22x02 - Tad Overwhelming

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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22x02 - Tad Overwhelming

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen:
The American Dream...

-You made it.
-The quest for the American dream

-began for 18 hopeful chefs.
-[contestants cheering]

[Ryan] I've never lost sight
of the American dream.

This is gonna propel me
to astronomical places.

[narrator] They were immediately inspired...

Feel what it feels like.

...by the iconic
Hell's Kitchen finalist doors...

-Yeah! Let's go!

...by some special guests...

-[contestants cheering]
-[Oscar] I'm Oscar De La Hoya.

-[Martina] I'm Martina McBride.
-[Dia] I'm Dia Simms.

[Ramsay] I'm Chef Gordon Ramsay.

...and by an incredible opportunity.

[Ramsay] This season's winner
will become my head chef

in the incredible Hell's Kitchen
Caesars Las Vegas.

Coming from small-town Mississippi,

-we don't get these kind of opportunities.
-Let's go.

[narrator] The chefs were eager to impress
with their signature dish.

-[Raneisha] Everybody good?
-I've been better.

-Strawberries and sausage. All together?
-Yes, sir.

[narrator] Tad was quick to share
his competitiveness

outside of the kitchen.

I'm actually a professional
quidditch player.

-Oh, God.

Yeah, maybe I am crazy.

[narrator] But he failed miserably
with what he did in the kitchen.

-It looks like vomit.

[narrator] And while Philadelphia-native
Dahmere spoke passionately...

Where I come from,
you don't get a lot of opportunity.

Hell's Kitchen: American Dream,
let's see what you made.

...his dish made with boxed pasta
was a big disappointment.

-It's a one.

[narrator] Unlike LA executive chef
Sammi's homemade linguine...

That's what fresh pasta looks like.

...which landed her a perfect five points.

Congratulations, Sammi.

[narrator] Earning the maximum score
on the men's Blue Team,

were Ryan's veal tenderloin...

-It's delicious.
-Thank you.

...and Johnathan's gnocchi with clams.

-You're gonna get a five.
-Thank you.

Oh, my God. I got a five!

The best dish...

[narrator] After the challenge
ended in a tie...

Sammi, well done.

...Sammi clinched it for the Red Team.

-I just feel like a rock star.
-[guitar riff playing]

-[narrator] The following morning...
-Rise and shine.

...the chefs were surprised with...

Here on Hell's Kitchen, we pride ourselves
on using the freshest of ingredients.

That's why, today,
you'll have to retrieve them.

[contestants] Oh!

[narrator] And now,
the continuation of
Hell's Kitchen.

[Ramsay] For today's challenge,

you'll be working with fresh,
live scallops.

[Claudia] Oh, my God.

Hey, it's not just scallops in there.

So that's probably gonna get
real dirty and real fun.

I can smell the freshness from here.

Boy, and they are literally live.


Ugh. [exclaims]

It's so gross.

You'll have 45 minutes to grab, shuck,
clean, and cook those amazing scallops.

But before you can cook
your beautiful scallops,

you'll have to retrieve them. Understood?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Good.

-Marino, good morning.

Let me get my fresh scallop.

Okay, no. Uh, hold that for me, please.

That's an oyster.

-Is there crab in it?
-[Ramsay] Man, that's a lot of...

Oh, no, that's shrimp.

-[contestants exclaiming]
-Oh. Oh, geez.

-That's a prawn.
-[Ramsay] Damn.

-Where are the scallops?
-[Marino] I don't know.

Oh, my God.
Do we have to get in the water?

-Oh, geoduck.
-[Marino chuckles] Thank you.

[Ramsay] Why are you so happy to see me?

-[Marino] I don't know. [laughs]
-[all laughing]

I've never seen a geoduck in person.

Uh, it looks a little interesting.

-Puts the guys to shame.

-Oh! Oh...
-[contestants exclaiming]

-[sighs] Ah.
-Damn it. I'm sorry.

-[Ramsay] Your hands were full.
-Reminds me of Italy.

-Oh! [laughs]
-[contestants] Oh!

[Ramsay] Damn. So sorry, Marino.

-Damn, I got it.


-[chuckles, stammers]
-[Jermaine] That's wild.

I feel like Bob Marley.

-[all laugh]
-[Ramsay] Damn, that's fresh.

-[Marino sighs]
-Let me help you out.

-Thank you. No problem.

[Ramsay] Okay, Marino,
go and get cleaned up, please.

-Bye, Chef.
-Right, uh, come over quickly.

Watch carefully.

Come in,
just twist and release that muscle there,

open and off.

[Sandra] Oh, my God.
My heart is fluttering right now.

Chef Ramsay does everything like butter.

[Ramsay] Come in and off.

So smooth, with finesse and with, like,
a tinge of sexiness to it.

[Ramsay] Thumb down the side, and then
you just really gently pop that out.

Pop, pop, pop, pop.

Give it a little rinse onto a towel,
dry that out. Clear?

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Good. Back in line, please.

It's amazing.

Now, listen carefully,
because the winner of this challenge

will win the all-important
Punishment Pass.

Oh, gosh.

If your team loses a challenge,

you can choose to use your Punishment Pass

to skip that brutal punishment

and join the winning team
on their amazing reward.

You'll also choose someone
from the winning team

to take your place in the punishment.

Yes, Chef.

What? After that last punishment,
you know I'ma need to grab that.

Your 45 minutes starts now. Let's go.

