01x09 - Land Ahoy...

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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01x09 - Land Ahoy...

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on this season
of below deck...

- You throw
a bunch of people that

Don't know each other
in together,

And just say, "go."

- To sail on the seven seas.

- Living on a yacht is always
gonna be difficult.

- There's still spots
on the mirrors.

And the floors
haven't been vacuumed.

It gets stressful,
and it gets frustrating.

- Pick up a rag yourself,

- Knowing that sam
isn't reliable, I need kat.

Kat, check the door
one more time.

Kat, come with me.

- I just want
to strangle her

And make it look like
an accident.

- I need you
to be working right now.

- I've been [bleep]
working all day.

- I understand.
We're not done yet.

- I want to very, very badly

Shove the pitchfork
up adrienne's ass.

- I think ben is probably
closest to me.

I think he's hysterical.

I mean, I see that more
and more every day.

- Adrienne and I have actually
come a long way.

You just tell me
when they're ready, baby.

[Alarm beeping]

- Sam.
- What's up?

- All crew, all crew.

- The mistakes that
you're making could be fatal.

I got to have a first officer
I can count on.

- I would like
to make a toast.

- To captain dip[bleep].

- When we're on charter,
you don't drink.

- Kat wants to go to the bar.

- Kat's been drinking.

That's not too tough
to figure out.

- I'm concerned that
she's gonna lose her job.

- When you drink,
you turn into

A trailer park
demonic refugee.

- Ow!

- If I see you sinking
one more time, you're done.

So if you're too good for it,
tough [bleep].

- I'm not too good for it.
- Stop.

Put a [bleep] lid on it.
I am up to here with you.

- Hey, guys.
- Let's drink.

- I find people attractive

That are outgoing
and athletic.

- Yes.

- I'm living in a cabin
with another girl.

- Then you should be
[bleep] her.

- I've been hit by a bus
full of vodka,

And it's made me
do bad things.

[Both laughing]

- Are you guys having fun?
- We are.

There was just, like, rage
in his eyes.

- It's okay to drink
on charter?

- It's not okay to drink
on charter.

- Adrienne's been coming to me
left and right, you know,

Trying to get advice, like,
with sam.

"She's so arrogant
and so stubborn,

Blah, blah, blah,"
and I finally see that.

Cj and sam decided to go
swimming off the bow.

They had a beer
in their hand.

I was thinking
of docking their pay.

So you can take the $500
and walk

Or you can take 300,
put the rest in the kitty,

And stay
for this last charter.

[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- We've got six.

- Lee's not coming
to this meeting.

- Wow.

- Eddie, nash.

- You missed me, by the way.
- And me.

- Yeah, I'm gonna
get to that.

You guys know lee's stance
on drinking on charter.

we have two options.

You can take
the $500 and walk,

Or you can take 300,
put the rest in the kitty,

And stay
for this last charter.

- I completely agree
with you, aleks.

I am just getting
sick and tired of lee.

- Obviously, you're an easy
target right now, you know?

I think that's a lot
to do with it.

And you know,
obviously drinking in public

Is not a good thing,
you know?

- I think it's drinking
on charter,

Not drinking in public.
- Well, both.

- In public on charter.

- Well, I'm not
gonna name names,

But I don't think that
I'm the only one

That's ever been guilty
of that.

- Whose idea was it
to cut my pay by almost half

Because I had a beer?

'Cause that
is complete bull[bleep].

- Well, that's what I'm saying,
you guys have an option

From lee
that you can take 500

And walk if you want,
or you can take 300--

- This is why this boat
has more turnover

Than a bad restaurant,
because of him.

- It--that's [bleep].
That is completely [bleep].

- And that's against
what he said too.

He said if you
decide to quit,

You get your tip,
and you leave.

- That's what I'm saying.
You guys are missing the point.

- I can take 300 and stay,
or I can take 500 and go.

- No, no,
he didn't say that.

He said give them the tip,
let them go.

- Oh, so that's what
you negotiated with him.

- Great idea, aleks.
- Are you not listening?

The captain
wants to fire you guys.

And aleks just saved your jobs
by giving you--

- What does he want
to fire us for?

- Because you drank
on charter.

- He doesn't know that,
right, aleks?

He doesn't know that.
- Yes, he does know that.

- You're the only eyes.

You are the only eyes who
saw me with a beer in my hand.

- Not true.
- Not true.

- Whatever.

- You can give me
all the attitude you want.

I try to help you guys out.

Is this that thanks I get?
It's no big deal.

I'm not gonna
take offense to it.

- I'm not quitting,
all right?

Go ahead and take your [bleep]
$200 from my tip.

