01x17 - Blue's Back!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x17 - Blue's Back!

Post by bunniefuu »

on "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...

It's one thing to hack
into my company's mainframe.

It's another to give
Playmaker access to it.

What do we both want?

We want to know what happened
a decade ago to Playmaker,

and that info's locked tight
in SOL Tech's databank.

If he triggers the alarms,

Security will be busy
chasing him down

while we infiltrate
the databank ourselves.

Very well then.

Hey, Blue Angel!

It's safe to come out now!


You wanna talk?

Because I see a role
for you in this, too.

This place is more massive
than I expected.


The tether's severed!

Oh, no!


It seem someone is hacking
into our company's databank!

No! It can't be!

That's Playmaker!
Launch my AIs immediately!

Time to Speed Duel!

Speed Duel!


[AI yelping]


I'm here
to even up the odds!

Eliminate intruder.

So go ahead and give it
your best shot.

In the end,
you'll be seeing blue!

[theme music playing]


Blue Angel?


Looks like you can use
some help, Playmaker.

How did you get here?

Uh, it's pronounced
"thank you"?

C'mon, ya slowpoke!
Try to catch me!

I'm back where I belong,
riding a Duel Board!

Blue Angel dares infiltrate
my mainframe, too?


That is so... Zaizen

to use his sister
to try to disgrace me!

But he will not succeed!

You there!
With the bad posture!

Bring Zaizen!

[Operator C]
He's already left
for the day.

He did, huh?
That's bug wash!

[Operator B]
What should we do
about Blue Angel, sir?

Delete her... at once!

Or you're fired!

And don't bother asking me
for a recommendation!

Red-B, switch your target

from Playmaker
to duel Blue Angel.


Let's Speed Duel!

Speed Duel.

[Ghost Gal]

Seems Blue Angel arrived
to give Playmaker a hand.

What?! Skye's here?

But how? And why?

And who where when?


I have to save her!

Zaizen, wait!

This is our only chance to
get to the mainframe's core,

and I won't have your emotions
messing up our plans.

What about Skye?

She's a big girl.

She can take care of herself

without having big brother
running her life.

You can work this out
with a self-help book later,

but for now, less chatting
and more skedaddling.

Okay, fans, stay blue!

This duel is not televised.

Like that matters?

Here I go!

I'll set the venue
with the Field spell

Trickstar Light Stage!

It lets me add
one Trickstar monster

in my deck to my hand!

And she's a Trickstar

that I'm automatically
allowed to summon!

So, fluttering
to my field first

is Trickstar Lilybell!

Next, I summon
Trickstar Candina

to join Lilybell
on my field!

My Candina's so sweet.

She uses her special
ability to grace me

with another Trickstar
from my deck!

Okay, let's go, girls!

Build the circuit
that turns dreams into reality!

I set Lilybell and Candina
in the Link Arrows!

I Link Summon!

Link 2 Trickstar
Holly Angel!

[Blue Angel]
I Link Summon!

Link 2 Trickstar Holly Angel!

She Link Summoned
on her first turn?

My Link Monster's
only the beginning,

because I activate
my spell, Trickstar Vision!

This card lets me summon
another Trickstar from my hand,

but I have to negate
all of her special abilities

and cut her
attack points in half.

Total bummer,
but it's no biggie.

Come on out,
Trickstar Narkissus!

Then, Trickstar Vision
lets us both draw one card.

Drawing card.

Me, too!
But I'm not done yet!

I'm gonna
place this facedown.

Next up is my Narkissus.

Sure, she may have lost
all of her cool powers,

but that doesn't mean
she's powerless!

I can trade her
for Trickstar Lycoris!

And summoning Lycoris

triggers Holly Angel's
special ability!

Because every time
a Trickstar is summoned

next to Holly Angel's link,

she deals you

And not to be greedy
or anything,

'cause I know it's better
to share and care,

but I wanna
keep dealing you damage.

So my spell
Trickstar Light Stage

kicks in for 200 more!

Ya know, you got
a pretty good poker face.

I really can't tell
if you're upset or not.

Maybe this'll change things!

Narkissus, use your ability!

That's right!

When my effect damages you,

she can summon herself
to the field!

All those flickering gnats

are more a nuisance
than a threat!

It's your turn,
Mr. Machine.

Commencing turn.


Oh goodie!

Whenever you draw a card,
Lycoris' special ability

deals you 200 points
of damage.

But that's not all!

Like last time,
whenever one of my Trickstars

deals you damage,
Trickstar Light Stage

short circuits 200
of your life points!

