should we go up?

Yeah, we should
totally go up.

And how are you on this
lovely morning?

Petrified as hell to go
and face the primary

'cause I sent her to bed.

Like, is it raining?
Is it not raining?

We're gonna have
to move the boat.

and this is for the other one.

Oh, this is the primary
right here?


Kam, like, literally peed
all over me one time.

-Good morning.
-Morning, Kate.

This is for you.

-I love you. Thank you.
-You're welcome.

-They didn't have ham.
-That sucks.

Is your breakfast okay?

I'm, like, in a food coma.
I just need a nap.

Holy doly.

They didn't even touch it.


I hate these people,

and I will use
my own charter tip money

to buy an airplane ticket
on Air Tahiti Nui

to get her out of here.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Don't even do it.

If you get my socks wet,
I'ma be pissed.

I can still work
alongside Tyler.

That's not the issue,
but it's awkward.

The fact that there's nothing
that's gonna come of this,

it makes it disappointing.

Did you just take that from me
to do what I was doing?

I just really wanted
to do this.


Do you have an avocado
I can have for lunch?

Give me a hug
and I'll make you an avocado.

Why can't I just have
an avocado

'cause there's nothing
that I can eat down there?

Actually, I need those
for the guests.

-Do you?
-So maybe you should

ask me really nicely.
Can you give me a hug?

Are you ----ing kidding me?

Watch the attitude, woman.

My attitude? You're being
rude to me, Adrian!

-Of course I'm gonna have attitude.
-How am I being rude to you?

Dude, I don't need to ----ing
hug you for an avocado.

[mock gagging noises]

Coming up…


I think he's having an orgasm.

I don't like this idea
at all.

I understand the concept,

but this a ejaculating
sea slug.


[upbeat music]

You go first, Lisa.

I don't think you can.

I don't think you can overdo
it with the sunscreen.

The slide is ready.


Is it all, like, lubed up?

-Yeah, it's nice and slick.
-I'm so nervous.


Oh, my God.


I'm not doing it.




-Do you have an aquarium?
-An aquarium?

Or something we can use
as an aquarium?

-As a table setting.

Why do you have live animals?

I want to catch some.

It's the last dinner
of the season.

It's gonna be my max.

Like, make a nice
little aquarium.

Maybe we can find some crabs,

You know, just put some
living things

and make them feel
the Tahitian vibe.

What do you want to catch?

Well, if we can find
a hermit crab,

doing a big thing with hermit
crabs, and in the middle

an aquarium with, like,
lights underneath.

Aquatic rave.

It's charter nine,
we're all tired,

and to be honest,
we don't really give a sh--.

-[laughs] Fun times.

Do you guys need a mist?

Oh, there it is.
Now we're living.

I could do this all day.

It's our last damn charter.

Last to party.

My bathing suit
is always up my butt.

Like, please stop going
into my butt crack.

I'm like an infant.
Feed me, I need a nap.

Feed me, I need a nap.

I'm just trying to live
my best life.

So we're ready to start lunch
whenever you girls are.


♪ ♪

Laura, Laura, can you come
to the galley for service?

♪ ♪

Wow, did you just
give us each our own chicken?

I heard you guys were hungry,

This is molasses-dipped
chicken breast

on some ponzu
stir-fried vegetable

and an Asian salad.

-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.


This is the best chicken
I've ever had.

Did you give me
a whole chicken?

Thank you so much.

I think we each got
our own personal chickens.


What time do you want
to leave for that?

I'm gonna send Tyler with
you, is that all right?

Cool, perfect, yeah. That's
great. 10 minutes, Tyler.

I'm just gonna get changed,
and then we roll.

Cool. Thanks, man.

-What's going on?
-Just chilling.

Are you okay?

-You look hurt.

I have like, a lot of energy and I don't
know what to do.

-You got lots of energy?

Laura and I have progressed
quite a bit

in our relationship,
and the reality of me

not being able to
spend much more time with her

is kind of sinking in.

And one and two
and pull, pull, pull.

For me, this is big.
We're running out of days,

and it sucks.

Exhale. On the thrust.

[both laugh]

♪ ♪


All right, good luck,

I'm definitely a water baby.

In the Caribbean,
I just spent my youth

finding cool treasures.

It's interesting to share
that with people.

