04x07 - Decent Proposal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x07 - Decent Proposal

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- Nice to meet you.

You do realize that, though,
I find you very attractive?

- I think it's wild.

I don't know if it's
just a switch you can just flip.

- You and I both
look out the same windows

and we see the same dirt.

How come nobody's taking care
of it?

I'm willing to go out on a limb
and give him a second shot.

Just to show you
that it's not on the inside.

I want it done.

- Is this our anniversary today?
- Yeah.

Made it to our first week.

This is like awkwardly romantic.

- I know something's wrong.

I know her energy.
I know her so well.

- Well, she likes you, man.

- You know I don't
want anything to change.

We work really well.

- It's a bit of
a smack in the face

to know that you've
just been "friend-zoned."

- Would I be wasting time
with Emily?

- I mean, I would give it a go.

- I'm gonna sweep her
off her feet

and she's not gonna know
what f---ing hit her.

- Surprise!
- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God, Ben is, like,
hating his life right now.

- It's great.

It's awesome.

I need to cool off.

¶ ¶

¶ ¶

- You are burnt
on your back there.

- Am I?
- Yeah.

- Is that sunscreen?
Oh, thank you.

Is it bad?

- Little bit.

- Pick it up, center-fielder.

- Hi.

- Has anybody caught your eye or
have you got someone back home?

- Mm, I don't have anyone.

I don't really know
how to deal with this one.

It's taking me by surprise.

- Where have you guys been?

- What do you want
to drink, babe?

- I don't know.
What do you want?

- You all right, bro?

- Yeah, I've got to, um...

- Okay.

- Some of the relationships
I've had in my past,

I knew that I wouldn't
end up with that person.

And the older you get,
time is of the essence.

So I should probably take it
a little bit more seriously

and actually meet someone

that I can see myself with.

¶ ¶

- Oh, yeah?

- Oh, yes.

- Glad you're here.

- Look, I can make
a p*ssy and a heart together.

- Shh.

- Absence makes
the heart grow fonder,

or it doesn't.

- Oh, baby girl.

- And for us, it has.

Romance is definitely
in the air.

You know, Kate's got Ro.

Kyle's just having a field day
with Sierra.

And, you know, here I am
with my good friend Nico.

- Why?

- He's lovely, but I'm not
attracted to him in that way.

- I think she thinks
I'm a muscle-head.

- Yeah, but she's
definitely interested.

- He's obviously absolutely
gorgeous and--

- He is!
He's like a freaking superhuman.

- But he is not my type.

- She's from the south, mate.
- Oh.

- She's a Londoner.
- Oh, a Londoner.

- And she's from Northwest
London; she's very f---ing posh.

- Hello.

- What are you thinking about,

No, it's great.
It's a beautiful thing.

I love it.
- Well...

- See, I think it's the biggest
compliment in the world.

- Well, maybe, you know, if
we're not meant to be together,

she's done with men.

- All right.
Y'all ready?

- Let's do it.

¶ ¶

- Hi, how are you?

Thank you.

¶ ¶

- There's no invite to that.

You know, sell me a ticket.

- And we live on it, guys.

- Things with Ro
got intense real fast.

I think anybody who's ever

fallen in love knows
that the first three months

are just like
you can't get enough.

¶ ¶

¶ ¶

- I'll help.
- You do the healthy sh--.

- Okay.
- And I'll do the gunk--

junk stuff.

- We should get one of these.

- I don't want it.

- But why?

- Kelley, Kelley; Lee.

Can I get you
up at the bridge, please?

- Yes, sir.
Heading your way now.

¶ ¶

- Just wanted to

go over a couple of things
with you.

Try to keep in your mind to--to
be a little bit more proactive.

'Cause your crew's gonna
follow your lead.

- Yeah.

- So if you're just

sitting down in the crew mess,

waiting for me
to tell you what to do,

they're gonna sit down in
the crew mess waiting for you

to tell them what I tell you.
- Yeah.

- Go to the charter guests
after they get settled in

and find out what
they want to do.

It's a good skill to develop.

- No, that's fine.
Yeah, I can definitely do that.

- I don't get overly impressed
with somebody just doing

what they're supposed to do.

I get impressed with somebody
going beyond

what they're supposed to do.

Just a little bit
more proactive.

- Can do.
- Thanks, Kelley.

- No problem, Captain.

Oh, f--- me.

- Did you see Ro today?

- Yes.
They both slept on the boat.

