01x21 - A Plant Grows in Bear's House

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bear in the Big Blue House". Aired: October 20, 1997 – April 28, 2006.*
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Bear lives in the Big Blue House where he is a caregiver for his friends Ojo, a bear cub; Tutter, a mouse; Treelo, a lemur; otters Pip and Pop; and storyteller Shadow.
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01x21 - A Plant Grows in Bear's House

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪ -Want some fun
-Here's where ♪

♪ -Just for you
-All is new ♪

♪ In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house ♪

♪ Kitchen's here,
bathroom's there ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ Just for you
in the house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome,
welcome to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Door is open come on in ♪

♪ Now you're here ♪

♪ So let's... Begin ♪

Oh! Hi! It's so good to see you,

and you're just in time!

I was just
about to check the mail.

Oh, look...

We have mail!

Let's see what we've
got in the mail today.

Ooh! Lot's of interesting stuff.


Let's take all this mail inside.



Hey! What's that smell?


[exclaims] It's you!


Tell me… Were you
just climbing in an apple tree?

Cause you smell like
fresh apples!


Or do you smell this good
all the time?


Now, where was I?

Oh, yes! The mail… [giggles]

Well, let's see
what we got in the mail today.


A letter
from Otter World Magazine...

I bet I know
who this belongs to...


Hey, Bear!


Hey, Pip. Hey, Pop.

-What ya got there, Bear?
-Anything for...


As a matter of fact I do.

[both gasp]

Pop! Pip! It's from...

Otter world!
Our favorite magazine!

The alternative publication
for small woodland creatures!

Did we win the contest?
Did we win? Did we win?

What contest?

The Name That Clam Contest!

Yeah! We came up with a great
name for the clam, Bear...

Wanna know what it was?

Well, sure...

Clammy… Clammy the clam!

Get it?
We might have already won

Open it up, Bear… Open it!

Okay... okay. Here you go.

Read it, Bear! Read it! Read it!


[clearing throat]


Thank you for entering

Otter World Magazine's
Name The Clam Contest.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Go on. Go on.

Although your name did not win
the big prize of 100,000 clams.

[exclaim disappointed]

Hold on guys.
There's more, there's more...

We hope you will enjoy this
valuable consolation prize.

Valuable. What is it, Bear?
What is it?

Let's see now! Let's see!

Oh! It looks like
a packet of… seeds.

[both exclaim]

Seeds! Yay!

No clams?

What good are a bunch of seeds?

Yeah… all they do is sit
around all day, lookin' at you!


No guys, seeds are great!


Yeah. All kinds of things
come from seeds

like fruits and vegetables.


We love fruits!

What will our seeds turn into?

-Yeah, what will they be?
-Well, let's see...

It kinda says...

we know that your seeds will
give you hours of delight

in your garden or sunbox,

but it doesn't really say
what it is...

Hm… Guess it's... a mystery.

-BOTH: A mystery!


Bear? What's a mystery?

Oh! Well, a mystery is when you
don't know what something is

and you have to work
a little hard to find out.

I get it...

Kinda like when you cook
"Bear Surprise"

and nobody knows what's in it.

Yeah, yeah!
And it kind of looks all blobby

and grey... and well...


Well, yeah, somethin' like that.



We love mysteries!

Well, there you go!

These seeds could be anything...

They could be carrots,
string beans, anything...

But first they have to grow.

And first you have to put them
in dirt, and here you go...

water them, and feed them and...

Okay! Yep! We can do that!

-Come on, Pop...

Bye, Bear.

But wait, guys, there's more!



One of Pip and Pop's seeds.



Take a look.

Nice seed, huh?

Yep. You know,
it only takes one seed

to grow a plant.



When things grow,

they go from being a smaller
shape and size to a bigger

and different shape and size.

Like this seed...

Inside this seed are
all sorts of things

just waiting to burst out
and grow...

like um...

Oh! That really big tree
you like to climb.

Yeah, plants grow from seeds.

Oh! And other things grow, too.

Like a little pig
grows up to be a big pig...


See? Lots of things grow
in lots of different ways.

I wonder how Pip
and Pop's seeds are doing.

Come on!

[Treelo mumbling]

TREELO: Wanna see now.
Treelo wanna see a bow!

OJO: Treelo! Well, if you'd
just stop squirming...

OJO: Stop it, Treelo.
That tickles!

That sounds like Ojo and Treelo.
I wonder what they're doing.

Come on.



Another triumph for Madam Ojo!


It's okay.

Hey, Ojo, Treelo...

-What are you doing?
-TREELO: Hi, Bear.

Eet eez Madam Ojo,

Ze Haircutter, eef you pleeze...

Dear, me, my! Oh me! Oh my!

-What? What? Is something wrong?

[both mumbling]

Ze fur!
But Vhat is viz zees fur?

-What's with the fur, Bear?
-This fur?

Well, it's just my fur.
Bear fur. Had it all my life.

[exclaims] But eet is so...

-flat and lifeless.
-Flat and lifeless.

