02x42 - The Signs of Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x42 - The Signs of Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's!"

Thank you for taking the time

To see me, mr. Fudo.

I'm here because I need you to save

My daughter akiza.

I pushed her away, and she joined

That arcadia movement.

Jack thinks that you just need

To duel her again!

You all wanna destroy my life! Aah!

Well I won't let that happen!


It looks like there's only one way to protect

Your family and prove that we're all trying

To help you!

So this is for you!

Let's duel! Let's duel!

I am the black rose, and I synchro summon

Black rose dragon!


Dad, get back.

My powers won't listen to me.


I don't want to do this any more!



I did it.

I was able to control my power.

Yusei, please. Finish this.

I don't wanna fight anymore.

The curse of the black rose ends now!

Stardust dragon take out akiza's beast with cosmic flare!

You n' your parents have

A lot of catching up to do.

But we signers could really use you around, too.

Will you fight with us?

Will you take a stand alongside your friends?

You got it, yusei.

[Thinking] I know that together, we can defeat

The dark signers and save our homes!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Jus'hold on!

I didn't sign up for all this!


Don't worry. He's not in any pain.

The child is actually creating

That electro-static force field

With his telekinetic abilities.

We found his file in the arcadia building.

Apparently, sayer was a master manipulator

Who would take in duelists

With powers like yours

And depending on their strength

They would either stay or disappear.

[Thinking] could it be true?!

Was sayer really doing that to people?!

Was misty telling the truth?

I've waited a long time for this,

Miss whatever you call yourself.

I want my brother back.

Your brother?!

But I don't know him!

Why do you think I do?

Enough lies!

I want answers and I want them now, miss akiza.

Your group of psychics--

The arcadia movement-- stole him.

[Thinking] if he was recruited, that means misty's

Brother could be one of the ones that vanished!

I'm sorry, akiza.

I know this has to come as a shock

After everything you've been through.

But it looks like sayer was one of the bad guys.

The true purpose of his arcadia movement

Was to create an army of psychic duelists

He could use to try and take over the world!

You were just another soldier that he was

Training for the b*ttlefield to fight.

It's all here.

He was using you.

You can't run away from the truth, akiza!

We need your help!

You have the mark of the dragon,

And we need you to beat the dark signers!

Please come back!

We can't do this without her, yusei!

[Thinking] how could you betray me, sayer?


I can't be mad at sayer, yusei.

He offered me a home when no one else

Would take me in.

So, he used me.

I guess I used him so I could feel safe.

Now, he's vanished and despite what he's done, I'm sad.

I'd be worried if you weren't.


You have a good heart.

That's why we all came here to help you out.

It's not about all the "psychic powers" .

It's about who you are as a person.

There's a goodness, a strength I felt in you

When we first dueled.

That's why I wanted you as a friend.

A friend.

Now let's find out how to take

These dark signers out together!



Goodwin's mansion is huge!

It's probably got its own zip code!

Thank you all for coming.

I've waited a long time for this moment:

The four signers standing here all together!

It is with great honor that I welcome you

All to my home.

I'm here to serve you.

Right. The only thing you've ever served

Is a tennis ball.

Jack is right. Goodwin's played us

Since the very beginning!

I mean, he's the one who threatened

Your friends in the satellite

Just to make you duel

In that tournament to see if you

Were actually a signer!

How could you ever trust a guy like that?!

You're right. I can't.

But he seems to be the only one who knows

What's happening.

And with everything that's at stake

I can't risk not giving him a second chance.

If goodwin's the only one who has a plan,

I have to trust him.

Well when you put it like that,

You can count me in. Okay?

Glad to know that I got your support.

So why'd you invite us here?

You giving us super dueling decks, or what?!

I don't recall anyone inviting you.

Uh, I'll take a rain check

On those dueling decks.

There are no "super dueling decks."

You should probably go home now.

Huh? Ohh.

Signer or not, he's my brother.

He stays!

I do?

Just no pets, okay?

We'll both save the world!

Um, alright.

Now that the day care arrangements have been

Finalized for leo shall we go inside?

Where are we going, mister goodwin?

