01x35 - The Hollow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x35 - The Hollow

Post by bunniefuu »


No way.

I can't believe
Blue Angel's been defeated.

Welcome home,
Mr. Zaizen!



I am linking
into the VRAINS!

[electrical crackling]


People never seem to understand

how I can feel pleasure
at another's pain.

But that is the very
nature of dueling.

There is a winner and a loser.

One duelist receives glory
and the other misery.

And the misery you're
feeling right now, Blue Angel...

is but a teeny-tiny taste.

Because you my dear are now
stuck in LINK VRAINS

and will soon be
destroyed here, as well!

[laughing maniacally]

Spectre just split!

Are we gonna let him just
ghost us like that?

Are we?

You bet
your feathers!

We gotta look after
Blue Angel first!

But our scoop!

Listen, kid.

There aren't things
much more important

than nabbin' an exclusive,

but a life's
one of 'em.

Who cares if the world
survives or not

if we're
not gonna do right

and look after
each other?




where are you?

But help's here,
so let's get goin'!

Sure thing, boss,
but running your feet

won't make me fly
any faster.

I'm swattin' the air
for a turbo boost!


I'm right here!


What is this supposed to be?

I wouldn't touch
that if I were you.


It can't be...

Those vines are
infected with

a special
computer virus.

Lay one finger on them

and you will
be fragmented.

Dr. Kogami.

I thought that you
were gone forever.

You would
have been correct

if SOL Technologies
had had their way.

SOL Technologies?

Too bad they failed.



Pump those chicken legs!

The Tower of Hanoi's
breakin' LINK VRAINS

into lil' bitty bits!

See what I mean?

If we don't stop it soon,

these streets will
be cracked up worse

than your eczema!




There's the tower.

Just past the bridge.

You mean the one that's
slowly disintegrating?

Let's find
an alternate route.

If it dissolves
with us on it,

we're going down,
and I do mean down!

There's no time.

Ya know, if all these
sparkly bits of code

weren't being
sucked up to be used

for such a sinister

they'd actually
be kinda pretty,

like confetti.

I fail to see anything

about this deliberate
attempt to end the world

but please continue.


Will you be
serving up any peanuts

during this guilt trip?

We're almost there.

"Almost" is correct.


I know you.


He's the Knight of Hanoi
who punked Kitamura!

Oh, my reputation
precedes me.

You can call me Spectre,
my little glowy friend.

We have no time for you.

Then you should open your
schedule and pencil me in

because I am the one

who stands between you
and the Tower of Hanoi.

And guess what?

I'm not going anywhere
anytime soon.

And when I win...

I'll do to you exactly
what I did to Blue Angel.

And what's that?

That's villain-ese for
saying he defeated her.

Quite correct.

Without having to exert
much effort either.


Yusaku has stopped moving.

Is he catchin'
his breath?

Or is something up?


The feed's still live.

So there must be peeps
watchin' in there.

Maybe they can
find out what's up.

No action here.

Just another
dead end.

We just need a lead.

One lead!


Would you settle
for an email instead?

Open it!

There's a bunch of arrows
pointing at something!

And they're outlined
in red and flashing!

So you know
it's a big deal!

I think we got the lead
we've been looking for!


How exactly does
SOL Technologies

have anything to do
with your disappearance?

Are you seriously
oblivious to the schemes

of your corporate

I was told that you left
the company voluntarily.

Unless they changed
the definition,

there was nothing
voluntary about it.

They wanted control
of my creation,

one I spent every
waking moment to develop:

the Ignis.

But I refused to let
those greedy fools

have what was mine.

Then when the Lost Incident
came to light,

it changed everything.

SOL Technologies issued
a massive cover-up

to conceal their role,

everyone involved.

They used a virus

to put me
to sleep permanently

so I wouldn't spill
their secrets.

I was only alive

in the literal sense
of the word.

But my son
never lost hope.

Though I was shut off
from the real world,

he could re-create
me in the virtual one.

So here I live in
the digital realm

while my body rests
in a never-ending slumber.

So then you formed
the Knights of Hanoi

to get revenge
on SOL Tech!

No, this is not
about revenge.

It's about one
and only one thing:

destroying the Ignis.

But why?

I created the Ignis to be
mankind's successor.

Not the reason why mankind
would require a successor.

What do you mean by that?

They may only be
AI programs,

but I programmed
them to have free will.

A distinction making
them more dangerous

than I thought possible.

I must erase
my mistake.

But at what cost?

Just look at what you
did to my poor sister!

Yes, that is...

I do wish it wasn't
this way

but she knew what
the consequences were

if she interfered with
the my plans.

