32x03 - We're Makin' Big Moves

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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32x03 - We're Makin' Big Moves

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race,

in Bogotá, Colombia,
the ten teams searched

for game-changing
Yield hourglasses...

- Do you see it?
- ...giving teams the power

to stop another team
racing for ten or 20 minutes

when they encounter the
Yield on the race course.

Five teams agreed
to work together

- to stay ahead of the pack.
- Guys,

- do you want to help each other?
- Okay, yeah.

We said, "Hey,
we're gonna help each other.

We made an alliance with them."

Will and James
made a classic mistake.

There's one
detail that we missed:

reading the clue.

- We have to hook up the horn.
- Oh, my God. What?

Leo and Alana
made a strategic decision

to help Kaylynn and Haley.

- Thank you so much.
- In the end,

married parents Hung and Chee...

Team number one.

...won their
second leg in a row.

While Kellie and LaVonne
fell at the final hurdle

- and were eliminated. - Damn.

Nine teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Red lipstick is not my color.

All teams will now book
their flights to Manaus, Brazil,

using the fast and easy
Travelocity mobile app.


That was actually really fast.

Manaus, Brazil.

"Select dates." Travelocity...

I have
actually used this app before,

so I know exactly how to do it.

- Great. Select this flight?
- Select this flight.

This is really easy, Frankie.

- "Slide to purchase."
- "Slide to purchase." Zoop.

Hung and Chee

will be the first
to leave Colombia

and fly 1,100 miles southeast to Manaus,

- -Located here
in the heart of the Amazon,

it is known as the Jungle City.

Nestled here on the
banks of the Rio n*gro,

which feeds into the
mighty Amazon River.

They'll find their
first clue here

in the bustling Port
of Manaus market.

All right, let's go.

Two first places in a row

feels really, really good,
but anything can happen.

You can go from first
to last in-in a heartbeat.

So we're all gonna
take the same flight,

uh, to Manaus,
so it's a complete equalizer.

There's no advantage.

Let's go. Gracias.

The last leg,
there was a new twist

that we'd never seen before.

It was a Yield.

The Yield gives
any team the ability

to delay another team by
either ten minutes or 20 minutes,

depending on the hourglass
you found in the salt mine.

Which would be a huge advantage

to help yourself
not get eliminated.

So as long as we stay ahead,
we should be fine.

You have $285 for
this leg of the race.

- All right.
- Come on, let's go.


El Dorado Airport.

All right. Vamos a Bogotá...

International Airport.

I don't know how
to say "airport."

- Um... - We are super excited.

Super excited to go to Brazil.

Let's go.

Leaving Colombia,
the coffee was delicious this morning.

- Bio. It was good.
- It really was.

Let's go for the ride of our life.

Being a superfan of the race,

I know that it's
important to always be

one step ahead
of the other teams.

So I think it's time to knock

some people down
on the totem pole.

There's one team in
particular... Leo and Alana...

That I would love to see go.

Come to find out,
leg two, their plan

was to get out a strong team,

and they helped some other
teams during the truck challenge.

- Is your horn hooked up?
- Is our horn? -The what?

- Hook up your horn.
- Oh, my God.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Thank you so much.

That caused the Olympians,

Kellie and LaVonne,
to be eliminated.

The last thing you want
is to be at the bottom

with Leo and Alana and
another team like the blondies.

We think that they have a
strong relationship together.

If there's a U-Turn on this leg,
I would not hesitate

to use it on Leo and Alana.

The sooner they're gone,
the better for everyone.

- I... - Airport, yeah.

I don't think
we have any enemies

at this point.

We have learned
from the last leg

that reading your
clue is very helpful.

We also learned
that on the first leg.

- - Um...

So hopefully,
this time the lesson will stick.

I have a Master's
of Fine Arts in poetry.

My master's is in public health

and social and
behavioral science.

His master's degree
is from Harvard.

We're smart,
but there are other teams

faster and stronger.

If we can get out all of
the really strong teams,

then we can be one
of the strong teams,

and that would be really nice.

I want to start
playing with the big dogs.

- Me, too.
- I want to really see what everybody's made of.

- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
- And ourselves, especially.

Last leg, Haley and I got help

from our favorites
Leo and Alana.

Yeah. - Going forward,

we owe them a huge favor.

I want to be like,
"You're ours, we're yours,

- let's take care of each other."
- "Anything you need."

- Yeah. "We'll do better. We'll help you."
- Yeah.

El Dorado Airport, sir.

I definitely felt a
little pressure growing up.

To play in the
shadow of a legend,

it was tough.

People expect a lot from you.

I began to expect
a lot from myself.

But my father did a
good job telling me,

"Just be the best you can be."

And I think that really
helped me just not

try to focus on,
"I have to be an NBA pro,

"or I have to be the
best college player

on a national
championship team,"

just be the best you can be.

Our goal is just to advance,

survive and advance,
just beat one team.

You know, in basketball,
if you win a game

by one point or a hundred points,
it doesn't matter.

A win is a win.

And I may run a little
faster in the jungle, also.

- -Yeah, no, 'cause the,
'cause the humidity?

- Oh, what?
- No, just 'cause something might be chasing me.

Will and I, when we were
talking last night, we were like...

- Yeah.
- ...we haven't really, like, connected...

Well, we have connected,
but we haven't said,

like, "Look, like,
we like y'all."

- We liked you from day one.
- Yeah.

Like, legitimately,
y'all have been, like, our favorite.

And so,
whatever we can do to help you guys out,

just know you can count on us.

All we want to
do is make it to the finals.

- Let's just help one another out when we can.
- Yeah.

What other team do y'all,
like, really like?

Anyone who's in, like,
that-that top group, like...

I know,
we love DeAngelo and Gary.

- We love Hung and Chee...
- Yeah.

