01x11 - The Take Back, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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01x11 - The Take Back, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[Woman scat singing]

Wolfgang, this is foxtrot.

Target is on foot

And heading west on smith street.

Trapline he's coming your way.

Roger that. Got the eyeball.

Manfollow on foot, trapline.

Do not lose visual contact.

[Thinking] I hope your card works tanner...

Hold on!

I got something for you as well.

This card's gonna help you get your runner back.

I overheard the guards talking about your sweet ride

And how it's locked up in the impound center.

Now take this to a store named bootleg,

Order some milk and ask for blister.

He'll help you out.

[Yusei thinking] ok tanner, let's see what this friend of yours

Can do about helping me get my runner back...

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Manhang back, foxtrot.

Let's see what he's up to.

[Thinking] so this is the place tanner was talking about.

Seems like my kind of joint...

I just hope tanner's friend comes through for me...

Man--and so the cop, he says to the monkey,

"You're goin' to jail!"

[Laughs] get it?

Second manah, nope!

So what do you want here, kid?

Lose your puppy or somethin'?

My heart's breakin' for ya',

But this ain't the animal shelter.

Now getta outta here!

We got a no-loitering rule, payin' customers only.

In that case, I'll have some milk.

Bolt tanner gave this to me...

...i'm looking for a guy named blister.

Those suits that followed you lookin' for blister, too?


I assume those guys aren't with you...

Now get outta here, kid! Hm?

You don't find blister, blister finds you.


Lookin' for me?

[Both gasp]

Manquick don't let him get away!

Man; don't move!

Need a lift?

Who was that?

Check the navi-link, are we tracking the signal?

Yeah, we got 'em...

They're going north on--

Come on!

What, what's going on?

Tell wolfgang we've lost visual and radar.

Blisterhold still.

The ions in this little badboy

Are jamming the marker's signal.

Can't have those suits following us.

Are you blister?

In the flesh.

Blistersector security usually saves the helicopters

For the big-time offenders...

But you seem harmless enough.

You know something about a city hall fat cat

You're not supposed to know?

Yuseiactually--i think someone knows something about me.

But... ...i dunno what.

Hmph! Well, your marker

Won't transmit for a few hours,

And I've cloaked this building,

You're good for now.

So bolt tanner told you to come here

And find me, did he?

That's right.

I don't suppose he sent you

To pay me the chunk of change he owes me.

Afraid not.

In that case, you must be here

For the official blister "hook up."

So--what's the deal, need a new identity?

I need to sneak into the security impound center

To get my runner back.

You're kidding, right?

Tanner said you could help me.

So was he right or wrong?

He's right...

Alright, "mr. Adams"--

Your maintenance uniform is set,

And I've got your i.d. Card.

Just need to hack into the city system....

[Humming] --aaaand, done!

Yusei adams you are officially an employee

Of the new domino city security impound center.

Each door requires a site-specific code...

Let me hop onto the mainframe

And see where they're keeping your ride

So I'll know what code you'll need.

When did they take it?

A couple of weeks ago, blister.

Alright then.

I'll have t' break the encryption on the security mainframe...

Some logarithm runs, a little ghost-imaging aaaand...

...boo-yah! I'm in.

Just gotta narrow the search down

To single-ride duel runners

Confiscated over the past several weeks,

Run that against a list of other variables aaand...

Bingo--vault -b. Top floor.

Now to snag the pass codes you'll need to get in.

This shouldn't be too hard.

Blister...did you used to be a duelist?

Hm? Wha--!?

What are you doin' snoopin' around in there,

Put that picture back!

Looks like you were takin' names in the big leagues--huh.

Nah, I was never big league, that's for sure.

Me n' my partner dueled in the semi-pro league for a bit.

But...that was a different life, yusei.

It was a long time ago.

Put the picture down.

We gotta focus here.

Talk to me.

Got the passcode for -b.

Is that all I'll need?

That, the i.d. Card, your uniform,

And a whole lotta luck.

The security droids are on a random program,

So I can't help ya' there.

I'll risk it.

So was that your duel partner

With you in the picture?

Man! You don't know how to let something go, do you?

We're not here to get to know each other...

Got it?

I spy someone who thinks they got away...

But no one gets away from me.

I'll show yusei and that no-good goodwin.

Bossi said there are no

Third chances with the director.

You're on mall patrol.

Goodwin's up to somethin', here, chief.

First he has me shakin' down the satellite,

Then he lets him walk free in domino!?

I'm gonna catch that kid and get to the bottom o' this.

Trudge, wait!


And once you tell me what I want to know yusei,

It's back to the facility forever!

Blisterrise and shine, yusei.

Everything you'll need tonight is in the bag.

Tell tanner I'm puttin' this on his tab.

Will do.

Look man--i did everything I could,

But the odds are still against you.

Only people who have a choice worry about odds.

I have to get my runner back

If I'm gonna get my friends out of the satellite.

Wait, what? Ha!

You're taking this huge risk for some friends?!

Hmph! His name's aero.

We were best buds.

You'll notice, of course, that I said "were."

People come and go, yusei.

You make friends... You lose friends.

That's how it goes.

But trust me, at the end o' the day...

...you realize you shouldn't bother with "friends,"

'Cause the only thing a "friend" is good for

Is...finding the best way to let you down.

