32x06 - I'm Not Even Walking, I'm Falling

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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32x06 - I'm Not Even Walking, I'm Falling

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously onThe Amazing Race,

eight teams raced
to Paris, France.

Kaylynn and Haley got off
to another slow start...

-We almost-- Okay. I'm sorry.

...while Will and James got help from an unlikely source.

-Can you please help me?
-I can help you back up.

KEOGHAN: In Chantilly, brothers Maddison

and Riley looked out
for their alliance...

When you deliver the pies,
they throw pies at you,

so be careful.

They throw pies at you,
so be careful, okay?


-...and won the leg.
-You are team number...


Michelle and Victoria
were lost in Paris...

Oh, my God.

Freaking out.

...and came up short.

You have been eliminated
from the race.

-I love you.
-I know.

Seven teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

-[Chee laughs]
-[grunts] Chee, I can't see.


"Travel by train
to Berlin, Germany."

Riley and Maddison
will be the first

to leave the City of Light

and travel by train
more than 500 miles

to the capital city of Germany, Berlin.

Home to Europe's
largest train station,

and a wall that separated
East and West Germany

for a quarter-century
until 1989.

Teams will find
their first clue here

at the East Side Gallery in this
symbolic Berlin suitcase.

Let's go, let's go.

We are leaving in first place.

There's a taxi right there.

RILEY: I think we're doing
a pretty good job

reading the clues.
We need to do a lot better job

of all the small, finer details.

I'm guessing this is
kind of an equalizer.

All the teams s-should more
or less be on the same train.


We are heading
to the train station.

There's lots of tough teams.

Hung and I just need
to continue to race hard

and not make any big mistakes.

Over the last few legs,

we've been working
with Eswar and Aparna,

Gary and DeAngelo,
the boyfriends and the beards.

It's part
of a five-team alliance

that originated
down in the salt mines.

We work together,
give each other tips

to help-help each other out.

And we have
complementary skills, too,

so I think that, uh, we'll
continue to work with them.

It's nice to be leaving early,

it's nice to be
at the front of the pack.

Hopefully it's advantageous
for us.

We're hoping that Kaylynn
and Haley are still in it.

We're curious to see
what happened.

If we have to drive in Germany,
I think we have to improve

-on our driving abilities.

-And communication
while driving.

We are going to Berlin, Germany
by train.

We're gonna ask when we
get there about, uh,

what the other teams took.

We have five teams
in our alliance.

Right now it's us,
the beard bros, Chee-Hu,

and the boyfriends.

And so far,
everything's stayed true.

Come on.

Germany. Oh, my goodness.

The Amazing Race
so far has been harder

than Berkeley Engineering
has been.

You don't just get to take a
midterm and chill the heck out.

It's like, you are
just consistently

thinking about the competition,

and it's even more cutthroat
than Berkeley was.

The train station just opened,
and six teams are here.

Right now we're just waiting
to see who that last team is.

It's either gonna be
the blondies

or Michelle and Victoria.

-We're so pumped.

-We're so excited.

Like, this is gonna be,
like, such a cool leg.

Hopefully self-driving
will not be involved.

That was a nightmare.

We don't know how, like,
we haven't been eliminated yet.

We've just dodged
all these b*ll*ts.

KAYLYNN: Haley and I have worked to support ourselves

our entire lives,

so it's kind of relating back
to us in the race,

that you're always having
to land on your two feet

-and depend on yourselves
and each other.

So that's what we've been doing
all this time.

-Our whole lives.
-Yeah. Yeah.

-Thank you so much.
-Have a great day. Thank you.


We don't know
who the last team is.

Oh, is-is that the blondes
down there?

-It is.

-Oh, my God.
-It is the blondes.

[both whooping]



We came in last again.

-GARY: This is crazy.

All of us are just dumbfounded

on how that happened.

That is absolute proof

that you have to keep on racing,

'cause you never know what place
you're actually in.

Everybody's on the same train,

and we're on our way to Berlin.

So we're super excited
for this leg,

-we hope that this one
is ours today.
-[sneezes] Sorry.

-[chuckles] Thank you.

We're going to Germany!

[train whistling]

-Let's go.
-Let's go.
-Okay, let's go, Leo.

-Come on, Haley.
-MADDISON: Go, go, go.

-APARNA: We got to get a taxi.
-DeANGELO: Come on,

we got to go, we got to go.

-RILEY: Taxi!

-Right behind you, Chee.
-DeANGELO: Taxi!

Come on, Gary.

You know East Side Gallery?

You'll take us?
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

-Taxi! Okay.
-Every one's taken.

And everyone is taking off.
We need to find a taxi.

-East Side.
-East Side Gallery.

Danke, danke.

-GARY: Go.
-DeANGELO: No, no, no. Go.

We're racing them.

I believe that cab right there

is going to the same place.

East Side Gallery
at the Berlin Wall?

It's a part
of the Berlin Wall, yeah.

Berlin Wall?

And we need to go superfast.

-We're in a race.
-We're in a competition.

Go to the East Side Gallery.


-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.

They snagged
those taxis so fast.

-I know, we...
-It really depends
on how fast you run.

And I run really slow.

[both laugh]

We are heading
to the Berlin Wall right now.

