01x40 - Gore at w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x40 - Gore at w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

on "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS!"

All right,
I made it to the tower.

Just because it's
within your sights

doesn't mean
you've made it.

This is as close
as you will get.

Time to duel!


There he is!

Sorry to steal
your spotlight, Playmaker.

But not really.
You're done
duelin' for today.

'Cause I'll pin
this jobber for ya.

I've got kids counting on me

to save Link VRAINS
and put the Hanoi on ice!

Beginning with you!

Go ahead and finish me.

Oh, I will.

Gouki the Great Ogre,
attack Varis directly!

I activate Mirror Force!

Every monster on your field
in Attack Mode is destroyed.

Every... single... one.

My Monsters!
No! This can't be!

So this is the card
Ghost Gal warned us about.

He got me!

[triumphant laughter]

[theme music playing]

That's not fair!

Gore's gonna lose!

No he's not!
He's the Gore!

He'll pull through.
Just watch!

This is looking bad.

Come on Gore, it can't
end this way, it can't!

Gore looks like a balloon
that went pfffffft.

Your field's empty.
Just like that.


You may've wiped out
all my monsters, Varis,

but you can't
wipe out my spirit.

Round one went to you.

But this duel ain't gonna
go to the scorecards!

I'll topple you like I'll
topple that tower!

I activate
Gouki Ringtrainer's
special ability!

When there are
no monsters on my field,

I can summon Ringtrainer
in Defense Mode.


Then it can bring back
one of its protégés

by lowering its
attack points by 500!

Step back in the ring,
Gouki the Great Ogre!

Seems my field
ain't so empty.

I bet you think your refusal
to give up makes you noble.

It does not.

All you are accomplishing
is wasting my time.

And I will now bring
your charade to an end!

It's my turn.
I draw!

I activate my spell card
Quick Launch!

It summons a Dragon
from my deck!

Magnarokket, launch!

Your Magnarokket ain't
blastin' off nowhere!

Not when my Great Ogre
lowers its attack points

for every defense point
that it has!


Is that supposed
to be a problem?

I activate Squib Draw!

You may have gone to
all that trouble to
weaken my Magnarokket,

but I'll just destroy it...

so I can draw
two additional cards.

Next I activate
my field spell
Boot Sector Launch.

It allows me summon
two Rokket monsters

directly from my hand
in defense mode!

Now take to the field,

Shelrokket Dragon
and Metalrokket Dragon!

My Boot Sector Launch
has another effect!

It gives 300 attack
and defense points

to each and every Rokket
monster on the field!

Now I'll use
these two monsters

to manifest my circuit!

The summoning conditions
require two Rokket Monsters.

So I set Shelrokket and
Metalrokket in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 2 Booster Dragon!

Next I summon
another Shelrokket!

But that's not
all that I'm doing.

Boot Sector Launch increases
its attack strength by 300,

raising it to 1,400 points!

I don't think so!


My Ogre weakens
it to nothing!

Must I remind you that I don't
care about anything you do?

I use Booster Dragon's
special ability on Shelrokket.

And by doing so,
Shelrokket is destroyed.

But it also takes down
the monster
vertically above it!

And if you so happen to have
any monsters next to it,

they're also destroyed.

Aw, no!

Gore lost all
his monsters again!

He needs to upend
this trend!

Gore's left himself
wide open to attack.

No kidding! The last time
I saw a field that empty

was, like, the last time
he let this happen!

Time to attack!

strike Gore's life points!





Is Gore still okay?




That it?

Since Magnarokket
and Shelrokket

were destroyed
by special abilities,

their own special
abilities activate.

I can summon two other
Rokket monsters from my deck

in Defense mode
at the end of my turn!

Come on out, Shelrokket Dragon
and Metalrokket Dragon!

Then my field spell
Boot Sector Launch

raises their defenses,

making it more difficult
to get past them.

But you're welcome to try!

This is so bad
it's making me wanna cry.

If I had tear ducts.

But I can at least
make my eyes wiggly.

Gore's definitely
in trouble.

But that doesn't mean he can't
turn this duel around

and make a comeback.

Here I go, Varis!

I draw!

To start, I activate
the spell Gouki Re-match!

Once per turn, I can summon
two Goukis from my graveyard

in Defense mode just as
long as each of them
has a different Level.