- In a cabin, yeah?
- Yeah, I guess a cabin.

- They're a noisy couple.

- Nice.
I'm sure you like to hear that.

- Hey, guys.
- Oh, I would love it.

- Hello.
- Ro's leaving.

- Aw.
- Buh-bye.

- Good to meet you.

- Hey, babe.
- Hey, love.

- It was great to meet you.

- Very nice to meet you.

Wow, look at all this.

So you are talented
at something.

- I can do one thing.

Meeting Ro was a little odd.

But honestly, I'm happy
if Kate's happy.


- Bye, Kyle.

- That's the real deal.
- Mwuah.

- Ciao.
- Be good.

- You too.


- Take care of this one, yeah?
- I will.

I'll look out for her.
- Thanks.

- It's always hard to
say good-bye to Ro.

It's hard to say good-bye
to Ro on FaceTime.

So in person,
it's more difficult.

- All right, homegirl.
- See you, bye.

Let me see that bag.

Ha, oh, you're leaving things
behind, huh?

- Uh-huh.

I won't be seeing Ro in person

until after the season's over
and I fly back.

But at least we had this
little midpoint check-in.

- One more?
- Mm-hmm.

- One more?

- That might have been
the best night of sleep

I've had in
at least three weeks.

- Good-bye, baby girl.
- Bye.

- Bye.

Ta-ta for now.

- Kelley, Kelley; Lee.

Your latest project has arrived.

- Roger that.

Nico and Kyle to the dock,

This thing's gonna be heavy.
It's the slide.

I hate slides.

Oh, Jesus.


Oh, I hope I never have to set
this f---ing thing up again.

I'm gonna go into
this positive and say

I'm gonna whoop that
mother----er's ass.

That's a big f---ing box.

- Wait.
- Is he out the door?

F---ing f---!

- There it is.

Casualty number one.

- All right, three, two, one.

- Ow!
- Again?

- Right, this f--- is gonna--

- I'm quitting.
I'm out of here.

That slide changed my life.

I f---ing banged me head,
me legs, me hands.

Just a pain in the ass.

- Down.

All right, now we got to get it

strapped around this

- Let's pick it up.
I'm gonna go get the davit.

- Wait a minute, Kelley.

The best thing we can do
with this thing right now

is unfold it here on the dock,

because we don't have any room
up there to unroll it.

- Roger that.

Just dump 'er
and open 'er up.

One, two, three.

- See anything that looks like
any paperwork or anything yet?

- Pump.
Repair kit.

There's our lifting harness.

- That's good. Yep, yep.

- All right,
back up for a sec.

- Kelley, for deployment,

this is gonna have to be
out of the way.

Come on over a little bit,

to the right.
- Yes, sir.

Captain holds me
to high standards,

but he's also trying to
micromanage the sh-- out of me.

Is it frustrating as hell?
F--- yeah.

- Little bit more.

- Roger that.

¶ ¶

- What's up?
- Nothing, I'm just thinking.

So how'd you get into boats?
- I was in the army.

And then I got into
fishing trawlers and yachts.

So how long have you
been in yachting now?

- Three months.

- And how old
did you say you were?

- I'm 27.
- 27...

- Yeah.


I'd love to take you
on a date with me.

- Okay.
Yeah, that'd be cool.

You're nice. Cool.
Dinner? Let's do it.


I love fishing
and I love food.

- So, like, I'm either getting
a free meal...

- Up top.

- Or a fishing trip.
- Free meal?

- Yeah.
- So I'm paying for dinner?

- That's what
"take you out" usually means.

- Oh, I--I thought you were
gonna pay for me,

but I don't really care; cool.
- Oh.

Kyle's definitely
an entertaining guy,

even if I don't understand
every word he says.

We'll go Dutch.
- No.

I'll pay for dinner.
- That's your steez, right?


- Belgian's Flemish, but okay.

- Coming up...

- What the hell?

- Ems, do you want
a cup of tea?

- Yes, please.
Thank you.

- You know,
they could be really cute.

What kind of tea
did you make her?

- I made her
green tea with acai.

- Wow; you guys can have
after-dinner tea together too.

- Yeah.
Uh--yeah, yeah.

- Yeah, go walk down
to the dock.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Okay.


- Yes.
- Just get my shoes on, okay?

Soon as I get a paycheck
it's going straight to her.

Let's go.

I took her out on a date...

- It's Valentine's Day tomorrow.
- It is.

- What you gonna do?

