01x07 - Fallen Angel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x07 - Fallen Angel

Post by bunniefuu »

on "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...

Hey, True Blues!
I need your help!

All of you!

If any of you
see Playmaker, tell him

that Blue Angel's challenging
him to a Speed Duel

because that's
what the whole world wants,

and what the whole wants
is what they'll get!

An interesting
turn of events.

I believe she'll be
quite useful

in our battle
against Playmaker.

Doesn't a gentleman know

he should never
stand up a lady?

You're a...
a Knight of Hanoi.

Indeed I am.

But I'm first and foremost
your biggest fan.

I can bring Playmaker
straight to you, Blue Angel

In fact, I can even
guarantee you victory.


If you should ever
find yourself

in peril during a duel,

do not hesitate
to put into play

the card
I just provided you.

May you duel well,
Blue Angel

[Blue Angel gasps]

Aww glitch!

Hey! Will you keep it
down already?

But I've detected
a Knight of Hanoi!



Are you certain the Knight
of Hanoi you detected is here?

Yup! The signal's pinging
within 50 meters.


That's not one
of the Knights of Hanoi.

That's Blue Angel.

Or perhaps they're
one and the same.

Speed Duel!


Here I go!

I'll set the stage
for this Speed Duel

with my Field Spell,
Trickstar Light Stage!

It lets me get any Trickstar
I want from my deck,

and I want this girl!

Trickstar Lilybell's
never, ever, ever,

ever the wrong choice
because her special ability

lets me
automatically summon her!

- Oh!

[Blue Angel, thinking]
- Just watch, Akira.

You'll see I'm not some
helpless little girl

once I defeat Playmaker!

Next to join my crew
is the one and only
Trickstar Candina!

Come on in!

[Candina giggles]

She has a special ability
that you won't like, Playmaker!

I get to draw another Trickstar
card from my deck-- Ha!

Now this card'll be
really useful later,

but what's useful now
is my Trickstar Lycoris.

In order to summon her,
I have to return

Trickstar Candina
from my field to my hand.


Bye till later Candina

Oh, it is later.

Soo, I activate
my spell Trickstar Vision

to re-summon Candina.

Catch is, I have to
cut her life points in half

and get rid
of her special abilities.

But ya know?

That's a small price
to pay to get her back!

[Candina giggles]

Trickstar Vision lets us
both draw one card!

Uh, How about a thank you?

No? Okay.

But that's all right because
every time you get a card,

Lycoris deals you damage!

but every time
my Lycoris damages you,

Trickstar Light Stage also
deals 200 points of damage.


You sure you up
for this, Playmaker?

She summoned
three monsters
and dealt you damage

before you even drew
your first card!

All these Trickstars
are great,

but I haven't summoned
my best one yet!

Not till I Link Summon!

Link Summon?!


I'll build the circuit that
turns dreams into reality!


Link Arrows authorized!

I need at least
two Trickstar monsters

in order to Link Summon.

So I set Trickstar Lilybell
and Trickstar Candina!

[Blue Angel giggling]

[Trickstars laughing]

Link the circuit!

This is just
what I need to win.

Without anyone's help!

Why, Skye?

Why must you always
disobey me?

Now I Link Summon!

Link 2 Trickstar
Holly Angel!

[crowd cheering]

We love you, Blue Angel!

Blue Angel's already
summoned her best monster!

Before I end my turn...

I place these two cards

Well, you're up, Playmaker.

But all you're doing
is going down.

[Blue Angel]
You're up, Playmaker.

But all you're doing
is going down.

It's my turn.
I draw!

Yep, you certainly did
all right.

And every single time
you draw a card to your hand,

Trickstar Lycoris stings you
with 200 points of damage!

And Trickstar Light Stage
follows up with 200 more!

And when my Trickstars
use their special abilities

to deal damage, my Holly Angel
gains attack points

equal to that amount.

So since Lycoris dealt you

Holly Angel gets

Just the act of drawing
a card's busting you up.

You're right.

All her cards
work together seamlessly.

I can see why the Hanoi's
interested in her.

But that doesn't mean
she'll win.

I start my turn
by summoning Draconet!

Draconet, now go!

Use your ability

to summon a Level 2 monster
from my deck.

