01x22 - The Deleted

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x22 - The Deleted

Post by bunniefuu »


Got you!

[excited chatter]


[puzzled reactions]

They're blocking out the sun!

What's that?
An eclipse?

I've never seen one in here.

Did they announce
a special event?

Not that I've heard.

Does everyone
else see that?

Maybe it's a bug
in the programming.

What's going wrong this time?

A bug? A virus? Unreal!
How am I supposed to nap?

I want this fixed yesterday!

Or you're all fired!
Do you hear me?

[anxious chatter]

Everyone, stay still.

What's happening?

Back in ancient times, solar
eclipses were super evil omens,

foreshadowing total destruction
and the end of civilizations.

So you got that going for you.

They're just fables, Ai.

But perhaps
there is something to this.

Someone may be sending
the world a message.

Like what?
Wear sunscreen?

I believe that we'll find out
soon enough.

I hate waiting for surprises.

Rip off the bandage and bring
on' the gloom and doom!


Or this could be the start
of a new beginning.

Because I will not allow
the darkness to last forever.


[distant voice]

Who's there?
Are you doing okay?

Who are you?

Remember, just three things.

Yeah, I know, I remember, but...

Where are you?
Are you my friend?

Hey, mission control
to Yusaku.

Spacing out again?

For a second there
I was scared

you'd become one
of The Deleted.

The Deleted?

Why don't ya try browsin'
a news feed once in a while?

The headline's on every
page in 72 point font.

I could give
you the 4-1-1,

but I don't think
you appreciate
all the knowledge

I'm always providing you.

A simple "Shima,
you're my info guru"
will suffice.

Hey, wait up!
Where are you going?

Fine, fine!
I'll tell ya.

Just slow down your
giddy-up, would you?

Ya notice how a lot
of students are absent
from school these days?

It's because they've become
one of The Deleted.

See, there's an evil ghoul
that's going around

putting curses on Duel Disks.

And if you're unlucky
to own one of 'em,

it snatches your soul and traps
it inside Link Vrains.

Are you serious?

Why would I bother lying
to ya? Come on, now.

And the scary thing
is you don't even know

if your Duel Disk is cursed
until it's too late.

And it strikes
at the stroke of midnight.


Its gangly ghoulish arms
creep out of the disk

and snatch
the owner's soul away!


Story goes that the victim
is dragged into Link Vrains

never to be seen again!

All that's left
is an empty shell,

still alive but lifeless.

The hospital's overflowin'
with the Deleted.

The docs and nurses
are workin' around the clock,

but none of them
have woken up yet.

This story sounds familiar!

Keep it down.

Keep what down?

I... meant keep going.

Just one last thing.

Peeps are saying that
the curse only affects

duelists with talent,
so you know what, Yusaku?

You got nothing
to worry about.

But me? Chances are
I'll be the next victim!

Well then, you better sleep
far away from your Duel Disk.

I do, but, I'm hopin'
Playmaker shows up

and busts that ghoul ASAP

before it drags me away and
leaves me lyin' like a lump.


Anyway, be careful!

In case you get mistaken
for a skilled duelist!

You too, Shima... I guess.

Yusaku, I got an inside tip
on this security cam footage.

Check it out!

How exciting.

It will be.

It shows the exact moment
someone gets deleted.

Really? This I gotta see!

Ugh, six more minutes?
Hit the fast forward!

Hit the fast forward!

No, keep watching.

You'll see.

Is that an energy field?

Whatever it is, it's no ghoul.

But it's definitely bad news.

That Duel Disk
activated on its own.

So he must've been forcibly
logged into Link Vrains.

And now he's one of The Deleted.

Whoever's deleting
these people

isn't waiting around
for midnight anymore.

He or she's speeding
up the timetable.

And that's filling up
the ICUs around the city

faster and faster, see?

They're like
frozen in time.

Not a single eye
flutter among them.

It's like Blue Angel
all over again!

That's right.

If that's the case that
means there's a real
strong possibility

that the Knights
of Hanoi are the ones

behind all of this
late night madness.

But for what purpose?

And why these people?

That's the bigger question.


Uh, duh, because
the Hanoi are bad guys!

Bad guys do bad stuff.
Don't overthink it.

I just don't think
it's that simple, Ai.

Perhaps we can
find a common thread

running through
all the Deleted.

That way, we may
be able to anticipate

who the next victim will be
and get ahead of the Hanoi.

Is it that they all like
wearing blue pajamas?

I see three other commonalities.

One: Their duel rankings
are elite level.

Two: they utilized
older model Duel Disks.

They're all well-known hackers.

All those details
sound mighty familiar.

They're looking for Playmaker!

