01x34 - Roots of Evil

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x34 - Roots of Evil

Post by bunniefuu »

on "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...

I know everything about you.

[Blue Angel]
There's no chance I'm
gonna let you spook me

from playing my game,

I know how you lost those
you cared about as a child.

I know there was
a hole in your heart

that could not be filled
until your brother

read you a story about
a certain Blue Angel.

An angel that could understand
what you're going through

and show you that you do not
have to struggle alone.

Isn't that so?

And now here you stand

before my very eyes
so vibrant and strong.

Fighting to save
this world.

It's wonderful.

Only if the ending
wasn't so tragic!

I Link Summon!

Link 1 Sunvine Thrasher!

Attack Trickstar
Holly Angel!

Hyah! Ahh!


Holly Angel's mine!

Now you've learned that
friendship can be so fleeting.

Not only can't I attack him,

but he's also stealing
my best monsters.

Chopping down his tree

is the key to breaking
his combo, but how?

There has to be a way.

It's a slim chance,
but it's my only chance!

And possibly,
my last chance!

[theme music playing]

The first ring of the tower's
almost complete,

so that means we only have about
five hours left.

If you got some extra gas
in your caboose,

you better light it or you'll
never get your chance

to take down Varis.

I've had enough
of your games, Varis!

But the games have
only just started.

And the only way for you
to win is to defeat me.

So, um, for the sake
of argument,

suppose you fail
to defeat Varis.

You plan on
setting me free?

Losing to Varis
is not an option

that I am
remotely considering.

Uh, okay.
Good talk.

[Blue Angel]
The play field says Spectre
has this duel on lockdown,

but my hand tells
a different story.

If I play this perfect
and get lucky,

really lucky,
I just might break his combo.

I summon Trickstar Candina

in attack mode!


And just the same
as last time,

I can add
a Trickstar card in my deck

straight to my hand!

Next, I'll build the circuit

that turns dreams
into reality!

The summoning conditions
require two Trickstars.

So I set Trickstar Lycoris
and Candina

in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 2
Trickstar Crimson Heart!

And when I Link Summon her,

my Field Spell Trickstar
Light Arena is activated!

It resurrects
one of my Trickstars

I used to summon
Crimson Heart!

Come on back, Candina!

And since I summoned her next
to Crimson Heart's link,

I regain 200 life points.

I discard a Trickstar
from my hand

to activate Crimson Heart's
second ability!

So now we each get to draw
one card from our decks.

And I hope
it's the one I need.


Here I go!

I activate my spell
Trickstar Bouquet!

By returning
Candina to my hand,

this spell lets one
monster on the field

have her attack points,
all 1800 of 'em!

But I'm not powering up
my monster, Spectre.

I'm giving
those attack points

to your
Sunavalon Dryades.

That's kind of you, I guess.

No, it's really not.

I only did it so I could
play Trickstar Temptation.

Since your monster's
attack points changed,

it returns to your hand!

Ahh... How unexpected.

Blue Angel's bustin' out
the moves,

but Specter's
not fazed at all.

Yeah, but that's because
his emotional range

is somewhere between
a concrete block and a turtle.

Skye can duel better
than I thought.

You think she'll win?

She must.

If you get rid
of my Dryades,

you'll most certainly
have me at a disadvantage.


Why do you think
I'm doing it?

I didn't think
you'd be so rude.


Look, are you
a duelist or a magazine?

'Cause you sure got issues.

Just 'cause you didn't have
any friends growin' up

doesn't mean you gotta
take it out on the world.

Easy for you to say.

As alone as you felt,

you had a brother
looking out for you.

So your misery
was by choice,

while I never had
such an option.

Don't be warping
my life story

just so you can
prove a point.

Fine... but it's
not like I'm wrong.

All right, Trickstar
Temptation, it's time!

Get rid of his Dryades!


Since my Dryades forms
the crux of my strategy,

you know that I would never
allow that to happen.

