01x01 - Link into the VRAINS

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x01 - Link into the VRAINS

Post by bunniefuu »


The Cyberse will be...

no more!

Cracking Dragon,
destroy this world!


How did the Knights of Hanoi
find us?


He's gonna
wipe us out!

We gotta do something!

Do what?

He's got us trapped!

But not me!

Because no one
can catch this fella!

And I mean no one!

And since you're
all tied up at the moment...

I mean, really?

All of you?


Anyway, I guess it's
up to me to save the day.

Cracking Dragon,
don't let that stray escape!


Watch out!

Well, Cyberse,
it was good seein' ya.


That Ignis is
cutting off the Cyberse

from the rest of
the network!

He's hiding our
world to protect us!

But... won't that mean...

he can never
come home again?


Find every fragment
of that Ignis!

It's the only
one who knows

the precise location
of the Cyberse!


[seagulls squawking]

[computer chirping]


Linkslayer attack...





You dare to attack
the Knights of Hanoi?

You've made a fatal

Once you cross us,
you're marked for life!


Then you'll be seeing
a lot more of me.

So you ought to
remember this face,

or better yet...
my name.

It's Playmaker.





Wake up.


So it's finally awake!

I thought you were
gonna doze through

the whole semester.

Yeah, had a long
night, Shima.


Well, Yusaku,
you're gonna have

a long stint in detention
if they catch ya snoozing

through this
super-boring class.

Instead of books,

you should've
brought a pillow.

Hey, not a bad idea.

I'm full of 'em!


Like... my idea to
snag this!


That's a nice watch.

It's a Duel Disk!


Oh, yeah.

It's SOL Technologies'
newest model.

So, did you
have to line up for it?


But only ten hours.


Is that your Duel Disk?

Dude, it's time
for a trade-in.

That thing's older
than a dinosaur.

My beaut's loaded with an AI
that provides dueling

and emotional support.

[computerized voice]
You are dueltacular, Shima.

Ten hours well spent.

And while you still have to
load your deck manually,

mine downloads cards

straight from
the SOL Tech cloud network.

And not only that,

I get VIP priority
access to

virtual reality dueling realm.

Here's a live look.

[computer chirping]

So LINK VRAINS is where
you go to duel, Shima?

You nuts?!

[computerized voice]
Nuts are crucial
to a healthy diet.

LINK VRAINS is where
all the top duelists

in the world go
to compete.

You don't just
show up there and duel.

You gotta be the best
of the best

of the best
of the best!

I see.

And there's one duelist

who's ruling
the roost these days.

The one and only


Oh yeah,
he's seriously my hero!

He's fighting against
the Knights of Hanoi,

this no-good group of hackers

who're trying to
destroy LINK VRAINS!


That sounds like quite
the job for only one man.

Yeah, you're tellin' me.

And like a true hero,
he keeps his identity secret.

Aww, man, I wish I was
his sidekick!

And we could
sidekick Hanoi's derrieres!

Have fun.

Hey, hold up!

Do you want me to
teach you how to duel?

Unfortunately, I doubt
you have the ability

to teach me
how to duel.

For three reasons.

For one:

You require the support
of an AI program

to help you duel.

And two: You've prejudged me
by the age of my Duel Disk,

not by my
skill or my cards.

And three: You told me
you're not ready

to compete in

so how can you
teach me?


But I do believe
you're on your way

to becoming a good duelist.

For one: You love
talking about dueling,

and that passion can't be
taught in a classroom.

And two: Acquiring
that new Duel Disk

shows you're on
the cutting edge

of the latest dueling

And three:

Since you have no qualms
speaking your mind,

you must have tough skin

when others speak
their mind and say

that you have much to
improve as a duelist.

Oh yeah, Yusaku!

Well, I got three things
I can say about you

but I don't want my grandma

to wash my mouth out
with soap!


There are three reasons
why he shouldn't be so upset.

But I guess it's too late to
discuss them with him now.


[mechanical whirring]

Aww, glitch!

They found me!


Is it true, Zaizen?

You've detected
the Ignis?

I have confirmation,

It appears the Ignis

is lurking somewhere
within the network system.

We finally have a lead
to the Cyberse.

The source that
generated new data material

to grow SOL Technologies'
virtual world,

or it used to.

Until that Ignis,
that rogue AI program

hid the Cyberse from us
five years ago.

Without the Cyberse,

our network is
slowly deteriorating.

But if we locate
the Cyberse,

our network
will be fully restored.

We find the Ignis

and we find
the Cyberse.


You have
permission to use

all of SOL Technologies'

to find the Ignis.

You've never
failed us before, Zaizen.

Do not start now.

I'll see to it
right away.


Varis, the Ignis
has finally reappeared.

But if we've detected it,
Sol Tech must have too.

They'll use it to find
and revive the Cyberse.

Then we must simply capture
it before they do, Spectre.

The Cyberse is to
be destroyed, not revived.

I don't doubt
your abilities.

But what if this Playmaker

dares to interfere
with us again?

Let him.

He's nothing
but a nuisance.

May I suggest
that Playmaker

is more formidable
than you think?

Our best hackers
have failed to uncover

his real-world identity

because he not only
blocks our trackers,

he meticulously purges
his login information.

And when he--

Focus on
the task at hand.

Hunt down that Ignis
and bring it to me.

Who are those two,

Not really up on

the celebrity
duelist scene, are ya?

Been kinda busy.

Hear that.

Speaking of, ever hear
of Data Storms?

Data Storms?


I heard rumors
that crazy tornadoes

used to blow through

And thrill-seekers
would ride those winds

and battle on 'em in things
called Speed Duels.

Speed Duels...

But no one I know's ever
seen a Data Storm.

But, man,
surfin' the wind?

