01x27 - The Brave Battler

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x27 - The Brave Battler

Post by bunniefuu »




Fear not.

I will accomplish
what you failed to do.

I will capture the Ignis.

That I swear!


We finally built it,

Don't you mean
you did it?

No, I had it right
the first time.

You were not
completely useless.

Roboppi's so flattered.

Now I'm free
to spread my wings!

If you know
what I'm saying!

[both chortling]

Don't overstage me!

[theme music playing]


Thanks to Baira's antivirus,

all the Deleted are awake
and back to their daily grind.

Yeah, it was
the perfect antidote!

Never hurts when the one
who created the virus

is the same one to cure it.

Hmm? What's wrong?

All of our battles
up until now,

they've taken place
inside of LINK VRAINS.

But in this latest incident,

we had to face
the Knights of Hanoi

in the real world
instead of the virtual.

Yeah, risking
your secret identity.

And if we don't
keep our guard up,

the Hanoi are gonna put
two and two together

and figure out
that you're Playmaker.


[duelist screaming]

Unh! Ohh!


Grr! This one's
not Playmaker either!

You gotta be
kidding, Yusaku!

If Playmaker
and Blue Angel

are fighting
the Knights of Hanoi,

we can't just stand by
and be spectators.

And why not?

Because they need our help

saving the whole world
and everyone on it.

They definitely don't.

Oh yeah?
Why not?

Three reasons.

One, with the antivirus,

duelists are no longer
being deleted.

Two, if they really
wanted anyone to help,

they would ask for it.

And three,
you lack the skills
to defeat the Hanoi.


You actually don't think
I can outduel 'em?

That is correct, Shima.

Why else would you ask me
to go along with you?


I won't dignify that
with an answer! Ugh!

Still ain't one
to mince words, are ya?

It's the truth.


Yusaku may not believe
in my skills,

but I sure convinced
all of them.

Do you see this smile?

That, my friends,
is the smile of a duelist

who has never even
been beaten!

[all gasp]

That's right.

I'm talking
hundreds of duels!

Hard fought ones!

And not even
a single loss!


They called me
the King of Games!

[gasping louder]

That is, in the toddlers
and tweens duel circuit.

[all groan]

Ever beat someone
not a kid?

[chuckling nervously]
Well, uh...

Don't feel bad.

We all gotta start
somewhere, I guess.

We welcome you
to the Duel Club!

You mean it?!

Oh, you won't be sorry!

They could've laughed at me,
but they didn't...

'cause they knew I had
natural talent

to be a champion.



Downloading new data.


I didn't okay
any new download.

Where in the world of worlds

did this Cyberse Wizard
come from?!

Go, Cyberse Wizard!

This is Playmaker's card.

But how?

"Shima, this is Playmaker.

"I'm giving you this card

"so that you could...

help me take on
the bad guys"?

Shima, can I
count on you?

You don't have
to ask me twice.

This card...

It'll give me
the strength to do

whatever needs to be done.


Playmaker could've chosen
anyone, and he chose me!

Gotta say,
he's got great taste!

And I won't let him down.

your BFF is on his way!

It's time to link
into the VRAINS!

Here I come, P.M.!

Oh, wow!
Check out my avatar!

I'm really in LINK VRAINS!

And it feels so good!

Better than good!

It feels like...

I'm a...


So think I'll try out

my super powers!

Oh, yeah,
check out this speed!


I'm unstoppable!



Okay, maybe not.

But this is still awesome!
I'm awesome--

[duelist yelling]



Grr... Nope...

He's not Playmaker, either.


[duelist yelling]


Someone help!

The Knights of Hanoi are
hunting every duelist in sight

to try and find Playmaker!

Hey! You there!
what are you up to?


Ha! Let me guess.

Heh heh!
You trick or treating?

I'm not here for candy!

Shima, can I
count on you?

I'm here for you!

Playmaker personally
asked for my help

to defeat you
Hanoi hooligans!

You're friends
with Playmaker?

That's right.

Here's proof!

That's a Cyberse card!

Yeah, and only
Playmaker plays 'em!

So if you're looking
to find Playmaker,

I got news for ya!

You're gonna have to
get past his sidekick first!

So prepare...

to take on
The Brave Battler!

The only thing
brave about you

is that you're still
willing to dab in public.


It's still super cool,
unlike you Hanoi!

Aww man, he's not
scared at all.

I hope my cards talk
a better game than me!

Now let's duel!

Ohh! Oh no!

My monsters' levels
are too high to summon!

This is the worst
starting hand possible!

Hmm... That brave bozo
has the lead

before the duel
even started!

[Shima, thinking]
No no no!

I can't play
any of these cards!

I totally bricked my hand!

Huh?! Hmm!

Just the hand I wanted!


