06x15 - Shame Cocoon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x15 - Shame Cocoon

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on

- Previously on
"Below Deck"...

- Group has requested
a wig party.

- Tahiti, b*tches.

- Adrian's a bit ----ing...

- What did he say?

- Everything you can imagine.

- It's a really awkward

- Kate, when's the main course
being served?

- That was it.
Are you still hungry?

- Kate, serve them real food.

- I really wanna like them.

There's just too many dicks
on one boat.

- It's gonna be
a long two days.

- We've got guests going on
the Jet Ski.

- We always put our k*ll cord
between here.

You'll see
this rubber band fit.

All you need to do
is put it through here.

[exciting music]

- Oh, God.

Two man off the Jet Ski.

Jet Ski is still in motion.

- What the (BLEEP) is going on?

- Oh, my God,
they just fell off.

- Jesus ----ing Christ.

♪ ♪

[horn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- I've got two man
off the Jet Ski.

Two man, please, copy?

- Yeah, copy.

- Jet Ski is still in motion.

- ----ing hell.

- Ross, can you see Billy
in the water right here?

Jesus ----ing Christ.
- That sh--'s not funny.

----ing Ski's still running.

I am pissed.
I am beyond pissed.

You've got a Jet Ski
weighs 800, 900 pounds

out there running around
with no driver.

Another guy floating
in the water.

Get those Jet Skis in here.
- Should I drop my lines?

- I mean, which nut
do I have to cut off

to prevent having
another accident?

- All right, bring the Jet Ski

- I got it.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

I need that Jet Ski
back to the boat.

I need you two guys
in the boat, now.

- Okay.

[motor buzzing]

- You kidding me?

- Let's just say I'm not happy.

- Are they getting told off?

- Yeah--no, I mean,
it's a cluster(BLEEP).

- Sorry, Captain.

- What you guys don't realize

is that you could have
k*lled each other.

You guys don't have
your k*ll switches on.

- What's that?

- We always put our
k*ll cord between here.

- When you fall off,
what happens to the Jet Ski?

- It keeps moving.
- It just keeps going.

And let's say you fall off,

get the wind knocked out
of you,

now it hits you in
the g*dd*mn head.

- Yeah.
- Now what's wrong with you?

- Right.

- It was my fault.
I appreciate--

- I'm not looking
to assign blame.

I'm looking to keep
everybody safe.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- We're just being boys,
you know?

Your crew definitely
mentioned it,

but we were just
being adventurous.

- I gotta keep you healthy.

Boys are a handful.

- You boys want any drinks?

- What do you recommend?

- Tequila.

What, you want
a sparkling unicorn?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Kate, Kate...

Can we get three
sparkling unicorn drinks?

- Copy.

- A sparkling unicorn drink

is vodka, ice, soda water,

and...whatever the hell else
is lying around.

- Do you think Rhylee

that there's
no such ----ing thing?

- Never made the same way

- Did you guys order
the unicorn drinks?

- Tell me, what's this?

[bright music]

- There we go.

- For dinner?

- Okay.

[hip-hop music]

- Winch it down.

♪ ♪

- Oh, my God.

- So you're liking it so far?

- I do.

I don't know where I'm going
to apply to after this

or where I should go.

- Alaska.
- [chuckles]

- You look so different
in your Alaskan sweater.

- I know.

He's just saying what he wants
to do for winter plans.

And then he said to me,
he's like,

"I'd love to go to Alaska."

- That's exactly what I said,

- [laughs]

- The only important question
right now is...

- Do you love Rhylee?

- Yes.

both: Aww.

- Wait, can I just hear what
you said before over again?

Do you love Rhylee?

[static over radio]

- [chuckles]

- What the (BLEEP)?

- Somebody say yes.

- Rhylee and I are good.

Like, this is exactly
what I want at the moment.

I don't want anything more
and God forbid anything less.

- Are you gonna name
your daughter Seanna Kate?

- She's gonna be Royal

- Best royal stripper
in all the land.

- [laughs]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- How have you never been
blonde before?

- Carlos, yes, yes, yes.

- Good.
(BLEEP) that thing.

- Tonight's a wig party
that's happening in 45 minutes.

- Cool.

- Okay, here we go.

- Uh, excuse me.

The (BLEEP) did I hear
on the radio?

What did you say to Tyler?

- I didn't even talk
to Tyler today.

- Yeah, you did.
You hit your radio mic,

and you were like,
"Do you love Rhylee?"

- It wasn't me.
It must have been Kate.

- Okay.

- Hey, Rhylee.

- I wanna know,
was that you on the radio?

- I was working and Josiah
asked Tyler,

"Do you love Rhylee?"

'Cause he was wearing
a sweater.

First time, he said, "Yes."

And it wasn't mic'd,
and I was like, "That's cute."

