04x06 - The One Where the Charter Guests Almost Die

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x06 - The One Where the Charter Guests Almost Die

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- So you're my stewardess,
one of them.

- I'm your stewardess.

- If you had the option of

making it the love boat,
who would you love?

- Emily, yeah.

- Yeah, it's my first time
dating a girl, actually.

- I think it's wild.

I'm still single.

And I'm still single.

- This isn't the right place
for you at this point in time.

Pack your stuff
and leave the boat.

- I think it'll be
smoother without him.

- Better be.

So this is a one-day charter.

They each have two daughters
from previous marriages.

- "Brady Bunch."
- On a family retreat...

- Can I get another mojito,

- Mojito? Yeah, of course.
- Thank you.

- As long as they have
cocktails, they can do--

they don't care.

- Coors Light. k*lling it!

- Kyle.
- Kelley.

Nice to meet you.

- I've been doing
offshore supplying,

working on fishing trawlers
since then.

- What?
- We're not in Kansas anymore.

- No.

- Get started on getting
the, uh, toys in.

- We're already on it, Cap.

- Ooh.
- F---!

- You all right, Kyle?
Is he all right?

What happened?
- You all right?

- F---ing hell.
- Oh, my God.

- Holy sh--.

¶ ¶

- Oh, man.

- It's so good.
- Oh, it's so good.

- Everything's good.
- So good.

- Has anybody seen the pool?
It's gigantic.

- Is he all right?
What happened?

- You all right?
- F---ing hell.

- Oh, my God.
- Holy sh--.

Did he dislocate
his shoulder?

Do you want us
to pop it back in?

- Yeah, Lauren can.

- It's completely come out
of the socket.

To feel your muscles
and your tendons, like,

move out of place,
it's so uncomfortable.

And so I just have to, like,
click it back in.

- You good?
- Yeah.

First few times it hurts,

but after it happens,
like, three, four times,

yeah, you just
get on with it.


- That was delicious.

- Excited to go swimming?

- Oh, yeah!

- Hey, Kyle, hoop that
through that eyelet.

We're gonna trade out lines.

- They're so nice.

- He seems like
a touch of class, right?

- Yeah, he is.

- Ooh, look at this cool--
f--- yeah.

- It's time to get in the water.

It's the same
as the air temperature.

- That's Claire.
Claire, get in the water, bro.

- Yeah.
- Okay, cool.

He's on his way.

- Thank you.
- All right?

All right, here we go.

- Oh!

- It's so windy for this now.

- Yeah.

- They're about to tip.

- Oh!
Down! Down! Down!

For f---'s sake.

- You guys are over the reef.

You all right?
- Yeah, I'll get them in, huh?

I'll just keep us off the reef,
going astern.

- We're gonna get you
in the boat first,

get you away from this reef.
Just come to me!

- There's a rock right here.
Back up. Back up. Back up.

- All right.

- Holy sh--!

- Oh.
- Nico!

- Hey.

¶ ¶

- Everything all right,

- Yeah, just a bit shaken up,
that's all.

- All good?
- You okay?

- Yeah.
- We're fine.

- All right, one, two, three.

- Are you all right?

- Yeah.
- We're fine.

- They're in--
they're in the boat now.

- We good, girls?
- Yeah, totally.

- Like, yeah,
you're all right now.

We came 2 feet away
from knocking you out

with the boat and k*lling you.

- We'll put some vinegar on it.

- I'm fine.

- Oh, okay.

- Wow, she's wounded!

- I don't know.
It just happened.

It was fine. It was fine.

- My charter guest
gets injured.

It's always our fault.

to take care of them,

make sure they have
good, safe fun.

- Just breathe.
- Thanks.

- Kate, Kate.

- Ro? Babe?

I lost you for, like,
a solid 30 seconds.

- Em, Em.

¶ ¶

Sierra, Sierra.

I get really pissed off

when people
don't answer their radio.

I'm not calling you
for my health.

There's a reason
that I'm calling you.

Do we have anybody on service?

- Yeah, Sierra.
I'm on my break.

- I can't--I can't find her.
- Kate's in her room.

- No, I was busy
on the other...

- They were turning,
and we're like, "Bye."

- Sierra, do you have
your radio on?

- I'm sorry.

Whip up a batch
of Painkillers, and we'll

deliver 'em to the aft deck.
- No problem.

- Do you know how to do it?
- How many do we need?

- How many guests do we have?

- For everyone?
- Yep.

- Got it.
- Mm-kay?

I mean, we're in the home
of the Painkiller.

It's pretty much a staple
here in the Virgin Islands.

I want to bring some levity
to the situation.

- Do you need any help?
- No.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.

- You guys almost died?
- Yeah.

- The boat almost...

