14x07 - The Daytona Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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14x07 - The Daytona Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

on RuPaul's Drag Race...

You need to create
unforgettable looks

using only the materials
found in these packages.

I really just wanna
coordinate an outfit

with, like, the little,
like, blow-up doll.


Jasmine Kennedie.

I think this look
needs to breathe.

Maddy Morphosis.

It's just kind of hard
to look at.

- Jorgeous.
- Baby, you turned it.

Con-drag-ulations. You are the
winner of this week's challenge.

I definitely don't think
it's top material.

Jasmine Kennedie,
shantay you stay.

Maddy, sashay away.

Oh, well, that was easy.

- All right.
- Girl.

I am very happy
seeing Maddy's message,

just because I did
what I said I was gonna do,

and I wasn't lying when I said
I was gonna send you home, girl.

I sent you home.

"Don't be afraid to be yourself.

Be kind and be stupid."

- Yes, Maddy!
- Yay, Maddy!

Hey, I don't feel...

Like, we clearly had a moment.

- Yes.
- We had a moment.

I hope you give the second-best
lip sync of the night.

I'm not worried
about this lip sync.

- You should.
- About what?

Like, why you should
be worried about me?

You're in the bottom as well.

I'm going to destroy you
in this lip sync.

Set your f*cking cocktail down,

because I am not worried,

I think I needed to lip sync.

I feel like I show myself
best when I'm performing.

Jasmine, you did k*ll
that lip sync.

It was, like, so hot.

I think Jasmine right now
is feeling invigorated.

This was her first time
being in the bottom,

and she had talked a big game

about being a good lip syncer,
and she did deliver.

I mean, we were all,
like, holy shit.

Maddy, we all love you.

Yes, we love you, Maddy!

Now clean that damn mirror.

I think she also has to be happy

that she gets to have
the last word

after that fight with Maddy.

We know Jasmine
needs the last word.

You guys all know, like,
I was excited as f*ck

because I was, like,
in the top last week,

and so this week I was,
like, okay, here we go.

Here we go! Aah!

I, of course,

have more of a fire
under my ass now.

So watch the f*ck out, everyone.


congratulations, Jorgeous.

Oh, my God! Thank you.

It feels like I'm, like, here.

Like, I made my mark,
I made my stamp.

You did.

I am very proud of you,

That is the sexiest napkin

I've ever seen
go down the runway.

Come on, bitch, get out!


I don't think Jorgeous
deserved to be in the top,

and when I see her
getting all this praise

and then I'm just safe,

it just feels like a little bit
of a slap in the face.

I am not happy to be safe.

I spent time making the base,

I spent time making
little accessories,

I spent time making
f*cking glasses. Whatever.

Sorry to the girls that
glued stuff onto a bodysuit,

but it's like
I felt like I did a lot

compared to some other
people, so...

- Name names.
- Yeah.

I mean, Jorgeous.

Yes, it was... it was...
It was just fabric.

I created a garment
from literally nothing,

so I did think I was
at least gonna be in the top.

If you wanted the judges'
critiques that bad, bitch,

they could have read you,

because you did
the same makeup last week.

And at least my costume
didn't have f*cking wrinkles

in the damn yellow part, girl.

You didn't think to
steam out those bedsheets

before stepping out
on the main stage, girl?

Like, really?

I'm sorry if I hurt
anybody's feelings,

but that's just how I felt.

That's my emotions,
I'm sticking to it,

and I'll just have to beat
your all's asses next week.

Trust me, I am 100% focused.

I think Jorgeous is a little
irritated with me right now.

Maybe I'm not giving her

all the praise that
she thinks she deserves,

but she just won $5.000

and a big congratulations
from RuPaul,

so why does she need it from me?

- Jorgeous, congratulations.
- Thank you so much.

What's wrong, though?
You don't seem happy.

Yeah, I'm, like...
It's so annoying.

Yes, I won, but it just
makes it seem like

I didn't work as hard
as other people did.

I did put my all into,
like, this f*cking look.

Girl, doubt me
all y'all want, bitch.

I'm just gonna do me because,
bitch, I came here to win.

Your drag is not the same
as anybody else's,

so if someone's mad
that it's a "napkin,"

that's their problem, not yours.

It just was, like, y'all
are so mad, bitch, do better.

Daya is jealous,
and I think she is boo-boo hurt

because she was not in the top,

and, girl, she shouldn't
have been in the top.

Girl, step it up
and stop being a sourpuss

and stop giving Crystal Methyd.

I made a garment from scratch!



♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

The winner of RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a grand prize of $100.000,
powered by Cash App.

With extra-special guest judge
Ts Madison.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best drag queen win ♪

♪ Best drag queen win ♪

- Ooh, thank you!
- Pretty fine, baby.

Another day in the werkroom.

After the last challenge,

Daya was making me feel

like I didn't deserve the win.

But today, I don't give a damn.

I won, and I could build
on that.

This is the confidence
that I needed,

and I'm so happy right now.

How are you guys feeling,

- Good!
- Good, bitch!

Yeah, I know you feeling good.

Oh, yes, ma'am!

Congratulations, Miss Jorgeous.

Oh, yes, f*ckin' ma'am.

I'm like, oh, my God,
I won a challenge.

Like, who am I?

And I know some girls
didn't agree

with me being in the top,
but it's okay.

All that matters
is what the judges say, baby.

Yes, exactly.

I just wanted to apologize
to Jorgeous,

because I felt like
me complaining

about not being in the top
overshadowed you and your win.