- The ultimate line here
is that

You knew
what the rules were,

You went against them...
- I just think this is...

- End of story.
- Completely the wrong way

To go about it.
And, like, if you think

My attitude's gonna be better
on this last trip

Because my tip's
been cut in half

For having a beer, then--

- I need an hour to decide
what I want to do here, people.

- Is the money
really that important?

- I mean, yeah,
when I just busted my ass

For three days and
got a bull[bleep] 5% tip,

And now it's turning into
a 2% tip?

No, eddie, absolutely not.
- No, no.

'Cause I don't want you
[bleep] complaining anymore.

I'm tired of everybody
[bleep] complaining.

We got a g*dd*mn job to do.

Let's [bleep] get it done!

I don't give a [bleep]
if I have $200 extra.

I'm gonna get a job done.

- The job is
about the money.

Do you think
I'm here for fun?

Does this seem like fun?

It's just--
- we have one more trip.

- Yeah, no kidding, and then
I'm so [bleep] out of here.

It's not even funny.

You know?

Well, I'm not gonna
just [bleep] pack my bags,

Like, you know, so--

- Look, I'm not trying
to beat you up.

I'm--you guys
are missing the point that--

- Could you move?

Great, thanks.

- That was very mature.

They're missing the point.

- The point that
they should have been fired.

- Yeah.

- [Sighs]

- So, uh--so ready
for it to be over.

It's completely [bleep],
the whole thing.

- Sam.

- Good to meet you, greg.

Oh, we have
one more charter.

I'm upset that
aleks has given us

This stupid ultimatum
that I'm not willing

To take either option of.

And this guy greg
has this gorgeous sailboat

And says he's shipping out
in an hour

And invites me
to come with him, so...

Heavily considering it.

- You could do it.

- I've been offered
to hop ship

And go to newport tomorrow.
- Do it. That's--

- Or today.
- Today, now.

- Today, right now.

- Do it.
- Right?

- Do it.
- How much do you think--

- That's how i--
that's how I've gotten, like--

That's how I have gotten

Everything I've gotten
in this industry.

I'm sort of torn between
the yachtie world

And the cruiser world.

I'd much rather jump
on a 50-foot sailboat

With a couple of friends
and just sail off,

Looking for some
good fishing and surf.

- I reckon it'd take
about ten minutes.

- No, to pack all our st--

Probably, I could do it
in an hour.

All these yachties
with their tight khakis

On these big white boats

Need to take a page
from my book.

- Oh, man,
I'm not going anywhere.

He might actually do it.

All right, greg, well, sir,

It was a pleasure
talking to you.

- What's going on?
Are you all right?

- Yeah, I'm good.
- What happened?

- I'm out.
- What?

- I'm out.

- What the [bleep]
are you talking about?

- I'm delivering that catamaran
to rhode island.

We're leaving in 20 minutes.

- Bull[bleep].

- I love you, and we're gonna
be friends for life.

But the next fricking week,
I'm sorry,

But you're on your own,
and I'm just sick of--

- Are you getting a load
of this?

He's getting on a catamaran to
newport right now, rhode island.

- Hey, ben.
- What?

- All of your eggs
are right here.

- Yeah, that's fine.
We've got cj,

Who's leaving the boat now.

It's a little more important.

I can tell there is no
talking him out of this one.

Dude, I can't believe
this is happening.

- I know.

- There's a big part of me
that wants to take him

And go, "come on,"
talk some sense into him.

- Do they put you on a crew list
or anything?

- Excuse me.
- Yep.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Can I have a moment?
- Sure. Here.

- Well, what am I gonna do now?

I'm gonna be all alone.

- Oh, here we go.

- Cj.
- Yes?

Well, it's not like
I'm never gonna see you again.

- Well, you are leaving
on some weird ship

With a bunch of strangers
to go to rhode island.

- At this point,
I've already made up my mind.

- Is there anything
I could say?

- No.

One of the most disappointing
things about this

Is that I am not gonna get

To hang out with you

Oh, [bleep],
I had a present for you.

Oh, here it is.

- Your flame shirt.
- Yeah.

For my friend, the flame.

- That's wonderful.

I understand why
he wants to leave,

Because I have
the same feelings.

And he's just ballsier
to actually take that leap.

- I don't think so.

- Do you want
to join the brigade, dave?

- Sure.

- Cj is just kind of
a drifter, you know?

I think he's too crazy
to stay

In one place for too long
of a time period.

I-i can just see him doing
this the rest of his life.

It's just what he does.
- Be careful of carriage.

- Ceej...be careful.

You know?
Yeah, you are.

- No, I'm not.

No. I don't want to.


- I'll see you soon.
- Bye.