...and Eswar and Aparna.

We should just have that as,
like, the core group.

I like it. Let's make it to the finals,

Let's do it. Perfect.

Let's all help each other and
work together to get ahead.


everyone seems to be on the same page.

Now that we have
established these relationships,

it's time to head to the Amazon

and see what we
can accomplish there.

- Taxi! Taxi! - Muy rapido.

- Let's go. Come on.
- We got to go very fast.

Very fast.

Mercado Municipal
Adolpho Lisboa.

- Municipal Mercado.
- Mercado.

Mercado Market, please?

Gracias, gracias. Obrigado.

The race is on.

We need to be the
number one car.

Más rapido,
por favor, por favor.

We just made it

- to the Amazon.
- We're so excited.

Somebody's gonna have to do

something crazy, you know that.

Send-send that text to Mom,
telling her to, uh...

That life policy, right?

It's serious when I
got my hair in a bun.

No matter how sweaty I get,
it's still gonna look good.

I can't... I'm not
gonna once ask today,

"How's my hair?"
Maybe once or twice.

We are looking for box 13.

Hortifruti... Granjeiro?

We think it's gonna be a stall,
like, a market-type stall.

It'd be helpful if we spoke
a little bit of Portuguese.

I speak fluent Italian,
and then I speak a little Spanish,

and I realized that Portuguese
is basically a combo of the two.

We're fired up.
We're so excited.

The top five teams have
all gotten a little bit closer.

And that's
a great alliance for us.

- We trust them. - Yeah.

- Gracias, gracias.
- Okay, go, go, go.

Gracias mucho. Obrigada mucho.

- Come on. Okay. - 13. Box 13.

- Muito obrigado. - Go this way.

Hortifruti Granjeiro's.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Up.

- Box 10, box 10. Where's 13?
- 13.

11. Is that 13? 13.

- Yes, right here.
- Okay.

- Obrigado, obrigado.
- Obrigada. Route Info.

Route Info. "Search the market

and purchase all the
items on the enclosed list."

The Port of Manaus market

is a sprawling complex on
the banks of the Rio n*gro,

where locals purchase
thousands of items,

including more than
5,000 species of fish.

It's here that teams must
pick up everything on this list:

11 items all written
in Portuguese.

When the dock manager
confirms they have all their items,

they'll get their next clue.

Pick up a shopping bag
from the... shopping bag?

- Arigat... Obrigada.
- No, obrigado. Arigato.

I think it's in here.
Let's go that way.

So we're looking
for Hortifruti Granjeiro.

- Obrigado.
- Come on, babe.

- Hola.
- Riley, right here.

Yeah. "Show your haul
to the dock manager on..."

"If you have all of
the items on the list,

he will hand you a clue."

We're looking
for a lot of things

that I have no idea
what they mean.

- Great. Yeah.
- Let's get away from this so no one sees us coming back.

- All right, let's do this.
- Come on!

Hortifruti? Hortifruti?

Thank you, sir. Let's roll,
homeboy. Let's go.

I see the girls.

Hortifruti. Do
you know where Hortifruti is?

- They're looking.
- Oh, thank you.

in front of them. Go straight. Let's go.

Thank you.




Okay... sí.

Ah. Obrigado.

Macaxeira, macaxeira.

¿Esto es macaxeira com casca?

Sí. Un kilogram.

It looks like it's all
stuff for cooking.

Murupi? Okay.

- Obrigado, señora.
- Obrigado mucho.

- Hortifruti's not there?
- Is the clue downstairs?

It's near... locate box 13.

What'd the clue say, Victoria?

- I don't know, Frank.
- Victoria.

Come on,
where's all the other people?

- Obrigada. - Box 13.

We were given a shopping list.

- 11 things on there. - Yeah.

They're all in Portuguese,
so we don't actually know what it is.

- Okay, Haley. I have our list.
- Okay.

- Hortifruti...
- Where's Hortifruti?

13, look. Do you see any boats

- that says number 13?
- I see nothing.

Oh, look. Is it on the boat?

It's got to be somewhere here.

Muito obrigado, amigo.

Sí, sí.

Oh, see? Goma.

Oh, there's some people here.

This was, like,
the first test in this alliance,

and we helped all the teams out

that we've... have a
loose agreement with.

- Tell him to fill them up exactly the same.
- Okay, okay.

- Same.
- There's teams right here. Come on.

What have y'all gotten so far?

- Tell him the same things for these guys.
- Hey, amigo.

- It was a good example of an alliance.
- Yeah.

It's chaotic.

So it was really confusing,

navigating all the
different... The vendors.

- Y'all know where y'all going?
- This way.

Where are we?

The market was pure mayhem.

- What is over here, Chee?
- Good luck, guys.

Good luck, guys.

- Okay, what is that?
- Two liters?

This is two liters of tucupi?

- Okay.
- Okay. This is this.

Let's see... okay, okay.

- Gracias, gracias.
- Thank you.

- Hortifruti...
- 13. Box number 13?

It's gonna be...
look at the building across.

You think it's in
the building across the street

- up the steps? - Maybe.

Oh, my God! Victoria.

Look, the Municipal. Oh, my God,
that's the market right there.

Find 48.

He said this way to the right.

Tipiti? Tipiti?

Tipiti? And dois pares luvas.

No, no, no. Dois.

- Luvas, luvas. Gloves.
- Two gloves.

Two gloves. We need two pairs.

- Two pairs, correct?
- Two pairs?

It says,
"Search the market and purchase

all the items on
the enclosed list."

Last place.

- Not so much time, is there?
- Okay.

And then we need
the box 35 items.

So, 48 and 35 we need, okay?

We need to go to 35.

- Okay.
- Okay, we saw 31.

- Where's 31?
- I think over here?