I know I upset you.

It was just frustrating,
because it didn't feel like

I was supposed to, like, win
and all this stuff, you know?

Because, like... because I did
work hard on my outfit, and...

I genuinely love you
and care about you as a friend,

so as a friend, congratulations.

I hope you accept my apology,

and just know that I love you
and I'm very proud of you.

This apology Daya
is giving to Jorgeous

is faker than my breastplate.

Ooh, girl!

She done already
done had herses.

- Girl, come on.
- Time.

My queens.

- Hello!
- To be part of my dynasty,

you need to put the "D"
in "Alice,"

the "B" in
the "Old and the Beautiful,"

and the "Y" in the
"Hung and the Restless."

Remember, as the stomach turns,

so do the gays of our lives.

Well, me and Daya definitely
put the "D" in "Dynasty."

- Uh-huh.
- Ha-ha.

It's definitely another
design challenge.

Oh, bitch!

Hello, hello, hello!

She's colorful, bitch!


- Hey!
- Hello!

We are almost halfway through
the race officially.

So if you wanna make it
to the winner's circle,

now is the time to put
the pedal to the what?

- Metal!
- Metal!

That's right.

For this week's maxi-challenge,

you'll be starring
in the new Drag Race drama,

The Daytona Wind.

This sizzling soap opera

centers around three rival
Drag Race dynasties:

- the Davenports...
- Ooh.

The O'Haras...

and the Michaels.

I'm thinking, great,
I do go to acting school,

not to put any pressure
on myself here.

But I'm kind of excited.

And later today
you will film your scenes

with one of the most
demanding directors

working in Hollywood today.

Oh, shit.

And that son of a bitch...

is me.

I'm scared.

Now, in a moment you'll receive
the script for The Daytona Wind.

Jorgeous, you won
the maxi-challenge last week,

so you are in charge
of assigning the roles.

- Ooh!
- Oh!



Oh, so I get to pick
the roles this time.

I can't wait to see
how this turns out.

Ooh! Scripts.

I'm gonna pass them out
for y'all ho's.

This week's maxi-challenge

is to be acting
in a Drag Race drama,

Daytona Wind,

which is like
a soap opera challenge.

Dang, those are thick.

That's a full movie script
right there.

Jorgeous gets to assign
the roles,

and my first thought is,
oh, shit, here we go.

Okay, well, I just
wanna first off say,

like, I don't want y'all
to, like...

I don't wanna give y'all,
like, a f*cked-up part,

so, like, whatever part
that y'all want,

like, we'll talk about it,

and if y'all have the same,
like, parts that y'all want,

then we'll go from there.

Because if y'all fail,
that's gonna be on y'all.

It's not gonna be on me, bitch.

Just saying.

Like, that's the part
she wanted, bitch, so...

I think that Jorgeous
handling it this way

is the best political decision
she can make.

And ultimately, she's going
to still get who she wants,

which is the whole
important part.

I feel like we should, like,
read through it a little bit.

First off, we're going to
figure out what the roles are

and how many lines they have.

Oh, my God.

I know.
It's a lot of words.

This is a lot of shit.

I think the strongest roles
are gonna be the mothers,

but they also
have the most lines.

So the really small, little
roles with a few little words

are a potential win,

because you can do
something crazy with them,

and possibly
get a really big payout.

Anybody have any ideas
on what they wanna do?

I'd like
Hattie Ruth O'Hara's spot.

Hattie Ruth.

The meddlesome
sister/town gossip.

I talk a lot.

I really wanna be
Sierra Michaels,

the sweet girl from
the other side of the tracks.

I know I'm
the oldest bitch, but...

That's who I wanted to be, too.

Oh, really? Well, then obviously
I'm not getting Sierra.

- Okay, great.
- Okay.

Jorgeous is like,
"Whatever you want, take it.

Just not Sierra, bitch."

Okay, bitch? Legit.

Moving on, I wanted Sierra,
but I'm down for Maggie.


Can I put down for Fancy,

- Fancy?
- A glamorous older woman.

That speaks to me.

I think I'd like to do Deandra.

I personally am very fixated
on the bride,

the daughter of
the richest girl in Daytona.

Bitch, that's very you.
That's very you, bitch.

Willow, I don't know
what stands out to you, bitch,

but you kind of give me, like,

one of the Spring Break sisters.

I think it would be funny

if one of the Spring Break girls
was short and, like, little,

and then the other
was huge and tall.

- So you two?
- I'm slow at reading, I'm like...

f*ck. Like,
everyone around me

is just, like, yes, I want
this role, I want that role.

Oh, this is so you, girl.
Oh, my God, this is me.

And I'm like, what?

I'm not even past page one.
f*cking hell.

So does everybody have lines?

- Not Camden.
- Not Camden.

What's the last role
for Camden, then?

It would have to be Leona.

So are you cool with Leona...

- Um...
- Lady Camden?

I'm down with Leona.

The scene, like, the only one
I've read, I'm like, okay.

Okay, I'll take Leona.

f*ck, I hope it's a good role.

Yay. So we got it all together.

- Yes!
- That was easy.

Is everybody happy
with their roles?

- Yes.
- Yes.

Hopefully someone's
looking out for me

up there in the universe,

because I have no idea

what I'm about
to start portraying.

Lady Camden, we get to kiss!

- Oh, yes!
- That's a dream came true!

Tune in next time

for more rip-roaring drama
on Daytona Wind.

- Yes!
- Whoo!

