02x27 - A Web of Deceit, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x27 - A Web of Deceit, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Aw, come on, what gives?

We were in the middle of watching maybe the most important duel ever,

And you just stop working?

You call yourself a television?

Come on, work, already, puh-lease!

Man, what a piece of junk.

Well, we did find the thing lying around

In this junkyard.

A-ha! It's back!

Announcerand it's official!

We have a new champion!

The crown has been passed on to yusei fudo!

Tankyou gotta be kiddin' me!

We missed the ending of the duel!?

Blitzaw, man!

Am I hearing what I think I'm hearing?

They're all chanting yusei's name.

So this means that he--

He beat jack?...

Oh, yeah! Sweet!

That's what I'm talkin' about, baby!


This is awesome!

Mani'm here live in domino stadium,

Where, for the first time in dueling history,

A resident of the satellite sector

Has won the championship.

Uh, I'm standing in domino stadium in domino city.

Uh, I mean, obviously domino stadium is in domino city.


Ready? Angela raines here,

Reporting for wzdc at the fortune cup finale,

Where fusei yudo has stolen

Jack atlas's championship crown.

Hey, angela, one journalist to another,

His name's not fusei yudo. It's yusei fudo.

I hate to break it to ya', carly,

But a blogger is not a journalist.


So tell me, how many hits a day

Is that little website of yours getting?

Thousands of millions.

I seriously doubt that.

Well, carly, I'd love to talk down to you some more,

But I did enough of that in high school!

See ya! I got an interview to score.


[Crowd chanting "yusei!"]

[Thinking] I may have beaten jack,

But I've got a feeling that a new battle is about to begin.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win only if I lose? ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Don't worry, mr. Atlas is gonna be fine.

We just need to get him to the clinic

For some routine tests.

Oh, and congratulations, kid.

[Thinking] jack, what did we see in that light?

Manhey, satellite! How'd you do it?!

Second manwe know you cheated, pal!

Third manyou think you're one of us? Well you're not!

Other manget out of here, punk!

Enjoy it while it lasts, you loser!


Yuseihey, guys! Everyone ok?

We're fine,

But you're about to face a brand-new enemy.

The media!!

Uh, yusei, over here!

Could you pose for a picture?

What are your plans now that you've won?

Leothey're loose!


Better rev it up.


[Reporters shouting]

Yusei's running away! Is that ok?

But what even happened at the end of that duel?

What was that strange light all about?

Does it change anything? Is it ok that jack lost?

Who won and who lost is not important.


What's important is that the stars

Have finally begun to align.

Soon, they will become one.

That's the only thing that matters right now.


I coulda sworn they went this way.

What happened?

Well, this is a dead end.

Come on, boys, let's go find goodwin.

Dexterwhere are we?

Tannerthis is an abandoned service tunnel.

Cool. Hey tanner,

How'd you know this was down here?

A guy like me knows these things.

That, and blister told me.

I have no idea what happened to you in that light,

But I'm just thrilled

That you won the tournament!

I knew you could do it, yusei!

You're the best duelist I've ever seen!

You're, like, my hero!

Forget the tournament.

The whole thing was a setup on goodwin's part.

Let's not forget, the only reason yusei agreed to duel

Was 'cause goodwin captured his friends.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.

Until we figure out what the whole story is,

We should lay low at blister's hideout.

Leo and luna,

You should prob'ly come and stay with us, too.

Are you serious? Awesome!

It'll be like sleep-away camp, only even better!

Yusei, I don't know how,

But I was able to see inside that weird light.

I saw you guys dueling, and... Huh?

I saw the satellite being destroyed.

That was the future, wasn't it?

I have no idea.

But if that was some kind of vision of the future,

Then we have to stop it from happening.


What is a signer?

Allow me, luna! I can tell you

Everything there is to know!

But before I explain what a signer is,

I'll have to give you some backstory

By thrilling you with tales

Of my numerous archeological adventures around the world!

Um, ok.

[Thinking] that spider.

I have to figure out what it is before it's too late.

[Crowd murmuring and cheering]

[Indistinct chatter]

That's right, ted,

We're waiting outside of director goodwin's tower

Right now.

[Sigh] I'm getting all nervous and stuff.

What kind of question should I ask goodwin?

Ah! I'll consult my fortunetelling deck.

That oughta give me some kind of clue.

Ok, so today is all about being super happy!

So if you're anxious about something, don't be.

Just keep moving forward,

And everything will be fine.