I'm really excited about that.

I've never had
ever in my life

a chef tell me
the table centerpiece.


He's lost it.
He wants to be the star

of the final night dinner like,
"Oh, centerpiece, my idea."

He's swinging for the fences,
and I appreciate that.

I don't think these guests
care either way.


Man, nice treasures.


Dude, that would be
such a cool centerpiece.

Thank you.

Would you like something
to drink, or?

-Water's fine.
-Just water, yeah.

Thank you so much.

You should see what we got.

Oh, God, it's alive.

Cool, man, nice little
outing for you.

----ing hell.
It looks like something

----ing out of "Godzilla."


-This is what he got?

Well, that was
a trip worthwhile.

Fat little sea slug.

Who in their right mind

wants to eat a lovely dinner

that the chef's prepared
for you looking at a slug?


So Adrian,
the most amazing chef

and free diver in the world,
got a slug.

-Are you kidding me?


Is he serious?

They're gonna be like, "What is that?"

"But why?"

This is why I get paid
the big bucks, Rhylee.

Is it?

You should see that slug I got.

It has giant horns.

-It's like, big.
-What do you want to do with it?

We're gonna do a table decoration.

With a sea slug?

Good job, Ross.

We'll put it in an aquarium.

with like, LED's underneath…

and I got like, these nice corals
and stuff like that.

-Sounds thoroughly disgusting.

There you go.

And I think this is your phone,

I'm not sure if you wanted it or not.

You are a saint.

Thank you so much.

-Of course.
-You guy's, I might be too relaxed.

Like, if this was the end, I'd be okay with it.

Relaxed to the max.

I'm so impressed.

So go on break till 7:30,

Adrian, you have to have dinner
at 8:00 sharp

for the fireworks.

-Where's your sea slug?

-How's it doing?
-Not bad.

Oh, wow, he's big.

Okay. Oh, my God.

Ooh, ew!

-Yeah, it's weird.

-Yeah, I told you.

I told you!

He's got a whole--
he's got a third eye at the top

and white stuff just came out
when I squished him.


Oh, my God.

I think he's having an orgasm.

No, I don't like
this idea at all.

I understand the concept of
a living sea life tablescape.

With time, it's a neon
jellyfish amazing thing.

Ew! What is that?

Let's just put the shell.

Rushed, it's
a ejaculating sea slug.

[exasperated sighs]

Coming up…

Adrian, I don't want us
to end on a bad note.

I enjoyed working with you,

and I think you're
very talented--

Well, I want to end
this conversation.

Ew! What is that?

No, I don't like this idea
at all.

Let's just put the shell.

Okay, so are we
letting him go?

Yes. [shudders]

Let's put him back
in the water.

Oh, man.

All right, good-bye. Sorry.

I see beauty in most things.

I just realize
that some people don't.

-Will he sink?

And that's sad.
It's disappointing.

So the only thing I want
is the LEDs underneath

just, like, shining up
at the thing.

-Does that sound good?
-Yeah, I can do that.

Thank you, Adrian.

[tropical music]

♪ ♪

Hey, Adrian. Okay,
so what is the first course?

Spinach lobster ravioli,
edamame, and snow king tower.

Beef filet is gonna be
the main.

The main course needs
to go out by, like,


I would have rather had
another hour to prep, but…

I'm scrambling because
I'm limited on time.

It's the primary's birthday.

Fireworks are scheduled
at 9:00,

and the whole dinner has to be
made before that.

So we have an hour to do
a four-course meal,

which is ridiculous.

I'm gonna go make a
disco rave sea life tablescape.

One, two, three.


I hate this ----ing slide.

Will you go get the coral
from Rhylee's room

-and the swim platform?

-Freshwater is okay?

So you got the coral
and the shells and--

Yeah, but look at them.

They're so ugly compared
to these ones,

and I don't want to touch them.

Okay, let's just put all of
Rhylee's in globes

and leave those weirdo things.

You're gonna have to change

the water during
dinner service.

That's not happening.

This is more work than
I need right now,

so I'm just gonna use Rhylee's
beautiful collection of corals,

some LED lights,
and call it a night.

-Think these are waterproof?

[BLEEP] a rave.

I'm so over his ideas.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

I'm excited for dinner.