[Brad] Go, let's go.

In today's first individual challenge...

It smells like the ocean.

...the chefs are tasked with
searching for and shucking

a minimum of three scallops
as the star of their dishes.

This is absolutely insane, disgusting.

I see my teammates pulling out octopus
and pulling out shrimp.

And then I see this sweet,
little corner are these scallops

just sitting there saying,
"Use me, John. Cook me."

[Melissa] Oh, God. [exclaims]
Everything is moving.

I'm, like, the sit-by-the-ocean type
of girl, but not dive deep in the ocean.

That is not my style.

This is too much. [laughs]

[screaming] It's f*cking moving!

I'm trying to be as gentle as possible
and as quick as I can be.

What the shuck?

[Santos] Shucking is important.
Don't underestimate how long they take.


-[Ryan] You good?
-[Mattias] I think so.

I've never worked with scallops
that are still in the shell,

so I am super, super nervous.

[Santos] Be careful 'cause you already
lost a big chunk of that scallop.

Yes, sir.

And the very first one I open, I mess up.

I go back and grab another scallop,
and I shank it with my thumb.

f*ck. Damn it.

So then I run back again
and grab another scallop.

I try to move as fast as my big ass can,

because this time
is magically disappearing.

I should have grabbed two!

Thankfully, third time's the charm,

and I got my scallops
perfectly cleaned and out of the shell.

Beautiful, okay.

-[Brad] Does that look weird?
-No, that looks good, man.

[Brad] Ugh.

I live five miles from the ocean.
Straight off the boat.

So to see fresh seafood,
I-I-I'm literally licking my chops.

[Brad] What dish are you making?

I'm gonna do a play on escabeche.
Purple cauliflower, some fennel, carrots.

I've done this dish quite a few times
with other fish,

but I've never done it with scallops.
But I'm here to take risks.

Feeling good.

[Christina] Just over 24 minutes to go.
Twenty-four minutes.

Is anyone doing raw scallops,
or are they doing all cooked?


I'm, like, really trying to
represent California in this dish.

-Have you made this before?
-One time.

I really want to make this amazing crudo.
Very bright and light.

[Christina] How are we doing, ladies?

I am trying to stay focused
on the end goal.

I kicked ass on my signature dish,
and today, I am thinking,

"How do I keep going up and up from here?"

I am gonna do a corn salsa.

-Trying to bring all the flavors together.

The Punishment Pass is on the table,
so I have to stand out.

[Ramsay] Just under ten minutes, ladies.

-[Melissa] Heard, Chef.
-[Raneisha] Heard.

[Ramsay] Ten minutes, gentlemen.
Just under.

-Ten minutes. Yes, Chef.

[Tad] Hell yeah, baby. Hell yeah.
Work it, baby.

Right off the bat, I want to do jambalaya,

really use my living in New Orleans,
you know, for seven years

to my best advantage here.

-It's cooked?
-No, not yet. It's a little under.

I'm checking my rice, and it's so under.


Damn it, Tad. Why did you do that?

I gotta get my scallops in. I'm coming in.

-[Ramsay] Three minutes, gents.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Three minutes, make it count.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Final push.

How do you turn this shit on?

-g*dd*mn it. I got it.
-[Melissa] You got it?

[Ramsay] Ten seconds. Let's go.

-[Leigh] Finish strong, ladies.

-[Ramsay] Eight, seven, six...
-[Santos] Let's go, go, go.

-[Ryan] Up behind.

-[Ramsay] ...four, three, two...
-[Melissa] Come on. Let's go.

...one, and plate.

[Ramsay] Well done.

Now, Marino,
bring out the Punishment Pass.

Thank you.

I'm stoked, man.

If a bag comes with its own lock,
there's good shit in it.

That's just a fact.



[Carmen] The Punishment Pass is gold
in this competition.

I need to get my hands on one.

Nobody is standing in my way,
so watch out.

Now, I'd like the Red Team
and the Blue Team

to judge all their teams' dishes

and come back to me with
the top three dishes from each kitchen.

Is that clear?

Yes, Chef.

I think we should go down the line,
and pick the best one.

Let's go. I'm getting in here.

[John] I'm nervous to see if the guys
are able to put their egos aside

and work together as a team.

This is a play on escabeche, guys.

-[Jermaine] This is nice.
-This is good. I like this one.

What is this, Tad?

[Tad] Jambalaya.

I think this is a little underseasoned.

Tad, you can't sell that as a jambalaya.

Probably should have sold it
as a "jamba-liar."

This is a chipotle cream sauce
that's a little spicy.

I like that, smoky.
Visually, this is nice, dude.

[Jermaine] Thank you.

[Carmen] Whose dish is this?

So this is my scallop crudo
with orange, grapefruit.

That's really good.
This one should definitely go up.

Sammi's dish looks so beautiful.

That presentation is high-class.

That's a pan-seared scallop,
asparagus puree with the pork belly.

It does need a bit of salt.

-[Carmen] What is this one?
-[Atoye] That was mine.

I did pan-seared scallops,
pickled cabbage with some fennel.

It needs salt.

Carmen is telling each person,
"Needed more salt. It needed more salt."

I like the corn with the scallop,
but I feel like it needs some salt.

Like, okay.

So I did a conchitas a la parmesana.

I'd like to put mine up,
because it's something different.

Ooh, that's strong.

There's Parmesan. There's texture.
This one, I love your texture.

I just think the scallop itself
needs more salt.