To a very special room that holds

The answers you seek.

Last I was here, I was left

With more questions than answers.

Funny. Nice to know you didn't lose your sense of humor

When you lost your title match, jack.


Yuseiwhat--what is it?!

This, my friends, is the stairway

Of the crimson dragon.

What's that shape?

It looks like all of our signs!

The crimson dragon?


It is the symbol that binds you all

And defines you as signersprotectors of the world!

Your arm! It's glowing!


Look familiar, jack?

Its time our beasts tussle!

Stardust, ice his red dragon archfiend!

Go cosmic flare!

Yusei, voice-overjack and I had a turbo duel.

It was an empty stadium-- just ourselves,

Our runners, and our decks.

And then, when our dragons att*cked each other,

Something appeared.

Jack, voice-overnot just "something," it was the crimson dragon.

Yuseiwhat is that?

Goodwin, voice-overexactly. It had chosen to instill its power

In each of you, influencing your lives

Until you all came together at this time;

At this place.

"Influencing our lives?"

Whaddya mean?

The dragon has some sort of control

Over all of us?!

Nobody tells me what to do!

This is my life, okay?

I'm the one in the driver's seat, pal!

Then you think this is all a coincidence?

Leaving the satellite, finding yusei,

And meeting the others?

In your hearts you've each known that you're

Destined for something bigger than a normal life--

That's the dragon spirit, guiding you.

But why all of us?

Sure, I know we're good with a deck.

This goes far beyond your skills as a duelist.

The crimson dragon sensed the strength

In your hearts and chose the four of you

To take on the army of shadows.

This has always been your destiny!

Is he telling the truth?

My destiny?

I always thought I was a monster, a witch.

What kind of hero am I supposed to be?!

I've hurt everything I've cared about:

My family, my school, even sayer.

Goodwini sense your doubt, akiza.

But it was that very power that brought you to us.

Would yusei and luna ever have found you

If not for the legends of the black rose?

The crimson dragon has chosen you not despite

Who you are, but because of it.

I fear this final battle may require abilities

Such as yours.

Each of you fill a unique need

In the mosaic of the crimson dragon's dueling strategy.

Including the smallest of us.

That's you, dear luna.

Tell us about your special gift?

I don't really know if it's a gift.

I mean, I didn't get it for my birthday or anything,

But sometimes, when I duel,

I get transported to a strange land.

It's some sort of spirit world,

Where all the duel monsters are real.

We'd play and laugh and--


Hey! This is my story!

Anyway, that's where I met ancient fairy dragon.

She was in charge, like the head spirit, I guess.

She said that the spirit world is in trouble

And I was the one who had to rescue it

Or all the other little duel spirits would be destroyed!!

I didn't understand it then,

But ancient fairy dragon must've been one

Of the duel monsters who fought

The army of shadows!

She's part of the crimson dragon!

And she chose me to help!

Ohh! Ha ha ha!

You see?

You all have gifts.

Jack'n yusei were even able to glimpse into the past.

They showed you the people of the stars,

And the danger that awaits us all.

Satellite or city, pro or amateur,

All of us are on the same side now:

The side of light, of life,

The side of the crimson dragon.

It was the spirit of humanity that called you here,

Hoping you can stop the end of the world.

And all this time, I just wanted it gone.

So what do we do now?

What's our plan?


The glow's gone.

Um, mister goodwin?

I know I'm not a signer, but aren't there

Supposed to be five o'you?

So when's the last chosen one gonna show?

Yeah leo's right. What destiny's %?

I promise the fifth signer is ready to join our fight.

For safety reasons, I'm forced to keep

Their identity a secret.

But know that when you face true danger,

They will appear along with the full power

Of the crimson dragon!

Yuseiso we're all here.

Whadda we do now?

First, a hist'ry lesson.

Now for those of you hearing this for the first time,

Thousands of years ago a huge w*r was fought,

And the crimson dragon defeated the army of shadows.

Afraid that the shadows would one day return

To destroy the world, the crimson dragon

Locked them underground.

Magic symbols were carved into the earth,

Trapping their essence for millennia.

