11x13 - Reunited

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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11x13 - Reunited

Post by bunniefuu »

[RuPaul] Tonight
from the Orpheum Theater

in downtown Los Angeles,

it's RuPaul's Drag Race

With just one week
until the grand finale,

the Season 11 queens
are back with a vengeance,

as we flash back on
this season's gaggiest gags...

I did not leave the wigs
for you.

Didn't Rihanna
slip into your DMs?

[all laugh]

Are you two still a couple?

Shadiest shenanigans...

Being shady
doesn't make you opulent.

I don't trust you, ho.

And the most legendary looks.

This is art, this is genius.

[RuPaul] Plus
never-before-seen footage

that will leave you saying...


This is not a football game.

[all laugh]

Fasten your seatbelts

'cause these queens
are ready to let you what?

Have it!

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

-♪ Start your engines ♪

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman win ♪

♪ Ru-Ru-Ru-RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

-♪ Start your engines ♪

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman win ♪

♪ Ru-Ru-Ru-RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

-♪ Start your engines ♪

[RuPaul] The winner of RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a cash prize of $100,000.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman win ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

Welcome to RuPaul's Drag Race

This season was filled
with 11-gendary moments

and over-the-top characters.

And tonight, you're
gonna want to keep up

using #DragRace.

Let's get this thing started.

Miss Vanjie
didn't make the top four,

but definitely made
a big impression.

Let's take a look.

Bitch, I'm back.
[clicks tongue]

You just feel like someone
you want to get to know as a person.

I wanna know
what you're gonna say next week.

Hello, hello, hello.

I can't help the fact
that I go into things at a 10.

What's up, Ru?
My personality's what got me here.

Thank you, Britney.

I'm jus trying to figure out
how to organize it.

Baby, I'm looking
at this script

like it's the Da Vinci Code
or something.

I don't even know
what is on this paper.

The Meryl Streep of drag
you are not.

Who dat?

Oh, from Devil Wears Prada?

Don't sleep on the turtle.

It's either a leotard

or a corset and a panty
and some kind of pasty.

I know what
you're gonna be wearing

when you some around the corner.

I shouldn't be doing that.

[Ariel] She took a lot of time
to like really tailor this dress in

to like perfectly fit me.

I didn't pay her
to say that, either.

You made me so proud tonight.


I just really wanted
to make you guys proud.

It was getting frustrating.

♪ Bitch, drop it down low
to the floor and spin ♪

♪ Fish Latina,
really nice to meet ya ♪

♪ 'Cause I slay the room,
they give me 10s to see her ♪

It bummed me out
to see you not k*ll it.

Miss Vanjie,
you didn't just come back.

Bitch, you came through.

Now sashay away.

Thank you.

Love ya.

I might come back.
Don't turn off the spotlight yet.

I might come back, baby.

I could come back again
and be like, hey.

I'm at the finale, too.

Y'all never know, bitch.

They might spin the wheel
and land on me again, bitch.

[all laugh]

Aah! See ya later!
Miss Vanjie!


[laughter and applause]

[RuPaul] Now, Vanjie,
what's your proudest moment

being on this season?

[Vanjie] One of my
proudest moments

is getting invited back.

Not everybody gets
an invitation to come back.

It's like
the Willy Wonka ticket.

Five ho's get it.

If you ain't one,
I hope you like the chocolate.

So for me to come back
to the factory

with all the Oompa Loompas,
bitch, I was happy.

Me getting recognition
from a lot of my peers

and the celebrity guest judges,

it makes me realize like,
this is like legit.

Yeah. You look a lot different.

You know, every time--
after a long period of time,

the girls
have been on the show--

Well, hold on.
I ain't with Dr. Shujmo. No!

What do you think is different?

Are your teeth new?

[all laugh]

Is the camera on?

Yes, mama, they is.

[RuPaul] They're beautiful.
They're gorgeous.

And, you know,
there's a little filler,

but, you know, who doesn't?

Who doesn't?
That's just--

That's what I'm saying.
Girl, did you tie your laces? Yeah.

Did you get some filler?
Girl, good.

It is like saying
hello and goodbye.

These days, that is the norm.

Yes, of course.

So if you ain't filing,
bitch, you ain't winning,

so come on.

[all laugh]

Get with the program.
Get with the winning team, baby.

Get with the winning team.

Now, a lot of people
were rooting for you

to make the top four.

How did it feel
to be eliminated last week?

Honestly, it was embarrassing.

Like I felt--

Really? You did so well.

[Vanjie] Yeah, but I was, like,
still embarrassed

like 'cause watching it back

and seeing
what Michelle's saying,

I do understand.

Like I was probably more mad
than the audience.

I said, bitch,
what the f*ck were you thinking

when you packed 45 swimsuits?

[Yvie chuckles]


No, I was mad at myself.

Why did you bring
so many swimsuits?

[Vanjie] What had happened was

I was traveling a lot,
I was working,

so I was doing everything
over the phone

with a bunch of
different designers

not realizing
a lot of the designers

were making me a lot
of the similar silhouettes.

That were right on brand for you.

Yeah, which is a brand,

but, bitch, I don't want
to be getting ragged

every other day
by Miss Michelle Mishage.

-Michelle Mishage.
-That ain't cute.

I be crying
from episode 5

all the way through 12.

The hell, Michelle?

[all laugh]

Yvie, what'd you think
of Vanjie's silhouette?

It was a good silhouette, bitch,

but you were kicking
that dead horse

like years after she had passed.

Literally. I know.

It's not like
I'm going around saying,

"Oh, bitch,
I'm getting away with it."

I'm over here running around
with these bathing suits.

I was like, hiding
the m*therf*cking bathing suits.

I said, oh, I don't want
these ho's to read me.

Let me put it in my suitcase.

'Cause I know
they looking at me crazy.

Yvie called it out,

and I said
now the other eyes are on me.

And, Shuga, you had
some opinions on her silhouette.

[Shuga] I did. I mean, you look
gorgeous in this silhouette.

But I think like
when we started to look

at everyone doing their thing,
it was the same thing.

And I know
I was working really hard

to like try
and take the critiques,

and so it did become
frustrating, I think,

especially after the fact
of watching it.

It seemed like, oh, bitch,
here comes another week,

and she got a silhouette,
she got a pass.

Do you think
I was the only one--

No. Absolutely.
No, no, I was--

'Cause why you getting
so frustrated with me?

'Cause whatever they're telling you
in your own situation.

I can't get mad
if I don't agree

if they're saying somebody
don't have a fierce personality

and they're saying,
girl, you made one good joke.

Kudos to you. I didn't think
you were gonna be funny.

But they're telling me,
you funny,

but we need more.

So I don't compare and contrast
the two ho's.

[Soju] She's the queen
of silhou--

I'm the queen
of silhouette, actually.

