05x07 - Blindsided

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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05x07 - Blindsided

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Below Deck"…

So enjoy your break--
a break from your break.

I think this whole experience

is just making her
a little bitter.

I mean, I'm not complaining.

-That looks great.
-Yeah, it's off the chart.

Today was a great day.

Absolutely awesome.

And you want to share that
with someone.

I've realized I should be
with the person I left behind.

There's gonna be a change

in the configuration
of this crew.

I don't have the luxury
of being able

to teach you everything
that you're gonna need to know,

and I'm gonna have
to cut you loose.


I'll be sitting on the beach
getting drunk

and picking up chicks
and probably getting laid

a lot sooner than if I finish
out this charter season.

Who gives a sh-- ?

Are you a new crew
or something?

The new boatswain.

I'm gonna completely
let him take control of it

or be a f-- ing assh*le too.

You're quite bitter
all the time.

I have nothing
to be bitter about.

Listen to me right now, Jen.

You need to take it down.

This brake wasn't disengaged.

That's all the metal.
Oh, f--.

What a f-- ing idiot.

Take it off.

What the f--
is wrong with you?

I just want to wring him
by the neck.

Calm yourself, let go.

Why don't you get
your shoes off my deck?

It's my deck now, buddy boy.

You wanna play?

[horn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

It's a dangerous situation

when people
that are intoxicated

have to deal with this
and letting people off safely.

Why don't you
just go to bed?

-I'm okay.
-Yeah, go.

I'm taking control.

This is my boat.

[door slams]


You don't tell me
what I got to do.

Okay, buddy.

-Go to bed, man.
-I'm fine.

You are, why don't you get
your shoes off my deck?

-It's my deck now, buddy boy.
-Not anymore, man.

-Oh, yeah.
-You wanna play?

Dude, those guys are about

to punch each other
in the face out there.

I'm-- I'm cool, buddy.

I've done everything
I was supposed to do.

You're the one freaking out
and looking like a tool.

F-- ing weirdo.

Seriously, go to bed.

Dude, I'll do
what I want to do.

Go to bed.

You don't tell me
what I got to do.

I'm telling you right now,
if tomorrow I'm not boatswain,

I quit.

Who's it gonna be?

Who is it gonna be,
me or you?

They're still outside.

There's fistfights
happening outside.



Either you f-- ing
take off your stripes

and put it on my bed,

or tomorrow
I'll take my stripes

and you can f-- ing
put it up your ass.

Holy sh--.

You know, I've been
on lots of yachts.

No one's ever
talked to me like that.

He just lost his sh--.

-F-- ing Nico.

This guy is way out of line,

especially considering
that I'm his boss.

Maybe you should act
like a leader

instead of acting like--
I don't know.

I don't even know
who you are, man.

I feel like this is just
time for me to leave.

Get the f*** away from me.

Hey, if you do
want to stay here,

you got to make
an apology to me.

-You're an assh*le.
-[mouthing words]

Remind me
not to buy him drinks.

Nico's ego is probably
a little bruised,

knowing that Captain
had to call in back-up

because Nico wasn't cutting it,

and that the back-up
is like…

Ned Flanders.

Come on, come, come, come.

This is f-- ing bullsh--.

Is there any way that you
guys can just work together?

-Combine each other's skills?

I want to be
around my family.

I don't need this sh--.

Listen, we all make mistakes.

We're all human.

It's up to you
to be the bigger man.

No, man, it's not right.

Can't deal with this bullsh--.

We both had kind of
a weird night.

That's for sure.

Don't come at me, ever.

-I never came at you.
-Not you, boo.

You f*** up, you apologize.
F*** everyone.

[phone buzzing]

[plastic crinkling]

[grunts softly]


Last night
was f-- ing crazy.

Nico was, like, pissed off.

EJ was the least intoxicated
of all of us.

Yeah, right?

Coming in hot.
I mean not so hot.

Are you okay
this morning, Jen?

You seemed a little irritated
last night.

Yeah, I'm just sad.

We love you, Jen.

I'm not really
digging life right now.

I got upset
with Bri last night.

Say that again to my face.

You're quite bitter
all the time.

I'm done.

I thought Bri and I
were really good.

Totally bothered by the fact

that she's not even
acknowledging it.

But sometimes when you drink,
you think people are…

Well, no, I was told.

I was told I was bitter.

I can't misinterpret that.

And then it just set the tone
for the whole night.

I'm not the type of person
to continue on

an argument
that happened yesterday.