- Bye.
- Have a good trip.

- Later, buddy.
I'll see you...

- Yeah, man.
- Uh, sooner than later.

- You're on facebook, right?
- Yeah, yeah, for sure.

All righty.

- We love you, cj.

- Love you, too, babe.
- Bye, greg.

Take good care of our boy,
all right?

- Where do you want me, buddy?

Where do you want me?

- Good luck to him.

He's gonna need it.

- Bye, cj!
We love you!

- Hey, can I get a boob, kat?

Just one,
just one for good-bye.


- I have to tell you
what I do in my free time?

- I don't know
if you get this, sam,

But I'm still your boss.

You still
have to report to me.

You still have to tell me
what's going on.

- So now that cj
has finally sailed away,

Thank god,
we have a trip tomorrow.

We all need to be
on our "a" game

And get back to work.

- Thank you, love.

Yeah, I've been working.

- Yeah, she's working.
- So you're staying?

- Yeah, I'm staying,
but I'd like all of my money.

I just want my beans,
which are

Thoroughly deserved
and belonging to me.

- This is not a negotiation
that I can make.

- I don't even want to look
at your face, adrienne.

It hurts me to look at it,

- Everybody's arguing.
Make it stop.

- I just ran into sam
down in the crew mess.

And she said "I want all
my money, 'cause I deserve it."

- Okay.

- So how do you want
to handle that?

- Basically tell her, you know,
what aleks said is final.

- She just walked out
of the room and said,

"I can't even look
at your face, adrienne.

It hurts me to look
at your face."

I want her out of here.

I don't give a [bleep].

Give her her money,
and let her get out of here.

I'm over it.

- Adrienne, adrienne, aleks.

- Can we do this now, aleks?
- Half deck, please.

We have sam and adrienne
that are, um,

Are at each other's throats,

So that's our only kink left
in the chain.

And we have one charter left.

I think we need
to get together

And just push all egos aside

And kick ass
and get it done.

The problem we had there
in that whole conversation was,

The point didn't get across.

- I don't think the point
got across to you,

Because I checked
with adrienne,

And I checked with kat--

- You told me
what you were doing,

Which was different
than what ended up happening.

- Do I have to tell you
when I'm gonna--

- Yeah, that'd be nice to know.
And you know what?

I probably
would have told you,

"Please don't jump
in the water, because

"The guests are here,
and if they see you,

Then they're gonna think
we're all screwing off."

I don't know
if you get this, sam,

But I'm still your boss.

You still
have to report to me.

You still have to tell me
what's going on.

- And that's what I did.
- End of story.

No, you didn't.

- I have to tell you what I do
in my free time?

- You have to tell me
if you're gonna

Go into the water,

Because that might be seen
by the guests.

- You weren't here.
- You don't know all of--

I was. It's not an excuse.

I'm done with your excuses.

- Fine, adrienne, fine.
- I'm still your boss.

You don't have to like me
as a person,

But you still have to respect me
as your boss.

- All right, great.

Half of me so desperately

Wants to go
back to my office,

But then I would
just be quitting.

I'd be forfeiting
everything that I've done

Since the beginning.

- Are you staying?
- Yeah. Am I here?

Am I on the boat?

- Have you given her
the $300 yet?


- You know what?
I appreciate her

For sticking up for herself

And staying on the boat,
rather than jumping ship.

- Oh, my god.

I can't express enough...

Adrienne has fireballs
in her eyes right now.

Aleks essentially
just cock-slapped

Adrienne in the face.

- Obviously, this is a learning
curve for everyone.

It's not about
the money for me.

It's the point of getting
the point across.

- Really?
[Bleep] you.

I just cannot believe this.

Why are we still here?

And I'm the jerk again.

- Want to be part of the team?
Or you don't?

- I want to be part
of the team.

- All right,
so you girls get along.

we got one more charter left.

Let's just bust ass on this.

Let's put everything
behind us.

- Thanks, aleksio.
- Yes.

- I feel victorious.

Keep my tip, keep my job,

Win-win all around.

- I don't want them leaving,
unless we go right here

To the casino
and come right back.

Are you making dinner
or not?

- You're talking about
whether you're going

Out to dinner or staying
on the boat or whatever.

I just need to know,
because I need to know

If I need to make dinner.

you're on lockdown.

- I'm on what?

- We're staying here tonight.
- I'm on lockdown?

- If we're not
eating dinner here,

We're eating dinner
at the casino, and that's it.

Let me have a conversation
real quickly and find out.

So we need to figure out
what the deal is for tonight.

I don't want anybody to leave,
especially my girls.

Everybody stays on board,
no booze tonight.

Ben, ben,
can you come out here

To the up deck, please?