This place is a really big piece
of history

that I know nothing about.

Kind of World w*r II,
German history.

It wasn't World w*r II,
it was Cold w*r.

-Was it? I thought Cold w*r...
-Yeah, the Berlin Wall...

...was with Russia, no?

-Oh, maybe it is Cold w*r.
-It is the Cold w*r.

-RILEY: Is this the Berlin Wall?

Wow. This is beautiful.

It was really cool to be
at a place

where there was a lot
of history.

That's probably one
of my favorite moments

onThe Amazing Race so far.


Thank you so much.

Let's stop here.

-Come on, Gar.
-ALANA: This is a run.

-Got it? All right.

Okay, let's go--
hey, hey, the girls.

Did you guys find anything?

No, not yet.

It's a long gallery.

Look at all the graffiti.

This is so cool.

Every team's here
looking for the clue,

and we haven't found anything.

Is this box right here it?

-WILL: The suitcase, suitcase.

Yes. Will, come on.

That might be it.

Come on, Haley, come on.
Come on, Haley.

Slide it open. Slide it open.

Good job, guys.

-GARY: All the clues.
-DeANGELO: Come on, come on.

-Right here, right here,
right here.
-MADDISON: Let's go.

-I got one.
-Route Info.

"Drive a Trabant."

Teams will now drive themselves
around in a Trabant,

a cherished icon
that was made in Germany

until the Wall
came down in 1989.

"Drive yourselves
to Teledisko..."

"...the world's smallest
disco party.

Dance the night away
to receive your next clue."

"Choose one
of the marked Trabants

parked along Muhlenstrabe."

Okay, go.

Oh, they're right there.

-These small guys.
-MADDISON: Oh, these are them.

-This one?

How do you open it?

-All right.

-Okay, what is this?
-HALEY: I don't know.

-ESWAR: Aparna, open it.
-APARNA: I can't.

Oh, I got it.

This thing is tiny.

He was smooshed
and tucked into that thing.

You looked like a big-mouth bass
in a sardine can.

-GARY: That's ridiculous.

Hey, do y'all know where to go?

We got to ask someone
for directions.

Maddison, you figure out
the directions,

I'm gonna figure out the car.

-Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my God.

RILEY: It came with,
like, a bunch of instructions.

I didn't comprehend any of it.

I didn't even know
how to turn it on.

How do you get into gear?

The Trabant is a very
interesting vehicle.

We're figuring it out.
Um, I have faith that we will,

just because of our debacle
in Paris.

Deep breaths, baby.

-[gears grinding]

It's not working!

Hopefully, uh, we can get there.

-[engine stalls]
-Okay, cool.

Teledisko. It's not far.

-[horn honking]
-HUNG: Good job, Chee.

Rock and roll. Good job, Chee.

Wow, I don't know
what I'm doing.

-I'm just gonna stay in first.

Good work, Riley.
You got this, dude.

A normal stick shift,
I mean, that's-that's easy.

This one was, like, where the windshield wipers are.

I've never seen
anything like it.

The first thing
I thought of was,

"How are the blondes
gonna drive this?"

We have no idea
how to start this car.

-It's, like,
an old-school stick.
-It's so weird.

-Is this, like, a regular car?
-KAYLYNN: I don't know.

Be careful, baby.

[horn honking]

Oh, my goodness.

-What are we doing?
-[horn honking]

-Sorry. There were just...

-[horn honks]

Good job, Eswar.

This is insane. Okay.

"Teledisko, 99 Revalerstr."

-DeANGELO: What is this
right here?
-GARY: This is it. 99.

That looks like a disco
up there.

When it comes to nightlife,
Berlin beats them all.

This city is arguably
the best party town in Europe,

if not the world.

And the latest, greatest craze?


Where you can get
your own disco ball,

smoke machine and strobe lights.

A three-minute mini-disco

that'll cost you
only four euros.

This is where teams will get in
the groove for their next clue.

-Right here?
-Right here.

We're about to do
a little dance party.

And it's gonna take a photo.

Get ready. All right, let's go.

Dude, I don't think
we can both fit in there.

We got to dance
until the music stops.

[dance music playing]

-Oh, there it is. There it is.

It's barely enough room
for the both of us.

You got to try and jump around
and dance

and my head's almost hitting
the roof of the thing.

♪ Yabadabaday, yoboboboboy...♪

There it is. There it is.

Disco boy!

♪ And hold you tight, I want
to make you mine tonight...♪

We wentNight at the Roxbury
real quick.

-I was like...


Oh, God.


-RILEY: Oh, right in here.

that's the machine,
I think, right there.

Good work.

-[music stops]
-♪ Bum-bum...♪

All right.

-Dance until the music stops?
-GARY: Yes. It's long.

Come on, come on, come on.
Hey, guys.

-DeANGELO: Did we get
our picture?
-GARY: Yeah, it's right here.

-DeANGELO: Look at us, Gary.
-"Drive to Andel's Hotel

and park out front."

KEOGHAN: Teams must now drive
to Andel's Hotel,

where they'll encounter a Yield.

This is an opportunity for teams
to stop another team racing

by using their hourglass.

-GARY: So we got to drive here.
We got to find where this is at.

-WILL: Is this 99?
-JAMES: Yes, it is.
Go in, go in, go in.