You know, I know everything
about silhouette.

You don't say?

I think Vanjie was so scared
from her first season...

[Vanjie] I agree.

That she just wanted
to show off that body

every single time.

-And, you know--
-That's true, too.

You did that.

After Season 10,

I just wanted to make sure
I was correct.

I was correct too much

that she said,
I'm sick of this shit.

[all laugh]

So watching it back,
then I get mad at myself.

And so me getting eliminated,
I'm like...

I was just embarrassed.
I don't know.

But, bitch, I was so close.

[RuPaul] Well, you know,
the thing is,

everybody's a winner
once you get on TV.

I think Gore Vidal said,

"Never turn down an opportunity

to have sex
or be on television."

Very true.

And apparently,
you were doing both on our show.

[all laugh]

The ho really winning.

Shit, that's what I say.
If I don't get the crown,

at least I got some d*ck.

Shout out to Brooke Lynn.

In a season full of surprises,

one of the biggest
was love in the workroom.

Vanjie and Brooke Lynn

had the first
onscreen love affair

in Drag Race herstory.
Take a look.

Hi, Papi.

-How are you?


What's going on?

I think Vanjie's really cute,

and we're just
getting to know each other.

It's real fresh
out the womb.

You know,
I'm going with the flow.

Those kisses keep coming,
I'm gonna keep accepting.

[all laugh]

Me and Vanjie... it's nice
having this thing happen.

But this is work.
We're here for a competition.

It's not personal, it's drag.

So, Brooke Lynn,
who do you choose for yourself?

I'm going to choose
Miss Nina West.

I didn't pick Vanjie as my partner
'cause Vanjie's great at being Vanjie.

I wouldn't say Vanjie's
a wonderful actor.

I was surprised
you didn't choose Brooke Lynn.

I'm thinking with this,
not with this or this.

And not only do I have to lip sync,

now I have to lip sync
against Brooke Lynn.

I would have felt better against
anybody but him. Anybody.

One of us
is going home after this,

and that sucks.

But we're both gonna give this
our best shot.

I'm not throwing anything away
for anybody.

Let's kiki about your kai kai.
Brooke Lynn...

[all laugh]

How did it all get started?

Vanjie kind of
started things off.

You did. He was kind of--


He started flirting with me.
I thought he was very cute, too,

but I was at a competition.

I wasn't looking for romance,

but then he started
flirting with me,

and I was like, okay, well...

We were on our way
into our rooms,

and Silky said to Brooke Lynn
down the hall,

"Brooke Lynn,
Vanjie got a crush on you."

And Brooke Lynn
grabbed his Canadian bacon

and I said, "Hola.
¿Cómo está?


I said I'm from Puerto Rico.

So that's what had happened,

and the rest, you know,
happened in the workroom.

It was nice, 'cause
we couldn't really do anything.

[all laugh]

We're on set, so it was like

this nice little
like schoolboy romance.

[RuPaul] Now the world
is dying to know,

are you two still a couple?

No, we're not.

[RuPaul] Why not?

We dated for about four months
after the show, um,

and we tried to make it work,

but our schedules were just
very different.

He was traveling all the time,
I wasn't traveling at all.

So we never really
saw each other.

And it was scary for me.

What does being in
a relationship mean to you?

It means like you guys
are committed to one another?

-You can't date other people?

Well, it wasn't
just that, like,

I've always--the number one
thing that's always been

really important to me
is my freedom.

I've always wanted to be free

and be able to do
what I want to do.

To factor somebody else into...

my life and plans, and just have
that feeling like,

I could never look at somebody
else and find them attractive,

or never flirt
with somebody else

was really scary for me,
and that kind of...

I was starting to feel
really stifled.

And it was really hard,

because I really do care
for Vanjie a lot.

And I still have a lot of love
for him, and...

[RuPaul] Yeah,
because, Vanjie, you said

you wanted that Nicholas Sparks
The Notebook kind of love.

I wanted, yeah--
a romantic at heart, and when it

-comes to stuff like that...
-I love that about you.

I'm not... I don't play.

And I wanted
the Notebook experience,

and I was getting a Post-it.


It is no Tee, and it's okay.

And that's why we
are on good terms,

because we recognized it early.

And it is what it is.

We had different views.

And what was it like
to relive it on television?

[Brooke Lynn] Honestly,
that's been really nice.

'Cause it was a really nice
moment for me, like,

It's a great memory to have

and like I said,
I'll always love him.

And I really do
have love for him.

You know I love you too.

I'm really happy we can
just still be friends.

People online were saying that
it was just for the cameras.

Not at all, no.

I will say, though, like,
knowing really early on

before I think the show knew,

I even was kinda like,
is this real?

Did anyone else think that...

-[Scarlet] I was skeptical.
-[A'keria] I was, too.

I was skeptical because
I thought it was

like, a clout situation.

What do you mean,
a clout situation?

Like, Vanjie is a personality.

And so on the show, anything
you attach with Vanjie

is also going to be
a personality.

And Brooke didn't have
that strong point

as for a type of personality.

So it's like, let me
grasp onto something

to have a storyline.

[Brooke Lynn] And that's
why I was so careful

to distance myself from Vanjie
in any part of the competition.

Because I was aware people
were probably going to think that.

And I wanted to just keep that
very, very, very separate.

And quite honestly,
I didn't feel

like I needed any help
in the competition.

[RuPaul] Okay.

Do you want to
get back together?

Do you want
to get back together?

I'm not gonna say never.

Like I still have
feelings for you.

And I know you still
have feelings for me.

And just as long as we always
have love for each other,

-anything is possible in future.
-[RuPaul] Yeah.

Well, listen,
keep your options open,

because I'd like to announce
a new VH1 dating show.


I Love Brooke Lynn
and Miss Vanjie of Love.


-Let me give him a hug.
-Get a kiss!

-You guys are so sweet.


And this ain't fake,

-Zoom in and zoom out. Shit.

Next, the Queen who put the Tee,
in "salt-tee."


Ooh, child.
Ra'Jah O'Hara.

Take a look.

[cheers and laughs]

If you have enough balls
to tell Ru,

then tell Silky
to her g*dd*mn face.


I'm not liking
that energy at all.

Put that shit on ice.

Girl, you better
put your own self on ice.

You better focus
on this g*dd*mn challenge.

Oh, I'm focused, boo.

Your makeup says otherwise.

Ooh, girl.

An ugly girl can never come
for a pretty girl.

No, it's an ugly bitch
like you,

crawling out of the swamp
to come for me?

Mm-mm, girl.
I'm over it.

But when are you going to apply
that to the challenges,

'cause that's what's gonna keep
you out of the bottom.

Now, I will tell you this.

Don't try me right now.

That's not trying you, girl.
That's being honest.