I'm kind of over it.

It is what it is.

So we not talking, Nico?

I don't know, whatever you
want to talk about, man.

I'm actually surprised
EJ hasn't spoken to Captain

and just like, "Nico was
so mean to me last night

and told me to shove my stripes
up my ass."


Last night didn't go
that well.

You got too drunk
and you turned into an ass--.

I wasn't drunk.

So I can care less
for talking to you right now.

Some people can bounce back;
some people can't.

It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Man, you're k*lling me here.

It's supposed to be ready.

Attention, all crew.

When you guys
finish flipping the boat,

you guys can head
to St. Barth's for lunch.

The dock is really full,
and at 162 feet,

it's not like you can
put this anywhere.

So if we can't dock,

might as well let them go
to St. Barth's.

We need everybody back
by nightfall

so that we can get docked up
for the night.

Hey, Jen, you haven't been
to St. Barth's yet?

-We're leaving in two minutes.

This is what I signed up for.

This is all part of it;
it's all the same thing.

Take the good with the bad.

You're all assholes.

But maybe St. Bart's
will lighten your mood.

EJ, would you be down
for pasta?

-I'm straight-up for pasta.

-I'm doing this for you.
-I appreciate it.

I'm not really sure why Bri
is picking on Jen a little bit.

Sure, Jen's a little nuts,
but Jen's super fun,

and we like having her
on the boat,

because the boat
is all we have.

It sucks.

Look for something
for your daughter in here.

Hey, Bri.

Hey, thinking about
getting off the boat.

Want to escape for a bit?

Bring some undies.


Do you think Captain Lee

would dress up
as King Neptune?

Do I need this?

It hides under-eye circles
so well.

All right,
there is good, man.

I cannot sit
on that boat all day.

Do you know awkward it was with
what's-his-face this morning?

All right, ladies and gents.



Own little private booth.

Oh, here's a maraca
little thing.


So, while we're
away from the boat,

did you and Bri make up?

No, she just pretended
like nothing happened.

Jen was like,
"What did you say?"

And you're like,
"You're always bitter."

And I was like, "Oh-ho!"

Maybe you should just say,
"I'm sorry if I overreacted.

You hurt my feelings;
I was embarrassed."

Yeah, I can do that.

"And I love working
with you."


Let's eat-eat.

Oh, yeah, finally
out of the boat.

I have this massive scar.

What's crazy about it is,
I can do that.

Ooh, that's weird.

What I was thinking is,

I get, like, an anchor with
a heart through the middle,

and I can make the heart beat.

Or it could be, like,
a naked dude,

and you could make it get hard.


I'm really enjoying myself
right now.

I've been f-- ing stressed out
this whole f-- ing season.

I feel like I've turned
into a d*ck.

I hope we can clear
the air onboard.

Yeah, I know
how you're feeling.

I'm impressed at EJ's ability
to fend off the charging bull.

That definitely says
a lot about his character.

Instead of fighting
with the new guy,

appreciate that you have
that extra hand.

I'll tell you
right now, though.

That attitude onboard,
it's not acceptable

in my eyes,
any captain's eyes.

Give him a chance.

He's here.

He's probably gonna stay.

He is staying.

So maybe you guys
have a lot in common.

Oh, my God.

So much, I'm sure.

I'm gonna get in that water.

-Let's do it.

What do you think
that Brianna and Nico

are doing right now?

♪ Bow-chicka-wow-wow ♪

Uh… yeah.

You have a great ass.

I just want to kiss this girl
so bad.

I just hope
he don't get busted.


There's some sand on there.


Distances are all distorted
at night.

I don't know what the f--
I'm looking at out here.

It's just dangerous as f--.

I feel like a guest.

-Like a guest?

Back to work, hey?

So I got you something
as a little olive branch.

This is a gift for a friend.


May have overreacted
last night,

so I apologize.

It's a bracelet.

Or an anklet.

It's totally me.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Sorry too.

You know, I didn't have to…


We just have to observe
ourselves a little bit

when we had a couple drinks.


I feel better.

EJ, did you have
a moment, man?


You know, obviously,
coming in,

there's a lot of stressful
situations going on.

And it's not anything
that's your fault,

and we just need
to work together.

And I shouldn't be
such a d*ck about it.

So I'm sorry about that,

and I shouldn't ever f-- ing
call you an assh*le.

I look at it as,
he's not going anywhere,

so we just need to get this
squashed and move on.

I appreciate it a lot, man.

We should be
working together,

and this should be like
f-- ing cake for us, you know?