Krystal, that dress
is stunning.

That dress is amazing.

Are you guys ready
for dinner?

Want to move to the table?

Does it look like
they're ready?

Yeah, they're trying to stick
to the schedule,

-and they're all gathering.

-This is beautiful.
-I know, it's beautiful.

Anybody else want champagne?

-Happy birthday, Krystal.
-Thank you.

-Save me.

[indistinct chatter]

-Huge problem I just realized.

It's the primary's birthday,
and I was so busy

that I forgot we need a sh--ton
of balloons and streamers.

-Laura, Laura, Kate.

We have the most spoiled girl
on the planet,

last night of the season,
it's her birthday.

Krystal can't imagine

a better way to ring
in her birthday.

And I forgot.
There's no balloons.

We could blow up some
balloons, master cabin.

Yes, sun deck.
We need all crew

while Josiah and I
are doing dinner.

You are our birthday executive
right now.

-Oh, [BLEEP].
-Get to blowing.

Get to blowing.

How close to plating?

-Four minutes.

I forgot a birthday,
and Adrian is late on his meal.

-Ashton, Ashton, Ross.
-Go ahead.

Hey, brother, got some
balloons to blow up.

On my way up.

You guys wanna do it in here?
You're a birthday executive.

Make it happen.
Clock is ticking.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Not panicking
but definitely hustling.

Kind of panicking.

How quickly can you start
plating the steaks?

Pretty quickly.

I would just start doing it
immediately, honestly.

We got to hustle.
This is our fastest dinner.

Yeah, can we go once these
creams are done?

I have a noncrab one
in my front.

Prosciutto and manchego

and pear and mozzarella

For your first course,

you have lobster
and spinach ravioli,

edamame, and king crab salsa. Enjoy.

-Toast to Krystal.
-No, stop.

I know.
You're gonna hate this.

Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.
Thank you so much.

-And we love you.
-No, wait, thank you, guys.

Thank you so much for coming.
Seriously, I mean it.

With all of my heart.
Like, I don't know what

-I would do without you guys.
-You're welcome. I know.

It's like when
you're at school

and the rich girl has
a birthday party…

Happy birthday.

And you all hate her,
but you want that goodie bag.

-Love you.
-No, I love you guys.

I love added chaos so much.

-I was bored.
-Okay, here we go.

-God, this is so good.

Oh, God, they gotta eat fast.


Laura, Laura, Kate.
Can you come down

to the pantry for service
when you have a chance?

Wow, this looks spectacular.

I went on a date one time and
I ordered the steak tartare

and then he ordered well-done.

And I said, "That's it,
we're done."

So this is a sous vide
New Zealand beef filet

with a thyme and red wine

creamy brussel sprouts,

and some roasted zucchini.

So enjoy.

It's so good.

I'm testing the durability
of my Spanx right now.

Will you please go up,
if you're not Josiah.

When those fireworks go off
very soon,

you all are gonna run down

and make that dinner table look
like a birthday celebration.


'Kay, let's make this
look pretty.

Are you kidding?

What do you want for dessert,
candles, sparklers?

Let's do a couple sparklers
for the cake.

I would have wanted to
integrate those disco lights.


Phase two of punish Kate.

Surprise, we're gonna make
a disco tower for dessert.

You can have a sea slug
on the table

or you can have a disco ball

-I want both, Mommy.
-Yeah, no kidding.

Well, you're not
getting either,

-which is real ironic.
-Yo, yo, yo.

-He knows we've got fireworks
going off at 9:00.

He knows the longer he takes,
the more stressed out I get.

He's doing this on purpose.

It's 8:55, Adrian.

Coming up…

I organized the ----ing
birthday party for you.

I organized everything
for you on this ----ing trip,

and you have been treating me
like sh--.

What's the ultimate goal?

Just to have the light coming
up through the bottom.

What about the--
what are those glasses?

Go get a cognac glass.
You're a genius, Josiah.

Spray a light bronze mist.

Like that. I like that.


Now, if y'all don't mind,

I did hear there's
a meteor shower in this area,

so if you guys want to go up
to the crow's nest.

Release the crow's nest.


-A bit wet.
-A little bit.

It is a little wet.

Time. Go time.

-Go. Go. Go.
-Go, team. Go, team.

-How about you tape, I hold?