- 22.
- We saw 36. It's got to be there.

even and odds are on opposite parts.

We had to find certain numbers.

They weren't in order,

so you just had to walk
around until you find it.

You might see another team. "Hey,
have you got this?

We got this." Okay,

then you might
exchange where you got it,

- they tell you the same thing.
- Right.

We're trying to look for 35.

35 is in the fish market,

- That's across.
- Yeah, it's in the fish market.

- Fish market?
- Yeah, see, it says right here:

- "Moderna fish market."
- Oh...

- That's why we try to find...
- So we're trying to find everything in here first.


Redes, he said it was over here.

Redes? - WOMAN: Redes.

So, we got two redes.

- All right, let's get this fruit.
- Okay.

- Cool.
- Like, how cool.

- So this is the tucuma? - Yeah.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- Is it the shavings? Okay.
- Yes.

Okay, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

Uh, un momento. ¿Pregunta?


The other side. Let's go.

- On the other side.
- Okay, okay.

Let's go, let's go.

- We need a knife in there.
- Towards the back, guys.

- Back. All the way to the back.
- Hey, it looks like a machete.

Over here.

Let's go up front.

Alana, just so you know,

this knife has no protection.

I don't want
you to hurt yourself.

I also don't want that.

- Is that on that list?
- Terçado.

Yes, we need that.

- Here, Frankie. - Yeah.

you can put your sword in here if you want.

- Sweet.
- We'll meet you over there.

Come on, Gary.

We just have to go to box 35.

Box 35.

- 75, 74. Keep going that way.
- 75...

Box 35. Hey, it's here.

Here. Will.
This is it right here.


Filé fresco de pirarucu,
dos kilograms.

¿Quanto preço?

Cinquenta. 50.

- Are we good? Obrigado.
- We're done, we're done, we're done.

- Let's go.
- Maddison, let's go.

- Good work, dude.
- We're not done yet.

If you're the top of the pack,

it's a lot easier
to make friends,

because when
you're at a challenge,

both of you guys,
it's in your best interest

to finish it as
quick as possible.

Got to go to the dock manager.

- Yeah, there's the dock down there.
- Come on, Eswar,

- let's run it.
- Yeah, we're k*lling it.

Yo... guys! Ajato!

Terminal Ajato?

That's the dock manager.

- Guys, over here.
- Will, come on.

Run, run, run, baby.

- - Hola.

- Is there only one judge?
- Okay, it's only them.

Dos redes.

If we're top three,
we crushed it.

- Let's watch everyone's stuff.
- Yeah.

Make sure we have everything.

Hoping that lady counted
the peppers correctly.

I know, I was like,
"Are we sure we counted?"

- Yes!
- Good job, guys.

- Riley, we're next.
- ¿Cómo está?

We just got our clue,
which means we got all the items.

- Yay.
- "Travel deep into the Amazon

by riverboat to the
village of Dessana tribe."

Ten percent of the
500 indigenous tribes

living along the Amazon River

have never had contact
with the outside world.

Teams will now witness
a native hunting technique

when they meet Piñón,
chief of the Dessana,

who will help them get their
next clue with a blowgun.

Let's grab our stuff and go.

It doesn't say anything
about bringing our stuff.

Let's read the other clue.

Let's take it with us.

Okay, James,
go grab the bag for me, please.

Let's look through their stuff.

Hey, wait, you guys,
can we see your stuff?

Okay, let's go.

- Dois redes...
- Dois redes.

It's what?

- Two pairs? Okay. - Two pairs.

- Good luck, you guys.
- We got this.

- Let's go, let's go.
- Moment of truth.

- Why?
- Chee, I'll follow you.

- Macaxeira? - Wait, missing?

I think we missed something.

Here we go. Hola.

Boats. This way, Will, Will.

Let's make sure
we have everything.

- "...com casca." - Found it.

Yes, okay, great. "Tipiti."

- This is this. - Oh, yeah.

We have our two pairs of gloves.

"Dois pares de luvas."
What-what is this?

Dois pares de luvas.
That's the gloves.

"Dois pares..."
That's two pairs.

- "Dois pares de luvas."
- Oh, really?

We should have everything.

- We believe we do.
- We got to go get two pairs?

- Yeah.
- Okay, we got to go back, then, Eswar.

- We're right here.
- Everyone's coming.

- I'm right behind you.
- Come on, D.

- I'm with you, brother.
- Good job, guys.

- Which way? Where we going?
- I think we're in line.

- Fish, fish.
- Let's go, Aparna.

- Oh! Obrigada, obrigada.
- Obrigado.

- Great job, guys.
- Check, please.

- Check, check.
- We're looking for

- a marked boat...
- We're looking for a marked boat.

- ...with captain.
- So we can travel to the...

- Let's go. Over there.
- Let's go.

What... hey,
did they say where the boat is?

Where did they run to, Chee?

- Where were the gloves?
- I know where they are.

Hola. One more?

Oh, thank you. Let's go,
let's go.

I hope we did it right.


- We got a thumbs-up. - Yes!

- Yes! Thank you so much.
- All right.

- We got it.
- Thank you so much. Obrigado.

- Open, open, open, open.
- Slide down.

Okay. I'm putting it right here,

Oh, okay,
you're going right here?

- So we need to find...
- Let's go that way.

That's where they're going.
They're going that way.

- Let's go. Let's go.
- Okay, I'm coming.

- Come on, Haley.
- What does the boat look like?

- It's marked!
- Everyone's going that way.

- Yeah. - I'll watch them.

Good? All right,
good, good, good.

- Good. Let me see.
- Here, here, here.

Uh, us next?

- Come on, let's go. We're rolling.
- Okay.

I don't think people
read their clue right away.

I think everyone just
started scrambling.

- Two redes. - Two of those.