I've dealt
with Nico's type before.

I'll give him another chance,

but I'm not
gonna f-- ing forget.

-Thank you, buddy.

I really appreciate it.

I need all the deck crew
on position.

Start getting the anchor up.

Are we pulling chain, Bruno?

Ready to pull it up?

[whirring, rattling]

Anchor at water line.

Anchor in the bucket.

Lock it in, good job.

-He said good job.
-Yeah, he did.

Those magic words.

Deck crew, let's get prepped
for night docking.

I don't know what the f--
I'm looking at out here.

Can't see a g*dd*mn thing.

It's just so hard
going in there at night.

Distances are all distorted
at night.

That could be 20 yards,
it could be a half a mile.


Well, we're better off

than we were with EJ and Nico
both being here.

It's bad enough going in
during the day

with a proper deck crew.

Now we're gonna do it
at night

with people
that have never, ever

done a night docking before.

It's not a situation

that I'd like to make
a steady diet of.

I'm gonna switch over
to the wing station,

and let's thread
our way through.

Copy that.

EJ, over here with me.

Bruno, can you get
the heaving lines ready?


Everybody in position,
we're coming in.

People out here going,
"What the hell is he doing?"

Captain Cowboy.

How am I looking?

Sailboat right there,
no masthead light.

I got it.

-All right, here we go.
-All right.

on port side.

Bow and stern line
on first.

Captain, your bow's got
about 15 feet here and closing.

Stern 18 feet from the dock.

Go ahead and throw it.

Okay, pull, pull, pull,
pull, pull, pull.

Looking good.


I need all the deck crew
on the aft deck.

Baker, f-- ing rock on.

Jesus Christ.

F-- ing well done, everybody.

Outstanding job.

Well done, I really mean it.

Maybe I should blindfold them

so they can operate
in the dark all the time.

Ooh, Lord have mercy.

[phone buzzing]

[phone buzzing]

Show me that squat.

So how long?

Burns the legs, right?

Kate, Matt,

EJ, Nico, down on
the crew mess immediately.


-Hey, buddy.


Number five.

Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy.

Leigh Anne incidentally had her
life turned into a book

and then a movie
called "The Blind Side."

Football movie.

Is that the one
where they adopt somebody?

-Yes, Sandra Bullock.
-That was like-- okay.

It was a great movie,
it was a great book.

Couples on this trip
are made up of good friends,

family, business partners

who just want to unplug
from their busy lives.

I don't see anything
out of the ordinary

as far as food.

These are all Southern people.

Okay, she's a vegetarian.

That's it, that's easy.

These people
aren't pretentious.

They're not foodies.

They're not gonna go,
"Ugh, I don't think the lemon

has enough zestiness in it."

An award show themed
dinner party

on the first night.

Oh, tonight.

The guests would like
a tailgating-themed

beach picnic as well.

I'm actually more nervous
to throw a tailgating party

than I would be a white party,

because I don't have
any experience at a tailgate.

Whatever we do, good enough.

Let's get to work.


All deck crew,

we have a meeting
on the aft deck.

All right, guys, so basically,
I just want to have a meeting

to say that I think
the boat's looking great,

and I'd really like that,
this next charter,

me being the boatswain and all,

Nico, me and you
working together as a team.

Communication on point.

It's gonna be so much better
for the whole team

if we can all just kind of
help each other out

and work together.

I'd really like to see
a little more of that.

Somebody slack in a department,
help somebody out.

The other day,
you needed a little bit help,

and I helped with you.

More so, teamwork is what
I'd really like to see.

Teamwork makes
the dream work.

That's right.

And let's make this one

the f-- ing biggest tip
of them all.

I did cross some boundaries,

and I pushed EJ
a little bit too much.

But the way that he is,

I just can't stand the guy.


Make this one good!

Have you seen
the movie "Blind Side"?


The woman who it's actually
based on is coming.

Shut the front door.

Oh, I know.

She just told me.

It's so cute that they want
a tailgating party.

Do we have poms here?


Do you know any cheers?

We need to make
a Valor cheer.

Go, Valor team.

Oh, you were good.

Fight for victory.



This is so cool.

Attention all crew.

We got to switch
into our whites.



Ready to rock.

Roly-poly-oly, man.

All right, kids,
five minutes to show time.

That's the one
we're gonna take.


Gonna need everybody
on the main deck aft.

-Here we go, whoo-hoo!
-All right.

Ah, permission
to come onboard.

That looks disgusting.

