07x13 - Exodus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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07x13 - Exodus

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously, on "below deck"...

- What are we doing, are we
folding it open up this way?

- All right--
- hold on, hold on, hold on.

- I can--I can --
- relax, rhy, relax.

- You relax.

I'm tired of
them acting like I'm not there.

- I feel like we're on
different lengths and stuff.

There's two weeks left here,

and I'm trying to have
some fun, you know?

- What the hell?

- How old are we?

Are we a bunch of

- Tell that to your deckhands.
There's an issue, a big issue.

- The issue is there's ----ing
clothes on the floor.

- I have no idea what I've done
so bad to these people.

- Oi, oi, oi--
- what gives--

- calm down, calm down,
bro, calm down.

- You think you ----ing
know everything

about all the ----ing crew.

So sick of you and
your ----ing attitude.

Everybody feels that way
about you, kate.

- Cool.
- Bye.

Bye. I'm done.

You don't want me around?
I'll leave.

- Kate, wait, let me--
- I'm leaving.

- Kate, let me ask
you a question.

- Do you wanna talk
to captain lee?

Don't follow me.
Don't follow me.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- What happened?

- Talked sh-- about my family.

I crumbled.

My family's
my ----ing everything.

Do not bring that sh-- up.

- I love you to.

- I ----ing love you.
You're the man.

- Thank you, brother.

- I don't care if ----ing
kate thinks sh--.

That's my ----ing family.

- You made it clear,
and she's left.

- I don't know...

He's drunk out of his mind

and completely wrong about
the whole situation.

He doesn't understand
that in 30 hours

we have another charter
coming on board.

And without our chief stew,
we're ----ed.

- We've got emotional
sh-- going on.

[ phone vibrating ]

- kate?

- Morning.
- Morning.

- Kate, my darling.

[ knocking ]
yoohoo, anyone home?

What the [bleep]?

- So you guys know that
kate's not on the boat?

- What happened?

- She and ashton really
got into it last night.

- We could hear it
from our room.

- She did not appreciate it,
and she did quit.

- Really?
Wait, what? No!

No one likes being a man down.

Less people, more work.

We need her, so we're ----ed.

- What did she say?

- I wake up this morning with a
heavy feeling on my shoulders.

I'm struggling to put
together all the pieces

of what happened last night.

I mean, I've got bits
and pieces here and there.

- There was too much alcohol--

- oh it's--
[ shrieks ].

- There was a lot of things
that needed to be dealt with.

- Calm down-- oi, oi, oi--

- they've just
completely come out

in the wrong way
at the wrong time.

I'm so sick of you and your
----ing attitude,

thinking that you're better than
the rest of the ----ing crew.

It's not a good look.
I'm not proud of it.

- Let me check the
weather, weather, weather.

- Deck crew, deck crew,
let's meet on main deck aft.

- Okay, girls.

- Where's kate?

- She's--she did
leave last night.

- Oh sh--.

- You know, I texted her last
night, I didn't hear back.

- You haven't heard
back from her?

- No.

- ----Ing hell.

- Oh.
- Let's fill in the blanks.

What I remember is her saying
something in the van to me

about my family that
kinda ticked me off.

- You turned around
and got heated,

and you were talking about--
you were defending

your family and everything.

I did calm you down in the van.

- I calmed him down.

- No, I calmed him down
in the van.

- We both calmed him down.

- Kate, kate, lee.

- [bleep]

- oh sh--.

- Kate, kate, lee.

- Cap starts asking about kate,

is there anything
I need to, like,

know that
I already don't know?

- Don't be stressed
out about it.

He's not gonna ask you
about kate.

- [bleep]

I'm gonna have to
tell captain lee.

- Hey, cap, can I come and see
you in the wheelhouse, please?

- Okay.
- I'm on my way.

- I'm not emotionally
ready to iron.

It's easy to describe
any unfortunate situation as,

like, your worst nightmare.

For a lot of people it's like
getting stuck in the elevator,

diving with sharks,

accidentally liking
someone's instagram photo

from like two years go.

Kate being gone is truly mine.

I'm not happy.

- Good morning, cap.

- Got them sunglasses on so
you don't bleed to death?

- I'm actually feeling
all right, to be honest.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

There's probably something
you should know.

- Spit it out.

- Uh, kate and I had
words last night about my family

being brought up
for some reason.

I don't know, like,
what exactly happened,

but things got a bit
heated between her and I,

and she walked off
the boat last night.

- But she's here now?

- Nobody's seen her
this morning.

- Are you kidding me?

Ashton has every reason to have
fear and panic on his face.

What happened?

- I don't know, cap.

I don't like getting angry
or upset about things,

and something
obviously upset me.

- What point
in the evening was this?