Last charter,
let's just pump through it.

- What's up?

- What are you thinking
about thai food?

- So that way you can relax,
and you don't

Have to screw up
your kitchen again,

'Cause you just cleaned it.
- That's fine, thank you.

- And we'll order thai food,

But nobody's
leaving the boat tonight.

- Okay.

- Yeah, but who's this
coming from?

- Us.

- No one says that
I've got to stay on the boat,

Just to clarify, right?
- No, no, I know, I mean--

- Okay, so--
- no, we just

Don't want anybody
going anywhere.

It's an early day.

- Yeah, but that's not
up to you, though, okay?

- It kind of is.
- No, it's--

You think you're my boss,
is that right?

- To make sure that everybody
stays in good shape for--

- But you're not my boss.
- Do whatever you want, ben.

- You can't tell me what to do.
- That's fine.

Do whatever you want.

I don't want my girls
going anywhere.

It's up to you what you want
to do with your guys.

- Just so you know,
you can't tell me what to do.

I'm actually a higher rank
than you, so...

Please, come on,
you're not my mother.

Sorry, love.

- Are you gonna tell your guys
to hang in here tonight?

- Yeah, I'm gonna
talk to them first.

I can't just tell them.

You know, I mean,
I could tell them that,

But if they want to have
a couple beers on the dock,

You know, I'm not gonna
hold that against them.

- Yeah, but a couple of beers
on this boat

Turns into a [bleep] show,
and you know that.

- Cj's gone. It's not
a [bleep] show anymore.

- I don't trust that.

I can say,
"you're not going out."

I'm tired of being
the bad guy.

I just want to make sure

That we get through
this last charter,

Even if I have to do everything
myself at this point.

They haven't proven to me

That they're responsible
when they do.

- All right.
- That's where I am.

- You're speaking
for your group.

I'll speak for mine.
- Yeah. I understand.

- All right.

- Hey, adrienne.
- Yeah?

- Can you come here?
- Yeah.

- I just wanted to talk
with you quickly.

- Sure.
- Just kind of me and you.

I just wanted
to apologize for,

Like, everything
that I've caused,

All the problems I've caused
and rude things I've said

In the past few weeks.

That's not the person
I know I am, and I want us--

I want to pull it together
and make this a successful,

You know, end of the season.

Things have been building up
inside me

About my actions,
about my drinking,

About my coworkers,
about my relationships.

When this is all over with,
I want to be proud

Of who I've turned out to be.

And I want my coworkers
to feel the same.

- It can only get better
if we're working as a team.

- Just thanks for listening.
- Yeah, absolutely.

We'll get through this.
- Can I have a hug?

- Yeah, definitely.
- Aw, thanks.

- So I was telling dave
that one of you guys

Is gonna have to wake me up
from now on,

'Cause I have no device, phone,
ipad, alarm clock whatsoever.

- All right, well,
we'll wake you up.

- He's always up
before I am anyway.

I'm like, lying in bed, like,

"[Bleep] my life right now!"

- He actually,
most of the time,

Wakes up to my naked ass.

- And he puts his underwear on
and he turns around,

And then I just feel like less
of a man, because, like,

His [bleep] horse [bleep]
is showing through.

And I'm just like...
- I don't know what

You're talking about.
- g*dd*mn it!

- [Whispers]
touch it.

- "Touch it."

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- To a [bleep] tip.

- The worst tip so far.
- Wait, wait, wait.

- It could have been worse.
- To cj.

- To ceej.
- To ceej.

- I have the itinerary
for this trip.

- Are they vegans
or anything like that?

- I haven't looked at 'em yet.
- Okay, sure.

- I do know
that there are

Some female couples
on this trip.

- Yeah, but that shouldn't
affect it.

They probably
like steak, right?

- I don't know.

I also have a provision sheet
for the dog.

- Oh, my god.

This is hilarious.
- So I wanted--

- Do I have to cook
for the dog, yeah?

- Read the sheet.

- Oh, my god.
His name is

"Kompis clicquot noir ulbrich."


Filet mignon,
freeze-dried liver.

My work's really cut out,
you know.

I've got to cook for these,
you know, seven people,

Which is not a big deal,
but they just

Hold this dog
in such great value.

You know, I mean, sure,
he has a beautiful personality,

But I mean,
I just take humans first.

I should put a picture
of the little [bleep]

Right in front of me actually,
just to remind me.

- Should I wear pants
or a skirt?

- Judging by the pictures,
I would wear a skirt.

- Yeah, 'cause they'll--

- They're all kind of,
uh, butch.

- All right, a skirt it is.
- A skirt it is.