I don't know if this is
bananas Foster

or if a seagull
took a big sh--.

Permission to come on board.

You're already here.

Hi, Leigh Anne Tuohy.

Nice to meet you.


Good seeing you.

Matt, how are you?

Nice to meet you.

I'm used to tall people
like you.

-Nice to meet you.

It's an honor
to have you guys on board.

And I'm gonna have Kate
give you a tour of the boat.

And we'll get
this party started

if it's okay with you guys.


-Watch your step.
-Thank you.

Ooh, beautiful.

We'll go first
to the master stateroom,

where you guys
will be sleeping.

-All right.

Ooh, beautiful.

It's nice and bright.

Can I sleep on your couch?

We've got a lovely room
for you as well.

Oh, excellent.

But first we're gonna go
on to the rest of the boat.

-Here we go, Bruno.
-I know.

Shake and bake.

So we have two queen rooms,
one with two twin beds.

-Can we sleep on the same bed?

That's up to y'all.

She's already prayed
to Jesus about that.

The Tuohys remind me a lot
of my family.

Southern roots, authentic,
spiritual, not preachy.

Classy and sassy,
but not snobby.

Jen, if you'll go unpack
the master suitcases?

-Thank you.

Bri-- oh, you're already
starting the cheese plate.

Good girl.

Oh, yay-yay.

We're gonna go bow to stern.

I know the one man
drives the boat,

but what do all the other
little people do?

They bring drinks.

No, you have the people
that work outside the boat.

Like, the people in the pants.


Pull, pull, pull, pull,
pull, pull, pull.

-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.

All lines clear.

What does she do?

Kate makes sure

that everything
in the interior is okay.

She needs to eat
a little more.


No traffic
on your port side, Cap.

All clear.

Start pulling for lunch.

You can do placemats,


30 feet away.

Good job, everybody.

Do you think
we go faster eventually?


Baker, you ready to go?

Yes, sir.

Drop it now.

Baker has the possibility
to be a great deckhand.

She has the attitude,
the charisma.

So I feel like she's worth
putting the time in.

Got three sh*ts in the water.

Lock it in, we're good.

-Hi, Matt.

Some of our guests would like
to come chat with you.


-This is it.
-This is it.

This is our galley.

Going up.

I got it.

So, for dinner,
what I have planned is,

I have a nice local grouper.

And we'll finish off--
I saw someone

said bananas Foster somewhere.

So I've got some local rum,
then a flambé,

and some local bananas
to make the bananas Foster.

-Thank you.
-Yeah, you're welcome.

Look at this, on it,
like, just beautiful.

-Good job.

The guests are moving
to the table.

I bet you 20 bucks
they say Grace.

-You want to say it?
-No, you're good.


Dear Lord, bless this food.

Bless the people
that prepared it.

Watch over us, protect us.

Bless all these
beautiful people

that you've put in our lives.

And bless all those who can't
be with us here now

in body or spirit.

In Christ's name, Amen.

[all] Amen.


All right, Matt,
we're ready when you are.

Thank you.

I'm a little anxious.

I mean, who wouldn't be?

She's the ex.

I mean, I messed up,

and she probably doesn't want
to talk to me ever again.

But the longer
you don't get texts back,

there's a certain
breaking point

where you're just like,
"Okay, I give up."

All right, we're almost there,
two seconds away.

-It's ready?
-Yes, it is.

-Oh, it's salad.
-It's the salad.

Right here, this is
a blackened chicken salad

with a chipotle dressing.

Do you know
how many eggplants

they had to k*ll to make this?

-That's good.

-How's your day going?

Apologized to him.

He said he was in the wrong.

And I told him I'm sorry
for calling him an assh*le,

and that we should
work together.

Ooh, such a strong man.

No, well,
I listened to your advice.

-Makes sense.

He'll probably know stuff
that you don't know,

and you'll probably know stuff
that he doesn't know.


Tim, we're going
on the sea bobs,

or whatever they are.

[woman yelps]

[woman screams]

-Do we have a time for dinner?

Let's see a flip.


I need to make stars,

and they're all
turning out stupid.

Let me show you how
a frigging star is done here.

Yeah, show me.

Show me, EJ.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

A perfect star takes time.

-Oh, are we not wearing--
-We don't have time to change.

Aw, sh--.

Actually, will you change
really quick?

Change into what
I was wearing before?

To what we're wearing
right now, same as us.

So I got to change…

Just go put it back on,
in five minutes.

Just change the clothes.