It's completely clear.

Oh, my God.


not a meteor shower.

Happy birthday.

♪ ♪

These are a present from us to you.

I love you guys so much.

I feel like Cinderella.



-Great job.
-Nice going, guys.

Just so you know,
taking it all in.

I wanna see their reaction.

Oh, my God.
You guys are amazing.

I'm such an ugly crier.

-She loved it, huh?
-She's crying.

Good. Here,
light it here, light it here.

all: ♪ Happy birthday,
dear Krystal ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

You guys, thank you so much.
My heart is so full.

Seriously, thank you.

She's so good at auditioning.

She's the best audition
I've seen in a long time.

I can't stop crying and I'm,
like, so bad at this ugly cry.

Thanks, guys.

I am so proud of the crew
for rallying together

and really knocking it
out of the park

for this client all dinner.

I'm so overwhelmed.

This is chocolate
strawberry cake,

white chocolate,
dark chocolate,

and raspberry mousse inside.

-Did it miss your dress?

You guys, I'm fine.
I don't even care.

Like, I'm so happy.
Like, whatever.

No, let's all go to
the master bedroom.

Yeah, thanks.

Okay, do you want to help me
clear the table?

No, never apologize, girl.


Oh, sh--,
there's red wine.

Oh, my God.

Oh, [BLEEP], over there.

I didn't even get to see
the table decorations, man.

You didn't even end up
using the coral I bought on.


I think it's pretty

I thought it would be
a great idea.

I guess I should have went
through with it

and done everything myself.

Hi, honey.
It's the last night.

Yeah, everything's
done on my end.

You did an amazing job.
Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Early night tonight.

Do you mind
if I ask why did you want

to go snorkeling for sea life?
Like, usually,

you've never asked me about the
centerpiece on a table before.

We didn't end up using
any of it.

Well, I mean,
that was your choice.

It would have been
a bit distracting.

Everything went well,
so I don't know.

Six weeks of work,
you've never gone

snorkeling for table décor.

-Cheers, right.
-Yeah, have a good one, bro.

-Fighting up there, bro.

-Adrian and Kate.
-I'm sorry that--

It's very passive-aggressive,

like you know how to do
so well.

Very tiring at the end
of the ----ing day.

It's just like [BLEEP], man,

Kate just att*cks me,

and I don't appreciate
that she's putting that on me.

Adrian, I don't want it
to end on a bad note.

I enjoyed working with you,

and I think you're
very talented.

Well, I want to end
this conversation.

You don't look very happy,

-I'm exhausted, Krystal.
-Then go to bed!

-I'm just hanging out here.
-Get out of my room, Kam.

I ----ing organized
the fireworks.

I organized
the ----ing fireworks.

I organized the ----ing
birthday party for you!

I organized everything for you
on this ----ing trip!


You have been treating me
like sh--!

I feel like working on any other boat
from this one is gonna be…

just too normal.

-[both laughing]

Bunch of crazies
we've had on this boat.

Adrian's really pissing me
off lately.

He, like, says really
inappropriate things

-all the time.
-Oh, really?

-Oh, my God.
-Like what, though?

Okay, I was, like, making
a charcuterie board.

I was like, "Where's the meat?"

The meat… it's right here.

-This one?
-No, right here.

No, turn around. Yeah.

Oh, my--what the [BLEEP].


-Yeah, it gets, like, vulgar.

And it's always when no one
else is around.

Then tell him. Like, stop it.

I don't know.
I'm like, [groans].

I care about Laura

and I don't want someone
making her feel like sh--,

but she's a big girl.
If she's needs help from me,

she will ask for it.

Really ----ed up sh--,
like, all the time.

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[alarm rings]

-Good morning, Adrian.
-Good morning.

-How'd you sleep, all right?
-So good.

-Feel like a new person.
-Good. Me too.

Everything's fine.

We had a really
uncomfortable argument,

and everything's fine.

I love Adrian. I don't think
he's a bad person.

I think he's
an insecure person,

and that's not a battle
that I need to fight.

That's a battle he needs
to fight with himself.

-The last trip home.

[yawns] Sh--.

If you girls would like
to get off your asses,

I'd like to pull the anchor
and get out of here.

Copy that, Captain.

All right, let's do it.