- I always have really
bad luck on Valentine's Day.

What are you sending
money home for?

- My daughter.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

- I didn't know you had one.

- Didn't you?
- Mm-mm.

So why aren't
you guys together?

- 'Cause it might--
it's just the way it is.

But she'll never have a work--
have to work again.

I'll make sure of that.

- I think it's so noble

for Kyle to want to provide
for the mother of his child,

but, like, it's kind of
a red flag.

How old is she?

- I don't like to say--
'cause it turns people off

a little bit.
- In what way?

- Well, if you're trying to,
like, get to know a girl

and when they found out you got
a kid, it's like "Whoa!"

- It's a lot of pressure.
- Yeah.

- Yeah.

So how old is she?

- Oh, wow.

¶ ¶

- Kate, Ben, Kelley,
I need all of you

in the crew mess for
a preference sheet meeting.

- Roger.
- Copy.

- Let's go, sports fans.

All right, Steve Haug
and Rachel Belmont

are the primaries.

- They're a--attractive couple.

This looks like a
"Dancing with the Stars"

posing photo.

- He's a financial planner.

He wants this trip with
his friends to celebrate

"life and Valentine's Day."

So Frank is their best friend.

Gail is a business partner
turned friend.

And her daughter, Madison,
is coming with.

And Steve wants to surprise
Rachel by proposing

on the first night
of the charter so they can

celebrate the whole trip.
- Wow.

- Don't you think he should
do it the second night

because it might ruin the trip
if she says no.

- That's not my call.
- Oh, okay.

- But we should have
a contingency plan.

In case she does.

- Lifeboats.

How did you propose
to your wife, Captain Lee?

¶ ¶

- I just asked her
if she wanted to marry me.

Anyhow, back to the preferences.

Hey, do you want sushi?
- Yes, thank you.

¶ ¶

- Wow, that salmon
looks amazing.

- What a feast.

- Rainbows are so in
in 2016.

- I think it's a very
free-spirited outlook.

I think it's incredible.

- Thanks, babe.

- I mean, I like women as well.

I mean, I don't blame her,
to be honest.

I would be a big, big lesbian
if I could.

Given the chance.

Okay, that's looking
fine and dandy.

Good night.

¶ ¶

- Happy Valentine's Day, Emily.

- Did you get any messages?
- No.

- No?
- What about you?

- No.
- So you don't have a valentine

is what you're saying?

- I don't have a valentine, no.

- We might have to change that.

- I'm trying to signal,
"No, don't ask me out, please."

¶ ¶

Christ, what the hell
happened here?

It's rude.

I don't want to get up
and see that crap.

- Hello.
- Hi.

So laundry's being turned over.
- Yes.

- Oh, we've got some wine
in the main salon

that I think we should
just divide.

- Okay.

- Uh, did you call anybody
for Valentine's Day?

- Sent a couple messages
to friends and things.

- Yeah?
- Don't have a valentine.

- What?
- I know.

¶ ¶

- I just talked to Emily.

She said no one's ever
sent her flowers ever.

Wouldn't it be nice
if somebody on the crew

gave her flowers?

- That would be lovely.

- I have a flower order coming.
You want me to add to it?

- I would like that.
- Okay.

I think maybe you could do
a little bit of yellow,

with, like, maybe
some light pink in there

'cause it's like,
"we're friends, but there

could be something
going closer to red."

- Mm, I don't want
to scare the poor girl.

- Oh, I don't think
she'll be scared.

- Oh.

- I think she'll be
super flattered.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I've seen the kind of girls
Ben likes to date.

They're always much younger
and very thin.

So I think the fact that
Emily is also intelligent

and has a nice
British upbringing

makes her perfect.

- Cheers.

- Kelley, Kelley; Lee.

- Go for Kelley.

- I need you to come up
to the dining area

and clean up some leftover food.
- Roger that.

- I'm not your mother.

I'm not gonna
clean up after you.

- How the f--- is the sushi
the deck crew?

Because that was
Ben, Kate, Emily, and me.

- Oy.

- Off who?

- Lee, for the sushi,
for leaving the sushi out.

¶ ¶

- Kate, Kate, you have
a delivery on the dock.

- Thank you.

¶ ¶

Ben, the eagle has landed.

- What?

- We're gonna make them look
not so cheeseball.

- I don't know.
- What's the matter?

- I think maybe there should be
a little bit of baby breath

between the roses.
- What?

You seem a little nervous,

we have
30 minutes till guests' arrival.