I revive Gouki Moonsault
and Gouki Twistcobra!

And then I activate
Moonsault's special ability!

Not only do I get to return
a Gouki Link Monster

in my graveyard
to my Extra Deck,

but I also get to snag
a different Gouki monster

and add it to my hand.

And that sets me up

to mash up my circuit
once again to Link Summon!

Watch this!

I set Gouki Moonsault
and Gouki Twistcobra

in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!
Link 2 Gouki Jet Ogre!


And then like last time,

ability activates

when it goes
to the graveyard!

I get to draw another
Gouki card from my deck

and I'll follow that up
by summoning Gouki Suprex

in Attack mode!

ability activates

And Suprex's ability

lets me keep
adding to my squad

by summoning
Gouki Tagpartner!

And here's where
they fight as a team!

Jet Ogre destroys itself
to switch every single scrub

you got on your field
into attack mode, Varis!

It also gifts
my two remaining Goukis

with 500 extra attack points

until the end of the turn.

But Jet Ogre
won't be gone for long

'cause I activate Gouki Grit!

It equips on to Jet Ogre
and revives it

so it can fight again!

He has more beef
than a cattle ranch!

If Gore att*cks
with all three Goukis,

he can destroy Varis's monsters
and deal decent damage.

But Varis remains unfazed.

He knows that his Rokkets
are designed to keep reviving.

So even if they're destroyed,
they won't be gone for long.

This poses a dilemma for Gore,

but it's one
that he must overcome

for any chance at victory.

Does Gore have
what it takes?

It's about time
to step up my game!

With a game-changer!

I'm gonna be needin' at least
three Goukis to Link Summon!

So I set Gouki
Tagpartner, Suprex

and Jet Ogre in the Link
Arrows to bring out

the most powerful
wrestler in my deck!

You ain't ready
for this Varis!

I Link Summon!

Link 4 Gouki
the Giant Ogre!


How interesting.

That's Gore's
strongest Ogre yet.

Like a buff buffalo!

My monsters are pumped up.

And ready to give you
the workout of your life!

Since Gouki Suprex
went to my graveyard,

I get to reinforce my hand

with another Gouki
from my deck.

And since I used Gouki
Tagpartner to Link Summon...

my Giant Ogre gains

until the end of the turn!

But it's not done flexin',

'cause whenever
its attack points change,

it gains 1000 more attack
points till the turn's done!


Whoa, Gore's sharper
than I thought!


[both yelping]

You're supposed to be
flying that a'way!

I'm tryin', boss!

Ready, chump?

Gouki the Giant Ogre,
slash up his Booster Dragon!


That musta hurt.

That was so cool!

Keep goin'!

I don't even know
why I was crying!

This changes nothing.

Nah, mac.
It changes everything.

You believe that because you
were never the brightest.

When Booster Dragon
is destroyed,

I can summon another
Dragon from my graveyard

to replace it.

Triple Burst Dragon!

That's nothing
I can't handle.

You're just lucky
my Great Ogre

can't attack twice
instead of once.

Got no choice
but to end my turn.

But when my next
turn comes up,

you're goin down' like
a tree in a hurricane!

Or so you hope.
I draw!

I tribute
Triple Burst Dragon

to resurrect Booster
Dragon from my graveyard.

Triple Burst also
allows me to summon

a Level 4 or lower,
Dragon from my hand

so emerging from
its eternal rest
is Hibernation Dragon!


And when Hibernation Dragon
wakes from its slumber,

it returns a Dragon
in my graveyard to my hand,

but it won't be
on the sidelines for long

because I summon it!

Come, Magnarokket Dragon!

Since I have my Field Spell
Boot Sector Launch,

Magnarokket gains

Booster Dragon's special
ability would chip in

with 500 extra attack
points of its own.

But when Magnarokket
is targeted

by a Link Monster's
special ability,

it self-destructs.

However, it doesn't
perish alone.

It takes a monster
with it.

Like your Great Ogre.

Which happens to be
your one remaining monster.

If Gore loses
his Great Ogre,

he'll no longer be able
to defend himself.

Zero one one,
zero one one one,

zero zero one one,
zero one one one one!

Now fire!

You mean misfire!