I think the deck team
has come leaps and bounds

from being scattered
all over the place.

Now they're focused
and everybody knows their job.

That's a credit to Ross.

Anchor's in the pocket.

I'm great, how was your sleep?

Ross, Ross, let's prepare
to get rid of the tender.

-Yeah, copy that.
-Nice, bro.

Fig French toast.

Tow line is tucked.

Well done.
We're out of here.

Tahiti, Tahiti,
see you later.

Ladies, this is spinach
truffle puffed pastries

and this is a fig French toast.

Should we eat?

I think it looks okay
up here.

This is the last time we're
gonna see this place, I think.

So you're gonna stay
in N Zed

and then head back
to the state?

----ing don't know, bro.

If you find something
in New Zealand,

I'd love to come over.

Oh, I'll look out, bro,
for sure.

You would like New Zealand.

Yeah, I'm sure I would.

Just stay away
from Allison, eh?

[both laugh]

I'm stoked for you
that your kid and her

are coming to New Zealand.

Yeah, I'm stoked too.

It's taken me a long time
to realize

how much Allison means to me.

I've made a lot of mistakes
in my life,

and she's the only person
that can put up with my sh--.

I'm excited to see her.

I'm hoping that we can work
something out and…

Nice, bro.
I'm excited for you, man.

Yeah, cheers, man.

-How's everyone?

That was another excellent

That should be fine.

Nice work with the lines,
getting the right line.

Pulling into the dock
for one last time

and to know that
the season's done,

it's bittersweet.

That beer's gonna taste
good tonight.

Moving to
the wing station.

Copy that, Cap.
We have about 15 feet to port.

-Stand by, secure.
-Copy that.

-Good work, Rhylee.
-Thanks, Ross.

All crew, into your whites
for the last time.

Ah, [BLEEP].

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Let's do it. Let's go.

Thank you so much.
That was amazing.

Thank you.

[indistinct chatter]

Seriously, so accommodating.

Thank you, you guys.
The support.

I can't stop crying.
My heart is so full.

And I just want to say, like,
this trip meant so much to me,

and you guys have just made it
so, so great.


You ruined me.

And I just want to give
you this.

-Oh, thank you.
-I really appreciate it.

-You're welcome.
-Have fun.

Krystal was
the most obnoxious human

I've ever met in my life,
and I've never loved

to watch anyone walk away from
me anymore than right now.

I'm gonna start crying again.

Au revoir.

It's good work.

It's over!

Ow, ow, ow!

Let's go get ----ing drunk.

We're finished!

Coming up…

Sometimes the jokes you made
were super, like,

inappropriate and they didn't
make me feel good at all.

Attention all crew,
we will be meeting

in the crew mess
in five minutes.

Ross, how much do you think?


Daddy, I want to give them
more money, Daddy.

This season's over.

This is our best
charter crew ever.

He never says this ever.

I don't have a bad thing
to say about any of you.

-I just want to say thank you.

This is just the season
of a lifetime for me.

The best, so let's get down
to money.

This came in at 20,000.

-Twice in a row.
-It's 1,650 per person.

Not too shabby.

The 20 grand tip was well
earned by the crew.

-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.

You know, they refereed
some fights,

they finished
remarkably strong,

and I'm really proud of 'em.

-Cheers, mate.
-The charter manager

has arranged some entertainment

for you guys around 7:00 or so.

We are working until 5:00,
and by working, I mean working.

-Copy, Cap.
-Copy that.

♪ ♪

Do you want me
to clean the toilet?

I've already got stuff on it.

Oh, sweet.

♪ ♪


-You look so hot.

Johnny Depp called,
he wants his coat back.

I'ma drink, have a water.
Shot, have a water,

and if I'm not doing that,

I hope somebody reminds me.

-Let's go.

Let's do it.

[horns blaring]

Oh, what?

[tropical music]

That is so cool!

♪ ♪

I would love
an espresso martini.

-This is insane.
-This is insane.

[speaking foreign language]

[all chanting
in foreign language]

We've got beautiful
Tahitian men dancing.

We've got women in flower
crowns and hula skirts.

We've got Tahitian food
and music.

What more could we
possibly want?

[applause and cheering]

[laughs] You just
pulled out all the stops.

-Thank you so much.
-This is amazing.

