04x14 - 50 Shades of Ben

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x14 - 50 Shades of Ben

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- Ashley's on a plane
to Tortola.

- I'm kind of sad.
It's our last charter.

- Did you seriously
just say that?

- I think this is gonna be our
most high-maintenance charter.

- Good life gals!
- Whoo!

- Emily, Emily, Kate.

- You're a little tense, but
you're in good shape, though.

- Our people don't like us.

- I appreciate and love
the blossoming romance

that is Ben and Emily--

I was frustrated that Captain
had to call over the radio

for service.

- Where's my radio?
- No one has your radio, Sierra.

- This is Emily's radio.

This is your radio.

- All right, let's do this.

I have no clue
where this is coming from.

- I'm wasted!

- Whoa!

- There's a panel in the
bathroom that's off the wall.

- What the f---
happened last night?

This is not your personal
f---ing party palace.

- Kate can go f--- herself.

- Wait, do you think
Kate framed us?

- She definitely did this.

- Anytime any charter group
wants to go to the Baths,

they're gonna be off the boat
for a solid three hours.

This is the toilet paper

I want--need both of you girls
to go vacuum,

to get all the spots
off the mirrors,

make sure all the toilet paper's

I can be a very bad
bad guy.

The trashes are full.

Three of the rooms have
no toilet paper.

Like, none.
We don't need breaks.

You're not tired
and the job's not done,

clearly, you haven't been
working enough.

- I have worked
so hard this season.

For her to say, like,
that wasn't good enough,

it's bullsh--.

- It's the pimp wagon.

- Just right back here, ladies.
Let's do this.

- Whoo!
- The scenery going,

just there's so many different
high points as we go

that you'll see--you'll see
the whole entire Baths.

- Do you understand
why I'm frustrated?

- Yeah. We've got to get
the boat ready for the handover.

- This is not life-or-death.

We're not--this is not me saying
we're not friends anymore.

This is not me saying we don't
have an amazing stewardess team.

This is me saying, "Hey, guys,
it's the last day.

- Let's smash it.

- Yes. Let's smash it.
- Yeah, we're gonna do that.

- So, that's all that this is.

Let's just get this boat
looking good.

- It's very much
in my best interest

to finish the season
on a good note with Kate,

because in yachting, it's vital
to go away with good references.

- And let's inventory all the
wine, liquor, sodas, and water.

- Hi! We have more stuff to do.

I thought that stuff had
gotten done, but it didn't.

It's the last day.
We'll just power through.

- Okay.
- So, and then tomorrow

when the guests leave,

the boat has to be brand-new
and ready to turn over

so we can leave,

so we'll have a lot of stuff
to do.

- Yeah. Totally.

- Kate's being really

to be honest.

Kate should be a little bit
more respectful

of people's breaks.

- Will you get a cloth
and alcohol and water

and get rid
of all the fingerprints?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Ladies, we're gonna set up
underneath these trees.

- Salmon? Ham?
- I'll have ham.

- Does anyone want any water
or Perrier or--

- Where's the best place
to snorkel?

- I recommend over here.

So, yeah, once you're ready
for any snorkeling

or any food or any other drinks,
just let us know.

We're just gonna be standing
over here then, all right?

- It's bullsh--.

- At this point in the season,
you want to keep things upbeat.

It's almost the end.
Everyone's tired.

Everyone's under a lot
of pressure.

And you have to go through it
and ride above it.

Come on, you got this.

You're fine. You're fine.

I feel like Kate has
just started to, like,

look for things to criticize.

Maybe she's stressed out.
Maybe she's really unhappy.

But I think Emily and I
are kicking ass.

- It's 24 hours. How exciting!

- Yeah.
- Come on.

- Cheers.

Final countdown.

- Are you ready for this
to be over?

- Tomorrow's gonna be mental,

I've never actually been

in the middle of the
f---ing Caribbean with someone.

Ashley's on the island now.

- At least we can end
this season on a good note.

We did great--our team.

- Who was your least favorite?

- When you guys first met
each other,

you were all about her.

- Well, it was--

- God, it's pretty up here.

I'm sad now.
- I know. I'm sort of sad too.

- I was not sad this morning.

I was like,
"Yay, the last full day!"

- Yeah.
- And now I'm like, "Merr."

