01x03 - Contact

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x03 - Contact

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...

Let's Speed Duel!

Let's Speed Duel!

Win this, Yusaku.

Now arise!

Cracking Dragon!

In a Speed Duel, the duel itself
is only part of the challenge.

If you crash and burn
in this virtual world,

you'll actually suffer
in the real world too.

I draw!

Cyberse Wizard!

A Cyberse monster?

They haven't been
seen in ages!

I thought we successfully
eliminated them all!


What's that ahead?

That's the eye of
the Data Storm!

And, boy, can it rip us
into bits and bytes!


There are special monsters

that only live inside
the Data Storm.

And the more
intense the Storm,

the stronger the monster!


You did it!

Go, Storm Access!


Create the ultimate circuit!

I Link Summon...

Link 3,
Decode Talker!

You mastered Storm Access
and Link Summoning already?


Decode Destruction!


A thug like you has
no place in LINK VRAINS!




Playmaker totally
crushed the Hanoi!

That was so flash!


[Hanoi Knight]


Now then...

tell me who leads
the Knights of Hanoi!

You won't get any
secrets out of me...

but I do have something
to share.

Aww, glitch!

That's a detonator!

What to do, what to do,
what to do?!



Yummy, yummy, yum!


That hit the spot.

You ate his avatar?

Uh, you're welcome.

If it wasn't for me,
your digital diddlies

would be splayed across
the roof

like an inkblot test.

Two words:
Thank you.

Is that so hard?

Yo, hero!

Excuse me...

Tonight was supposed
to be my night

'til you surfed right in
and crashed the party!

Chill out, Gore.

He kinda saved
my life.

But still...
who are you really?

And why would you
expect me to answer you?




He got away!

[computerized chirping]


Well, well, well,

looks like someone's
batteries are drained.


I do need rest

but I'd rather analyze
your code, line by line.

Oh, joy.

Playmaker's gone?

Check through all of
the data servers again

until we find him!

So Playmaker escaped
with the Ignis.


Master Varis, we tried
tracking him again but...

even with our best hackers,

we're no closer than
before to learning

who he is in
the real world.

On the contrary, Spectre,

I believe that we are
honing in on Playmaker.

And there are three reasons
why I am certain

it's only
a matter of time.

One: Only a select few
duelists play Cyberse cards,

so we can narrow
our search.

Two: We're improving
our search algorithms daily,

if not hourly.

And three:
If all else fails,

he will come to me.

To duel the hated leader
of the Knights of Hanoi.

Quite observant, sir.

And I guarantee

our first meeting
will also be our last.

[man on computer]
Today on "Good Morning

we're asking the question

that has the virtual
world abuzz:

Who is Playmaker?

[man on computer]
Good question!

Boy, wouldn't you, me

and my grandma's grandma
like to know!

But here's
what we do know--

he's a winner!

The whole "man of mystery"
angle is genius!

It's absolutely
terrific marketing!

Playmaker is more
than a hero,

he's also a hunk!

If he were in
the alphabet,

he'd be "G"
for "gorgeous."


You fell in love
with an avatar?

In real life, he could
be "U" for "ugly."

Where is that bird?

Hiya, boss!


I flew here
as soon as I could!

Well, then fly
faster next time!

Ya pick up any leads?

No, but I've picked up
plenty of viruses

from all the crowds.

Well, what do you expect,

we're all after
the same story.

And if it's
a super-juicy one,

even a birdbrain knows
the reporters

come a-flockin'-- no offense.

But we all can't
interview Playmaker.

There's so much traffic

I can't even get my
wings to flap in sync.

Why do I gotta deal with
these rookie reporters?

Why don't ya try
updating your flight app?!

Okay, I'll give it a shot.

[computerized chirping]

That did the trick!

Hey, look, it's Playmaker!

Huh, where is he?!


I'm ready for my interview!

Hey, get your camera
rollin' ASAP!

You sure that's
the right one?

Oh, wait,
what about him?



¿Cómo estás?

Me llamo Playmaker!

Ignore those imposters,
I'm Playmaker!

They look more
like Playfakers to me.

Especially the one
that's lo-res.


Buy a new
graphics card!

Kids these days.

They should really ban
copy and paste.

This is wild stuff.

We can use the card data
you captured during your duel

to re-create an
actual card.

I wonder what
other monsters

are inside the Data Storm.

Maybe you oughta
plan a return trip.


Straight to the paparazzi!

They got your pic
plastered all over the net!

You may have erased
your login info--

smart, smart, smart
for a human--

but you can't
dodge screen caps, bub!

So you're an
expert then, are you?

Oh, I know a thing or two.

When you hide out in the net
for as long as I did,

you learn a lot of things.

Like who leads
the Knights of Hanoi?


Maybe not.

But I bet I'll think better
if you let me outta here.