To be more accurate they're
looking for what Playmaker has

and that's you, Ai.

It's so hard to be popular.

Is it now?

Well, there's no worry
about the Hanoi finding you

'cause I scrubbed you out
of every database out there.

But that's not
a good thing.

Because the Hanoi
don't know that,

so they're only
going to create

more and more Deleted
in the coming days.

But we can turn that
to our advantage.

The more they expose themselves,

the easier it'll be to find the
mastermind behind this scheme.


So you're turning this
tragedy into a strategy?

You know what?
I gotta say, not bad.

Look at you,
using your brain

for the first time
in your life.

Don't pull a brain hammy!

Don't touch me
with that elbow.

How 'bout the
other elbow?

Now behave, children.

Anyway, I fed my profile
algorithm the traits

to see who's likely
to become the next victims.

And at the top of the list,
one of your classmates, Yusaku.

Mackendrick Kellenbocker.

Parents musta robbed
the consonant store.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's go check
his syllables out.

According to his school records,

Mackendrick lives on the top
floor of that building.

But it doesn't say
which apartment.

Mackendrick? You okay?

Hey! Look there!

That's Mackendrick's avatar
somewhere inside of Link Vrains.

And the other guy's
totally Hanoi!

This is your last chance
to fess up, Playmaker.

I'm running out of patience.

I already told you!
I'm not Playmaker!

I suppose next you'll
tell me you don't have

an Ignis stashed
inside your Duel Disk.

I don't even know
what an Ignis is!

I believe you.

That is most unfortunate.

For you, that is.

Because if you're
not the duelist
I'm looking for,

your existence
serves no purpose.


[cries out]


Well, crack my code!

Wait, is that Gore?

Mac K, naptime's over pal.

Come on, wake up!

Are those tears
or is that the ocean?

Hard to tell since I'm staring
at a washed-up has-been hack.

Truth be told, I do
wish I had the pleasure

of meeting The Gore,
when The Gore was actually
worth meeting.

Yeah, great.
Now what did you
do to my bud here?

Infected him with
a lil' ol' virus, that's all.

A virus?

You better hand
over the antidote, pal!

Oh, I'll gladly
give you the cure,

if you bring
me Playmaker.

You want Playmaker?

Yes, I'm a big fan of his.

But I'm looking for more
than just an autograph.

Bring him to me,
and we, the Hanoi,

will reward you
with this antidote.

Sounds tempting.

If I was dumb enough to be
tricked by you slime balls!

How unfortunate.

You've made another
bad decision.

No wonder you've lost
so many duels recently.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
keep quackin', you quack!

Doctor, actually.
Dr. Genome.

Spread the word
among your friends.

If you don't want any more
individuals to be deleted

get Playmaker to face me
voluntarily or not.

You gotta give it to 'em.

The Hanoi are really
good at blackmail.

Who knows who'll be
the next to be deleted?

Perhaps someone even more
near and dear to your heart.

Not that I actually care.

Happy hunting.


The Hanoi will pay.

They're willing to ruin
everyone else's lives

just to capture me.

But they'll soon learn
that it's their lives

that are going to be ruined.

Once we execute our plan,

all records of the Lost Incident
will be erased.


We've entered the final stages.

How soon will we be ready
to launch the program?

Anytime we desire.


What's wrong?
Are you not pleased?

Yes, but I require some time.

Time for what?

For unfinished business.

Or Playmaker?

Tempest Terahertz!

Our last duel
will gnaw at me
until I defeat him!

I see.

But we cannot
delay forever.

I know.

How's Mr. Kellenbocker?

He's still down
for the count.

I'm sorry,
but it's good

you called
the paramedics
so quickly.

It wasn't me,
they were already

at his place
when I showed up.

I don't know
who rang 'em up,

but I'd sure love
to shake their hand.

You and Mr. Kellenbocker
have known each other
for a long time, correct?

Since the orphanage days.

Me and Mac K, we were
like yin and yang.

While I could handle
myself with the bullies,

the kid wouldn't hurt a fly.

But they learned not to mess
with him on the quick if they
didn't wanna get Gored!

I still don't know how
he survived on the streets

for so long
without gettin' jaded.

He was always thankin' me
for savin' him,

but it was the other way around.

'Cause he made those
hard days easier.

Showin' me that life
wasn't all fists and trash.

As if we'd one day fly out
of this mess to a better life.

And ya know, we did...

Until today.

This is all my fault.

How is it possible
that it's your fault?

'Cause I taught him
how to duel.

The Hanoi would've never gone
after him if he was no duelist.

With all due respect,
those my friend

are the thoughts
of a buffoon.