One terçado. That's the machete,

- Where's our machete?
- Will.

We don't have our machete.

What the hell... Can we go back,
go back, go back...

That's so annoying.

- We had everything.
- I can't run.

Go. We have to.

We're good, we're good, Kaylynn.

- W-We're good. - Okay.

- Thank you so much. Thank you.
- Thank you, thank you.

Where's our machete? Machete?

- Let's go. Yes.
- All right, where did they go? Did they go this way?

You guys missing something?

- Our machete's gone.
- We left our... here, too.

Do you have
an extra one in there?

- You have two, guys.
- That-that came out.

- That's probably yours, then.
- Just take this.

- That's ours.
- That's yours. Take it.

- Gracias, gracias.
- We have ours, we have ours.

- No me cuesto.
- Thank you. We're good.

- Baby, come on.
- I don't want to run with the knife.

Give it to me. I will.

Don't run with the knife.

We got to find a marked boat.

Is this it?

Let's go in there, just try it.

Hey. Yeah?

Want to go,
so we're at least with them?

- Come on.
- Oh, it's that, it's that, it's that.

They're getting on it,
they're getting on it.

It's that boat, it's that boat.

Let's go, go, go! Go, go!

- Una más.
- Una más.

Aparna. Oh, thank you.

Come on. I
saw the girls still here.

What the hell? 35.

Is this the fish market?

- Is this it?
- This doesn't look right.

- That's not it.
- We went the wrong way.

This isn't it. Oh,
my God. Damn it.

- Did you guys get it?
- I don't know. -Bam, bam.

- Yes!
- Can we check?

Ah. You're gonna say
something else now.

Chee. Chee, let's go this way.

They're coming this way,
some teams.

"One goma"? Hey,
guys, what's a goma?

Oh, it's this stuff right here.

- Oh, my God.
- We didn't get that one.

where'd you guys get the goma?

- The first guy inside, next to 13.
- Yeah, come on, Gary.

- Where's our fish?
- It was in here.

- Look under your bag.
- Are you kidding me?

How did we lose that, too?

- Madds, you got it? - Yeah.

Come on, Gary,
let's go. Come on, see?

Let's go.

Taxi. We need a ride.

Go! - Come on.

Our fish is now missing.

Go in, go in,
sit down. I'm reading it.

Guys! Guys!

Grab your bag just in case.

- I think you might need it.
- Oh.

Grab our bag of stuff. Yeah,
that's a great call.

That's right, it did say that.

- Rapido.
- At that point,

a few teams had passed us,

but they all forgot to pack
their groceries back up

and take it to the boat...

I think we got to take the stuff with us,

It says take all your
belongings with you.

...whereas we read our clue.

- We have everything for sure.
- Yeah.

That jumped us from,
like, fourth or fifth

all the way to first.

Okay, so, good?

One, two, three, four...

- Is this it?
- Just grab it.

- ...five.
- This is ours. We forgot one.

Oh, my God.

All of the stuff that we turned in,
we have to get it.

Go, go. Vamanos. Let's go!

Dessana tribe? - MAN: Dessana.


How cool is it that we're just

in the middle of the Amazon?

Felt like we were in a movie.

So pretty.

This is beautiful!
We're in the Amazon!

Oh, the Amazonian breeze.

This is remarkable. It's really
special to share with Will.

Why are you crying?

This is awesome.
This is beautiful.

This is ours, right?

- This is maybe our bag?
- Okay, yeah, it is.

We have to bring
all of our stuff.

- We have to bring our stuff.
- Okay.

- Think we only have ten.
- It was 11.

- Let's recount.
- One, two, three...

- sh**t, where's the peppers?
- Where's our peppers?

- And our rinds?
- And our rinds.

- Four, five...
- Count our things, count our things.

- Please hold this clue.
- Come on, Gary.

- Come on, come on.
- Do you guys have extra peppers or rinds?

We're missing both.

We don't have extra rinds,

- So we go back?
- Okay, let's count everything,

- let's count everything.
- Come on, Haley.

Kaylynn and I, when we,
like, got to the dock manager,

we put our stuff
out in the sand.

So when we got back,
our stuff was still in the sand,

so we were able just to scoop
it up and put it back in the bag.

- We got very lucky.
- But... We got so lucky.

- They got one. Let's go.
- Okay.

- This is crazy.
- Where'd our machete go?

Somebody took our machete.

is this us or is this your...

- Yo!
- No, that's us, that's us.

Do we have our scarves?

- Where-Where's our-our...
- Yeah, we never got our scarves.

- Yeah...
- But the judge checked it, so...

So that's ours, then.

these are ours. We had the pink and green.

- Yeah.
- Somebody took ours, then.

So what are you
supposed to do when that happens?

- We got to go back.
- We need to go buy another scarf.

We could've been the first,
second, third boat out.

Come on, let's go.

Now we're gonna be
in the back of the pack.

We're the
luckiest girls in the world.

Who's the fastest boat?

- Come on.
- Our stuff disappeared.

It pisses me off because

there's nothing
we can do about it.

Damn it. These are the
mistakes we can't make.

Bro, this is awful, bro.

This is awful.


Goma? Un goma. Eswar!

You got it? - Yeah.

Chee, right here. Two, two.

- Oh, good. Aquí.
- Obrigada.


35. 35.

- How much do I owe you, sir?
- That's the last two.

50. Great.

- We're done, we're done.
- Let's go, Frank.

Señor, we're back again!

Have everything, please.

- - Yes, finally. Okay.

- I hope we got everything.
- Mm-hmm.

I think we're in great shape.

- Is it this boat?
- Yeah.

"Choose any
available marked boat"?

- We're missing something.
- We're missing something.

- What-what are we missing?
- That's the fish.

Pop, Pop, Pops.

I think terçado's
when she gave us this.