It looks like...

an old rug!

-Old rug, Bear!
-Old rug.

But what are you using on it,

Well, you know, my Bear
shampoo and conditioner...

No, no, no, no! We'll just have
to do somezing viz it!

Please sit. Please sit.

Right there.

Well, since you put it
that way, Madam Ojo...

I guess I have a little time.


Welcome to, um...
Ze Ojo's hair cutting place.

First, we shampoo.

Assistant... shampoo ze Bear!

Shampoo ze Bear.

Yes, shampoo ze Bear,
if you please!

Hey, this feels kinda good.

Very nice. And zen,
ve do a little blow dry.

Assistant, ze blow dryer...

Blow dryer?


And now,
I make ze hair creation!

Hair creation.

That's the thing about hair
and fur, it grows and grows

until you have to trim it...

And now,
for ze most important part...

Assistant, please...

-Ze most important part...
-Most important part.


The bow… [whispering] Treelo...
The, the, the bow!

The bow.

Bear, could you lean down
a little bit, please?

I can't quite reach you
for the most important part.

Oh, sure.


So, what do you think?
Is it okay?

It looks great, Bear,
don't you think, Treelo?

Beautiful, Bear!

Well, thank you, Madam Ojo.

You're welcome.

My turn my turn, my tum my turn!
When is it gonna be my turn?


Well, I need the chair.

I have another customer
after all.

Oh! Sorry.

Here you go. And thanks again.

-Bye, bye...
-Bye, bye!

See ya, Bear!
Okay, next, into the chair...

Well, I hope Madam Ojo
doesn't mind,

but I think
I'll save my bow till later.

Now, let's go check on
Pip and Pop.

PIP: Come on, little seed.

You didn't touch the bologna.

Hey, Pip, hey, Pop.

Hi, Bear.

-Come on little seed.
-Don't you want some?

-Has is eaten anything yet?
-No. What do we do, Pip?

I don't know... Hey!

Talce a bite of the sandwich

and show the seed
how good it is.


See how Pop makes all gone?

-I don't see anything yet.

-It's not working.
-Pip... Pop?

You'll scare it.

We're trying to get it to eat.

But guys?

It's not working, Bear!
We did everything you told us...

Yeah… Take the seed
and put it in the dirt.

Give it some water.

And we're trying to feed it,
like, bologna..

Peanut butter! And clams!

All the food we like to eat...

-But Bear?

It's not growing!

Well, the reason
why it's not growing is because

baloney, clams and peanut butter

are foods for Otters.


That's the food
that helps you guys grow.

Right! That's right.

But, it's not what seeds eat.



The food that
the seed needs comes from...



Yeah, well, you can eww
if you want, but it's true.

Everything the seed needs
to eat comes from dirt.

But, Bear…
how will it drink it's water?

Yeah, Bear! Kind of hard
to drink water in the dirt.

Yeah, that makes mud, right?

Well, you have to water it.

When you water,

you are sprinkling water
on top of the dirt.

Right... Okay, Bear...
we got it.


We'll put some water on top
who's gonna eat this baloney.

Well, I'm glad
I straightened that out...

While Pip and Pop are busy
with their planting,

why don't we go find
my friend Shadow?

Come on.



Have you seen Shadow?

Maybe if we look real hard

and sing our song together,
she'll appear.

♪ Where-o where-o
Where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
Where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where o where-o
Where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be... ♪

[Shadow laughing]

Hey, ya big ol' Bear.

Shadow! There you are!
What have you been doing?

I've been stretching myself over
the green hills and watery dales

behind the Big Blue House.


Well, I was wondering,
do you have a story for us?

Indeedee-do I do, dear Bear!

I have just the tale for you!

Well, let's hear it!

♪ Mary, Mary quite contrary ♪

Hi Mary,
why are you so contrary?

No, I'm not.

♪ How does your garden grow?
With silver bells... ♪

[bell clanging]

♪ And cockle shells... ♪

♪ And pretty maids
all in a row... ♪


Hey Mary,
what are the maids for?

I don't know, but they're always
stomping on my daisies.

Wow! What a great story!

That Mary is quite a farmer.

She sure is, Bear.

In fact, I was playing
in her garden

just the other day,

leaping through
the cockle shells

to the knells
of the silver bells.

Ooh! That sounds like fun.

Oh, it is, Bear, it is!

Well, Bear, I must be off

But, whenever you need a song
or a story,

just try to catch me!


-See ya soon!
-Bye, Shadow...

Well, why don't we go
and check on...

TUTTER: Bear! Bear!

That sounds like Tutter,
up in the attic.

I wonder what he's doing.
Come on.

Tutter... Tutter.

Over here, Bear, over here.

Hi, Tutter, what's going on?

Bear! Bear! Big news! Big news!

A miracle! A miracle!

Really, what is it?

Bear... I... Tutter the mouse...
have just become...

A cousin!

A cousin! Oh, joy! Joy, I say!

Well, congratulations, Tutter!

Yes... yes…
Congratulations, Tutter!