Since your monster has
fewer attack points
than Giant Ogre,

my big bad brute deflects
all your abilities!

Phew! That was close!

I almost deleted
all my data.

That the best you can do?

You are beginning
to annoy me.

That's what I like to hear.

'Cause that means I must be
doing something right.

In my past duels,

I only cared about
putting on a good show.

'cause making huge comebacks
was what my biggest fans,

meaning my littlest
fans, loved.

But sometimes,
it didn't work out.

And I'd get that L.

But this is one match
I can't afford to lose.

Not if I wanna save
Link VRAINS from you thugs.

And prove that I rank
right up there
with the top duelists!

That, Varis, is what
I just realized.

For once in my life,
I have to duel for myself!

Not for you, your mama
or your mama's mama!

I'm gonna duel my duel
and get that W over you!

My my.

That was quite
the lovely speech.

Delusional, but lovely.

Gore's got a fez
of a lead in life points,

but their practically
even-steven in every way.

Except Varis still has
four monsters.

You're right!

How did you fail
to notice that, Ai?

I'm not listening to you.

Whatever hope you had,

you'll learn how
misguided you were!

In order to Link Summon,

I require at least
three Effect Monsters.

So I set
these three Dragons

in the Link Arrows!

You said you wanted
to fight your fight?

You were never
in this fight
to begin with!

I Link Summon!

Link 4 Borrelsword Dragon!


Eh, it doesn't look
that tough.

Take away
its titanium armor,

tracking processors,

and neutronic propulsion
system and what's left?

On second thought,
maybe Gore
should be worried!

Gotta admit,
looks intimidating.

It doesn't just
look intimidating.

It is intimidating!

I never expected to summon
this monster against you,

but you unexpectedly produced
a smidgen of opposition.

So to reward your competence,

I'll wipe you off
the face of this realm!

Get ready!

Borrelsword Dragon, destroy
Gouki the Giant Ogre!

Let 'em feel your steel!


Ow ow ow ow
ow ow ow ow!

[both yelping]



No, not right now
no, not like this!

[all gasp]

We're missing the most
important part!

Our monsters' attack
points may be equal,

but Borrelsword Dragon
can't be destroyed

so it's not
going anywhere!

The same goes
for my Giant Ogre,

so it looks this
fight's a stalemate

and your attack was
a whole bagful of nothing!

That's where you're
disastrously wrong!

Borrelsword Dragon's
special ability

steals half your Ogre's
attack points!

Aww glitch!
That means Varis's monster

has way more attack
points than Gore's!

Therefore your Giant Ogre's
attack points drop to 1500!

Gore's losing ground like
he's wearing ice skates!

Can't we do
anything for him, huh?

Borrelsword activates
its second ability

that would usually
switch my Metalrokket
to Defense mode.

But when Metalrokket is
the target of an ability,

it self-destructs.

However, it won't go
to the graveyard alone.

It also destroys
all your cards

that are in the same
column as it.

In other words,
your Giant Ogre!


Go Blast Destruction!





Huh? Are my eyes bugging?

Giant Ogre's
still on the field!

When your Borrelsword stole
my Ogre's attack points,

that's another way
of saying my Ogre's

attack points changed.

And that triggers
its ability,

raising its power
by 1000.

And since it's not affected
by monsters weaker than it,

Metalrokket wasn't firing
anything packin' a punch!

In other words, you failed.

Are you sure?
Or perhaps it is you

who has failed to
comprehend my strategy.


When Borrelsword utilizes
its special ability,

it is allowed to attack
for a second time.

You heard me.

Did you really think I would
make such a silly mistake?

[grunting and roaring]


[glass breaks]

Oh, dear!

Do you think Gore won
his duel against Varis?

I'm sure he did.

That's right.

Gore never ever
lets his fans down.

But there's always
a first time

I just hope this
isn't it.

Gore's still standing!

He's still in this duel!

No, Ai.
He may be on his feet,

but he doesn't have
any life points left.

He lost the duel.


Well, Playmaker...

Looks like it's the end
of the line for me.

But not our mission.

Thanks to you,
we now know the identity

of Varis's secret card.

Put it to good use.

Well, well!

It appears that you and I
are the only two duelists

in Link VRAINS.

But there's only room
in this world for one of us.


And that duelist will be me!

[theme music playing]
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