- On the way back in the van.

- On the way back--
so late into the evening.

- Yeah.

- Thailand is not the place
I'd want to be wandering around,

a single female, at 3:00
or 4:00 in the morning.

- No doubt it would have
been fueled by alcohol

and things like that.

- We're in the middle
of a charter season,

we're in the middle of thailand.

Why the [bleep] would
you do that?

This sh--'s unacceptable.

- I'll let you know if
I hear anything else, cap.

- Please do.

- All right, see you later.

- [bleep]

- can I have a hug?

- You feeling better today?
- Yes.

- All right, love you,
I'll see you later.

Have fun ironing.

- I won't.

- Yay, ironing.

- Kate leaving last night
wasn't really a surprise.

She obviously doesn't
give a [bleep] about

anyone or this charter season.

[ singing ]

good riddance, fake kate.

We've got less than 24 hours
until the guests get on board,

and the show must go on.

- Have we rinsed the hull?
- Yeah.

- You wanna get
the flats and the scuppers,

and we'll start downstairs.

- This does not
do anything, honestly.

- I think it just knows
you don't like ironing.

- I know.

- So it's giving you
even more reason.

- It senses my fear.

- Did you and cap
talk about kate?

- No, I've told him what's up.
- Yeah.

[ phone ringing ]

- obviously, I shouldn't
have reacted like I did.

- She feels like she is being
alienated from this crew.

- If she feels alienated
from the crew,

it's because she has
alienated herself.

- I think you got a lot
off your chest last night.

- But--

- I think you got it all off
your chest last night.

We also know the type
of person she is--

she's not gonna take it lightly,

and she does have the ability
to make everybody's life hell.

[ phone ringing ]

- nothing.
g*dd*mn it.

- We have to scrub
the engines, bro.

- This is just gross.

- Get scrubbin', bitch.

- I thought you said
we had bleach?

- [bleep]

- let's get our asses
to work, please.

- Yes.

- Got tired of fighting
with the ironing board?

Carry on.

- I don't wanna work harder.

I don't wanna work at all.

- Courtney!

Kate's not on the boat.
I don't know what's going on,

but this is still a
charter that needs to happen,

so I'll just take matters
into my own hands.

Where's the other
extension cord?

If kate doesn't come back,
I hope captain lee

brings on another chief stew.

[ clears throat ]

- someone that will actually
teach something to me.

That would be great.

- Ashton, quit making me nervous
and hand rhylee your radio.

Bunch of g*dd*mn comedians,
for chrissake.

- What the [bleep] am
I doing with my life?

[ sighs ]

- hi.
- Hello!

- Can I use your
radio real quick?

- Mm-hmm.

- All crew, all crew,
here I am, back at the boat.

- Yes!
- Ready to go.

- Oh, here we go.

- [bleep] my life.

- Kate, to the bridge.

- Copy, on my way.


- Still in last night's outfit?
Come on.

- I'm not a quitter,
and also, why should

that [bleep]hole stay on
the boat and not me?

So I'm back on the boat, but I
don't have to be nice anymore,

and I don't give a [bleep].


- I was just coming
to find you.

- What's the vibe on board?

I'm about to go up to
talk to captain lee.

- I think you gotta tell
lee the truth.

- I'll own my part,
but I really don't feel like

I did anything at all
to warrant what happened.

- His point was that you
brought up his family,

and that should never
have happened.

- And then after ashton wanted
to k*ll me, tanner kissed me.

This is the most--
- this is really-- -

- --ridiculous situation
I've ever been in.

- Are you taking
the scenic route?

- On my way.

- What the [bleep]?

- I'm sorry for any worry.

- Last thing I wanted to do
was go into patong

and try and find kate, okay?

- I just walked down the dock--

- but I--but I didn't know that.
- Yeah.

I apologize, but in that moment,

it was the best
thing I could do.

- Do not do that to me again.

I'm terribly disappointed,
and pissed.

Kate's like family,
she's like a daughter to me.

But this sh--'s unacceptable.

Screw everybody else, I'm
leaving--I don't think so.

As department heads, we have
to be better than that.

I have no idea what transpired,
and ashton has no recollection.

- Because he was so far gone
it was a total overreaction.

- As department heads,
you need to, you know,

rise above this kind of thing.
It's gotta go away.

- I don't think "it"
will happen again.

- I hope not.

- I don't feel
guilty about leaving,

because that was
an insane situation,

and I don't feel like
I owe anybody an explanation.

- Perhaps I should have maybe
left a note for captain lee,

because I'm sure he was worried.

But I'm coming back,
so you're welcome.

Thank you. Sorry.

- Welcome to
marriott valor,

where everything's broken,
including our denim.

- How you doing over there,
steam queen?