Oh, I wish
I would have known.


Beautiful table.

You guys have your own star
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

-Well, how precious.
-I love it.

Matt, Matt, Kate.

Matt, Kate.

Did he say where he's going?

Do you know
if the bread is in the oven?

Will you check?

Come on, you boat people.

Matt, Kate.

Yay, Bruno!

tIf you want to dress up
in non-uniform things,

then you're gonna be
that dresses up

in non-uniform things.

Matt, Matt, Kate.

Come on, you boat people.

Did you see
where he's going?

I got a text back,
it's awesome.

I mean, I don't know
where this is gonna go.

But the fact that she picked up
her phone, it's a start.

-Hey, Matt?

Can I throw the bread
in the oven?

I'm coming.

-Well, they're sitting.

I just threw it in there.

Good, thank you.

Thank you.

Bread's in the oven?


-I put it on the second shelf.
-That's perfect.

The guests are at the table,
but we're waiting on bread.

No worries, go for it.

It shouldn't be my job

to make sure that Chef
is doing his job.

I shouldn't have to tell you,

hey, we're on a yacht,
and the guests would like food.

Is it ready?

-All set.
-Okay, then we'll go.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

-Thank you.
-Ladies got pasta.

Okay, Kate, what do we got?

Local grouper,
asparagus, and quinoa.

-Oh, I love quinoa.

All right, onion and tomato,

-This is phenomenal.
-My fish is delicious.

Push in the banana,
and the peel will break open.

Best actress:
Sandy for "The Blind Side."

Did she win an actress
for that?

She did.

Hey, where the hell
have you been?

I thought you deserved
the Oscar, not Sandra.

That's sweet.

These bananas
are really good.

Did you remember a tub
of vanilla ice cream?




[clears throat]

Perfect, I like
bananas and chocolate.

People dip bananas in chocolate
and then freeze them.

All right, total.

Banana Foster with chocolate?

Yes, exactly.

Thank you very much.

That is a bowl of goodness.

Wait, is that chocolate?

It's chocolate ice cream.

Can I get vanilla?

-Me too.

We need two
with vanilla ice cream.

I don't have it.

-Are you sure?

How can you not
have vanilla ice cream?

I have mint chocolate chip.

I hate chocolate ice cream.

Why don't we make
whipped cream in a Kitchen-Aid

and do some fresh
bananas Foster?

We're done
with the bananas.

Okay, can you
re-caramelize it,

make it feel fresh?

If Matt was an assh*le,
I would flip out at him.

But Matt is like
this little Canadian puppy,

and you're just not gonna yell
at the cute little puppy.

I got to have ice cream.

These boat people
should have it now.

That's nice and hot.


You want to take these out

and say it's fresh
vanilla cream.

Just leave out the "ice."

There you go.

Thank you so much.

It's just vanilla ice cream.

Oh, I like vanilla.

Oh, no it's not.
Whipped cream.

It's just whipped cream?

I really wanted some
vanilla ice cream.

6:30, thank you very much.

-Don't hate me.

So we had the largest tub,
and it disappeared.

After you're done,
we'll just kind of make sure

the crew mess is all
cleaned up and stuff,

and then hang out
with our wangs out.

All right, adios.

All right,
great times, y'all.

Peace out, love you.

I'm sorry, but that…

-No, it's disgusting.

I just don't know
if this is bananas Foster

or if a seagull
took a big sh--.

Good night, ladies.

-Hey, how are you?
-Good, good.

No, EJ is totally--

I know, I don't know why

he just can't remember
the cushions.

[mouthing silently]

I had to be like,
Bruno is in the lights.

Just wanted to call and say hi

and tell you that I'm
just thinking about you.

Hearing her voice for
the first time in a long time

is just perfect.



This is just me being selfish

and calling it your voice,

This makes me miss her
even more.

All right, sweet dreams.

Good morning.

-Want some croissant?
-Only if it's chocolate.

Would I give it to you
if it wasn't?


Every morning is always
like an epic sunrise.

It's kind of quiet;
no one's awake.

I normally sit up port
in front of the bridge

and have a coffee.


Bruno, can you come
clean up the lavs?

Nico and Baker,
get ready to lift the anchor.

Let's do it, girl.

Everything's good.

Lock it in,
well done, Baker.

Secure that f-- er.

Good morning.

You can help yourself.


Honey, just like I do
every morning for you at home.

I'm so used to this.

I don't think we're gonna get
anything nicer than this.

give me three sh*ts now.