- It was a near-death

- I need a drink immediately.

- Gonna put 'em
in a little container.

- No, no.
Painkillers, the drink.

- Oh, absolutely.
I'm so sorry.

The pills...

I didn't get
the Painkiller message.

That's funny.

¶ ¶

- How you coming, kiddo?
- Good.

- You worried
about the recipe?

- Yeah, I haven't made
this many at one time.

- Um, you're gonna need
more rum than this.

Here, we got this, pilgrim.

- Oh, okay.

¶ ¶

- Okay, go ahead
and run 'em out.

- Thank you so much.

- Whoo!

- Are those Painkillers?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Yeah.

¶ ¶

- I think I'm gonna move us to
something a little more calmer.

- That would be nice.

Then my crème brûlée
will set level.

- I'm gonna work on that
right now.

Kelley, Kelley.

¶ ¶

Kelley, Kelley.

¶ ¶


- Looking for Kelley, Cap?
- Yeah.

And I'm wondering why nobody's
answering their f---ing radios.

- Um, I saw him
in the crew mess.

- Kelley, Kelley.

¶ ¶

Let's get these in.
- Yeah.

- Lauren, Lauren,
come in?

- Go ahead.

- Hey, do you mind coming out
and give us a hand?

- Yeah, copy that.

- You find him?
- Nope.

¶ ¶

Does anybody
have eyes on Kelley?

- Yeah.

Go for Kelley.

- Where are ya?

- Crew mess.
I was in the br--restroom.

- Okay, keep your radio
with you when you go.

I need the aft deck cleared
and all the stuff,

all the toys put away.

- Roger that.
On it now.

Come on, Cap, I mean you're
up my ass and around a corner.

Give me a little break here.

- Headed up to wheelhouse now
and get ready to fire 'em off.

- What's going on?
- We're moving

'cause it's too rocky.
The captain's worried

about my crème brûlée
not setting level.

- Did something happen
while I was on break?

- Yeah, a couple of the guests
nearly died,

but nothing serious.

- Nico, Lauren,
to the bow, please.

- Ready.
- Let's do this.

- Do you want to give him

- Yeah.
- We're just here.

Hand signals are super important
when pulling the anchor

because he needs to know
exactly where the anchor's at.

Right there's good.
- Huh?

- We're good.

It's very important
that we pull it up straight,

off the paint,
off the stainless.

If it's leaning
all the way out,

it can hit the prop
and completely mess the boat up.

A little bit that way.


- You guys look like
Moe, Larry, and Curly

up there,
for crying out loud.

- What's he saying?

- Okay, tell him
that it's, uh--

it's up and down right now.

- Uh, it's up and down
right now, Captain.

- My deck team right now
isn't performing

up to the standards
that I expect.

We're four charters
into the season.

And I expect their game
to be sharp,

and it's not there.

- Anchor's in, Cap.
- Roger that, thank you.

- Hey, we got to work
on those hand signals, girl.

¶ ¶

- Yeah.

- I'm a flirty person
in general,

but there's definitely
some sexual tension

between me and Emily.

I can tell
by her body language.

- Would you like a fresh one?
- Yep.

- I'm happy to go back
to Chardonnay, though.

- Okay.
- Can I get a mimosa?

- I'll have the same thing.
- I'll be right back.

- Sierra.

Like the phonetic alphabet,
isn't it?

You know, Sierra,
Tango, Whiskey.

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.

Is it spelled S-I-E-R-R-A?
- Mm-hmm.

- And what's your last name?

- Storm.

I understand, like, 89%

of what comes out
of Kyle's mouth.

- Sierra Storm?
- Yes.

- Well, if a lady
carries that name,

there's hurricanes
coming your way.

- Kelley, Kelley.

- Captain Lee,
this is Kelley.

- Kelley, I need some people
up here on the bow.

We need to get this anchor
dropped and set.

- Roger that.

- They're properly
sauced up now, right?

- They're drinking at a rate

that even impresses
and scares me.

- Are they even gonna be
around for dinner?

Ro is so cute.

- I'm seeing a lot of texting
back and forth

with this Ro character.

I really think she should
leave that on the dock

and deal with the job at hand.

¶ ¶

- Two sh*ts now.

Two sh*ts now.

¶ ¶

- Two sh*ts in the water.

- Good job.

Oh, and I need
the waterline cleaned up

on the boat today too.

- Roger that.
On it now.

- Whoa.

Ro's coming to visit.

- F---ing boat.

- I know.

I'm excited for Ro to meet Ben
so he can finally understand

why I am so committed
to staying in contact with her.

Like, everyone loves Ro.

- Is she really
6 feet tall?

- She is.

- Hi, what's up?
- Nothing.

- Okay, so you want to hear
about ideas for

the white dinner party?
- Hit me.