-That's the Tee, girl.

You better take
that tone back down.

How dare you. You, first and foremost,
are not sickening at all.

You are literally wearing trash.
I'm not gagging.

I mean, I'm gagging
from like, the smell.

It's like, bitch, do you bathe?

Ladies, I have a final question.

Who should go home tonight?


If it were my choice,
I would send Scarlet.

A lot of times when
I was losing my way,

well, I won't blame her for some
of the mistakes that I made.

But, Scarlet.

Scarlet, who should
go home tonight?

I guess Ra'Jah's
been in the bottom...

A lot.

Bitch, you was
on the same bottom with me.

The first go-round.

-Yeah, well I'm sorry--
-First, uh-uh...

You can't take it personally.

No, because I am taking it

Okay, well, sorry.

Because you threw me
under the bus.

Well they asked me a question.

It's not like I'm mad at you,
that's just how I felt.

I feel like you're
very mad at me.

You were not shy
in those interviews.

You were not afraid
to let those girls have it.


Early on you had some opinions
about Yvie's opinions.


Do you stand by those opinions?

Well, I will say
that in the moment,

that's what I was thinking,
that's what I said.

I said what I said.

But, you know, I felt like
that was just like,

light reads,
it wasn't anything like...

I disagree with you, girl.
Okay, I'm sorry.

I love you, but the fact
that I came to you

and was talking about actions

or things that were happening
in the room--

and I said it
all to your face.

And it was so painful
to have to go back home,

and watch you call me ugly,

watch you call me smelly.

Watch you call me, like,
worthless, essentially,

because I told you
you need to focus.

Like, I'm sorry,
I just don't think

that was the right response
in the moment.

Well, I will apologize that you
feel some type of way,

I will even apologize for--

I don't think that's
an apology.

That isn't.
That's some bullshit.

You don't apologize

because someone's feeling
some kind of way.

You said some hurtful shit
behind my back.

Well, can I finish
what I was saying?


Because you can direct it this
way when you're done with Yvie.

[Plastique] Oooh.

I will apologize.

It was definitely not
my intentions

to drag you through the mud.

You know, but like I said,

I was feeling some type of way,

and I went to the elementary
school level with my read.

How did it feel watching
yourself on television doing that?

It was actually eye-opening
getting an opportunity

to watch myself on TV.

Eye-opening how?

Well, because I don't
necessarily see myself

as like, maliciously mean.

I don't go out of my way
to be like in your face,

you know, "I hate you, bitch,"
you know--

But you saw what we just saw,
what did you...


What did you think?

Well, that's why I'm
saying it was eye-opening

to see myself being that way.

And I feel like the competition
wore me all the way out.

When I came in I felt
like I was a capital T.

Baby, I left feeling
like a lowercase S.


Would you do it differently?

What I would do differently is

not focus so much
of my energy on the girls.

Because what I was hearing was
a lot of positive feedback

for the other girls,

and I was like...
I wasn't getting that.

It was very much
"I don't see you.

"Where are you?
Were you here?

You're invisible,
you're unmemorable."

So that like,
kept playing in my head.

You're unmemorable.

Like, we want more.
And I was thinking more was...

I need to go pull some
more drag up out the closet.

But I forgot I was supposed to
be pulling up out of myself

as opposed to just being,
having my guard up.

Yeah, no, I understand.

Because it is a competition

and when the stakes get really high,
what happens is...

as humans we go
into attack mode.

And after Plastique
got attention from me

and Alyssa Edwards,
you snapped big-time.

I did.

-I love you.

Girl, obviously they're trying
to get you to the top four,

because you got
your mama comin',

you got Ru calling you
her child.

You got your boyfriend
popping up on the video.

So, bitch,
just take it as like,

thank you,
I'm getting encouraged.

Like, what the f*ck
is that about?

[RuPaul] Now, is there anything
you wanna say about that?


That for me...

and I don't want to look--


I think the problem
that I had on the show

is the same problem
that I'm having right now.

I don't wanna be vulnerable.

I don't want to cry.

I don't want to show weakness.

But that was
a hard two weeks for me.

During that moment,

a lot of people asked me
why I didn't snap back.

Because when I looked
into your eyes,

I could see,
it wasn't about me.

Hurt people hurt people.

So I'm sorry that
I hurt you, sister.

I truly love you.

I was at a point where I
needed to speak to somebody

that knew me, loved me.

Why didn't you say that?

I did say that.

But what I'm saying is,

you wanted to push off
your vulnerability.

Why not from now on,

show the vulnerability,
and not be ashamed of it?

Well, you know what,
that's the thing that I'm working on.

I'm a Capricorn
first and foremost.

Capricorns are like
stubborn people.

We are like stuck in our ways.

We clash with people
all the time

just because the wall is up.

So in a situation
like me and Yvie had,

the way to get my walls down
is pulling each brick out.

Don't just beat my walls down.

-Beat your walls down?
-Take it slow, girl.

Use some grease, bitch.


And I just wanna say,

to clear the air,

I did not instigate
that situation.

Ra'Jah asked me a question
at that moment.

I explained to her
what I saw.

And I even said that on camera.

And how she handled it
was all on her.

But watching it back,

you instigated every single problem
that I had.


[A'keria] So, it came back
that Plastique had said,

"Those are my wigs
that Ariel left for me

-because they were in my area."

"But it's okay because
those girls need it."

I'm sorry, mama's a liar.


So, Ariel, are y'all best friends,
and did you leave the wigs for her?

See, that's the thing.

A lot of people say I instigated.

Ra'Jah asked me
a question on what I saw.

I said, Plastique's boyfriend
came on camera,

he said something about her family
was congratulating her.

And I left it at that,
and even then,

before Ra'Jah took off,
you also noticed on camera

I said at least that's
what I heard.

She asked me a question.
I never went to Ra'Jah,

and said, "Hey, girl,
Plastique's boyfriend

just said X, Y, and Z."

Girl, he just talked about how--
talked about her family.

What'd you say?

-He just talked about her family.
-What did he say about her family?

It ain't what she been saying!

[Plastique] But the week afterwards
in Untucked,

I asked you why Ra'Jah reacted the way,

and you just stared blankly into my face.

No, I said because a lot of us girls

feel some type of way about your story,

and we don't understand
your story completely.

[Yvie] That's a good way
to play off any blame

for yourself, though, girl.

Girl, that's exactly what Silky was doing

when we got in that first fight,

and I was speaking to Silky
about the things--

But you never said you--

[Shuga] Yeah, when I watched
it back, I was like,

"Why is she saying I heard from some girls

when, like, I'd heard it from you

that you were concerned about
some inconsistencies."

So when I saw that back, I was like,
"Why isn't she owning up to this?