I'm really excited
about this challenge,

because I love any opportunity

to just get to showcase
some wacky character,

and I've definitely been
itching for another win.

I'm ready to take
my rightful place

on the throne again.

- I love these roles.
- These are cute.

Should we be stereotypical
blonde bimbo, or...

I think I'm definitely
gonna go blonde.

They said it's, like,
Spring Breaky girls.


Once again, this challenge,
my goal is to not be safe.

At this point, I just need the
judges to freaking notice me.

- Mama Michaels?
- Mama Michaels?

Okay, we need to play that up.

Yeah, I think we should
synchronize, like...

- Mama Michaels?
- Mama Michaels?

One of us could go up
and one of us could go down.

- Like Mama Michaels?
- Mama Michaels?

Willow and Daya
are playing sisters.

They're having a lot of fun

working out, like,
the different voices.

My character
is only in one scene.

Am I the mama or the grandma?

I think I'm the grandma.

You're not a grandma,
you're just old.

I immediately see
that the role is written

as, like,
a Joan Collins character,

as told by Fancy,
as sung by Reba.

I feel really confident
in this role,

because I know how this
character needs to be played.

My character's obviously based
on, like, Fancy from Reba,

so I'm giving myself,
like, the Reba lip.

I have, like, no upper lip on.

I wanna see if I can find
a Reba wig somewhere in here.

Forget it. I don't want
your sloppy seconds!

- Hush yourself, little girl!
- Oh!

There will be a wedding today.

My group is feeling the fantasy.

We're embodying the characters.

A loose woman like you
in love with an O'Hara?

Being dramatic and crazy,

and, like, what happened?
Who did that? Why?

Should we try, just try,

to do it without reading
our scripts?

- Yes. Absolutely.
- Or no?

There she is,
the blushing bride Deandra.

Just smell the magnolias.


I forgot the last part.

"And get a load of that."

And get a no...

And get a... oh, f*cking shit.

Load. That's the word.

The biggest concern I have
for this challenge

is memorizing these lines.

I have a big load.

Now listen here,
and listen good.

The O'Haras
and the Davenports... sorry.

The Davenports and the O'Haras
have had this wedding...

Oh, m*therf*cker.

Have been planning this wedding.

Yes. The Davenports
and the O'Haras

have been planning this wedding

since you two were knee-high,
bigger than a spark plug.

Is it bigger?

It's "knee-high
to a spark plug."

I have a lot of lines,

and my brain, especially
in a stressful environment,

just kind of goes 50.000
different directions.

I have something to say.

She had all of our lines.

She knows our lines
better than we do.

I may be loose
and I may be a woman,

but I love Dieso O'Hara... Diesel.

I need to bring it
this acting challenge,

because, girl, the last two
acting challenges

where we had to speak,
bitch, I was awful.

I just came from a win,

and, bitch, if I'm in the bottom
this week,

I'm gonna be devastated.

It is time to sh**t
The Daytona Wind with RuPaul.

I'm freaking out right now,

because Michelle and Carson
is one thing, baby,

but RuPaul is an entirely
different ballgame.

- Hi, ladies.
- Hello!

How many of you
know who Joan Collins is?


Okay, well, Joan Collins
has taught us

that acting
isn't about feelings.

Acting is all about
your camera angle.

Those people out there,

those people in the dark,
watching you,

maybe with a fistful of lotion.

That's what we are doing.

Are you ready to do some acting?

- Yes.
- Yes.

So the first scene
is the Davenports,

and the other ones can sit down.
Places, everybody.

And you other girls, please
listen to all this direction.

So my, Kerri, and Jorgeous'
group are up first.

That's an extreme amount
of pressure.

Everyone else behind us

can just learn
from our mistakes,

so that's an advantage.

Going first?
Not an advantage.

Now, take your time
and have fun. Action!

What a gorgeous day
for a wedding.

Just smell the magnolias.

Cut. Remember, it's Florida.

It's hot, it's humid.

I want you to give me

the strongest Southern accent
you can muster up.

I mean, pour it on.
A stupid pour-it-on.

Can I hear a little bit
of your Southern accent?

What a gorgeous day
for a wedding.

You're from California,
aren't you?

You're saying everything
with the same cadence.

- Put some feeling into it.
- Okay.

Take some air in, break up
some of those sentences.


And action!

The Davenports and the O'Haras
have been planning this wedding.

There will be a wedding today.

Bitch, all of a sudden you're
just back to speaking normal?

What is going on?

Even if I have to marry you.
Even if I...

She's losing
her Southern accent.

Have to marry you myself.

All right, great.
So we're moving on.

Oh, Mother, I just can't go
through with the wedding today.

Drag it out more.
Say, "Oh, Mother Davenport."

Take a deep breath, let it out,

and then say the next line.

Those pauses are very important.

Okay, here we go. Action.

Oh, Mother Davenport...

I just can't go through
with the... wedding today.

I love it!

- Girls, did you see that?
- Yes.

That's what you're doing.

Let's move on to Jorgeous.

Coming through that door

is a perfect opportunity
to make an entrance.

Can we get some soap opera
looks, the...

This is the Joan Collins
school of acting, darling.

- Okay, I got you.
- Yeah.

Oh, shit.

Uh-oh. Action.

I will not be silenced.



More drama!

The telenovelas
that my mom be watching,

girl, they're super dramatic,
and they're, like, ee, ee, ee!

So I'm just trying to sell it
as much as I can.

Where is my car?

Did I leave the oven on?

I feel like I'm doing good.