Well, that's good to know!

[Reporters talking at once]

Ok, people, come on, step back!

Manwhat happened inside that light?

A lot of fans are questioning

The legitimacy of yusei's victory

Since they didn't see the final move being played.

Here's what I can tell you.

During the final duel,

Our holographic system experienced a hiccup of sorts,

Making it so that we couldn't display the visuals.

However, we can confirm that yusei was, in fact,

The victor.

All other details will be released in the coming days.

What can you tell us about the new champion?

Who is he? What's his story?

Where's he get his clothes?

You'll have to ask yusei yourself.

We don't really know that much about him.

Here goes nothing.

Excuse me, pardon me, don't mind me, sorry.

Just gonna squeeze on through here.

What about jack atlas? How is he taking the--

Mr. Goodwin?

I was in the middle of asking a question!

When--when that giant dragon appeared during the final duel,

It--it looked like yusei's arm was glowing or something.

Did that glow on his arm

Have any connection to the giant dragon?


His arm was glowing, you say?

I'm afraid I didn't see that.

Perhaps the sheen of his runner

Was reflecting the sunlight into your eyes.

No, it was kind of--aah!

Why are you asking irrelevant questions!?

I saw something, and--

We'll be releasing an official statement

Concerning the duel later on.

Right now, director goodwin has matters to attend to,

So please, let us through.

But?! I have more questions!

Come on, people, move to the side

And make room for the director.

[Reporters talking at once]

Director goodwin! Great.

Looks like we've got nothin' juicy for the slot.

Well, there's still jack atlas.

Oh, right, him!

Beat ya' there!

Hmm? Hmm?

Hey! Wait for us!

Goodwin dodged my question!

That means I'm on to something!

Better not let it slip through the cra--


Carautopilot activated.


Carly, where are you!?

I sent you out for coffee two hours ago!

Sorry, but something important came up!

What could be more important than my caffeine fix?

Well, sir, I found a big scoop.

Interns don't look for scoops!

They make copies and fetch coffee!

Don't bother comin' back to the office, kid, you're fired.

Fired? But I'm not even paid.

Just gimme a chance, mr. Pits!

This story I'm chasing is huge!

Yeah? What is it?

A conspiracy at the fortune cup!

This one might lead all the way to the top.

Are you talkin' about goodwin? Never liked the guy.

Bring back some dirt on him,

And you might still have a job waitin' for ya.

I'm on it, mr. Pits!


Time to see if I saw what I thought I saw.

Please be there, please be there.


There it is! Yusei's arm is definitely glowing!

Goodwin tried to feed me that sheen and sunlight bit,

But he's definitely covering something up,

And I'm gonna figure out what it is.

Carly carmine is gonna crack this case wide open!

Heh heh heh!


Duel disk signals detected.

In yards, turn left.

[Thinking] I've spent the last years of my life

Blogging about street duels.

Angela's become a real reporter for the biggest station in new domino city.

Meanwhile, I'm living out of my car.

But that's over!

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this story,

And then mr. Pits is gonna make me a front-page reporter.

Look out, world! Carly carmine is comin' at ya' full speed!

Huh? Wha?


Ohh! That is, once I fill up my t*nk.

So goodwin has assembled his precious signers

And summoned the crimson dragon.


I think it's time we make our presence known.

We must lower the curtain of shadows on domino city.

Like the great bard said -

"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive..."

Ha ha ha!

The dawn of the spider has come.

And soon it shall cloak this world in darkness.


[Yanagi humming]

Now, bear in mind that I'm not an artist,

And I only saw it the one time,

But the dragon seal looks something like this.


That's the dragon's head.

What-- what is it? What about the head?


[All gasp]

Oh! Oh!

That looks just like it.

Hey, luna, let's see your mark.

Oh. Oh.

Leoso luna's mark looks like the claw thingy.

What's that mean?

According to legend,

The crimson dragon's head.. Wings..hands..legs..and tail...

Were split into parts

And then sealed away as marks on the original signers.

The marks were then passed down through the generations.

But right now, we only know about signers.

So how was the crimson dragon summoned

If only of them were gathered?

I guess the fifth signer must have been somewhere in that arena.

Leoso luna's a signer.

Jack's a signer. Akiza's a signer.

And yusei's a signer.

So who's the other one?

Maybe it's me, maybe I have a mark somewhere! Oh!



Whoa there. Whoa!

Is she ok?


Luna, what's wrong?