30 minutes till guests' arrival.

¶ ¶

- I'm not sure if it's a

presumptuous position
for me to be the first one

to ever give her flowers.

- Here we go, sports fan.

- But I'm gonna do it anyway.

I think this is rock and roll.

- Hi.
Happy Valentine's Day.

- Oh, my gosh,
it's so big.

- Where is Ben?

- Uh.

- Ben, get up here now.

- After you, my love.

- It's so pretty.

¶ ¶

- I am so excited.

- Coming up...

- The wind's going one way;

The current's going
the other way.

What are you doing?
This is f---ing embarrassing.

- I'm on my way down.
It's not that g*dd*mn tough.

- Where is Ben?

- I am so excited.

- I'm--no, I'm not gonna say it.
- I'm still late.

- Hi.
- How you doing?

- I'm Rachel.
- Rachel, I'm Captain Lee.

- Nice to meet you.
- How are you?

- Steve.
- Hi, welcome Rachel.

- Hi, I'm Gail.
- Madison.

- Kelley.
- Hi, nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hi, nice to meet you, Lauren.

- Happy Valentine's Day
to everyone.

- Ooh.
- Happy Valentine's Day.

- We're gonna get underway
rather quickly

so I'm gonna have Kate, she'll
give you a tour of the boat.

- Let's do it.
- Right this way, guys.

So this is our main salon.

We have a formal dining table.
- Oh, wow.

- And now we'll go on
to the master suite first.

It's a really beautiful boat.
It just got refitted,

so everything's new.
- Beautiful.

- And then,
your master bathroom is here.

The best part of this bathroom
is the robot toilet.

I like to call it

- And this is the sun deck.

This is our Jacuzzi
with a nice view.

Very nice.
- Yeah, real cool.

- We're bigger than those boats.
- We are.

- We make them
look like our b*tches.

- We're f----ing crushing it.

¶ ¶

- Oh.

What the hell?

It's so sweet.

I was totally shocked.

It really touched my heart.

And I felt that feeling
when you can't

take a smile off your mouth.


- I need a hidden conversation
with you.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Hi.

- Did you want to do it in front
of your friends or in private?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Yes? Okay.

Set up candles;
we've got roses.

Be a little bit romantic?
- Awesome.

- Yeah.
- Also, the ring

is in my backpack in a sock.
- Okay.

- If someone could get it
from my backpack

and give it to Frank?
- Sure, okay.

- Yeah.
- Awesome, this is exciting.

- Happy Valentine's Day.

I'm gonna have to--
everybody's gonna have to share.

- Ben.

- How's it going?

- That was amazing.
I loved it.

- Happy Valentine's Day.

- Thank you.
- What happened?

- Well, you're welcome.

- Some blue roses
in my bed.

- Aw. This guy.

- I surprise people sometimes.

- One of the main things
I was surprised about is

how a gesture like that

can change
your feelings about someone.

I'll be smiling all day.

- That's what I wanted,
so, perfect.

- Thank you.

- I just couldn't believe it,
so I had to do it.

- Everybody in position.

- Kyle's in position.

- Em's in position.

- Roger that.
We'll go bow to stern.

Bow to stern.

- The ring is in
his backpack in a sock.

When you find that,
give it to me, yeah.

Okay, they're out.
- Gonna go?

- Yeah.

- Thanks, man.
Stern's all clear.

All lines clear, Captain.

¶ ¶

- I'm--I'm so old;
it's insane.

- All right, let's do this.
- Roger that.

¶ ¶

- How many people get to

something this amazing?
- No, I agree, it's beautiful.

- I'll tell you right now,
I am definitely

jumping off
the top of this boat.

- Let's check it out.

- Sierra, I'll never
find another

third stew quite like you.

- If you would be
my laundry girl?

- I don't think I can
commit to that.

- It's damn--
it does look good on me.

This ring is huge,

but gorgeous.

- There's your future.

- It feels so right.

So obviously I'm gonna
go give this to somebody else.

- Okay.

- On my mark,
give me two sh*ts.

Lock it into deuce.

- She's not gonna
go in any of these drawers

so we can put it in here.
- This is good?

- Yeah, that's fine.
- Okay.

- There's a bunch of flowers
on my bed.

Blue roses.

- Who are they from?
- Guess.

- Is it Kyle?

- No.
- Ben?

- Yeah.
- No.

- I'm so happy.

How cute.

- Hey, Ben, the guests
are at the table.

