04x10 - Bombed by a Care Bear

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x10 - Bombed by a Care Bear

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- I'd love to take you
on a date with me.

- Yeah.

- Could've told me
you had a boyfriend.

Let's just call it a day

and get on with our lives.

- I feel like Kyle expected
too much.

- I'm gonna be nice,
but deep down,

I'm just like, "F--- off."

- Hey, Ben.
What's going on?

- James is my older brother.

Listen, I thought
it would be really cool

if you came out and visited me.
- Yeah, sure.

- The pool is floating away.

- Are you guys leaving me?

- Jesus Christ, could f--- up
a two-car funeral.

- Why can't we make this be
a functional deck crew?

- I need to come out
to West Hollywood with you two.

All my friends are drag queens
and all that kind of stuff.

- Whoa, we're both gay?

- Who's Ashley?

- You're full of surprises,
aren't you?

- How was your date?

- Yeah, the date was
really good.

It was so nice.

We kissed.
- No way.

- Everything good?
- Yeah.

- That did not sound positive.

- Oh, fun.

- But the things is,
I'm not, like, into dudes.

- Like...what?

I did not see this coming
at all.

- Are you joking,
or are you serious?

- Yeah.

Last week, Kyle was
aggressively pursuing Sierra,

and now he has
a transgender girlfriend.

Came out of nowhere.

Do you know what I mean?
- Yeah.

- When I saw
how everyone was so cool

with Kate being open
about her sexuality,

I thought,
"These guys are all right.

I'll say something."

- How long
have you guys been dating?

- Yeah?


- So, she's a man becoming
a woman?

- Yeah, yeah.
- You know what I mean?

- Yeah.

- Dude, I have no judgments.

Your personal beliefs
and all that,

that sh--, man,

I can't judge you on that.

- How was your date, by the way?

I feel like I haven't
talked to you.

- Um...

with old Ems?

- Yeah. Well, unless you went
on another date.

- Ha-ha.
- So, how was it?

What did you do?

- Um, what did we do?

We had dinner.


- Tell me about it.

- We, you know--

- You want to elaborate at all?

- And we went for a little walk.

- Do you like long walks
on the beach?

- Oh, yeah.

- So, you've got that
in common.

You guys like London, art,
and long walks on the beach.

- What are we doing here?
Are we just doing a tally?

Like, a morning tally?

- Do you want me not to ask
about you and Em anymore?

I felt like it was
a little uncomfortable.

- All right, okay.
Just trying to, you know,

just--you know what I mean.

I actually really like Emily,

but I'm not sure if I want
to share that with Kate.

- I'm not asking you to map out
your life plan with her.

I was just seeing
how your date went.


- I forgot to tell you...
- What?

With a drag queen.

And he said that he's dating
a transgender woman.

- What?
- I was shocked.

- So does that make you gay?

- I mean, he went for you.
He's not gonna be gay, is he?

He's bi.

- I'm kind of manly.

I'm a little confused
and a little hurt.

It just seems crazy
that he's trying

to pursue anything with me

when he has a kid

and then another whole situation
with another girl.


- Kate, Ben, Kelley, I need
you guys in the crew mess ASAP.

- Copy that.
- Copy that.

- Hi, Captain.
- Hi.

- How we doing?
Number seven.

Liza Sandler, Lori Gladstone.
They are best friends.

Lori's a fashion stylist
and a personal shopper,

which means
she probably married wealthy.

They're bringing

their best friends,
Glen and Pat,

who are husband and husband,

and these guys
have invited along

Jimmy and Matt.

Each picnic is for day one.

- That's fine.

- And they have planned
a surprise drag show

and dance for Liza's birthday.

- Kyle will be excited.

Last night, Kyle shares with us
that he was a drag dancer,

and now we have a charter guest

that wants to have
a drag party.

It's just so funny
how life works out.

- Do your stews want
to get involved?

- We might be busy serving
dinner and cleaning cabins.

And you look so much better
in drag.

- Yeah.

- I haven't been in drag.

- That's it, I'm done.
- I think it's gonna be

super fun.

- Are you busy?
Will you grab that

and help me upstairs?

- Upstairs.

To the bridge salon.

- Nico, Nico, Kelley.

- Can you come to
the bridge deck aft?

- Copy.

What's going on?

- Just a quick chit-chat.

In the crew meeting about Kyle
and the wine and all that.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Kyle, you own that one.

- I was calling
over the radio as well,

but obviously it wasn't heard,

but I was on bridge deck
calling it out.