But I promise,

her sacrifice
will not go to waste.

Because you'll be using her
code to feed your tower?

You are a madman.

The world needs madmen

to protect humanity
from threats

that more timid men
would cower away from.

So instead of insulting me,

I think you should be
thanking me.

Now then, I have
more important matters

to attend to than you.




Oh no!

No, Skye!


What have you done with
Blue Angel, Spectre?!

Let's just say I left her

in a state
true to her name.

You know...

the kind of blue you
feel after having

been completely
and utterly defeated?

But please,
see for yourself.

What's that?


[chuckling maniacally]

She's been
reduced to data!

Does it hurt
to see her like that?

I certainly do hope so

because the more suffering
that I spread,

the more joy I feel!

That is sick.

My, my, Playmaker.

Those sound like
fighting words to me.

You're right.

'Cause they are.

Excellent, Playmaker.

Time to duel!

Time to duel!

Allow me the honor
of going first.

I summon
Sunseed Genius Loci

in attack mode.

And this seed...
will germinate into

a full-grown Link Monster!

The summoning conditions

require me to use
one Plant monster.

So I set my Sunseed
in the Link Arrow!

I Link Summon!

Link 1 Sunavalon Dryas!

It has no attack points.

I'll place
this card facedown

and end my turn.

What a strange strategy.

But with it he was able
to defeat Blue Angel.

I wonder how
he pulled it off?

Well, you better figure
it out quicker than her.

'Cause you saw how
she ended up.

Yes, I know.

But you know what's really
creepy about this guy?

He... doesn't... blink!

It's, like,
totally mesmerizing.

Like he's staring
into my soul.

How can
an AI have a soul?

Now be nice.

You should be
treating your pet

with a little more respect.

I hate to agree
with a Hanoi,

but he has a point.

Ai, I'm not
going to argue with you.

Oh my.

Do I detect a spot
of trouble between you two?

You really ought to get
on the same page

if you wish
to defeat me.

Thanks for the tip.

But I can manage
this duel just fine

without being lectured
by a Knight of Hanoi.

I beg to differ,

I think you can
learn a lot from us.

Take me as an example.

While you and your Ignis
squabble like children...

I have not
a single qualm

serving Master Varis

to my utmost

How can you think that?

Don't you know
what Varis has done?

All the people he's hurt?

Of course I do.

I was by his side when he
made those decisions.

It's always the ones who
have never suffered

true tragedy that can
speak of it so callously.


But that
is where you are

very much incorrect,

Because, truth be told,

I have endured as much
suffering as you.

I seriously
doubt that, Spectre.

I know of the Lost Incident.

When six kids were taken
and isolated from society.

These children were locked
in separate rooms,

ensuring they were
kept apart from each other.

Now had they been able to see

one another's faces,

you would know
that this face here

belonged to one
of those children.

Aww, glitch!

You were one
of the taken?!

That's correct,
just like you.

Although my take away
from that event

differs from yours.

Clearly, Spectre.


Why would you ever join
the Knights of Hanoi?

And why did the chicken
cross the road?

It doesn't matter!

It matters, Ai, because
they put us through agony!


I felt no agony.


See, it really all
just depends, Playmaker,

on your point of view
of the experience.

And my point of view
was as someone who grew up

in an orphanage.

Even though there
were other children,

none of them wanted
to play with me.

It was
as if I was a ghost.

A specter.

Day after day,
this was my reality.

This was my agony.

Until the Lost Incident,
that is.

Someone finally
took an interest in me.

Locked in a room with
nothing but a VR set

was... nice.

It was nice?

It was horrible!


Was it?

It seems this is where
our opinions diverge.

For the first time ever

someone was
focusing on me,

wanting to learn how
skilled I was.

Sure, their training
methods were a bit harsh...


... but at the end
of the day

it did make me
a better duelist.

I no longer felt alone.

I learned not to fear pain
but to embrace it.

As a sort
of joyful comfort.

Yes, yes, I know.

This must all sound
a bit out there

to someone such as
yourself, Playmaker.

Someone who's devoted
his whole life...

to getting revenge
for the exact same thing

that I'm currently

Nah, it doesn't
sound out there.

It sounds insane!

But alas, all good times
had to come to an end

when they "rescued"
me against my will

and returned me
to the orphanage.

How they thought that
would better my life

I still
do not understand.

If I didn't feel
alone before

it was now
a hundred times worse.

They were scared
to talk to me,

wary of saying
the wrong thing.

Everyone treated me
with kiddie gloves

as if I was
made of porcelain.

As if I would shatter
into pieces

at the slightest touch.