Before you go to bed tonight,
just count your blessings, man.


-I'm gonna miss you.
-Are you sure?

-Yeah. I still love you.
-All right.

You can see him
in New Zealand.

I'm not gonna be here long,

but I did want to see
the entertainment.

Now, you guys are gonna have
a dinner cruise.

They're gonna drop you off
at Papeete.

You're gonna go out clubbing.

Enjoy yourselves tonight.
Thank you, guys,

for a great season.

I'm set.
This is the last time

I get to spend with
these peeps.

Like, they've become
my closest friends.

-Can I get some sauce?

Ah, you're a lege.
Thank you very much.

Can I just have vegetables,

You guys are my favorite crew
I've ever worked with.

-That's huge!

That's huge, girl.

Obviously, I'm gonna miss
Josiah the most,

but I'm gonna miss
the whole crew.

I love our ----ed up family.

-It's been beautiful.
-Cheers to that, Kate.

-And now we dance.
-Now let's ----ing rage.

[electronic music]

♪ ♪

Rhylee looks so hot tonight.

What's wrong with Tyler?

It's my last day!
----ing boom.


I think at this point, Tyler
could dance with anything,

random objects, live beings,


Oh my god!

Tyler's on the ground.

Get him some water.

I did!

Not my problem.

Tyler's a grown-ass man,

and he is passing out
at the club.

-Come with me.
-Come this way.

And it's certainly helps
get over the fact

that he might not want to have
a relationship with me.

There's nothing attractive
about a sloppy drunk.

Oh, hey.


Bonsoir, bonsoir,

-That's our ride.
-Oh, yeah.

You jump in there.
You're good. You good?


-We'll see you in a few hours.

♪ Colors they surround you ♪

There's our boy!

♪ Baby, move me ♪

♪ The lights,
they go like crazy too, baby ♪

Sandwich, sandwich,
sandwich, sandwich.

♪ Take me home so we can
dance alone, baby ♪

♪ Move me ♪

♪ Let's take a shot so we can
dance once more ♪

♪ Baby, move me ♪

[playful music]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

We're going home.

Bye, guys.

♪ ♪

What a ----ing night.

♪ ♪

Let's go in my cabin.

-I love you long time.
-Love you too, brother.

-That was an awesome night.

Had a ----ing blast.

-Where's Tyler?

Passed out.

Wait, where's Laura
and Ashton?

Well, I don't think we need
to ask what's happening there.

♪ ♪

Best season ever.
I love all of you.

Sleep well.

Thank you for
an amazing season.

Thank you for the most
amazing season in the world.

-We're friends forever.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Does it smell like sex in here?

Today's the day.
We're all done.

You've got 15 minutes.


It's time to go.

Okay. Cool.

-Thanks, Ashton.

'Kay, we gotta do this

You take this half,
and then I'll take this half.


Before we do leave the boat

-I do want to have a chat.
-Is it a bad chat?

No, it just…

Sometimes the jokes you made
were super, like,

inappropriate and they didn't
make me feel good at all.

Sometimes the jokes you made
were super, like,

inappropriate and they didn't
make me feel good at all.

Like, the over sexual comments
that would always go on,

and working in a kitchen,

girls always get this sh--,
you know?

I thought you were joking
around with me.

Every time we would laugh
about it,

and, you know, I was raised
in the Caribbean,

everybody talks about sex,

and it's not a serious thing,
you know?

So maybe you were raised in
a different environment--

Yeah, I was raised in a very
conservative environment.

Sex for me is not taboo.
It's something

that we're open about
and that we kid around about

because it's just another
part of life.

And if I feel comfortable
with somebody,

then we're gonna joke around.

You never said anything about
sexual comments or anything.

If you would have said any
time that it was inappropriate,

-I would have stopped instantly.
-And I'm telling you now.

You need to tell me
when I'm doing it.

Oh, bro, all I'm saying,

is some of the stuff
you've said has been so

over the edge and, like,
has been, like, you know,

singling me out
in front of people.

Banter is very interesting

Once you bring something

that's a little bit
more sexualized,

it crosses the line
a little bit.

I want him to know that
in the future,

someone might not be as cool.

I'm not saying that everything
that you said was,

like, over the line
or crossed,

but I just--
I needed to tell you.