So then I mic'd it again,
and then he, like,

noticed that I was mic'ing it
and didn't say anything.

And I was like,
"Somebody say yes."

- [sighs]

I don't want just a (BLEEP)boy.

And also I really don't want
Tyler to be shied off

if people tease him about it.

- He's wearing
an Alaskan sweater

in Tahitian heat.
He wants it.

[electronic music]

What are you making for dinner?

- Crispy asparagus salad

and crab
and shiitake cannelloni things.

- Like it.

- It's been a long season,
and with these guests,

I don't have the patience
in me.

They want a lot of food,

so we're gonna give them
massive portions,

and then they can't say
anything or should not.

- Good job.
- Yeah, I'm helping.



- Yeah?
- I heard you kissed Laura.


We had some time to chat.

- Well, what exactly
did she say?

- I think she plays it cool,

but I think she has
feelings for you.

- Well, that's cool.

Um, and I--I like her.

It's been a long time since
I've had a bond with a girl.

Myself and my last girlfriend
definitely loved each other,

but we just stopped adding
value to each other's lives,

and we just weren't
meant to be together.

And right now,
I'm enjoying myself.

We'll see what happens.

[upbeat dance music]

- I need a good name for this.

I need a Spanish good name.

- A good Spanish name?

I definitely judged
a book by its cover

when these guests came on.

Like, in the end,
they're nothing like the guys

that actually bullied me
when I was in school.

- There we go.

Maria Consuelo Constata
who shops at Groupon.

[clicks tongue]

- We've got Katy Perry,
Kris Jenner,

Joanne the Scammer.

- Adrian, Adrian, we have
all guests at the table.

- Girl, your roots are showing.

- What's going on here?
Let's go, girls.

- Oh, my Lord Almighty.

- Service.

- Well, jeez, honey,
you didn't have to scream at me

like it's a diner.

- Oh, God, Kate, (BLEEP).

- What is it?


You're such a badass.

- The humidity is not working
with my wig.

all: Yes.

- There we go.

Amazing, you all look great.
Thank you, guys.

- So, for dinner,
Adrian's prepared

a marinated zucchini salad
with crispy asparagus

and a beet root dressing.

- Uh, yum.

I love it.

- Should we invent a name?

I think this one
really suits you.

- [laughs]

- Okay.

- You do look like Susan.

- Who's Susan?

- Just someone named Susan.

- All right, let's go, guys.
Let's go, please.

- Sorry.

- Yeah, I'm taking the plates,
don't worry.

- What?

It's respect for me.

I mean, I put all that energy
into making a dish,

bring it out when it's warm.

It pisses me off.

- Coming up...

- I think I'm gonna go
try and find a boat.

- I mean, my fishing skills
and your sailing skills...

- Rhylee is interjecting
herself into my life.

- And later...

[dramatic music]

- Oh, wow, what is this?

- This is a crab cannelloni

with a shiitake mushroom cream.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Sorry?

- You're like my third grade
teacher, Susan.

- You can't have crab?

Okay, I'll take it...

- I don't think Adrian
did his yoga this morning.

- It would have been
a good thing

to put on your
preference sheet.

- He's normally very Zen.

- Voilà.
- Thank you.

- There we go.

- There you are.

This is a duo
of mushrooms cannelloni.

He was under the impression

you were just allergic
to lobster, so I'm so sorry.

- Oh, my God, babe, no,
you're fine.

- Okay.

- 6:30, bye.
- Bye.

- Bye.
- Bye, thank you.

- How is this, you guys?
- Yum.

- It's really good.
- Does it have cheese in it?

- I don't think so.

- I love Adrian.
I'm kind of obsessed with him.

- It smells like boys in here.

- Does it?
- Yeah.

- I'm actually full, though,

for the first time
of the whole trip.

- I wanna talk to you.

- I feel like we haven't
spoken much about like...

Like, I feel like I don't know
your past at all,

and I'm so keen to hear it.

Like, baby Ashton,
who's baby Ashton?

- [chuckles]

Well, I don't know
where to start.


- Well, like, my mom and dad

were very young
when they had me.

All I can remember
of my mom and dad

was--was fighting.

And then they got divorced,
and I stayed with my mom.

And then I would have
weekends with my dad.

So it was sh--.
- Yeah.

- I will make sure one day
when I'm married

that I do everything
in my power

to make sure that my kids
never have to go through

what I went through.

- It's really nice that

he feels comfortable enough
to open up to me.

I have had bad relationships.

I think those
bad relationships

have taught me what
a good relationship is,

and, you know, having that
comfort level with someone,

that's all I'm looking for.

- So...
- Wow.

- That's my story.

- If you ever have any doubts,
you should just remember that

it's made you who you are.

- Can we get a group photo?
- Yeah, of course.

- I want pursed lips.