- Just give me
one second, please.

¶ ¶

Seared ahi, spicy mayo.

- Okay.
- Cheers.

- Here we have seared ahi tuna,

sushi rice, spicy mayonnaise,
and sweet glass noodles.

- Cool.
- Beautiful.

- This is amazing.

- Oh, my God,
they are unbelievably good.

- Oh, beautiful.
- Spicy lobster salad.

- Love it.

He's not playing around.
- No.

- That's fire.

- Get under there
and untie it now.

- I've been doing this
long enough now that I know

the guests usually
just want all the toys.

Let it go a little bit longer.

Let it go, let it go.

No, no, no.

So you want proactive, Captain?

All the toys are going out.

Give it about 15 seconds longer.

- So you guys are gonna
snorkel too?

- Mm-hmm.
- Awesome.

- Are you--
- I'll probably not.

- Hi, guys, how's it going?
- Good.

- Love to do some snorkeling.
- Snorkel?

Yeah, want to get in the water?

- Yeah.
- All right, awesome.

I'll check with everyone else.
We'll get that set up for you.

- Awesome.
- Thank you.

- You ready?

- That's one.

All the way down.

- Control it.
Controlled pull-up.

- How many's going?

- Um, they all want to go.

- I'll take Kyle.
- Yeah.

- So what are we doing?

- What are the plans, Stans?
- I don't know.

- Let's just give 'em goggles
and put 'em in the hot tub.

- Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

- Hey, you guys know
if we're going out soon?

- Yeah, do--do you want
to go snorkeling?

- Yeah.
- When? Right now?

- Yeah.
- All right, we'll get

the boat pulled around.
- Cool.

- Oh, sh--.

- Good lunch, Ben.
The guests are so happy.

- That's awesome.

Now, for the most important
dinner in the world...


The proposal--
do you think a red velvet cake,

like a red, yeah.
- Oh, good idea.

- Yeah.
- Red, and it's Valentine's Day.

- Yeah.
- All the rest of it.

- Do you think she's gonna cry?
She might cry.

- She's not in love
if she doesn't cry.

Let's do--let's say that.

- So you're staying here?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We just got to let
the pool off of it.

- We got to let the pool
slide out to the side.

That way,
once I'm alongside,

you can just
hand 'em over to me.

Nico, just under your corner,
let it swing out.

Then attach that yellow line
to the port aft corner.

- With the current,
it's not gonna work this way.

- So we're trying to get
the Intrepid in so we can

line it up for the guests to
come onboard for snorkeling.

But the pool
is just in the way.

- Kelley, you ready?

- Just got to wait.

I got it.

- That means he's serious.

- The wind's going one way, the
current's going the other way.

And, you know,
it's a recipe for disaster.

- There you go.

- This thing is
a pain in the ass, isn't it?

- Kelley's like, maybe if we,
like, ram the tender

into the pool
and push it out the way,

it'll happen,
but every time he pulled back,

the pool just quickly swung in.

- Go ahead, back out of there,

as soon as she gets it loose.

- The guests are
standing there watching us,

and we're like.

¶ ¶

- I'm on my way down.

- Oh, God, just let me
do this alone.

Here we go again with
Captain Lee, micromanaging.

- Jesus Christ, could f--- up
a two-car funeral.

It's not that g*dd*mn tough.

- Coming up...

- I'd like to, uh,
make a little toast.

- Aw.

- This could either be
really good or really bad.

- Rachel...

- Just go ahead and back out of
there, Kelley,

as soon as she gets it loose.

- Yeah, she's got it
all tangled up.

- Never mind.
I'm on my way down.

- I don't need you
a part of this right now.

- F--- up a two-car funeral.

- F---ing terrible idea.

- Okay, what you need to do is

pay attention to
what this is doing.

You got to adapt to whatever's
happening in the water.

- Yes, sir.
- Kelley, bring it in

starboard side two,
you have plenty of room.

- Okay, Cap.

- He didn't bring
the bow line in tight,

so then the pool got wedged
between the boat and the thing.

Go ahead, bring it in.

- F---.
- Take it around again.

- Yeah.
- Take that line up here.

- I think Kelley's
feeling the pressure.

He's constantly having
his progress evaluated.

You know, he puts
that pressure onto us when

Captain puts that on him,
and that's sort of how

the ranking trickles.

- Why do you keep leaving
the bow lines out like that?

And now you got so many
wrapped, you can't control it.

- Get that bow tighter.
- Come on.