Carmen is insisting
that her dish is the best.

Acidity goes with sweetness.
Scallops are sweet.

But everybody's like...

That's very bland
and kinda just gets lost.

I would do Melissa.

Ladies, let's go.

I mean, I personally think
this one's different.

I am getting my plate up to Chef Ramsay,
no matter what.

-I think mine is going up.
-No, that's not what we said.

I thought we decided on this one, yeah?

She does not like that one, but I think
my dish deserves to be in the top three.

Okay, you guys gotta wrap it up.

[narrator] With the coveted
Punishment Passes on the line...

[Carmen] Mine is going up,
if everyone agrees.

-No, that's not what we said.
-No, no.

...the women on the Red Team
are struggling to agree

on their top three scallop dishes
to present to Chef Ramsay.

I personally think this one's different.

I think my dish deserves to be
in the top three.

-That's too much acid on that.
-Mm-mmm. Way too much.

[Carmen] Okay, so Melissa's is up.

-Let's go.
-All right. Melissa.

Definitely am not happy that my dish
didn't make it to the top three.

I am one of the top chefs
in this competition,

so I think it's a mistake.

Uh, Red Team,
have you come to a consensus?

Yes, Chef.

Good. Carmen, first dish and why?

-Our first dish is Sammi's dish.
-[Ramsay] Good. Sammi, let's go.

The flavoring was unique,
and she also had a beautiful plating.

So this is a scallop crudo.

I just feel like the best way
for these fresh scallops

-are to be presented completely raw.
-[Ramsay] This looks confident.

[Sammi] It should just be, like,
a really yummy one-bite.

It's light. It's fragrant. It's delicious.

You are definitely in contention
for the Punishment Pass. Good job.

-Thank you, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Well done.

[narrator] With Sammi starting strong,
next up for the Red Team is Leigh's...

-Coriander-dusted seared scallop.
-[Ramsay] Coriander-dusted, why?

Earthy and I thought it would balance
the sweetness of the scallop well.

As much as I'd like to win
a Punishment Pass,

for me, it's so much more about
proving to Chef Ramsay

that just because I've only been cooking
for a little over a year professionally,

I could still kick their asses
in a competition.

I thought when you mentioned coriander it
was gonna be overpowering, but it's not.

It absolutely lifts that.

Beautifully done.

Two good dishes, what a strong start.

Is it better than Sammi's?

Leigh, you're in pole position.

-Thank you, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Good job.

Leigh's scallops are now the front-runner,

and she has one dish left to beat.


Classic play on a New Orleans corn relish.

Tried to create the sweet corn
with the spices of New Orleans

and the Cajun flair there.

These are some great dishes,
and I have freaking corn on a plate.

Like, who knows what Chef is gonna choose?

I love the nod to New Orleans.
I love that deep-rooted flavor.

Yeah, this is really hard.

-Go back in line for a moment.
-Thank you, Chef.

The Punishment Pass on the Red Team.

No pressure, Chef.

-Melissa, well done.

-[contestants cheering]
-[Raneisha] Yay, Melissa!

Thank you, ladies.

Oh, my God. My dish won.

Not only did it make the top three,
but ultimately, I have the pass.

And that is everything I could imagine.

This is part of the American dream.

Wow, ladies, well done.
Really good decisions.

give us your first nominee and why.

Our first nominee, uh, is Jermaine.

Young man, step forward.

The dish that I created
is one of the top contenders.

[scoffs] I feel like a million bucks.
I'm happy, man.

I'm ready to bring home that win.

So we have today is sweet and heat.

It's a chipotle cream sauce
with some seared scallops.

Wow, that sauce is delicious.
Scallops nailed. I love the heat.

-Great start.
-[Jermaine] Thank you.

[narrator] With Jermaine's
chipotle scallops bringing the heat,

Johnathan is up next.

Let's go, young man. Bring it forward.

And looking to impress with his...

Escabeche with orange juice,
a little vinegar.

-[Ramsay] It looks beautiful.
-[John] Thank you.

Really delicious.

Scallops nailed beautifully.
Let's get that right.

But is it better than Jermaine's?

Johnathan, it has a slight edge
over Jermaine's.

-Thank you, Chef.

I'm on cloud nine right now.

This dish is going to win me
that Punishment Pass.

[narrator] For the final dish,
the Blue Team has chosen...

Ryan's dish.

...as the final contender
for the coveted Punishment Pass.

I got my fingers crossed,
my toes crossed, my balls crossed.

Got everything you could possibly cross.

I'm hoping to God
that these are cooked perfectly.

So, Chef, I have pan-seared scallops

with a lemongrass
and yuzu kosho beurre blanc.

Please, please, please, please,
fingers, toes, balls.

Scallops nailed, puree exceptional.

Delicious, young man. Really good indeed.

I'm absolutely on air.

I'm f*cking floating,
you know, I'm buzzing.

-This is a sign of big things to come.
-Um, this is really tough.

Johnathan or Ryan.

Please, please, please.

[Ramsay] One had a slight edge.

Please give me that pass.


Johnathan, well done.

[contestants clamoring]

Let's go! Let's go! You see that?

I got the Punishment Pass.
Got a five on my signature dish.

It just feels like destiny.

-Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

I'm on cloud nine.

Hell's Kitchen is opening tonight.

All of you, head back to the dorms.

The sous chefs will call you when
they're ready to go through the menu.

Yes, Chef.

-Melissa, Johnathan, great job.
-[John] Thank you, Chef.