In time, the shadows were forgotten

And their prison became a tourist destination.

But they weren't willing to stay defeated.

They wanted revenge.

Many years ago, the original ener-d reactor

Exploded and released a surge of negative energy

That cracked their magic prison.

The dark power of the shadows have been

Seeping into our world, infecting it.

Um, whaddya mean "infecting?"

Finding "hosts" to do their evil bidding:

The dark signers have been using shadow drones

To scout your abilities.

And their goal is as simple as it is cruel:

They want to send you signers

To the netherworld so you can't summon

The crimson dragon when the shadow army rises.

They use magic to create an inescapable duel field,

Where all the damage is real.

Yuseiand you should see their cards.

They duel with a dark deck or something.

When the shadows are devoured by even darker shadows,

The curtain pulls back and reveals a world without light!

Come forth, frozen fitzgerald!

I've seen more than one up close,

And so far instead of using a normal monster,

Each one combo'd with a dark tuner.

They must summon 'em with that negative energy

Goodwin was talking about.

Yes. They thrive on negative emotions

Which is why they appeared in the satellite.

They were drawn to the despair of the slums

Like a moth to a bright flame.

Then why did they come to new domino city?

In theory, sayer's evil plot to create an army

Of psychic duelists is what first attracted

The dark signers.

Unfortunately now, with the destruction

And innocent people vanishing from the streets,

The city is cloaked in a shadow of despair.

Which means, the dark signers

Get even more power don't they?

I'm afraid so.

The more people who lose hope

And who become depressed,

The stronger the dark signers become.

Their beasts require this dark energy

And once there is enough these powerful creatures

Absorb it so that they may become whole.

What do we do?

Are they all gone for good?!

Until the army of shadows is defeated,

They're lost, giving more power

To our enemies out there.

And now, all of new domino city

Has become a b*ttlefield, every innocent person

A potential victim.

Those poor people!

What's going on?

Look up there!

Goodwinand our city is just the beginning.

If we fail to defeat the dark signers,

To stop the army of shadows from awakening,

The souls of the planet will fall into darkness

With no one left to save them.

But that's not all.

They have another w*apon,

Perhaps the most frightening of all!

Goodwini believe some of you here

Have experienced the dark signers'

Dangerous and powerful abilities first hand.

They are formidable foes

Who control the mightiest of beasts.


You must mean the earthbound immortals!

Yes. Their strength is staggering

For they contain the very power

Of the army of shadows.

We get it! They're bad okay?

Let's just take 'em out!

You must learn to control your emotions,

Lest you become one of the taken.


The people who were recruited

By the dark signers-- like your friend carly,

Who most likely now duels for the forces of evil--

May still be able to be saved.

Our task goes far beyond beating an enemy.

It's a rescue operation for all those poor people

Who've been corrupted by the powers of darkness,

And without all of your help there's no hope for them.

Jack, you and yusei saw the future:

A world of ash and shadow, everyone having been

Absorbed into the earthbound immortals.

When you say "everyone absorbed,"

You don't mean everyone?

Like all our friends and family?!

No more presents or birthdays?!

If that helps.

I assume that for the rest of you

Who are actually signers, the fate of the world

And future of our civilization is

A little more important.

You must each make your choice.

I'm afraid that I can only take you this far on the path.

After today there is no turning back.

You will have to commit your life, body,

And soul as a signer.

Akiza, thinkingcan I do that?

Can I commit to saving the same people

Who said I was a monster?

I think I can, I owe it to my friends.

Listen. You n' your parents have

A lot of catching up to do.

But we signers could really use you around, too.

What do you say? Will you fight with us?

Will you take a stand alongside your friends?

You got it, yusei.

[Thinking] yusei taught me not to be afraid,

And I'll never forget that.

Jacki've heard enough!


Just let me go after these dark signers myself!

[Thinking] I wanted to do it on my own too

Until martha talked some sense into me.

I hope at least you won your little game.

It's not what you think!

There's people out there that want to destroy our home!

I believe you.

But if we're "all in great danger,"

Why are you trying to save us all on your own?

It's my job.

You'll just never change.