- Theme parties are something
I really enjoy doing.

It makes my job super fun,

and I want them
to be as excited

about this white party as I am.

Can be like
a white rabbit party.

- "Alice in Wonderland" kind of.
- Like--yep. Yep.

But like all--like...
- Yeah.

- We can wear little bunny ears
and little tails.

- Yes, please.

- And we can make little hats.
- Okay.

- You have five minutes left.
- I'm not gonna make it.

This is too much.

- Ah.

"It will be fun."

So Sierra?

Huh, you're like,
"Oh, Sierra. Ugh"

- Do you think
she wants it, though?

- She wants something.

I have no clue how long
it'll take Kyle to figure out

she is nuts.

Mm, we'll see
how quick he learns.

- What the f---
is a wellington?

- Oh, no, no.

- Coming up...

- I've been looking
at dirty f---ing windows

for three f---ing days.
- That's all inside.

- Do you really want
to go to w*r on this?

- Would you like
more Chardonnay?

- Oh, did I switch to liquor?

- Oh, still have
the hic-em-ups?

- Is that you, honey?
- Hic-em-up.

- What's a "hic-em-up"?

- Why are you calling them that?
- I always call them that.

- Hic-em-ups?
- Why do you care?

- You've told me this
my whole life

and I've never known
about it?

- Maybe you have never listened
to me until this day right now.

- Okay.

- How are the guests?

- They're pretty drunk.

k*lling it.

- I wouldn't be surprised
if they took naps.

'Cause they're
on California time.

- They're not gonna f---ing
make it, are they?

- They're gonna make it, Ben.
We're all gonna make it.

- Mm.
- Oh.

Well, what time do you
want to do dinner then?

- I don't know, 8:00?
- 30?

- What do you think?
Should we ask them?

- I really don't think
they'll notice or care.

- I could sleep here.
- Yeah, I know.

I could take a nap.
- You got champagne?

- Yeah, for fun, dude.
We're on a f---ing boat.

- All right, ready?
- One, three, two.

- Oh, my God, Kelley!

Oh, that was like
Red Bull and Chinese food.

- You can taste that.

That's proper thick,
that one, isn't it?

You can put that
on a plate and eat it.

- Gross.
- Hey.

- Me and Kyle are
hitting it off pretty good.

I'm not sure about
Nico and Lauren,

but they have their own
little, like, group.

And I was outside of that group.

I mean to a certain extent.

I am their boss, but

I still like to be buddy-buddy.

Do you need a medic?
- You need a medic.

After that f---ing hell.

You know what would be
really interesting?

Is if I took an Ambien
before dinner.

- Yeah.

- Would be an interesting
night, though, right?

- Yep.

¶ ¶

- I'm sorry to interrupt
your texting, but, you know.

¶ ¶

- Who? Sierra?
- Mm-hmm.

- I'm not 12 years old.

- Okay, that's my cue.

- I'm gonna put
the groundwork in.

It's like building a house.

- God, Sierra, Kyle thinks
you're drop-dead gorgeous.

Like, he's, like,
obsessed with you.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Flattered.

In yachting, a lot of guys

kind of act the same.

They look the same.

- Sierra?
- Hmm?

- Um, do you have any combs?
- Mm-hmm.

So it's refreshing
when you meet

a guy that's
a little different,

a little bit more rugged.

- Thank you very much, Sierra.
- Oh, you're welcome.

¶ ¶

- There's kind of
a pause now

because the guests
passed out.

- Have you seen anyone dwindling
or anything like that?

- No, but I think
9:00 is great.

- Yeah. Uh...

- In Ben's world, I should be
telling the guests

what time to eat.

- That's so awesome.

- Okay, can you help me
carry these?

We're gonna--
- Yeah.

- Yeah.

In my world,
we should let them enjoy

their brief, expensive vacation

and be on hand
like the luxury crew

we're trained to be.

¶ ¶

- This is k*ller.

- The what?
- Check wax, black marks.

That's been done.

- Black marks,
wax black marks.

- Oh, sorry.

- I feel like
I have to translate.

I know what he's saying.

- I wonder if we'll turn him
a little American

and he'll turn us
a little British.

- Ooh, God, I hope you
don't turn him American.

Ugh, none of that.
- I'll come home

back to Manchester with
stars and stripes like that.

All right.
"Hey, man."

- 'Sup, Cap?
- Um...

Kelley's been down
this road before,

so he knows what I expect.

He should be doing it
bigger, better, faster,

with more enthusiasm
than anybody else.

- Once you finish eating,
change over.

- It's still a work day,
so you're still on the clock.

- What is this fancy stuff?

"Claire, follow the white rabbit
to the white party.

Dinner at 9:00 p.m."