[Melissa squeals] We have our knives!

-This is what we needed.

I see this Zwilling J.A. Henckel knife set

and I'm right now feeling like
a 38-year-old f*cking kid on Christmas.


This is f*cking banging, baby.

-[contestants chattering]

-[Jason] Do we take these home?
-Everything we get here, we take home.

-Jackets, knives...

-[Devon] No.
-[Jermaine] hope we don't get that here.

Guys, that was funny.

I think Jason thinks he's being funny.

Ha ha!

He's not really reading the room well,
and no one else thinks he's being funny.

Shut that door.

I do not wanna cook on that other team.

I don't think any of them
have a f*ck all of talent.

-I think some of them are very talented.
-Can you let me be a d*ck bag?

Oh, my God. Fine!

Remember, this is just confidential
of us talking shit.

-We can talk shit. It's a competition.
-Yeah, that's not me.

I think Jason should
definitely tread lightly.

I'm honest. I have integrity
about my character and who I am.

My goal is to stay composed, stay focused,
and do what I came here to do.

Too much shit in my life going on

for me to put emphasis
and energy into that.

That's draining on oneself.

But, by all means, do it for us, please.

The pettier you are, the better for me
'cause I don't have to do it. [chuckles]

[narrator] To be on their game
for their first dinner service...

-[Donya] Yeah, baby. Let's go.
-[Jason] Learning time.

...Chef Ramsay has scheduled
five hours of menu training.

All the plates are lined up
in order of the menu

so you guys can follow along.

This is your beef tartare.

This is gonna have beef tenderloin

-and a quail egg, okay?

[Atoye] Right now, we are learning
the menu, and I feel amazing.

This opportunity is... is one in a million.

Next is lobster risotto.

The lobster tail is on skewers.

So you could just drop it
into the beurre monté.

I have two young daughters at home.
I work my ass off.

And I work so my kids can understand
that if you put your mind to it

and you have a dream,
you can do anything in this world.

Now we're gonna demo everything.

We're gonna go through this quick.

[Christina] Get your pesto down first.

For your Wellington, you don't want to cut
through the puff, so just score it.

Chef, could you hold it this way
a little bit? Thank you, Chef.

Chef Jason and Christina over here,
they are just running through everything,

one by one by one.

I'm gonna flip,
and always flip away from you.

Can I just get a hug?

[Santos] The carbonara,
you can't add more stock and fix it.

Once it's curdled, it's game over.

This first service starts in 20 minutes.

Scary. Scary, scary, scary.

You guys ready for service?

Please, someone, help me.

[Ramsay] Get on your stations.
We're opening up in 20 minutes.

-Turn on the ovens. Let's go.
-Let's go.

[narrator] After an intense,
packed day of training...

Perfect. You make 'em all look like this,
I'll be happy all night.

...both teams have been
assigned to their stations

and are hoping they're ready to slay
their first dinner service.

What's the pick up for the carbonara?

[Tad] Roughly five minutes.

Max five minutes,
otherwise it's gonna break.

It's opening night at Hell's Kitchen.
I'm a little anxious. A little nervous.

I've had two bad challenges so far,
the signature dish, the challenge earlier.

Tad, turn the f*cking gas on
and get you pan on. Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

And I know for a fact
that if I don't cook really well tonight,

that I'm on the chopping block.

-, Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen.

-The American dream. Let's go.
-Subito. Thank you.

[narrator] Hell's Kitchen opening night
is always the place to be in Los Angeles.

[guest 1] We are so excited.

[narrator] With tables booked
months in advance,

diners are more than excited.

-Oh, my God. I can't wait to see.
-To see?

Gordon Ramsay. Are you kidding?

And clearly, anticipation is in the air.

-Doing okay? Nervous?
-Yep. Little bit.

It's an opportunity for these chefs...

-Gonna rock it.
-Hell yeah, we are.

...to take another step
towards their American dream.

The steak I feel good about.
Wellington I feel good about.

[narrator] With a menu featuring
Chef Ramsay's classic hits

and a few new surprises,

along with a stunning seafood ceviche
to be served in the dining room

by Jermaine and Johnathan on the Blue Team

and Raneisha and Melissa on the Red Team.

-[John] You guys hungry or what?
-I am hungry.

-All right.
-You should be.

[narrator] If the excitement
of the opening weren't enough,

Chef Ramsay
has invited some familiar faces.

Fourteen-time Grammy nominee
and country music legend Martina McBride...

Thank you.

...to dine with her daughters
in the Red kitchen.

-Isn't this great?
-Go, girls.

So exciting.

We're going to be serving Martina McBride.
It's a dream come true right now.

She's Ms. Country Music.

[narrator] And ten-time world champion
and boxing Hall of Famer Oscar De La Hoya...

Nice to see you both.

...will be dining with his girlfriend,
Holly Sonders, in the Blue kitchen.

Let's go.

Having someone like Oscar De La Hoya
at our Chef's Table... It's intimidating.

This man is a man, myth and legend.

He achieved the American dream
and then some.

I mean, talk about an inspiration.

On order, four covers. Here we go.

-Two scallop, two risotto.
-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Let's go. Come on.

First up's gonna be
about five minutes, Chef.

You can drop lobster.

Fresh lobsters are a down, Chef.

How is it gonna cook
when it's not on the heat?

It just sits there and we hope it cooks?

I don't want to separate. [scoffs]

I'm a little bit worried about Jason.