- During that time
in front of the whole crew

is not the time to say anything.

- Is it that big of a deal
that I just said

one comment about it?

- The comment wasn't that bad.
It was just

where it was placed
in front of everybody.

It looks like we're divided
on deck.

Just next time, if something
along that line happens,

let's go to Captain afterwards
and talk to him.

- If I were the boatswain,

I would defend my deck team
in any situation.

End of story.

I don't care what Kelley says.

- Thank you.

- What's Ashley like?

Like, she must be a lovely girl
if you're with her, right?

- Oh, mate, f---.
- You're like--

Excuse the pun, right?

- I want to know
what she's like, or he's like.

- It's she...

My life has been topsy-turvy.

You know, I was--
I got into a few situations

in my life,
and I met Ashley one night,

and since then, I just feel--
I feel all right.

I feel like I belong somewhere.

For years, I never felt
like I belonged.

And when I met her...yeah.

F---, man.

- Has she done--
has she undergone

any operations or anything
like that?

- All right,
and then it will grow--

her boobs will grow?

- They're growing.
- And her...

that kind of shrinks
a little bit, or...?

- Kind of.
- It's just so--

it's such a weird subject
to talk about,

'cause people get offended
so easily about it, you know?

It's just like...

For years,
I never fit it anywhere.

And then when I met Ashley,

she made me feel like
that I was actually a person.

- No, mate, no, I don't know.

I think it's a beautiful thing.

- Let's get the stainless done.

- Thank you.

- All right.
Hour and 20 minutes.

- Before they come?
- Yeah.

- You think too much.
- So do you.

So, you know.

- Ro?
- Can you see me?

- Is the poor connection
me or you?

You're super pixilated.

- Um...are you there?

- Yeah, I'm listening.
- I can't hear you.

- Oh, babe, I'm sorry.

Things with Ro are good,

but I thought her visiting
would, like, make her understand

how busy I am,

how bad the Wi-Fi is.

- I know it's frustrating.

where the other person wants
this much attention.

I think unless you've worked on
a yacht, you just don't get it.

- Babe, I have to go to work.

- No.
- I'm sorry.

- Attention all crew:

ten minutes
until the guests show up.

- Are we gonna get you

out there on time?
- Yep, we are. I'm ready.

- He's a changed man.

- Twisted you up a little.

- It's so beautiful out.
I'm so excited!

- It's gorgeous out.
- Valor! Look at the oar.

- So excited.

- Max, Frank, you okay?

- Okay.
Game faces, everybody.


- You were being nasty with me
when I did nothing wrong.

- Oh, my God.
You're a queen.

- Here we go!

- So excited.

- I hope the dogs are gonna
be okay.

- Oh, my goodness.
- Showtime.

- Hi, everyone!
- Welcome aboard.

- Hi.
- Liza. Nice to meet you.

- Welcome, Liza, I'm Kate.
- Hi, how are you?

- Captain, how are you?

- It's so fun to have
a bunch of gay men on a boat.

- Hi, there. Hi, guys.
- Hi, how are you?

- The gayest charter season

- Kate will show you
to your quarters

and give you a tour of the boat,

and we'll get moving.
- All right.

- Great.
- We're gonna go around

this way.
- Let's follow Kate.

- Watch your step.
- So pretty.

- This is beautiful.

- So,
we'll go to the master first.

- Okay.
- Oh, my God, it's beautiful.

- This bathroom is huge.
- This toilet plays music

and it's got heating.

- Love, love, love.

- And this is the bunny pad.
- The bunny pad!

- Yeah.
It could be the doggy pad.

- All right,
we're gonna go about astern.

- Bow's clear.

- All lines are clear, Cap.
All lines are clear.

She's coming out.

- Perfect.

These past few charters have
been really bumpy.

Captain's not happy,

so I want us to do 110%.

- Good job, deck crew.
Nicely done.

- I don't have the boobs
like you do.

- Yes, these boobs.

- Would you like us
to unpack you?

- No, no, we're cool.
- Okay.

- This is what you're gonna
help me with later

that they don't know about.
- I'm so excited already.

- I've got a couple of things
going on in here.

- Confetti cannons
and eyelashes.

- Seems like this drag show

is the pièce de résistance
for this entire charter.

They've been planning it.
They packed luggage.

It's a surprise.

- If some of the crew would want
to put something on...

- Actually, one deck member has
some experience.

- All righty right.

- Cheers.
- It's your birthday, so...