- Perfect.
- [laughs]

- Good night, Kate.
- Night.

- Good night.

- Amazing.
- Thank you.

- Good night, sleep well.

- [moans]

- ♪ They've gone to bed ♪

♪ They've gone to bed ♪

♪ Now I'm gonna go to my bed ♪

- [moans]

[bright music]

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- [yawns]

♪ ♪

- I was thinking about

I think we should go
grab drinks tonight.

- Not with the crew?

- Yeah, since, you know,
we're so compatible

and our parts
fit together so well.

- How old is he?

- More like...

What were you thinking?

- [laughs]

God, he is so stupid.

- Uh, just wear your best.
Dress to impress.

Let's go get drinks.

- Okay.
- Tonight.

- Sounds good.
- Without anybody else.

- That'll be nice.

- I'm gonna watch you, uh,
press some citrus.

- Oh, (BLEEP).

- [laughs]


- Sweet and juicy.

- Uh-huh, just like me.

- Oh, God.
- [laughs]

It's been over a month,
so trust me, I'm juicy.

- Go, get out of my sight.

Sometimes chefs can be
a little bit forward

and say things that
are out of the ordinary.

But there's a very fine line
that people can cross,

and I think he's approaching
that line very quickly.

- Big papa.

[bright music]

Should I make some breakfast?

♪ ♪

- Good morning.

May I get you a coffee
or anything?

- Yes, babe, thank you so much.

I'll take one of your
famous cold brews...

- Yeah.
- With almond milk.

- Um, and a water,
and can we get

a couple of protein smoothies

- Okay.

- No problem.

- I can't believe
we're leaving.

- Deck crew,
prepare for departure.

We are lifting the anchor now.

- Copy.

[electronic music]

Up and done, Cap.
Up and done.

- Anchor's in the pocket, Cap.

- We're out of here.

♪ ♪

- Uh, Ross...

- I don't ----ing know, berk.


♪ ♪

- Thank you, love.

- I'll give you a little ice
on the side.

- Cheers.

- Laura, Laura, two minutes
for the eggs.

- Thank you.

Eggs Benedict.

- Eggs Benedict with steak
sounds really nice.

- Yes.

- Can I get a Bloody Mary,
as well?

- Yeah.
- Laura, can I get a mimosa?

- A mimosa, and then I'll come
back with your Bloody Mary

as soon as I get the food.

- Hey, hon.
- Thank God.

- First order came in, like,
40 minutes ago.

- Are you kidding me?
- No.

- I hate them.

What can I get to help you?

- Bloody Mary, please.
- Okay.

- And a mimosa.
- Okay.

- Thank you so much.

- Morning, Kate.
- The Bloody Mary?

- Next fall, after fire season,

I think I'm gonna go try
and find a boat.

I mean, my fishing skills
and your sailing skills...

- Feel like you're hinting
something here.

- Yeah.

- Well, that's what my plan was
with my own boat.

- Oh, well, I just incorporated
myself into it, so voilà.

- Hmm, filling a void
I didn't know I had.

- Mmm.
- Interesting.

I see what you did there.

Let me tell you the quickest
way to scare me off:

by forcing yourself
into my future plans.

- Hey, are those mooring lines
ready to go?

- Yeah, let's go get 'em.
- Let's go.

- Coming up...

- So we have to go now?

- Yeah, everybody's lined up
in the aft deck.

- We're lined up at the bar.
We want one last shot.

- I know.

How 'bout a buh-bye martini?

End of charter.

- Kate, I'm going out tonight.

Tyler asked me out for drinks.

- What?
Come here, come here.

- Wait, where you going out?
Where you going?

- Tell me everything,
come here.

- Just make sure I'm sucked in,
tucked in--

- Sucked, tucked, then ----ed,
got it.

- And (BLEEP)able.
- Okay.

- I'm so excited for Tyler
and Rhylee to go on a date!

They're the kind of couple
that I can see

driving across America
in a truck,

using a bucket for a toilet

and a different bucket
for a shower.

I think they would be really,
really cute.

- I need radio silence
except from everybody

calling out my distances
for me.

Thank you.

I'm sad we're done.

- All right, guys, drop.

- Moving to wing station.

- All right, Captain,
you're clear there

off the catamaran
25 feet on the stern.

- Where do you want it,
all the way to the fifth?

- Yep.

Tight, is that tight?
- Yep.

- All right, lock that
spring line down there.

- All right, team, let's go.
- All right, lock it in.

All crew, let's change
into our whites.

[upbeat music]

- Already over,
the next charter.

♪ ♪

- Okay, well, everybody's
lined up in the aft deck.

- Oh.

- We're lined up at the bar.
We want one last shot.

- I know.

- So we have to go now?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- Oh, you want another drink?
How 'bout a buh-bye martini?

♪ ♪

They're coming.