[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I'm watching her.
As soon as she

Gets in position,
I know they're coming.

- Showtime one more time.

- Oh, short shorts, huh?

- Nice short shorts, adrienne.

- What's up, adrienne?

- Out of nowhere, adrienne's
come out of the closet.

- Here we go, guys.

Showtime one more time.

Welcome to st. Maarten.

- Thank you, fantastic.
Hi, I'm jen.

- Captain lee.
Jen, my pleasure.

- And that is kompis.

- Well, come here, kompis.

I hope you're ready

For all this attention,
and you girls too.


- All right,
let's do this thing.

[All cheering]

- From our last group,
it's night and day.

They start out
so high-energy,

So happy to be there,
just ecstatic

That they're there
on the water.

And they're having
a great time.

- Wow!

- Whoo-hoo!
- It's beautiful.

- As these women are walking
down the dock,

They're screaming,
they're excited.

- Nina.
Nice to meet you.

- Adrienne.
Nice to meet you.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- Are you the chef?
- I'm ben, yeah, the chef.

- Ben, nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.

- Nikki, nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

- I recognized you right away.

- You've seen my picture.

- I have.
It's glamorous.

- I'm dreaming.

[Overlapping chatter]

- Please have a seat,

- So I said it's nice to finally
have females on this boat.

- Yes.
- Absolutely.

- Here's to bev.

- Here's to bev.
Here's to kompis.

Here's to kompis
and bev and...

[Indistinct under cheering]

- I have a really good feeling
about this last charter.

I'm excited that
I made it through the season

After all the hard times
and my own personal struggles.

And now I'm so excited.

- We would like each
our own steward

To mist us
throughout the day.

- Like cabana boys.

- Oh, I would like a female,

- Cabana girls, please.

- Yes, thank you.
- Absolutely.

I'll bring up your water,
all right?

- Are we ready?
- Right here.

- All right, how many?
All right.

So they're all going out
at the same time?

- Yes.
- All right.

- Oh, my god.
- Ladies, these are for you.

- Yum.
- This is no meat.

- It looks like a nipple.

It looks like
a little breast.

I love it.

- Some dogs might bite you
when you do that.

Kompis says, "oh, yes,
adjust my food, please."

- [Laughs]
- good girl.

- Hey, this does not suck.

- This does not suck.
- This does not suck.

- No sucking here.
- Cheers to no sucking.

- Our family.
- Our family.

[Overlapping chatter]

- We're moving.
- Holy mother of god.

It's happening, everyone,
it's happening!

We're moving.

[Overlapping chatter]

- What's the theme song
to the titanic?

[Overlapping chatter]

- Yeah, it does feel good.

You're getting pampered
today, huh?

- So you all know the gig?

Once you go in,
you just swim around.

There's no platform.
- Yeah.

Make sure you, you know,
you land straight.

- Oh. But we're gay.


I'm not gonna land straight.
- Yeah, you know what?

- Well, you can land flat
or whatever,

But you're not gonna enjoy it.
- Just like the guy

To try to convert us.
- Oh, no, no, no.

- I hope I don't land
on my belly.

- You know what?
We've heard it before.


- On three.
- One, two, three!

- Go!
- Whoo!

- Ooh, she landed bad.

[Overlapping chatter]

- I think one of the guest's
dildos is vibrating.

I can hear it going off.
It's up in the master.

- Oh, short shorts, huh?

- Nice short shorts,

Yeah, she's really working
for that money now.

- What's up, adrienne?

It's a different adrienne.

I mean, she's either
a chameleon

Or she's a lesbian.

I haven't worked it out yet.

She could be a combo.

- Whoo!

- Adrienne pulls out these

Unusually small
little hot pants that

I feel like may have come
from dave's underwear drawer.

- The plan was to do dinner
sometime around 8:00 or 8:30.

- Yep.
- And then the plan after that

Was to go to a place called
baz bar,

That's, like,
a live music venue, like,

Dance bar kind of place.
- Cool.

- So if that works
for you all,

I'm excited to be accompanying
you out this evening.

- Oh, really?
- Yay.

- Nice.
- It'll be fun.

[All cheering]

- Hey!

This is the best charter
we've had so far.

I love their energy.
I love their spirit.

And I'm hoping that
the extra attention

That we give them will result
in a tip at the end.

[Techno music]

- ♪ Let's go ♪

- What happened to that rule
where you're

Not supposed to fraternize
with the guests?

She's dancing like I danced

In sixth grade
at astro skate.

- Here's to the best trip
on the planet.

[All cheering]

And to the best people
on the planet.

- Whoo!
- Cheers.

- I'm glad I can finally
actually help you guys.

I've been stuck doing paperwork
and [bleep].