Just because he's worked
in Michelin-starred restaurants

-doesn't mean he's perfect.
-[Ryan] Walking risotto.

-Risotto on the right.
-[Ramsay] Where's the lobster?

[Jason] Behind. Lobster, Chef.

Hey, come here! All of you, come here.

Come here, all of you.

The f*cking lobster's raw.

-Who took that out?
-[Jason] I did, Chef.

-[Ramsay] What are you doing?
-I did it wrong.

I know it's first-night nerves,
but come on.

That needs another three or four minutes.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Let's go.

-[Ramsay] Shit.
-[Ryan] Three minutes on that risotto.

[Ramsay] Come on, Jason.

Oh, man, Jason. What happened, buddy?
I thought you were the big dog.

What's... What's going on?
Like, woof, woof. Where you at?

[narrator] With Jason putting himself
and the Blue Team in the doghouse...

[Santos] I need that risotto now.
We're refiring this table.

...the Red Team hopes to make
something worth barking about.

Okay, ladies, here we go.

VIP chef table, on order. Yes?
VVIP, guys. Let's go.

-Two beet salad, two flatbread, please.
-Yes, Chef.

There's a lot of pressure

having a Chef's Table
in the kitchen on the first night.

Especially Martina McBride.
We don't want to disappoint her

after coming in and giving us
such a powerful, impressive speech.

This is the start of my American dream,
so this is definitely nerve-racking.

How long, ladies?
Two beets, two flatbreads.

-[Atoye] Coming now.
-[Ramsay] Good, let's go.

Flatbread's in the window.

[Christina] Love it. Beautiful.
Strong start, ladies.

[Marino] Buon appetito.

[Martina] That looks amazing.

[Marino] Here you go.

This is ridiculous.

Hey, beautiful. Beet salad, flatbread.

-Good job!
-We have halibut on our next order.


Good job, ladies!

[Atoye] Yeah. Get it done.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, look at me.
Let's get through tonight, shall we?

-Before we start celebrating.
-Yes, Chef.

Do you ever see Martina bangs out
one number then start celebrating?

I think it's after the concert. Don't you?

Yes, Chef.

-Calm down a touch.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

[narrator] While the Red Team gets scolded
for premature celebration...

That was my fault. Sorry. I got excited.

...the Blue Team is hoping
Jason's second attempt at lobster tails

gives them something to cheer about.

You guys can do it. Come on.

[Jason] Can you check this?

-What do you think?
-It looks raw.

[Jason] Yeah?

-[Devon] Looks a little under.
-Lobster, Chef. Can I walk risotto?

[Mattias] Jason, lobster. How long?

Jason's just staring into complete space.

He has his pedigree,
he's worked for all these chefs.

It's just not acceptable.
It's just not f*cking acceptable.

How long for that lobster now?

Plating... Uh, bringing it right now, Chef.

[Ramsay] Let's go.

f*cking hell.

Blue Team, come to the back.
I'm not gonna do this in front of Oscar.

Are you f*cking serious?

Hey, you two, come here with me.

Chef Ramsay doesn't pull people into
the back to give them hugs and attaboys.

He pulls you into the back
to pull your head out of your ass.

[Ramsay] Close that f*cking door.

It's like a fight. You make a mistake,
and you get knocked out.

Tell me what the f*ck is going on.

What is that? What is this?

-Raw again. We can't send that.
-You won't send that, Chef.

-Come on. Get a f*cking grip.
-We'll get two more for you.

Just drop it back in.

[Jason, Devon] Yes, Chef. Right now.

-[Ryan] Get it back in.
-[Devon] Heard.

I'm not performing
at the level that I want to perform at.

[breathes heavily]

I've been doing this for 18 years.

There's absolutely no reason
I should not be able to push forward.

We've gotta keep that on the heat,

'cause I keep losing my time
every time you pull it off.

I know I didn't cook that lobster tail.

But at the same time,
I'm on this station with Jason,

so it makes me look bad
to one of my heroes and idols.

You're literally dragging me by my ankles
into the depths of the sea.

This will be good in, like,
another 60 seconds.

I'm not going down in this boat with him.

Lobster walking.

Let's go.

-[Santos] Yeah.

Go, Jay. Nicely cooked that lobster.

We got the pregame jitters done.
This is it.

Gotta look at each other in the eye,
communicate. Let's do this.

Come on, boys. Let's do it.

[narrator] With the fish station
no longer underwater...

-Oh, my God. That's so good.
-[guest] That's delicious.

-...both the Blue Team...
-[Ramsay] Go, please, John.

There you go. Now we're moving, yeah?
Very nice, that risotto. Let's go.

-...and the Red Team...
-Two scallops walking.

-[Ramsay] Nicely cooked, the scallops.
-Thank you, Chef.

...are pushing appetizers
out of their kitchens at a steady pace...

-I know you love it.
-This is beautiful.

...and are moving on to their first...

-Entrée. Two salmon, two New York strips.
-Yes, Chef.

-[Sandra] How long on your salmon?
-I need six minutes on the salmon. Easily.

Carmen, speed up then.
Five and a half. Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

I feel very confident.

You know, I cook a lot of fish,
I come from Miami.

-[Carmen] Do you think this is done?
-[Leigh] No.

I need three more minutes, guys.
Or two... just two more minutes.

But I'm falling behind
on the fish station.

Things are kinda taking a turn
from how we started.

Salmon walking. Are you ready on the meat?