- Hey, thank you so much.
- You're very welcome.

- It was amazing.
- You're welcome.

- Thank you very much.

- Josiah, I will definitely
be seeing you again.

- Bye.
- Love you.

Okay, I'm legitimately
emotional right now,

so thank you guys
for everything.

Obviously, we would like to
present you guys with a tip.

I mean, if I could give you
$100,000 tip, I would,

but we give--are giving you
everything we possibly can.

- Thank you so much.
- So thank you.

- Thank you, guys.
- Thank you guys so much.

- Thank you.

- I'm so sad.

- Out of your whites,
into your work clothes.

We've got about 23 hours.
Let's go.

- That was so hardcore.

- Hmm.

- The last thing I want to do
right now

is flip the boat
and get ready for tomorrow.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- Attention all crew,

I need everyone in
the crew mess in five.

- Copy, Cap.

- Howdy, howdy.
So what a charter.

God, these guys
were everywhere.

You guys crushed it.

They left us 17,000.

Personally, I think
they're a little light,

considering what they put
everybody through.

Well-earned by everyone.
- Thanks, Cap.

- We have one more
charter tomorrow.

Let's, uh, knock the boat out

Tonight is gonna be
just off the boat

to grab something to eat close,
no partying,

because we just don't have
the time for it.

- Yay.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- We shouldn't be too long.

- Will you please go lay out
sets of sheets on every bed?

- Do you wanna wash
and I'll dry behind you?

- Copy that.

[upbeat electronic music]

♪ ♪

- Want me to take that up?
- This is clean, yeah.

- Go shower.

- I'm going down
or do you need me?

- You guys are good to go.
- Okay.

Thanks, Ross.
- Yep.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, Kai.
- Hey, buddy.

- I love you.

- What's up?

- How are you, Daddy?

- Oh, I'm good, thank you,

- Has he?

- I never seen him
react like this.

You leave, you know,
every year,

but I think just 'cause
he's getting older...

- I still love Allison.

We haven't been together
for a while,

but she's the only one person

that can fully understand me.

- I'll book Kai,
get you guys over here.

After the season,
I'm going back to New Zealand,

Allison's bringing Kai,

and I'm just hoping I can have
my family back together.

Hey, Kai, Daddy's got to go.

- I love you.

- You too, baby.

[techno music]

♪ ♪

- I cannot wait
to get you ready.

The black one is pretty, but...

- Yeah.

- My fiancé and I
broke up two years ago,

so I really haven't
dated a lot since.

And I'm nervous as hell,

but I'm excited about
this date with Tyler.

♪ ♪

- Soak this up, man.

- Is your date gonna be ready
on time?

- I don't care.
I'm just chilling.

- That's the right attitude.

- I do like Rhylee,
and I do wanna treat her nice,

but I feel a little pressure
that Rhylee

is interjecting herself
into my life.

The reality of it is,
we're both going home,

so it's not gonna last.

- All right, that's cool.

[phone buzzes]

- Hey, how are you?

- I'm good.

I was waiting for your call

- It's very hard to be away
from my mother.

I feel like what just happened
with my father

is strengthening our bond.

I just got a message,
actually, today

from these clients of mine
in New York.

I think they're looking
for a year-round chef.

- You're gonna do it?

- I think it could be fun.
It's hard to pass up.

Having obnoxious charter guests

is making me reconsider
my line of work.

I never imagined myself
living in New York,

but I'm really open
to new experiences and why not?

- I love you so much.

- I love you too, big mamas.

- Bye.

[electronic music]

- You ready?
- I'm ready.

- Watch your step, madam.

- Thanks, Ty.

- You look good.
- Thanks.

Tyler, that's nice.

- Here you are, madam.
- Thanks.

Thank you.

- So, okay, let's not talk
about work at all.

- Okay.

- Where do you live in Alaska
while you fish?

- Seward,
in the Gulf of Alaska.

It's really pretty.

You obviously like the heat--or
California's not--

- It's dry. California's dry
as (BLEEP).

But I love--like, this weather
is my dream weather.

- Like, you--really?
- I love it.

So you're really excited
to be headed back, huh?

- Yeah...

- Think about that, if, like,
two people have jobs

like, halfway around the world.

- Like long distance--like,
being together?

- Yeah.

- For me, I don't--
- It's hard.

- Yeah.

I just--like, hey,
if we're in the same town

at a later date, rad.

Let's figure it out then.

But as of--for now,
I don't wanna hold back my life

or somebody else's life...

- Right.
- For that reason.

- I don't feel like things
are too soon to do something

or, like, feel certain ways
or anything like that.

I just feel like things
happen as they happen.

- This is supposed to be like
summer camp.

You hook up for a little while,
and then you go home.

It's starting to become
too real.

I was like,
"So when you met your wife,

like, did you know?"