We really don't look like
seasoned professionals.

They teach you how to do that
in the Navy?

You need some lessons
in line handling.

We look more like

the Keystone Kops meets
the Three Stooges.

- Let's get people down here
and get 'em moving

so they can enjoy
some of this day.

- Yes, sir.
- Give me your radio.

I want you pushing the pool off.

Kelley, turn
your wheel starboard.

Get the stern off.

And take it forward.

Get it up.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- Finally.

- Are you guys leaving me?

- Oops.

- Run back in the same way
you did before, Kelley.

- Roger that.

What are you guys doing?

I've worked on big boats
and I've never really seen

such a sh-- show.

- Line up.
- Ah.

- There you go.
- Thank you.

- You're good.

- That was f---ing embarrassing.

- Is that smoke?

- F---.

That is really bad.

- Did you know that
Kyle has a daughter?

- You don't know?
- No, I didn't know.

- Yeah, I knew on the first day.
- Literally, had no one--

said anything to me.
I had no idea.

I'm not gonna say
it put me off,


- But?
- It's a lot of pressure.

- Well, understandably, yes.

- So, defogging their masks,
yours goes last.

Be careful,
go--watch this.

¶ ¶

Keep an eye on the guests.

¶ ¶

Worst day ever.

Why does everything
backfire on me?

Being proactive backfires on me,
I mean, it just--

this charter season
is kicking my ass.

- Time to put this
bad boy to bed.

Hang on, Nico,
we'll get you in.

The pool's coming in.

- Thank you, bosun.

You're gonna go
on a snorkeling trip,

and we're gonna have fun
putting away the pool.

I mean, the guests
didn't ask for it.

They didn't use it.

So thanks a lot, pal.

- Whoo!

I need some more
lead in my pencil.

¶ ¶

- Motor, yacht "Valor,"
motor, yacht "Valor,"

I'm about five minutes out
with the guests.

- Copy, thank you.

- Nico and Lauren,

can you get on the, uh,
aft deck

to help get the guests off?

- All right.
Copy that.

- The pool's up!

Just watch your head
when you step up.

All right, man.

- Thank you, sir.
- No worries.

- You looking forward
to getting off again?

- Yeah, I am.

Hopefully no drama

and no one gets attitude.

- I know.

And Kyle and, um,
Sierra are going on a date.

- Are they?
- Yes.

They're going fishing
over dinner.

- Fishing?
- Yes.

- We're going.

- Do you want to go
on a date with me?

I want to go fishing.

- Fishing's not really my thing.

- Yeah.

- I feel bad because

I know that Kelley
has feelings for me,

and I don't want to hurt him.

And I don't want this
to affect our friendship.

But I like Ben; I clearly
get on very well with him.

It's slightly awkward.

- All right, I got to
get back there and help them.

I'll chat with you in a bit.
Enjoy your break.

- Thank you.

I'll try not to fall overboard.

¶ ¶

- This is like the
witching hour right now.

I've actually never cooked
a proposal dinner before.

So it's actually a little bit

Can you imagine if
she said no

because I overcooked her steak
or something?

¶ ¶

- Oh, that's awesome.
- They did a great job, huh?

- Thank you so much.
- I'm so excited.

I just got goose bumps.
It's so exciting.

There is so much love

The charter guests
are celebrating love.

The crew members are in love.

It's Valentine's Day.

Ah--it's just too much.

- He got to practice on me.
- Yeah.

- I said yes.
- I was practicing

with him before.
- Oh that's--that's really cute.

- 'Cause I--I haven't
said it out loud yet.

I haven't, like, gone
through it all, so I was like,

"I need to practice on you."
- That was smart.

- Hope--hopefully
I'm not a mumbling idiot.

Who's Ryan?

He just wanted to talk, I guess.

So we could hang out.

- But you're going
fishing with him?

- He says it's on.
He's like,

"We can go to dinner after
if you want."

I was like, "Yeah, we can
totally go to dinner."

- You could, like,
barbeque on the beach.

- It's just dinner.

In my mind,
it's not a date.

I don't want
to make it a big deal.

I just want to
go and hang out

and get to know each other.

He doesn't even know me yet.

I could--have two heads.

You know, for all he knows.

- No, but it's nice he actually
came and spoke to you though.

That he's wanting to

court you.

- Oh, Rachel, come sit by me.
- Okay.

- Sit next to the boys.

- Wait, are you a lefty?

- I love that you colored it

- Love is in the air.