And my Auntie Seutter asked me

if I could give
a special something

to little Blotter.

Oh! That's his name, Bear!
Blotter! That's his name! Yes!

And these, Bear,
these are my baby clothes,

right along this trunk here.

Something from here
would be special, right Bear?

Oh! Absolutely, Tutter.

Let's see what you've got.

Yes let's see, Bear...

Well... um...
Oh! I got my baby booties.

Oh, Bear. I used to love
these booties…

I loved them!
Loved them! Loved them!

And let's see… Oh!

My Baby Bonnet...

My Grandma Flutter gave it
to me when I was born... Yeah!

What a beautiful Bonnet, Tutter.

Yeah it is, Bear... Yes it is...

Well... let's see...
what else...

And my little baby blanket...

Grandma Flutter used
to put me to bed with this

and big glass of wann cheese...

I used to call it my baba, Bear!
My baba!

Can you imagine?


Well, Tutter,
it's awfully nice of you

to give away one
of your prized baby toys.

Yes, it is Bear, yes it is!

Wait a minute...

What am I doing,
what am I doing, Bear?

All this stuff is still good,
still good!

See... see...

[breaths heavily] Well...

It appears to be a little tight!

But maybe my Baba...

Hey, I don't remember my baba
being so small!

Bear! What's going on, here?

What's going on?
Everything's too small!

Well, Tutter...
It's because you're growing up.

You mean, Bear,

you mean, the reason that
I can't wear my bonnet

is because l'm... too big?

Too big?

That's right, Tutter.


Bear, I never thought I'd be
too big for anything.

Grandma Flutter
would be so proud!


I'm sure she would be, Tutter.

Yeah, well...

I guess I could give little
Blotter the bonnet...

Yeah. What do you think, Bear?

What do you think?

I'm sure little Blotter
will love

anything you give him, Tutter.

The Bonnet is nice.
But what about the Baba?

[screaming] No!


I mean… No, no...

l think I'll just keep, uh,
the Baba for myself

just a little bit longer...

just... just a little longer…

Okay, Tutter.

Well, I guess
I better get this packed up...

I wanna get it to little Blotter
before he grows too big...

Too big!


Okay Tutter... Come on.

Let's go down see how the Otters
are doing with the seed.

-Bye, Tutter.
-See ya, Bear...

PIP: This is so exciting...

we're finally going to find out
what our seed is...

-Well, how's it going?
-Great! Really great.

We're just going to cover
our seed with the dirt now...

Now we'll water it.

-Not too much, guys...
-Okay, Bear...

This is great!
Yeah, yeah, yeah! Now grow!



Nothing's happening.


Well... There's one more thing
I forgot to tell you.

It's one more thing the seed
needs to grow... time.

The seed needs time to grow.

You mean we have to wait?

Well... yes.

How long, Bear? How long?
How long do we have to wait?


[happy music]

Wow, Bear!

The mystery's solved!

It's a sunflower!


Now see!
Wasn't that worth the wait?



Hey, Pop… Do we have
any of those seeds left?

Maybe we can grow
some sunflowers out

by the Otter Pond.

Hey, yeah! We could make a whole
garden of flowers out there.


That's a great idea, guys...

Let's get started right now!

Bye, Bear! [giggling]

Hey, we got water out there!

Yeah, but where are we gonna
find the dirt?

See you! [laughing]

Isn't this great?
Pip and Pop grew a flower.

Well, hello, little flower.

Welcome to the Big Blue House...

Here's a nice little table

where you will always get
plenty of sunshine.

I read somewhere that plants
like it when you talk to them.


Now I can't wait to talk to Luna
and tell her all about our day.

Come on.

Uh! There she is!

Hello, Luna.

How are you this fine evening?


I was just stretching out
across the night sky.

And how are things
in the Big Blue House?

Well, Pip and Pop planted a seed

and it bloomed into
a beautiful sunflower.


I love sunflowers,
even though I am the moon!


And how were my friends,
Ojo and Treelo?

Well, Ojo and Treelo thought

that I needed
a bit of a make-over.

Well, Bear, I think it worked!

You're looking quite dapper,

And Tutter?

Well, Tutter has
a new baby cousin!

Oh! Isn't that grand?

Yeah! He's enjoying
being a bigger, older cousin

to little baby Blotter.

It certainly makes him
feel good and big too!

Aren't babies wonderful?

It always makes me happy to hear

when a new baby comes
into the world.

You know,
I think that every new baby

is a chance for the world
to be a fine

and wonderful place.

That's true, so true, Luna.

Well, the night is
growing short.

And I'd better be getting
back up into the sky.

Ok, but would you join me

in singing a goodbye song
before you go?

Of course, Bear! Of course.

♪ Hey, this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey,
I say, well, that's OK ♪

♪ 'Cause we'll see you
very soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow,
Just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ We'll be waiting
for you to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play,
to come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!


Oh! I almost forgot.

By the way,
you look like you've grown!


See ya soon!

[theme music]
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