Now, Sunvine Maiden!

Activate your
special ability!

Not only do I get
to summon her,

but she also negates
Trickstar Temptation's effect!


All of that added up
to a whole lot of nothing.

Now, what was it you played?

Five, six, seven cards to
try to get rid of my monster?

Ha! And I stopped it
with one card!


I'm placing one card facedown
and ending my turn.

And by doing so,
Sunavalon Dryades's

attack points
drop down to 0.

Do you want to know why

you can never
defeat me, Blue Angel?

Because though you think
your tough times
made you strong,

they were nowhere near
as difficult as mine.

While you whined about
loneliness in the light,

I was stuck in a dark canyon

where even the concept
of light did not exist.

What I would have given

to live your life...
but alas.

At least mine will continue

while you will be
stuck here forever... Oh!

And with this card,
it will most certainly be so.


Now, watch as I manifest
my circuit!

I require at least
two plant-type monsters.

So I set my Sunvine Maiden
and my Sunavalon Dryades

in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

[laughing maniacally]
I Link Summon!

My Link 3
Sunavalon Dryanome!

Whoa, Spectre's deck has more
trees in it than the Amazon!

Next, by discarding
one card from my hand,

I activate the effect
of my Sunvine Shrine.

It lets me bring
a Plant monster

back from my graveyard
to re-pollinate my field.

Rise again,
my Sunseed Genius Loci!

However, it won't be around
for long.


Because I'm using it to
Link Summon again!

The summoning condition
requires just one Plant monster,

so I set Sunseed Genius Loci
in the Link Arrow!

[laughing maniacally]
I Link Summon!

Link 1 Sunvine Thrasher!

Since Sunvine Thrasher is
linked to Sunavalon Dryanome,

it gains 800 attack points

for every link
that Dryanome has.

So, 800 multiplied
by 3 equals...

Well, tragedy for you.

Now it's stronger
than my monster!

And my Sunvine Thrasher has
an additional special ability

that allows me to steal
the monster it destroys
in battle.


Go, Thrasher!

Attack Trickstar
Crimson Heart!




Well, I can
still play this!

Due to Trickstar
Light Arena's effect,

instead of me taking
a crazy amount of damage
from this battle,

I'm gonna gain a whole
lotta life points!

I do so admire you
for finding the one positive

in your hopeless situation.

But those life points
are nothing more

than an insignificant

since I still gain control

Another Trickstar
has abandoned you.

But since you've been so kind
to share your monsters,

allow me to repay
your generosity.

With an attack!



Crimson Heart wants
to thank you as well.



I end my turn.

Specter has more
life points than me,

more monsters than me...

but he doesn't have
more heart than me!

As long as I'm in this duel,
I still have a chance!

It's my turn!

I summon
Trickstar Nightshade!

[cooing and laughing]

And I'll use her
to build my circuit!

To Link Summon,

I require one Trickstar.

So I set Trickstar Nightshade
in the Link Arrow!

I Link Summon!

Link 1 Trickstar Bloom!

And due to her
special ability,

you get to draw
one card from your deck.

It seems there's no end
to your generosity.

Thank you for this present
my dear.

I wouldn't thank me
just yet.

You see, since I used Trickstar
Nightshade to Link Summon,

I can resurrect her
from the graveyard!

That means I have
all the monsters I need

to Link Summon
for a second time this turn!

I set Bloom and Nightshade
in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 2 Trickstar
Black Catbat!

But the link train
doesn't stop here!

I use my Light Arena

to resummon Nightshade!

She's not only the key
to Link Summoning

for a third time in a row,

but she holds my key
to victory!

I set Trickstar Nightshade

and Trickstar Black Catbat
in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 3
Trickstar Delfiendium!

I've never seen that before!

Uh, yeah,
because it's new.

Just like this
sweet trap card.

Trickstar Maribold returns
a Trickstar in my grave

to my hand and lets me
summon another monster.