-You guys want to come in
with us?

-All right.

Can you tell us
where this is at?

-DeANGELO: Andel's Hotel?
-Can you look it up and show us?

This is cool.

I'm having extreme FOMO.

How far is it from us?

That's not bad at all.

Thank you.

♪ Hey, hey, hi, ho.♪


-You did it.
-Holy moly.

Grab our photos.

So we got to figure out
Andel's Hotel.

We're gonna do some Teledisko,

and I'm so happy
it's just the two of us.


APARNA: I feel like we've driven
down this street before.

Yeah. Why is it
so difficult to find?

It's got to be somewhere
around here.

I know.

Hopefully the other teams
are having the same struggle.

I want to do a U-turn
and go back to that street.

Like, if we go right here,
we could just get lost

-in the backstreets of Berlin.

Okay, here we go.

We're making a U-turn
'cause we missed our street.

We're behind the pack right now,
and it's frustrating.


-KAYLYNN: This is
very, very hard to do.
-This-- Oh, my God.

We keep stalling.

All right, find that sweet spot.

You got it. You got it.

-Am I driving?
-You're driving.
You're driving, dude.

All right, Haley.

-WILL: What a disco...
-[both whooping]

-[camera shutter clicking]

More fog.

-Oh, yay. We did it.

-Oh, wow.
-I can't breathe.

So much fog.

Here's our photo.

-Making memories in Berlin.
-We have to go.

-Good work, Riley.
-I'm gonna push the car.

-Do y'all know
where you're going?
-RILEY: Yeah.

-JAMES: Are y'all stuck?

-I don't know
how to reverse this car.
-JAMES: Oh, my gosh.

-WILL: Can we follow you?
-CHEE: Yes.

-JAMES: Will, come on.

We need to go.

[horn honking]

-Are we going right here?
-Yeah, right here,

-and then left, Riley...

...and then a right
back on the main road.

[engine revving]

Oh, that's 'cause
the emergency break is on.

Ha, ha.

Where's James and Will?

-Why are they not behind us?
-Oh, I don't know.

I was just so focused
on following beard bros.

No, it-- no, they right--
they were right behind us, Chee.

-Oh, they were? Okay.

So hopefully up at this light,
they'll catch up.

[horns honking]

We were hoping to follow
Hung and Chee and the beards.

We weren't that far behind them

and we still ended up
losing them.

-[engine revving]
-I don't know what's happening.

My foot's off the clutch
and it's not going.

What the hell is going on?

My f-- I don't know
what's going on.

[engine revving]

-We have to go.
-I don't know what to do.

It's not working!

-[horns honking]
-Geez Louise.

Clutch is out.

So we can't go anywhere.

We think that the clutch

of the Trabant

-just quit on us.

Sir? Where is Andel's Hotel?

-Thank you, thank you.
I like your coat.
-WILL: Please...

You look nice and warm.

Around the curve, straight,

and then right onto Landsberger.

Got it.

We have two options: one,

either fix the clutch--
and, like, come on,

we're not gonna fix the clutch-- or two, run.

And we trained for the race,
so running, obviously,

was the better option.

Come on, James.

Talk to me, Gary.

GARY: "Drive to Andel's Hotel
and park out front."

-DeANGELO: It's right here.
-Okay, yeah,
that's where we're going.

Oh, there's the clue box
right there.



We choose not to yield anybody.

-"Who wants to feel the wind
in their hair?"

This Roadblock gives teams
a chance to drop into Berlin

when they do
a face-forward rappel

from the top
of this 180-foot hotel.

But as they plunge
to the ground,

they'll need
to unscramble these letters

to solve a word puzzle.

"When you reach the bottom,
correctly answer the question

to receive your next clue."

So I'm doing the Roadblock.

How you doing? I'm DeAngelo.

I'm ready to walk down
the face of this building.

I'm-I'm a little jealous
that he gets to do it.

We've both been looking forward to something heights-wise.

'Cause we know some teams got a little bit of fear of heights,

so I'm looking forward
to see him do this.

Perfect. Please walk
to the top level.

All the way to the top?

All right. How many flights
of stairs is this?


Apparently there's 15 flights
of stairs.


15 floors.
Oh, God.

So guess how we had to do it.

We had to I, Robotit
up the steps.

I'm hoping we taxi-cabbing it
from here on out, though.

Nice job, Maddison.

Wasn't that bad.

It's a Roadblock.
You got it, right?

-It's gonna be heights.
I got it.
-You got it.

Pretty much realized

that it was gonna be something
to do with heights,

and we've agreed
that that's not my thing.

"Who wants to feel the wind
in their hair?

-You must not
weigh more than 200..."

No, Chee, it's gonna be
falling-- it's gonna be jump--

-Oh, okay.

-All right, you.

Oh, Hung is completely fine
with heights.

You know, we talked
before the race started

that she would handle
the height stuff,

so I'm confident
she's gonna do it.

-Here I come.
-MAN: Hi.

Okay, you step over this side.

-Step up, forward.

Ooh, can I look down?

Oh, my gosh.

Gary, you owe me, dude.

We are ready. Let's go.

-Yep. Correct. Perfect.

-Good job.
-DeANGELO: Oh, God.