Terçado. Terçado.

What's terçado?

Eswar! Can you help us?

What do you need?

We're missing something.

- I think it's the terçado.
- It's a machete.

- What it's look like?
- I mean, maybe it's the same.

No, they got a real machete.

Is that wooden or steel?

It's wooden and it's steel
on the bottom. It's real.

- Come on, come on. Come on.
- We know what we got.

Good job, Eswar.

This way. Rápide. Rápide boat.

Hola, hola. Boat, boat, boat.

Yes. Obrigada.

All we need are the rinds.

It is way too hot for this.

Dez? Gracias.

Let's get ourselves
to the Amazon!

Village Dessana.

- Thank you. - Okay, let's go.

Thank you. Ready?

Come on. Look, he looks fast.

Not trying to
get eliminated this leg, Gary.

- I'm going.
- I mean, you walking as if we not in last place

- right now. - I'm tired.

We have never competed
when it was just us two.

We usually do it on a football
field with multiple people.

He's an alpha
male and I'm an alpha male.

We butt heads.

We're just trying to
get a little bit better

at communicating.

We got to go and let him check it,

we don't. We already have the clue.

We're looking for a knife shop,
Frank. Just keep walking.


- Yes. - That's it.

Machete. Thank you.

Yep, that's it. All right,

See the marked boat?

I think it's over there. Come on.

Oh, the girls. Come on.

- Obrigada.
- Okay, where we going?

- I'm gonna tell them they need their stuff.
- No, don't tell them nothing.

- No? Okay.
- Well, at least we're not the last ones.

- Come on.
- Let's go.

Oh, my God, look!

- Let's go.
- Hurry. Hurry.

- We have everything.
- Yes.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, thank you.

Let's go, let's go. Yes.

Hold this,
and let me read this while we're walking.

- Let's go, Frank.
- Dessana tribe.

Ah, here we go. We're here.

Yeah, this is it.

All right, Riley,
we got to take everything,

- including our stuff.
- Muito obrigado, amigo.

- We have everything?
- Let's go, let's go.

"Find Chief
Piñón to receive your next clue."

- Look at this guy.
- This is so cool.

- Chief Piñón.
- Chief Piñón?

Oh, what?

- Yeah, my man.
- Muito obrigado. Detour.

"Shelter from trees or well done,

These babassu palm
leaves were sourced

about five miles downriver.

Woven together,
they provide amazing protection

against the
Amazon's intense rain.

This Detour requires teams

to carry a bundle to
the chief's new house,

and then cover a
section of his new roof.

The chief's father
lived to 108 years old.

The Dessana tribe
attribute his longevity

to a healthy lifestyle and
nutritional feasts like this.

This Detour requires
teams to use the items

they bought in the
market to prepare a meal.

When it meets the high
standards of the chief,

they'll get a clue.

Let's go build a hut.

I think they're over there.

- Yeah, I think we're gonna have to go...
- Think it's up top?

- Oh, there it is.
- Oh, it's up there.

Easy peasy.

You just build one hut,
but it's hot.

It's like 105% humidity.

There's Will and James.

Let's go this way.

Oh, my gosh. That was so cool.

- We're gonna cook.
- We're gonna cook.

"Make your way to
the cooking building

on the hillside above." That?

Holy smokes.


- All right.
- Being in the hut left me at a loss for words

because there's so much
beauty to the life around us.

And being a part of their daily routine,
it was just...

a special experience.

Well, let's pay attention.

Cut our fish,
putting it in pieces.

So we use the items
that we got in the market

to make a meal for
the chief and his family.

- That's a strainer. - Oh.

There were three things
that we had to make.

One of them,
we had to strain these...

- I want to say they're potatoes.
- Mandioca.

The second thing,
it was, like, a fish soup.

And you also had to make
these tortilla-looking rice cakes

and put orange peels on top.

We got this. We cook
every day together.

We're about to get passed.

Oh, that's the girls.

The people that are in front
of us are Gary and DeAngelo.

- Did you bring your stuff?
- No!

You got to bring your stuff!

Oh, my God. Let's go back.

- Go back.
- Oh, my gosh,

how long have we been
riding on the boat for?

They had to go turn
around after probably

a 20, 30-minute boat ride.

We could've
helped the girls earlier,

but we didn't because

we thought we were
in the back of the pack,

so we didn't say anything.

We know we already
have a big lead,

we don't want to wait for
them to get all the way there

and turn around and go back,
so we're gonna be nice.

Oh, my God,
I'm about to freak out right now.

Let's drop it right here.

We had to talk the palm fronds

to the chief's house,
where we had to build

a section of his roof,

and just with vine as rope.

This is the example.

So, look,
we got to start at the bottom,

- because we're layering it on top.
- Gotcha.

11, 12... There's 13.

Wait, also look at the
direction of the leaves, too, yeah?

Each one crisscrosses.

Top one goes left,
bottom one goes right.

Oh, I see, I see.

- Bottom right, top left.
- We got this.

It's Frank and Jerry.

Did you bring the stuff?!

I don't think they
got their bag.

We just saw Michelle
and Vic go by.

They-they were trying
to signal something to us.

I don't know what that meant,
but whatever we got,

- we got to knock it out.
- Okay.

'Cause they-they
weren't that far ahead,

but they're already
on their way back,

- so they knocked it out.
- Good.

All right, Haley, we got to go.


- Give me that.
- They're ahead.


What is this?


- Oh. - This is so cool.

Oh, my God.

Let's do "Shelter from trees."

- Okay, we're gonna do "Well done, please."
- "Well done, please."

We are doing "Well done,

It's a cooking challenge.

Help me get it on my back.

All right, let's go.

Right now I'm
working on what looks to be, like,

a pancake of some kind.

It's a lot more difficult

without step-by-step

- Hey, girls.
- Hey.