I feel like I'm doing better
than the other girls.

I'm not gonna lie.

Where is my purse?

Wait. This isn't my purse.

Did I steal someone's purse?

All right, cut.

Oh, you just never know,

because I could be
feeling good right now,

but then when we see it,

I'm like, oh, shit,

I was the booger of the group.

All right, next set of girls.

I am dying at Jasmine's outfit.

She looks like the spitting
image of Alyssa Edwards,

so it's just glorious.


Hattie Ruth, it's almost time
for the wedding.

What took you so long?

You're not gonna
wanna hear this.

I heard that your son
Diesel O'Hara

was seen necking
with that Michaels girl.

Cut. Read that to me.

You're not gonna
wanna hear this.

Or should I do...

Well, just try
some different things.

Okay. You're not
gonna wanna hear this.

You've got some juicy gossip.

Feel it a different way.

Do you do a Southern accent
at all?

- I can if you want.
- Let me hear it.

You're not gonna
wanna hear this.

I love it already.

I'm about to burst.

What's wrong?

I heard about your son,

who's about to get married
in this very room,

was seen necking
at the racetrack

with that Michaels girl.

The Michaels
are nothing but trash.


Cut. You are just ridiculous.

Thank you!

Jasmine is so funny.

This is O'Hara's property.

I can't believe my ears!

Lightning has struck
in the most unlikely of places.

Jasmine is somehow
so f*cking terrible at acting

that it has turned itself around

and become my favorite thing
I have ever seen.

Cut. All right, moving on.

Hold up, hold up, hold up.

I guess our invites
got lost in the email.

The Michaels have been silent
for way too long.

Our little sister is in love
with Diesel O'Hara.

I love these Michaels girls.


Y'all are really stupid.

You know, Willow, Daytime Emmy.

Bitch, it's on.

I want this win

if not just as much as you,
probably more than you do.

Listen up,
you hoity-toity Davenports,

because we have
something to say.

Nice, Daya.
Love that voice, Fantastic.

Thank you.

- Very, very trashy.
- Thanks.

I hope Daya
breaks her safe streak,

but if one if the sisters
is gonna be in the top,

I want it to be me, obviously.

Moving on.

Bosco really does
look like Reba,

and I'm, like,
oh, shit, Reba, hey!

I'm here to clear the air.


So leave the hat on.
It's a Dynasty thing.

You leave the hat,

and then you slowly lift up
to reveal who you are,

- because it's a big...
- Okay.

I'm here to clear the air.

This wedding can't go on

because Deandra Davenport
and Diesel O'Hara are...


And sister!

I know!

That is what I just told them.

That's great. Cut.


What brings you
on this side of the track?

I think you know, Maxine.

Don't let history repeat itself.

Don't stand in the way
of true love.

Not again.

And cut.
Very good, Lady Camden.

- You think? You think?
- Yes.

I was gonna keep going.

You were very captivating
in that scene.

Okay, great!

f*cking hell, Ru just said
that I was captivating!

I'm gonna remember that forever.


Don't stand in the way
of true love.

You know what they say.

You know what they say.

Oh, what'd they say?

Camden is doing
a really, really good job,

and I'm kind of
feeling, like, okay, girl,

like, I hope I'm looking just
as good as she is in this scene.

Not again.


I'm in the scene with this ho,

so I'm, like, girl,
I got something to live up to.

I am shaking in my boots
right now.

Angeria, feel the words.

Lots of different
emotions, lots.

Got it.

Maxine O'Hara, do you hear that?

That's my heart beating.

Leona, stop!

I'm doing this in this moment.

And cut.

All right, ladies,
I think we got it.

Thank you so much.

Give yourselves
a big round of applause.

Maybe it's not as bad as
I'm thinking it is right now.

Maybe I'm honestly
just getting in my head.

But I think Angie
is having her first off week.

It's time to paint the face.


Today on the runway,
it's our first opportunity

to see how the video Daytona
actually turned out.

I'm so excited.

Glue my brows, do my face,
da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da.

I'm excited to see what happens.

Honestly, I just excited
to see the playback.

Well, I'm a little scared.

I don't feel the best right now.

I could see it
in your face yesterday.

You were feeling a little...

You were very quiet yesterday.

Yeah, and, bitch, you know
I ain't never quiet.

That's why it was shocking,

because that was the first time
I've seen you quiet.

Yeah. It was just
a lot of emotions.

Angeria has been doing so well,

and I think she just
needs to make sure

that she doesn't crack
under the pressure.

I think the thing that Angie
struggles with the most

is just always thinking
about the worst case scenario.

I don't know if she always knows
how freaking special she is.

So have you forgiven me yet?

Because you know
I'm obsessed with you,

but at the same time,
we are here...

- For a competition.
- To f*cking win.


And especially because
I have been safe.

- Yeah.
- And which is fine,

because I'm not complaining
about still being safe,

but kinda.

- Right.
- But you know what I'm saying?

It's just more
of my competitiveness

than not wanting
my friend to succeed.


You know what I'm saying?

I have to say, being in
a competition setting

doesn't necessarily bring out

the best parts
of my personality.

- Oh, yeah.
- Like, so I get that.

What happens if Jorgeous
is in the top

and you're safe this week?

I'm not gonna sit on anything.

That is not
what I heard about you.

The theme of this week's
runway is Chaps.

Ladies, how are we feeling about
this night's runway, Chaps?

- Whoo, whoo, whoo!
- Chappy-chaps!