- I know. It's like,
"wow. Adrienne's here."

Adrienne's doing
a little work.

There's not much work to do.

Maybe it's 'cause
it's the last charter.

Or maybe it's because
it's a group of lesbians.

- I think tonight
will be interesting.

- I'm jealous, a little bit
jealous you're going out.

You really can't ask
for anything more.

And I love it
that they have the dog.

- I can. I can ask for

A really nice tip
at the end of this.

A couple of these fantastic
ladies are already getting

A little suggestive
with their language.

- Well, then you're the girl
to go out.

- [Chuckles]

- Here's to beautiful women.
- Oh!

- Yes, here's to
beautiful women.

- Whoo!
Both: and a dog.

- Enjoy. There will be
another round coming out.

I'm gonna go get ready.
- Get ready.

- Enjoy dinner.
- Are you our chaperone?

- I am.
- She's coming out dancing.

- She's coming with us.
- Let's break it down.


- You're gonna
have to work on that.

- I got moves
you haven't even seen, girl.

[All cheering]

- Bring it.
- She's good at flirting.

- Hey.
- I like that.

- I'm gonna go get ready.
- Go look cute.

- See you in a bit.

- Go get your
fabulous self ready.

- Hey.
- Hey.

[Laughter, applause]

- If you girls want to get
some food in your system,

Sit down, and we'll bring up
the first course, okay?

- Let's get to dinner.

[Bowl rattling]

- Fire first court at will,
let me know.

- Yeah, we're gonna do that.
Can you grab those plates,

The square ones
and the bowl?

Just hilarious.

I can't believe
I'm cooking for a dog.

It's just hilarious.

- I think this chef
has an amazing way

Of challenging your palate,
you know?

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- He's really good.

- It's really good.

- Sam, sam, adrienne.

- Go for sam.

Oh, yeah, copy.

- Yeah. Were they drinking
something else?

They seem to like them, right?

- Yeah, sure.

- Who brings a prom dress
to the caribbean?

I mean, did she make it?

Did she pull it out of a hat?

It's so weird.

- I have a surprise for you.

[All cheering]

- Fantastic.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Who is this woman?

Does anybody recognize her?

- I don't recognize you.
Who are you?

[Overlapping chatter]

- Well, you're
a little bit drunk.

- Chief stew...

[All cheering]

- Why did she feel
the need to enter

From the sun deck,
which makes no sense at all?

And furthermore, why would
you think that pairing,

Like, a super sweet
cheap-ass vodka shot

With, like, a five-course
gourmet meal?

I remember my freshman year
in college too.

- And that is the last one,
and then we're ready to go.

[Background chatter]

- This shirt used to fit me,

An hour and a half ago
before dinner.

- We want music!

Let's do this.

- Cheers.

Here's to taking care
of the family.

[All cheering]

- Out of nowhere, adrienne's
come out of the closet,

Very, very quietly.

She's just exploding with

All of this feminine grace.

I didn't know
she was a bottom.

We're at this
beautiful beach bar.

People are coupling off.
I look around.

People are dancing,
and it's just, like,

I don't want to dance.

I want to dance
with my boyfriend.

I'm here alone, you know.
I've been here for weeks.

I'm so tired,
and I can't--

Everywhere I look,
I see trevor.

- This is one of those moments
that makes the job worth it.

It's nice to be able
to take off my polo

And put on something nice
and and go out

And not have to worry about
if all the napkins

Are folded or
if all the laundry is done.

I'm having a great time
with them.

And I think these ladies
have definitely

Made me feel a lot more
like myself.

- Hey.
- Hey, how's it going?

- I'm trevor.
- Trevor.

Wait. You're, like,
the trevor?

- I am the trevor.

- Hey, dave, can you get your
[bleep] ass out here right now?

Dave, you really
[bleep] up, bro.

- Come on, kompis,
do your thing.

Come on, kompis,
please take a dump.

- I forgot to tell him,
there's a command, "go poo poo."

I can say, "go poo poo,"
and she'll be like,

"Oh, yeah,"
and she'll go poo poo.

Like, saying "go poo poo"
will help.

- Okay. Um, she said
to let ed know that

If he uses the command,
"go poo poo,"

It will literally
make the dog go poo poo.

- Ed, ed, lee.
- Go ahead, lee.

- Okay, here's the deal.

Instead of just
walking the dog around,

You need to use the command,

"Go poo poo."
- [Laughs]

- And the dog is supposed
to cop a squat.

- Roger that.
Commencing new technique.

Go poo.

Go poo.

Dog, you're not gonna go,
are you?

No, I don't think you are.