And then my Trickstar
Holly Angel gains attack points

equal to the damage you took!

Rise up, Holly Angel!

Oh wait.

This was actually
your turn right?

Sorry to snatch
your spotlight.

I'll do my best not to
interrupt you again, okay?

Initiate optimal action:

Activate spell
Abyss Invitation.

Pay 500 life points.

Summon Tentacluster Darkwhip.

Okay, okay, I know I said

I'd do my best
not to interrupt you,

but you make it so easy!

You've triggered
Narkissus's ability!

[Operator B]
Red-B's down another


Trigger Abyss Invitation.

Consequence: Opponent loses

Two can play that game.

I'll take your ding
and ding you right back!

And your loss means Holly Angel
gains more attack points!


Trigger Abyss Invitation.

Optimal action:

Activate Machine

Action result:
Summon two

Darkwhips from deck.

Kinda gross.

With three monsters, Red-B
is able to Link Summon!

Materializing circuit.

Summoning conditions:
three Tentacluster monsters.

Response: Set three
Tentacluster Darkwhips

in Link Arrows.

Link Summon complete.

Action result: Link 3
Tentacluster Nautilus.

Yes! Yes, yes!

Action: Special ability
of Tentacluster Nautilus.

Summon Tentacluster
from hand next to link

of Tentacluster Nautilus.

Action result: Summon
Tentacluster Blastsucker.

New optimal action.

Summon second
Tentacluster Blastsucker.

Analyze duel state.

Optimal action:

Special ability
of Tentacluster Nautilus.

Destroy monster
next to its link.

Opponent loses 400 life points.

Action result:
Trigger Abyss Invitation.

Opponent loses

My, my, Blue Angel!

It appears your life points
have sprung a leak

and it's only going
to get worse.

Rerun process.

Consequence: Opponent loses

Action result:
Trigger Abyss Invitation.

Opponent loses

That AI's whittling me down
little by little,

and I better watch out
'cause there isn't
much left to whittle!

Victory imminent.

Yeah, right!
A ketchup bottle beating me?

That'll be the day!

Ha! Red-B is programmed

with the best strategic
algorithms ever computed!

Your odds of winning are zero,
just like your I.Q.!


Action: Banish Tentacluster
Blastsucker from graveyard.

Consequence: Opponent
loses 400 life points.

Action result:
Trigger Abyss Invitation.

Fine with me.

'Cause Narkissus lights you up
with 200 points of damage!

Trigger Abyss Invitation.

And Trickstar
Light Stage!

Trigger Abyss Invitation.

Trigger, trigger,

Didn't they program you
with a bigger vocabulary?

Studies say
that people over-talk

when they're under duress.

She's shook!

Action: Banish second
Tentacluster Blastsucker.

Consequence: Opponent loses

Trigger Abyss Invitation.

We're doing
all this again, really?

Trigger Abyss--

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Action result:
Trigger Abyss Invitation.

Opponent loses

Victory probability: 99%.

You're shaving away
my life points,

but every time you do,

you're only powering up
my Holly Angel.

Inconsequential response.

Optimal action: Activate
Flexible Tentacluster.

Action result: Re-summon

banished Tentacluster

Flexible Tentacluster

lowers battle damage to zero.

Victory probability:

Increased to 99.9 percent.

All right!
And now, Red-B,

clip Blue Angel's wings
once and for all!


Okay, if I was that thing,

I'd have my Blastsucker
attack a stronger monster

so that it'll destroy itself.

'Cause with
Flexible Tentacluster,

I won't take
any damage anyway.

But that now lets me banish
Blastsucker from my graveyard

to deal 400 points of damage,

which is exactly
what I have left.

That's the most efficient
path to victory.

And that's what makes
a computer program

a program-- efficiency.

But with that efficiency
comes predictability,

which I can exploit!

Initiate battle.

Tentacluster Blastsucker
att*cks Trickstar Lycoris.

Oh no!

Just kidding!

By returning Trickstar
Light Stage to my hand,

I can then activate
my trap card...

Trickstar Cascade!

It slams the brakes
on Blastsucker's attack!

Remaining action:
End turn.


Now that your turn's done,

Trickstar Holly Angel's
attack points

drop back to 2000.

But it's still strong enough
to erase your hard drive!

Come on, girls, let's go!

I'll start by banishing
two Cyberse monsters

from my graveyard,
Dotscaper and Linkslayer.

This allows me to activate

Dual Assembwurm's
special ability.

I can resurrect it
from my graveyard

by cutting
its attack points in half.

And whenever
I banish Dotscaper,

I'm allowed to resummon it
to my field.