I didn't mean to offend you
at all,

and if I did,
I'm sincerely sorry.


I would never want to make
anybody feel like that,

and I don't want to hurt
anybody either.

It is what it is,
and I just needed

to get that off my chest
before we left the boat.

Well, thank you. Thank you
for coming to me about it.

♪ Last night, I got so much
sleep in the club ♪

[both laugh]

-That was ----ing impressive.

I've fallen asleep in a strip club before.

The one that you worked at?

I'm done. I'm ready.

-See you later, brother.

I think yachting's cool,

but I don't know if it's
really for me long-term.

Thanks for all your help
with intro to yacht life, man.

I am going back to Mississippi,
where I'll fight fires.

That's the plan for now,
subject to change.

-It was awesome.

It was good to meet you.

I think you're
a pretty cool dude.

I'm just kidding.

I think you're amazing too,
so let's connect,

maybe knock boots together
for some old times' sake, huh?


Tyler was an unexpected,

for lack of a better term,
gift on the boat.

Unfortunately, I anticipated
a little bit more

and it didn't happen,

but I hope it's not
the end of our friendship.

See you ----ers later.

I gotta go.
Love you, boo.

Cheers, bud.

I would definitely
do this again.

I would like to think that
I would do it differently.

Just, like, I want
respect from my peers,

I have to give it.

I will always stand up
for myself.

I just have to work
on my delivery.

Rhylee, see you later,
my love.

Rhylee and I have been on
a rollercoaster this season,

but I'm just glad we made it.

We finished on a good note.

Okay, I think I'm pretty set.

This season, I learned to
be more patient with myself,

and reaffirms
that I'm not perfect.

I sometimes make mistakes, and
I just have to own up to it.

I'll see you.

Captain Lee. Thank you.

-Thank you for this season.
-Well done.

I accepted a job as
a private chef in New York

cooking for
a very wealthy couple.

-Many Tahitian blessings.
-Thanks, buddy.

-Take care of yourself.
-We'll see where it goes.


All right, bros.
Ross is out, bro.

I'm sad. I've gotta
say good-bye to the crew,

especially to my cuz, Ash.

I love, love, love you, my man.

My cuz, I'll come visit you,
all right?

For sure.
But I'm super excited

to go back home.

I can't wait to see my kid
and see Allison.

Thank you so much.

Take care of yourself.

I'm so proud
of the deck team.

We've come such a long way.
I love yachting,

and I'm gonna be doing this
for a very long time.

Yeah, ----ing boy.

-You done? You almost packed?
-Yeah, nearly.

Besides meeting Ashton,
of course,

I am most happy about
our interior team

ending on a good note.

Never in a million years
would I have thought

that Kate and Josiah
were to be my friends,

but they definitely are now.

I'd work with you again
in a heartbeat.


This season couldn't
have ended any better.

We're leaving now.

Are you guys leaving


I kind of did the math

and checked the calendar,

and I might have a night

or two to spend with Laura,

and it excites me.

-Bring it in. Bring it in.
-Aw, baby.

For me, this season
was about people,

how precious those bonds
are between people.

I mean, I was faced with
a near-death experience,


the first thing I wanted to do
when I got onto that boat

was just to hug everybody,

because in those moments,
that's what's real.

That's what's important.


We'll miss you.

Feels weird leaving
the yacht.

-It's kind of exciting.
-New adventures.

Yeah, exactly.

And now the best till last.

Do you think we're gonna go
through separation anxiety?

Like, go to talk to you
and you're not gonna be there?

I think so.

I don't really like to plan
too much in the future.

I'm loving being second stew.

I definitely see myself
stepping up

and being chief stew one day.


I'm definitely gonna miss
Kate the most.

We've become really, really,
really amazing friends,

and I think we will be

-I love you.
-Love you too.

[sniffles] Ugh.

Bye, Seanna.

-Hey, kiddo.

Good crew. I enjoyed
working with all of them.

Amazing crew.

Like, when there's
a crew that's all good,

gets along, it's like magical.

This season was a wild ride.

There were ups.
There were downs.

There were near-deaths.
There were firings.

-See you in Florida.
-Bye, sweetie. Bye.


But being in Tahiti made
yachting feel new again for me,

and I think it was
our best season ever.

Nana, Tahiti.
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