Oh, well, just gonna have
to make the best of it.

It's my turn!

By all means

So not flash!

I'll start things off
by activating

the spell card
Hand Destruction!

We both have to send
two cards in our hands

to our graveyards,
and then draw

two new cards from our decks
in their place.

New cards? Nice!

He thinks he's hurting me
but he's actually helping!

I shall get rid
of these monsters,

two Steelswarm Mantises.

Now you must discard
two cards of your own.

It's cool.

I wasn't feelin' these
Green Baboons anyway.

Come on!

Don't brick,
don't brick,
don't brick!



Wait, actually...

With these two
spell cards...

Yes... This could work!

I drew the perfect cards!

Heh! Can't be more
perfect than my cards!

Perfectly awful!
This is so not flash!


I activate, the spell card
A Feather of the Phoenix!

I discard one card
from my hand,

and that lets me retrieve
one card in my graveyard

and return it
to the top of my deck.

I exchange
Steelswarm Mantis

and take back Hand Destruction
from the grave!

Next up, I activate

the spell card Soul Charge
from my hand.

It lets me summon as many
monsters from my graveyard

as I want, as long as I pay

for each one!

Rise up, my three
Steelswarm Mantises!


Your opponent is down
to 1,000 life points.


Yeah, but he has, like,
three super powerful monsters

while I have zip.

But wait...
the Green Baboons
in my graveyard

have more attack points
than his monsters.

If I can resurrect even one,
I'll so win this!

I bet You're planning
on re-summoning a monkey

from your graveyard
aren't you, kid?

He's onto me!
I gotta bluff!

Yes. Yes, I am.

I never was good
at bluffing.

Well, it's not
going to matter.

Not after I tribute
my three Steelswarms

to summon this behemoth!

Steelswarm Hercules!



Steelswarm Hercules
has 3200 attack points.

Hmph! Like I'm scared.

I'm so scared!

Perhaps this will put
the fear in you.

By paying half
my life points,
Hercules destroys

all other cards
on the field
other than itself!

Say what?
That's right!

So no matter
how many monsters
you decide to summon,

each and every one of them
will be destroyed
during my turn.

This is gettin'
worse and worse.
Aww, man!

It's your turn, Halloween!

Not that there's anything
you can actually do.

There's plenty I can do.
Like shake my fist at you!

I don't care if you don't
believe in me

as long as Playmaker does!

So I won't give up!

My turn! Ohh!

What's that?

Heh! Just a gift.

[Shima, thinking]
And a nice one at that.

But Cyberse Wizard
is a strong card

only when it's used
in just the right way.

I don't know if I'm up
to the challenge.

You're up to the challenge.

Now, Shima... believe.

And if you do...

You will Win this battle.

I promise.

You promise?

Okay then.

That's just what I'll do.

I'm gonna believe
in myself.

You're as smart

as ten Einsteins
squished together.

When this is all over,
ya think we can hang?

C'mon, kid, stop daydreaming
and make a move, will ya?

You bet I'll make a move!

I summon my Cyberse Wizard!

Huh? Hey!

You made it here
just in time!

You need to see this.

See what?

Cyberse Wizard? How?

I don't know...
Only you and Varis

have ever been able to
summon Cyberse monsters.

But I guess this
"Brave Battler"
makes three.

I've never heard
of him before.

He's definitely heard
about us, though.

How would you know?

'Cause this guy stole
Yusaku's card!

No, mine's right here.

Hmm, that's weird.

Its data's been stripped!

What do you mean?

I mean you have the card,
but not its digital core!

That's not good.

Nope, and I have hunch
it's gonna get worse.

Are you finished?

Far from it.
But you're so gonna be!

I activate Cyberse Wizard's
special ability

to switch your
Steelswarm Hercules

from attack
to defense mode!

Go, Cyberse Algorithm!


And I use the word
"defense" loosely

because your monster's
zero defense points

isn't much in the way
of protection!

So that chump
won't save you!

Cyberse Wizard, attack!

And due to my
Cyberse Wizard's
special ability,

he can deal you damage

even if your monster's
in defense mode!

Game over!


When ya go and mess
with the Brave,

ya dig your own grave!

So flash!

He may have stolen
your card data,

but he did use it
to bring down

one of the
Knights of Hanoi.

so does that make him

chaotic good
or lawful evil?

Found my super
awesome stash

of role-playing
rulebooks, did ya?

as Kolter Footlonger,

the Butcher of Beef.

Good for him, but I think
it's more important

for us to focus on finding
this Brave Battler.

On it.

You're the bestest!

Thank you so much
for saving us!

We're fans!

Of course you are!

I mean,
how could you not be?

That was so awesome.

'Cause saving lives
is what I do.

Have been
for my whole entire life!