- It's my birthday soon.

- Hey, Kyle.

- You're gonna be really pumped
when I tell you some good news.

Um, the two primaries--

they had a whole suitcase,

like, five hot pink wigs,
sequin gowns,

and I was like,

"Actually, we have a crew member
that has some experience."

- I love the way you're holding
a carrot right now.

- Give me three sh*ts.

Lock it in.

- Where's everyone going?
Are we having a picnic?

- We're having a beach picnic.
- That's nice.

- Kate, Kate, Kelley.

I'm about to take over
all the drinks.

Do you want to send
any of your stews?

- Um, yeah, I'll come over.

I'm gonna go over now.

- Okay.
When should I head over?

Are they gonna tell me?
- Yeah, we'll let you know.

- Okay.

- Emily...

- Oh, copy.
Thank you.

- Hey, Nico, we're gonna make
a first run to the beach.

- Hello! Whoo!

I don't know
where they breed them.

- Those are Midwesterners.

- Yeah, they're corn-fed.

- Yeah, what I eat is corn.

I want to eat his corn.

- One, two, three.

- Ugh.
What a life, hey?

- Yes.

- My face is white,
and my body is orange.

- We forfeit.
We forfeit.

- I'm gonna put deodorant
under my boobs.

- What--what just happened here?

- Kelley, Kelley, Lee.
Come on up the bridge.

- En route.

- Sierra, Sierra, Kate.

- Go ahead.
- Can you come over

with the food and the guests

with plastic cups
and ice?

- Copy that.
- What's up, Cap?

- Okay, right now
they're just sitting around

waiting for something to happen.

- Yeah, all our stuff is
basically over there.

We're just waiting on Sierra.

- Look at the sea turtle.
Look at the turtle!

- So I was just about to go
have a talk with her.

- Okay.

I like the way

Kelley is attacking his job.

I hope it continues
in this fashion.

I hope it doesn't regress.

- What are we doing?
Where are we going?

- Sierra, Sierra, Kelley.
- Go ahead.

- When do you think we're gonna
be taking the guests over?

- Ben?
- What? Yeah?

- Has the food gone over?
- No.

- But when is the picnic?
- I don't know.

- You want to go ask her
about the guests?

- Do you know when?
- It can't go over

until I finish
this vinaigrette...

Which will be five minutes.

- Are we leaving?
- No.

There's not much organization.

- Sorry.

- I'm finding out right now.

So we're waiting on you on that.
- I'm finding out.

- All right.
- Hey, it's not up to me.

- Well, when the food is
gonna be ready, right?

- No, I know, but they're fine
to go and have drinks

probably first.
- Okay, well, I'll find out.

- Sierra's actions in general
annoy me.

Her as a person annoys me.

- When would you guys like
to head over to the beach?

- Right now.
- Yeah, let's go.

- So we'll head over now?
- That's awesome.

- It's so weird.

Usually a beach setup's
like, "Aah!"

- Yeah.

- No, I was telling her
what time it was.

- They're gonna head over now.
Food is not gonna be ready

until 1:45, lunch is planned.

- Yeah.
We'll take them,

and then we'll come back
and get the food.

- assh*le.

I'm having a conversation
with the guests,

and he hears me say a time,

and then he runs
and tells Kelley.

Like, he has no clue.

that should've been, like,
between Kelley and I...

- Yeah.
- On the radio.

- That's annoying.
- Chill out.

I think he's a little...

I don't have a problem with Kyle
as a person.

But if I don't absolutely have
to talk to him,

I don't think I'm going to.

- You just got to let it go.

- Kelley, Kelley, Kate.

How's the status of the guests?

- If she's not gonna do it,
I'll have you

go up there and get the guests--
yep, go get them.

I'm just loading up the guests
now in the rib.

- Copy.

- They're gonna head over.

Enjoy your break.

- Do you have the dog bowl?

- I did.

You do.

Thank you.

Bye-bye, have fun.

Here you are, Pat.
Pardon my reach.

- Oh, come on, man.

- Hi, guys!

- This is so nice.
- We have rosé on the table.

And the food is coming over
in about five minutes.

- Cheers, everyone.
- Thank you, Valor crew.

- Thank you so much.
- Thanks, guys.

- Put them in the shade.

- Oh, my God, guys.
This is so wonderful.

- Thanks, brother.
- Okay. Cheers.

- Katie, Kate,
food's incoming.

Some vinaigrette, madam.
- Thank you.

