01x07 - The Facility, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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01x07 - The Facility, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's"

Mr. Yusei fudo, entering the limits

Of new domino city without a permit?

Now to discuss punishment.

Guardwelcome to the facility

Your "home away from home!"

I never forget a face!

You were at the kaiba dome!

I saw sector security take you away!

Aah! My arm.

Why does it hurt so much?

I can't remember.

Lemme tell ya how things are gonna work around here.

First day in everyone duels.

You duel good you get respect.

But don't get no ideas 'cause I'm the best.

Ooooookay! Let's everyone calm down!

I've been here before

And I know how the rules

Are supposed to work!

If I win, then well I'm in charge.

Ushi oni, take out that ancient relic!

You can't!

The crystal skull is a priceless artifact!


Now get outta here.

And leave your "precious treasures" with me!

You can't do this!


Looks like you just earned yourself a duel!

Can I borrow your cards?


You said we duel here for respect.

I think it's about time you learn

What that really means.

This started to burn!

It's the crimson dragon's mark.

It's a symbol of power.

You are one of the rare few known as a signer.

Your sign, jack, it is your destiny.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪


There's now way you got the skills to take me down.

Do you have any idea what you're gettin' into, kid?

Bring it on and find out.

Well at least you got the whole attitude thing covered.

You're gonna duel with the old guy's deck?

Guess your looking to get embarrassed

By tanner as well!

They are bunkmates, maybe crazy's contagious.

You don't have to do this, you know.

If I don't step up, I'll never live it down.

[Thinking] there's something special about

This whipper-snapper.

If I really saw what I think I saw

The other night, is it possible

That this kid is who I think he is?

Who are you?

Just a guy trying to get by.

You lose a duel in here, rookie,

And no one's gonna respect you.

And trust me-- around here,

You survive on respect.

Well, then you better hope you don't lose.

Let's do this!

Seniority rules here!

I'm goin' first!

Lemme introduce you to my little pet!

Jirai gumo!

Yarghhh! Spider!!!!

What's wrong, gramps!?

Creepie crawlies giving ya the shakes?

Come on, tanner! Get 'em!

Yeah! Go!

Come on, man!

You can do it. Come on!

I place two cards facedown and end my turn!

It's your move, kid.

How's the old timer's deck lookin'?

You gonna throw some garage sale rejects at me?

Hey, yanagi, don't listen to anything

These guys have to say.

They don't know what they're talking about.

But you saw me duel.

Everything blew up in my face.

I had my old butt handed to me.

Well, let me show you what these

Ancient relics of yours can do in the right hands.

[Telephone dialing]

Goodwinyes understood. Just be sure to keep an eye

On that duel, mr. Armstrong.

Write up a report.

Be sure to note if anything unusual happens.

Sounds like your old buddy from the satellite

Is making some new duelist friends

In the facility.


Look, jack, I'm sorry about how recent events

Have transpired.

But allow me to explain.

So far, our relationship has operated

On a need-to-know basis.

Meaning I know things that you don't.

'Cause you haven't needed to know these things.

Until now.

Computerfingerprint verification.

Optical analysis.

Scan complete.

Welcome, mr. Goodwin.

You're a lot more important than you know, jack.

But what makes you important is not that you're a great duelist.

Rather you're a great duelist because of what makes you important.

I'm gonna pretend that made sense.

Beyond this door lies your destiny.

What's going on, goodwin?

What I'm about to show you is one

Of the world's best kept secrets.

Amazing isn't it?

Hey! That dragon symbol looks like--

Now listen closely, jack. You're standing in front

Of the stairway of the crimson dragon.

It was originally erected in peru,

But my predecessors relocated it here

That's all well and good, but how does that relate to this mark?

The mark on your arm represents the right wing

Of the crimson dragon.

The same dragon you and yusei somehow summoned

At the end of your duel.

Like I said, jack, you're much more important than you know.

My move, tanner.

[Thinking] this won't help now.

Uh, whatever you do, don't use the crystal skull!

The crystal skull. Good idea!

What are you-- I said don't use it,

Didn't you see what it did to me?!

I summon crystal skull in defense mode!

You can't say I didn't warn you.

You know that skull's cursed.

Why play something that att*cks yourself?

Good question. Why would i?

It'd be a stupid move.

Unless of course I had this!

Oh I remember that one!

I got that from a friendly shaman in africa,

But he never got the chance

To explain how it worked.

What's goin on!?

What just happened?

Seems everything played out all opposite-like.

Tanner ended up losing a thousand life points.

And the new guy didn't take any damage at all.

How'd you do that? What was that card you just played?

The curse reflection doll.

Normally it's used to reflect curse att*cks

Sent by the opponent, but im gonna use it

To turn my own curse into an attack against you.

So the newbie found some crazy clever way

To put that curse in reverse!