- Chaps is such a fun category.
- It really is.

It's a drag quintessential.

When, like,
my brain thinks of chaps,

I'm thinking,
like, leather daddy.

I'm thinking, like, kind of
leather fetish elements.

Does anybody, like,
have any background

with, like,
the leather community?

I mean, in San Francisco,

it's basically, like,
you know, the uniform.

Well, because Folsom's
right there.

Have you ever been to Folsom,
Miss Camden?

- Oh, yes, honey.
- Yeah? Tell me about that.

Well, I just like to go
and just observe,

window-shop here and there.


The Folsom Street Fair

is a notorious,
infamous kink festival.

Folsom is not the
corporate sponsored Pride parade

that you may see on TV.

It's a crazy fever dream
of bears, cubs,

and any other gay subspecies,
and anything goes.

People might kind of be off-put,
showing up to an event

and everyone's just, like, in
a thong and chaps kind of thing.

I feel like it's something that
we don't even bat an eye at.

Yeah, we don't even
think about it.

Of course there's some dude
dressed up as a dog.

Folsom Street Fair
is an opportunity

for people to go
and explore their sexuality,

explore who they are,

be part of the community
without judgment.

A lot of things like that
in San Francisco

are just considered sacred,

because there's not
a lot of space

for people to kind of express
who they are sexually.

It's better to be open about it
and not be scared of sex.

So wait. I've never heard
of this fair.

What's happening at the fair?

At Folsom there's literally
people, like, having full-on...


- At the fair?
- Yeah.

Bitch, I wanna go to the fair!

There is always a family
friendly version of Pride,

but I don't necessarily think

that every gay space
needs to be family-friendly.

There's some grit there,

and there needs to be space
for that grit to stay there.

I really already miss Maddy.

I know, I know.

Did y'all kiss and make up
before she, like...

He actually wrote me
a really sweet note.

Let me read it out for y'all.

"I ain't mad at ya.

"You did what you had to do.

"Also, I expect you

to show a little country girl
around the Big Apple."

- Aw!
- Aw!

You'll be able
to talk to her next week,

when you get sent home.

- Oh!
- Oh!

Someone's very confident.

That's how you've been
all the other weeks,

and look where it's gotten you.

- Oh!
- Oh!

Bitch, I've been safe.

You're the one that's been in
the bottom the past two weeks.

Right, but I don't get compared
to my drag mother.


Yes, she gets right up
in there, girl!

Listen, if you ain't
reading your friend,

it's not your true friend, okay?


♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪


Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Michelle Visage.

Now, if you could create
your own soap opera,

what would it be called?

Well, it used to be called
Santa Boobara,

but now it's The Young
and the Breastless.

Wait. Did you say "young?"


You bitch!

The hilarious Ross Mathews.

What would your soap opera
be called?

Well, of course it'd be
General Ross-pital,

but only because Gays
of Our Lives was too obvious.

Oh, yes, of course.

And queen of all social media,
Ts Madison.

Now, Maddy, what would
your soap opera be called?

Well, you know, Ru, I don't
think it would be a soap opera.

I think it'd be
a soap opera sitcom.


I Dream of Weenie.

I'm gonna give you
the green light.

This week
we challenged our queens

to serve drama in the juicy new
soap opera The Daytona Wind.

- Ooh.
- And tonight,

category is Chaps On The Runway.

Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

♪ The world is your runway ♪

Category is Chaps On The Runway?

Up first, Willow Pill.

bringing back the ponytail.


You gotta hand it to her.

I've always wanted
to do this look

that's basically, like,

the world's biggest
atomic wedgie.

It's all about sex
and silliness.

Now, you must floss twice a day.

Walking in this
is not the most comfortable,

but you know I'll do anything
to sell the whole fantasy.

Now, Michelle,
is this what they mean

by "double-fisting?"

I hope so!


Pinky Tuscadero.

I feel like just
this motorcycle hot bitch

from the early 2000s.

Very I just got kicked off
of Rock of Love

for sleeping with one of
the best boys on episode two.

Leather chaps, leather fringe,

40-inch human blonde hair.

You can't tell me shit.

Wait, wait. No, you can't
tell me a g*dd*mn thing.

I look so hot.

Isn't she a sight for pink eyes?

DeJa Skye.

This is why all
the blue cheetahs are extinct.

My goodness.

Orange you glad
she wore that hair?

My body-ody-ody is snatch.

Ass out, legs wide,

and the bottom...

And I'm talking about me...

Moves beautifully.

I am feeling every oats,
grains, wheats, thins.

I am having a blast
on the runway.

Ride a whore, save a cowboy.


Kerri Colby.

Take that, Jane Child.

She don't wanna fall in love.


When Hairy met Hairier.

Y'all already know

I love me some inches
on my hair,

and I got 90 of 'em today.

Every ounce of hair
on this outfit

is 100% human hair bundled.

I hand-dyed
each of them myself, y'all,

and I hope that y'all enjoy
every inch of me.

Ooh, honey, you betta
Chewbacca that ass up.


This ain't her first time

at the Frederick's
of Hollywood rodeo.

I think the pants
should be a size up.

My version of chaps
is very lacy, burlesquey.

It looks like I didn't pull up
my pants all the way, girl.

It's accentuating
my body so good.

And, girl, I'm giving you
my tia's hair

from back in the day,
how she used to style it,

and I'm giving you ass, titties.

I'm giving you body.

Ooh, she's got
a lace front and a lace back.

Angeria Paris VanMicheals.