And he was like,
"(BLEEP) yeah, I did."

- Yeah, but people say that.
Do you really think that--

- That's what I wanna say.

That's why I wanna, like,
pump the brakes

and, like, make sure--

- What do you mean?

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- I was like,

- I was like,
"So when you met your wife,

like, did you know?"

And he was like,
"(BLEEP) yeah, I did."

- Yeah, but people say that.
Do you really think that--

- That's what I wanna say.

That's why I wanna, like,
pump the brakes.

'Cause I obviously haven't
experienced it yet.

[dramatic music]

- Okay, got it.

What the (BLEEP) is his deal?

Tell me you're not
interested in me

and skip the date all together.

'Cause you're just ----ing
like, cold-hearted sh--.

- I speak what's on my mind.

♪ ♪

- I wonder how Rhylee and Tyler
are gonna do tonight.

- Oh, they're cool.

- Kate, Adrian, and Ross,

can I get you in
the wheelhouse ASAP?

- Yeah, copy for Adrian
and myself.

- I can't wait to see
who it is.

- Have a sneak preview.

This is the last
preference sheet meeting.

- Yay.

- Krystal is our primary guest,

and she's coordinating
this fun-filled ladies' group.

She is an investment banker,
and she can't imagine

a better way to ring in
her birthday

than with her friends.

Kamuran has organized
surprise fireworks

for Krystal's 30th birthday.

Favorite cuisines:
Krystal likes everything.

They'll be arriving late
in the afternoon,

so there's no need to worry
about lunch.

- Beautiful, yeah.

- They wanna "party the entire
charter" exclamation point.

It's gonna be full-on,

but I think they're
gonna be cool.

I am very excited
about this charter.

They just wanna drink wine,

great, easy.

- I'm looking forward to it.

- Yay, all girls.


Thank you, Captain.

- All right, let's see if
these party people are ready.

- [sighs]

[laid-back music]

♪ ♪

- How was your date?

- It was good, it's just...

- Huh, it's not like...

- No.

- Did you have a good time?
- Yeah.

- [sighs]

♪ ♪

- I didn't expect this
from him.

It hurts because he's made it
very clear

that he's not wanting
to be a part of my life.

- How was it?
Have a good time?

Why do you look sad?
- I'm not sad.

I'm tired.

I don't know what to do
with him,

because we're not on
the same page with each other.

♪ ♪

- Aw, thanks, babe.

[electronic music]

- Okay, then let's go.

- Yes, yes, yes.

I really like this.

- Which part?
- All of it.

- Thank you.

- Thanks, babe.

Isn't this great?

[upbeat music]

- Let's go.

- Same table.

- Let's sit in the same seats.

- Yes, yes, yes.

- Did you get a chance
to look at

the preference sheets at all?

- Yeah.

- That's the perfect
final charter.

We're not gonna be bored.
We're gonna be making drinks.

They're here to party.

I think it's just gonna be,
like, fun.

- Awesome.

- Are those our martinis?

- Rhylee, what are you getting?

- Beef carpaccio.

- If you want any seafood
or risotto, I'll share.

[dramatic music]

- I've seen this face
many times on deck.

This is Rhylee not happy.
This is not smiley Rhylee.

This is not good.

- How's your martini?

- Creamy.

- Salad.

- Bon appétit.
- Bon appétit.

- Merci beaucoup.

- Yeah.

- What did you do
to piss Rhylee off?

- I don't know.

- I'll be right back.

Are you guys having
a private convo?

- You can join us.
- Yeah.

I might need your advice.

So it all started, like,
a day before

when she asked me what
my plans are.

- Yeah.

- And I've been like--I like,
had this plan of

being a captain
of smaller boats,

like, doing my own thing.

Now she intertwined her idea
with my idea,

and then she was like,
"Yeah, we could do this."

The season's coming
to a close.

I don't wanna ----ing
break anyone's heart.

Like, we're all splitting.

- I think she wants more--more
with you.

And when she asked you
what your plans are,

I think she might have
wanted to hear

that it involved her.

- Rhylee's acting superquiet,
and I think she's superhurt.

What I want is to wake up
tomorrow morning

and everything to be cool,

because it's awkward as hell.

Let's just go back to banging.

What was wrong with that?

Good talk.

- [groans]
What's up, guys?

- All right, back to the boat
we go.

- Au revoir, "My Seanna."

- I'll get in the back.
I'll get in the back.

- Come on, cuzzy.

- I think we had a good night.

- I think it was
a lovely evening.


- We're here. Let's go.

- Ooh.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Love it, yes.


♪ ♪

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- [groaning]

- How'd you sleep, Laura?

- Really well, thanks.

- No, I covered it up again.

- Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo.

What happened
in the crow's nest,

a little smooth sailing?

- Smooth sailing,
smooth sailing.