Pick up the slack
so it doesn't get stuck

up in the props.

-Three sh*ts in the water.
-Lock it in.

So now we've dropped anchor.

You're gonna take them
to the beach?

Let's try and sh**t for noon.

Mostly, yachting
is champagne wishes

and caviar dreams,

but this boat,
we're more like,

try to survive mediocrity.

Jen, you're gonna be primarily
in charge of entertainment.

We have megaphones,
we have pom-poms.

And keep their drinks filled.

You are gonna be in charge

of assisting Matt
in the food service.

we've got ketchup, mustard.

What kind of wings
are you making?

Barbecue and hot.

Do we have blue cheese?

I do have
blue cheese dressing.

Okay, we need to put that in
for sure.

Okay, I will put that
in there.

Tailgate glam, people,
tailgate glam.

Have a good time, guys.

We're all set up
privately to the right.

[Jen] Where is the bathroom?

[Nico] Straight and to the right.

[Jen] Be right back.
Going to get cheerleadered.

Kate seems to be
super stressed,

so I'm gonna try and knock
this cheer out of the park.

Whoa, pretty good spiral.

Matt, what you got,
what you got?

We have some barbecue wings.

We've got
some beautiful burgers.

This is a win-win.

We're at the beach.

They want simple food,
which is great.

Just give them what they want.

It's delicious.

As we shovel it
in our mouth.

Going back for more wings.

Love 'em.



Jen, what the f--?

Like, where's your uniform?

Look at how cute
you look, Jen.

-I'm a cheerleader.
-So bizzare

You're on your own.

This is the fifth charter.

If you don't have it by now,
there's no hope for you.

-Figure it out.

-How is everything?
-It's delicious.




Appropriate for
the tailgating party.

Just need
the right energy.

Got to pump, pump,
pump it up.

Look at how cute
you look, Jen.

I'm a cheerleader.

For tailgating.

Hopefully Kate
will be so happy

and she'll finally
be proud of me.

Don't make me blow the whistle.

So bizarre

Do you need me?

No, no, I'm good.

Oh, gosh.

-Like, she changed clothes.
-I know.

Normally, you would never

be out of uniform
in front of charter guests.

And Kate couldn't have
approved this.

They are loving it.

Okay, let me know
if they need

any other drinks
besides what they have.


Y'all are wanting to do
like a cheer thing now?

Maybe just bust out
some freestyle stomp.


And then we could do
like a-- yes.

I've been stepping
since back in the day.

I was the only white girl
on the step team.

So my skills come
from a young age.

All right, are you guys ready
for the yachty totty?


The yachty totty!

Yeah, we're gonna do it
right over here.

Give me a "V"!

[all] "V"!

You got your "V,"
you got your "V."

Give me an "A,"
give me an "L,"

give me an "O,"
give me an "R"!

[all] "R"!

You got your "R,"
you got your "R."



That was really good.

So how was the beach party?

Oh, my gosh,
it was beautiful.

The setup--
like, you saw the setup.

-Yeah, I organized it.
-They loved that.

I just need to chat with you
about tonight's dinner menu.


Well, they like any vegetable,
which is a good sign,

so I have that.

That's not an issue,

As a starter,
the appetizer…

Breakfast, lunch, snacks…

With veal demi glaze,
they love that idea.

Carrots, we got that;
broccoli, we have it.

Okay, I'm only gonna
say this to you

because I like you
and I enjoy working with you.

What happened last night?

Are you tired?

Do you need help?

How can I help you?

Are you happy here?

-You're happy to stay?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Okay, good.

Perhaps I'm enabling Matt,

because he seems
to be slipping downward,

the less I say.

Last night's bananas Foster
were not okay.

I would love to see, tonight,
your most out-of-the-box.

Let's do dots,
let's do smears.

-Oh, yeah.
-Let's do towers.

As uncomfortable
as it is to hear,

Kate's absolutely correct.

I've been distracted,

and I should have really
paid attention

to my ice cream volume.

So let's make up
for yesterday's meal

I'm pulling up all the stops.

Get creative,
go out of the box.

I want to see what you got.


Let's herd these cats.

All crew,
guests are coming back.

Right here.

Best tailgate ever.


Let's go, team!


Hello, how was it?

-It was awesome.

It's a sign of insanity,

that she thinks this is okay.

I don't even know
what's going on anymore.

Am I dreaming?

Can I get you anything,
Leigh Anne?

That's all right,
I'm good right now.

I'm gonna wait till dinner,
thank you so much.