[A'Keria] Okay, let's be clear,
a lot of us girls

has had a conversation or had some words

about Plastique's story,

or how it didn't add up.

So it was not just a "me situation."

-[Soju] Who was confused?
-But in the--

I said that in my interview,

that I was confused and at that point

I just did not know.

But I don't get why it was so confusing.

[A'Keria] 'Cause at the time
as things were going,

like, I said, a lot of stuff--

When we're in certain situations,

a lot of stuff didn't add up.

And I said that, in my opinion,

a lot of things did not add up,

because, at some moments
when you were in a situation,

where you were at the bottom or something,

it seemed like an excuse came about.

I don't know that you had,
like, a real love for Mariah.

I only found out about pop culture

about, like, three years ago.



Do they not know Mariah in Vietnam?

No, girl.

I came over when I was 11, but...

I found out about Beyoncé,
legit, four years ago.

I've told the same story
over and over and over again,

and it's just really aggravating

even on TV, people,
the audience seemed to get it.

Well, I don't have anything
to say about your personal life

or your family life,
and I won't also speak to

your experience as an immigrant,

uh, in terms of what you do
or don't know about pop culture.

I will say it came off
as an excuse when it happened.

And that's what my problem was--

-as your teammate...

... just trying our best
to celebrate Mariah Carey.

And failing miserably.

Emphasis on trying, I guess.

Uh, you know, it just came off
as an excuse

that you didn't know even Beyoncé.

Um, and I think that you are

probably the most pop culture literate

of this entire cast current.

That's why I say
it wasn't a personal attack.

Do you think you were
a shit-stirrer, though?

-You don't?

No, that's why I honestly let it go, like,

I just admitted to myself
that I was confused in the moment,

because I genuinely wanted
to get to know you.

Outside of the show, we have grew a bond,

and we were actually close.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too.

You were one of the girls
who I had considered

one of my good friends for this show.

-But as a viewer,

after I got back, it really hurt me,

because I thought I had
a great relationship with you,

you, and it just...

I didn't see what was going on
behind my back.

I didn't see what you said to her

that made that whole fight started.

Ra'Jah saw me walking back to my station,

she asked me what did I see.

I explained to her, because I--
if you look at the--

All right, all right,
all right, we got it.

We're going to wrap this up.

Next, now two of
the season's biggest characters

also delivered some of
the season's biggest conflama.

And we loved every minute of it.

Take a look.

I was in the bottom for being beautiful.

So you know what? It works for me.

And if I've got to lip sync for my life,

I'ma lip sync for my
m*therf*cking life beautifully.

But, like, Ru's been particularly poignant

about "don't be safe."

I would never be spooky, but bitch,

would you ever be glam?

You will never be glam! Don't come for me.

Oh, girl, I hope you're not talking to me,

because I'm about
to send your ass packing.

I think Yvie should go home

just because she's hurt,
and we ain't got time for that.

Oh! [snickers]

You tried to throw me under the bus

for a pre-existing condition, bitch.

I can't with you.

I don't really care for you,

and it's not because of your drag,

-it's you as a person.
-[Yvie] I literally don't care

if you don't care for me,
because your drag is not quality, bitch.

Okay. Alpha Dumpster
and his quality, but okay.

Let's give pats on the back
to mediocrity and beans.

I can't wait to see
your ass in the bottom.

I can't wait to see me
in the bottom next to you

so I can send your ass home.

-You didn't say that. You said--

I didn't want to be a big bitch!

Well, girl, you're being
a big bitch now, then,

by bringing it up now after.

Because you're putting words in my mouth.

If I would've lip synced
for my m*therf*cking life today, bitch,

I was m*therf*cking ready!

Oh, my goodness.

Now, wait a minute. Now, Yvie and Silky,

y'all had several many feuds
this season, why?

Why do you think there was such a clash

between the two of you?

Well, I mean, I would call
you, Silky, out,

because you were always
resistant to critiques.

There were moments
where you would just, like,

get from the bottom and be like,

"Bitch, I don't understand
why I was there.

Bitch, if I have to lip sync
the whole way to the crown,

I'ma do it."

I felt like you would just, like,

casually, like, walk around,
not even try in the challenge,

or if you knew
that you nailed the challenge,

you wouldn't try on the runway.

And when the judges would be like,

"Silky, you look like a roach,"

you would be like, "Well, f*ck no,

I thought I looked beautiful."

Like, not specifically that week,

but that was like the base of it.

So that's why Yvie was getting in at you.

Why were you going in on Yvie?

I didn't need, like, at the time

my business spread out to everybody,

because, you know-- I'm sorry.

Love all you now,
but I don't trust you ho's.

-And that's just the reality to it...
-[Yvie] Right.

because I don't know what
your intentions are.

We are here for the same thing.

Like, when I was having body issues,

people may not realize this,

I gained 30 pounds filming.

And that's why I had so many body--

-While we were filming this show?
-While we were filming...

-Munch, munch, crunch, crunch.
-...I gained 30 pounds.

Like, oh, what can I do?

Because we can't go out,
and I just can't go get new foam

and make new pads.

I had to use what I had.

There was foam there. I mean, to be fair,

there was foam there,
'cause I was told to correct my body,

and I corrected my body.

The harshest criticisms that I had to give

were when people were being
the most resistant to growing,

so I was reading everybody all the time

just like we're all reading
everybody all the time.

It was all cute, but I just have

a very low tolerance for bullshit.

If you're sitting
there ignoring the facts,

I'm going to be the one who's like,

"Bitch, those aren't the facts."

But it's very hard
to admit when you're wrong

when all eyes are on you,
you know what I mean?

It's very hard, you know
everyone's looking at you

and judging at you.

Well, why not pull them
to the side, then--

Because we didn't get brought here
to go and try to have

these sneaky-ass conversations off camera.

Bitch, we are on a TV show.

But we're on a competition TV show.

-So I don't know why

you're so concerned
about your competition.

Well, what she's saying
is that the Emperor

is not wearing any clothes.

And she couldn't stand the delusion

after hearing what the judges had to say,

for girls to come back
to the workroom or wherever

and say, "I don't understand
what they're talking about."

Well, the judges just told you
what they're talking about.

That's what she's saying.

So, Yvie, was the most
hurtful thing, uh...

Silky said that you should go home
because of your illness?

That was...

For me, that was just painful,

because I know that she was
just talking about, like,

my sprained ankle or whatever.

I didn't know that you had
the disease at that time.

So, I honestly said that
just talking shit.

And I never thought that you woulda got

upset about it, but later I realized

why you got upset about it,
so I want to apologize to you.

In this competition,
I've had to put up such a hard exterior,

you know, to kind of protect myself.

Your personality, I think, is your shield,

-just like my claws are mine.
-Right. Absolutely.

So, our defense mechanisms were always up

and always at odds.