- If there's leftovers, eat.
- Ben's baby--watch your back.

- Thank you very much.
- Oh, my God, that's fabulous.

- You're welcome.

- Yeah, I'm on my break now.

- You want vegetables
and sautéed fish, right?

- Oh, Ben, thank you.
I feel bad now.

- Why, because you took
two minutes out of my day?

- Thank you so much.

- Oh, you're welcome, baby.

You're welcome.
- Thank you.

- Y'all need to deal with that
on y'all's own.

I'm tired of hearing about it.

My main problem
with Kyle and Sierra is

that they both talk a lot.

And they need to handle this
like mature adults

so that we as a crew
don't have to deal with it.

Lauren, Lauren, Kelley.
- Go ahead.

- I'm gonna switch Kyle out
with you

so you can come eat.
- All right.

- Kyle, deal with Sierra.
Get that sh-- out of the way.

- Come on, we're gonna bury her.
- We're--I got--

- Sandy vag*na.
- Ooh, I love it.

I love it.

Come see this.

- So much drama.

Girl, I don't know how you deal
with this.

I feel like in the interior
we're just, like,

"Okay, cool."

Oh, speaking of
the handsome devil.

The guys on this boat are
on their periods.

Mood swings like crazy.

- I'm gonna go with Kelley.
I trust you with the guests.

- Okay.
- Okay, bye.

- Bye.

- How'd it go?
- It went very well.

You guys just want to get ready
to go and we'll head back.

- Thank you very much.
- All right, then.

- What do you need?

- What do you need?

- Excuse me? Yeah, we'll have
to take it down together.

- Kyle, Kyle.
- Go for Kyle.

- Well, Kyle,
now's a good time.

- He said, "Now's a good time."

- Kelley and I could've
worked that out

through the radio communication.

- Okay.

- How was I being nasty to you?

- Oh, my God,
with the theatrics, dude.

I'm over it.

- No, you are.
You're dramatic.

Like, I'm not doing this.

- Kelley and I were having
that conversation--

- You're a queen, dude.

- It's Liza's birthday tomorrow.

You and I are gonna do a show.
- Okay.

- You have an allergic reaction
to sea urchin?

- Yeah.
- This will make you drowsy.

Just to let you know.

- Kyle?

He's supposed to be dragged,
not drugged.

- Oh, my God, dude.

You're a queen.

That's not a nice comment
to make, though, is it?

- I'm sorry.

- Not really.

If she never knew that
I slept with men or trans,

she would've just called me
a f---ing dickhead,

a prick,
or an assh*le.

- Thank you, Kyle.
I'll be back in a sec.

- Did y'all get everything
sorted out?

- Whatever the problem is,
like, that kind of reaction

isn't necessary.

I like a drama-free zone.

I don't feel like I've ever,

like, done anything offensive
towards Kyle.

I don't know if it's because
he wanted to take me out

and I didn't go for it.

Like, all of the drama
with him--

I don't deserve that.

- These trousers are
a different fit.

- They're darker than the ones

- You notice everything,
don't you, Em?

- Missed sign today, eh?
- Kyle's like,

"You're nasty to me,"
and all this,

and I'm like, "No, I'm not."

I'm like,
"Did he ever even like me?"

- So, what happened?

- Ugh.
I had it out with her.


- He was riled up
when he got on the beach

when Kelley's telling him to
have that confrontation with me.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah.

- I don't know
why Kelley got into it.

- Kelley gets into everything.
- Yeah, that's f---ed.

I'd be really upset.

Why the hell
would Kelley send Kyle

out to see Sierra on the beach?

It's so unprofessional.

- Ugh, I just don't even want
to be, like, followed around.

- So, it's Liza's birthday

- Yeah.
- We were gonna have dinner

out on the table out there...
- Mm-hmm.

- And then I was gonna
do a show solo,

but I think you and I are
gonna do a double.

- Okay.
- And this is

my accessory closet.

We have boas.
- Mm-hmm.

- I've got pink wigs,
red wigs.

- And my final w*apon.

- Yes.
- Okay.

- What are you wearing?

- Okay.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Hello.
- How we doing?

- I'm good.

You all clean up nicely.

- Petite filet, scallop,

butternut squash puree,

asparagus, and brussels.

Thanks, love.

- Thank you.

We have a petite filet
with scallops,

asparagus, brussels sprouts.
- Wow.

- Thank you, guys.

- Eating steak,
drinking cabernet.

What more do you want in life?

- Um, I'll tell you what I want.