How hard is this?

- I mean...
- It's bad.

Mandioca? Thank you.

Okay, so we'll grate it.

- Okay, we're gonna grate that.
- Okay.

And then this is what
it's supposed to look like?

Oh, my gosh, Chee.

- Wow. That's a nice find.
- Look at this fish.

This fish is,
like, as big as me.

The fish stew was the
hardest dish to perfect,

but I figured out that
it had to be water,

the juice that we bought,
some fish

- and the chili peppers. Yeah.
- Yeah.

Guys, over here.

We just saw the engineers.

Think their engineering
background should help them.

- I think I got it. Let's try it.
- Okay, let's go, then.

This might actually
be easier than I expected.

It appears there
are five riverboats.

And that's different. There's five,
so we're six, seven.

- Hey! They had to go back.
- They left their stuff.

- Michelle and Victoria?
- Yes!

That's incredible. - Yes.

Please have
our bag there. Please.

Look, a lot of people left their stuff,

Okay, so we got everything?

You got the fish in the bag,
the stick.

We got that root thing.

Let's go.

In front of us we see

DeAngelo and Gary,
and I see Leo and Alana.

- Here we are.
- Let's go find Chief Piñón.

Everybody has their
bag. We don't have our stuff.

- Wait...
- It says, "Make sure you have your bag,"

I thought they meant
these. They meant the bag.

We lost our bag,
'cause they all have it.

And they all have it.

Hey, Jerry,
did y'all bring y'all bag?

We don't have it.

- You need it.
- Come on, Gary.

- Oh, what... Oh...
- We have to go back.

- Turn around, sir.
- We don't have our damn bag.

Damn it.

Sir, we have to go back.
We have to go back to the city.

Yes. We forgot our bag.

- This can't be real.
- Mistakes happen.

It's just how you
react to the mistakes.

If I was coaching a
team and that happened

to one of my players,
I would tell him

you just have to
keep your head down.

Continue grinding.
That's all that you can do.

Self-pity will not
get you anything.

Yeah, let's do the meal.

"Shelter from trees."

- Got it? - Go.

- Can you jog with it or no?
- I can't even see.


They're so cute.

Hello, chickadees!

- Oh.
- They just got here.

- Who? - Leo and Alana.

Oh, my God. Yay.

- Okay.
- God, I'm so glad y'all are here.

It's the only time I'll say
I'm happy to see a team.


Let's go look at the
finished example.

So we chose
cooking over building

because we're not
good at building.

Oh. Oh, no.


We're not good builders.

- Wait, Eswar, can you hold this for me?
- Yeah.

- We got this.
- How y'all doing over there?

Good. Over here,
over here, over here.

We had to, uh,
build a wall for a-a house.

- That's not what it was.
- That's exactly what it was.

- It was not what it was. It was a roof.
- Then what was it?

- The roof isn't this high.
- Yes, it was.

It was the,
it was a demonstration of a roof.

The whole building was
all gonna be the same thing.

- No, it wasn't, Gary.
- Yeah, but it's fine.

- You're really looking bad.
- I'm just... it's facts.

- DeAngelo and Gary were all backwards.
- Right.

- So they would've done the whole thing wrong.
- ...thing wrong.

We have an alliance with them.

We looked at one another,
we were like, "Do we help them?


Thanks, fellas.

Oh, look, we have that item.

- Okay.
- So something goes that...

You do this and then
you stuff all that into here.

And then you put
a bowl under it.

- Yeah, see, when I pour it, it squeezes the juice out.
- Oh, I'm with you.

That is so cool.

Doing really good. This
is cooking really quick.

- It's done. Check. - Check.

- Oh, my God.
- Yes.

"Make your way on
foot to the maloca beach.

Double U-Turn ahead."

Teams now have an opportunity
to slow down their competition,

forcing them to perform
both sides of the Detour.

Will anyone use this
power so early in the race?

"This is the first of only
two U-Turns in the game.

- Make a big move."
- Holy smokes.

Leo and Alana
are right behind us.

We got this.

Now let's bring this over here.

- What, did you break it?
- Yeah.

I thought we would
be fine in this Detour

'cause we're engineers,
but turns out,

coding is very different
from putting together a hut.

You had the sun
glaring down on you.

We're used to this
heat and humidity.

Me and Riley are
originally from Hawaii.

And when I was in fourth grade,

our teacher made
us get a pen pal.

First question they asked
me is if we live in grass huts.

I had to tell him no,
he still didn't believe me.

I'm from Florida,
so I'm used to being in humidity and heat.

I'm not from Florida at all.

This sucks.


Oh, we're here. James,
right here.

What do we do?

Should we do it?

- Leo and Alana. Yeah? - Okay.

We decided to
U-turn Leo and Alana.

They're the team that we feel
a little bit more threatened by

than the rest.

- We're making big moves.
- Do you want a clue?

Oh, yeah, let's get a clue.

"Travel by riverboat
to the Barco Correa..."

Rivers are like roads here,

and the main superhighway
is more than 4,000 miles long,

the Amazon,

used for transportation
and relaxing cruises

like this, Barco Correa Filho,
a cruisey Pit Stop for teams

who will sleep on
board here in a hammock

while cruising upriver,

except for one team
that will be eliminated.

Let's go.

Correia Filho...


I'm done with the fish.

- Should we go ask for a check?
- Yes, we'll go ask for a check.

- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, thank you so much.

Can I give you a
hug? I don't want to...

- Obrigada.
- Chee and Hung are done.

- Guys, there's a U-Turn ahead.
- Okay.

We're not gonna be U-turned.

At this point, I'm optimistic,
because I think

we've been really kind
to all of the teams here,

and I think we have a good
relationship with all of them.

Oh, here it is.

Let's go.