- Surviving, just a bit tired.

I'm doing everything in my
power to just keep my head down,

just do my job.

But the chief stew that
hates me has just come back,

tanner's broken up with me.

Like, this is an amazing life
I'm living right now, ha-ha.

Jesus, take the wheel.

- How is today, what's going on?

- It was good,
we just, like, ironed.

- Did you think
I was coming back?

- No.
- I would never leave you.

- Kate, kate, ashton.
- Go ahead.

- Do you have a second
to chat, please?

- Absolutely, I think
the master room is available.

- Copy, I'm on my way.

You know, when I was younger,
I had a bit of a temper.

I'm a child of a broken
home with divorced parents.

So I have this
sensitivity around my family,

but I still need to take control
of myself and my own emotions.

I don't expect her
to apologize to me,

because she is kate,
so I'll be the better man

and I'll come and say my part.

Um, should we chat
about last night?

So obviously,
things were pretty heated.

Look, to be honest with you,

I've been trying to work
out today what exactly it is

that really made me that upset,
and I don't know what it is.

I don't think it's okay from my
side, so I apologize for that.

- I completely accept it.

- I appreciate that.
- I appreciate it.

It's not okay.

You're a maniac, and you
need psychiatric help.

It's like I forgive
him out of pity.

- I'm sorry, kate.
- It's okay.

Luckily, we work
in different departments.

I mean, I've worked
with kevin all season,

I can handle ashton
a few more charters.

- Cool, thanks kate.
- Thank you.

- Kate, ashton, and kevin,
I need you in the crew mess

for a preference
sheet meeting, please.

- Copy.

- Kate.
- Hi.

- We're all good here, right?
- Yep.

- Cool.

- All right,
let's get on with it, then.

Nicole orsini and zak eagle.

Nicole is a behavior analysis,

and her fiancé, zak,
is an attorney.

Zak and nicole invited
their good friends lauren,

also an attorney.

Justine is a private chef

and owns her own company,
silver spoon charleston.

- A private chef?
- Mm-hmm.

- Oh, whatever.

- Nicole is excited to be
joined by her cousin jamie.

In addition to zak
and jamie's birthdays,

they're gonna have
a black and gold

masquerade theme party
on night one.

Madison and seth have requested
to go fishing in the morning

of the second day
of their charter.

- Mm-hmm.

- These charter guests seem
a little high-maintenance,

but considering how ashton has
been behaving towards me lately,

at least one of them
is a behavior analyst

and one of them is an attorney.

They can either
help me figure him out

or file a restraining order.

- Is everyone
as excited as I am?

- I haven't been
this excited in years.

- I'm horrified.
- Yeah.

- Thank you.

- How do you feel?

- God, such an emotional
24 hours, I'm exhausted.

I just wanna--like,
I just really don't wanna

talk about this,
I don't wanna think about this,

I don't wanna deal with this.

This has been a horrible season.

It is deeply insulting
to be on a boat

with so many people
that dislike you so strongly.

There's no amount of money
anyone could pay me

to tolerate being disrespected
by psychopaths and children.

So for the first time,

I'm really starting to question
what's next, because no.

Like, I don't need this sh--.

[ yawning ]

- ooh, I'm looking pretty good.

Hi, bro.

- Today is the day.

- Oh, boy.

- Copy.
- Copy.

- Hi, good morning.
- Gatos!

- Where is the absinthe--
I think I found it.

- That's it.
- That's it.

- So kate told me
that you guys

kissed the other
night at the club.

- No.
- Really?

- Nope.

- You don't remember,
maybe, or--

- nah, that's something--
- --you know for sure?

- --That's something I would
have remembered.

Having this come from rhylee,
I feel like she's just got

her ----ing whisk and she's
just stirring up bullsh--.

- She said it. It's not like
I heard it from another source.

- Then again, I don't know.

We've been on this
boat for a while.

All of a sudden, tanner's
looking pretty nice, huh?

No, I would admit it if I did.

- Well now I'm disappointed.

- Look at this
beautiful bathroom.

- All crew, into your whites.

We've got about 10 minutes
till showtime, guys.

- Copy.

- You know what the difference
is between me and you?

- I make this look good.
- I make this look good.

- I'm so scared right now.

- Everybody ready?

- It's the valor.

- All right, let's go.

- Okay, as long as
it's not this blue one.

- Here they come.

- Coming up...

- You guys let me know
which rooms you choose.

- I was told I'd have,
like, an actual room.

- We all want our
own room, jamie,

but this is
how many rooms we have.

- I can't share a full-size bed
with another adult woman.

- This is so--

- wait, the blue one?
- No, the next one.

- It's the valor.
- Here they come.

- Oh, my god, look at that boat.