- It'll be worse tomorrow,
I think,

when the guests go off.

It's just interesting
'cause it's like

you hate it sometimes, you know,
when you're out here and--

- It's so crazy. Yeah.
Like, this--

- And you just f---ing
hate it,

and then now I'm just like,
"I love it!"

You know, I love everything
about it.

- I hate to part ways
with y'all.

- Yeah, I know,

especially 'cause we all live

- Yeah. You're going
back to England.

F---, halfway
around the world.

- No matter how much we yelled
at each other or bickered,

like, at the end of the day,
we do love each other

and support each other,

and have each other's back
on deck,

which is really nice.

They're on their way back now,
aren't they?

- Yeah. I'm leaving the boat
in three minutes.

- You guys fighting, though,
has nothing to do with me,

and nothing to do
with me and her as a person.

- Yeah.
- That's why I stay out of it.

- You like Kate.
I don't like her.

But it has nothing to do
with you, and I shouldn't change

the feelings that you have
towards Kate,

and you shouldn't change mine.

- Exactly.
- Yeah.

- So, you're in it for the
long haul, are you, today?

No breaky-wakey?

- No. But we don't need
to take a break anyway.

It's the last day,
so we can push through.

It's fine.
- Exactly.

This time tomorrow...

It's gonna be very naughty.

- Are you?
You're gonna be very naughty?

I really like Ben, but of course
there's hesitancies

with where we stand right now.

I've always said
that I'm not ready

for a full-time relationship,

and we're gonna be spending
more time together,

but we'll see how it goes.

- Very cheeky.
- Yeah.

- Ladies, we're ready to go,

- Well, that was fun.
- Yeah, it was fantastic.

- Hey, Kate,
I'm gonna take off now.

- Okay.

So, Kelley's leaving now
to get the guests.

- Okay.
- Are you just gonna go ahead

and straight fire everything?
- Um...

- I'd love to have everything
ready when they arrive,

'cause I bet they're starving.

- What are the chances
of them going

down to their cabins
for half an hour to change?

- If there is food waiting
for them, they will eat it,

'cause they haven't really
eaten all day.

- I'm just trying
to protect the food; that's all.

- I'm just trying to say
that it's the last night.

We have plenty of food.
Let's just wow them.

"Surprise! You're back!
Look at all this food!"

- Generally, when they get
back to the boat,

they want to shower, change,

and then come up
and have a cocktail.

That's just from my experience.

I'm sorry.
- I really love--

- I'm sorry that
I have so much experience.

- Why are you getting so weirdly
aggressive right now?

- I'm not; I'm trying
to explain my case.

- Okay, so, what should I tell
the guests when they get back?

- And you are not listening.

- "Here are some veggie

"The chef is preparing
lobster cake bites

and shrimp skewers
if you'd like to shower."

You tell me.

- Yeah. That would be awesome.

- Great.
- Thank you.

- Hey, Carissa up here,
then maybe on the seat.

- That was great, guys.
- Thank you.

- You enjoyed it?
- Yeah!

- Now, Kate thinks I should
put out five hors d'oeuvres

waiting for them
as they come back.

They might want

to go downstairs and shower
and change beforehand,

so it might be a bit
of a waste of food.

Do you think that's valid,

- No, but honestly.
- They're most likely gonna

go down and get changed first.

I mean, it's a nice welcome
for them. I get that.

But if they've just got drinks
and then we--and then--

- Well, that's why I'm just
gonna do just the quesadillas.

- And Kate could say to them--

- Okay.
- I'm here to do my job

and work well with both of them,
and I don't want

to get involved in the problems
that they have,

because they have to fix them

and I don't think I could have
any impact whatsoever.

- Since I'm the chef
on the boat,

I'm calling the sh*ts.

If I'm giving a valid reason

as to why I think we should
give them a little bit of time

in case they want to shower,

I think at that point you should
step back and go,

"Maybe the chef
has a point."

- Because I said--
all I asked--

- All right, Kate, just drop it.
I don't care anymore.

- All I asked--
- 'Cause I'm gonna do

whatever I want anyway,

so there's actually no point
in fighting me.

- At this point,
I am delusionally

out of my mind,
not thinking straight,

happy to be going home.