Ha, crazy, right?

But you know what's
even crazier?

Those people who say
a hot dog is a sandwich.


Some people, man.

Some people.

So, you good
or do you want another?

You're awfully
quiet there, buddy.

You care to share what's
on your mind?

Just thinking about
the leader of the Hanoi.

Where can he be?

For such a large legion
he's difficult to find.

Have you uncovered
any new intel, Kolter?

Maybe it's nothing,
but there's been an uptick

in SOL Technologie''
security searches.

Word on the dark net is

they're hunting
for something.

Hunting for what?

For an artificial
intelligence program.

But why would you need
to hunt for a program?

It must certainly be
quite the AI.

But if SOL Technologies
wants it,

you know who
else would, right?

Yeah, the Knights of Hanoi
would too.

You know...


You dare to attack
the Knights of Hanoi?

That's it!

I have an idea!

Kolter, fire it up!

Uh, what?

The grill's
already lit, Yusaku.

Not the grill,
the computers!

Oh, right.


[computers chirping]

If we capture this AI
before anyone else...

instead of having to search
for the Knights of Hanoi,

I can lure them to me.


You actually think
you can catch this AI

when everyone else
has failed?


Because they're
doing it wrong.

Instead of chasing it,
you have to guide it.

By hacking and shutting
pathways in the city's grid,

I can lead the AI to where
I want it to go.

Play things right

and it leaves the AI with
a single escape route...

into here.

That's a lot of
coding for one person.

Yes, you're correct.

But it's not
too much for two.

Let's do it.


Have you caught
the Ignis?

No, not yet.

Why the delay?

We are prepared to launch
a citywide scan, sir.

But we'll have to
reroute power from

our security systems,

leaving our network
vulnerable to attack.

That is a risk
we must take.

As you wish.


[man on PA]
Greetings, VRAINiacs!

Tonight we're pullin'
a twofer,

with a pair of celebrities

a double dose of dueling!

In Zone One is Gore!

His muscles are
as pumped as this crowd!

And featured in Zone Two,

is the world's favorite
battling beauty herself,

Blue Angel!

[crowd cheering]

Wow, listen to that!

The True Blue Crew
is out in force tonight!

Do these two duelists
have what it takes

to keep their
winning streaks alive

as they climb

championship ladder?

We're about to
find out!

Yeah, Gore,
your my go-to guy!

But I'm True Blue too!

Aw, man!
Which to watch?

They're both so flash!

[computerized voice]
Rerouting power from
the security grid.


The system is ready
to run the scan.


Do it.

Yes, sir.

Engaging now.


[computerized chirping]


Feet don't fail me now.

Oh, wait,
I don't have feet.


Step it up!

SOL Technologies is already
scanning the city.

The city's firewall
is down 23% and plummeting.

This is our chance.

Number 10!

Yes, Master Varis.

How may I serve?

The Ignis will attempt to
escape into LINK VRAINS.

Capture it and bring
it to me immediately.



Oh no!

We have a major
security breach!

Purge it!


It's too late!

They broke the firewall!



What happened,
is it buffering?

Talk about low-res.

What's happening?

What about the duel?

We're losing
the signal.

Why's she gettin'
all fuzzy?

Who touched the antenna?

The Knights of Hanoi
have joined the party.

Yes, just stay focused.

Now, only a few
more lines to go.

What's that?

This isn't good!

I'll find the Ignis

even if I have to destroy
this whole world!

[crowd shouting]

Run for it!

It's an attack!

Let's get out of here!


We're too late,


I am not giving up!

Yeah, but this
looks impossible.

The impossible is just
the possible

that has yet
to been done.

Trust me.

I feel that
this will work.

Because it has to.

Phew, coast clear!

I found you, Ignis!

Or not!

No, no, no,
no, no, no, no!

I'm trapped!

Here we go!

backdoor pathway!


It's my lucky day!

We can't contain this!

Avatars are being erased
left and right!

will be destroyed!

Let's get out of here!

Just hold on!

If the AI took the bait...

... it'll come straight here!


[electrical crackling]

[electrical chirping]

Uh... whoa!

Hello there.

You must be the AI
everyone wants.

[Ignis gasping]

Where am I!?

Inside my Duel Disk.

And I spliced in
some safeguards

so that you can't
alter its programming.

So I'm trapped in here?

Who are you clowns?

Clowns who rescued you
from the Knights of Hanoi.

Why you?

I'm sorry I called you
stupid ugly clowns.

Let me go!



There's the Hanoi!

I'm going!

Going where?



But-- but
I just left there!

Well then, you should
feel right at home.

It's time to
link into the VRAINS!



[Number 10]
You're toast!


Lucky we're both
not toast.

Thanks for the save.

[Number 10]
You dare interfere, punk?

My name is Playmaker.

And I have what you're
looking for right here.

So if you don't call off
your attack,

you will regret it.

Because I'll delete
this AI right now.


I've decided I don't
like you very much.

If you want
this program,

there's only one way
for you to get it.

By beating me in a duel.


That really
is the Ignis!

How did he get it?


Why, thank you.

You saved me the trouble
of capturing that thing.

That Ignis
is as good as mine.

We'll see, won't we?

you got this!

Hack up that hacker!


Hey, I've been looking
through your deck and-- woof--

you won't beat his dragon
with these cards.

Oh, is that so.

Then you had
better hope

that your analysis
is incorrect.

Or else you'll be
going home with him.

Glitch, that'd be worse than
hanging out with you.

Okay then...
I'll even up the odds.


Cyberse, generate
new data material!

[Zaizen gasping]

What's going on?

Hop aboard, Playmaker!

No way!

That's a Data Storm!

Ready to Speed Duel?

If you want to win,
seize the wind, Playmaker!
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