¶ ¶

- Good evening. How are you?
- Good.

- Good.

- Absolutely. Thank you.
- Perfect.

Something to drink?
- Yes.

- Sure.

- All right.

Will you pour Heidi
a Chardonnay

and make him a Painkiller?

- Yes.
- Ben.

Do you want to come discuss
dinner with me real quick?

- Dinner at 9:00.
- Mm-hmm, I heard.

- In half an hour.
- Yep.

- Yeah, we can have
a chat about it

now that I know what's going on.
- I'm just--I'm--oh, really?

- Yeah.
- You're preparing food for them

at 9:00.
- Yeah, that's right.

- Right, I thought that
was always the idea.

- Huh?
- That was always the idea.

I think 9:00 is great.
- Yeah.

Kate, it's quite easy; you just
have to ask the question.

- What is your problem
at this moment?

- I wanted that
three hours ago, Kate.

Three hours ago,
I wanted that answer.

- Do you think that if...
- But instead,

you didn't do anything...
- That answer--

I'm not done talking.
When I went up there--

- For me, that's--
you're just buying time

and wasting more of my time.

- That's because you're
insecure and paranoid; I'm not--

- Insecure? No, I just want
direction with my job...

- Okay.
- If that's okay.

- I don't want to hear it.

- I don't have time
to be texting my girlfriend

all day, okay?

I don't have time
to go and have a nap

or send the others
to have a nap.

I don't have
two minions under me

doing everything
I don't want to do.

I don't have these luxuries.

¶ ¶

- That is so cute.

- Party time.

¶ ¶

- Hi, girls, you look adorable.
- I love it.

- Ben, so you're
pretty much ready, right?

- Kate, give me a damn break.

- Whatever.

¶ ¶

- Oh, that looks fabulous.

- Wow!
- Wow.

- Beautiful.
Everything's great.

- The guests
are at the table, Ben.

- You're trying to rush me

and freak me out.

- Isn't it so fun?

- Totally, I agree.

- It isn't.
- It's never too late.

- When I'm in times of stress,

having these slapstick
sound bites in my ear...

- Is not really helping me.

It's f---ing annoying.

- Emily, will you follow me
with the salmon tartare?

- Uh, tuna.
- Tuna, sorry.

- Hey, you need to take
the rice first.

Also, the--the sabut
needs to go first, as well.

I mean, come on.

Who the hell's going out--
no, no, put it on the tray.

- To start, we have
jalapeño salmon...

- Oh, man.
- And tuna tartare.

- Thank you.
- That rice is huge.

- Holy sh--.
- There's rice for days.

- Beautiful.
- Oh.

- It's hella good.
- Oh, man.

- Seared duck breast
with soy pearls.

- It's so good! It's so good.
- So good.

- It's really good.

- Service, s'il vous plaît.

- Here we have
sashimi of scallop...

- Wow.
- With trout roe and jalapeño.

- When did you make
all this food, Ben?

- I don't know.
I guess I've been blacked out

for the last three hours.

- We'll do, um--we can make
some simple syrup real quick.

Stop it.

Ben, I'm cleared
- Okay.

So vanilla crème brûlée,
chocolate cigar, whipped cream.


- This is the best thing
ever in my life.

- Yes.

- Oh, she's texting
every minute.

That's not a distraction
at all.

Three minutes ago.

I don't know about this
Ro character.

- Coming up...

- What the hell was that about?
Why wouldn't you be like,

"Well, there's a chance that--
because Lauren has no

- Because she wants--

he wanted to see it.
- You can't have my back.

- Don't tell me
I don't have your back.

¶ ¶

- Hey, we just need to,
around Captain,

just make sure
we're staying busy.

Stay out of the crew mess.
He's on us for some reason.

I think he's just
a little bored at the moment.

- That was delicious.
- Kids, go in the hot tub.

- Yeah.

- Y'all two, go down.
- Thanks, man.

Appreciate that.

- We need bathing suits.

¶ ¶

- Yes.

- Kelley embraces the
opportunity to be topless.

It--it's not something that
excites me, to be honest.

- You too.

- I mean, they have to pass out
at some point, right?

- Right? Yeah.

- If they order
any more Irish coffees,

use the red decaf.
- I have been.

- Let's--do not give them
more caffeine.

- I wish I had some Baileys
and coffee.

Like, that's way better, ooh.

- That's it.
Thank you for a good night.

- Okay. Yeah. Thank you.

- We're going to bed.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How are you?

- Yep.

In the past, I didn't ever
contact the people I was dating

because I wasn't actually
that into them.

So I warned Ro that I might not
have time to chat with her,

but now I feel
like I can make time.

And I've never made time
for anybody before on land.

- Brenden.
- Brenden.

- Brennen.
- Brennen.