- Did Ashton sleep well?

- I think so.
- So you had a little cuddle?

- Yeah.
- I'm so jealous.

[upbeat music]

- Will you go get
the small ironing board

and iron as well?

- Yeah.

You can just leave that open,

we're not--we're not
on charter.

We're all gonna be
in and out of it.

You know what I mean?
Okay, do whatever you want.

- Dude, I'm messing with you.

This is awkward.

How come you don't
have energy this morning?

- Why don't I have energy
this morning?

- Whatever.

- Coming up...

- You know what?
I'll just leave.

- I mean, you can cry
all you want.

- You ladies okay?

- I mean, I'm fine.

I don't know about the other
girl ----ing crying.

- Is she okay?

- Honestly, like,
she can go home.

I don't give a (BLEEP).
- Yeah.

- The last charter.

We'll get through this
together, ironing board.

- All crew, provisions
on main aft.

- Hello.
- Ia orana.

- I'll get the next one.
I'm ready.

- Fish.

- Last arrival day.
- Yay.

- Yay.

Here we are, we're so close
to the finish line.

And right now,
I imagine myself on a couch

looking at Netflix,
hugging my dog.

- I'll get the vacuum.
- Thank you.

So dependable like Josiah,

- Are you okay?
- I'm--yeah, why?

- Um, last night, he's like,

"Oh, she's like, trying to jump
in my future plans" and stuff.

And I was just like,
"Oh, (BLEEP)."

- He's so ridiculous.

Like, I was definitely
irritated with him last night.

- Yeah.

- Like, it would have been nice
to have,

like, a good connection
like that, but whatever.

- Mm-hmm.
- Thanks for letting me know.

- Yeah.

- Attention, all crew.

We got 20 minutes till
guest arrival,

so I need everybody
in their whites.

if you go all the way back
to your tongue,

you get good breath and you'll
be better at blow jobs?

- Practice makes perfect.
- Yeah.

[exciting music]

- 48 hours left, guys.
You can do it.

- The water is so nice.
- So blue.

- So blue.

- Good thing I have underwear
on under,

'cause I haven't been
wearing underwear

for the last three days.

- Get it going.

- Whoo.
- Welcome aboard.

- Hi.
- Captain Lee.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hi, Krystal, welcome aboard.

- Thank you.
- Hello, I'm Kate.

- Hi, nice to meet you.

- Ladies, welcome aboard
motor yacht "My Seanna."

Kate will give you
a tour of the boat,

and we're ready to get
your party started.

- So much boob sweat,
and I don't even have boobs.

So hot.

- Kate.

- All right, ladies...

- If we could get sunscreen
for my poor crisp feet...

the six bottles of rosé
for breakfast were a bad idea.

- Of course, watch your step.

This is bridge deck aft.

You'll have most
of your meals right here.

This is the sun deck.

- We need to make sure
we pick up our feet.

This is like,
stubbed toe heaven.

- We have exercise equipment,
for those interested.

- [giggles]
No, thank you.

- Drinks on our end
of the table

must have been stronger.


- So this is your master...
- Perfect.

- And Josiah set out some
after-sun for you

for your sunburn.

Bathroom, which has two bidets.

- Oh, great,
we have two bidets.

- Got it.

Ashton, can you set my bowline
up for the tender?

- I'm so excited for this
final charter.

I'm ready for some vacation,

Physically, I'm pretty tired,
mentally as well.

But I'm really hoping
to finish strong.

Thank you.

- This is black olive and feta
in a tart

with some agave
and bean sprouts.

- Okay, great, thank you.
- Yeah, no problem.

- These are really good.
- Yeah, they are.

- All right, Captain Lee,
passerelle packed away.

Good to go when you're ready.

- Let's get in position.

- Can I have a bourbon
old fashioned?

- Yes.
- Thank you.

- Yeah, but can you do, like,
the pre-1800s old fashioned

where it's just, like,
a little bit of bitters

and the lemon rind, no, like,
muddled fruit?

- Josiah makes an amazing one,

These ladies look like

they've been out of their
sorority for about six years.

They look like they're just

gonna have a nice,
expensive time.

Let's use daddy's credit card.

- Cheers.

- Can you please make two
of your amazing old fashioneds?

- Okay.

- They don't want
muddled fruit.

They just want bitters,

- Bitters, sugar, and whiskey?
- Yep.

- Let's go bow to stern.
Let's go ahead and get it done.

- Copy.

- Let's get that
stern line off.

- Hold on, still in the bow.

25 feet holding back here.

- Oh, this feels
so ----ing good.

♪ ♪

- Yay!
Thank you so much.

- Thank you.
- I really appreciate it.

- Cheers, cheers, cheers.

- But this is not
a lemon rind.

I don't want an orange.
I said no orange.

- No, you said,
"No muddled fruit."