- Come on, let's not get too,
you know...

- You've been infected
by the love bug.

- Babe--just--come on.

I think being in love
takes a certain maturity.

And I think I'm
getting to the point

where this could
actually happen.

And I look forward to it

apparently, it's a really
warm, fuzzy feeling.

- You ready?
- Filet mignon.

Uh, red wine demi glace

with a beetroot puree.

Thank you.

- Filet mignon,
beetroot puree.

¶ ¶

- Okay, appreciate it.

Thanks, love.

- Here we are.
My pleasure.

- Aw, in a heart.

- Looks amazing.

- Oh, my gosh,
this is so good.

- Mmm.

¶ ¶

- I'm scared.

This could either be
really good or really bad.

- I'd like to, uh,
make a little toast.

- Aww.
- For everyone.

First, today was, like,
one of the best,

most memorable days of my life.

I like to really just
soak it in and just know

how fortunate I am.

It's a lot of the little things,
like, I know

I wake up in the morning

and give my girlfriend a kiss.

And I want to
keep those days going.

Hopefully for
the rest of my life.

With that being said,



- Coming up...

- You're a man.

You're a man.
- All right.

All right, ready?
Ready, champ?

- Mm.

Hello, Emily, how are you?
- Hello.

- First, today was, like,
one of the best,

most memorable days of my life.

I want to keep those days going.

So with--with that being said...

- Oh, my God.

- Rachel--
let me get on my right--

- Yes.
- Will you marry me?

- Yes.

¶ ¶

- He's crying; she's crying.
- Aww.

- The guests are crying.

- Is this real?

- So cute.

- It makes me so happy.

- There's just so much
love in the air.

This story is a story
they're gonna tell their

friends when they get home,

their parents
when they get home.

When their children ask
how he proposed,

their grandchildren;

this day is gonna be
talked about for a long time.

- Oh, my God,
I love you.

- Yeah, don't worry about that.
- That's tomorrow--tomorrow.

- Yeah?

- That'll be fun.

Let's go on a double date!

Dude, f--- yeah,
we can go fishing.

Have you ever been fishing?
It's so fun.

I'm not nervous, I think,
if Kyle and I went by ourselves.

I just thought if Emily
and Kelley would come along,

it would take a little bit
of the, like,

heaviness out of the vibe.

Think about it, girl.

- Crew?

- Who is it?
- No one's here!

No one's here.

- What are you guys doing?

We're watching the video.
- Just chilling.

- You're coming?

- Huh?
- What are you talking about?

- To be fair,
isn't that my choice?

- Why?
- Since I was the that in--

that's paying for the
f---ing thing, though.

- Can't they come?
- Why don't you guys go?

All three of you go,
have a f---ing triple date.

Can't believe this sh--.
- I heard you guys wanted to go.

- When?
- I got to go.

- I think it'd be fun.

- Why don't you all
go in her room, yeah?

Have a double date in there.

- I mean, I wouldn't mind
going fishing.

- Yeah, I know.
- But it's your date.

- Yeah, it's your date.
- That's what I'm thinking.

- Why don't you do
something else on the same night

and you could even fish together
and then do your own thing.

- I don't know, we just have
a lot to do on the boat.

- So you're both
gonna go fishing?

It's a bit concerning that
you guys are just gonna go

f--- off while me and Lauren
have to clean the boat.

Uh, that's not really fair.

- Good night, Frank.
- Good night, guys.

- Good night, Frank.

- Oh, yeah, I got it.

- Ooh.

What my baby wants,
my baby gets.

Oh, my God.
It's so cute.

- Ooh.
- Ah.

- Mm.
- I love you.

- I love you.

- Things are starting
to feel a little weird.

It makes me slightly
uncomfortable the way Kyle

is so persistent.

I don't understand, like,
why it's expected

that it's gonna be this, like,
full-blown romantic thing.

- Jokes...

- I'm sorry.

- No, it's okay. It's fine.

- No, no, no.
- I just think like

the more the merrier.
- All right, okay.

No, no, no, it's fine.
I'll think about it.

- I totally think
it's really cool

that they're going fishing
and everything,

but, like, do it
on your own time.

You know, if it is
all four of 'em gone, like,

they shouldn't expect us...

- To do, like, a full wash down.

- To carry on
because they have plans.


- Shake some booty.
- What would your dwarf name be?

There's Sleepy, Sneezy, Doc,
Happy, Grumpy,

- Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy.