It's nothing, I'm... I'm just a little tired or something.

Well, that's understandable.

We've all had a crazy couple of days.

Let's try to get some rest.


[Thinking] mr. Atlas. I hope you're going to be all right.


Reporterno dice. They're not letting anyone in.

Maybe we can climb the building

And sneak in through a window.

I'm waiting right here till he comes out.

Here's my chance to get ahead of these jerks.


The crimson dragon has come to domino city!

It has come to spread despair and oppress us all!

The people of new domino city must take a stand together!

The dragon will try to tempt you with promises of fame and fortune!

Ignore its whisper and follow us down the virtuous path!

Only by denying the dragon's call can we truly be free!

The time has come.





[Thinking] my mark's never felt like this before.

It feels like it's trying to warn me of something,

Like there's a darkness or evil lurking.


Who is that?!

Maybe it's the fifth signer!

Hey, you!


[Breathing heavily]

Where's he going?

Hey, stop running!




You shouldn't sneak up on people like that.

Heh heh heh!

Who are you?

I saw the glow on your arm.

Are you the fifth signer?

I am a shadow drone,

And if you seek the truth,

Then my master says you must duel me for it.

Why am I not surprised?

All right, buddy, you got yourself a duel.

Bothlet's do this!

Who are you, and what's going on?

You and I have been offered up by the light

And placed inside the energy ring of the eternal shadow.

I'm afraid there's no turning back now.

What are you talking about?

You'll see.

I summon blizzard lizard in defense mode.

Next, I place one card facedown

And end my turn.

Your move.

Duel disk signals detected. Hmm?

Those numbers can't be right.

Readings don't get that strong.

What could it be?

What was that light down there?

Maybe it's the sheen from yusei's runner again.

Ok, mr. Cloak and dagger,

I'm activating the tuning spell card!

With this spell,

I can add one tuner monster from my deck to my hand

As long as I get rid of the same number of cards

As that monster's level.

And since junk synchron is a level ,

I'm sending cards from my deck to my graveyard.

Next I summon junk synchron

To the field in attack mode!

But that's just the beginning!

When junk synchron is successfully summoned,

I can then summon out a level monster to keep it company.

I call out speed warrior!

And now, with both of them on the field,

Junk synchron can give speed warrior a tune-up!

Now, junk warrior, let's rev it up!

Junk warrior, give that blizzard lizard a warm satellite welcome!

Go, scrap fist!

Not so fast!


What's going on?

Blizzard lizard's special ability is going on.

When this card is destroyed in battle,

You get hit for points of direct damage.

Didn't see that coming.

Akiza uses a similar power when she duels.

But this guy's different somehow.


What's going on?

Did my attack create real damage?

Is that what this energy ring is about?

It makes battle damage real?


Oh, ok, chuckles, I get it,

You're gonna be like that.

It's my turn now. I draw.

First, I'm activating the call of the haunted trap card.

This card lets me select one monster from my graveyard

And summon it into attack mode!

So I'm bringing back blizzard lizard.

With that done,

I activate the ice mirror spell card from my hand.

Computerice mirror is a spell card

That lets you select a water attribute monster on your field

And then summon the same monster from your deck.

So with the power of this card,

I'm bringing out another blizzard lizard

To the field in attack mode.

And now I'll play this.

Another ice mirror spell?!

That's right, and with it,

I summon out a third blizzard lizard.

Doesn't this guy know that 's a crowd?

Well, then, how about I release two of them

To make some room for my level dark tuner catastrogue!

A dark tuner?


Now, dark tuner catastrogue,

Use your power to extinguish the light

By absorbing the energy of blizzard lizard.

Let the dark shadows rise!

Heh heh heh!

The shadows wield a power

Like nothing you've ever seen!

The stars just turned dark. What's that all about?

The light is being consumed by the shadows.

Whereas you combine your monsters

To make them more powerful,

My monsters feed off one another

And absorb each other to create negative energy.

I thought negative energy was only a theory.

Think again, yusei.

Negative energy is very real.

The monster I'm summoning is a negative level !

Huh! No way!

When the shadows are devoured

By even darker shadows,

The curtain pulls back and reveals...

A world without light!

Come forth, frozen fitzgerald!


A dark synchro summon.

How do I battle that?


[Thinking] soon, the whole world will know what goodwin's trying to hide.


[Thinking] I gotta figure out

How to beat this shadow drone,

Or I'll never find out the truth.
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