- Port of plaisance,
port of plaisance,

I just wanted you
to be advised

That we will be coming into
our home slip.

All right, guys,
we're headed in.

Let me know
when I've cleared.

- You're clear now.

[Overlapping chatter]
- good-bye, you guys.

- Oh!

[Overlapping chatter]

- I also have a little something
for you and the crew.

I want to say thank you
for all your good service.

- Bye. Take care.

- Bye.

- I need all the crew
down in the crew mess a.s.a.p.

Thank you.

- All right, guys.

- All right, here's to the end
of the season.

- Cheers, guys.
- Go poo poo.

- Toast?
- No.

- We have a great energy
onboard right now.

It was a bloody struggle
from the get-go,

And now it's just
a massive sigh of relief.

I mean, let's be honest.
It's amazing.

It's a great feeling.
Everyone's happy.

- 10 Grand, whoo!

- Plus.
- Really?

- Wonderful.

- We got a $12,000 tip
for our crew.

We were all blown away.

And we are so incredibly

These ladies were awesome.

- 1,200 Per person, because
we are splitting it ten ways.

- Cheers, cj.

- Thanks, cj.

- I guess we did our job well.

And adrienne probably scissored
half of them,

And for that, I thank her.

- I learned this job
is hard work,

But it's very rewarding.
And, uh...

- You think it's rewarding,

- Yeah.
- Do you?

- Yeah, I do.

- Well, good,
let's give you a reward then.

All: oh!

- Let's give you a promotion.

- Oh, man.

- I'm gonna cry.

- My grandfather was
a rear admiral in the navy,

And so I looked up to him

His love for the water
kind of rubbed off on me.

And my father always
loved the water.

And that really means a lot,
you know,

It really means a lot
to tell me that I deserve it.

Just to get that
acknowledgement, it feels great.

I really, really love it.

Just brush those shoulders
off there.

- Time to spend the kitty,

Which I think
there is, like,

Almost 1,800 bucks
in the kitty.

So you guys should be able
to have some fun with that.

- Yes!
- Can we get completely--

- Let's just go
and put it all on black.

- 5,150,
That's what it is...

- Not a bad take.
- For the season.

Think that would
get me to, uh,

Singapore and australia
and back?

Working on a mega yacht
is not for me.

I had bigger hopes, I guess,

For what this would entail.

Hey, adrienne,
while I have you here alone,

I really appreciate

You putting up with me.

And I mean that
from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you.

- I...appreciate that
more than you know.

For what it's worth,
I never wanted to demand

Anything from you
or command you to do anything.

I think--
- but you shouldn't--

I mean, you shouldn't
have had to, and that's

Where it was my fault,
you know what I mean?

You shouldn't have had
to demand anything.

You know what I mean?

Like, asking should have
been enough.

- I just cannot believe this,

But sometimes
you have to let people

Make their own decisions
and their own mistakes

For them to learn.

I think our authority issues
are similar.

- I don't have issues
with authority.

- You do.
- Let's just leave it

On a good note.
And I wish you had

A glass of champagne, but--
- go team.

- I'm glad
this is the last one.

- Me too.
I'm looking forward

To our party where
I don't actually

Have to go to sleep

And wake up and do [bleep]
in the morning.

- [Laughs]

- They ain't seen nothing yet.

- Oh, my god.

- Nah, captain,
I'm just fooling.

- Well, I must say,
I like what I've seen

In the last couple days.

- I feel so good.

I don't want to drink as much
as I have been.

I want to remember
my experiences.

And I'm gonna prove
to everyone

That I'm not who
I represented myself as.

- It is noticeable.

- Really?

- Really.

- Hi there.

- Let's sit together.
- Yeah, can we, please?

- See what we're drinking
right here, guys?

- Cristal.
- Oh, we're doing big, huh?

- Really?
- Yeah.

- So tonight we have
the opportunity to

Have a nice dinner together,

Enjoy each other's company
for the last time.

It's a beautiful evening.

Everyone's feeling good.

I couldn't be more ecstatic.

- Can we roll down to the beach
and watch the sunset?

- All right, shoes?

- No, you don't need shoes.

- Oh, yeah?
- This is our sunset.

- This is my sunset.

- A cheers to the sun setting

On a beautiful
charter experience.

- Cheers, kids.
Well done.

- All right, how about
we order some appetizers

And get some food, huh?

- How did you get sand
in your hair?

What happened?

- There's a gamut
of emotions, you know.

I'm so anxious to get
back home to trevor.

But I've learned so much
from my crew

And the charter guest
and the captain,

And I'm so incredibly thankful.

- Lick it.
- [Laughing] hold on.

- Everybody else.

- Here's to honor.

- Here's to the next season.