- It's like I'm not even allowed
to speak.

- Unfortunately,
I'm not that lucky.

- You're such a jerk.

- Coming up...

- Aw!

- My God!
- F--- it.

- Hi!

Did you love the Baths?

- My God.
- They're beautiful, right?

So, we have some veggie
quesadillas coming out.

You guys--

- Are you st--
are you hungry?

- That's amazing.

- I'll go get them right now.

Surprise, surprise.

They're hungry.

They're ready
for the quesadillas.

- Are they gonna be
chilling out,

or are they going
down to their cabin?

- Yeah, they said
they're starving.

- Okay.
Have they got little forks?

- I have the forks pulled,
but you recommended

that we not do it, to wait
for them to shower and change.

- If--if they wanted to,

but since they don't, yeah,
put the forks out, please.

- How many hours?
- 16.

- So, this is a low-fat
mozzarella quesadilla

with a black olive
and truffle tapenade.


- All right, I will!

- And since it's
our last night...

- Yeah?

- Sure. Okay.
Sounds good.

He would love to join you.

- Great. Thank you.
- I like that.

- Hey, Ben?
The guests have asked

if you could just keep the food

- Yeah. I will. Thank you.
- Okay.

- In the past, Kate was
a pleasure to work with.

The Kate that made me laugh,
I admired and respected.

I miss that person.

- Captain?
- Yes?

- The guests would like
to invite you

to join them for dinner.

- They're lovely.
You'll have a great time.

- Good-bye, slide!

Happy dance!

It's just been
a f---ing cool experience.

We've grown so much as a team.
Now, to lose all of it,

it's like, "F---."

We've all put our heart, soul,
and even blood into this boat,

so, you know what?

- We'll all stay in touch,
though, you know?

- F--- yes.

We are a family.
A highly dysfunctional family,

but we are, and, you know,
we do have those bonds,

and they are there.

And those don't go away.

One last group hug
at my favorite island

with my favorite deck crew.

- Yay!
- Love you guys.

- Deck team! Ooh-ha-ha!


- Hi. How's it going?

- Great.
- Good.

- Can I ask you something?
- Yeah.

- Do you think we're not working
hard enough?

- Actually, yeah,
I was very disappointed

when I went to the master
and all the guest rooms

and saw all
the toilet paper rolls--

- I filled every single toilet
paper roll and folded them

this morning.
- There's no possible way that--

- I'm not lying.
- We have a boat

that has been used for six weeks
very heavily.

- I understand.
- We have--

If you'll just let me finish.

I've always given you

about what a great worker
you are.

Please don't let--make us finish
on a negative note.

- I'm understanding where you're
coming from. Totally.

- This is--listen.
We're all here.

We're all working.
I'm not taking a break either.

- Good. Let's do it.
- Yeah.

- Totally.
- Thank you.

- You're so welcome.

Now that Kate's, like,
being mean to me,

I'm like, "Get me off of here."

- I feel like you're being
a little bit not that serious.

Maybe that's just me.

But if there's anything
you're upset about--

- No. No worries.
We're cool.

- Sierra's attitude
is unnecessary and rude.

- Hi!
- This is really pretty.

It's a gorgeous presentation.
- Wow.

- Thanks, ladies.

Doesn't he look handsome?
- Pleasure.

- Ben?
- Yes?

- All the guests
are at the table.

- All right. All the guests
are at the table, perfect.

- Yes. Yes. Let's roll.

Hard shell clams in a garlic
and white wine sauce.

- Bon appétit.
- Wow. This is delicious.

- This is the last charter
of the season.

I'm gonna throw the damn book
at them.

And guess what. They deserve it.

- Wow.
- Wow.

- Wow. This is delicious.
- So good.

- So, Captain,
do you have any kids?

- I have five.
- Five!

So, where are you originally
from? Are you originally from--

- Michigan.
- Michigan.

My husband's from Michigan.

- Do you have a boat
of your own?

- Has anyone ever jumped off...

- How long have you been
a boat captain?

- How big is this boat?

- This is 155.

- I'm happy
when the guests are happy.

And generally,
if the guests are

sipping on cocktails
with Captain Lee,

they're a little more happy...

- Yes.

- Even if he doesn't like it.

They loved it.
- Did they?

