02x19 - A Syrupy Solution/Little Ant, Big Problem

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Spidey and His Amazing Friends". Aired: August 6, 2021 - present.*
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Spidey teams up with Ghost-Spider and Miles Morales to make up the Spidey Team, with some assistance from Spidey's comical but loyal Spider-bot, Trace.
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02x19 - A Syrupy Solution/Little Ant, Big Problem

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


-♪ Go, webs, go!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Doc Ock] "A Syrupy Solution."

[laughing] This is gonna be so much fun,

We're almost at the shack.

Well, then, I guess it's time for a joke.

-Knock, knock.

Who's there?

-Orange who?

Or-ange you glad to be back in the woods,
making delicious maple syrup?

[laughs] Mom's gonna be so surprised

when we bring home a whole bottle
full of syrup we made ourselves.

Well, the trees do most of the work
making their sugary, sugary sap.

That's true.

But we help the sap drip down
through these tubes to the sugar shack,

where we boil the sap
to make our yummy maple syrup.

[bird chirps]

Hey, I think that bird wants some sap too.

That right there
is a yellow-bellied sapsucker.

Didja know people figured out how to tap
trees for syrup by watching sapsuckers?

-[George] Yesiree.

You can learn a lot from nature.

-I guess you really can.



-Ah, nature. So relaxing.

-[gasps] Whoa.


That'll be enough digging
in the hillside, Builder-Bot.

-Go pile that rock with the others.

[sighs] Oh, that's better.

Builder-Bot can finish constructing
my country hideout later.

Right now, I need some peace and quiet.

Sometimes, even a brilliant genius
just needs to relax.

[sighs, slurps]

[sapsucker pecking]

[grunts] What is that?

-[grunts] Why is that bird so loud?

-Well, don't just stand there.

Chase that bark-banging bird
out of these woods.

[CAL trills]


[sighs] That's better.

Okay, Dad, I put one more tap in.


What's that?

All done over there, Gwenny?

Great. It's almost time
to start making syrup.

Gwen? Gwen?


-Whoa! [exhales sharply]

Oh, it's just another sapsucker.


And CAL?

If CAL's here, then Doc Ock
must be up to something nearby.

[CAL trills]

Time to Spidey swing.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day

I'll follow CAL straight to Doc Ock
and-- Huh?

What is going on with him
and that sapsucker?


Hmm. Is he scaring that bird away?

-[trilling, beeping]

-[Ghosty] Why would he do that?

[George] Gwen?

-[George] Gwen, where are you?

Oh, yeah, Dad.
I've got to warn him Doc Ock is nearby.



I'm right here, Dad.

I heard a noise in the bushes and--

The bushes out here
are home to lots of critters,

but check this out.

We're done gathering sap,
so, it's time to make the syrup.

Actually, Dad,
we've got a big, big problem.

Did you get some sap on you?
That stuff is sticky. Am I right?

-In fact, sap was the first glue--
-Dad, I think Doc Ock is nearby!

Doc Ock?

[Gwen] I just saw her robot assistant,

Well, that can't be good. I better snoop
around and see what she's up to.

You'll be safe in the sugar shack, Gwen.

-But, Dad--
-No "but Dads," kiddo.

I may not be a superhero
but someone needs to look into this

and today that someone is me.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

Oh, no, I just wanted to warn him
about Doc Ock.

I didn't think he'd go looking for her.

He's gonna need my help.

Whoa, sap!

[groans] Ow!

[groans] Ugh.

Ah, my arms! Oh, they're covered in it!

Now, my web-sh**t are all clogged up.

Guess it's "Go, feet, go!"
I'm coming, Dad!


Okay, there's Doc Ock.


Oh, there you are, CAL.
What took you so long?

But where's my dad?

Hmm. Aha, there they are.

What? All that to scare away one bird?


Well, it turns out
that bird has a big family.

[sapsuckers chirping]

Oh, don't worry, CAL.
You don't have to chase these away.

I've reprogrammed my huge Builder-Bot
into a huge bird-bothering bot.


Soon, there won't be a single bird
in these woods.

Just an octopus.

[sighs] Not a real octopus, CAL.

Me, Doctor Octopus. Doc Ock.
It was a joke.

[trills, chuckles]

[grunts] It's not funny
if I have to explain it.


She's trying to get rid
of all the sapsuckers?

Doc Ock, stop that bot or I will.

Ghost-Spider? What are you doing out here?

I came for some peace and quiet,
not nosy superheroes!

You're chasing these birds
from their homes.

So today, I'm their friendly neighborhood

Time to web you up!

Look out!

Oh, no, I forgot.

My web-sh**t are covered with sap.

Well, well, well,
up a tree without your webs, eh?

Bird-Bothering-Bot, help her down.
The hard way. [cackles]


Smooth move. But my bot will chase birds
or Ghost-Spiders, wherever they go.

[grunts] Whew.

Oh, no.

Whoa! [grunts]


Ooh, you know, CAL,
even with all this noise,

I'm finding the woods
very relaxing after all.



Ghost-Spider, quick, grab this tubing
and I'll pull you out of the way.