Come on, D. Let's go, D.

Oh! Oh!

-Slow down! Slow down!

-That's awesome.
-So trippy.

-That is awesome.

-That is so cool.
-GARY: That is awesome.




You're going way too fast.

That looks awesome.
I'm so jealous.

Hey, you shouldn't be.

Very good.

-Come on, D.

Unscramble the letters.
What's the word?

-Unscramble the letters?


-You didn't see the letters...

-...on your way down?

I didn't see any letters.

Like, all I saw was my life
flashing before my eyes.

Let's go again.

-LEO: Teledisko?
-MAN: On the left-hand side

-Thank you. Thank you.
-ALANA: Okay, thank you.

-Excuse me?
-Where's Teledisko?


Okay, thank you.

KAYLYNN: Do you know
where the Teledisko is?

He said you're gonna
come to a right and t--

a light and take a right.

-Thank you so much. Thank you.
-Thank you, sir.

Seems like it's relatively
very close.

We're almost there, James.
It's this red light.

-JAMES: Really?
-There it is.

-"Andel's Hotel."
-Babe, we got it.

We're gonna have
to work together.

We're gonna work together?
Do we have to find something?

We got to make
an agreement, though.

-Let me-- you gonna have
to wait down there

-until I get down.
-I will wait till you get down.

We got to unscramble letters
going down the building.

-But I'm not sure what they were
because I was just going.
-Okay. Okay.

DeAngelo, I think
that he was just panicked.

He made me promise
not to leave without him,

and I was like, "That's fine."

Once I get it,
I-I'll give it to you.

-You have my word.
My word is good.


Let's do it.

You got this, Maddison.

Oh, my God.

I feel like Tom Cruise
in Mission: Impossible.

-CHEE: Come on.
-RILEY: Come on, Maddison.

Nice. Oh.

-And feet down. All right.
-RILEY: You got this.

Did you see the letters?

No? On your way down?

-MADDISON: "Andel's"?
-No, sorry.

-Okay, all right.
-All right.

"Who wants to feel
the wind in their hair?"

That would be me.

-Hi, hello. Hey.
-MAN: Step over.

As I was being hooked up,

I saw letters,

and they're lit up
on the right side.

And I started to unscramble
those letters.

All right, here she goes.

I'm so scared. Oh, God.
I'm so scared. Oh, God!

-Oh, God.
-Straighten your legs.

Straighten your legs.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!


-GARY: I thought she was good
with heights.

I thought she was good
with heights.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

-She is screaming.
-Calm down!

-CHEE: Calm down!

-HUNG: Oh, my God!
-Just breathe!

Oh, my God, oh!

-What the heck?
-That is hilar...


Oh, I love you so much.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Okay. Unscramble the letters?


Wow. Yes.

-[sniffles] Thank you.

-Good job.
-Oh, man.

God, Chee.

"Detour: Belt It Out
or Belch It Out."

[piano playing]

[clucking rhythmically]

You're listening to
the dulcet tones

of the Berlin Comedian

singing an old German classic,
"Ich wollt', ich w*r' ein Huhn,"

"I Wish I Were a Chicken,"

something singers
have been doing here

at the Ballhaus Berlin cabaret
since 1905.

Teams must now sell
their performance of this song

to receive their next clue.

Beer yoga has created
memorable poses like this,

the Beer Boat.

Teams will now learn a sequence of beer yoga poses and then

teach them to a class
to get their next clue.

"Travel by taxi." Okay.

We're gonna do Belch It Out.

Do you need the car?

Oh, praise God.

-Let's go.
-CHEE: On the way up,

DeAngelo had failed
the first time.

I gave him my word that I would
tell him what it is.

-I was like, "I'll stay."
-Are you sure?


-GARY: Let's go, D.

The word is sauerkraut.

-Okay, unscramble the letters.


-And here we go. Good job.
-RILEY: Come on, dude.

-DeANGELO: You guys
got to go somewhere else?

-Oh, okay.
-I'm gonna wait for Maddison.

I'm... I'm-a wait on him, too.

Oh, man.

♪ Yabadabaday, yoboboboboy♪

♪ I want to be your disco boy♪

♪ I want to dance with you,
I want to hold you tight...♪

That was so fun!

Leo's now my disco boy.

♪ Yabadabaday, yoboboboboy...♪

[both babbling]

♪ I want to dance with you,
I want to hold you tight...♪

-[camera shutter clicking]

-RILEY: Come on, Maddison.
-MADDISON: This is hard.

We're working with Chee-Hu,

we're working
with the beard bros

and we're working
with the boyfriends.

We're holding our pact together
like we said

we were gonna do,
with the top five.

Hey, did you get it, Maddison,
or you need help?

"Sauerkraut" is the answer.

-Unscramble the letters.

-Thank you.

Are you gonna let, uh,
Will know?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure.

You got this, babe!

-So you want to do yoga?
-I would say yes.

Let's do the yoga.
Yeah, let's do that.

-DeANGELO: We'll catch you guys.
-GARY: Come on.

-DeANGELO: Taxi!
-CHEE: I see one taxi.

-DeANGELO: Taxi!
-HUNG: Taxi! Taxi!

Okay, go, go, go.

-DeANGELO: Taxi? Perfect.
-HUNG: Oh, my...