- It was probably the best
calamari you've done all season.

Honestly. This is it.

- The last f---ing dinner,

- Let's not get crazy.
- I'm crazy. You know this.

- That's why I like you.
- I know, baby.

- I never know which Ben
I'm gonna get.

I'm 50 shades of Ben, baby.

All right. Here we go.

Filet of mahimahi.

- Beautiful. Thank you.

- Dinner's going well.
The guests are really happy.

Is that for the whipped cream?
Read my mind.

Ben and I are even
getting along.

Ice cream sundae bar.

- So we can just go to town.
- Yes. Just go to town.

- Well done, Kate.

- I never have to do
another platter service.

- Boop-a-doop boop boop!
- That is so exciting!

I just want us all to have
a happy ending.

- The juju's good again.
The juju is good.

- Ben and Kate are
either yelling at each other

in the galley
and hate each other,

or they're together smiling,

Their relationship,
it's confusing as sh--.

- Let's just savor this moment.

- Even on your worst day--
our worst day--

it's still better
than the best day

with other chef--
some of the other chefs.

- All right,
we're going to sleep.

Time for bed.

- Look at those white legs.

- You totally are.
I'm just gonna clean up

while you talk to me,

and we'll just chat.

- I love them.
They're a great stewardess team.

But I'm generous
giving them breaks,

and I'm very nice to them,

but I felt disrespected.

Like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah,
we did it."

- I don't understand either,

- What does that mean?

- Me either.

- No. I went. I saw it.

I put it back in there.
I was like,

"Okay, nobody needs to know
about this."

It fell back out.
Captain Lee walked in.

I've done nothing
to Nico and Lauren to deserve

the way they're speaking
about me behind my back.

It's not really their place
to question my decision-making.

Maybe when they have
three stripes,

they can offer their opinion.

You know, I've been a really
nice chief stew to them.

I've made them a lot of money,

not back-stabbing, gossip.

I don't need to hear what
the one-stripe people think.

- Coming up...
- I have overheard

discussions y'all have had.
I don't rat out my crew.

- Hey, whoa.
- I'm not done. I'm not done.

- Let's just stop, Kate.
- I'm not done. No.

- This is a one-way

- No. You can respond
when I'm finished.

- Man, drop-off today.

- This is awesome.
- Holy sh--.

- Yes.

- Guess what, Ben.
- I give up.

- 2 hours and 26 minutes.

Yay! It's the last day
on the boat.

- I've mentally moved on.

- Where are you now?

- In my apartment.

Secretly, I've been hoping
for this morning

for quite some time now.

Not that I hate my job.
I just find it very strenuous

and emotionally unstabilizing.

- All right, guys. Soak it up,
because this is it.

- I know. That's right.
- Back to reality.

- Kelley, if I could tear you
away from your pedicure...

- Ha!
- Get this anchor up

and out of here, last time.

- Roger that, Cap.
All right, coming up.

- Back to the dock we go.

- Stopper's off.
- Stopper's off, Cap.

- When somebody's shouldering
all the responsibility

at the deck like Kelley was
and then he gets

somebody like Nico
that he can delegate to,

now he can hold Nico

And I think that's
good motivation for Kelley.

- Anchor is home and secure
for the last time.

- Roger that.
Time to leave.

- I'm on f---ing fire today.
Like a f---ing matador.

- Me too.
- I know you are, baby,

and that's why I love
working with you.

- I know. Same.

Ladies, we have
a spinach and feta frittata.

- Wow.
- My goodness.

- Wow.
- Wow.

- Deck crew, deck crew, Kate.
- Go for deck crew.

- Hey, Kelley, I saw
some guests in the Jacuzzi.

Can you make sure that one of
your crew puts towels up there?

- Towels are
already up here.

- I'm gonna grab the pump 'cause
we're gonna deflate the fenders

since we don't need them

All right, so...
- Yeah?

- Kyle, are you sure that's
better if it's behind your back?

- Lauren, do you think behind
the back is the better way?

So you're facing it.

- I think facing--
yeah, facing it's better.

- Yeah, it's better
to face things.

I hate being the bad guy.

And I especially hate when
people that I've been nice to

put me in that position.

- Dude, Kate is, like,
hating on me today.

Do you know why?
- I really don't.