I summon my Bitron!

Now it's my turn
to Link Summon.

I'm sure
it'll be great.

Watch this!

I create
the ultimate circuit!

Link Arrows authorized.

I require one monster
to Link Summon.

So I set Bitron
in the Link Arrow!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon!

Link 1 Link Spider!

And just like how you
summoned monsters

one after another,
so shall I!

Link Spider's special ability
allows me to summon

a monster that's Level 4
or lower

right next to its link.

Like, another Bitron!

And with Bitron's return,

I can Link Summon
for a second time!

No way!

I set Draconet and Bitron
in the Link Arrows!


Link the circuit!

And now I Link Summon!

Link 2 Link Bumper!

And why should I stop
at two...

when I can summon a third!

Now I require
two Effect Monsters!

So now I set my Link Spider
and my Link Bumper!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon!

Link 3 Decode Talker!


Playmaker just Link Summoned
three times in a row!

Your kiddies' kiddies
will be reading about this

in the history books!

Now attack!

Destroy Trickstar
Holly Angel!

You really think
that's gonna work?

I mean, I love how you said it
with so much conviction!

But... Trickstar Reincarnation
banishes your entire hand

and you have to draw a card
for every one you lose!

Four cards gone,
four cards back.

And by drawing those cards,
you know the drill by now.

My Trickstar Lycoris
deals you

per card

and 4 times 200
equals bad times!

And Trickstar Light Stage
hits you again

for another 200 points.

She really thinks
she can chip away

and win?

Why not
if it's working out?

Next, Holly Angel gains that
damage as attack points!

You go, girl!

Aww glitch!

That means her angel's
stronger than Decode Talker!

You really wiped out
big time, Playmaker,

because DT's a goner!

I activate my spell!
Go Security Block!

It shields Decode Talker
from destruction

and I take no damage
from this battle.

Oh. Good.
I was never worried.

That's a nice spell card.

Too bad though, because you
totally wasted it, Playmaker.

Trickstar Scatter destroys
the monster

that Holly Angel battled,

so your Decode Talker's
destroyed anyway!

Umm, not good?

I was never
not worried?

I'm ready for whatever
you can dish out.

Ya see,
this duel, ya know?

It's so much more
than a game!

It's my life!

So you won't break me!

This duel is far from over.

Though you have destroyed
my Decode Talker,

that has allowed me
to summon Salvagent Driver

from my hand
in defense mode!

[engine revving]

I end my turn!

Then my Holly Angel's attack
drops back to 2K.

But don't get
too comfortable!

She's so bubbly that I want
to burst her bubble.

And you smell that?

Her deck's now reeking
with the stench of Hanoi!

I still don't know how
an eyeball can detect scent,

but I do agree that I sense
Hanoi's presence too.

My turn! I draw!



That card belongs
to the Hanoi!

I saw it first!

Oh, man...
What was that?

I gotta get my head
back in the game.

I banish
Trickstar Reincarnation
from my graveyard

to revive
one of my Trickstars.

And the one
that's sure to help me
is Trickstar Lilybell!

Come join the fun!
Let's go, ha ha!

That naïve girl drew
the card we gave to her.

Once she plays it,
she belongs to us.

Your silly scooter
won't protect you

because my Lilybell
can attack you directly!

Go, Lilybell!
Blast him!


And don't forget about
Trickstar Light Stage!


We're falling!

I'm too young to frag!

You enjoy scaring me
like that?!


Well, it looks like you're
still hanging in there,

at least for now!

In that case, since Lilybell
dealt you damage,

I can bring Candina
back to my hand.

I was sure for sure

that she was gonna
play that Hanoi card.

But she chose not to.
How Interesting.

My turn.
I draw!

And draw more damage
to yourself.

Zap him, Lycoris!


We can't take
much more of this!

And Trickstar Light Stage
zaps you, too, Playmaker!


Are you listening?

Last and defi-not least,

Holly Angel gains

I'm going to win!

See, Akira?

I may be your sister, but I'm
not your baby sister anymore.

So you can stop
babying me around!

Why are you
doing this, Skye?

As your older brother,
I promised our parents

that I'd always
take care of you.

And I never break
a promise.