So I regain
Trickstar Lycoris

and summon
Trickstar Candina!


And Candina's ability
lets me draw

another Lycoris
from my deck.

Next, I place
one card facedown.

Here I go!

Delfiendium is attacking
your Crimson Heart!

And you'll think she's O.P.
when she uses her ability!

For every Link Monster
on your field,

I get to retrieve a card
that's been banished!

You what?

Since you have
four Link Monsters

and I only have three
banished cards...

You get them all back?
Oh, no!

You mean, oh, yes!

I get to add all three
Trickstar Reincarnations

straight back to my hand!

But that's only the start.

Delfiendium gains

for every card
that I regained!

And 5200 attack points

is enough to end this duel!


Oh wait just a sec.

Dryanome's ability
won't let you damage me.

That's only true as blue
if you can summon

a monster next to
Dryanome's links,

but what if all the links
are already filled?

Oh, my you got me!

You tricked me into misplaying
my cards to trap myself!

All I can say is
brava, Blue Angel.


[Blue Angel]

Attack and end this duel!



I really thought you had me.

This can't be.

How'd Spectre survive?

Is he secretly
using cheat codes?

He did go up-up
instead of down-down.

I was sure Blue Angel
had won this duel, right?

She'll get him next time?

I thought you had
won, too, Blue Angel,

until I realized Dryanome
had another special ability.

When you att*cked
Crimson Heart,

Dryanome was able to move her
to a different location

on the field
to negate your attack.


It must've slipped my mind.

It was by sheer luck

that I remembered it
just in time.


Well I guess that ends
my turn then.

So Delfiendium's
attack points drop to 2200.

You really need to work
on your poker face.

I send Sunvine Shrine
to the graveyard

to swap it with
a different trap.

But maybe I'm doing
all these moves for nothing

since you can't win anyway.

Quit your daydreaming
already would ya?

I've come back from way
bigger deficits than this!

I am oh so quite aware
of that, Blue Angel.

But none of those
enemies were me.

It's my turn.

All right... Oh!

When I digitize you,
be a dear

and give my best regards
to Ghost Gal.

Why don't you go
and do that yourself!

I'm summoning two Trickstar
Lycorises from my hand

in defense mode
during your turn!

But in exchange,
I have to return

Trickstar Candina
to my hand

and Trickstar
Delfiendium to my deck.

I see what you did.

You bolstered your defenses.

That's well done.

That's why I'm such
a fan of yours.

Your number one fan.

Then I'll send you a selfie
when we're done here.

But until then,
I activate Trickstar Treat!

I'll start things off
by placing

one Trickstar Counter
on this card.

And if Trickstar Treat
ever has

at least two counters on it
at the end of the turn,

I have to
immediately destroy it

and take a 1,000 points
of damage for each one

of those counters,
which is obviously not cool.

But here's what is cool.

By placing a counter
on Trickstar Treat,

I can play a trap card
even if it's your turn!

And, boy, do I know
the perfect trap

to play against you
right now.

It's the one you tried
so very hard to get rid of,

Trickstar Reincarnation!

Trickstar Reincarnation
will banish my hand

and then force me to draw

until I replace
each and every card.

But every time I draw,
Lycoris will deal me damage.


But just because you can
play a trap

doesn't mean
you get to activate it.

[Blue Angel]
Oh wait, I do get
to activate it.

Must've slipped my mind.

It's totally luck that I
remembered it just in time.

You mock me?
No one ever mocks me!

Whoa, struck a nerve?

What's wrong, never been
on the losing side of a duel?

Actually, I haven't.

Not to be pop psychologist,
but maybe that's why

your mind's all twisted
like a pretzel.

You think losing this duel

will mean you're
a loser in life.

And I understand why
you feel that way.

Because for those of us
who had to fight

for every scrap
growing up,

losing's costly.

Especially if
you're all alone.

It can toughen us up

or it can
harden us like you.