- Oh, it's hot.

- How are you?
- Zak.

- Hi, zak.
- Nice to meet you.

- I'm molly, nice to meet you.
- Hi, I'm ashton.

- Hi.
- Kevin, nice to met you.

- Okay.

----Ing tosser.

- Welcome aboard valor.

Have a great three days
planned out for you.

Kate will take you on
a tour of the boat,

and we'll get outta here

and get the party started.

- Watch your step right here.

- It's nice.
- Beautiful.

- It's like a fancy hotel.

- So this is your
master stateroom.

- Yeah.
- Right, I love it.

Did you hear her say that?
- No! Shut up.

- Yeah.

- Now we're gonna go
to the guest quarters.

We have
two identical queen rooms

and one room with two twins.

You guys let me know
which rooms you choose.

I'll have the deckhands
bring your luggage down.

- I need a room with two beds.

- There's a twin room
right there.

- Okay.

- I was told I'd have,
like, an actual room.

- Um--

we all want our own room, jamie,

but this is
how many rooms we have.

Okay, you'll be here--

- yeah, I guess
I'm the odd man out.

- I'll make the sky lounge
very nice for you.

- Oh, gosh, okay.

- It's because of charter guests
like this that I'm over it.

- Sorry, it was a--like,
it was a thing

that wasn't gonna change, yeah.
- Oh, okay.

- Let's get into
position, deck crew.

- We should just cheers to
air conditioning real quick.

- Let's go bow to stern,
starting now.

- Copy, cap, bow to stern.

- Captain, all lines on board.

- The sky lounge.

- This is yours?

- What was your name again?
- I'm tanner.

- Tanner, hi.
- I'm lauren.

- Oh, lauren.
- Are you in the sky lounge?

- Oh, I think default,
yeah, I'm there.

- Okay.

- That couch is
super comfortable.

- I'm gonna test it out.

- Are you okay?
- Oh, of course, it'll be fine.

- It's the room situation.

- I don't understand
what's going on.

- Awesome.

- She has to post up
in the common room.

- Well, why is there an
issue with lauren?

- Well, because she doesn't
wanna sleep in the common room.

- The other rooms
are downstairs?

- Yes.
- Okay.

- I can't share a full-sized bed
with another adult woman.

- She doesn't even have a bed?

- I don't even have
a bed or a bathroom.

- It's fine,
we'll figure it out.

- We're gonna have to throw
someone overboard, I guess.

- Yes.

- Yeah.

- Deck crew, deck crew,
please change into your blues.

- Copy.

- These are actually
pizza trays.


♪ questioning yourself ♪

can you grab me a main
plate quickly, please?

I'm just checking
the size for the pizza.

Hopefully there'll
be no complaints.


I'm stressed out, eh?

- Yeah.

- Hey, guys.
- What's going on, man?

- Yay!

- All right, I'll see
you guys later.

- Bye, ashton.
- Bye, ashton.

We miss you.

- Already?

- I love you!

Kind of want your babies.


- On my mark, I want two sh*ts.

- Two sh*ts.
- And drop.

- Let's lock it in.

I want all the toys
in the water.

- We'll do the pool,
then we'll do the slide.

- I had broken my foot
last year falling down stairs.

- I hit my face, and
I, like, run into walls.

- We were talking about
who do you think

the hottest person
on the staff is?

- Ashton and the facial
hair boy in the blue.

- That's tanner.
- Tanner and ashton.

- You should tap that.
- Yeah, super hot.

- I think kate's the hottest.

- Kate's hot,
but she prefers men.

- I'm, like, very, very--
I'm very, very into men.

- How's that knot coming along,

- It's a little tight.

- Did you see my knot?

I was going with the
little guys for those.

- Yeah.

- That's it. That is it.

- Wanna start carrying
out with me?

- Sure.

- Thank you.

- You just gotta look
yourself in the mirror

and say, "when in rome."
- or thailand.

- We've got four different
kinds of pizzas coming out.

This is just to get started.

Prosciutto burrata, avocado--

- did you want sauvignon
blanc or rose?

- So these first two are gonna
be just margheritas, okay?

- Cool.

- They look really nice.

- Here we have margherita pizza.

We have a couple other kinds.

- Jamie, will you
pass me one of those?

- I'm so happy that
nicole asked for pizza.

- So good.
- Because it's the best.

- I love it.

- Yeah, I believe there's
two more coming out.

- Okay.

- I'll go check.

- Sure.

- Cheese is nice,
but not, like--

- not very cheesy.

- Speaking of not very cheesy,

do we have a non-cheese
pizza coming out?

- Um [bleep] no, why?

- Does someone not like cheese?
- Yeah.

- Oh.
- So no cheese?