Those late nights studying,
those endless days working,

year after year, ruthlessly
climbing the corporate ladder

to provide the safety and
security that you never had.

I did it for you.
Just you.

And you're choosing
to throw it all away?

Why can't you just do as I say?

[Blue Angel groans]

I don't know why,
but I don't feel so good.

I just have to
keep it together

for a few more seconds.

Whoa, she's wobblin'.

Her Hanoi card must be
doin' a number on her.


I have to end this duel.

I summon
my Defect Compiler!

Next, I activate Salvagent
Driver's special ability!

By discarding
one spell card from my hand,

Salvagent Driver
salvages Link Bumper

back from my graveyard.

It doesn't matter.

As long as I just--
I can't focus!

Oh, Playmaker?

Guess what guess what
guess what?

With these monsters
and the fact

that you have less
than 1,000 life points,

now's the perfect moment
to activate your Skill!

Heh! Where'd you be
without my help!

What exactly did you think
I was planning

this entire time?

You're welcome.



Whoa! Huh! Ahh!



Seize the wind,

Go, Storm Access!


[Blue Angel's AI]
His life points

were low enough
to activate his Skill.

What, they're low enough?

You mean to tell me that
he was taking damage on purpose

so that he could use
his Skill?

That means he tricked me.

That is so
totally way not cool!


This is for everything!

The summoning
conditions require

at least two Cyberse-Types.

So, I now set
my Link 2 Link Bumper

along with my Salvagent Driver
in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon!
Link 3 Encode Talker!

Ahh.. winning this duel
is slipping away from me.

Even with all my best moves,
am I no match for Playmaker?

Is he that good?

Defect Compiler!

Attack Trickstar

I also activate the spell
Frontline Disturbance!

That's not good at all.

That spell will wreck
Holly Angel...

but not if I can
help it!

I activate my own Skill!

A Skill?

I activate my Skill
Trickstar Trick!

By discarding one Trickstar
from my hand,

you're forced
to keep drawing

until you have three cards
in your hand!

[Playmaster and Ai]

[Blue Angel]
Since your hand's empty,

you have to draw three
new cards from your deck.

And thanks to
my Trickstar Lycoris,

you'll take 600 damage.

And then,
Trickstar Light Stage
deals you 200 more

for a total of 800,
which is all you have left!

Playmaker, thanks for playing
but this duel is all mine.

Or so you believe.

I still have
Defect Compiler in play.

It stops all your damage!

And gains one counter.

What? But I was
so close to winning!


Well, I have no other options
left than to-- Ohh!

Her final card's
the Hanoi one.

Oh... oh!

I have to win!

To show Akira, I have to win!

Play the card, Blue Angel!

Don't do it!

I discard Dark Angel
from my hand

to activate
its special ability.


What's happening to her?!

Oh, no!



Uh... don't mind me.


That card's
put her in a daze.

This is bad news.
The Hanoi have her.

By tributing Lilybell,

you are forced to attack
a different monster.

Yes, your Defect Compiler
must attack my Holly Angel.

A Holly Angel that gains
Lilybell's 800 attack points,

raising her to 3,000.

That may be but my spell
Frontline Disturbance

places a Disturbance Counter
on my Encode Talker!

How does that help?

Annihilate Defect Compiler!

And Playmaker!

My Encode Talker will put
a stop to this!

Monsters it's linked to
can't be destroyed in battle,

and I take no damage.


In addition, until
the end of the turn,

Encode Talker
gains Holly Angel's
attack points.


If her mind gets wrecked
in this world,

she might not wake up
in the real world.

Blue Angel!

Stop this duel immediately!

Shut down the servers
if you have to!

Do it!

Yes, Sir!


How horrible!

[spectators chatter]

I remove
Defect Compiler's counter

to raise Encode Talker's
attack points by 800!

[screaming wildly]

She's fading fast!â– 

I know!

No! Hey, you!

What's taking so long?
Shut it down!

Oh! We have
a system error!

No! No!

I now activate the effect
of my Frontline Disturbance!

By removing Encode Talker's
Disturbance Counter,

Holly Angel loses
attack points

equal to
Lycoris's defense points.

Which is enough
to end this duel.

Encode Talker!
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