- Ooh!
- Ooh!

Ring them bell-bottoms!

Come on, Darcel from Solid Gold!


I am giving you
a full, elevated disco fantasy.

Baby, I am feeling like
I am in Studio 54 right now.

Baby, I feel so lovely.

I got my bone-straight hair on.

I feel like Cher in the future.

- You know who'd love this?
- Who?

Jeffrey Bowyer-Chap-man.

Jasmine Kennedie.

I think she's schooling us.

She gettin' that Ph-D!

The concept for my Chaps look

is graduation girl
going down the runway,

feeling fierce as can be.

I am wearing
my high school colors.

Shout out, Spartans.

I'm giving something the judges
wouldn't expect from me,

and I wanted to show them that,
hey, she's campy and she's fun.

She graduated
with a BA: a big ass.

Lady Camden.


- Ooh.
- Ooh!

Oh! Uh-oh.

- You okay?
- Oh, sh**t.


This is every
drag queen's nightmare.


I'm Freddie Mercury, bitch!

I could see Ru
in my peripheral vision.

I know it's a home run, bitch.

Oh, yes, honey,
we are the champions.

I'm trying to just give you,
like, rock and roll,

masculine, sexual beast,
you know?

Which is not really me,

but it's a very
liberating feeling.

If you stay Freddie,
you ain't got to get Freddie.

Crazy little thing called drag.

Bohemian Chap-sody.


Up next, Daya Betty.

She a working girl.

Excuse me. Do you have
a businesswoman special?

C-E-oh, no, she betta don't!

I want them to see
that I'm a sophisticated woman.

She's a businesswoman

with a little bit
of a dirty secret.

I work really hard at work,

but at night, I work
even harder when I get home.

And, you know,
when you can show your ass

and it looks that good,
why not do it?

That's right, bitch.

Business on top,
whore on the bottom.

That's it.

♪ The world is your runway ♪

Welcome, ladies.

Last night
I was watching the dailies

from The Daytona Wind,

and something was missing.

I couldn't put my finger on it,

and then suddenly,
without warning,

poof, there it was.

So I'm excited to share with you

the official director's cut
of The Daytona Wind.

From mountains high
to valleys low,

there's no escaping
The Daytona Wind.

What a gorgeous day
for a wedding.

Oh, Mama!

There she is,

the blushing bride Deandra.

Just smell the magnolias!

And the peonies.

And get a load of that
night-bloomin' jasmine.


I don't think I can go through
with the wedding today.

Sounds like my baby girl
has butterflies in her stomach.

Now, y'all know damn well
I did not fart.

What the hell is this?

Well, let it out.

Here it goes.

I saw my soon-to-be wedded
husband, Diesel O'Hara,

with Sierra Michaels!

They were lovin'
on each other, Mama!

Now listen here,
and listen good.

Daytona Winds.

All of the jokes
are starting to make sense.

I will not be silenced.

I feel very stupid

for not picking up on it sooner.

I have something to say,

and I cannot hold it in
any longer.

I love Diesel O'Hara.

God, this is
so wonderfully stupid.

A loose woman like you?

Give us another Emmy, please.

Hush yourself, little girl.

There will be a wedding today,

even if I have
to marry you myself.

Will Deandra
Davenport marry Diesel?

Will Sierra Michaels
pump the brakes on true love?

And what's really eating
at Mother Maggie Davenport?


Hattie Ruth, it's almost time
for the wedding.

What took you so long?

I'm about to burst!

What's wrong?

You're not gonna
wanna hear this.

I heard your son, Diesel O'Hara,

was seen necking
with that Michaels girl.

Nobody can stop this wedding.

I bet Leona Michaels
is behind all this.

Leona Michaels
would never have the nerve

to show her face around here.

Maxine O'Hara,
as I live and breathe.

Your son Diesel

is in love
with my daughter Sierra.

I may have heard
the rumblings...

but I'm not surprised.

The Michaels are known
to be rather...


You can't stand in the way
of true love.

Not again.


You shouldn't even be here!

If you don't still love me,
tell me now!


I'll tell you this.

There will be a wedding today.

That wasn't me.

Will Maxine O'Hara
stop the wedding?

Will Leona Michaels
go another lap for love?

And will Hattie Ruth
ever run out of hot air?

Now, if anybody in here
has any objections,

speak now
or forever hold yo' peace.


Then by the powers vested in me,

I now pronounce you
husband and...

Hold up, hold up, hold up.

Now, wait a minute, bitch!

I guess our invites
got lost in the email.

Who would invite prostitutes
to a wedding?

The Michaels have been silenced
for way too long.

So listen up,
you hoity-toity Davenports!

Because we have
something to say.

Our little sister Sierra

is in love with Diesel O'Hara,

and he's in love with her.

You all are just vile creatures.

We know the awful truth

behind all you
filthy Drag Racers.

The only person who knows
our sordid family secrets

left Daytona years ago.

I'm here to clear the air.

Who... who... who's that?

That's Fancy, Fancy Michaels.

Her mama put her
in a satin dancing dress

the summer she turned 18.

I'm here to spill the tea

on all of you
Daytona hypocrites.

I would think long and hard
before you make another peep.

This land once belonged
to the Michaels clan,

but then the Davenports
stole it.

Well, I know one thing for sure.

This wedding can't go on

because Deandra Davenport
and Diesel O'Hara are...


And sister.


- Mama Michaels?
- Mama Michaels?

I regret the day I let myself

get talked out of being
with my one true lesbian love!