- This is shrimp, capers,
and spinach pizza.

- Cheese-free?
- Not cheese-free.

- Oh.

Can you let her know chef's
just put it in the oven?

- Yep.

- Seriously, whatever.
[bleep] it.

- If I was a chef and
one of our charter guests

couldn't eat diary,
pizza wouldn't be

the first idea
that came to mind.

- Coming up...

- Can I shower you
in some fresh water?

Molly's definitely
the type of girl

I would go and
talk to in a bar.

- Coming down.

- There's more pizza coming.

- There's one without cheese?

She just doesn't eat cheese.

- Can't have cheese.

If you put it on
your preference sheet,

that's what's happening,

- Get rid of all
that sh--, court.

- Mm-hmm.
- Sorry, thank you.

There's so many
preferences here.

Like, just bullsh--.

[ exhales ]

- I'm gonna make you a
cheese-less pizza, yeah.

- All right, court,
pizza up, no cheese.

- Copy.

- Are you allergic to dairy,
or you just don't prefer it?

- Yeah.

- This one's potato, caramelized
onions, peppers, and parsley.

- So no cheese?
- No cheese.

- Oh [bleep] me.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Look at me while
you're chewing it.

- ...Area of
the mariana trench.

- I love pickles,
but I ----ing hate cucumbers.

But I love, like,
a chef's tasting menu.

I'll just say hey,
don't give me a cucumber.

- Wait, stop, stop, stop.

- I hear people right below us.

- Where are you going?

- That's it.
- Good?

- Perfect.
- Oh, my god, I'm so excited.

- All right, let's do it, girls.
- Yes!

- You can stand up on there,
and then you can jump off.

- One--

- two, three.

[ screaming ]

- wow!

- Molly, if you swim towards
the pool, there's a ladder.

Molly's definitely
the type of girl I would go

and talk to at a bar.

Approachable, very fun.

Can I shower you in
some fresh water?

Like, she's
perfectly put together.

But bosuns cannot hook
up with charter guests.

Work it, molly, work it.

- Be a good boy, ashton.

All right, all right,
let's go back to the bar.

- Yeah, just go for it.
- All right.

[ screaming, laughter ]

- ooh, that was a good one.

- Matzo ball?
- Matz ball?

I've never
made matzo ball soup before,

but this is what they want.
- When did they request that?

Oh, "matzo ball,"
that one right there.

- Yeah. With all these
different preferences,

I'm just going off what
the primaries want.

I'm gonna do the lobster
on a hot plate.

They'll love it.

This is rainbow cookie.

- This is the
birthday cookie cake.

- Yeah, but I'm gonna put a
candle just on two plates.

- That's fine.

- And it's all gonna
be plated up tonight.

- Oh, yay.

- Is that the giving tree
on your foot?

- No, um--
- tree of love.

- Zak has the other half,
so I--

- oh, I see, I gotcha.

- Very cool.

- Aw, he's so cute.

- Ooh, I'm gonna k*ll
these ----ing lobsters.

- I know.

- How we coming with the toys?
Let's lock it in, now.

[ grunting ]

[ chatter ]

- dinner's at 8:30, and it's
a black-and-gold masquerade.

- Perfect.

- Can I get you guys
anything to drink?

I'll take that for you.
- Yeah.

- Push it towards me.
- Yeah.

- Copy that.
- Nice.

What the [bleep] is wrong--

- hi.
- How you doing?

- Good.

Can you go down and change
into your blacks?

- Okie-dokie.

- Okay.
See you at 6:00.

I'll make sure everything's
set up and ready.

After last season,
with chandler

not putting me
on a fishing trip--

the guests wanna go
fishing in the morning.

- You and chandler
are going fishing.

To be able to do this
and show my skill set,

yeah, I'm excited as [bleep]
to take these guys out.

- Cool, thanks, rhy.
- Yep.

- Oh, they're nice.
- It looks nice.

- Look how perfect they are.

- Nicole, you're looking good.

- "phantom of the opera."

- oh, this looks so pretty.
- Thank you.

Let's see what we can do.

Tonight we're doing
a masquerade theme.

I would like to make the
masques the napkin ring--

- ah.
- --So it makes it pop.

I love doing theme parties,
but honestly,

the masquerade theme is,
like, a little creepy.

I feel like it's for swingers.

- Ooh.

- Fancy bitch.

- If you guys are ready
to move to the table,

kevin's ready to start dinner.

- Awesome.
- Thank you.

- So pretty!
- Oh, how cute!

- I'll serve the soup now, yeah?
- Yeah, bowl it up.

- "matsa" ball, yeah?


- matzo.
- Matzo ball.

- Traditional yiddish.

- Okay, let's go.

- Ooh.
- What is this?