It depends what mood I'm in.
Right now I'm sleepy.

- Yeah.

Grumpy, Bashful,
- Bashful, Grumpy.

I'm a little bashful
right now, to be honest.

- What?
- Well, because...

- Emily?

- Well, yeah, I'm thinking
about taking her out to dinner.

- You're bashful around her?
That's a very good sign.

- How you gonna do it?

- I feel like
a young schoolgirl.

- Aw, that's so romantic.
- I know.

- You should just
use that on her.

- "Hey, Emily, you make me
feel like a young schoolgirl."

- Yeah.

- I am a little nervous
about asking Emily out.

It's been many years since
I have

asked an English rose
on a date.

Actually, I don't even think
I've ever done it before.

So, yeah, nerve-wracking stuff.

- Hey, by the way.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah?

- What?

- What are you, scared?

- I just told you I was bashful;
was that not enough?

- Don't overthink it.

- Well, now you're scaring me.
I was gonna ask her anyway, and

now you're pressurizing me to.
- No, I'm not.

- Kate, I just need to
digest this one by myself.

- Okay.
- But I appreciate it.

- Okay.
- I really do, I appreciate it.

- Good.
- Thank you.

- Bye.

- I'm not going to bed.
- I'm--going away.

- Huh?

- What?

- That whole
"if she says no" speech...

- I was just being sarcastic.
- That--no--that--

oh, that was great.

- Take it outside, take it out.
- Because then maybe...

- Take it outside.
- Well, because then maybe--

- You started it.
- Why would you do that

to anyone?
- Are you being sarcastic

right now?
- No, I'm being--

- You used to be--
- I'm actually--I'm curious.

- You actually--
- Yell it; just yell it.

- She knows she's gonna go.

It's always--it's always
going to happen...

- How does she know--
she's gonna go?

- She know--
'cause she likes you.

- Just look at her, she's--
she's like--in there--

she's in there
like Cinderella, like,

¶ One day my prince
will come ¶

- All right, fine.
- Do some jumping jacks.

Get the adrenaline going.
You're a man.

You're a man.
You're a hot man.

You're a hot man.
- Ahh...

- You got this.

- All right.

- All right, ready?
Ready, champ?

Ready, champ?
- Yeah, all right.

- Go get 'em, tiger.
- So what do I do?

- You say, "Hey, Em."
- Tell me what--

What do I do?
What do I do?

- All right, you're like...
- Are you coming with me?

- No.

I've never seen
Ben this way

around any girl.

- Hello, Emily, how are you?

- Hello.
I'm good.

- Good.

I would like to take you
for dinner.

Would that be okay?

- What's she saying?

- Where did this come from?

- I--I don't know,
I just thought of it, and, like.

- That'd be lovely.
- Really?

- I'd love to.
- That's very good.

- Is it a giggle?
- He's a bit flustered.

- He does.

- See you in the morning
and then

probably in the afternoon
and then...

And then probably at dinner.

I mean, definitely at dinner.

That--that's the definite
time I'll see you.

- Yes.
- Okay, well, perfect.

- Okay, cool.
- Thank you.

- Oh, he's coming,
he's coming, he's coming.

- What happened?
- Oh--what--you did well.

- Are you trying to
make her jealous now?

- No, I'm not.
That's why I want you over here.

- Why, why, why?

- Because you forced me
to do that one.

- Oh, so she said yes?
- She wants to go, yeah.

- Aw! Yee!
- She does, yeah, she does.

- I could tell.

Normally, Ben would be like

so proud of himself.

But actually he seems
more nervous than proud.

And it's really cute.

You are so cute.

- Next on "Below Deck"...

- Miss Emily, she has got
the cabin love fever.

- I'm going to dinner
with, um, Ben.

- Yeah, girl,
you little cheeky sod.

Kelley is gonna flip.

- You have to give Kyle
a chance.

He is real-life,
British Ryan Gosling.

- I felt like
I'm on a date with a girl

and she's giving interest
back home while I am with her.

And it f---ing hurt me.

- Ben?
- He's right here.

- Your lady is waiting
in the main salon.

- Oh.
- Your lady?

What lady?

- Emily.
They're going on a date.

- Oh.

- Cheers, Emily.
- Cheers.

- To Kelley--
not being here.

- Are you upset at me?
- No.

I just don't want
you playing with Kyle.

You did not tell him the truth.

- You shouldn't be judging me.

Kelley, I'm not done
talking to you.

- And the hits keep coming.
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