This is where we're going
right here. Oh, this is nice.

Bro, there is no way
I would've got that

without their help.

The alliance that we made
is holding real strong, bro.

You're doing great, babe.

I think our alliance
with the other teams right now

is gonna come through,
which is gonna be really nice.

I really, really want
to get out of here

before the other teams show up.


-Do we have to do this again?
-[whoops] Oh, my God.


-Oh, my God.
-Okay, let's go.

We are searching
for Andel's Hotel.

I can see it. It's, like,
right there. Andel's.

I don't have any second thoughts
about being generous

with the answers with beard bros
or boyfriends, but, um...

NFL players a-a little bit,
uh, unsure.

-They're still out there,
looking for a cab.
-Are they?

-Ugh, that sucks.

Taxi! Taxi!

-WILL: Is it a word?
-MADDISON: "Sauerkraut."

-James, you guys are good.

-Thanks, guys.


How do we get taxis?

It's just right there, Leo.
We just got to go right there.

Keep going. You're doing great.

"Who wants to feel
the wind in their hair?

-You must not..."
-Me. Me, me, me.

-I want to jump off something.
-Okay, fine. Okay.

-Please, please, please.
-She's gonna do it.

-We choose not to yield anyone.
-The only people behind us

are Kay-- can you open this?
I can't...

LEO: We knew that we were
second to last,

but we weren't gonna yield
Kaylynn and Haley at any point

because of how, uh,
massively they saved us earlier

-in the Amazon.
-That's true. Yeah.

Okay, I'll do t-this Roadblock.


Oh, there's one.

-Yeah, beard bros got one.
-RILEY: Yo, yo, yo, let's go!

Let's do this.

Let's sing. Let's sing.

-JAMES: We need a taxi.
-Let's go this way.

-JAMES: Is that a taxi
down there?

Right there, right there,
right there.

-Taxi, we come with you?

-Taxi, right there! Taxi!
-Yeah. I see it. I see it!

Taxi, taxi, taxi!

Taxi, taxi, taxi, taxi,

-taxi, taxi, taxi...
-Taxi, taxi.

-HUNG: He drove right past us.
-Can't believe this
is actually happening.

Oh, my gosh.

Come on, taxi. Man.

DeAngelo and Gary took
the only taxi that we saw,

and I'm very upset with DeAngelo
because he came down,

he didn't know
any of the letters,

he didn't know any of the word.

DeAngelo and Gary
aren't helping the alliance.

They just bring it up
when it's helpful to them.

And for me, um, trust and
loyalty are-are very important.

Our generosity is costing us
some time.


And here we go.
Straighten your legs.

-Lean forward.

Good job. Let's do it, Aparna.

Come on!

Oh, my God, that's insane.


E-U-R... T-A.

You got this.

-Oh, Hung-Hung.

Oh, taxi.

-CHEE: Taxi.

-Taxi, taxi!
-Is he stopping for us?

Yes. Good.

-HUNG: Hi.

Here we go.

-We're gonna do a little yoga.
-Yep, right here.


Here it is.

Welcome to beer yoga.

-GARY: Beer yoga. All right.
-DeANGELO: Beer yoga. Okay.

Your challenge is to learn
a sequence of four poses

and then you're gonna go
downstairs and perform it.

-Oh, okay. All right.
-GARY: Okay.

So the first rule of beer yoga,

after every sip of beer,

we go...

-Now take a sip together.
-[both exhale]

You must remember the names
of the poses.

First one is called
Beer Salutation.

Beer comes to the sky.

Exhale, the beer all the way
down to the mat.

So yoga here in Germany

is completely different

than any yoga we've ever seen.

Inhale, the right foot
to the sky.

Exhale, the right foot
all the way between your hands.

Grab your beer, inhale up.
Beer Warrior One.

Beer Warrior One.

Beer Warrior Two,
and take a sip.


You take all that
to the left-hand side.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. How many poses
have we done so far?

-Is that all four of them?
-Same one, babe. Inhale.

That's just one?

It's a combination
of so many little things

you had to, like, memorize it.

-It's definitely harder
than it looked.

INSTRUCTOR: Pose number two
is called Beer Chair pose.

Slowly start to walk away
from your partner.

Take a sip.

And slowly, with control,
start to walk back up.

Okay, next one is Beer Boat.

Feet against
your partner's feet.

Push, and bring it up.

Grab your beer. Cheers.

-His feet are awful.

Last pose, Beer Dancer pose.

Flick your right foot up.

Grab the inside of your foot.

Your left arm comes out
in front of you.

-Hold it here. Take a sip.

Come out of that.
Beer is at heart center.

-And that's the sequence.

We don't have it.
Start from the top.

Okay. Beer Salutation.


Unscramble the letters.


"U rare steak"?


Okay, here we go.

All right, we're going.

-MAN: Have fun.
-Thank you.

-Oh, my God.

-LEO: Oh!
-ALANA: Come on, Leo!

You have everything
you need to succeed.

Hopefully Leo can get it.

It would suck if you had
to go down that thing again.

-Unscramble the letters.
-I have the letters.

So, T-A-K-U-R...

Um, I'm sorry, this is so hard.

This is a real stumbling block.

Hopefully we can get
out of here soon.