So I chose to run away
from the orphanage.

To go back to the only
home I've ever known.

Only to find
it locked away.

So I just sat there
and waited.

You waited?

For my wishes
to come true.

For them to come back

so that I could once
again re-live

the best
time of my life.

But they
didn't come back.

Only he did.


When I saw him I knew
without a doubt...

he was the one
I was born to serve.

It was Varis.

His helmet's been
runnin' the chaos

and crazy since
day one!

It seems so.

And Spectre's just another one
of his puppets.

No, no.

You're not listening.

I serve him
because I want to.

Not because I have to.

I owe him all.

He taught me...

that for some people
such as myself

happiness doesn't come
from rainbows and lollipops,

rather, it comes from
grit and grime!

Hey, there's no point

in trying to reason
with this guy.

He doesn't have any
reason in the first place!

Besides, if you waste
any more time,

that tower will
be completed!

Am I right
or am I right?

Say I'm right!

Say it,
say it...

You are, um...

Let's duel!

Yes, let's.

Let us have our cards
settle our differences.

My turn!

I draw!

By sending
a Level-2-or-lower monster

from my hand to
the graveyard,

I'm allowed
to summon Bitrooper!

And with it...

I can create
my circuit!

The summoning condition

one Cyberse monster,

so I set my

in the Link Arrow!

I Link Summon
Link 1 Link Disciple!

I Link Summon
Link 1 Link Disciple!

Next I'll be bringing out
my Link Infra-Flier!

I can automatically
summon it next to my

Link Monster's link!


I can use it to
Link Summon again!

Like before,
the summoning condition

is one Cyberse monster.

But I'm summoning
a different Link Monster!

I Link Summon...

Link 1 Link Devotee!

Then I tribute
it to activate

Link Disciple's
special ability!

I get to draw
a card...

to my hand!

And I return a different
one to my deck.

Now Link Devotee's
special ability activates!

By tributing it,

I can summon two
Link Tokens

to my field
in defense mode.

I follow that up by
summoning Cyberse Gadget!

And by doing so,

its special ability
resurrects a monster

from my graveyard by negating
its special abilities.

Come on out, Latency!

My, my, another one?

Are you attempting to set
the world record

for the most monsters
played in a single turn?

No, I'm not, Spectre.

But that
doesn't mean I'll stop.

Because I'm Link Summoning
for a third time!

I create my circuit!

The summoning conditions
are two non-Token monsters.

So I set Cyberse Gadget

and Latency
in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 2 Binary Sorcercess!

And since I sent
Cyberse Gadget

to the graveyard
to bring out my Sorceress,

I'm allowed to summon

a Gadget Token
to my field!

And with it,
I can Link Summon

for a fourth time!

The summoning conditions

require me to set
two Cyberses.

I Link Summon
Link 2 Multi Sledgehammer!

But why would I stop at
four when I can go five?

I set my two Link Tokens
in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon
Link 2 Binary Blader!

Now go!

Binary Sorceress,
attack Sunavalon Dryas!

Due to its special ability,
Dryas cannot be att*cked.

So your blast of energy

is redirected
straight to me.

Why's he happy about that?

Thanks, Playmaker.

You triggered
Dryas' other ability!

During each of our

when I take damage,

I can summon my
Sunvine Gardna

next to my
Sunavalon Dryas's link

and regain all the damage
that you dealt me.

I've heard
of tree huggers before

but not a tree
that hugs you!

Perhaps it's due
to my special connection

with the green.

One that spans
to my earliest days.

In the most natural
of nurseries.

There in the hollow
of a tree did I inhale

my first sweet
breaths of air.

You might think I would
have been scared

but on the contrary
I was comforted.

Even when
the skies became violent

and the rain
began to pour,

I knew I was safe

because this tree
kept me safe.

And not just from
the elements.

When things
looked their most dire,

when my fate appeared

the tree was there.

It shielded me
from danger

while still showing me
the beauty of the world.

Eventually I was found

and brought
to the orphanage.

But I wish I had never
been discovered

because the greatest
peace that I ever knew...

was there in that
tree hollow,

which is why
I would go back

to visit every day.

That was,
until the Lost Incident.

Though I did enjoy
the experience...

the only downside

was not being able
to visit the hollow.

So, after I was "saved,"
that was my first stop

and my last visit there.

During the six months
I was captured,

the tree had
been cut down.

My protector was gone.

For what?

To make pencils?

The truth is my dreary life
at the orphanage

wasn't the only
reason I turned to Varis.

The whole world needs to pay
for their transgressions!

Varis protects me now,

and I'll protect him
by destroying you!
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