- Matzo ball soup.

- Oh, my god, wow.

- Enjoy, guys.
- Thank you!

- Thank you.
- Very cool.

- Nicole, you got your wish.
- I know!


- Oh, my god, it's amazing.

- Oh, it's delicious.

- They're loving
the matzo ball soup, kevin.

- That's good.

- This is like what
I want my dead grandmother

to bring me when I'm sick.

- You're so weird.

- It's right there.
- Yeah.

- The flirtation
is starting to pick up

a little bit with kate and I.

Yo, before you go to bed, do
you remember anything happening

in the van when we came back
from the club?

- Ah.

- Rhylee came up
to me this morning

and said that kate
and I kissed.

- The [bleep].

- Yes, boy, finally.

- Locked it in!

- This looks gorgeous.

- They're gonna love it.
- Oh, there we go.

- Okay, so we've got
fresh lobster here,

and I've made a bisque
with the heads and stuff.

Thanks, guys, enjoy.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Let me take a picture.

- I never do because
it's insulting to the chef,

because you're not eating
at the temperature

that it was intended
to be served at.

- Oh, it's two seconds.
I'm not insulting anyone.

- So good.
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah, it's good.

- I'm not big on lobster,
but this is good.

- They love it.

It's the most quiet they've been
since they've been on the boat.

- Okay, cool.

- Keep your eyes open
for things that we need to do.

- Just keep quiet and go to bed.
- Okay.

- On deck at 6:30 for fishing.

- See you in the morning.

- I'm batman.
- Shut the [bleep] up.

- Simone, simone, can you come
to the galley for service?

- Ah!

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Okay, I'm cleared.

- I'm ----ing picasso.

- More like jackson pollack.

- Should I put the
ice cream like that?

- Oh, I like that.

What if some of them fall?

- Look how cute.
- You can always redo that one.

- Okay, with the ice cream,
it can go, guys.

- Yeah.
- Oh, we have a fall-through.

- Uh-oh.

- What if it falls
while I'm walking?

- Just go with it.
It's living art.

It's like the banksy photo
that destructed itself.

- Oh, my god, they made
rainbow cookies!

[ gasping ]
- oh, my god!

- That's really cool.

- Oh, ice cream fell.

- Hers just fell in,
I watched it.

- Oh, man.
They're gonna fall!

- Hey, guys.
This is your rainbow cookie.

This is the first I'm making it,
same with the matzo soup.

- Oh, it's awesome.

- Yeah, okay?
- Thank you so much.

- Cool, thanks, guys.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- This is better than your
average rainbow cookie.

- Oh, my god.

- Means we're not getting
a birthday cake?

- Oh [bleep].

- In addition to
zak and jamie's birthday,

they're gonna have
a masquerade party.

- I'm not friends with these
charter guests on facebook.

How am I supposed
to remember their birthday?

- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.

- Kevin--birthday.

- Whose birthday?

- It's a double
birthday celebration.

- Yeah, we told them
it was a birthday party,

and we didn't get, like--

- maybe they're planning
it for tomorrow.

- You told me you were gonna
put candles in it.

- [bleep], I completely forgot!

- They're like,
"it's not a birthday cake,

I'm gonna put candles in it."

and then I forgot because
the balls were falling.

You know how I get
when balls are dropping!

- It was supposed to be tonight,

it was supposed to be a
masquerade and birthday party.

- Why don't we clarify,

- you can clarify.
It says on the thing.

- Do you have candles right now?

- No, I don't have any candles.
- Oh.

- [bleep]
- we're in trouble.

- Coming up...

Because I guess we're not

- do you have candles
there right now?

- No, I don't have any candles.

- [bleep]

- they don't know
that we forgot.

- Ever since kate quit,
she's up in la-la land.

Without kate, we'd probably
do a lot better.

- Yeah, that's a good idea.

- Woo!

- Yeah, they're on fire,
you're good.

- Come on, we're going out to
sing, we're going out to sing.

- What are we going to sing?
- "happy birthday."

- kev, wear your masque,
wear your masque.

- We heard it was
two people's birthday.

- Aw!

- ♪ happy birthday to you ♪

♪ happy birthday, dear... ♪

- oh, wow.
- Wow!

- ♪ happy birthday to you ♪

- oh, my god, what is this?
- Absinthe.

- I thought you forgot!
I was like--

- no!

- All right.

- Okay, well, cheers.

I've never done absinthe.
Here we go.

- Woo!

- Okay, so simone, go to bed.

I'll do the breakfast
pull and I'll make sure

you have everything.
- Ah, okay, thank you.

- Yeah.

- Holy sh-- that
was burning my mouth.

- So who wants to fish tomorrow?