I'm just so glad that someone other than me

Can see the true value of these cards.

Well, I never met a card I didn't like.


You see every card is special,

And you just have to learn to appreciate its power

In order to figure out how to best use it.

So you don't think they're worthless?

No way, this deck is incredible.

I knew it I just knew it.

Hey come on, don't sweat it, tanner!

The new kid just got lucky is all.

Don't you let it get to ya'!

No. That was not luck.

If the pro duels taught me one thing

It was how to spot a good opponent.

And somethin' tells me this newbie may actually

Know what he's doin'.

It's your move, tanner.

Hey, you guys, was tanner actually

Bein' nice for once?

It's my turn. I draw!


I release jirai gumo

In order to summon ushi oni!

Now why would he do that?

Jirai gumo is more powerful than this monster.

Just wait, old timer.

The real show's about to begin!

Now, I release ushi oni to summon

Giant ushi oni!

And next my giant ushi oni's taking out

Your crystal skull!

Yeah, crack up that crystal!

Oh yeah!!


Go spectre's bite!


That was only the beginning

Of your worries.

'Cause when giant ushi oni destroys a monster

In battle, it gets to attack again!

And with crystal skull gone, you've got

No defense, so you're open for a direct attack!

You're really getting caught up in this duel,

Aren't ya?!

You okay?

That was awesome.

This guy just ain't got what it takes.

So are you any good at all, kid?

Or are you the loser these guys say you are?!

Goodwinjack, allow me to shed some light.

I am the th guardian of the star.

Throughout history, my order has been known by many names--

The defenders of peace, the servants to the stars.

We have sworn to maintain balance

In the universe by taking the oath of iliaster.

The what now?

It is the power that gives everything

In nature its inner essence

And outward form--

The universe, energy, mankind.

Iliaster is the power flowing

Through all of these things, binding them together.

So it's glue.

You've sworn allegiance to magic glue.

Joke all you want, but that mark on your arm?

It means you're part of something much greater,

And if your friend yusei really does have a mark,

Then he's part of it, too.

From my hand I summon ashoka pillar

In defense mode!

Computerashoka pillar is a monster card that deals

Points of damage to its owner

When it is destroyed.

[Prisoners laughing]

"Ooh, look at me! I just summoned a giant stick!"

Now you got us really scared.

Knock it off, you two!


I'm interested to see how much he can squeeze

Outta this deck.

You got another surprise up your sleeve?

I'm all about surprises.

Like this next card-- stonehenge!

See, the power of stonehenge lets me

Summon a monster with no attack points

From my graveyard, so I'm summoning crystal skull

In defense position.

Is your skull as empty as that crystal skull?

'Cause unless you got another o' of those

Reflection dolls that was the stupidest move possible.

Think again, boys.

Giant ushi oni can attack twice.

If he hadn't summoned that skull,

I would've been able to take him out

After demolishing his ashoka pillar.

But with that crystal skull in the way...

Ushi oni'll have to attack it 'stead o' him!

So, uh, he basically saved himself

From a big beatin' by takin'

A little medium-sized beatin'?


Except he made one major mistake.

What kinda mistake?

When ushi oni demolishes that pillar,

He'll take two-thousand points of damage.

Sorry kiddo, I wish that I could have

Given you a better deck.

Don't give up on your deck now, gramps.


I place one card facedown and end my turn.

[Thinking] a trap card now if only I can get him to use it.

Don't think that facedown card can save you, kid.

This is the shrine of iliaster.

What are those little drawings?

They're carvings, jack.

Carvings that narrate ancient myths and legends.

How the universe began, the dawn of time,

The birth of civilization,

The creation of my order,

The great w*r of the demons.

Come, jack. Let me take you on a journey through time.

Long ago in the pre-incan civilization

Of south america the people of the stars

Built a giant building of stone known as

The stairway of the dragon.


The stairway was built in honor of the dragon star,

Which was said to govern all of creation.

All the wisdom held by the star was handed down

To their ruler the star dragon king.

Led by the star and their king,

The people of the stars built an incredible civilization.

But then the gate to the shadow realm was opened.

Legends tell of evil demons and spirits led

By the demon lord, engaging in a great w*r.

The king climbed the stairway and begged

The dragon star to help his people.

And the dragon star answered the king's cry.

The great crimson dragon came down from above

And swept over the land, sealing the forces

Of evil deep beneath the earth.

Like in the dirt?



Are those the legendary nazca lines?

They are the seals of the crimson dragon.

Alright, newbie. My turn!

Let's see how much your little trinkets

Can stand up to this move!

Aah! Aah!

Giant ushi oni, tear down that ashoka pillar!

I activate the totem pole trap card!


How in-cred-ible!!

No way!

Keep 'em comin', tanner,

'Cause totem pole can block your

Monsters' att*cks up to three times.

This is fantastic!