No, I got a minute out.

We gotta do better for timing.

Carmen. Like, really?

Okay, Sandra, the salmon's here.

About 45 seconds.

This is our biggest problem tonight,
is communication.

-New York strip. Sandra.
-[Sandra] Walking.

[stammers, retches]

I'm walking up my first steak.
I don't know what the hell's gonna happen.

-Oh, boy. Sandra.
-[Sandra] Yes, Chef.

It's 30 minutes into dinner service...

-New York strip, Sandra.
-[Sandra] Walking.

...and Sandra is delivering
her first attempt at a New York strip.


[Sandra] Is it ready? Is it not?

-Oh, boy. Sandra.
-[Sandra] Yes, Chef.

Nicely cooked.

Thank you, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Go, John.
-[John] Thank you.


[narrator] With Sandra and Carmen
delivering perfect proteins...

We're doing great, ladies.

-Good lobster.
-It's so good, right?

...Red diners are thrilled.

Ticket in, guys.
Two halibut. Two New York strip.

[narrator] Chef Ramsay is looking for
the Blue Team to keep up the pace.

-How long?
-New York strip? Six minutes.

-Seven minutes, Chef.
-f*cking hell.

It's not a negotiation. What is it?

How long?

Look at you guys.
What the f*ck is happening?

-What the f*ck?
-Earth to Tad and Brad. How long?

-[Tad] Twelve minutes, Chef.
-Twelve minutes.

-We'll make it happen.
-[Ramsay] Oh, my God.

I've been in
high-pressure situations before.

Whether it's quidditch games,
whether it's actual service at work.

Watch out with the hot oil.
Calm down. Take a breath.

[Tad] Yep.

I'm a good f*cking line cook, man.
I can burn on the line.

I'm definitely just nervous.

Tad, I want the New York strip.

Can I hang? I think I can, but are we...
Let's f*cking find out.

-Walking two strip.
-[Ramsay] Just put them down there.

-[Tad] Behind you.
-There. There you go.

-Ah, f*ck it.
-Look at the meat. Look. It's garbage.

Ah, f*cking hell.

Brad and Tad, it's called sad.
Get it back in the pan!

-Yes, Chef.
-[Brad] Yes, Chef.

Dante, he went down to hell.
He found Virgil.

I need to find a Virgil here
before we can get through Hell's Kitchen.

'Cause let me tell you,
your boy's stuck in purgatory.

Please fire two more steaks,
two more f*cking chicken.

Please fire two more f*cking lamb.
Get ahead, please.

Six covers. Table four. Away now.

Two salmon. Two chicken.
One New York strip. One Wellington.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Heard? Let's go.

-[Atoye] I'm working Wellingtons.
-Then I'm doing chicken and strip.

-Okay. That's fine. Yeah.
-Right? That makes sense. Okay.

I'm on the meat station with Sandra.
I'm really, really excited.

This is the fight for my life.

This is the most important station
of 'em all. Securing the meat.

If you wanna turn it,
I didn't wanna reach below you,

-and I can put that other one nice in...

I don't want us bumping into each other.
I got the steak.

-I know.
-I don't want to sound like a b*tch.

I just wanted to help you
and give you another pan, mama.

I know it looks like I don't got it,
but I got it. Okay?

All right. I'm putting on
our sauce for the chicken.

Thank you, chicken.

Just do your Wellies.

-Walking two Wellingtons.
-[Christina] Right here.

-Thank you.
-[Atoye] My pleasure.

My salmon's ready whenever you're ready.

-[Atoye] What you need?
-Just need that chicken.

[Atoye] You got it in the oven, right?

-[Sandra] Put chicken in the oven?
-[Carmen] Let me know when you're ready.

No, no, no.

[Sandra] I thought you put chicken
in the oven.

-[Atoye] No, I didn't see you.
-Oh, f*ck me.

Man. Got some steaks.
I'm feeling good about it.

And I'm looking around,
and I don't see no chicken.

-That's not good.
-I know.

That's not f*cking good.

I thought she said
she put the chicken in the oven.

All right, I'm putting on our sauce
for the chicken.

Thank you, chicken.

I totally misheard. I misheard.

I'm deaf as shit.

-Too many rock concerts.
-[guitar riff playing]

-[Ramsay] New York strip.
-Walking strip.

-[Ramsay] Where are they? Please.
-Coming through. Behind.

-Let's go. Come on.
-Yes, Chef.

-[Carmen] Come on, guys.
-[Ramsay] I've still got no chicken.

-Sandra, can you not answer me?
-I'm answering, Chef.

It's walking right now.

-[Ramsay] Go, John.
-[John] Thank you.

-Wait. On our way.

-[Sandra] No.
-Okay, I've sent the other four entrées.

Where is the chicken?

Two minutes. Two minutes on chicken.

Oh, my God.

-Hold on to that chicken, ma'am.
-g*dd*mn chicken.

What was it? The chicken.
The chicken's not done yet.

Yeah. I got chicken on purpose.
I don't want your guys' food.


Two New York strip. Two halibut. Let's go!

-Brad. Come on.
-Yes. Sorry, Chef.

This shit is hot. It is intense.

[Ramsay] Come on, Blue Team.

People don't get it. Like, they see it.
"Oh, my God. He's British.

His hair. Oh. Oh, my God. Gordon."
Let me tell you.

This strip's ready to walk. Let's go.

-Strip coming, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Let's go!
-[Brad] Right now, Chef.

