01x15 - Summer Cooler

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bear in the Big Blue House". Aired: October 20, 1997 – April 28, 2006.*
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Bear lives in the Big Blue House where he is a caregiver for his friends Ojo, a bear cub; Tutter, a mouse; Treelo, a lemur; otters Pip and Pop; and storyteller Shadow.
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01x15 - Summer Cooler

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the Blue House ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big Bear
Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the House of Blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you
-In the House of Blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪

Oh hi, it's so good to see
you and you're just in time.

I was just about
to check the mail.

Look... we have mail! Let's
see what's in the mail today.

Look it's a package for Bear.

That's me! I'm sorry.

I didn't leave you out
here on a hot summer day.

Come on inside
where it's nice and cool.

[guitar music]



What is that smell?


Wait a second.


It is you!


Ooh. Tell me,
did you just go to the beach?

'Cause you smell like fresh
sand, with just a hint of...


Ooh, salt water.

Or do you smell this good
all the time? Well, come on.

We have a package to open.

You know, I love getting mail.

But getting a package
is even better.

You never know what's
going to be inside.

Let's see, what could be
in here? Well let's open it!

Uh! Wow a checker board!

And here are the checkers,
black for one player

and red for the other.

There all set.

I was hoping my checkers game
would come today.

And what could be better
on a hot summer day

than sitting and playing
a nice game of checkers

in the cool comfort
of the Big Blue House?

I have my favorite drink,
Wild Berry Soda.

Mmm... This is the life.

Except, I need somebody
to play checkers with!

And you know,
I'm kind of a checkers expert.

-It's hot... so hot...
-What a hot day.

-Oh boy...

It's a scorcher. Hello, Bear.

Hello, Pip. Hello, Pop.
What are you up to?

Finding ways
to beat the heat, Bear.

Well maybe you need to sit
and play a nice game of checkers

in the cool comfort
of the Big Blue House?


Checkers! Sorry, Bear.
Never played it.

What? Well, you haven't lived

until you've been a red
or black checker...

hopping around the board,

jumping over the other
players checkers.


-Sounds like us.
-Yeah, we'd be good at that.

Let's play checkers! [laughing]

All right but,
I should warn you...

I'm kind of a checkers
expert myself.

-A checker master!
-Ooh, what an honor...

We bow to you. You'll take it
easy on us, right Bear?

Of course...

Um... checker master, can we...

...have a sip of your cool
drink before we start?

Oh! Sure, here you go. You...


Thanks, Bear.


Well, which checkers do you want
to be, the red or black?

I always like to be black.

We wanna be black! Black!
Yeah! We like black checkers!

Ok, ok. Not that it matters.
But here, you guys can be black.

Yeah, black checkers,
that's us, that's us...

This is gonna be great!

Ok, now, pay attention because
checkers can be kind of tricky.

I'll go first.

Okay, you always
move your checkers

in a diagonal like this.


Ok, Bear, and I'll move
one checker forward, like this.

Nice move, Pip.

BEAR: Yeah, and I'll move
this one like this.

And I shall move
another like this...

And I'll move
this one like that.

Now you have to try and
jump your black checkers

over my red checkers.

If you jump over all my red
checkers then you win the game.

-Oh! You mean like this!
-You won!

We won! We won!

[laughing] Yeah, yeah!

Yeah. You did?
How did they do that?

Wow, Pop got them
all in one move.

Isn't that something, Bear?


Yeah, that's
something all right.

Well, pretty good game,
guys, for your first time.

Want to set up and play another?

Well, we'd like to play again.

Yeah but, we came to invite you

for a swim at the Otter Pond!

-Yeah the Otter Pond!
-A swim at the pond?

♪ -Yeah It's summer...
-It's hotter... ♪

♪ And that means fun in water ♪


Sure guys maybe I'll come out
later and join you.

Ok, Bear! See you later, Bear.


See you later!

Wow a swim down at
the pond... in the summer!


Yeah, isn't summer the best?
It's my favorite season,

well along with fall, winter
and spring. But I was thinking,

there's so many great things
to do to in the summer...

like umm... You can sit
in a hammock and swing.

[swing sound]

Or just lie in the grass...

Or even splash around
in swimming pools and ponds

[water splash]

And summer also means lots
and lots of ice cream.


Isn't summer time the best?
What's not to like about summer?