Maxine O'Hara,
will you finally marry me?

Do you hear that?

I said there will be
a wedding today,

and as God as my witness,
there will be.

Is this thing on?

Is this wedding on?

'Cause if not,
I need to step out

and get me some fresh air,

22 inches, bitch.

Will Leona and Maxine

live happily ever after?

Is Diesel
the only man in Daytona?

And who would invite
two prostitutes to a wedding?

Don't you mean
three prostitutes?

Tune in next time

for more rip-roaring drama
on The Daytona Wind.

That was so iconic!

Oh, my God.

It makes perfect sense now!

Wow, actresses.

Who knew you had it in you?

Ooh, Jesus.

Ladies, based on your
Daytona Wind performances

and your Chaps On The Runway

I've made some decisions.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

DeJa Skye.

Kerri Colby.

Angeria Paris VanMicheals.

Ladies, you are safe.

Oh, my God.
Thank you.

You may leave the stage.

Ladies, you represent
the tops of the week.

That's right.

You all did such an amazing job,

this week there are no bottoms.

Imagine that in West Hollywood.

- Whew.
- Okay.

Now we will determine

who are the top two queens
of the week.

And later, those two queens...

will lip sync for the win.

My, how the Daytona Winds
have shifted.

Now it's time for
the judges' critiques,

starting with Jorgeous.

This chap outfit, you ever
heard of assless chaps?


These are kind of
like chapless chaps.


I don't know much about chaps,

but I know that I want
that right there, honey.

Give it to me in a 4X.

Slide it over here.
I want it.

- Okay.
- I'm assuming you grew up

around mothers or sisters
watching novelas.


Yeah, you got it.
Your timing was great.

I definitely think
you could have gone further,

but I really enjoyed
what you did.

It made me laugh.

I just came off of a win,

so now I feel
so much more confident.

Next up, Jasmine Kennedie.


This outfit is absolutely
stupid ridiculous,

and I love it.

Did you go
to Chap-man University?

Hattie Ruth Pointer O'Hara.

I'm about to burst!

Your version
of a Southern accent,

it was, like,

♪ What may
do you wanna hear? ♪

You know, one of my favorite
performances ever on film

is Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford
in Mommie Dearest.

When you embrace that level
of stupidity and ridiculousness,

it absolutely works.

It was a work of fart.

Up next, Lady Camden.


That was such a fun runway.
I love a reveal

that I don't even know
is happening.

It was just so exciting.

I love this outfit,
love Freddie Mercury,

and love the theatrics
that you pulled.



You did an excellent job.

That's what I like to see,

somebody just go in there
and pull it out

and make me feel it.

Wait a minute, Ru.
Am I talking about...

- Oh, okay.
- I was wondering.

Your performance was heightened.

Not again.

But it was believable,
it was acting.

Your conviction was complete.

It was amazing.
Well done.

Up next, Daya Betty.

I thought you nailed it.

We have something to say.

You were another one that
really commanded the camera.

You came in with an intention,
and you delivered.

Those lips screamed

You did a really,
really good job.

This look, it is gor-geous.

There's even, like, a bootcut
boot flare on that chap.

It's so, so fashion,
and it's so, so drag.

On the runway, perfection.

In the challenge,
you were so good.

This is the week
that you showed up.


I know that I've been, like,

getting kind of lost
in the past few weeks,

and it's really
been getting to me.

So I'm really happy
I'm able to show you guys

that I could do it.

Well done, Daya Betty.

Thank you, guys.

Up next, Willow Pill.

Your performance was adorable.

Got lost in the email.

I actually really enjoyed it.

My one note for that character

is you were basically
being Moira Rose.

You did a great job at it.

It would probably be

a really good Snatch Game
character for you.

I understand
what Michelle's saying,

but I didn't mind it so much.

You know why I love this outfit

is because
it is next-level silly,

but it's also fashion.


- It's beautiful.
- Thank you.

The hands in the hair, girl,

I thought you was
offering me the weave.

I was over here, like,
gimme, gimme, gimme.

Yeah, I love it.

Willow, you are a superstar.

Everything you do,

you've got that
extra something to it.

The two of you together,
just really, really good.

Thank you.

Up next, it's Bosco.


When you take that role
at the end,

that is such a risk.

You came and nailed it.

I'm here to spill the tea on
all of you Daytona hypocrites.

I knew who you were right away,

from "action" until Ru
said "cut the cheese."

This look is gorgeous.

As you can see, I love pink.

Honey, because p*ssy
is pink, baby.

Is it? Really?

First I've heard.

And you were wonderful
in the soap opera.

Why did you choose that role?

I saw it was
the Joan Collins moment.

So I really just, like, kind of
dug my claws into that part.

Well, thank you, Bosco.
You were wonderful.

Thank you.

Thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck
in the werkroom,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

All right, now, just between
us squirrel friends,

what do you think?

We've got a wealth of talent
on this stage,

but we're looking for
the top two queens of the week,

starting with Jorgeous.

Was it great? Absolutely.

But I know that that girl
could have gone bigger.

I'm an insatiable bottom today.

- Oh.
- Oh.

I want more, and I want it big.

- Oh!
- I can't relate.

Jasmine Kennedie.

I thought her performance as
Alyssa Edwards was perfection.

I mean, I don't know if
she meant to be this iconic,

but it is.

- Just amazing.
- Yeah.

Lady Camden.

She sold the story.

There was a level
of believability

in this performance
that we don't...

I'm just gonna say it...