- Are they enjoying?
- They are saying

the filet is so wonderful.

They love it.
And these Cheetos are fabulous.

- Ugh!

- You ready to be
a backup dancer?

Oh, we should put
those eyelashes on you.

- Umm, I don't know
about that one.

- Night night.
I'm on earlies.

See you tomorrow morning.

- Okay, babe.
Here's a hug.

- You okay?
- Yeah, yeah, always.

- Good night.

- We'll see you in the morning.

- Good morning, you.

- How are you, love?
- Amazing.

- Oh, good for you.

- Let's go see her.

- Ready?
- Yep.

- I got my big brother coming.
- Are you excited?

- Yeah.
I am.

I really am, actually.

- When was the last time
you saw him?

- Few months ago.
- Be nice to meet him.

It's exciting for me to get
to meet Ben's brother,

and hopefully learn
a bit more input about Ben

and who I'm actually dating.

Is he like you?

- More eccentric, I'd say.
- You are?

- I would say, yeah.
- Okay.

- Wake up!
- She's up!

- Fireball!

- All right, this is quite nice.

I might even have one of these.

- I'll just wipe
the goat cheese off.

I don't eat goat cheese.

- Three, two, one, go.
- Go!

- Whoo!
- Come on! Come on! Come on!

- Go, go, go!

- A shawl?
- Yeah!

- Mm-hmm.
- Blow in the breeze, guys.

- Who wants to dive?
- Happy birthday!

- I've got you, Jack!

- F---.
All righty.

- Okay, Ben, the guests are
drying off and changing.

It should be close.
- Thanks, Kate.

- Mm-hmm.

Do you think you're
about ready for lunch?

- Yeah, just got to get dressed.
- Okay.

- She was just doing that.
She was like...


- This conch is a bit chewy.

- Let me see.

It tastes like conch-flavored
chewing gum.

- I don't--I just don't think--
- It's very--

- I don't think
I can serve that.

What do you think, Em?

- Well, the taste is delicious.

- Right.

You think I should put it out
or not?

- I'd be okay with it.
- All right,

let's just put the conch out,

- Okay.

It's very annoying to me

that Ben goes around my head

to ask Emily's opinion.

Her answer is wrong.

I would say it's edible,
but it's not ready yet.

- I just want them to try it.

- Okay.

Peas and conch in a lime butter.

- Oh, okay.
- Awesome.

- Sounds interesting.
- Pardon me.

- That's a horrible word,

- It's a little chewy.

- It is a little chewy.

- Too chewy?
- I'm picky, I'm picky.


- Are they happy?
- One of the ladies did say

their conch was a little chewy.

- Which one?
- Lori.

- Okay.

- I told you so.

- So, you know this whole
thing's a surprise

for Liza, right?
- Yeah.

- I wanted to appear there.

That's where the music should
come from.

- Okay.

- Yeah.
- That works.

- ♪ It seems like
it was only yesterday ♪

♪ You and I went
our separate ways ♪

- I like drag because I wasn't
very confident in myself,

'cause I had a sh-- childhood.

And I was just sh--
at everything.

But I did drag,
putting on a dress,

and people were enjoying

So, it just showed the fact
that, yeah,

I can do something I'm good at.

And if I have to wear a dress
for it, f--- it.

- Let's do it again.

- It's happening.

- Is it?
- Yeah.

It's one shoulder.

- We're gonna say
that Peter Island is

is having a firework show.
They're not.

And move them up
to the bridge deck.

- Okay.

- Hey, Kyle.
Have you ever done uni?

You want to try it?

- Sea urchin.

It's delicious.

What do you think?

- Oh, yeah, you can, man.

Is everything all right?

- Yeah, man.

- Really?

- F---, man.

- F---.
- You just let us know

if your throat starts swelling.

- I promise.
I'm not trying to k*ll Kyle.

- What is that?

- You have an allergic reaction
to sea urchin?

- Yeah.
- Sit down.

- Yes. Antihistamine tablets.
- There we go, perfect.

- Banophen.

This will make you drowsy.

Just to let you know.

Really careful.

- I love that color combination
on you.

It's fantastic.

- It's--it's a Versace.


- Emily, it's, um...

- Figure it's about time now?
- Yes, please.

- Hello, hello!
- I'm sitting in the middle.


- He's supposed to be dragged,
not drugged.

This drag show is a surprise
for another guest.

Like, could not be worse timing.

- There he is.
Look at him.

Good to see you.
- Great to see you, bub.