- She was giving me
some 'tude this morning.

I'm like, "What the f---
did I say?"

- Whoo!
- Cheers.

- To good life girls.

- Let's make this look good.

- Let's do this.
- You ready for this one?

Pull, pull, pull.

- Shut this bitch down
for the last time.

Well done, deck crew.
Thank you.

- Thanks, Cap.

Got it, girl?

- All crew, I need everybody
on the aft deck in ten.

- That's from her being a bitch.

- I don't want to go.
- It's been a pleasure.

Thank you.

You girls have been awesome.
Thank you.

- Thank you so much. Mwah.
- Pleasure meeting you all.

- You guys are amazing.

- Yay!
- Thank you. Thank you.

- You're welcome.

I feel very liberated
and excited

and slightly sad.

It was a really lovely charter
to end on,

but you can get them
off the boat now.

- On behalf of all the women,
we wanted to thank you.

It's been--
I'm gonna get emotional.

This crew has been

It's just been such an honor
and a pleasure.

I want to give this to you.

- Thank you.
- One more hug before we go.

Thank you.

- Thanks.
- Bye.

- Okay, I need everybody
in the crew mess now.

- Whoo, whoo, whoo!

- I have here the last tip.

There's 16 grand
to be divvied up.

Not too bad.

- $16,000?
I will take that all day long.

It was a good amount
to end the charter season on.

- You guys are going out
this evening,

but before that,
I need you guys to bust your ass

the rest of the day.

Get this boat in better shape

than it was when we got it.

So, we need to get busy, okay?

- Yay!
- Thanks, Cap.

- Yay.

You're funny.

- Nico and Lauren.
Nico and Lauren.

- Go ahead.
- Can you bring me

all of your epaulet shirts

- Absolutely.
We'll do that right now.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

And if you'll just have a seat.

So, we've got Nico.
- Thank you.

- Okay. If you'll
just have a seat as well.

Nico and Lauren
have given me no option

but to give them bitch face
code black.

There is something
I want to talk about,

and I don't want it
to ruin our night out.

- Yeah?
- But I have overheard

discussions y'all have had.

This boat's not that big.
- About what?

- When the master night

I didn't say anything
to anyone.

The captain found it on his own.

- Does anybody know
anything about it?

- I know all the deckhands
were in here,

and then Ben joined them.

You know, I kind of, like,
had your back,

because I don't rat out my crew.
- Hey, whoa.

- I'm not done. I'm not done.
- Let's just stop, Kate.

- I'm not done. No.

- This is a one-way

- No. You can respond
when I'm finished.

I don't appreciate
when I gave you

generous permission to use it,

then you turning on me
and assuming the worst of me.

- You're right. Is there
anything else you need from me?

- That's all I wanted
to talk about.

- Great.
- Thank you.

- I'm glad we cleared the air,

Enjoy the rest of your evening.

- Did you ever think
I was the one

that told the captain
about the bathroom?

- Well, I guess it was assumed.

- Yeah, it was. Wrongly.

- I apologize.

- It's just very disappointing.

At least say to my face
what you say to everybody else.

Okay. Thanks.

All she can say is,
"I'm sorry,"

and leave with her tail
between her legs.

- I got a job to do.
This is my last day here.

Not gonna sit in here
and argue,

and you're not gonna ruin
my day.

You want to go out in a bang,
do it with someone else.

- Best way to handle it.
- Yeah.

- I'm staying the f---
out of it.

She's not taking it out on me.

Have at it, you guys. You just
made an enemy you don't want.

- So happy!

- Let's get this party
started, baby.

- Looks faster here.

- Ashley's here.

- There he is. There he goes.
- Where?

- In the boat.
- Why'd he let me walk

straight past it?

- Hey, Kyle!

- Hi, ass face.

- Me and Ashley
are from Manchester.

We voice our opinion.
We f---ing talk about it.

- I just thought you'd be ready
for me to arrive and not just--

- I was in the middle of
a speedboat lesson, to be fair.

Do you know what I mean?

- Yeah, but you knew
what time I was coming.

- No, I didn't.
- I just thought you'd at least

be a little bit
prepared for me to arrive.

- I just--'cause I said--

the thing is the--
- Hi.

- If you're being an assh*le,
you're an assh*le.