Doubt it.

All right then, if you're
not gonna share,

might as well
try Plan "B."

Plan "B"?

What's Plan "B"?

Flattery, bribery,

Please say snacks!

I'm hacking right into
your source code.


But if you
poke the wrong portal,

I'll end up dumber than
a calculator!

Or ever worse,
dumber than you!

Uh, Kolter, can you
find a way to mute it?

With pleasure.

Just an idea, but maybe we
should give "it" a name.

You know, so you
won't you confuse "it"

with other "its."


Okay, but I'm not
as smart as you.

Do it for me.

What do you say?

Since it's an AI,
let's call it Ai.

Hey, not bad.

It is an eyeball
after all.

Okay, Ai it is then.

Now help me hack
this source code.

My man.



What's up, y'all?!

Make sure ya get some sweet
clips of us goin' aerial!



Oh man, is this way beyond
extreme or what?!

I'm totally
ragin' this rager!

[computerized voice]
Danger, danger!

Cease Speed Dueling at once!

Like a tin Frisbee's

gonna try to,
like, stop us.


Five-0's too scared
to hang ten, bra!




[computerized voice]
For violating terms
and conditions,

your accounts are
suspended indefinitely.



What a wipeout!

The return of the Data Storms
worries us greatly.

These duelists
do not realize

they're risking
their lives

when they Speed Duel.

We need to shut down

until we find a solution.

If I may offer
a differing opinion?

What is it, Zaizen?

I must strongly advise that we
keep LINK VRAINS operational.

Despite the significant risks,

it is what's best
for our company.

Do explain.

If we shut down the network,

Playmaker will have no way
to come to LINK VRAINS.

And if we can't
find Playmaker,

we will never
find the Ignis.

And no Ignis,
no Cyberse.

is doomed anyway.


It's a matter of when,
not if.

So, how confident
are you

that you will
capture Playmaker?

Despite my limited knowledge,

I am quite sure that
I will succeed.

I've already
formulated a plan

which I'm ready to execute...

that is with your
permission of course.

Playmaker despises
the Knights of Hanoi

almost as much as we do,

and we can use that
to our advantage.

Very well.


As you wish.

Rest assured,
I will find him

and the Ignis.

Good luck.

Thank you.

But never forget,

failure is not an option.

It never is, Bishop.


You picked a strange place
for a business meeting.

I have a sensitive
mission for you, Emma.

Well then,
that's perfect.

I'm the sensitive type.

I want you to
find out everything

you can about


I love that guy!

With pleasure!

So, I heard he
got hold of a certain item

SOL Technologies
was after.

Have something to
do with that, love?


Is that top-secret info
I should know nothing about?

Just get me
the intel.


You make sure to
deposit my usual fee.

'Cause my info's


[Gore grunting]

Easy there, Gore.

Maybe you should take a nice,
long aromatherapy break.


Just how am
I supposed to relax?

Check out the news!

It's been wall-to-wall
Playmaker all day!

And you know whose name
they haven't mentioned?

The Gore!

No big deal.

You're the top
Celebrity Duelist


and some hotshot
hacker won't change that.

Let Playmaker have his

Well, that's 15 more
minutes than he deserves!

Yes, yes, I know.

But for now,
you should focus on how

you can stay the number-one
Celebrity Duelist.

is going through

some dramatic changes.

If you want to
stay on top,

then you'll have to
master Speed Dueling.

Who's that?

Why, I've never
seen him before.

Mr. Gore is it?

Who's asking?

Hello, my name
is Akira Zaizen

and I am chief of security
for SOL Technologies.

I see, and what business

would SOL Tech have
with my client?

I have to confess,
this training facility

is much more primitive than
I was led to expect.

I assure you, sir,

that it is more than
satisfactory for the Gore.

So what did you
come here for?

To get your kicks
by insulting my digs?

I'm here to offer you
a business proposition

that I believe will be
to your liking.

Oh yeah?

SOL Technologies would
like to hire you

to defeat Playmaker
and acquire his AI program.

And to show our

please accept this
with no strings attached.

That's a Duel Board
for Speed Dueling.

Your company must want
that AI program very badly.

Yes, we do.

Though SOL Technologies
created this AI,

unforeseen circumstances

have led it to fall into
Playmaker's hands.

And it is only natural

that we would want our
property returned to us.

But alas, our efforts

have attracted an
unsavory element.

The Knights of Hanoi are
after the same AI program

and will stop at nothing
to take control of it.

If it should
fall into their hands,


That is why SOL Technologies

would like to hire you,
Mr. Gore.

For your
expertise and skill.

If you succeed,

we are prepared to
reward you handsomely.

Will you accept?

His proposal sounds

Doesn't it, Gore?

It's insulting!


I'm no company flunky!

Ya hear?!