- "Was"?

- Oh, that's too bad.

- Oh.

- Who's not upset?

- I'm just trying
to be supportive.

I'm actually really pissed.

- Mm-kay, bye.

- I don't know which one's mine.

- This one.
- Okay.

- You...
- Okay, bye.

¶ ¶

¶ ¶

- Hello. Good morning.

- Wow.

Look how salty everything is.

- Mmm. Yeah.

- I've had one person up
since I've been up.

I've been looking
at dirty f---ing windows

for three f---ing days.

I'll go chew on somebody's ass.

¶ ¶

- No.

- What?

- I thought it was a new box,
and it's not.

- Emily's got amazing energy.

I enjoy her English company.

Don't worry about it.

- Kelley, Kelley.

- For Kelley.
- Yeah, can I see you

in the bridge for a second?

- Coming up now.

- If Kelley doesn't
start performing

the way I think he should,

I'll probably just end up
having to babysit him

all the way through the season.

- 'Sup, Cap?

- You and I both look out
the same windows,

and we see the same dirt.

And I'm wondering how come
nobody's taken care of it.

Lauren's been up since 6:30

and yet hasn't
touched anything.

- Um...

I want to show you this.
- Okay.

- That's all inside.
- Okay.

- That's--that's a Kate issue.
- But it's--it's still there.

- We're not inside.
That's interior, Captain.

- I didn't--
Well, okay. Fine.

Go downstairs and tell me that
salt is on the f---ing inside.

- No, that--that's--okay.
- That's right.

And it's been there
for two f---ing days.

- I feel like we get called out
on a lot of things,

and you don't always
call Kate out on it.

- Do you really want
to go to w*r on this?

- I don't. I was just--

- We can.
I got no issues with it.

- No, I was just
trying to point out,

it seems like we're
getting picked on...

- You think there's
a double standard?

You're getting picked on?
Come here, let's go look at it.

- No, I believe you, Cap.
- No, come.

- Okay.
- Let's go.

In Kelley's situation,
he's given a second shot

at redemption;
he should be stepping forward,

front and center and going,
"Sorry about that, Cap.

I'll get on it.
Won't happen again."

Not this wallowing in self-pity.

Two days, it's been like that.

Just to show you that
it's not on the inside.

- Okay.
- Are we clear?

- Yep, we're clear.
- Good.

I want it done.
- Roger that.

- So what is your person
that's been up been doing?

- I'll deal with it.

He won't pick on Kate.
He won't mess with the stews.

He's terrified of Kate, and
it makes my job more difficult

because then he just
comes after me.

- Drop off day.
- Drop off day.

- Dude, let's smash it out.
Let's try to be done, by, like--

- Hey, guys, before we get
underway, let's go ahead

and hit the windows once
all the way around.

- What was that?
- Windows.

- Copy that, Kell.
- All the windows.

- All the windows.

¶ ¶

- Go double-check
those windows down there.

- Can't go out
without sunglasses.

- Sorry. Spray in your face.
- No, no, that's all right.

Been sprayed in the face before.

- Morning. Hello.

- Coffee.
May as well get two of 'em.

- How was the rest
of last night?

- It was really fun.
- Good.

- Good?
- Yeah.

- Should we go ahead
with breakfast now,

or do you want
to wait till 10:00?

I've really got
to give it to them.

If I had drunk the quantity
that they had yesterday,

then I don't think I'd be seeing
the light of day

for a good few days.

- All guests up.

- Still warm.

- A piece of bacon?

- Would you like some
blueberry pancakes?

- Sure.
- Are they happy?

- They are.
They seem very content.

- Not much.

- Um, good.
Oh, how am I doing my hair?

- Yeah, yeah, 'cause if we
get married, I need to know.

- Oh.
- I need to know these things.

- It's probably gonna
change every day.

- Okay, fine.
I see--I see how it goes.

- I want Lauren running
the point on anchor today

and you and Nico up here.

I'm trying to get you
to look at things

differently than
you ever had before.

Because now you are
a department head,

you are in a position
where you have authority.

I just want you to get an idea

of my frustration.

Kelley's deck crew isn't
living up to expectations.

So I want him
to take notice of that.

I want him to see what I see.

- Uh, you're gonna be doing
the anchor today.

You're just gonna pull it up
on your own.

- All right.
- Knock it out of the park.

- Engage steering.

- It's a bit stressful that

I haven't done it
by myself before.

Every time we do the anchor,

there's always
two people doing it.

- Okay, Lauren, let's
get us out of here.

- Copy that.
Lifting up now.

But for some reason,

I've been called
to come up by myself.

It just doesn't make sense
at all.

- I'm not sure what the
little finger wiggles are.

Maybe she just likes the breeze.

And I don't know
what that means.