- If you guys catch something,

are you gonna
throw it back, or--

- we're gonna bring it back
and eat it.

- Can we--

- I wanted to make sure it was,
like, ethically okay before I--

- yeah, sure.
You can do whatever you like.

- My mouth is, like--
that glass was so hot.

- Oh, my baby.
- You're going to bed?

- I'm going to bed as well.

- See you for fishing.

- Yay!
- Night.

- Good night.
- Night, all.

- Nice job on dinner.

- We'll be lucky if
we get 1,100 this trip.

- Happy birthday to me.

- Happy birthday.
- Yeah.

- Your bed is ready for you.

- I want her out.
I want her out of here.

- They all hate jamie.

- Okay, I'm off to bed,
good night.

[ phone alarm ringing ]

- [bleep]

- this'll be an adventure.

- Yeah.

- How are we gonna chum
up the waters?

- Is--is jamie coming?

- She's still in bed, I think.

- Have we got
everything we need?

- All right.

Rhylee is a fisherman
by profession.

- We don't have any pliers.

I need to be able
to cut these things.

- I've given her the
responsibility on this trip.

- Thank you.

- This is her time to shine.

So you want us to go
around that side, rhy?

- Wherever the best spot is
that's gonna have structure.

- Hello.
- Hey, captain lee.

You wanna come in here?
- Sure.

How can I help you?

- I guess I just really
didn't know what the dynamic

was gonna be with
the room situation.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I'm fine to share
with anyone.

And so I was a little offput
when, you know, she was not--

- that somebody else was
not as willing to share?

- Right, and I'm on a couch,

and no bathroom,
don't have a shower.

Trying really hard not
to be, like, a diva.

- Okay. Why don't you go
ahead and go fishing, and--

- okay.

- --I'll see to it that you have
your own room when you get back.

- That would be amazing,
thank you so much.

- I'm pissed.

I mean, this poor girl's
sleeping in the sky lounge?

Come on--no privacy,
no bathroom.

That's your luxury vacation?

Jamie's being a selfish,
insignificant little twit.

Oh, man.

- Simone, simone, can we just
start hurrying the guests up?

- Copy.

- You guys look ready
for fishing.

- Ready for fishing.

- Watch your head.
- Hey, captain lee.

- Good morning.

- That's everybody
that's coming, right?

Is jamie coming or not?

- She's still in bed.

- All right, we're going.

- I need you to strip
my room completely.

- Mm-hmm.

- I promised lauren
that she would have

her own room when she got back,

and the only room that's
available is mine.

- Yours.

- So I'm gonna be moving
out of my room.

- Okay.

- You've got about an hour
and a half to get

the sheets off,
the pillowcases off--

- mm-hmm, everything.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome, thank you.

- It's okay.

- Mm-hmm.

- Mm-hmm.

We got some squid.
- Nice.

- We'll just see
what we got down there.

- Rhylee, what are
we fishing for?

- Your guess is as good
as mine, lauren.

Zak, you're right here.

So just do a little jig
action for me.

Okay, nice up and down.

You're familiar with
fishing, correct?

- A little bit.
- Okay.

- Something doesn't feel
right about this area.

- So we just wait now?

- I don't see any other boats.


- So you're just gonna
go nice and slow.

- Do you want us to move
to a different location?

Sure enough, this area
is not zoned for fishing.

What the [bleep] rhylee?

- Okay, copy that. Thank you
for letting me know, bye.

Uh, rhy?

- Yep, bringing them in.
- Yeah.

- Break it down, kiddo.

I'm just gonna throw
some stuff in my bag.

- I packed your laptop and
your electronics in here.

- Mm-hmm.
- And some of your tablets.

- Okay.

- And it's all because
one person

doesn't want to
share with another.

- Yes, it is.

Doesn't play well with others.

- What's going on up here?


- Hi.
- Hi.

- Welcome to the party.

- Oh, what's happening?

- This one demanded
her own room.

- This one's still on board,
by the way, just--

- yeah, I know.
- Yeah.

- So this sweet,
nice girl, she's like,

"I'll take the sky
lounge, that's fine."

it's not fine.

So now captain lee's bed is
becoming the fifth guest room.

Captain lee is sleeping
in the sky lounge.

- You're lying.
- No.

- [bleep]
- don't I seem okay?

- I wouldn't be!
- It's so intense.

- Captain, captain, ashton.

- Watch your head.
- Thank you.

- Good morning, how was it?
- Good morning, great.

- Did you catch something?
- We did not.

- Okay. Well, we do have
breakfast here for you guys.

- Yum.

- We have some pastries
and muffins.

- Hey, captain lee, how are you?
- I'm good.

Are you ready for your room?
- So ready.

- You're staying in
the captain's quarters.