-APARNA: Okay,

-so you got the letters...
-Yeah, like, it's probably

an English word
with a German origin.

I don't know.

This is so hard.

We just need to get it
before the blondes get here.

-I think we're lost. Awesome.
-Andel's. Andel's Hotel.

-Okay. Yes.
-Awesome. Okay, so Haley and I
just found the next place.

There's no C-K.

So the K has to go
with something.

-And I'm thinking K-R.

-KAYLYNN: Okay, let's go.
-HALEY: We can catch up.

The blondes-- oh,
they're right there.

-This is a height challenge.
-Are you sure you can do this?

-Yeah. I have to.
-All right. All right.


-Oh. You're probably right.
-Let me-- let me go first.

-I'm gonna go first. Okay.
-Okay, yeah, yeah.
You guessed it. Go ahead.

What's the word?

I believe the word
is sauerkraut.

-Wow! That's it.

-Good job, good job.

All right, we'll see you guys.


Ah, finally.

-HALEY: How was it?
-Uh, it's-it's hard

to answer the question.

-So, what do I do,
just look around for a clue?

-Yeah. You'll see it.

Most of us had to do it
more than once.

-Okay, is it really scary
up there?
-APARNA: Good job.

-LEO: I mean, it's high.
-HALEY: Leo was like,

"It's really hard,
good luck, bye."

All right. Now, you didn't
help me, so I won't help you.

-Good luck.
-Leo, thank you.

Oh, my gosh, let's go.

It was hard to not help Haley,

but we didn't want to be
in a race for last.

And I wasn't gonna tell her,
like, "Think about condiments."

-We should do the sing-along.
-Okay, we're doing the

-I think this might be easier.
-I'm down-- Belt It Out?

I don't even know
what I'm doing.

They said walking face-down
a building. I could puke.

Haley does not like heights.

This probably should've
been my Roadblock,

but I did the last one.

I am terrified right now.

I really, really don't want
to do this.

-MADDISON: Hey, guys.

Hey. Beard bros.

-Right here.
-HUNG: Here it is.

I see beer. I see beer.

Welcome to beer yoga.

Once you feel like
you know the sequence,

then you're welcome to leave,
go downstairs and perform.

We got other teams showing up.

We're gonna try it.

-Come on, D.

take a seat.

Go feet to feet
with your partner.

Push, and up.

-Oh, my leg.
-You're cramping?

No, my leg's too short.

This is gonna be hard.

Any beach volleyball player
will tell you, like,

they have tight hips.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

-Yours are worse, though,
than mine.

You have your mats...

-We're doing it.
-...and your beers.

All right.

Start with Beer Salutations.


The key is, you take a sip

and after you take a sip,
it's... [exhales]

We're gonna start up first.

-Reach back, forward.
-DeANGELO: Whoa, whoa, Gary.
Whoa, whoa.

We were supposed
to take a sip. Yeah.

-We were supposed to take a sip.
-GARY: All right, sorry.

Sorry, go back up.

you have to try again.

Damn it, D.

We're gonna try and sing.

Hopefully we can memorize it
really quick, perform

and get our clue, but we're
really good performers, so...

There it is. Come on, babe.

-Shall we?

[cheering, applause]

Are you a teacher?

-Yes, we are.

-You want to teach us?

-There are the costumes.
-I'm gonna change.

[Will laughs]

Oh, we're excited
about our costumes.

-WILL: We look good.
-JAMES: So let's go learn.

♪ Ich wollt',
ich w*r' ein Huhn♪

♪ Ich hatt' nicht viel zu tun♪

♪ Ich legte vormittags♪

♪ Ein Ei und♪

♪ Nachmittags w*r' ich...♪

Learning the song

was tricky.

♪ Ich legte♪

-♪ Vor...♪
-♪ Ich legte...♪

I could not get that "ich"--
how do you do it?

-Ich?You know?

-Ich. Ich.

-Ich legte.

-What's your name?

-My name's Haley.

Haley, hi.

-Step in front.

Okay, you step down now.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


-I don't think I can do this.
-Get all the way to the front.

-I can't, I can't do this.
-No, no, no.

I can't do it.

Oh, oh, my God.

Okay. Oh, my God. Okay.

-Perfect. Start walking.

Go, Haley! [whoops]

Oh, my God.

S-A-K... "Sakur"?

U-R, E-R, A-T-A-S-K-U-R.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, Haley!

-So, unscramble the letters.

Oh, unscramble them.

-Oh, my God, okay.
-What's the word?


I really hope that she can
get this right

so she doesn't
have to do it again.

I have no idea.

-I have to go again? Sorry.


GARY: And then you're gonna
plant your heel.

-Grab your beer.
-DeANGELO: Grab your beer

-with your right hand.
-We're gonna come up...

We're gonna come up.

...into Warrior.

And spread your arms.

-Now this is the important part.
Take a sip.
-Take a sip.


-That's Beer Salutations.
-Beer Salutations.

Now you're gonna
slowly walk out.

Slowly walk it back up.
That is Beer Chair.

-Bring it up, together.
-BOTH: Take a sip.


-And that is...
-BOTH: Beer Boat.

Bring up your right foot

and grab the inside
of your foot.

Uh, white pants:
inside, like this.