Silky and Yvie, dare I say you are

two of the most fascinating queens
in Drag Race herstory.

-And you are stars.
-Say it again, baby.

Don't let anybody take that away from you.

We will be right back.

-♪ Queens! ♪
-♪ Everywhere, everywhere ♪

[RuPaul] Welcome back.

Now, this next queen
brought her magic touch

and became the pride of Season 11.

Take a look.

It looks like things just got 11-dudery.

It's been a long time coming.

I've seen a lot
of audition reels from you.

Nine years.

Testify, sister.

[RuPaul] Ooh, girl.

Big unh!

I call her Paula, and I keep her hidden.

-I want to clear things up.

-I'm not Harvey Weinstein.
-No, you're not, no.

The only thing I've assaulted
is a cheese plate.

-[all laugh]
-[RuPaul] Yeah.

[Michelle] You were,

from beginning to the end, hysterical.

-[whispers] Magic.
-[all laugh]

You have that campy look,

and it separates you from the other girls.

We live in a culture right now

where divisive rhetoric is winning.

It is our responsibility

to create the world
that we want to live in.


You, my dear, are the pride of Season 11.


Nina, your elimination

really broke hearts around the world.

Did you ever think

you'd have such a powerful connection
with fans?

Are you kidding me? No.

It's tremendous to have the opportunity

to tell my story with you.

I hope you know how much you mean to me,

um, and what you meant to me
as a q*eer young boy.

Well, the restraining order
is still intact.

[Nina] I know, I know.

-They moved my seat over.

[all laugh]

Now, Nina, one of your superfans

is a queen from Queens

who spends a lot of time
in Washington, D.C.

Take a look.

I am so sad.

I mean, I don't want
to do spoilers, but, oh.

Well, again, no spoilers,

but to the queen that went home this week,

just know how important you are

to the bigger picture.

And I'm so proud of you

and your fundamental kindness
and goodness.

And I'm just really looking forward
to watching you grow.

And... you're amazing,

and I'm sad, but I'm excited for you.

Oh, my goodness!

Oh, my goodness. Are you down with AOC?

-Yeah, you know me.

-How does that make you feel?
-Are you kidding me?

As an activist and as someone
who's politically engaged,

that was the greatest thing, I think,

that could have come from this.

This idea that someone like her

a year ago was serving tables
in a restaurant,

and she never gave up on her dream.

And the fact that she even noticed me

and celebrated me
and celebrates me, is tremendous.

Well, she's not the only one.

Didn't Rihanna slip into your DMs?

[laughs] She did.

I mean, when you're going from--

You go on Twitter and somebody says,

"Oh, Rihanna's following you
on Instagram."

I was like, "No, she's not."

And then I look,
I'm going through my messages,

and all of a sudden a DM pops up.

So she's on the other end of the phone.

Oh, my goodness.

And I'm like, "Oh, my God."

I showed the girls.
I was like, "This isn't real."

And to have the impact that I've had

on people who have already seen the world,

and done tremendous things
and have had an impact on me,

and the lives
of millions of other people...

-...is humbling and it's amazing

and it wouldn't have happened
if it weren't for you

or for this show.

And the bravery that you lead with

allows all of us to have a voice

and to have strength in ourselves

to continue this legacy.

I hope you know how much it means.

-Thank you.
-To all of us, you know.

-Yes. Yes, thank you.
-[all applauding]

Nina for President!

-[all laugh]
-Not me, bitch, not me.

No, she's running.

I'm gonna be her running mate.

No, no, it's really-- it is very special.

And I've been in the drag game
for a long time

and I've played all the clubs.

I've done all the touring
and all that stuff.

So I know exactly what you're saying,

and I do take that
and hold it close to my heart.

-Thank you, mother.

Now, after just six episodes,

Drag Race fans caught
a case of Scarlet Fever.

Take a look.

The world wants me,
and the feeling is mutual.

A lot of the girls said that my dress

was something that
they would actually wear.

-Scarlet is delusional.
-[people laughing]

I would say this is a beautiful dress,

but I see tons of holes.

[all laughing]

That leaves Scarlet Envy
and Ariel Versace.

Ariel, come be part of this world.

I should not be the last pick,

especially on an acting challenge.

I am Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

Big mistake. Huge.

I feel like this is actually
really terrifying, right?

Scarlet is definitely feeling herself.

She's walking up and down
this joint in her own world.

She's back in the workroom.

What the f*ck is that?

Somebody give her a mirror, darling.

Yeah, it ain't working for me.

[all laugh]

-[people applauding]
-[RuPaul laughing]

So, Scarlet, were you shocked

by what the other queens said about you?

Well, I would say surprised.

Well, I heard that Brooke Lynn
said something at a viewing party

that ruffled your feathers. What was it?

I think she said that the entire cast--

I think she actually used
the word "hate", hated me.


Well, that's what was said, yeah.

Is that what was said?


Did the whole cast hate her?

I personally did not enjoy
Scarlet on the show.

You just rubbed me the wrong way.

[stammers] That's what's confusing to me
is that I just don't know why.

I really don't.
I mean, I know that I was confident.

-It was cocky, it wasn't confidence.

You were just--you came across
very cocky and very arrogant,

and you were constantly
trying to kind of just one up.

There was always little comments.

I don't know if it was a game
you were playing or whatever,

but it just ruffled my feathers.

And when I said that at the viewing party,

in all truth, like, I wasn't sad
to see you go when you went,

because on the show,
I didn't care for you too much

and I felt like we didn't get along.

And I know a lot of the other girls

felt the same way as I did.

But that was not my place
to speak for them.

Who else felt that way?


Oh, Ra'Jah. Big surprise!

[all laugh]

I would say I was really
kinda annoyed with Scarlet...

because to me, every situation,

Scarlet had an anecdote and a story for

that somehow related to her.

-Well, duh.
-[all laugh]

Isn't that why we're here?

That's why we're all here.

Have you heard that
from people in general before?

No, I haven't.

And maybe I was as delusional
as I was said I was.

And if that's the case,

I invite everyone to live in my world.

It's a really fun place to be.

[Brooke Lynn] At that viewing party,

I should never have said hate,

because hate is just the word
that came to mind,

because I didn't like you,
but I didn't obviously hate you.

In a club situation, you know,

you have a few cocktails,
you know, and you work your--

-Actually, she was drinking water.
-[all laugh]

Yeah, I was-- I was sober that night.

[RuPaul] Well, Scarlet, darling,

if anyone has a problem with you,

you just look at them and say,

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

[laughter and applause]

We'll be right back.

[upbeat music playing]

Welcome back to
RuPaul's Drag Race Reunited.

Now, for our queens, success today

is often measured
by their social media following,

which has led to a divide

between so-called social media
queens and showgirls.