Oh, my gosh, this is
a hideous little outfit.

Jean, you better hold on
to the girls.

Nice, Lawrence!

Ten, that was a ten, ten, ten!

-What time is dinner?

Okay, Bruno is
gonna be in here.

He's just gonna shower,
take a little break,

and then he'll be here
at like 7:00.

Everyone's pretty chill.

Tell me about the beach.

It went really well.

When exactly
did Jen change her uniform?

Because she didn't
leave the boat in that.

As soon as we got there.

Did you know
she was wearing that?

No, here's the thing.

I don't mind creative license.

I don't like sneaking.

I think she was just trying
to take on a character.

I would believe that if
she looked like a cheerleader.

I appreciate you playing
devil's advocate.


-Hey, Cap.

How'd today go?

It went smooth.

So no issues?

Oh, yeah, they had a blast.

Nico is not somebody I trust

or I think
I can ever trust,

but in the end of the day,

I'm gonna take it upon myself

to deal with the situation
like a man.

I'm no snitch.

-Good job, I really mean it.
-Thank you.

-Catch you in a bit.


You know, I'm bummed out

that Jen decided
to just kind of sneak off

and wear her own
bizarre, weird outfit.

And then it hit me,
Jen can dress up,

because she loves it, clearly,

in a surprise outfit
for the guests.

To serve dinner
in the outfit?

I want to teach her
a lesson

that, like,
if you want to dress up

in non-uniform things,

then you're gonna be the person
that dresses up

in non-uniform things.

I'm glad Kate
is just my roommate,

because I don't want
to do anything

to get on her bad side.

She will be
the Valor mascot.


I want you to help
make dessert.

We're gonna make
cheesecake two ways.

Two ways like…

We'll make little balls,

and we'll dip it
in white chocolate,

and then we'll dip the
other one in dark chocolate.

And then we'll put them
back in the fridge,

and it'll be like truffles.

You know, that's what I like
about Bruno.

He's always willing
to help out,

even if it's
not his department.

-I need nine pieces.
-Consider it done.

He's creative.

Stay a little longer.

Here, take something
off my list.

That's fantastic.

No worries,
I got these balls.

I like having
a little sous chef.

-Hey, Captain Lee.

Cheap stew.

so, the surprise tonight.

Would you like to have
dinner with the guests?

-I'm in.
-All right.

Get ready, sports fans.

Captain Lee
is coming to dinner.


Are we late?

Help me.

Ah, look at this.

-That's so gorge.
-Wow, look at this.


You have a surprise guest.

No, we do not.

And it's going
to be Captain Lee.


How great is--
you're a mind reader.

Here he is.


An honor.

Heard you had
an empty seat at the table,

so I thought I'd just
barge right in.

-Great to have you with us.
-Thank you.

Look at this guy go.

Holy sh--,
Chef Gaston over here.

They're happy
talking to the Captain.

Okay, great.

Jen, Jen, Kate.

Go ahead.

Are you in the master?

Yes, ma'am.

All right,
I'm coming to see you.

-How's it going?

So I have a very exciting…

Surprise reveal?


Is it about me?

-Kind of.
-Oh, God.

I'm really nervous right now.

You're gonna be
the Valor mascot.

[faint whistling]

You have to do it.

Okay, what is it?

What is the mascot?

You're gonna wear
light-up sneakers from Baker.

You're gonna wear one
of Baker's really cool visors

that I really want.

God, I can't.

You have to do it.

Is this gonna be

I never said,
"Oh, hey, Jen,

just wear this random
tropical flowered halter top

that doesn't even look
like a boat uniform--

or a cheerleader uniform,
quite frankly."

I just wanted her
to be happy.

But instead, here we go again.

She looks like
a little old lady.


I just-- I can't win.

Okay, quickly,
quickly, do the cabin.


It's so cool, Matt.

I'm gonna make the egg
as a fennel salad

with Maine lobster,

marinated with lemon juice
and olive oil.

My favorite thing
you've made so far.

Pardon me,
this is a beautiful

lobster Cobb salad to start.

-Just awesome.

This is awesome.

-So yummy.
-That's cute.

Love lobster.

Good night, guys.

See you tomorrow, huh?

Yes, sir,
I'll see you tomorrow.

I have to ask you,

how did the whole thing

about the book and all that
come about?

The writer of the book,

he and I went
to school together

since we were five years old.

I can start taking them out
when you're ready.

After the
bananas Foster mishap,

these guys are in for a treat.

Steak is my favorite thing
to make.