♪ In the middle of the summer
you can really take it slow ♪

♪ Walkin' barefoot in the
morning ♪

♪ And feel the cool, cool grass
in between your toes ♪

♪ The wet, dewy grass
in between your toes ♪

♪ In the middle of the summer
afternoon down at the pond ♪

♪ Floating on your back
and singing ♪


♪ It's a feeling of which I am
very fond ♪

♪ Middle of the summer
in the middle of the pond ♪


♪ In the middle of the summer
when the moon is hanging low ♪

♪ Catching breezes on
the front porch ah! ♪

♪ You can sit and
watch the fireflies ♪

♪ With an ice cream cone ♪

♪ Big glass of water
and an ice cream cone ♪

♪ Ooh, those summer evenings,
I love them so ♪

♪ The middle of the summer ♪




But I bet you have a lot of
things to do in the summer too?

What do you think? What do
you like to do in the summer?

What do you think?

It's warm, you can go outside,

you don't have
to wear an over-jacket.

I love the summer
and I hate the winter!

-I can go outside and play.
-Go to the pool.

I dive off the diving board.

When I swim underwater,
it feels like

I'm cutting through
a soft potato.

I splash!

[water splashing]

The beach is a peach!

See how big the waves
are and let them splash me.

[water splashing]

I like to swim,

and my mommy thought
I was going to be a human,

but I'm a dolphin.

Wow! You guys really know
how to have summer fun!

Me, I'm just a Bear who
likes to play checkers.

I wonder who else
would like to play a game?

[Tutter mumbling]

Hey! Hi, Tutter!

Hi, Bear!

Hey. what's this?
It looks like an umbrella.

Umbrella? No, no, no,
Bear. That's not an umbrella.

That's my sun-brella.
A sun-brella, Bear.

A sun-brella?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, see I have
a um-brella for the rainy days.

But I have a sun-brella
for sunny days. Yep, yep!

Wow well that's great,
Tutter. Um...Tutter?...

Yeah, Bear?

Well um, I was wondering

would you like to play
a game of checkers with me?

Checkers? No, no, no, Bear.

I was just on my way
to my swimming club!

-Swimming club?
-Yeah, yeah!

My swimming club in the kitchen!
Would you like to see it?

Sure, Tutter, I'd love to.
You lead the way.

[upbeat music]


Wow. Hey, Tutter!

Hi, Bear,
welcome to Club Tutter, Bear.

Yeah Club Tutter -
my swimming club.


Yeah, yeah, see, I've got
my chair right here

and my nice cool drink.


A Cheese-arita! My favorite.
And now I've got my sun-brella

to give me some shade.
Yeah, and Bear,

Bear, check out
the swimming pool.

-Swimming pool?

Yeah, look! Well, I guess a sink

makes a mighty fine
swimming pool for a mouse.

Yeah, yeah. And check out
the diving board, Bear.

Yeah yeah, look at that.
Well, Tutter,

it looks like you've
thought of everything.

Well, yeah, Bear,
I guess that I have.

A mouse has to make
his own fun in this world.

Well Bear I'd invite you in
to take a dip in the old pool,

Bear, but... you're too big!
Too big!


Well, that's ok, Tutter.
You enjoy, see you later.

Bye, Bear.

Ahh I love the summer,
this is the life.



Hey, you know who I haven't
seen yet today?

My good friend, Shadow.

She's a little unusual but if we
look real hard and sing a song

together, maybe she'll appear.

♪ O where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be? ♪

Hey, there, you furry old rug!

[laughing] Hi Shadow!
It's so nice to see you.

So, what have you been
doing today?

I'm feeling pretty
chipper today, Bear.

A bright sun makes
for a strong shadow.


Well good for you.
Well, Shadow, I was wondering

would you tell us a story?

Why certainly, Bear! Let me
see what I can fancy.

Just watch.

[flute sound]

♪ -Jack... ♪
-I'm Jack,

♪ -And Jill... ♪
-I'm Jill.

♪ -Went up the hill... ♪
-OK, let's go.

Nice tree, nice tree.

♪ To fetch a pail of water ♪

that's what the bucket's for!

Nice goat. Nice goat.

[goat bleats]

Jack? How much
further is this well?

-Who's that?
-I don't know.

Well we made it!

-There's the well.
-Good thing.

I'm really thirsty.

♪ Jack fell down and broke
his crown... ♪

I what? I...whoa!


♪ And Jill came tumbling after ♪


[groaning in pain]

JACK: Nice tree...

-Wow! That was really cool!
-Yeah, let's do it again!

Wow what a great story!
Though, I hope Jack

and Jill didn't hurt themselves.

Nope! I think they'll be
backup that hill in no time.

Besides, it's plenty
of fun to roll down hills.

I've done it myself many times.

Well, that's good.

-Well, Bear I've got...
-Shadow, I was wondering

would you like to play
a game of checkers with me?

Checkers! What a great
game. I love the black pieces!

But sorry, Bear,

I must fly before the sun
goes down without me!

But when you need another story
just try to find me!

See ya soon! Bye, Bear!

Bye, Shadow! Thank You.