- Let's play a little game...
- What do you wanna play?

- And it's called
"everybody has to say

What they're doing
after this," okay?

All right, let's go
around the table.

Ben, what are you
doing after this?

- I'm gonna go to cape cod...
- You are?

- And see my family.
- That's nice.

- Eddie, what are you doing?

- I'm going
back to baltimore,

Go back to working
at an outdoor store again

For a little bit,
selling outdoor gear.

- You guys will have to hear
what sam's doing.

Sam is going to taiwan.
- What?

- Singapore.
- Singapore, china.

- All I know is singapore
and australia.

If I'm really able
to ball out the entire time,

I'll go to new zealand,
and then I'm coming home.

I've worked harder
this charter season

Than I ever have
in my entire life.

I was kind of
in a place where

Everything in my life
was very stagnant.

I had lived in tampa
my whole life.

I just needed something more.

- All right, aleks,
what are you doing?

- Back to the old grind,
you know,

Doing charters
back in l.a., Worldwide.

I got a couple of charters
in the med this year,

In the summertime
with some celebrity clients.

- Aleks actually
offered me a job with him.

- Yeah, I'm excited
to get home.

- I'm excited to get home too.
- I think we all are.

It's time for
a nice little break.

- It's so funny today.
It was, like,

All of my energy,
everything just left my body.

It was amazing, and I was just
left with, like, a carcass.

- [Laughs]

- There's been
a lot of stress

On everyone's part, like,
for this whole season.

It's just a shame that
it's our last dinner together,

But, uh, life goes on, eh?

- Stole my clothes.

- What are you wearing,
my dear?

- I'm wearing a comforter.


- [Humming]

- Today is the day
that we leave.

I'm just happy that
we're getting to go home now.

- What are you doing in here?

- Have you got any spare

[Both laugh]

- It's been real
[bleep] pleasure, bro.

- Hoorah.

Yachting, for me,
it's not a game.

This is my career.

I've been so motivated,
so focused in,

You know, being the best
of the best.

That's what I'm trying
to succeed at.

- All right, buddy,
take care of yourself.

Good luck, all right?

- Yeah, it was fun.

- It's been a slice.
- [Chuckles]

- I feel like a weight
is about to be lifted.

This has been
a wonderful experience.

And I've learned so much
from my crew

And the charter guests
and the captain.

You know, I'm walking away
from this

A better person
for knowing them.

- Hey.
- Hey, how's it going?

- I'm trevor.
- Trevor.

- I'm here to see dave.

- Wait, you're, like,
the trevor?

- I am the trevor.

- Like, his trevor?
- Yep.

- Does he know?
- No, not a clue.

- Let's go get him.
- Let's do this.

- Hey, dave, can you get
your [bleep] ass

Out here right now?
- Dave!

- Yeah, dave, you [bleep].

- Dave, you really
[bleep] up, bro.

Get the [bleep] out here.
- Ahh!

- Hi, baby.
- [Laughs]

- Ahh!

- Holy [bleep].

The most difficult aspect
of this charter season

Has been the distance
and the absence of my partner.

I feel like this ring,
this relationship,

It's just starting
a new chapter.

They say absence
makes the heart grow fonder,

And it really does.

I realized
I can't live without him.

- All right, let's do this.

- Take care, pal.
- Thank you, sir.

- It's been a slice.
- Yes, it sure has.

It's been really an honor
being on board.

- Yeah, no pun intended.
That was terrible.

- This whole experience
so far,

It's all just
been surprising.

And every day is just
a new--new crazy adventure.

- Bye, babe.
It was great working with you.

- It was, wasn't it?

- Okay.
- Whoo!

- Okay, okay.
- Just, just--

- Wait, stop.
- Just chill.

Just relax, okay?

I love boats.

I'll always probably dip
in and out

Of the industry,
but ultimately,

I want a land life.

I want a car.

I want a girlfriend.
I want an apartment.

I've got a lot of big goals

That I want to accomplish,
beyond yachting.

- All I want to say to ben
is thank you.

We had a wonderful time

Next victim.

Try not to [bleep] adrienne
before you leave.

- Oh, I can't guarantee

- Adrienne.

Being crazy
and unable to enjoy

Being a yachtie
is not normal.

Like, this group of people
are just

Abnormally high-strung
and insane.

Er, giggling]

- This charter season
has been the most difficult

Of my life, but I love
doing what I do.

I think, you know,
this experience

Was a definite
learning curve for me,

And I persevered
through this.

I defitely learned a lot.

I have more knowledge.
I have more experience.

I have more skills.

Hopefully, a little bit
more wisdom coming out of this.

And I definitely feel like
I could do it again.
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