Then by giving up
half of my life points,

I activate Cynet Defrag's
effect from my graveyard.

It equips and revives

a Cyberse monster
from my graveyard.

Return to the field,
Flick Clown!

And when my hand's empty,

Flick Clown lets me
draw a card

by paying 1,000 life points.

Here I go!

I draw!

You're down to

so you can now use
your Skill, Playmaker!

And there's a perfect
Data Storm waiting for us!

[Operator A]
Sir, we've detected
an anomaly!


It's a... Data Storm?
That can't be right!

safely past the storm,

but Playmaker's heading
straight towards its eye!

Whoever put a Data Storm
there is fired!

[AI groaning]
Keep the board steady!

When the storm's swirlin',
I feel like hurlin'!

Hold it in.

I'll try, but you
aren't helping!

Seize the wind,

Go Storm Access!



Now... create
the ultimate circuit!

The summoning conditions

require at least
two Cyberse monsters,

but I'm going to use three.

So I set Dotscaper,
Dual Assembwurm,

and Flick Clown
in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon!

Link 3 Vector
Scare Archfiend!

[Archfiend roars]

And I also summon
my Cyberse Wizard!

Time to wrap this up!

With a nice, big bow!

There's the core.

And the info we want.

Now, Cyberse Wizard,

strike down
that Tentacluster Drillworm!

Illusion Spike!

You're up next,
Vector Scare Archfiend!

Destroy Tentacluster

For a place housing
all the data,

I didn't expect it
to be so sparse.

Love the lighting, though.

We can access the database
from that console.

Let's extract
Playmaker's info

before anyone
realizes we're here.

For my next move,
I tribute Cyberse Wizard

to activate Vector Scare's
special ability-- Go!

Vector Scare Archfiend
resummons the monster

it destroyed
next to its link!

And then
Vector Scare Archfiend

is allowed
to attack it again.

Error! Error!


It's over!

Vector Scare Archfiend...

attack Tentacluster Nautilus!

Diabolical Destruction!

Attack Tentacluster Nautilus!

Diabolical Destruction!

Sir, it appears Green-B
has been deleted.

You're all useless,
you useless drones!

This is all your fault!

Should be smooth sailing
from here, Yusaku.

But don't know
about Blue Angel.

Hope she's good.

I'll start my turn by
summoning Trickstar Candina!

And her special ability

lets me draw a card
from my deck!

Ahh! Come on!

Teamwork time!

I need exactly two Trickstars
to Link Summon,

So I set Trickstars
Narkissus and Lycoris

in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon!

The purr-fectly delightful

Link 2 Trickstar
Black Catbat!


And, boy,
I'm ready to pounce!

When I summon a monster
next to Holly Angel's link,

she deals you

Trigger Abyss Invitation.

You do that one more time
and I'm a goner.

At least my Holly Angel
gets pumped up.

It's pretty clear
I won't survive another turn,

so I guess I just gotta
win this turn.

And my Black Catbat
is the key to victory!

Whenever you take damage,

Trickstar Black Catbat
claws 200 attack points

out of your shellfish
for every monster

that's next to her link!

And next...
well, I'd feel pretty guilty

doing this next move
if you had a heart,

but... ya don't!

I activate
Trickstar Temptation!

With this spell in play,

when your monster's
attack points change--

I'm looking
at you, Blastsucker--

It returns to your hand!

You can take
your pretty tentacles home.


That just leaves Tentacluster
Nautilus left on your field!

Attack 'em, Holly Angel!

Flexible Tentacluster.

Lower battle damage to zero.

But you can only
do that once.

And I can still attack!

Black Catbat, let's put
this duel to rest!

You think you're
a state-of-the-art AI?

You're BASIC!

[Black Catbat screeching]

Yeah! Ha ha!

And that's how ya stay blue!

Is that the core?

Seems so.

Why is
your pathetic posterior

still glued to that seat?

I fired you!

I didn't think
that you were serious.

Don't I look serious?!

Well, if you're gonna
sit there, then work!

Find a new way
to purge them!

You over there!

What's your solution?

[Operator A]
Um, with all
due respect, isn't it

your responsibility
to fix this?

Oh, I shall fix you!

Ohh, easy does it now.
I have to stay calm.

Things can't get any worse.
They can't.

[Operator D]
Sir, just thought
you'd like to know

there are additional
intruders in the mainframe.

Oh, no!

Someone's coming!

Didn't you hear me?

What are you doing?

Zaizen! Of course!

I see you made it.


I was waiting for you.

[theme music playing]
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