- Anchor's off the bottom.

- We had three sh*ts out.

Anchor should not be
off the bottom.

- All right.

- She has no clue
where her hand is.

- It's hard for me to watch

because she's getting
everything wrong.

I want to just run down there
and just tell her to, like,

do this and do that,
and he's not having it.

- Anchor's now
off the bottom, Cap.

- Are we sure about that
this time?

- Anchor's home and secured.

- Just a learning experience.

And then maybe next time
on the next charter,

I'll get her and them up here.

And then you guys
can go out there and

do it all wrong

so that she can get an idea
of exactly what

she's been doing.

Oy, oy, oy.

I'm really pissed off.

Such f---ing bullsh--.

I was just completely
thrown under the bus.

What the hell was that about?

- Captain called us in the
bridge, he wanted us to watch.

- There's always been
two people there.

Yes, Captain now
wants one person.

Regardless, I have
no experience up there.

Why wouldn't you be like,
"Well, there's a chance that

because Lauren has no experience
that she might screw it up"?

- Because she wants--
he wanted to see it.

Once he makes up his mind,
I can't really change it.

- You can't have my back?
You can't be like--

- Don't tell me I don't have
your back because I just got

into it this morning with him
yelling in my face about you.

- Coming up...

- Who the f--- is that?

Shut up.

- Oh, my God!

- You can't have my back?
You can't be like--

- Don't tell me I don't have
your back because I just got

into it this morning with him
yelling in my face about you.

- What have I done now?
Why is Captain pissed at me?

- Nothing, he said you weren't
doing anything this morning.

And I fought back on it.

I haven't let
sh-- roll downhill.

I've kept y'all happy
and enjoying your time

while I've been
taking all the sh--.

I have your back.
I have it no matter what.

And you walk away.
Dude, the thing is, is like--

- I'm just really upset
right now.

- No, I show you respect--
yeah, you're upset

and I'm telling you not to be.

I have f---ed up
with the Captain

so many times on this thing.

Do not let it get to you.

I'm telling you right now.
Come here.

F---ing come here.

It's okay.

It's not worth it.

- Captain seems to be
really on Kelley's ass,

and Kelley's on our ass, but
we're all still working hard.

We're all getting the job done,

so I don't know
why he's being difficult.

- It's gonna okay,
all right?

- I feel like
Jay Z and Beyoncé.

I'm Beyoncé.
- I'm Jay Z.

Oh, my gosh.

- He's Blue Ivy.

¶ ¶

- He's the one who
jumped in the water, right?

And rescued us?
- Nico?

- Uh-huh, 'cause we
almost got straight murked.

- I'm barely gonna have
enough room to swing.

- Nice, how you looking
on the stern?

- Yeah, we're looking good.
Uh, we're pulling tight on it.

Put the eyelet way up there.

- We can shut 'em down.

- That went a bit smoother
than I thought it would go.

- Sh--.
- What?

- Did he?
- Yeah.

- Can we take that, sir?
I'm staying out of it.

All right?
- Yeah.

- All crew, all crew,
I need everybody on the aft deck

in your dress clothes in ten.

- How did this fit in here
when I packed it originally?

- Is it too late for a mimosa?

Or too early for a cocktail?

- Ready, set, go.

- Safe travels. Thank you guys.
- Nice to meet you guys.

- Safe travels.
- Hope you had a great trip.

- Nice meeting you.
- Bye-bye.

- Bye. Nice meeting you.
- Enjoyed it, sir.

- Bye. You guys were lovely.
- Thank you.

- Well, we had a great time.
- Hope you did, Marc.

- Everything was fabulous.

Nico, thank you
for showing your true valor

and saving the girls.

They call me Valorman.

F--- Superman.

- We had a wonderful time.
- Thank you so much.

Thank you.
- Bye, guys.


- Okay.
We got a boat to flip.

Attention all crew,
I need everybody

in the crew mess directly.

Number four,
in the books.

Nico, you did a nice job
with the girls.

- Thank you.

- You did the right thing
jumping in.

Kyle, take your hat off.
You're inside.

- Sorry, sir.

- It was good
having you on board.

It made a big difference
on the deck, I'm sure.

We had some hiccups.

Radios still are
a pet peeve of mine.

I don't care what you're doing.

Everybody better have
their frigging radio with them.

That just really
wrinkles my ass to no end.

Really don't want to keep
going over that again.

So we got 15 grand.

- Ha-ha.

- Comes out to $1,350 apiece.

- Thank you, sir.

- Thank you.

- Kate.

- This one-day charter was like
a really good one-night stand.

Sure, it started
with some bumps and bruises,

but in the end,
there was a really big tip.

- Oh, I had a surprise.

It's one of those
"good news, bad news" things.