Plastique, you have like
over a million followers.

Do you consider yourself
a Mistress of Social Media?

[all laugh]

How many did you have
before you came into the competition?

Before I came into the competition,
I had 100.


When I started drag,

I couldn't perform on stage under 21.

That's what drove me into social media.

You're the youngest of all of us, right?

-With the most following.

-[Plastique] Yeah.
-[RuPaul] Ariel and Soju,

you both arrived with
big social media followings.


Did the other girls
give you shade for that?

I think, I mean, like, watching it now,

um, I think they kind of put us in a box

where we can't perform, we can't act,

we're not a comedy queen,
we're only here for looks.

And, yes, we're here for looks,

but we can also do the other things too.

But the one that was reading you
was Ariel in the first episode.

But do you like consider
yourself an entertainer,

or just like kind of like a blogger?

Oh, shit.

Full entertainer, okay?

[Ariel] I know Soju from online.

She's not much of a performer.

So I'm like, girl, why are you here?

It did hurt to hear now my friend,

you know, say that about me.

And I thought that was
a little bit ironic.

I had never seen Soju perform,

and I knew that she was
a little bit of a newer queen.

Like, she wasn't like
as seasoned as I thought.


And now that I know Soju, she's amazing.

I mean, I bite my tongue now
because Soju's one of my best friends.

But any of the showgirls give them shade

for being social media queens?

[Ra'Jah] I didn't throw shade,

but I do feel the importance
of having that showgirl essence,

because everything that we do
is turned on on stage.

Y'all can tell me I'm wrong,
and I don't care.

I still don't feel like
anybody on this season

is just a social media queen.

I think that we are all
equally hardworking as hell.

You just have to know

that there's two different sides
of everything.

We're doing brand deals, promotions.

You're showing your personality
in a whole different way.

Yeah. Well, if you're not
caught up on this season,

spoiler alert.

These crazy b*tches
will fight over anything,

starting with the mystery of Ariel's wigs.

Take a look.

[A'keria] Ariel's eliminated.

We came back in,
the station was still full of wigs.

A couple of the girls, including myself,

grabbed a wig or two.

Had you and Ariel had the conversation

about her leaving you hair
or anything like that?

-Did you she write you a note?

No. But we were best friends.

Speaking of hair,
I hear some of my hair's gone.

Right. What happened with that?

Girl, I just left it by accident.

[Ariel] I want to know who the hell's
snatching up my damn wigs.

So, Lucy, they got some 'splaining to do.

Your black wig and your purple wig
is right there in my station.

No, no, I don't care about the purple wig.

I know that Miss Ra'Jah
left with a bunch of 'em.

Only wig I knew Ra'Jah had
was the big purple crinkly one.

That's what I'm pissed off about.

[Shuga] All of a sudden it's okay.

She really just wants one wig,

and it just so happens to be

from the person
who is not in the workroom.

Miss Ra'Jah.

I did felt like, Ariel, you were
a little more mad about it yesterday

-than you are right now.
-[A'keria] That's what I was going to say.

Say what you mean, mama,
and mean what you say.

-[RuPaul] Okay. Well, I'm gonna...
-[Queens] Ooh!

I'm gonna pretend this is an episode

of m*rder, She Sat Down and Wrote.

-[raucous laughter]

And ask myself,

"What would Jessica Fletcher do?"

Okay, no one's leaving this room

until we get to the bottom
of this mystery, okay?

[Nina] My question,

being that I was still in the competition,

is how did the wigs
get to Plastique's station

if you didn't mean to leave them for her?

[Ariel] I moved all of my wigs
to a separate little section.

When we are eliminated,

we're going through a lot of emotions.

And when I was packing up,

I was just kind of in my feelings.

I was really upset,

and I forgot that
I moved stuff over there.

I took several weeks to unpack my bags,

and then I realized, "Oh, damn,

I left a lot of wigs there."

I was like, "Oh, shit.

I forgot to unpack that entire shelf."

I'm backpedaling.

[RuPaul] Now, Ariel,
why did you tell the girls

that you left the wigs by mistake

when you tweeted
that you left them for Plastique.


[contestant] The receipts are in!

[contestant] They bring in a receipt.

-All right.
-[contestant] Come up with it.

I saw that Plastique
was under the impression

that the wigs were for her.

My ass knew that
I left them by mistake, OK?

I totally left them by mistake.

And I'm going to tell you,
I did not leave the wigs for you.

Ha ha!

Now, when I saw you guys
coming at her throat

about this situation,

I didn't want to dig her
into a bigger sh*thole

than she was already in.

Could you clarify when did you not want

to dig her into a deeper sh*thole?

Are you saying when you came back,

or when you was on Twitter?

When I was home, and I saw it happening--

So you skipped over when you was there.

OK, just clarifying.

So when you did come back,
you were really upset about it.

And that's the whole thing
that we were all like,

"What the hell?"

Like, you were talking all this shit

and then when it came down to it,

you were like, "Oh, I don't care."

Like I said, again, for the 19th time,

I didn't want to dig her
into a bigger sh*thole

when everybody else was
already ganging up on her.

[Silky] But here's the thing.

You was willing to turn on
all of us for your friend.

[Ariel] This is my girl.

You know I will always
defend her to the end,

just as you would defend A'Keria,

A'Keria would defend you.

We all spent a lot of money to be here.

I run my own hair business, and you know--

So when you were eliminated,

we assumed that you wanted
to promote your business.

And that's why we all took a wig or two.


Girl, I told you I left you one anyway.

-I don't know why--
-No, we got that one.

You saw the episode--

I told you specifically
that I left you a wig.

Ra'Jah. Hold on. Hold on, everybody.

-I left A'Keria--
-[RuPaul] Please, wait.

No, you didn't leave A'Keria nothing.

-She's grabbed it.
-Y'all, y'all, hold on.

No, I left A'Keria a wig.

Ra'Jah, did you take a wig home?

There was one of her wigs
that made it in my suitcase.


[Vanjie] Accidentally! Accidentally!

She was dippin' that shit.
Shit had to go.

-[laughter, indistinct chatter]
-...hop in her f*ckin' suitcase, girl!

[overlapping, indistinct chatter]

But, bitch, guess what?

-[contestant 1] Oh.
-[contestant 2] Oh, no way.

Oh, no.

But I did a couple of gigs
with it on, too.


The tumbleweed!
The tumbleweed!

-Oh, my God.
-Can I have it, girl?

[RuPaul] Let's move on.

My Jessica Fletcher moment is ruined.


And I'm more confused about
the wigs than ever before.

We'll be right back after this.

Welcome back to
RuPaul's Drag Race Reunited.

I'm always so moved

that the workroom is a safe place

for our girls to share
the most personal of topics.

Take a look.

I used to travel a lot.

Why they put me on a no-flight list?