- No, I said,
"With a lemon rind."

That's an orange rind.

- It is.
- We'll get there eventually.

- Will you go check on laundry?

- Yeah, okay, cool.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

I'm gonna make a divine
charcuterie board.

- Oh, my what--what?

- [laughs]
Here, it's at the back.

How is that funny?

It's so inappropriate
in a work environment.

You're also my bunking buddy.

It's so ----ed up and gross.

[giggles uncomfortably]

- Ah.
- How did you know?

It's just for Kam.
- You're amazing, thank you.

- Uh-huh.
- Oh, my dear Lord.

I'm gonna eat like this
the entire frickin' trip.

- Make four sh*ts on my mark.

- Copy that.

- And drop.

[techno music]

♪ ♪

- Five sh*ts, Cap.
- Lock it in.

- Um, do we wanna do dinner
around 8:30?

- Sounds good.

- Should I finish setting up
the pumps...

- Sure, yeah, I got this.
- And when you need it--

And then I'll come down
when you need me?

Unless you need me here, then--
- Nope, I got it.

- Did you have a surprise
planned for Krystal?

- Yeah, so we would love
to have fireworks,

if you guys can, like,
make that happen.

- Sure.
- And then, like, a cake.

- Yeah, of course,
so tomorrow night?

- For tomorrow night.
- Got it.

- Thank you.
- Sure.

- I appreciate it.

- How are you?
- Good.

We can lay that trench out,
if you guys want.

- Good.

[upbeat music]

- Be careful.

- That was close.
- [screams]

- Holy sh--.

- It's actually not fun
with two people.

- Whoo!

- Ooh!

- That's gonna hurt.

- Oh...

- Wow.
- [gasps]

Look at this little
snuggle pad.

- Look at the pink.

- So gorgeous 'cause it sets
over Mo'orea.

- Wash up the controls.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- Well, yeah, I was ten minutes
late today so...

- Well, I'm not even
gonna lie to you,

I was kind of pissed off,

because you're cutting
into vacation time.

Point is, like,
we had to be there at 10:30

to get there and do our thing.

- I was there at 10:39.
- You think I wanna--

I don't care. You're always
gonna get the truth of me.

- I don't wanna be rude
right now, and it's your trip--

- You're not gonna wanna
be rude right now,

because you're gonna have
to leave if you are.

- Okay.

- But you weren't.

- You know what?
I'll just leave.

- I mean, you can cry
all you want,

but, like, you can't do
a fake apology

and expect me to be nice
about it.

Like, you can't do
a fake apology--

- Stop.
- I don't give a (BLEEP).

Don't bring it up.
I didn't bring it up.

Did I bring it up?

I didn't not ----ing
bring it up.

You better back me up on that.

- You ladies okay?
- I mean, I'm fine.

I don't know about the other
girl ----ing crying.

- Is she okay?

- Oh, I mean, no one cares
about that.

- Sure, yeah.

Should I check on her?

- I don't really give
a (BLEEP).

- Oh, yeah, you do you.
This is your--

- No, it's like honestly,
like, she can go home.

I don't give a (BLEEP).

- Can I fill that up for you?


Thank you.
Appreciate it.

[mixer whirring]

- Hey.
- Hi, how are they?

Um, anything new
I need to know about?

- Here you go.

- Yeah, there's this
huge drama

between the primary
and Chelsea.

- Whoa.

- Bawling her eyes out.

- I mean, that's so sad,
but it's so funny.


- I don't know
what they're fighting about,

and I don't care.
I love it.

I am really
looking forward to dinner.

- Whoa, she is savage.

- Coming up...

Hi, it's Kate and Josiah.

- I literally don't give
a (BLEEP) what you do.

- She's, like, wrapped herself
in, like,

some sort of shame cocoon.

- Just ----ing stop.

- Get the hose out.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- You look beautiful.
- Thanks.

Oh, are we eating
dinner out here?

- Yeah, we are.

♪ ♪

- What's the mood?

- I'm scared.
- I'm so scared.

- Hey, ladies.

- This is so pretty.

These remind me of mancala
when we were kids.

- I feel like I'm about
to watch a lion

eat a little Australian
baby kangaroo,

just rip its throat open.

- Who do you think's
gonna win, eh?

- [laughs]

- Duh.
- Daddy's little k*ller.

[intense music]

[electronic music]

♪ ♪

- Drama, drama, drama.

Working this many years
on yachts,

I've seen
all forms of craziness,

so I'm just gonna
focus on my job,

focus on my food,
and do the best I can.

- Guys, thank you so much.

This is so exciting.


- We're k*lling it.
- We're doing it.

- Three cheers. Three cheers.

- Leah, can you please
remind me of the place

where we went
in New York City?

We ate all of the foie gras
on the menu.

- Chelsea looked like
she was falling asleep.