- Oh, my goodness.

- This is where you'll be.

- Perfect.

- Simone?
- Yes?

- If you'd like to
give her the tour.

- Thank you, captain.
- You're welcome.

- I appreciate it.

- How was the trip?
- It's all right.

Rhylee kinda looks at me
to find the spots for fishing.

I'm like, this is
your fishing trip.

I don't know where the ----ing
best spots around thailand are,

but I'm not the fisherman,
you know what I mean?

- And then again, like,
I get onto the boat,

and she's like, "oh, well,
we don't have pliers."

I'm like, have your
sh-- in order.

You should have ----ng pliers,

you should have
everything you need.

- Yeah, exactly.

- Would you like me
on the back stern with tanner?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- This was one trip
I thought would have gone

seamlessly with a professional
alaskan fisherman on board.

I'm really trying to keep my
cool, but I am fuming inside.

- Where the chef at?

- You smell so ----ing good.

- Kate.
- Hi, you guys want more eggs?

- I think we're gonna
split an eggs benedict.

- Okay.

- With lettuce, tomato,
that kind of thing.

- Perfect.

- Oh, he'll love that.
- Yeah.

- Kevin is going to hate this.

Sorry not sorry.

Okay, molly and lauren
wanna split eggs benedict,

the primary just said
fried egg sandwich

with cheese, tomato,
and avocado.

Then the remaining
three want however

you want to make
their breakfast eggs.

- Okay.

- They're like, "however
he wants to make some eggs."

scrambled, they don't care.

This is all gonna be very easy.

This is the worst breakfast
order since I have started.

- Mm-hmm.
- [bleep]

- are you serious?
- Yeah.

- I don't know.

- What do you reckon I should
make these guys, omelettes?

- Yeah, a delicious omelette.

- Can you go down
and get mushrooms

and anything else
you see down there

that might go
nice into an omelette?

- Yeah.

- Girls, girls, girls,
I need service, please.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Fried egg sandwich?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- It looks beautiful!

- Jesus, so ----ing busy.

- Mm, look at that delicious

- Do you guys need a chef?

- Will you just move in
with me and cook me food?

- I was classically

- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.

- Thank you.

- Hm?

- Yeah, mine was salty also.

Oh, we should tell him that.

- Hello.
- Hey, guys.

- Hey.

- Okay, so what are we thinking,

we're gonna put the tender
in, and the skis?

- Get the slide in as well.
- Yeah, for sure.

So we got into a bit of trouble

this morning with
the park rangers.

We weren't allowed to fish
where we were fishing.

- Oh.

- It's extremely important that
if there's an issue that happens

with guests,
I go and tell

captain lee about it
as soon as possible,

because he'll be pissed
if a guest approaches him

and he knows nothing about it.

I've got professionals on board.

Like, I'd like them to do a bit
more research into their trips,

do you know what I mean?
- I do.

- I'm just gonna point out
that offshore fishing

is not really
a main activity here.

- Well, it's just a few things
this morning that I wasn't happy

with in terms of preparation,
but I hear what you're saying.

- Ashton is
making rhylee look bad

to make himself look better,
and it's not cool.

[ clears throat ]

- I don't get involved with the
way that the interior gets run.

I focus on my team, but
kate will never do the same.

Can you just stick
to your department?

Like, I'm trying to have a
discussion with my captain here.

- Can we get you anything?

- Too salty?

- Salty?

- Okay.

- I'm gonna go lay down
until we do jet-skis.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Nice.

- Oh, I'm so beat.

- Hey.
- Hey, how are you?

- Hi.
- Hm.

- What's up?

- Really?

- Like, nicole was super
happy with it...

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, I mean, I'm only one
guy, you know what I mean?

- I'm just trying to look out
for you, that's all.

- Yeah, no, but I don't
need to be looked out for.

Like, I'm employed by the
boat, you know what I mean?

- All right.

- Next, on "below deck"...

- Anybody else good with waters?
- Yes, thank you.

- Okay, perfect.

- You're doing great.
- Yes, thank god.

- Somebody can sit here
as well, if you want.

- Oh.
- There you go, molly.

- Hint hint, nudge nudge.

I have never hooked up
with a model before.

Molly's a pretty hot model.

- [ shrieking ]

- What do you think, I make
the move on kate tomorrow?

- Yeah, go for it.

- You're really spiraling.

- Of course I am.

- Yeah.

- You got warned by captain lee

that this will not be
tolerated from you.

- Quit ----ing pointing your
----ing finger at me.

- Rhylee's counterproductive to
the morale of the deck crew.

I'd like to go into the next
two charters a man down.

- Rhylee, rhylee.
- Mm.

- Can I see you
in my new office?

- We do have a situation.
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