Don't usually get
on RuPaul's Drag Race.

- Right, right.
- I thought it was amazing.

Then let's talk
about the runway.

Okay, that's how
you shock us on a runway.

- Yeah.
- Didn't see that coming.

She gave what had supposed
to be had been given.

All right, let's move on
to Daya Betty.

She nailed every line she had,

and in a small part,
that's how you steal the scene.

I loved the delivery,
I loved the over-drawn lips.

It was so, so good.
And then on the runway,

I'm gonna say my favorite look
of the night.

- Mm.
- That was so stunning.

This is the week that Daya Betty
made her mark here,

and she's not just a carbon copy
of her drag mother.


Willow Pill.

Here is an example
of a queen taking a small part

and executing it flawlessly,
with precision.

The thing that bothered me

a little bit about
Willow's performance

was that she was doing
somebody's material.

Now, I didn't mind that
she was doing Moira Rose in it.

In fact, I've been doing
Faye Dunaway

for about 30 years.

Love me some Willow Pill.
Good night for her.


She managed to come in
at the very end

and sort of steal the show.

And she's willing
to express herself

in a bunch of different ways,

which, by the way,

is how you go really far
in this competition.

She understood
the Reba McEntire reference.

She also understood
the Alexis Carrington reference.

She is smart enough
to take that information

and work with it.


Does somebody smell something?


I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.


Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.


If you don't wanna
toot your own horn,

we'll do it for you.

You're safe.

Thank you! Bye.

Jasmine Kennedie.

This week you were a gas.

You're safe.

Thank you.

Lady Camden.

You smell that?

It's the sweet smell of success.


You are one of the top two
queens of the week.

Thank you.

Top two. Bitch,
better start this engine.

Let's go.


You had one chance, Fancy,

and you did not let us down.

You're safe.

Thank you.

Willow Pill.

This week you had us

eating out of the palm
of your hands.

Daya Betty.

Did somebody light a match?

Because this week,
your p*ssy is on fire.

Daya Betty.


You are one of the top two
queens of the week.

Thank God
I am finally in the top.

I'm standing out finally.

Willow Pill, you are safe,

and you may join
the other girls.

Thank you.

Give Willow Pill a hand.

But a willow hand.

Two queens stand before me.

Prior to tonight,

you were asked to prepare
a lip sync performance

of One Way or Another
by the great Blondie.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and win a cash tip of $5.000.

The time has come...

to lip sync...

for the win!

It feels awesome to share
this top two moment

with Lady Camden right now.

But this is my moment,

and I'm gonna beat
Lady Camden's ass.

I'm sorry. This is
my f*cking song, bitch.

I'm feeling good right now.

Like, I just know
I'm gonna smoke her.

Good luck, and don't f*ck it up.

♪ One way or another,
I'm gonna find ya ♪

♪ I'm gonna get ya,
get ya, get ya, get ya ♪

♪ One way or another,
I'm gonna win ya ♪

♪ I'm gonna get ya,
get ya, get ya, get ya ♪

♪ One way or another,
I'm gonna see ya ♪

♪ I'm gonna meet ya,
meet ya, meet ya, meet ya ♪

♪ One day, maybe next week ♪

♪ I'm gonna meet ya, I'm
gonna meet ya, I'll meet ya ♪

♪ I will drive
past your house ♪

♪ And if the lights
are all down ♪

♪ I'll see who's around ♪

Daya is doing the guitar solo,

she's giving punky
little Edge vibes.

Camden is giving all these
funny, campy moments.

It is a close call.

♪ One way or another ♪

♪ I'm gonna lose ya,
I'm gonna trick ya... ♪

Lady Camden has come alive.

♪ I'm gonna get ya,
get ya, get ya ♪

I'm like, girl, she is on fire.

♪ I'm gonna give you the slip ♪

♪ I'll walk down the mall,
stand over by the wall ♪

♪ Where I can see it all,
find out who you call ♪

♪ Lead you to
the supermarket checkout ♪

♪ Some specials and rat food,
get lost in the crowd ♪

♪ One way or another,
I'm gonna get ya ♪

♪ I'll get ya, I'll get ya,
get ya, get ya, get ya ♪

♪ One way or another,
I'm gonna get ya ♪

♪ I'll get ya, I'll get ya,
get ya, get ya, get ya ♪

♪ One way or another ♪

That was sickening!

Oh, my God!

- I'm gonna get ya!
- I'm gonna get ya!

That was everything.

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Lady Camden.

You're a winner, baby.


f*ck yes.


You've won
a cash tip of $5.000.

I'm so happy right now.

I'm so honored and thankful.
Thank you guys.

Daya Betty, you are safe
to slay another day.

Thank y'all. Thank you.

Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

And remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?

- Amen!
- Amen!

All right.
Now let the music play!

♪ Playing
with the game of love ♪

♪ Oh, baby, playing
with the game of love ♪

Next time
on RuPaul's Drag Race...

You'll be performing
a brand-new retro hit.

♪ My baby,
he's the one for me ♪

♪ Can my sister come? ♪

She likes to watch.

Oh, shit.

You nailed it.

You gave us
that sixties glamour.

You need to find your spotlight.

You don't wanna fade
into the background.

You had said
some things about me

that you have not yet said
to my face.

Let me tell you something,
you shady f*cking bitch.

- Oh!
- I'm about to go

and start cutting
people's heads off, honey.

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, playing with
the game of love ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, baby, playing
with the game of love ♪

♪ Winner ♪

♪ MTV ♪
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