- Bad news first.

- The slide's here.

- Yay.
- Oh.

- And it will be on board
for the next charter.

Uh, the good news is,

I called up a friend of mine,

while we're at Scrub Island
and arranged for you guys

to have a resort
to yourselves tomorrow.

- Oh.

- What?
- Oh, yeah.

Thank you, God.

Let's just not
think about work,

not think about any drama
going on with the boat.

Let's just have a nice day
and enjoy ourselves.

- Please honor my wishes
this evening.

Do not go off the boat,

Tomorrow, if you want
to crawl in a bottle of rum,

I don't care.

But the next day after that,
we're working hard.

- Roger that.

- We're doing a wash-down,
getting all the dirt off,

all the salt off,
just double-check 'em all,

make sure they're perfect.

¶ ¶

- So we don't work
at all tomorrow?

- Yeah!

¶ ¶

¶ ¶

- Oh!


- Work those tris.

- This is the
"I don't know" rep.

"Do I know?
I don't know."

- All right, kids, let's go.

¶ ¶

- How are you doing, baby?

You get a nice sleep?

- Yeah, I took an Ambien,
and in the middle of the night

I walked out, got a Diet Coke
and a can of Pringles.

- Whew.

- Ready?
- Yeah, I'm going on the dock.

- Who the f--- is that?

Shut up.

- Hi.

- I think Ambien should be
more of a daytime drug.

Like, recreational.
- I have it in my purse.

- Hey, guys.
Where's Kate?

- Um...
- Oh, my God, it's you.

- Where is she?
- I was gonna say...

- Hey. How's it going?
- "I've seen you before."

- This is Nico; he's
super cool; he's super young.

- Don't worry.
I'm only 22, so...

She's super attractive, Spanish.
That's hot, like...

Professional football player.

why are you a lesbian?

Hey, Kate!
- Yeah?

- Come here for a second.

I got to talk to you
about something.

- What?
- It's really important.

- What?
Oh, my God!

- Surprise!

- Oh, my God!

I knew you were lying.
You're so full of sh--.

- Hi, babe.
- Hi.

- Hi.

Hi, baby.
- Hi.

I've never been this close
to a panic attack

in my life.

I'm happy,
but I'm also freaking out

because I would have liked
to spent more time with my hair.

I'm getting out.

I don't want to get out.

Like, you can--
you can--you can keep--

Are you guys coming?


- Oh.

Coming up...

- Oh, my God, Ben is, like,
hating his life right now.

- You want a martini?
- Cosmo.

¶ ¶

Very strong.

- Whoa.


- Did you just see
who walked on board?

- I did.

- Ro knows that Kate and I
have had a history.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Yeah, I'm obviously
a little bit nervous,

but that's natural, right?

You'd be weird if you weren't

gonna be a tiny bit nervous.

- So you want to see
the rest of the boat?

- Oh, yeah.

- I'm not usually a person
who does a lot of PDA.

The master bathroom.


- Disappointing.
- It's super light.

- I just can't help it.

And I don't really care.

- She's, like,
super f---ing fine.

- Yeah, she was pretty hot.
- I'd be a lesbian too.

- If I was a lesbian,
I'd do her.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Uh-huh.
That's the master bathroom.

- Uhh, would I be
wasting time with Emily?

- I don't think you're
her type, per se.

I think you're just, like,
too, like, older,

more, like, macho
than she's used to.

I mean, I would give it a go.

- Do some more reconnaissance

for me, a little bit.

I haven't been pushing

- Yeah.

- Should we wait inside
for them?

- Yeah.

- This is Ben's area.
- Yeah.

- I can't wait to meet Ben.

- Hey, guys,
this is Ro.

- Hi, Ro.

- I'm Ben.
- What's up, Ben?

- How's it going?
- Very nice to meet you all.

- I didn't expect you
to be so tall.

- Hey, I'm Lauren.
nice to meet you.

- I am super tall.

- Ro is in the Caribbean.

And she's wearing dark
on dark on dark.

Looks like she
just crawled out

of a fallout shelter in Moscow.


- I miss you.

- Good morning.

- All right, kids, let's go.

- Arriba, arriba.

- Good-bye, Tortola.
- Cheers.

- Whoo!

¶ ¶

You know, sometimes
you never know

until you see someone
with someone else.

Like, my ex-boyfriend, he's,
like, obsessed with me now.

I'm like, "Where is this
coming from?

- They have been.

- Ha, a little?
- A lot.

- Surprise.

Oh, my God.

- I was just like...

- With any one of the guys,
that'd be true,

if they just came up to me...
- And asked you on a date?

- And asked me out, I'd say...
- You'd probably go.

- I would go--but...
- Yeah.

- Ugh!
Look at that water.