I feel bad.

- I am Team Chelsea
because we are in junior high.

This is "Mean Girls"
the sequel,

"Mean Girls" at sea.

- We did the whole menu.

We did, like, the tartare,
the seafood tower,

the wagyu, the butter cakes.

- And that was my first time...

- Tim was like, "I'm gonna
only eat, like, gras."

- [laughs]

- Laura, Laura,
can you come

to the galley
for service, please?

- She was laying in the
most uncomfortable position,

like this.

She goes, "You want to switch?"

- I was like,
"You know what I feel like?

I feel like
that Mr. Potato Head

where their arms might
rip off at any moment.


I actually stepped on, like,
an upside down maxi pad.

Thank God it was clean.

- Jesus.


- Those look good.

So today Adrian has prepared
some seared scallops,

a balsamic consommé,
and a strawberry mousse.

- Thank you.

- Chelsea's already
gone off the table.

- She's gone?

- Gone, like, whew.

- Damn.

- Um, someone else can.

[silverware clanking]

- Hey, I want
to let you know something

that Laura just told me.
- What?

- She said that last night
that you said that I was trying

to, like, incorporate
myself into your future.

- Oh, yeah.


- I just want you
to, like, understand,

like, that's not
what I'm trying to do.

I don't want to appear
like I'm trying

to, like, wife up to you.


- Forget it.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- It's a good thing
I didn't start

picking out
my wedding dress sooner.

- All right, I have to shower.
- All right.

- No, it was, like,
even before that.

It was like even before I got
to, like, the Centurion Lounge.

Hey, Kam, I'm gonna tell you
something right now.


It's bedtime.

- I'm exhausted.

- I just can't help but wonder,

would you do this
at the country club?

Oh, yeah.

The primary is done.

She's sleeping
in the fetal position.

- No way.

[ponderous music]

♪ ♪

- Krystal.
- Hey, hey, bubbie?

Krystal, you got to wake up.

We got to put you
in bed, honey.

We're just gonna wait a second.

- Do you think
these guests like her?

- No, I just realized--

- I think they're all friends,
but they invite her because

she pays for everything.
- Yes.

- I'm gonna go change.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

- Do you guys want us to help
move her into the master?

- Krystal is one
of those wonderful people

who can quite literally
sleep through anything.

- Listen, there's nothing
I would love more

than to watch
Princess Krystal's body

roll into the ocean
and drift away,

but there's a liability.

- We can't have anyone
sleeping out here just because

of, like, safety reasons
and stuff like that.

- I wouldn't mind
carrying her to bed.

- Don't ----ing touch me.

- She's just, like, a little,
like, bump on a log

when she wants to, like, stay.

- Hey, get up, Amel.

I really ----ing
strongly suggest--

- Kam, just ----ing stop.

- Stop.
- Don't touch me.

- She's, like, wrapped herself
in, like,

some sort of shame cocoon,
refusing to move.

- Hey, Kam, you should

probably just ----ing
shut your mouth now.

Hey, Kam, just ----ing
stop your mouth.

- This is, like, ----ing nuts.

- She's like,
"Don't ----ing touch me."

- If you need me,
wake me up, okay?

- Yeah, I know, yeah,
thanks, man.

- Is she waking up?
- No.

- What do you recommend?

- Just let her sit there.

- Okay, great.

- Thank you, guys.

We really appreciate it.

- Sleep well.
- Thank you.

- Hell no, that's not
happening, Kamuran.

This is ridiculous.

She can get from there
to her bedroom.

- I know, this is why.
- She has two legs.

Let's go.

I did not get
into yachting to watch

spoiled Princess Krystal
sleep on the aft deck.

I will cut a bitch.

Hi, it's Kate and Josiah.

- I literally don't
give a (BLEEP) what you do.

- This is bullsh--.

We're like hostages.

Get the hose out.

I'm not even joking.

Get the hose out.

Next time on the season finale
of "Below Deck"...

- Happy birthday!

- I love you guys so much.

I'm so happy.
Like, whatever.

- Get out of my room, Kam.

- I organized
the ----ing fireworks

and you have been
treating me like sh--!

- To a great season.

- Now let's ----ing rage.

- We're running out of days,
and it sucks.

You've got 15 minutes.

- [groans]

- Today's the day.
We're all done.

It's time to go.

- The jokes you made
were inappropriate

and they didn't make me
feel good at all.

- If you would have said
it was inappropriate,

I would have stopped instantly.

- And I'm telling you now.

- Hey, we go.

- He's lost it.

He wants to be the star
of the final dinner.

- We're gonna do
a table decoration.

- With a sea slug.

- [shudders]

- Sounds disgusting.

- Six weeks of work,

you've never gone snorkeling
for table décor.

- (BLEEP), it's very

at the end of the ----ing day.
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