- James is my older brother,

and he's a little more reserved
than I am.

- Is he passed out?

- He's in a Benadryl coma.

- Because you guys gave him
f---ing tranquilizers.

- I didn't give him anything.
It's because you gave him uni.

Sierra, go ahead and start
dinner service without me.

- You gonna do his makeup
while he sleeps?

- Mm-hmm, I wish somebody would
do this for me.

I think he likes it.

I'm gonna need
some Elmer's Glue.

- I need a Red Bull
and an espresso.

And a straw.
- And more espresso.

- Hi, Captain!

- All right, here we go.
Black caviar,

uni, soy, and egg yolk.

- Red Bull and an espresso.


- We have an uni sh**t
with black caviar.

- It's so good.
- Tasty.

- Ugh!
- It was amazing.

- Here.

Just tilt your head--good.
Suck slowly.

- Ladies, I think we're ready
for this.

- Ben, it looks exquisite.
- Aw, thanks, babes.

- Low setting, please.
Low setting, please.

There's other functions.
I would prefer a brush.

Ooh, actually,
that's quite nice.

- Kate's such a legend
when it comes to parties.

- Do not open your eyes.

- And she always
makes it happen.

- Keep away from fire or flame.
That's all.

- That looks divine.
- Sweet potato puree,

leeks, broccoli,
and lobster tail.

- Ben, this is ridiculous!

Are you okay?

- Could you dance
with your eyes closed?

- Here.
- Here we go.

- Look at him.
- Let me get my eyes open.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

- Oh, look.
You look great!

- That was so amazing.

I haven't had a lobster
that good

in I can't even tell you
how long.

- Now give me the kissy lips.

- Liza, cheers.

- Cheers!
- Thank you for making--

- 21!
- L'chaim.

- Thank you, everybody.
- Thank you.

- I got to pee.

- Let me feel.
- That's about a--

that's about a good handful.

- Do you guys want me to leave?

- Want to feel?

- Stop enjoying it.

There are some fireworks

so we're gonna have dessert
up on the bridge deck.

- Nice!
- Oh, awesome.

- Just to change things up.

- Liza,
we'll set your drink here

if you'd like to sit
in the same spot.

- Thank you.

- Guys, it's right there.
- Thank you.

- I feel like Charlie's Angels
right now.

I'm not in the zone.

- No.

- The equilibrium's a bit off.

- Guys? Ladies?
How'd you get up here?

- Oh, the windows.
- That's amazing.

- But the show must go on.

- I can't wait for fireworks.

- Fireworks, fireworks.

- ♪ Just you and I ♪

♪ Against the world ♪

- Liza, the fireworks are
about to begin.

- Whoo!
- ♪ Tonight ♪

- Liza.

- Kyle!

- ♪ The moment
that I heard your voice... ♪

- Every day,
I'm surprised by Kyle.

I think Kyle's really
masculine and manly,

but right now,
Kyle looks beautiful.

I can tell this is not
his first gay rodeo.

That is not pretty.

♪ You and I... ♪

- You want to dress
as a drag queen?

We're gonna love it.

'Cause it's all about the money
at this point.

Money, money,
money, money, money.

- Kelley's got a boa!

Kelley's got the boa!

- ♪ No matter
who's wrong or right ♪

♪ There's no losing tonight ♪

Thank you, guys.

Thank you, we couldn't have
done it without you guys.

- That was great.

- I'll see you in the morning,

Thank you so much
for everything.

- Good night.
No, thank you.

- You're such a good fluffer.

- There he is!

- Morning.
- Hello.

- Good morning.
- How are you?

- I feel nauseated.
- Wonder why.

Where's our superstar Kyle?
Is he around?

- Hey, good-looking.
How are you?

- Good, there's so much glitter
in my makeup bag.

- I came on like a caterpillar.

- And exploded like a butterfly.

- You've still got glitter
in your beard.

It looks like
you ate out Tinker Bell.

- All right, you.
Here we go, yep.

- Good morning.

Good morning!

- Oh, thank you.
With extra grease.

- Cheers to our last meal.

- Wonderful time.
- Cheers.

- Whew.
- That's good.

- Hey, we're
going to pull chain now.

She's in the pot, Cap.
- Copy that.

- That's my favorite part,
is locking that.

Locking that, yeah.

- Let's go ahead
and get prepped for docking.

- Stern's all ready to go.

- Switching stations.

- We good?
- Yay!

- Oh, you got that spring?