- I'm excited to have a nice

crew bonding day together.

- So this is Scrub Island?

- Most of us
got into this industry

so we can travel
and see new places, so...

I've heard that Scrub Island
is amazing,

so super, super pumped.

- Is that a trampoline
in the water?

That's pretty epic.
- This is gonna be so much fun.

¶ ¶

- I like my girls tiny.

Spin you around, twirl you.

I like to feel, like, this tiny,
little thing in my arms, like,

"Oh, I'm gonna protect you.
I'll be your man. It's okay."

- You know Deborah's style,

- Yeah, Deborah.
- Yeah, a little bit. Yeah.

What's up, Ben?

- Good, Ro, it's lovely
to see you, lovely to meet you.

- Finally, right?
- Yeah, I know.

I hear that laugh

radiating through
the boat at night.

- Yeah.
- So it's kind of funny to have,

like, physicality.
- Yeah?

- Voice to a face.
- Yeah.

- I mean, I hear you, like,
always on speaker.

- We both have laughs,
like, big laughs.

- 'Cause that's why I feel
like I know him already.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's good times.

- You know?

You're cute.

¶ ¶

- They seem very affectionate
with one another.

¶ ¶

- Priorities.


- It's great.

It's awesome.

- You want a martini?

- Cosmo.

Very strong.

- Oh, my God, Ben is, like,
hating his life right now.

- When I first met Kate,

I didn't have a clue
about her sexuality.

- Mmm.

- But she's just
doing her thing.

And that's beautiful.
It's a nice thing.

¶ ¶

- What are you drinking?

- Sea breeze.
- Dangerous.

- Can you get my back?

I try to play shy like,
"No, really, no."

And, uh, yeah,
I'll eat it up all day long.

This is like a proper massage
while I get sunscreen.


Kelley's definitely flirting,
in his way, with me.

He's very sweet, but I'm finding
it slightly too touchy-feely.

- I'm okay.

- Now that I've screwed up
with Emily...

Kelley's trying to, like,
step up his game.

And I get it.

- I think we need
to spice things up.


- It's all small signals,

how you look at 'em,
how you smile at 'em.

Give 'em little touches
here and there.

And I'm gonna sweep her
off her feet and

she's not gonna know
what f---ing hit her.

Coming up...

- You do realize, though,
that I find you very attractive?

You're stunning.
Absolutely beautiful.

- Cheers. Cheers.

- I'm retired.
- I'll give you the cheer.


Let's go.

- Like, I have a lot
of respect for fishermen.

Jesus was a fisherman.
- Jesus was a carpenter.

- I know he was a carpenter,
but he taught a man to fish.

- He didn't teach
a man to fish at all.

- He did.
- No, he fed the 5,000.

- Well, I mean,
he turned loaves into fish.

- No, he turned the fish
into multiple amounts of fish.

- Okay, Catholic school,
like eight years.

- Yeah, yeah,
I'm Catholic as well.

And you're f---ing wrong.
He made the bread, more...

- I said loaves into fish.

- No, he didn't turn
the loaves into fish.

Turned the loaves into
more bread and he turned...

- Yeah.
- The fish into more fish.

Sierra, as a person,
she's f---ing out there.

Absolute loopy. Fruit loop.
A bit mental.

- That's cool.
You're Catholic; I'm Catholic.

- Are we?
- Uh-huh.

- So practically,
we're married.

I understand that I could end up
with a knife in my chest.

You do realize, though,
that I find you very attractive?

You're stunning.
Absolutely beautiful.

- Think I'm cool?

- So what's that?
It's like, okay,

you're cool, but--

You're nice.
- Thank you.

- Kyle's a romantic.

I mean, he's like
the British version of me

that talks more,

but Sierra's a lunatic,

like "she'll take your d*ck off
with a butter knife

in the middle of the night"

¶ ¶

- Thanks, babe.
- Yep.

Go find some shade?

Come on.

Pick it up, center fielder.

¶ ¶

Ro's a retired
professional athlete.

But she still has the same

commitment to physical endurance
and excellence...

Which is respectable.

- I need to cool off.

- Next on "Below Deck"...

- Happy Valentine's Day.

I don't have a valentine, no.

- We might have to change that.
- Aw.

- I think she thinks
I'm a muscle-head.

- Love is in the air.

¶ ¶

- Okay, yeah.
That'd be cool.

- I have a flower order coming.
You want me to add?

¶ ¶

- Try to keep in your mind to be
a little bit more proactive.

- Pool's going in
and the Seabobs are going in.

We're gonna be proactive.

- What are you doing?
This is f---ing embarrassing.

- Are you guys ready
for us yet, or no?

- I'm on my way down.

We really don't look like
seasoned professionals.

It's not that g*dd*mn tough.
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