Well there's got to be
somebody in the Big Blue House

I can play checkers with?

Maybe upstairs. Come on.



Hey, it's Ojo and Treelo.

Maybe they'd like to play
a game of checkers with me.

Hey Ojo,
Treelo I was wondering...

would you like...

We can't hear you, Bear...
we're underwater!


Ojo and Treelo are
playing pretend.

Yup, We're practicing

for the big underwater adventure
we're going to have

at the Otter Pond.

How exciting!

I'm an underwater explorer

and this as usual is my
underwater assistant Treelo!


Wow, an underwater adventure?

That does exciting. But,
you guys could use a submarine.



I can just see it now!
A super submarine with windows

for us to see out of.

Wow, a submarine!

And we can see all the fish
and other creatures.

Ooh fish!

Maybe even a shark!

-No. No. No, shark, Bear!
-Or no shark.

We can even see
pretty sea shells!

-Look at the shells.
-Cool wow! Great shells!

Well, bye, Bear! We've
got to go to the pond now.

Well, before you go would
you like to come downstairs

and play a game
of checkers with me?

Checkers? Well I don't know.
What do you think,

underwater assistant?

Checkers! Checkers! Yeah
Checkers! What checkers?

Treelo, it's this
really great game

and you have little
red and black pieces.

Well, I'll show you how to play.
We can play together ok?

Ok, I want to play checkers!

Great! Come downstairs!

Ok! Do you want to be red or
black? Usually I'm the black...

Black! Black!
Want to be pretty black!

Ok, Treelo, ok.
Now pay attention

because checkers can
be kind of tricky!

You're right about that, Bear,

checkers is a
pretty tricky game.

Now look, Treelo,

you always move

your checkers
on a diagonal like this.


Right, ok, see,

I'll move this one there...

That is a good move I think.

Ok, Bear, now let's see, Treelo,

the idea is to try to jump over

all of Bear's red pieces.

And when you jump
over all of them,

you've won the game. Ok, got it?

Wait. Like this?

Treelo! You've won!
You've won the game!

-I won? I won?
-Way to go, Treelo!

I won at checkers! Ha-ha!

Yeah, you really caught on fast!

-What did I do wrong this time?

Well, Bear, thanks for the game.

Hey, Bear, don't you
want to join us

at the Otter Pond
for a little swim?

Otter Pond!

Like I always say if you
can't beat them at checkers,

join 'em at the Otter Pond.
Sure, I'll be right out.

Yay! Bye-bye Bear!

You know a cool dip in the Otter
Pond sounds like a good idea.

Hey, why don't you join us?

I'll go get my inner tube

and we'll see you
at the Otter Pond, ok?

[everybody cheering]

-Hey, everybody!
-Hey, Bear!

We thought you'd never get
here, Bear.

Well you didn't think I'd miss
a day at the pond with you guys?

ALL: Yay! Let the fun begin!

Ok, get ready, guys!
Arhh, here I come!

This is the life. I love summer!

Me too, Bear!


The attic... It's one
of my favorite places.

Let's see if we can find
my friend Luna, the moon.

Come on. Let's see her.

[soft guitar music]

-There she is. Hello, Luna.
-Hello, Bear.

I was just getting ready to wrap
my moonlight around the world.

And how was your day
in the Big Blue House?

It was kind of hot, so we had
a lazy day, Luna.

A good οl' lazy summer day...

Yeah, we all took
a cool swim at the Otter Pond.

There's nothing
like a dip in the cool water

on a hot summer day.

Did Tutter go for a swim too?

No. Tutter made his own swimming
club by the sink in the kitchen.

-But we all had fun in the sun!
-How delightful.

And Ojo made up an undersea
adventure with Treelo.

They pretended
they were in a submarine.

A little imagination can take
a little bear a long way.

That's right.

And you, Bear,

I know you love to play
checkers in the summer,

did you get to play?

I played a lot of checkers,
and let me just say,

I found out that we have
a lot of good checker players

in the Big Blue House.

Really? Well,

I play a pretty good
game of checkers myself.

Would you like to play a game,

No, no, no, no, no, Luna.
I think I've had enough checkers

-for one summer day.

Hey, Luna? Does it bother you
that the sun is up so long

in the summer?

Ooh, Bear,
summer days belong to the sun.

But, I think people are
pretty happy to see me

at the end of a long hot day.

I'm sure they are,
Luna, I'm sure they are.

Hey Luna, would you sing
a song with me before you go?

I'd love to, Bear. I'd love to.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say, well,
that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very
soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!

[guitar music]

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

And hey, maybe tomorrow will be
a swimming day, too. Bye.

Whoops, I almost forgot.

You know anytime, you feel like
playing a game of checkers,

you know who to call.



[theme music]
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