But if I'm any example
it isn't too late to change.

You have to know it's never,
ever too late to change.

What do you mean?

In the fairy tale,
Blue Angel's friends

put her on the right path.

And that's what
I'll do for you.

Put me on the right path?

My current path
has led me to many a win.

Until now that is, I'm afraid.

Trickstar Reincarnation
makes you banish your hand

and draw a new one.

And for every single card
that you drew,

Trickstar Lycoris gets to deal

to your life points.

But since I happen to have
two Lycroises,

the damage you're taking
is doubled!

To 1600!


You must do
better than that.

By activating Sunavalon
Dryanome's ability,

I'm allowed to summon
a Sunvine from my Extra Deck.

And I regain every point
of damage I took

from one of your Lycroises.

Sunvine Healer, germinate!

That was nice,
but it never hurts

to have a few more
life points.

So I activate Sunvine Healer's
special ability.

For every one
of Dryanome's links,

she endows me
with 300 life points.

But I'm gonna take those
life points right back!

By placing a counter
on Trickstar Treat,

I play another Reincarnation!

So here goes!

She played a second one?


And you'll take damage
like last time!


But what's different
this time

is that you have
nothing left to heal you.

So when I play my third
Trickstar Reincarnation,

I'll deal enough damage
to get rid of

your remaining life points
and win this duel.


As much as I hate to admit it,
you have clearly proven

who the better duelist
is in this match.

Just look at this loser!

You may feel that way,

but it is
so not true, Specter.

And I'll promise
to help you realize that

when the duel's done, okay?

I play my final Trickstar
Reincarnation and activate it!

My combo will bring
this duel to a close.

But you'll see this is
for the best!

The best?

When I said
"Take a look at this loser"

I was talking about you,
I wasn't talking about me!

Ha ha!

You've proven
that you are nowhere close

to being as skilled a duelist
as I am, Blue Angel.


A real duelist would remember

that I still had a card.

I now activate the trap card
Sunbloom Doom!

I now select one monster
that's on the field,

and for every monster
that has

the same Type
as the chosen one,

I regain life points equal
to their attack points!


And the monster
that I shall choose...

Is Trickstar Holly Angel!

How does it feel to watch
your so-called friends

betray you again so that
they can all eagerly serve me?

No! This can't
be happening!

But it is happening
right before your very eyes,

and there's nothing
you can do to stop it!


Oh my.
Did I go too far?

I just couldn't control myself
after you went and decided

that you could
lecture me, dear.

My sincerest apologies.

So please do carry on.

Something about dealing me
enough damage

to end this duel?

Ahh! Unh!
That stings.


But it appears your math
was a tad bit incorrect.

My dear, like you, I read
this book cover to cover.

And I did quite enjoy it.

But I wasn't so dumb to base
my whole life on a fairy tale!


But there is
a moral to our story.

Unlike a children's book,
tales in real life

do not necessarily
have happy endings.

Most of 'em?

They end in tragedy!


You might think that now,

but my friends
will prove you wrong.

Yes, yes, always
with your friends.

You know it's too bad
they're not here
to see you off,

but they'll be
joining you soon enough

since I will
digitize them, too.

I banish Sunbloom Doom
from my graveyard!

Since three trap cards
were activated

and sent directly
to the graveyard this turn,

all Level 3 or lower monsters
on the field are destroyed.

You're the cause of your own
destruction, Blue Angel.

Because it's your fault
that both of your Lycorises

are destroyed!

And for every monster
that's destroyed

you take 500 points of damage!

Be gone!

[both wailing]

[maniacal laughter]

I would ask if you had
any last words

to add for your life story,
but it seems

we already reached
the final page.

It was quite a good tale,

but no one will be
writing a sequel.

Farewell, Blue Angel.


No! Blue Angel!

Hey, Playmaker, look!

That's where
Blue Angel went!

Blue Angel?

No, Skye!

[maniacal laughter]

[theme music playing]
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