[both cheering]

Thank you.

But now I must be going.

After all, there are more
battles for the Battler...

to battle!

Yeah, Battler!

Till next time!

The Brave Battler
could be a lead

to finding Playmaker.

And lead
to finding the Ignis.

Ahh... There you are.

Shima is the Brave Battler?

No way!

Doesn't he have
the dueling IQ of a rock?

It's all here.

The data doesn't lie.

If we are able to uncover

his true identity
this quickly...

so can the Knights
of Hanoi.

This is by far
the flashest thing

to happen in my entire life!

Except that time I got
extra cheese on my nachos

without even ordering it.

I'm Playmaker's
bestest friend!

I can't believe my luck--

Well, you shouldn't.



Where am I?

Hey, hey, someone help me!

No one can hear you.

Who is that?

Where are you?
Show yourself!

I'll be the one
making the demands.

Now then,
where is Playmaker?

How in the world
would I know?

I mean, I'm a fan
but it's not like
I even know the guy!

But you said you were
his sidekick

in your last duel
as the Brave Battler.


Even if you won't talk.

I still can
make use of you.


Hey, what are you doing?

Stop it!
Come on, man, quit it!

Oh, this is so,
so not flash!

Hey, what are you doing?

Stop it!
Come on, man, quit it!

Oh, this is so,
so, not flash!

Shima's back in LINK VRAINS!

And looks like
he's not alone.

Zoom in.

Zapping someone unconscious
is a big no-no, you know!

I've done much worse.

I know you're watching,

My name is Faust.
Come and face me.

Or relieving your sidekick
of his Cyberse Wizard

will be the least
of your worries.

Fat chance!

Playmaker trusted me with that
card, so you can't have it!

He thinks I gave it to him?

We'll duel
for the card then.

A duel?!
Uh... [whimpering]

Whoa! You know,
at times like these

I really think there's
just one thing to say,

and that one thing
is... help!

If you can hear me,
I've been snatched
against my will

and locked away in some
strange warehouse!

Although, I gotta admit...

Locked away
in a warehouse?

That means
this Faust fella
must've found Shima

and locked him away
in real life!

Can you find him?

They must still be somewhere
within the city limits.

I sure can try,

but it's going to take me
a little time.

So how about you head
and save him?

You got it.

Where's my Duel Disk?

I know I left it
right here.

Heya, guys!

Ohh! Now what?

You all look like
cockroaches from up here!

Ai, is that you?

The one and only!

Wait, hold on, let me make
sure I get my good side.


Come to think of it,
both my sides look good!

An Ai in the sky.

Just what we need.

I reworked the Duel Disk
into a Duel Drone

so you can't lock me up
at home anymore.

And I might just not
come back!

You won't come back?

I'm trying to think
of three reasons

why that would be bad,
but I cannot.

Uh-huh, I know you're
crying on the inside.

Actually, you can
prove helpful.

Oh, yeah?

You can search
for Shima from above.

By flying around?
Den City is huge!

It'll be like finding
a needle in a haystack!

Unless Ai knows
where to look.

And it just so happens I do!

Every card emits
a data signal.

It does.

But I don't know
if Cyberse Wizard's scent
is strong enough

for Ai to get a whiff
and hone in on it.

Just 'cause
I don't have a schnozz

doesn't mean I can't
sniff things out! Hmph!

You're being
a bit "scent-sitive".

Fine, Kolter.

Besides, I already picked up
Cyberse Wizard's

general direction
while Playmaker was yappin'.

Okay, let's move!

[engine starts]

[Brave Battler]
Come on, instead
of Speed Dueling,

can't we maybe pick
another game?

Like hide-and-go-seek?

Get on the duel board.

Rock, Scissors, Paper?

My, my!

For someone
that Playmaker trusts...

you're quite the coward.


You lack the skills
to defeat the Hanoi.

We've all gotta start
somewhere I guess.

But Playmaker believes in me,

so I gotta believe
in me too!

Come on, come on,
come on, come on!

Let's do this!

Boy, you just can't escape
the traffic in this town!

Hey, not so close!

Where'd you learn to fly,

It's another drone!

Except it's got
one more rotor that me.

Not that I'm jelly.
It's the thrust that counts.


Unh! Oof!

Why build a building
all the way up here?

Where are you, Ai?

Definitely not running into
any large buildings, heh heh!

Signal's getting

Ai, rendezvous
at street level.


Ace pilot Ai coming in
for touchdown!

Then again,
I'm not exactly sure

how to touch down
in this thing.

Forgot the landing gear!

So then use the gear
it does have.

Oh yeah.

Okay, keep tracking
Shima's signal.


It's time...

to link into the VRAINS!

I'm coming, Shima.

[theme music playing]
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