There you go. And that's it.

That is the whole routine.


Here's your next clue.

"Race to Die Berkum
and search for Phil on the mat

at your next Pit Stop."

Only one in four Berliners
grew up in Berlin,

and this is one of the places
where expats unite: Neukolln.

The last team to find me
here on the street

may be eliminated.

-Thank y'all.

-Good work, guys.
-This is a Pit Stop next, guys.

Okay, thank you.


Now, the most important thing

to German yoga
is take a sip of your beer

and go...

Okay, the first thing we're
gonna do is S-Salutations.

And you want to come into Plank.

Okay, team.

You need to work a little more
on your verbal explanations.


Yeah, yeah, let's go
through it one more time.

All right, thank you.

We're gonna be doing
four poses today.

We're gonna start
with Beer Salutation.

Right hand to the back
into Warrior Pose.

We're gonna go
into Downward Dog.

Now we take a sip.

Next, the Beer Chair pose.

Take a sip.

It did end up being, essentially, a memory challenge,

and that's something
I feel pretty confident in.

So we decided
that I would lead the class.

And that is Beer Dancer.

You've managed the challenge,

you've taught
the beer yoga class.

Here's your next clue.

Good luck with the rest
of the race.

Thank you very much.
Thank you, thank you.

Okay, let's go Ballhaus Berlin.

Thank you.

Good evening.

-Pick one of us.
-APARNA: Okay. You-- this one,

'cause you were so exuberant.

-Very excited about it.

Hi, are you instructors?

-We pick you.

-Oh, thank you so much.

"Aparna." Okay, cool.

Coming in. Here I come.

[clucking rhythmically]

♪ Ich wollt',
ich w*r' ein Huhn♪

♪ Ich hatt' nicht viel zu tun♪

♪ Ich legte vormittags
ein Ei und♪

♪ Nachmittags w*r' ich frei♪

♪ Mich lockte auf der Welt...♪

While we were singing,

there were cue cards

right in front of your face...

But it was so fast.

♪ La, la, la.♪

It was quite nice,
but, uh, you can do better.

-It's really fast.
-Really fast, really fast.

♪ Kein Ruhm
mehr und kein Geld...♪

-WILL: Hello, chickens.
-ALANA: Hello.

Don't we look incredible?

-All right.
-KAYLYNN: Go, Haley!

Oh, my God.



You have to get it
on this try, Haley.

Uh... Uh...


I literally have no idea.


Oh, my God, she's going back up.
Oh, my God.

[moans] So sick
of going up these stairs.

There's so many of them.


The first thing we're gonna do
is Beer Salutation.

When we taught it
the first time,

our terms weren't dialed in.

RILEY: The second time we went back in, we were ready to go.

Take a sip.


Next is Beer Chair.

Gonna slowly step out.

...to a seating position.

Now slowly step back up.

Next, we're gonna go Beer Boat.

And then we're gonna release
our right hand.

Take a sip.

This is called the Beer Dancer.

Take a sip.


You made it.

-You managed the challenge.

Go, let's go.

-WILL: All right.
-[piano playing]

[clucking rhythmically]

♪ Ich wollt',
ich w*r' ein Huhn♪

♪ Ich hatt' nicht viel zu tun♪

♪ Ich legte vormittags
ein Ei und♪

JAMES: Although we had the words down,

I think what really mattered was just selling the chicken outfit.

And just putting on

a bok-bok-bok performance.


♪ Ich brauchte
nie mehr in's Buro♪

♪ Ich ware damlich♪

♪ Aber froh♪

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la.♪

[laughter, applause]

Yes, great. And I have
a surprise for you.

The clue.

-[laughs]: Oh, my God!

-WILL: Thank you!
-Thank you for letting us

share the stage with you.

Thank you.

"Warning: the last team
to check in may be eliminated."

Do we wear the costumes
to the Pit Stop?


All right.

We got to find...

There's the mat right there.


You guys made it.
All the world knows.

All the world knows Berlin,
the place to be.

-KEOGHAN: So, I got good news.

Firstly, you're team number one.

-About time. About time.

-Yes. Yes?
-And secondly,

you have won $7,500 each.

-Okay. We'll take that.
-Which you can enjoy
after the race.


We finally got
our first place finish.

-Yeah. We did.
-We did everything right
this time.

Yeah. We got a little help.

-Uh, the alliance
paid dividends today.
-It did.

-Good job, there. Very nice job.
-Thanks, Phil.

-You're making Berlin look good.
-Thank you.

You're doing great, Haley.

Can't believe
I can't do these words.

This is my worst nightmare.

It's just getting worse
and worse and worse.

I literally can't go
back up those stairs.

Please get it, please get it,
please get it, please get it.




Did you get it?

-You've got to get it, Haley.

You're doing great,
but we got to get it.

Just don't know how everybody
else figured it out but I can't.

Like, that's the worst part.

I don't know
what to do, Kaylynn.

-I don't know what to do.
-That's okay, it's okay.

-It's okay.

Come here.

It's like,
it just goes so quick.

I know I can't give up,
but, like, there's no chance.

What do I do?

I don't know what to do,

I just don't know what to do.
I really don't.

It's probably something
you're just not thinking about,

but it's, like, so basic.