- Pull, pull, pull, pull, pull.
- Yep.

- Go ahead and take up
the slack, Kyle.

- Sitting perfect on the stern.
- I'm good here.

- All right, lock it in.
- Good job, deck crew.

Good job.
- Thank God.

Thank you, Cap.

- Ho-oh!
How perfect!

Oh, that's awesome.

- I'm gonna go and get some
trolleys for the luggage, yeah?

- They're already getting them.

- Attention all crew.
I need you on the aft deck now.

- Want to say good-bye?

Oh, whoa.

- Break it up a bit.

- The time has come.
The fun is done.

Guys, thank you guys.

- We had a great time.

- Muah.
- We appreciate that.

- Thank you for just an
absolutely amazing experience.

- Incredible. Top-notch.
- Everything was fabulous.

- Thank you so much.
- I'll give this to you

and your crew.

- Look, I'm, like, crying.
So sad!

- Thank you.
- Enjoy.

- Bye, guys.
- Bye!

- Good work.

Can I get everybody
in the crew mess ASAP?

- Me and Sierra will never
get resolved,

because I see her
for who she is.

And she's a f---ing prick.

- Can I squeeze in, toots?

- Get in close.

- I'm sandwiched.

- So, I don't think there was

anything we could've done

to make it any better.

I thought
the drag show was good.

Our tip this time's...

not what we're used to.

- I'm wasted!

- Aah!
- Oh!

- Our tip this time's...

not what we're used to.

$1,100 each.

Kind of subpar,
but it happens, so...

- Thank you, sir.

- Em, Lauren, Kate.

- Thank you.

- You got to do something
about that eyeliner, pal.

- Cheers, Cap.
- And enjoy your night out,

but we will finish up the boat

- Roger that.
- Thanks, guys.

- How f---ing effective are we?
- Yeah.

- I f---ing love
working with you, Nico.

- Great job.
- All right, done.

- Rosé?
Why not?

- Maybe. My brother's coming in.
Let's make it special.

- All right.
- I'm so excited to meet him.

- We're gonna get loose, baby.
- Sh--.

- There he is.
Look at him.

There he is!

- How are you, Ben?
- Give us a hug.

Good to see you.
- Great to see you too,

old sport.

- Are you behaving yourself?

- Of course I am.
I mean--

- I don't believe a word of it.
- Of course I'm not.

James is my older brother,

and I've always looked up
to him.

He's a little more conservative,

a little more reserved
than I am.

He's also really good-looking.

- Hi!
- Miss Chastain.

- Nice to see you again.
- Lovely to see you.

- I really like James.
I've known him for a while now.

And at this point, I'm more
happy to see James than Ben.

- It's a beautiful boat,
isn't it?

- It's gorgeous.
I can't wait to see Emily.

- Oh, God.

- Hello, everybody.

- I'm Lauren.
Nice to meet you.

- Pleasure.
- Hello. Emily.

- Emily? Pleasure.
- Nice to meet you.

- Hi, I'm Sierra.
- Hi, I'm James.

I know how hard you all work

and how stressed
you all get, so...


- So, these were hand-rolled
in Grand Cayman.

- James is so cute.

So English and proper.

And he sounds just like Ben.

- So, how's Ben's cooking?
Is it any good?

Oh, it's still horrible.

- He gave me an allergic
reaction the other night.

- That wasn't my fault.

You need to be in control
of your allergies, my darling.

- You guys are so hilarious.

- You guys hang for a little.

I'm gonna go find a shirt.
- Okay.

- You guys sound so similar.
It's insane.

- So, how was the date?

Oh, you know about the date?

- Yes, it was
all on the news this morning.

- With Ben and James,

there's definitely
similarities there.

You can tell
they're siblings,

but I think Ben's more manly.

James is more well-groomed.

- And you're English?
- I'm English, yes.

I went to school in Sussex,
but I'm from London.

- Nice.

- All right, I'll see you later.
- Okay, have fun.

- I'm in England. So, what about
you with immigration?

- Should we get out of here?
Bye, gents.

- Bye.
- After you now.

Clearly, being a yachtie,

we don't get
a lot of family time,

and I really wanted to spend
some alone time with my brother.

- The yacht is more impressive
than the family dinghy.

- It is pretty ridiculous, yeah.

- Night, Kel.
- See y'all in the morning.

- What time are we up tomorrow?
- 8:00.

- All right.
- The last three charters

happened super rough.

Let's get twisted.

I want to get loose.