You have a fight about it,
we'll have a fight about it.

That's just how we communicate.
It just works that way.

- Profile's a bit behind.



- East England!
- Yeah!

Get loose!

- Yes!

- The end-of-season night out
is always going to be

one of the best.

- Hi.
- Hi, baby.

- Such a nice blazer.
Where'd you get it?

- Somewhere nice.
- I can tell. I love that store.

- This is a great opportunity
to make amends with Kate,

who is a great friend of mine,

especially since we're
not working together anymore!

- Get loose.

- Yes!

- Thank you, gorge.

- Coming up...

- Are you okay?
- No, I'm not f---ing okay.

I don't like working
with you anymore.

- All right,

let's turn it up, brah.

- Thank you so much.


- An amazing season
and great crew.

- We're all feeling
a bit loose,

and, um, time to get f---ed up.

- Wagyu beef sliders. Yes.

- Will you pass the soy
and the teacup?

Thanks, hon. Cheers.

- Ben, how did you get it
down to the bone like that?

- It's the first time
I've eaten, like, unashamedly.

I could just eat this all night.

- You should make it.
- I can make it.

So good.

- I'm gonna be excused
for a few minutes.

- The Ben and Kate situation
is confusing.

I don't want to get
more involved with Ben

if there is something
still there,

'cause clearly they're
best friends again.

- They've gone off
for a couple of minutes.

- Do you want to go
for a stroll?

- Yeah.

- It's just there's been so much
that's gone on

between himself and Kate,

and, like, it's confusing me,
'cause from what I've heard

and what I'm seeing
and experiencing,

I don't completely know
where they stand together

and where we stand.

- I think you should
give Ben a chance.

Like, you should give him
the chance

for you guys to get
to know each other.

It's good to talk to him and
get it out and fix the problem.

- I feel like I can't go on
throughout the evening

without saying something
to Ben about it.

- You know, you look really sexy
in that dress, baby.

- Um, I like seeing
who you are with Kate tonight,

'cause it's so amazing
how your work relationship

is so different.

It's the best I've seen you
get on the whole season tonight.

- Well, that's
'cause we're not working.

- No, I know you're not working,
but it threw me

how, like, you can switch
so rapidly like that.

- Ems.
- Yeah?

- It's fine. There's no need
to diagnose this.

I don't ever really like
talking about Kate,

because usually
it just pisses me off.

Unfortunately now Emily's
in the middle

of all of this emotion,

and I don't really know
how to deal with it.

- Would you rather
just me hate her forever?

- No.
- Is that what it is?

- Not at all. It's just
that I don't understand

why you're--defen--
you're defensive--

- Okay, well, then I'm gonna
go back to the bar

and I'm gonna be
really mean to her.

- Just for you.

- The truth is, we are
better off as friends

than colleagues, okay?

I know that now.

She talks to me
like she's my boss.

She brings out
a certain person in me

that I don't want to be.

And if you must demand
these questions,

then I will answer you.

I was actually hoping for you

to have had a better grasp
of the situation.

- No. That's fine.

- I'm confused
as to whether this is right

and whether I want to be treated
like this by someone.

- You're the reason
why I'm here.

You pushed me to be here.

You are who I am. You made me
comfortable about my sexuality.

And that's my beer.
It doesn't matter

how much you suck my d---, love,

that's my f---ing beer,
all right?

I love Ashley--
the only person who's ever

given me the time of day

She's always been there for me.

I think now is the time
to take things up a notch.

Well, the fact that you've
come out here means more to me.

You wouldn't have come out here

if you didn't f---ing
give a sh--.

So, I just thought this would be
the appropriate time.


- My God!
- Yeah.

- F--- it.
Let's just get married.

- Yes!

- Yeah!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Save it for the wedding night!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- We're English.
We take it easy, boys.

All right, we take it easy.

- How was your walk?

- What?
- How was your walk?

- Fine.

- Fine? Are you okay?

- No, I'm not f---ing okay.

- What's the matter?

Heh. Are you joking?

- No, I'm not joking.

- What's the matter?
I--I'm sorry to laugh,

but what's the matter.
- I need a f---ing drink.

- Okay. Here.

- All right, fine.
I'll tell you.

Do you want me to tell you?

- Yeah.