I've got the letters,
in my head.

Oh, I forgot them again.

-Try it again.


Let's go to the main street.

You think it's up this way?

-Let's go.
-Pit Stop.

There he is.

On the right, on the right.


-You made it, guys!
-Yeah, we made it!

So, Riley and Maddison,

you're team number two.


We took a wrong turn.

I see Phil. Hi.

KEOGHAN: Hung and Chee,
you are team number three.

I don't know
if we've ever had a team

with a clue stop racing
and wait for another team

-because of an alliance.
-HUNG: It was not

an ideal decision.

But I gave my word
and my word means everything.

I will tell you this:
the difference between first

and third today is $15,000.


So, I think, you know,
as we go along,

you know, we'll provide help
as much as we can,

but we're not gonna stick around
and just wait.

Uh, I think that's something
that we just don't have

the margin for error
to do in the future.

So that's a lesson learned.

-I see Phil!

-Wow, look at you guys.

I am pleased to tell you
that you are the first...

-chickens to arrive at the mat.

You are team number four.


It's a lot, to, like,

ask somebody, "Hey, can you help
me unjumble these letters?"

-You never know.

You can do it.
I know you can do it.

Thank you.

Excuse me.
So I'm playing a game.

Would y'all be willing to help?

Just, like, taking
a couple guesses.

-You don't have to.

No, that's okay. Okay.

Feel better. It's okay.

Can I ask you a question?


Okay. Is it an English word
or a German word?

I don't know.
It could be either one.

Um, I think it's a German word.

Okay. Okay.

I think it's "sauerkraut."

Sauerkraut. Oh, my God.

-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.

I-I think you're right.


Oh, my God. "Sauerkraut."

-I think Haley got it this time.

-Thank you so much.

"Belt It Out or Belch It Out?"

-We're gonna sing a German song.

-Let's go. Let's go, Haley.
-All right.

-Come on.

Let's give it a try. Why not?

[piano playing]

♪ Ich wollt',
ich w*r' ein Huhn♪

♪ Ich hatt' nicht viel zu tun♪

♪ Ich legte vormittags♪

♪ Ein Ei und nachmittags
w*r' ich frei...♪

We just wanted to get out there
and belt the song out.

♪ Ich brauchte nie♪

♪ Mehr in's Buro♪

♪ Ich ware damlich, aber froh♪


♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la♪

♪ La, la, la, la.♪

-Thank you!

-Okay, let's go,
let's go, let's go.
-ESWAR: Okay.

Great job, guys.
You k*lled that.

-APARNA: Thank you.

♪ Ich wollt',
ich w*r' ein Huhn♪

♪ Ich hatt' nicht viel zu tun♪

♪ Ich legte vormittags
ein Ei und♪

♪ Nachmittags w*r'
ich frei...♪

Taxi? Come on.

-Come on.
-Is that another team?

We're in a race, so we got to
get there as quick as possible.

Now we have to go be chickens.


There are the costumes.

All right, we got to go change.

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la.♪

-Surprise, surprise, surprise.
-[cheering, applause]

ALANA: This is the most fun
we've had all day.

Thank you so much.

[all singing in German]

-Let's just go for it.

-ALANA: Taxi! Taxi. Great.
-Taxi. Here. Taxi.

Thank you!

♪ Ich wollt',
ich w*r' ein Huhn♪

♪ Ich hatt' nicht viel zu tun♪

♪ Ich legte vormittags
ein Ei und♪

♪ Nachmittags w*r' ich frei♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la.♪


-Thank you.

-Bye, thank you so much.
-Thank you so much.

-Okay, so now we need
to get a taxi.
-All right, so we need a taxi.

-Eswar, come on.
-ESWAR: Do you see a Pit Stop?

We got to get this.

Ready? Let's go.

-KEOGHAN: More chickens.

I see Phil.

Here, there's a team here.

Eswar and Aparna,
you're team number five.

-Whew. Okay.

And that would make you...

Team number six.

And why is it a lovely number?

'Cause we're not eliminated.

Can we ride with you? Thank you.

[singing in German]

I'm gonna say now, there's no
way there's a team behind us.

-No, there's not. Mm-mm.
-There's not even
a glimmer of hope.

I'm just proud of us that we've
done so much that we never,

-ever, in this entire life
thought we would ever get done.
-Yeah. For sure.

-All right. There's Phil.

-KEOGHAN: They say

it's fashionable to arrive late,

but this is really
getting ridiculous.

-Three legs in a row.
-It's insane.

Your luck might have run out.

-Yeah. Yeah, we figured.
-We thought so.

But it hasn't.

This is a non-elimination leg...

...and you're still in the race.

[both laughing]

My God.

For us to still be
in the race...

-It-it means everything.

We are gonna come back
and I know we can win.

-Pulled it out of our hat again.

Captioning sponsored by

Still to come this season,

with six legs left,
tensions rise...

Can't even look at you guys
right now.

DeANGELO: Whatever happened
to sportsmanship?

...as teams do
whatever it takes...

This is the time to use it.
Do it!

You want to stay in the race!

...to win it all.

We're gonna try to work smart
and fast.

Open wide.

11 countries, 17 cities,

more than 33,000 miles,

you have won
the $1 million and...

The Amazing Race.
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