Like, girl, I couldn't fly.

You're on the no-fly list? Why?

My name, and you know,

especially what's going on now these days.

Oh, you mean some cute casual
societally built-in racism?

I'm originally from Mombasa, Kenya,

and my name sound Muslim.

So, they put me on a watch list.

And I was like, I'm a drag queen.

Like, what you think I'm going to do?

It's really hard,
especially in this country.

I don't want people to feel like
every Muslim is a t*rror1st.

Like, that's why I don't
really talk about it.

I don't want people to hate me.

I've seen crazy stuff on social media.

Like the videos, I've seen it.

People being hurt because they're Muslim.

It is a terrifying time to be...

-Any sort of different--
-...anything different...

-...in America right now.

I realize that this is an opportunity

to share to the world, I'm a proud Muslim.

I'm the first drag to be here

that's Muslim.

-[contestant] Aww...
-[Ariel] We love you, Mercedes.

[Plastique] Love you.

[RuPaul] So, Mercedes,

since you shared your story,

what's the response been like?

This is a dream that came true.

And I'm so grateful for this opportunity.

I've been getting so many
amazing messages, inboxes,

people talking about, "Wow,

thank you so much for speaking for us,

and being so brave, and being you."

And I'm just so grateful for it.

And some of my family accept me.

And, um, you know,
some of my family are like,

"We don't understand."

You know, and I get it.

You know, it's hard.

They're the old generation.
[nervous laugh]

Are they here in America?

No, back home.

Who's here for you in America?

Uh, my two beautiful sisters.


We sit down one night and I told them.

And they were like, "You know what,

are you happy?"

And I was like, "Of course I'm happy."

I've been doing this
for so long, I'm happy.

And I'm living my dream.

And I'm so close to share my dream,

my personal life,

my religion, and be proud of it and...

to the world.

And they were like, "If you're 100% happy,

and you know you can do this,

we'll support you 100%."

This is a happy cry.
This is not like sad cry.


And you should be happy,
because you are the most wonderful,

lovely, sweet person.

You really, really are.

I'm so happy that you've had
a great experience with that.

But what I really want to know

is how many times a day

do you come across people

who scream, "Opulence!"

[laughter and applause]

I earn everything.


You earn everything.


I still have a hard time,

you know, trying to say the word.

Let me hear you say it.




You earn everyth-- You own everything.
Oh, God!


Ooh, girl.

You know, I just wanted to ask Kahanna,

do you feel left out

of the whole "opulence" phenomenon?

You know, the thing
about it, in that moment,

it was like really hard.

So to see that, like, play back

and be such this big thing is like,

"Well, thank God
I got something out of it,"

'cause I was stressed
the f*ck out doing it.


I just kind of feel like with Mercedes,

like, we connected the most on the show.

And the thing that like hurt the most

was when you posted
our lip sync "Work Bitch"

right before the show.

And you said, "Shantay you stay."

And to me, that was just like,

you just didn't care.

You didn't really acknowledge,
like, my feelings in that.

You know what I mean?

-Can you explain what happened?
-OK, hold on.

Um, so I posted
because someone sent it to me.

I was like, oh, girl, this is cute one.

And I just posted.

And right away, that's when
I got the inbox from you.

-And what did I do?

Before I even emailed her back,

I went through my page,
took the video down,

and I said, "I am so sorry."

Kahanna, what hurt your feelings about it?

What was it?

[Kahanna] It was just the fact that
when she had posted that,

it already-- it took away the surprise of

"Oh, Kahanna might stay."

-I did right away.
-You know what I mean?

'Cause it wasn't like
it was there for days.

And you-- and insinuating

that she had already won the lip sync.

Like I reached out to you, and then like--

And I did apologize to you.

And I let it go until you posted it again.

And that's what bothered me.

[oohs and laughter]

And that's what bothered me.

For me, you don't own
everything by being shady.

And being shady doesn't make you opulent.

That's all I'm gonna say.

[Brooke Lynn] So she took it down,

she posted it, she took it down.

And then when-- and then--

and then she reposted it later

-after the lip sync had happened.
-Just recent now.

So then, so what is the matter?

Why were you hurt by something,

you know her intention,
keyword, intention behind it

wasn't to be hurtful.

You know, you have to be
aware of your feelings.

And because feelings are not facts.

What if I said, "You know what?
None of my business.

What other people think of me

is none of my business."
Let's all say it together.

[all] What other people think of me
is none of my business.

Now remember that. And the other thing,

a word of advice, pay your taxes, please.


-Pay your taxes.
-[Ariel] Oh, girl.

We will be right back.

Welcome back to
RuPaul's Drag Race Reunited.

We are only one week away from crowning

America's next drag superstar.

But first, it's time to look back

on the way we wore

and play a little game
we call "Toot or Boot."

Oh, God.

Ladies, if you love an outfit, toot it.

And if you don't, boot it.

-Oh, God.
-[RuPaul] OK?

First up...

Scarlet's Creature
from the Black Dragoon.


-I liked it.


Oh, that's a lot of toots.

Honestly, just gas.

I thought in the moment
most people were not liking it.

As I remember, when she turned around,

she had that big hole
in the back, so you know.

Up next, Plastique Tiara's Farm to Runway.

Toot or boot?


-[RuPaul] Toot? Yeah, yeah.

-Did you toot it?
-Oh, absolutely.

Baby, she looked like an angel.

-Thank you.
-[contestant] Gorgeous.

No toot for Ra'Jah.

No opinion. No opinion.

[RuPaul] Up next, Nina West's Facekini.



All the way up.

Honey, why did you like it?

This is art. This is Leigh Bowery.

This is genius.

Like, hands down by far is
the best thing that Nina, I--

People come for you for your runway,

but if you do this,
it makes up for everything.

Thank you?

Up next, Shuga Cain's Troll.


-That's a heavy boot?


Oh, Lord, we need to burn
this photo forever, girl.

Up next, A'Keria's Caftan
That Wasn't.

Toot or boot?


-Google caftan pants.

Finally, Soju with
a Side of Kimchi.



The hell out of here.

A'Keria, why was that
not a toot for you?

It was just so many knots.
It was confusing.

Can I toot her
little spin-around

-during the lip sync, at least?

Listen, that's gonna
be my DragCon outfit,

my finale outfit.

I will take it everywhere.

Now, as the Betsy DeVos

continues to decimate
the Department of Education,

we here at RuPaul's Drag Race
are doing our part.

In the great tradition
of Paris is Burning,

the library is open, darling.


Because reading is what,



Now let's start with a queen
who didn't get a chance

to read this season.

Who you gonna read, hon?

I'm gonna start
with Miss Plastique.

[RuPaul] Oh, okay.

I'm seeing you very clear
from here, darling.