- I don't like working
with you anymore.

- I don't like working

with you anymore.

- Great.
- We're better off with friends.

Okay? That's it.

- Well, we finished work today,

- All right, well, I don't like
working with you. Done.

- I don't like working
with you that much either.

- Fine.

- I don't...care...

- Good.
- How you feel.

- Good. 'Cause I don't
give a f--- either.

- I think the booze is talking.
I think Ben's talking.

And I'm tired
of hearing all of it.

Well, I--
- I'm pissed off

that Ems just came and f---ing
completely grilled me

about our relationship.

- You know what? I don't
even like being around you.

- Good.

- That was so rude,
I can not even handle it.

Ben is so self-destructive,
it's embarrassing.

What a great end to the season.
What the hell happened?

This was supposed to be
a fun night.

- All right, lads.
I'm going to bed.

- Yeah, mate.
- Take it easy.

- Me and Ashley
get the guest cabin.

- What a night, man.

It was all going so well.

I was being a f---ing tool bag,
all right?

So I was just a f---ing d*ck,

- Yeah.

- It's the truth, though,
isn't it?


- Kate?

- What?
- Hi.

- Get out of here with that.

- Listen, babe.
I'm sorry

for talking out of turn
last night.

I shouldn't have said
what I said.

I'm just sorry if I ruined
your evening last night.

- Look at you, Ben.

You're coming to my room again

thinking you can sweet-talk
your way out of it.

It's just so typical.

- We've come a long way

and I value our friendship.

And I just f---ing love you,
Kate, all right?

And I'll always be here for you.

- Okay. Thank you.
- All right?

- I think Ben wants to believe

that our friendship
is salvageable,

but for me, it's not.

- Can I have a hug?

I'll see you soon, all right?

- You're so go-getter.

You don't give a f---,
but in, like, a respectful way.

You just radiate fun
and, like, positivity

and loyalty, and you're
easily one of the,

like, closest best friends
I've ever made

in such a small period of time.

We're just, you know, rock solid
soul mate best friends.

- Come on, now.

Wow, seriously, you know I feel
the same exact way to you.

- It's not like
a romantic situation,

but, you know,
who knows for the future?

- Laurico, baby.
- Ay-ay-ay-ay!

- Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, wah!

- Take care and good luck.
- Thank you so much.

- You're welcome.
- Thank you. Thanks, Cap.

From strangers to becoming
such amazing friends

with such beautiful people,

it's very sad to leave.

See you, hon.

- Said the Wicked Witch
of the West.

- Did you have a good season?
- I did.

- Yeah.

It takes a certain amount

of thick skin to work on boats,

and I'm not sure
Sierra has that.

- It was fun.
- Yeah, it was most of the time.

- Yeah.
- Sorry. I'm not sorry.

- Thank you, Kate...
- Yeah--pardon?

- For everything.
- My pleasure. You too.

Thank you.
- Bye.

- Bye.

- I'm proud of myself

for keeping
a positive mental attitude.

I'm out!

Later, dudes.

But if there's anything
this season has taught me,

it's that I need to toughen up

and not be so nice.

- You've been,
like, my right-hand man.

I'm gonna f---ing hate
to lose you.

- Yeah.

- But one good thing I'm not
gonna lose you as is a friend.

- Yeah.
Working with Kelley is

very difficult at times.

But it's like,
"Kelley, I f---ing hate you.

Now I love you.
You're like my brother."

- Nico!
- Cap.

- It was a pleasure
having you on board.

I think you have a good future
in this industry.

- Wow. Thank you.
- Stay focused.

Keep your eye
on the prize that you want.

- You know, I'm ready to go home
and do whatever I want,

you know?

Go cut the grass.

That's a weird term.

Ask a yachtie about that

and see if they know
how to do it.

It's honestly been a pleasure.

I appreciate you so much
for everything.

- Take care.
- Okay, Cap.

If I could do one thing

it was at least made out
with one of the stewardess.

I mean, at least one.

Come on.

- Keep it real?

- Keep the dream alive.

Uno, dos, tres, quatro,
cinco, ses,

siete, ocho, nueve, diez.

- Thank you. Gracias.

I think she's all right.
My kind of person.

Doesn't suffer fools gladly.