- Go, go, go.
- We're coming, Phil!

Yes, go, go, go.

- Yes.
- Can anybody say "sweat"?

- - Welcome to Manaus, Brazil.

- Obrigada.
- Will and James,

I am very pleased to tell
you you are team number one.

And as the winners
of this leg of the race,

you have won a trip
for two from Travelocity

and you are going to Bali.

- Oh! -

You're gonna
stay five nights at the Meliá Bali,

in a premium lagoon suite,
where you're gonna enjoy

all-inclusive dining
and on-site water sports.

You're also going to be able
to explore the Uluwatu Temple,

the incredible monument
at Garuda Wisnu Kencana.

Leg three,

we've used a U-Turn,
we've gotten first place.

We are getting
a lot more confident.

We just need to
believe in ourselves

and we can be unstoppable.

Oh, Chee,
over here. The U-Turn board's over here.

- We choose not to U-turn anybody.
- We choose not to U-turn anyone.

Oh, my gosh,
I didn't realize that drama was happening.

"Return to the dock and
board one of the marked boats."

- Okay, let's go back. Great.
- Okay, let's go fast.

Aw, dude.

There it is,
Gary. You got to go underneath.

Good work, dude.


Did they finish?

Oh. The-the... on
the center rope.

- The center rope. Okay.
- Oh, the center rope?

They forgot to do
the middle rope.

- Center's got to be tied, too.
- Okay.

Everything else is perfect.

I am pleased to tell you,

Hung and Chee,
that you are team number two.

- Congratulations.
- Oh, my gosh!

Holy cow, how'd that happen?

We're gonna grab our stuff,
head back, finish the challenge.

That's all we can do.
We're not gonna give up.

he's still there. We're good.

Machete, drink. We think
all our items are right here.

Come on,
come on. We're gonna pack.

Thank you, sir. Let's head back.

Okay. Over here?

¿Aquí? Here? ¿Aquí?

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Double U-Turn ahead."

We're here, and it took forever.

Switch it.

Over the top?

- Ready to rock and roll? Check.
- Check.

Por favor.

- Yes! - Sí.

Good job, guys.

Double U-Turn ahead."

We crushed it.

- Oh, my God.
- Who did that?

I don't know.

Will and James
U-turned Leo and Alana.

Haley and I went into
the whole leg today

knowing that we
have a favor to owe

- to Leo and Alana. - Yeah.

They saved
our butts on the last leg

- with the truck challenge.
- Yeah.

So we knew we owed them.

Frank and Jerry were the
last ones to get to the market.

That's the only way we could
think to give Leo and Alana

- a fighting chance to stay in the game.
- Yeah.

- We have to, right?
- We have to.

- Boom. Cook.
- We're gonna do "Well done, please."

Yeah, Victoria, come on.

Come and see how she's cooking,

so you got to put the fruit on top of it.

We got all the peppers,
are on there, too.

Start grating,
and I'm gonna start making the soup.

Grate as much as you can. You push up,

You don't pull towards
yourself like that.

- We didn't get U-turned.
- Who got U-turned?

- Will and James U-turned Leo and Alana.
- Wow.

- Kaylynn and Haley U-turned Jerry and Frank.
- Wow.

- Okay, let's go.
- Will and James.

- What badasses.
- Damn.

That is why it counts

to be in an alliance,
right there.

- Let me tie this around.
- Oh, yeah.

Eswar and
I live in different cities,

we're not hanging
out with each other

as much as we
used to growing up.

I think this is a chance
for us to hang out

and maybe actually, like,
like each other again.

- What are you doing?
- It's this one you're flipping, right?

No, dude,
this one goes up, right?

- Which one?
- Dude, I'm talking about between these two.

This one?

This is the last one, we hope.

- Can't wait to see that damn clue.
- Check?

Uh, the chief's checking theirs.

Come on, please,
baby, please, baby.

Yes. - Yes!

thank you. Thank you very much.

- Let's go. All right.
- Good job. Hey.

Kaylynn and Haley,
I'm pleased to tell you

that you are team number three.

We're in the top five.

- Oh, my God.
- That's what we wanted this whole time.

- This is a lot of work.
- Oh, yeah.

I can't think of anything
better than a cooking challenge,

because I'm all about it.

They don't trust me with knives,
but I'm ninja in the kitchen.

No, no. No, no. The juice,
you need to save it.

You need to save the juice.

You need to save the juice,
small bowl.

- You did not tell me that at all.
- Victoria.

- Okay, listen to me now.
- You didn't say that in...

- At all. - Okay, do it now.

You have to take the stick,
Victoria, and pull it down.

- I know. Bitch.
- Victoria?

Michelle was just freaking out

and just yelling at me,
like, snapping.

Put the bowl down there.

She was just a boss bitch

the entire time, and,
like, I hated that.

my God. Why didn't you tell me

from the get-go that
we needed the juice?

I love you. I'm sorry,
I don't mean to be mean to you.

I was just so worried about
getting things moving and going.

Okay, let me do it.


- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
- Obrigado.

Obrigada, obrigada.

Somebody got
U-turned. It's not us.

- Maloca?
- There it is.

- Please don't U-turn us.
- Somebody did.

- Somebody got you guys.
- Somebody got us?

- We've been U-turned by Will and James.
- Will and James.

- Why? Damn it.
- For reasons unknown.

- Now we're gonna go do the...
- We have to go back to do the other one.

Will and James either see us

as a real long-term threat,

or they're really dumb.

I'm so angry.

If you're trying to
get out a strong team,

then get out the strong team,
not the team

that placed seventh last leg.

At least Kaylynn and Haley
U-turned Frank and Jerry.

They made an incredibly
brilliant strategic move

- to help us. -

Just describe to us what
kind of day you've had.

- Oh, my... -

I think that says it all.