-It was interesting to me

that you just learned about
Beyoncé four years ago,

but you knew every word
to Hood Boy.

Do they only know Missy Elliott
and Cardi B in Vietnam?

Oh, she got you, girl.


Okay, well, I'm gonna
start with you, Vanjie.

You want me to read it
for you?

Vanjie, right after Season 11,
you were just a meme.

-And I guess--
-And what the f*ck are you?

--right after Season 11,

-you're still a meme.
-A dumbass.

Right, a meme that's still gonna
last longer than you, bitch.

Opulence! Whoever you bought
the jokes back,

you better ask for
a refund, bitch.

I did not buy these jokes, girl.

I know you did.
Twenty-five dollars a joke.

And you want your money back.
She need it back.

Up next is Ariel.

All right, I got a few.
Here we go.

Miss Yvie Oddly...

Babe, Frodo Baggins called.
Girl, he wants his ring back.

Soju, Soju, girl,

do you remember
that one episode when we--

Oh, wait. You don't.

f*ck you.

Soju, who are you
going to read?

Silky Nutmeg Ganache,

I am so upset you used
Sharpie on my face, girl.

That's permanent,
unlike your career.


Girl, please.

A'Keria, I'm scared of her,
so I can't do it.

Ariel Versace,
you call me a blogger,

you should read up on
my new article:

"How to not fall in front
of RuPaul, bitch."


-By wearing flats.
-[contestant] Start wearing flats.

Tip number one!
Pro tip number one.

Honey Davenport.

A'Keria C. Davenport,
ass almighty.

That ass is magical.

It reminds me of a genie's lamp.

Because it's cold, dark,

and when men rub it,
they wish for something better.

Nina's gonna read.

Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

Come on me, bitch.

You know, the only thing
less blended than your hip pads

this season was the 'tique
you did on Soju's face.

Speaking of Soju,
it's a shame that your career

hasn't exploded
like your cyst.

Tell me, really quick question.
Did it K-pop?

No, you can't do that.



All right.
Thank you, ladies.

The library for Season 11
is closed officially.

We'll be right back.

Welcome back to
RuPaul's Drag Race Reunited.

Now, all season long,
they acted up,

acted out, and acted a fool.

I'm speaking about
our extra-special guest judges.

Take a look at this
never-before-seen footage.

You've all been pardoned.

You're safe from elimination.



Way to go!

This is not a football game.


It's a competition where
people get eliminated, right?

Just like football!

Right, Ross?

Yeah, bro.

What was the first record
you bought as a kid?

Britney Spears.

Which Britney album was it,
the first one?


What's your favorite song
on that album?

Um, one through 12.

That's a good one.

You're wearing ears
on your eyes.

Nail-glued on.

-Wood glue.

Wood glue.

Wood glue? What the f*ck
is wood glue?

Like for tucking?


Everybody is wearing black,

and, oh God, everybody
wears black all the time.

It's so cliché.


Uh, have you considered doing

a Fiddler on the Roof
drag challenge?

Well, that's
a great idea, Natasha.


Can you turn around?
I just want to get a 360.

The nooks and the crannies.

[Pollard] Oh, yeah, there it is.

I love that fact
that your ass is real,

it's supple, it's tight.

I miss real asses
being played up on camera.

There's too much
injections going on

when it comes to the ass.

When we talk tits,
leave that alone,

'cause this is like, you know,
my third boob job.

I love that.

I am weirdly intrigued by her.
I love her.

And I love that hillbilly,
trucker laugh.

Can you do an impression of it?

[imitates trucker laugh]


No, it's more...
[ imitates trucker laugh ]

Sometimes, she doesn't seem
like she's in this, like,

woman-moment at all.

She's just kind of like
hunched over there.

By the way, same.


Michelle's upset about
how much I screamed.

She hasn't heard that
much screaming since...

-Last night?


Oh, my God.

Now, my top four queens:

Ladies, each of you brings
your own distinct flavor

of charisma, uniqueness,
nerve, and talent,

and right now,
it's anyone's game,

so tonight, let's end on
a kind note.

My eliminated queens, I want
to hear something you love

about each of the top four.

Starting with...
A'Keria C. Davenport.

I want to hear what you
have nice to say about A'Keria.

She is the MacGyver of drag.

She will take anything
and make something, so yeah.

I don't know, I wanted
to say something nice

just in case nobody
wouldn't say anything.


Up next,
Brooke Lynn Hytes.

Uh, as a fellow dancer...


I want to give you
credibility on

your flexibility

and how you move your body.

Uh, it's something
I, you know, struggle with,

and to see somebody
just take so naturally

and live in their element...
you're beautiful to watch.

Thank you so much.

Up next, Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

Oh, the hands are all up.

All right, so Silky, you know,
throughout this whole process,

you and I obviously haven't been
Paris and Nicole.

We're not the best of friends.

We've had our beef.

The thing is, I always
will respect somebody

that is 100%
authentically themselves,

which you are, so I always
have to respect that.

And props for you to doing you
the whole entire f*cking time.

Thank you.

All right, up next:
Yvie Oddly.

Um, I noticed Yvie.
The minute she walked in,

I pegged her as
someone to watch,

just because there was nobody
else like her in the room,

and there was just something
about her that

had this star quality.

And I just think you are
so talented and so authentic

and I love how you always
speak your mind,

and I think it's
a really rare quality.

And I think you're amazing.

Thanks, ladies.

Now, in one week,
one of our top four

will be crowned America's
next drag superstar,

and win a one-year supply

of Anastasia
Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000.

One this very stage,
a spin of the wheel

will kick off a series of events
that will end

in an epic lip sync smackdown
for the crown,

brought to you by Bai.

Great flavor
and good for you.

A taste of both worlds.


Now, I need to hear from you.

Who do you think should be

America's next
drag superstar?

Let your voice be heard.

Are you Team A'Keria?

Team Brooke Lynn?

Team Silky?

Or Team Yvie?

And ladies, don't forget,

one of you will also be taking
home the Golden Tweeterhead

as season 11's
Miss Congeniality.

All this and more will be
revealed in one week

at the grand finale of
RuPaul's Drag Race.

Now, if you can't
love yourself,

how in the hell you gonna
love somebody else?

Can I get an amen up in here?


All right, now,
let the music play.

-♪ Queens! ♪
-♪ Everywhere, everywhere ♪

Where is the body?
She is the body.

Where is the body?
Miss A'Keria is the body!

[RuPaul] Next time on
RuPaul's Drag Race...

Don't miss the grand finale
as our top four queens

face off in
a herstoric sudden-death

lip sync for the crown.

Who will win $100,000

and become America's
next drag superstar?

The winner

of RuPaul's Drag Race...


♪ To, to, to, to
to, to, to, to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon,
Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to,
to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon,
Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon,
Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪
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