Much better though. Huh? Much better.

Go, Jay.

Go, please. Go, go, go, go.

Finally, we're gonna get out of this.

-So good.
-I could eat this every day and be happy.

Blue Team. Oscar De La Hoya.
Two covers, Chef's Table.

-Here we go.
-Entrée. One halibut, one chicken.

-One halibut, one chicken.
-[Ramsay] Let's go.

-How long on the chicken?
-[Brad] We have ten minutes on these.

-Ten minutes. Let's go.
-[Brad] Yes, Chef.

[Devon] Tad and Brad are doing
the absolute best they can,

but it's like a 20-car pileup
on the freeway.

-[Devon] How much longer on the chicken?
-[Brad] Five minutes.

They're my team, so I have to support
and encourage them, but, I mean, f*ck.

-Here, here, here.
-Is this f*cking cooked?

[Tad] I think it's fine.

If it's not f*cking cooked...

-I mean, it's fine.
-No, it's not.

It's definitely not fine
if it's not cooked.

-Let's not ever say that again.
-[Brad] Yeah.

Guys, I need the Chef's Table.

This is absolutely f*cking insane.

It's a bololó is what we call it.
A bololó. Just a f*cking mess.

Can we go? Chicken, halibut?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Chicken walking.

[Santos] I need the garnish up first.

-Garnish for chicken.
-[Dahmere] Right here. Walking now.

Hey, come here. Come here! Come here!

Help. Help. SOS.

[Ramsay] Is that what you serve
to a championship boxer?

-Oh, my God.
-[Ramsay] Hey.

[narrator] It's an hour and 15 minutes
into dinner service...

[Ramsay] Oh, boy.

...and with Oscar De La Hoya
at their Chef Table,

the Blue Team is once again on the ropes.

Hey, come here. Come here! Come here!

Jason, the halibut's still undercooked,

and the f*cking chicken,
pink in the middle.

Look at that.

-Oh, my God.
-[Tad] f*cking hell.

f*ck off. Oh, Lord.

You don't know whether you're shit,
shaving or shampooing.

I've never seen such a fragmented,
pathetic opening in all my f*cking life.

Get the f*ck out of here! f*ck off!

-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Get out now.

Oscar, we'll do a fresh one.
Chicken, halibut.

My apologies to you both.

Jay, get one fresh chicken on
for me, please.

Absolutely f*cking furious. I've never
been so embarrassed in my life.

-Especially for Oscar De La Hoya.
-This right here.

I'm surprised he didn't come
and knock us all out.

"You get an uppercut,
you get an uppercut."

-If this was a fight...

-...everybody would be knocked out.

[Brad] Bro, the steaks were raw.
Chicken was raw.

Meat f*cked the pooch today.

That freaking chicken that was,
"Oh, no. It's fine."


I'm so mad at myself.

[Santos] Let me tell you guys something.

Out of every single dinner service,
this was easily by far

the worst dinner service ever.

He wants you to come up with
two nominees to go home

'cause you guys f*cking lost.
Lost horrible.

-Figure out who's going home.
-Yes, Chef.

Sandra, where is the chicken?
I need a time!

Chicken walking in 30 seconds.

Ladies, when you eat out
with your partners,

you get food the same time.

It's the same here in Hell's Kitchen.
Breaking news.

-Yes, Chef.
-Don't look so shocked.

[guest 2]

[Sandra] Two chicken walking now.

[Ramsay] f*ck.

When you hold the table that long,
I've got nowhere to go.

Oh, God.

And this chicken that waited seven minutes
on top of the 15 minutes is raw.

There is no respect to what you're doing,

and nobody's caring about
what they're cooking.

No care whatsoever.

[Claudia] How long on the chicken?

[Ramsay] What the f*ck is going on?

She's shouting, "How long on the chicken?"

-Oh, I thought... [chuckles]
-Hey. Hey, look at me, all of you.

-Hey. No, hey.
-Oh, no...

-[Ramsay] She's laughing her head off.
-I'm not!

Hey, all of you.

Get out. And come back to me
with two nominees, weakest chef,

as a team
and possibly without any giggling.

-I did not laugh, Chef. I did not.
-Get out.

Chef Ramsay thinks I'm laughing,
but it's like a shy thing. I go... [laughs]

It's not laughing.

[Christina] Go, go.

[Carmen] It's the first dinner service.

I was excited. I've been looking forward
to this moment for a long time,

so it just kinda sucks.


I cooked with passion.
I'm not sure if I saw that in anyone else.

Y'all wanna just start naming people?

-Go ahead.
-We can tally 'em up. It is what it is.

Raw meat is a no-no.

So my vote is whoever
sent that raw-ass meat.

I thought, uh,
Atoye put the chicken in the oven,

and it didn't even start going yet.

[Atoye] We did mess up that one chicken,
but we all f*cked up.

Okay, so Sandra,
we need one more person up.

No, no, no, no.

Carmen, you were just rifling off,
like, all different kinds of numbers.

First it was four minutes, and then it's
still four minutes like two minutes later.

I did not send up any raw food whatsoever.

Carmen is like... She thinks
she does, like, really no wrong.

I don't really know what else to say, so...

Sandra's pointing fingers at me,

but I'm not responsible
for what happened tonight.

Raw meat and giggling.

That's why we back here.
Raw meat and f*cking giggling.

What we gonna do?

You are welcome to say anything.
This is your floor.

[Brad] Let's talk about the proteins.
I f*cked up.