Trying to do everything by yourself

And ending up in a hospital bed.

You've got friends out there that will follow you anywhere.

Martha was right.

I was trying to save the satellite,

Defeat the dark signers all on my own.

Good thing she reminded me that without the help

Of my friends, there was no way I could succeed.

Goodwin, there's something you should know

About the dark signer I dueled.

What is it, yusei?

This wasn't the first time we met.

He was "infected" like you said, but he knew me.

He had all these old memories of jack and i.

In fact he was our friend.


And his birdbrain friend.

You don't know how long I've been waiting

For this moment.

It's a shame it'll be over so quickly.

So how do you know our names?

I never forgot, old friend.

Kalin kessler? Is that really you?!

We thought that when you left the satellite

It was forever.

It was. But thanks to you and that mark of yours,

Kalin is back!

Yusei, voice-overhe was my best friend.

Years ago, jack, crow, and I had a dueling team

In the satellite.

Kalin was in charge 'cause no one could beat him.

He was supposed to be locked up for dueling security,

But it looks like he's out on early parole

Looking for revenge.

After what you did to me this is sweet justice,

Dear old friend!

Now prepare to meet the shadows of the netherworld!

I summonone hundred-eyed dragon!

And now, for your pleasurethe main event!

I activate hundred-eyed dragon's special ability!

Yusei, voice-overand as hard as it is to believe,

He's gotten even better.

Kalin's got a new deck

Full of stronger monsters I've never faced before.

His one-hundred eyed dragon was just the beginning.

Thanks for the help, yusei, cause now that

You destroyed my one-hundred eyed dragon,

I can select one card in my deck

And then add it to my hand.

He summoned an earthbound immortal.

It was huge, like exodia but bigger.

It was just like you said, goodwin.

Kalin used the negative energy of the people

Of the satellite to create that thing.

The rest of you have to understand that goodwin's right!

I've seen it with my own eyes!

Jack, I know you saw it, too!

It was the beginning of the end of the world!

Earthbound immortal ccapac apu,

Pound this pathetic signer into the darkness!

Kalin's earthbound immortal was the most powerful card

I ever faced.

Nothing could stop it from attacking.

I've never been scared in a duel before,

But this beast shook me to the core,

Filled me with doubt, and nearly sent me to the netherworld.

After that duel I didn't think I'd ever be able

To throwdown again, but now I know I have to

Face my fears and come at these dark signers

With everything I got.

So then, which of you are with me

To stop this shadow army!

Just a sec!

I want some answers before I risk my life,

And that's starting with you!

There's something he's not telling us.

Jack's correct. I was hoping to avoid

This part of the discussion.

And how'about that!

More secrets!

I'm two seconds from takin' off

And forgetting all this stuff

About the end of the world!

Come on! Let's hear him out!

You can't just walk away right now, jack!

Goodwin, we wanna know ev'rything about all

Of these dark signers!

You don't.

They have never lost, unlike those pawns you

Faced in the parking garage and hospital.

I'm not sure they can lose.

That's impossible!

It still comes down to a deck!

And ours always lose, yusei.

You and akiza saw your decks picked apart, like sayer's.

The task that's before us just might be

Impossible to ever win.


If we can't win, then why do we duel?!

Um, sis? Can we go home?

I feel sick now.

Yeah, you're not alone.

What are you saying? We've lost before the first draw?!

I'm outta here! If the world's gonna end,

I might as well spend my last few days cruisin' round

On my runner!

I'm not saying there's no hope at all.

But I wanted to be honestthere were three duels

With true dark signers, und'rstand?

And we nearly lost them all thanks to the most powerful monsters ev'r.

We're talking about primal forces, pure darkness.

A foe many would choose to run from.

But I ask that you do not.

You must face all of them together.

But, even if we do beat them,

I can't promise we'll all be standing here again

Or that we'll be able to expel the darkness

That possesses these dark signers

And return them to the persons they once were.

Every w*r has its casualties.

And some of us may be lost to the netherworld.

I hope the four of you can look

Into your hearts and make the decision

That our world needs.

But be quick, I'm afraid we don't have

Much time left.
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