You're better off just lookin' out for number one.

I mean... After all...

...that's what everyone else does. Isn't it?

We were on a practice run.

Aah! I lost control of the bike...

The connecting cables tore apart...


Grab my hand!

Almost there...

Blisterwe were gonna slam into a building.

I didn't have time to think, I just turned away.

Aero...oh, no... Aero...look out!

He was stuck in the sidecar, he had no control.

It was bad...

He spent months in recovery.

When he got out he quit dueling.

I never heard from him again...

Except for this card he sent me...

It was his part of our best combo.

It's all torn and burned.

I'm pretty sure it was his way of saying

He'd never forgive me.

Heh...not that I blame him,

I wouldn't forgive me either if I was him.

Don't take this risk for your friends, yusei.

'Cause come crunch time,

They're gonna let you down, I mean, look at me.

I let my best friend crash right into a building

Just to save myself.

Try not to be so hard on yourself blister,

And thanks for all your help...

[Thinking] I don't care what he says about friendship.

Friends are the most important thing a person can have.

Without them, you're nothing.

I know what I did was wrong,

But did you really have to throw it in my face aero...

Talk about lame.


Someone's out there...

I'm coming for you yusei... [Laughs]

[Thinking] so far so good.

Blister was right about those security droids.

Time to move...

Top floor here I come...

This is it...

Now I just hope this i.d. And pass code work...


There we go... Reunited at last...

[Trudge laughs]

I'm starting to think you like me, yusei!

Why else would you constantly go out of your way

To make sure we keep meeting up like this?

Although, I gotta say, this is probably

Your craziest stunt yet.

What on earth were you thinking?

I just want my duel runner back, trudge, it is mine.

Actually--that runner of yours

Is now the property of sector security.

It's gonna be a patrol bike!

Or maybe they'll scrap it

And turn it into a bunch of toasters,

I'm not really sure.

As for you, it's back to the facility!

Get 'em, boys!

Heh! Sorry yusei, but that runner is offline.

So just come on out quietly.

What is that?

[All gasp]



Mandon't let him get away!

You asked for it!


Come on, yusei!

Do you really think you can escape from me again?

I'll never stop chasing you, don't you get that?

Chase this!

So that's how you wanna play things, is it?...

...tell you what-- I'll make you a deal--

Give yourself up right now.

And I'll forget the fact

That you broke into the vault

When I'm filling out the report.

No chance!

You're not leaving me any choice here.

If you won't surrender,

I'll have to make you surrender...

With a duel!

Computer voiceduel mode engaged.

Autopilot standing by.

Overriding suspect's duel runner.

[Thinking] I just need to buy time

While I load up the building schematics to find a way out.

Alright, trudge... Bring it on.

Bothlet's ride!

Let's get this duel started!

I draw!

And I summon quillbolt hedgehog in defense mode.

[Thinking] there's the schematics...

If I could find a way to escape through that opening...

I'm home free.

Trudge[laughs] get ready, yusei!

I draw!

And I summon search striker in attack mode!

Search striker!-- Blast that satellite's

Puny little monster!



Next I place one card facedown.

Now what, yusei?

You're about to find out.

From my hand--i summon

The tuner monster junk synchron.

And since I successfully summoned junk synchron...

I can also summon quillbolt hedgehog

Back to the field in defense position.


Sorry, trudge.

But this hedgehog's not done with you!

Before it makes a move, though--

Junk synchron's gonna give it a little tune-up.

You think some synchro summon is gonna throw me off?

You got another thing comin', satellite.

Junk warrior!

Let's rev it up!

Too bad he can't stick around!

See I'm playing the trap card--discord counter!

Computer voicediscord counter is a trap card

That undoes an opponent's synchro summon

And returns both originals monsters to the field

In defense position.

Looks to me like your junk warrior's

About to break into pieces.

I hope you like those two.

'Cause you're stuck with 'em for a while.

Discord counter stops you from summoning a monster

Until the end phase of your next turn.

I just need to get to that opening and get outta here.

So close.


Where do ya' think you're goin'?

[Trudge laughs]

Guardclose a and a barriers!...

Seal off the east sector!

[Snickers] there's no little hatch

To wiggle through this time, you sewer rat!


You're gonna have to turn around

And face the big cat!

Now tell me why goodwin's so interested in you, kid.

Tell me and I might let you go!

You've got nothing to say?

Well this'll get you talking!

Ha ha. I summon pursuit chaser in attack mode.

And now that I've got these two monsters on my field

Your quillbolt and junk synchron

Are about to get blasted back to the scrapheap!


Now here's the best part--

Since the monster pursuit chaser

Was destroyed in defense position...

You get hit with points of direct damage!

[Trudge laughs]

And with that, I slap one card facedown and end my turn.

Make your move!

Alright then!

I place one card facedown...

And end my turn.

Ha! You're done, yusei.

You can't summon a monster for two more turns...

Every possible escape route has been sealed off,

You're totally trapped!

The only thing waiting for you down this road is a dead end.


And I mean that literally, yusei...

You're headed straight for a wall!

Blisterkeep going!

Blister? 'S that you?

Keep going forward!

But, uh... Go--!

No way! What's that punk doing?

[Screaming indistinctly]
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