Turn it.

- They just got here.
- Hey, guys.

Is it over here where we start?

- Yeah.
- Yeah. Down there, guys.

Eswar and Aparna
were still over there.

We got this. We can do it.

DeAngelo and Gary,
I am pleased to tell you

that you are team number five.

- You'll take it?
- We'll take it.

- I - didn't have any salt.

- - Yes.

Please, Lord Baby Jesus,
someone didn't U-turn us.

I see them all over.

I see them in that hut.

It's a possibility, Frank,
that we're in last.

Let's go with
the cooking skills.

We're in dire straits. We're
gonna have to get to work.

So hot.

Ooh, they didn't U-turn us.

Good. We're done.

We got to run to the
maloca on the beach.

Michelle, where's the clue?

Okay, around the leaf,
around the wood, underneath.

I think I might have
figured out the knots.

We're so close.
We're doing great.

Want me to call the chief?


- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.

Where's the clue?

- I'm exhausted. - I'm hot.

Black on
black doesn't really help

on the beach.

I feel a little
dizzy. Where's the clue?

Where's the clue at?

Michelle, where's the clue?

Wait, dude,
is it just right here?


Oh... - Let's go.

We're tightening this up so that

we get it on the first go.

Almost done. Okay, check.

Are they facing the wrong way?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, are you kidding me?

We failed the check.

The placement of
the fronds mattered.

And I realized

that we basically had to
take apart the entire shelter

and begin again.

Uh, most of these are wrong.

I, like, broke inside.

It was awful.

It's just too much work,
and I'm too exhausted.

We did the first Detour so well,
and it just sucks.

And I'm just sad and angry.

I just don't want
this to be the end.

The leaves were
facing the wrong way.

They have to be
facing the right way

- in case of a rain storm.
- We just have to do it

- all over again.
- It's okay, it's okay.

Something my parents told us

is it's really good if you can
not be both down together.

if someone's feeling really down,

don't join them there.

- Like, try to get them through it.
- Yeah.

I'm just so tired.

We're gonna do our best.

Start cutting that meat.
You got the powder on, good.

Put the juice in the
pot and put the pot on.

We're cooking at the house in Kentucky.

- Can I pull it off now?
- Okay, yes. Pull it off now.

Pour that in the bowl. I'm-a hold it,

We're really close to finishing.

Look. On the rocks? No?


- What? - Is it in this basket?

Are you serious?
Are you serious?

Oh, my God.

So the race got a
little bit more complicated today.

What happened?

We messed up on the
Detour a couple times.

- Feel kind of frustrated.
- Did you say "she" or "we"?

- No, no, I said "we."
Okay. - Oh, oh.

That's what I'm... I
just wanted to check.

- Look. This is the Pit Stop.
- Oh, my gosh.

- - Oh, my gosh, we made it.

It's Michelle and Victoria!

what-what's been going on with you?

We were in a panic,
and we need to slow down

and look at everything
before we start running.

Lesson learned.

All right, I think we're good.

- Yes. - Yes. Thank you.

- "Caution."
- "Double U-Turn ahead."

- Come on.
- We're just, we just got to rock with it.

Damn it! Leo U-turned...

- Kaylynn and Haley U-turned us.
- Kaylynn and Haley

- U-turned us.
- So now we have to go build.

I believe this is okay.

We don't have a lot of options,
and we should get checked.


Yes. Thank you.

- Thank you. - Her, too.

We got this. Frank
and Jerry are behind us still.

- Is that it right there, to the right?
- I think.

- It's right there.
- The game's now on. That's all.

I'm just trying to imagine the
kind of day you've had today.

I can't wait to see
Will and James

so they can see that
their U-Turn didn't work.

I don't think that this
is the kind of thing

that I can come back from.

I feel awful and it's
because of them.

What do you think
was the motivation

behind U-turning you guys?

They're smart. I mean,
they'll probably try to say

something flattering like
they thought we were a threat.

We are not planning on asking

Will and James why
they U-turned us,

because we don't think
we'll get a straight answer.

We're not the
easiest team to knock out,

and so now everyone should
be really intimidated by us.

- We'll get down to it and get this done.
- Yes.

- We calling it a day, Frank-man.
- You think so?

Got the best son in the world.

No, I got the best dad
in the world. That's easy.

Only reason I'm here,
'cause of him.

He's a great kid.

Appreciate it, man.

- I love you.
- Yeah, I love you, too, man.

But I'm just glad I got the
opportunity to be with you.

- Yeah. For sure.
- Simple as that.

Gonna make me tear up
out here. Let's finish this up.

- Thank you, sir. Thank you so much.
- Thank you, sir.

Way to finish it up.


Jerry and Frank,

you are the last team to arrive.

And you have been
eliminated from the race.

You guys fought it out.

- We had to finish.
- Yeah.

Eaves don't quit.

we can see that you guys don't quit,

and I'm just wondering,
as a father,

- to be able to achieve this with your son...
- Yeah.

...and never give up,
right to the end,

I'm just wondering what
that feels like for you.

It's the best feeling in the world,

We said we were gonna come
here and do the best we could.

That's what we did today.

How many other people you know

who have two hip
replacements and a bad knee

are out here running
around for their son?

I mean,
he's the best father in the world.

I couldn't ask for
anything better.

There's only
gonna be one winner.

But you have to make every
experience a winning experience,

and we had a winning experience.

I wouldn't,
I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Captioning sponsored by CBS


Next time on The Amazing Race,

in the capital city of Paraguay,
Eswar snaps...

I'm just
struggling so hard right now.

...while DeAngelo
and Gary tumble.

Aw, that sucks, bro.

And Kaylynn
and Haley are lost in the shuffle.

- No bueno.
- That's not it. This cannot be it.

This is bad.
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