You don't like it? That's fine.
Go to bed.

- Cheers.

We'll take the top three
appetizers, please.

That's perfect.

- Remember
when you were a little boy,

Dad used to do the fish
and chips on a Friday night?

He'd always pride himself
on how fresh the fish was.

One week, he'd say, "I mean,
this fish was swimming

at 3:00 a.m. this morning."

And you looked over and said,

"It kind of tastes like
the freezer."

Dad was like,
"You little bastard!"

- That's better.

Get a nice, proper suck.

You'll quite like it.

Well, enjoy yourself.

Since I've got here,
I've not masturbated once,

so I thought it would be nice
to be in the master bedroom

with a live television, which--

there will probably be
some boobies.

- You can sleep in the master.
- Thank you.

Thank you very much.

what do you think of Ems?

- Um, she's very beautiful,
and very English.

She could be perfect.

- And she gets me.

Can you imagine?
She gets me.

- Ben, I think you may have
fallen in love.

- Getting the approval
from my older brother is

actually really important
to me,

and for me, it kind of suggests
that I should pursue this.

- As my prodigy, you're doing
much better than I ever did,

so congrats.

- Really?
So I should marry her?

- Don't be juvenile.

- Don't be juvenile.

- I love you.

- I just want to feel it.
I've never felt it before.

- Okay, feel it.
- Okay.

- You guys ready to f---ing get
nasty tonight, baby?

- It's hot in here.
Where's the air con?

- I don't know.
- Found it.

- Let me do it.
- No, no, no, I've got it.

- No. Let me do it.
- I literally just got it.

- I know you do.

- F---ing get up now.
- You f---ing idiot, right.

- F---ing sh--.

Someone needs a shot,


- That's too funny.

- Oh, yeah, let's plow him
with more alcohol.

What a f---ing smart move.

- I think it is.
- Yeah.

- If everybody didn't get up
and leave.

- I have to do it to you.

- No, no, it's not.
It's not on your sheets.

- We cool.

- Ben seems happy.
And I'm happy.

- You're both happy,
and it's very nice.

- You've done well.
- Thank you.

- He doesn't commit often
to many things.

He doesn't like--

- To be confined.
- By anything.

- My trousers are--

I don't know.
I just feel like--

- Rules, bedtimes, uniforms.

- All right,
take them off.

- I feel like my trousers are
a little--

- Ben, he doesn't like...

- To be confined.

I can sense that.
- By anything.

I mean, I'm not saying forever,

but for right now,
it's pretty cute.

- It's fun.

- Good night, you two.
I hope those boys have fun.

- I love you.
- What a night.

- All right, bub.
- See you, dude.

- Yeah, baby.

- Kate!
Come on in, girlfriend.

- Come in and join us.
- I--no, I'm going to bed.

But you guys have fun.

And if there's a mess...

- I know there won't be.

- Okay.
- Love you!

- Wahh!

- Ow.
- What the hell?

- The crew's partying
like it's 1999.

I just hope this is not another
pizza-on-the-floor incident.

- Whoa.

- No.
You're fine.

- We're fine.

- Lauren has no respect
for the interior,

and that's just not the f---ing
way to be.

It's my f---ing night
in the master.

You're not appreciating my time.

- I just walked down the dock
completely ass-out

'cause it was f---ing funny.

- Ben, put some clothes on,
for God's sake.

- I'm wasted!

- I need to pee.

- Yeah, you do.

You love that.

- And my brother,
he was breaking my ass up.

- Oh! F---.

- Oh, sh--.
- Are you all right?

- This came out.
I think this came out.

It needs to be reglued.
- It's broken.

- It's gonna take
serious attention.

- We are absolutely f---ed.

- Next on "Below Deck"...

- Mr. Slover is back.
Somebody we all know and love.

- This just didn't have--
didn't have a lot of flavor.

- It's the only dish
that has ever been sent back.

- There's a panel in the
bathroom that's off the wall.

- This is not your personal
f---ing party palace.

You four are gonna be confined
to the crew area.

- Kate can go f--- herself.

- Wait, do you think
Kate framed us?

- She definitely did this.

- What can I do with my brother?

This is f---ing ridiculous.

- Watch the bow, please.
God damn it! F---.

I expected us to be
further along

this far into the season.

I'm gonna make some alterations.

in bed, 10:00.

- You're in bed by 10:00?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Really? Really?
- You know what, guess what?

- Don't come at me telling me--
- I can come at you

however the f--- I want.
- You know what, do it!
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