I make it like a boss.

Like, honestly,
no one can beat my meat.


Thank you very much.

Thank you.

-Three seasons.
-Great, thanks.


Pardon me, this is
a beautiful beef tenderloin

with cauliflower puree

and butternut squash
in a veal demi glaze.


And so I get a call
from Steven Spielberg,

Harvey Weinstein.

I had to give them the rights
to use our name.

And I said, "I'll give you
the rights to use the name

if I get to read
the script and approve it,

or unapprove it."

They seem very happy, Matt.

They're in conversation
and chewing.

But they look beautiful.

It looks very beautiful.

Took your advice, Kate.

I just want everybody
to have a great season.

And so, sure enough,
seven months later,

we get an envelope in the mail,

and it's a script
of the movie.

I love that,
love that color.

I learned from my mom
when I was really young,

like how to make desserts
and how to cook.

Being in the galley,
it's perfect for me.

Look at those.

Aren't they awesome?

Yes, they are amazing.

So beautiful.

Bruno did so amazing.

It's pretty impressive,
very proud of him.

No calories, right?

Jen, Jen, Kate.

I'm right here, Kate.

Okay, it is go time.

Come on, grab your outfit.

-Where is my outfit?
-Come on.


I'm gonna trip
in these shoes.

I feel like
one of those little dogs

that, you know, the women,

their kids
are all out of the nest,

and their husbands
died or left them,

and they dress their dogs up

in these really
ridiculous outfits,

and the dogs can't
speak up for themselves.

That's what I feel like
right now.

Hold on, hold on.

I can't get the life vest
over my head.

It sucks.

If this is
an emergency situation,

you would be in trouble.

I'm glad we're going over this.

I open my front door,

and Sandy's standing there,

and I was like, "Huh."

Pardon me.

We have a little surprise.

You guys love sports.

So we thought we'd show you
our Valor team mascot.

I'm not liking this.

It doesn't make any sense.

It's not fair.



Go, go!


[whistles blowing]

Oh, my God.

Nicely done, Jen.

That was awesome.

Did you see how happy
Captain Lee was?

-You k*lled it.
-They loved it.

Best moment of my life,
right now,

undressing out of this.

Good night.

Leigh Anne,
it has been such a pleasure.

Oh, it was my pleasure.

Bri, Kate.

Go ahead.

Go ahead and knock off.

-Good night.
-Good night.

Time to go to bed.

I cannot wait to get home.

My ex-girlfriend is talking to me again.
Which is good.

I'm gonna get her back, dude.

-That's good that you guys are talking.

I broke up with here
before I came here.

It's funny to me
that I'm trying

to distance myself
from my problems at home.

He's trying to
pull closer to them.

It's probably one of the
biggest regrets I've done.

That was something else.

That was f-- ing awesome.

Why do you look
like you're upset about that?

You did great.


What is that eye?

I mean, you have to be
in a mood to be the mascot.

You weren't in the mood?

-Come on.

Good job, Jen.

Ugh, thanks.

I think these guests had
a lovely charter, don't you?

Captain Lee had a great time.

I'm always in the dark.

What do you feel
in the dark about?

There's nothing
we're not telling you.


What do you think
I'm not telling you?

It totally annoys me
when Jen sasses me,

because I just want
a thank you and not attitude.

I want you to fill this
with orange juice.

I want this with orange juice.

I want you to pull
for breakfast.

Is it necessary to--

You need to just
stop talking,

because I need to go to bed,
or I'm gonna tap out.

Pull for breakfast,
clear this sh-- out.

When I hear you talk it's
like listening to TV.

I only grasp certain things.

It's 1:15, I'm going.
You're on your own.

This is the fifth charter.

If you don't have it by now,
there's no hope for you.

Figure it out, clean it,
pull for breakfast.

Make everything happy.

She's out to make my life
a living hell,

and I don't know why.

It's kind of f-- ed up,
if you ask me.

At this point, like,
I don't know

if I can work
with these people.

Next on "Below Deck"…



Really excited
to have a day off.

Bobby Lowe has recently
got engaged to his fiancé.

She's dating him?

I thought that was her grandpa.

More champagne.

Come on, guys,
no time to waste.

Can you do
a frozen skinny margarita?

I hate these people.

You cut an hour
off of my break.

F-- you,
you stupid f-- ing bitch.

Is this good for you?

My girlfriend is being
really insecure about things.

You have no idea how good that feels.

I know what I'm doing
right now is wrong,

but I don't care.
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