Get scootin',
suit and tie!

I understand.

If that's
how you feel...

I couldn't help but
notice your belt.

It's charming.

Bet you wouldn't mind
trading that in for

a real championship
belt someday.

That could happen for you,

with the right friends
to back you up.


Ignore that guy.

Now let's get back
to your training.



Dude, I am ready
to pack it in

and call it a night.

Whoever programmed
our little friend here

was not messing around.

If ya ask me, Ai's memory
is totally un-hackable.

Except for the part
I'm hacking right now.

Say huh?

There's a bunch of code

that I still have to
piece together,

but I'm almost there.

You amaze me, guy.

It's like
you and this code

have a mystical

or it could just be

that you know how to
type faster than I do.

Look, it's a video file.


I can't make it out.

Let me up
the resolution.


Hey, that's Hanoi's
Cracking Dragon.

It appears Ai's faced
the Hanoi before.

And it looks like the dragon

is attacking
that world.

What is this place?

Who's that?!

Whoa, bro!

There you are, Ignis!


Kolter, shut down
the power, quick!

On it


[crickets chirping]


[computerized chirping]



[crickets chirping]

Are you okay?

I saw him.

Saw who?

The guy we saw
in Ai's memories.

So, like, do you think
he was tracking us down?

Seems so.

Ai, who was that
in the video?

I unmuted you,
so I strongly recommend

that you stop pretending
that you can't talk.

I could just hack into
your source code again.

All right, all right,

I'll talk, you crazy
flesh beast!

But a lot of my memories
have been lost or damaged.

I was lucky to escape with
any memory circuits

after that
dragon accosted me!

So, who is the guy
in the video?

That was Varis.

And who exactly
is Varis?

You know your buddies,
the Knights of Hanoi?

He's their alpha dog!

Hold on, you mean
their leader?

You should see
the look on your faces!

Goofy as ever!

But as to who, what, when,
where, why he att*cked?

Well, I don't remember.

Except who!

'Cause who's me!

He's the one I want.

So close.

Don't worry.

You'll capture it soon.

Be that as it may,

how are things proceeding
on your own project?

I have been
making progress...

but I still need
more time.


Though I'm confident

that we will succeed
in our mission,

time's the one
thing we may not have.

Yes, I agree.

But we will have
one less worry...

when you eliminate

and capture the Ignis.

You can count on me.

I know I can.

[machine beeping]

[keys clacking]

[machine beeping stops]

Father, I will
fulfill your dream.

I promise.

The next topic in
our game history series

is the Tower of Hanoi.

The Tower of Hanoi
was a mathematical game

created by...

Ergh, I can't read
my own handwriting.

Ah, Édouard Lucas
in the year 1883.

That's a long time ago.

Anyhow, this game can be
solved in a set number...

It only took days
to flip my whole world.

One: At long last,
I've finally learned

who leads
the Knights of Hanoi--


Two: Data Storms
and Speed Dueling

have reemerged after being
silent for years.

And three: None of this
happened before Ai showed up.

This can't be

What ties them together?

If I can find Varis, I can pull
the answers out of him.

Answers not only
to what's happening now,

but also to what happened
in the past,

the truth I've been
searching for forever.


Ya see Playmaker knockout
that Knight of Hanoi?

Did he?

It's only on, like,
every channel!

And I had
a front-row seat.

But I only needed
the edge!


I can't believe you
missed it, man!

Oh, hey,
where's your Duel Disk?

I left it back home.

It was annoying me.

How can a Duel Disk
annoy you?

Unless it chafes.

[vacuum whirring]


Hey, blue bot!

Vacuum-tron 3000!


Come here,
come here!

How may Roboppi
assist you?

More like
how may I assist you?

All I see you doing is
scouring and scrubbing

and wiping and waxing.

Don't you want
more out of life?

I can help you.

How can you help

Hook, line,
and sinker.

Well, Roboppi, with my
superior programming,

I can improve your generic
primitive preschool AI

so that you'll be so smart

that you can do
anything you want.

How does that sound?

It sounds positive.

In fact, you'll be

the second smartest
program in this room.

And all you have to do
is become my minion.

Roboppi will become
your minion.

Excellent choice!

Now, your first
minion job

is to let me
out of this case.


I'm linking into


Still no sign of the real
Playmaker anywhere.

Scoping for a scoop's
not all glamour and pizzazz.

I hate it when it's quiet
and really boring.



I love boring!

You wanna catch
a livestream

with me, Yusaku?

The two of us can be on
Playmaker watch together.


That mask, that robe...

a Knight of Hanoi!

You'd better have a good reason

for interrupting class,
Mr. Shima!

A Knight!

A Knight of Hanoi!


Where'd he go?

Quick, take cover!

Another Knight!

What's happening?

I'm waiting for you...
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