Now, just for the record,

I did say with
all due respect.

You care to clear that up
before you lose your job?

Now, now,
easy does it.

Mackendrick derived great
pleasure from dueling,

learning the strength
to stand up for himself.

If there's anyone to blame,
it's the Hanoi, not you.

So don't go beating
yourself up.

Mac K!

Doc, is he gonna be okay?

I wish I was able to provide
you with good news but...

Our tests have confirmed
he is one of The Deleted.

So you're sayin'

Mac K's never gonna
wake up again?

I didn't say that.

The last thing you want
to do is to give up hope.

If you'll excuse me.


There's nothing you can do.

That's where
you and the MD's
are all wrong.

Genome has the cure,

and I'm gonna
get it from him!

Hey, you!

I recognize those duds.

You go to school with Mac K?

That's right.
We share a few classes.

Well, thanks
for comin', uh...

Yusaku Fujiki.

Be seein' ya.

You can't outrun the Hanoi.

Hey Losers!

Watch out!


We gotta log out!

Too late, kid!






You're not goin' anywhere!

Till we've had our fun.

Since when did
we lower our standards?

These new recruits don't
deserve to be Hanoi.

They've only joined our ranks
to prey on the weak.

These boorish individuals know
nothing of our core beliefs.

They're tarnishing the name
of the Knights of Hanoi,

and these behaviors
of theirs are unacceptable.

Most true...
So it is upon ourselves

to complete our mission.

I agree, Faust.

I swear to you that we will find
Playmaker and his Ignis.

Not just find them
but we shall erase them
from existence, Varis.

Dr. Genome is already
making his move.

And we provided him
with a special w*apon.

Two hot dogs.
Bon appétit.

You going?

Look there.

Go, Hack Worm!
Strike him down now!

The Knights of Hanoi
are on a rampage

all across Link Vrains.

They claim that they're
only huntin' for Playmaker,

but they're attacking every
duelist they run across

and turning them
into The Deleted.

All the more reason to go.

Or more reason not to.

They're ganging up
two, three, ten to one.

They have
you outnumbered.

Kolter's right.

These guys aren't dueling fair.

Since when did that stop me?

Well, never... But there's
always a first time.

I can give my usual speech
about not putting

my life in danger,
but it won't work, will it?

Of course not.

There he is!
It's him!

I knew you wouldn't
let us down, Playmaker!

Sweep those dirty dirtballs
out of Link Vrains!

Who is that?

I think I've seen
him before.

Who can forget
a face that ugly?

Don't make me delete you.

I heard you punks were
out here lookin' for me.

Well, here I am!
Bring it!

It's brought!

Surround him!


You're trapped!

Nuh-uh, you're trapped!

Don't you dare think
that you can hang us
out to dry, Playmaker!

I can't hear you!

You're barking
up the wrong tree!

Playmaker's always so flash!

Very impressive, Playmaker.

If that's who you really are.

But something informs me

That something being your DNA,
your dueling genome if you will.

Every duelist possesses
their own unique style,

by any other player around.

So, no matter how hard you try,

your avatar can't disguise
who you really are.

What are your lips
flappin' about?

You're not who you say
you are, Playmaker.

Or should I say, The Gore!

Oh, man, I thought it was him.

[all grumping]

That's not Playmaker?

I'm surprised Gore
could squeeze himself
into that jumpsuit.

Ya got me!

But since I tricked
ya into comin' here,

it looks like
I'm the one who got you!

Whoa! Either Playmaker has been
pumpin' iron or that really

is the one who rules the ring,
the mountain of muscle...

The Gore!

The dueling world's beefiest
brawler is back!

Well, since you're not
the real Playmaker,

you're just
wasting my time.
I'm leaving

You sure? 'Cause I brought
you something you want.

Oh, really now.

What could you have
that I'd want?

I only want Playmaker.

Yeah, I know.
So instead, I got you

the next best thing...
Playmaker's identity.

The Gore is dropping bombs!

He claims to know the answer
to dueling's biggest mystery:
who is Playmaker?

And why pray tell should
I believe your claim?

Can you afford not to?

I'm stakin' Playmaker's
real world ID

for Mac K's antidote.
Are you game, punk?

How very delightful.
It's a deal.


Whoa!Dr. Genome
will face The Gore

in a battle
of mind versus muscle!

Just when it seemed
the shimmer of his celebrity
dueling days were fading,

Gore is back
to ignite his light!

How'd he figure out
your secret identity?

Don't know.

You accidentally
drop some hints

when you saw him
at the hospital?


You will fail
to win this duel, Gore.

For I wield Hanoi's
newest w*apon!


I unleash the Data Gale!


Data Gale?

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