With my deck, you're gonna win !

Ha ha ha!

You think I didn't see that coming?

I was countin' on it!

'Cause now I can build my spiderweb castle!

And its all thanks to you activating your trap card!

So now if your monster att*cks,

It'll get caught in my web and only be able to use half

Its attack points, but the best part is

That I can also just send the card to my

Graveyard and then jump past your defense

For a direct attack.

I take it back, kid. You're not gonna win.

Now I place one card facedown and end my turn.

[Thinking] bring it on, kid, 'cause my field is perfect.

Thanks to trap hole if you summon a new monster

With a thousand or more attack points, it'll get destroyed.

And if you summon some weaker ones in attack position,

Hoping for a straight-up brawl,

I can use mirror force to wipe 'em out

Before they even move.

This duel's got me all fired up, I love it!

It reminds me of better days,

Back when I was on my way to the top of the speed world circuit.

The roar of the crowd, the energy in the air!

Heart pounding, blood racing.

It was the greatest feeling in the world

Until I took a run for the championship

And jack atlas took me out in one move.

That was the most humiliating defeat of my career.

Guess you'll have to wait a little longer

To take your victory lap huh, tanner?

Maybe next time, I'll actually try!

It was all downhill from there,

But I like this kid.

He reminds me of, well, of me.

It's my move, tanner.

[Thinking] I know this deck won't let me down.

If I can get one more monster on the field,

I can win this.

If not, I'm a goner.

It's your move, newbie.

Uh-oh, he smiled.

I activate the piri reis map spell card!

Computerpiri reis map is a spell card that lets you draw

A zero attack point monster,

But if it's summoned, you lose half your life points.

What can ya' do with some old piece of paper?!

It's not paper, it's gazelle skin!

It was drawn by an ottoman-turkish admiral named--

There he goes again!

Enough with the lectures, professor!

The piri reis map can show a monster

With no attack points a clear path

From my deck to my hand.

So does that mean you get to draw another card?

I'm not just drawing the card--

I'm summoning it!

Cabrera stone!

What's some little rock gonna do?

It's a stone, the cabrera stone to be exact!

They say a lost civilization--

Nobody cares, old man!

This is an archeological spectacle!

The crystal skull, a cabrera stone, an ashoka pillar!

I'm getting historical goose bumps!

The world's best museums

Don't boast collections as rare as this!

Somethin' I don't get the downside of that map

Of yours is that you had to lose half your life points

In order to summon that rock you added to your hand.

That leaves you with only life points.

Why would you put yourself at risk

Like that to summon something with no attack points?

To win this duel.

Sorry, tanner, but now that I've

Gathered crystal skull, ashoka pillar,

And cabrera stone on my field together,

I can activate another card.

It can't be!

I activate the spell card triangle o!

What kinda hocus pocus is this?



[All gasp]

He's demolishing everything!


I can't wait to see what this can really do!

Triangle o's power destroys every card on the field.

And all the damage I woulda taken 'cause

Of the cards' effects gets dealt to you.

Respect that, tanner!

I--i don't believe it.

Tanner! Are you okay?

Dear boy, dear boy! That was stupendous!

I've traveled the world over,

But I've never seen dueling like that.

You never even att*cked,

Ha ha! I could hug you,

But don't worry, I won't!

I couldn't've done it without this awesome deck o' yours.

Actually, I will hug ya!

Oh! Uh...

Don't worry, we don't care if he won.

He's still slime to us!

Yeah and we're gonna take that treasure deck!

Hang on.

Hang on for what?

You won a duel without ever attacking once.

That's a pretty amazing thing to pull off.

And I know what I'm talkin' about, kid.

The old man was right.

Right about what?

I used to be a pro.

But I never dueled someone quite like you.

You're good.

So you got a name newbie?

It's yusei.

Hey, gramps, I apologize

For stepping on your cards.

I hope you learned your lesson, tanner!

Now take a look at these.

Aren't they wonderful?

You had me doubting their worth,

But yusei showed me how special they are!

My time in the spotlight is long gone.

But I wanna do everything I can to get

You to the world of the pros.

Whaddya say? You interested?


Alright, alright, break it up, fellas.

Let's go, eighty-eight.

The chief would like to see you.


Many centuries have passed since

The crimson dragon sealed the demon lord

And his forces beneath the earth.

But those forces continue to draw energy from mankind.

They feed off of our sadness,

Our jealousy, our anger, our greed.

Soon, the demon lord's forces will gain

More power than they ever had before.

They will break the dragon's seal

And return to pillage the earth.

That's bad.

On the day the seal breaks

And the demon lord resurrects,

My order will be and prepared to summon

The crimson dragon and protect humanity.

But we must find the signers,

Those bearing the mark of the dragon.

Like you.

And that satellite yusei.

So I'm supposed to save the world.

Why didn't ya say so?
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