I'm gonna miss you.
- I'm gonna miss you a lot.

- I'll see you again,
though, right?

- Absolutely.
Manchester wedding?

You have to come.

- You are a legend.

Thank you for your hard work.

You're the man.
Do the can-can.

- Love you, man.

Make sure you get laid.

- Take it easy, brother.
- I will, bud.

F---, this sucks.

- How was it for you?
- It was good.

And I actually, you know,
watched how you led the stews,

and I tried to emulate that.

I'm not quite as good
as you yet.

- I think Kelley
did an amazing job.

He was given a very difficult
crew to work with,

and I know what that feels like.

- I'm gonna miss you.

I'm sure I'll see you
in Lauderdale.

I'll have to make
a special trip.

- Definitely.
- Okay.

- All right.
- Bye.

- Bye.

Hey, Cap'n.
- Kel. It's that time, buddy.

- It is.
It is, unfortunately.

Cap, I just wanted to say I came
here to try to redeem myself

from how I handled last season.

- How do you think
that went for you?

- I think I did better.

- I came here to try

to redeem myself.

- How do you think
that went for you?

- I think I did better.

I still think I got
a lot to work on,

and I think you pointed out
a lot of it.

And I just want
to say thank you.

- Two years ago
when we did this song and dance,

it had some ugly moments...

- Yes, sir.
- To say the least.

But the amount
that you have progressed

in the last couple of years
I think is incredible.

- The words coming out of
Captain Lee's mouth right now

shocked the hell out of me.

- You are an individual
I would work with again.

- Thank you.
That means a lot to me.

I would definitely come back
and work for you in a heartbeat.

- I appreciate that.

- Give me a hug, Captain.

Thanks, Captain Lee,
for giving me a second chance.

So, now I'm going back
to my sport fishing boat,

and I'm gonna free dive
and fish every day

in the Bahamas.

- Listen,
I'd like to apologize

for how I spoke to you
last night.

I'm sorry that I was rude,
you know?

I feel like a bit of a d*ck,

- Yes.

- I feel bad about it.
I do.

- Well, thank you
for apologizing. Thank you.

- You're the last person that I
would ever, ever want to insult.

- Thank you.
- And I think you're

really special.

- I'm very thankful
that he did that.

It made me feel better.

I'll give him another chance...

- I'm out of here.
- Okay.

I'll still be wary.

- Thank you so much
for a good season.

- I've learned so much
off you.

- Thank you.

- We did it.
- I know.

All right, my love.
- Love you. Bye!

Have a safe journey.
- Thank you.

- And send my love to Ro.

- I will.

- I'll see you soon, all right?
- See you soon. Bye-bye!

- Good-bye, hon-bun.

I feel good about our
conversation in the cabin.

She probably hates me,
but I do like her.

I'm gonna try
and make a go of it.

I'm gonna give it
everything I can.

This season, I think
being in a relationship

and still being able
to do my job

was probably more
than I could chew.

But I think I did okay with it.

I'm not talking ten out of ten.

Maybe a solid seven, though,

which is great, 'cause there's
room for improvement.

- Hi!
- Hi, kiddo.

You did exceptionally well
this year.

- Thank you.
- And I'm gonna miss you.

- I'm gonna miss you too.

I'm really looking forward
to having a normal life.

I'm gonna get a dog.
I'm gonna get a condo.

- Hey, Kate,

you still look like the guest,

not the chief stew.

- Aw, thank you!

The reason I joined yachting
was I wanted to never have

a dull moment in life, so I'm
not sure what's gonna happen

after I walk off this boat,

but I'll be back.

- This year
was exceptionally tough.

- My God.
- Come over here.

- Yeah.
- So I can rip

your f---ing head off.

We had a lot of obstacles
thrown in our way.

- Yo, dude, get the f---
out of the--

get the f--- out of the car!

- Good job, senior deck hand.

- You guys are over the reef.

- God bless my back fat.

- I can come at you
however the f--- I want.

- You know what? Do it!
- But the bottom line is,

the guests left happy...
- I love you.

- We made a ton of money...
- Wow.

- Boo-yah.
- And ultimately,

that's what we're here for.
- I hear that.

- Let's get weird.
- That's so good!

- Without a doubt,

I still have the best damn job
in the world.
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