Chicken, raw? It's unacceptable.

Brad was a weak link.

Yeah, it... it was rough.

Tad was a weak link.

Somebody has to address
the elephant in the room.

You agree with me?

You sent up raw lobster tail,
you sent up raw fish.

Hundred percent.
You can't cook a lobster tail.

Did anybody see the last halibut?
Did you think it was undercooked?

The middle was a little pink.

Chef Ryan, the least you could do
is give me your attention.


-That's the God's honest truth.
-We're all adults and we have to own it

-and look it in the eye.
-[Dahmere] Easy, fellas.

[Jason] I'm making sure you're hearing me.

[Ryan] f*ck you raising your voice at?

Just 'cause you didn't like
how someone said something

or how someone looked at you.
I don't give a f*ck.

I do not think I put up undercooked fish.

Brad and Tad are
holding themselves accountable.

I'm upset watching Jason sit there
and say f*cking nothing.

Them two have integrity as f*ck.

"We f*cked up chicken.
We f*cked up steak." That's integrity.

If you're saying I don't have integrity...

-[Mattias] I'm not saying you don't.
-That's what you're issuing.

You didn't say anything.
When we're calling, you stared at us.

You have to have integrity.
You know you f*cked up.

You sat there and were quiet.
It makes my f*cking blood boil.

And I f*cking hate that.

You're talking about
things you don't know.

Martina McBride,

one of the greatest
country music stars of all time.

Oscar De La Hoya,

one of the greatest boxers
ever to grace a ring.

Honestly, I would never have
invited them to this service

had I known they were going to witness
your performance tonight.

Ryan, Blue Team's first nominee and why.

Blue Team's first nominee is...

Tad, Chef.

Raw chickens. Just couldn't get it going.
No communication.

Second nominee and why.

Second nominee is...

Brad that was with him
on the meat station also.

They both went down.
There was no communication.

To be sending a raw chicken,
it's just unacceptable.

Sammi, Red Team's first nomination
and why.

Uh, our first nominee tonight...

is Atoye.

The raw chicken at the end is really
what set us in.

Second nominee and why.

Our second nominee tonight is...


Her and Atoye were both on meat station,
and the communication was off.

Things were taking longer than they said.

Tad, Brad, Sandra, Atoye, step forward.

Tad, why should you stay
in Hell's Kitchen?

Chef, I've always prided myself
on being able to keep learning.

Sometimes it doesn't click right away,
but I'm always learning.

In everything I do.

I wanna be here,
I wanna prove myself to you.

Brad, why should you stay
in Hell's Kitchen?

Tonight was horrible,
and I wanna make up for that

and show you that I can cook,

and the passion for cooking is alive
with me and my American dream, Chef.

I want to be here to win
and achieve that dream.

Atoye, why do you deserve to stay
in Hell's Kitchen?

I continue to fight.

I'm a team player. And if I had to
go down, I go down with my team.

-I believe that I had a strong start.

I know that I have much more in me
than just a... a piece of raw chicken.

[Ramsay] First of all, I believe you.

Your cooking was consistent
to that final table.

I'm surprised you're up here.
Back in line.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is...


Young man, from the signature dish
to tonight's service,

you have not shown me anything.

And I haven't got the time
that you need to get up to speed.

-Give me your jacket, please.
-Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Good night.
-[Tad] Good night.

What do you want, a broomstick?
There's the door.

[Tad] Growing up, I felt so much
self-doubt and so much insecurity.

While being here at Hell's Kitchen,
I did the best I could.

I'm hoping, at some point down the line,
you'll see something different from me.

You'll be like, "Holy shit.
This guy isn't just a quidditch player.

This guy has something about him."

I really hope that happens
one day in the future.

-Atoye, get a grip and just focus.
-Yes, Chef.

Back in line.


When you make a mistake, young man,
don't put your head down.

-Fight back.
-Yes, Chef.

Back in line.

You get knocked down, you bounce back.

It's what the American dream is all about.

Now f*ck off.

Yes, Chef.

[Sandra] Oh, Mamma mia.

That was definitely a reality check.

I didn't feel like
I was supposed to be up there.

But I have to bounce back from this.
That's it. That's it.

I need to, I'm going to,
and that's all there is to it.

[Atoye] I am so glad to see another day
Hell's Kitchen.

Miscommunication can be changed
and worked on.

Work ethic can't.


I'm gonna fight my way to the top
and to show why I'm still here.

Today was rough,
but I am gonna bounce back.

That was crazy.

I'm gonna prove that the American dream
is still alive for this Cuban.

[Ramsay sighs] Tad.

Tad not only believed
quidditch is a real sport,

but also that he's a real chef.

Neither is true.

[narrator] Next time on Hell's Kitchen...

Let me move away from you.
You fake as f*ck, bruh.

-[narrator] Will a simmering feud...
-This is a job. Wake up.

Girl, wake up?

-Okay, okay, okay, okay.
-[Sandra] Hey, hey.

[Raneisha] Oh, shit.

...boil over...

-We're f*cking talking!
-That's delusional if you think that.

Like, "I'm sorry. I didn't listen."
f*ck that.

...and destroy the Red Team?

Shut up. There's people out there.

And will one chef's drastic mistake...

-...be so bad...

f*ck me. Ow.

...that he puts Chef Ramsay
in serious danger?

[Ramsay] f*ck. Shit.

-[narrator] On the next... Hell's Kitchen.
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