[sighs] Thanks. Ready!


I'm sure glad to see you.

Are you kidding? I'm sure glad to see you.

You must have heard Doc Ock was out here.

Yeah, she's trying to scare
all the birds away.

I've got to stop her, but my web-sh**t
are clogged up with sap.

-That sap is sticky. In fact, it was--
-The first glue.

I've heard that.

And hey, what if we use it like glue
against Doc Ock?

That's a great idea.

And I know where we can get barrels
full of sap.

I'll go get them.
I need to check on my daughter, anyway.

Check on his daughter?

[gasps] That's me!

Gwen? Gwen?

I found Doc Ock
and Ghost-Spider showed up.

I'm just… [groans]
…helping her to… [groans]

…defeat a supervillain
and a giant robot. [chuckles]


I'm here, Dad.


Wait a minute.

I think I just figured out how I could
use my tubing to beat Ock's robot too.

I'll be back.

That's a big robot.

He'll need all the help he can get.




[Doc Ock] And there goes
the last sapsucker.

I guess my big bot scared
Ghost-Spider away too.

Ah, let's celebrate, CAL.

Put extra mayo on my sandwich.

[Ghosty] Uh-uh.

Better make that sandwich to go, Ock.

Time to leave those birds alone.

Oh, a webless spider doesn't worry me
or my bot.

Oh, no, it's the giant robot.

Get Ghosht-Shpider!

[Ghosty] Missed me!

Oh, missed again!

Knock, knock.

That should have given him enough time.

My tree sap tubing is ready to roll.



Going up.


My beautiful bot. Bashed by boulders.

Yep. I bet you sure want to get me now,
don't you?

-Oh, let's get that Ghost-Spider!
-Oh, no!

[Ghosty] I better run away.

-[Doc Ock grunting]
-[Ghosty] This is so hard without my webs.

Oh, wow. I'm so tired.

-[Doc Ock grunts]
-I can't go on.

[chuckles] Oh, I've got you now.

Ooh! [groans]

Wh-- What is this stuff?

That's sap, and you're stuck.

[groaning] It's sticky.

-And sweet.

Oh, no, no, you don't.

Ah! No, no. Hey! Beaks off, birds!
Leave me alone!

Whoo, what a mess.
I found this big jar of mayonnaise.

Did you know mayo unsticks sap?

You want me to get those two
out of the sap puddle?

Maybe clean off my web-sh**t first
so I can web 'em up.

[chuckles] Good idea.

[George] Gwen? Gwen?

Dad, safe to come out?

We did it! We stopped Doc Ock.

The only trouble is,
we kinda used up all the sap.

Sorry. No Stacy family pancake breakfast.

Actually, I noticed one last barrel.

One barrel? Well, that's enough
for three plates of pancakes.

You, me and Mom.

[chuckles] Well, let's make some syrup.

Wow. Dad was right.

-You can learn a lot from nature.

Thanks, little pal.


Need a hand with that barrel, Dad?

[grunts] I got it. Thanks, Gwenny.

But let me tell you about
my adventure with Ghost-Spider. [grunts]

I want to hear all about it.

Well, I sneaked up on Doc Ock and CAL,
and they built this secret hideout,

but she didn't want the birds
bothering her.

So, she built this big robot.
Oh, you should have seen it. [grunts]

It was one amazing adventure.


[Ant-Man] "Little Ant, Big Problem!"

Whoa. Look at you go, Antonello!

You're carrying a whole pencil!

You've gotta be the fastest
and strongest ant in the whole ant farm.

High five, buddy. [chuckles]

Or maybe just climb up
on my finger. [chuckles]

Peter, I'm cleaning up
before our friends come over for dinner.

Here's your bat and mitt.

Oh! Uh, thanks, Aunt May.

-What are you doing with your ant farm?
-I'm playing with Antonello.

Be sure to put him back
before company comes over, okay?

[chuckles] The last thing we want
are ants going after the food.

[chuckles] I will.

Wow, look at this room.
Would you mind cleaning up, Peter?

It's a wonder you can find
anything in here.

Oh, yeah. I guess it is pretty messy.

Sure thing, Aunt May.


I'll be in the kitchen
getting the food ready.

All right, I better get you back
to your home before I clean up.

[gasps] Oh, no!
Where did he go? Antonello?

He's gotta be here somewhere.

Ah, he could be anywhere.

I have to be super careful
or I could… [gulps]

…step on him!

He's so tiny.

It sure would be easier to find him
if I were tiny too.

Wait! I know who can turn tiny!

Ant-Man and Wasp!


Uh, be right back, little guy.
Uh, wherever you are.

It's Spidey-Time!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day

-[Spidey grunts] Hey, TRACE-E.

I've got a problem
and I need Ant-Man and Wasp's help.

Can you get them for me?

-[computer beeps]

[Spidey] Ant-Man, Wasp!

I could really use your help.

-You got it, Spidey!
-What's up?

I lost one of my ants
somewhere in my room.

Missing ant, huh? That's serious.

Yeah, and my room is really messy.

Oh, I see. So you want to shrink down
teeny tiny to look for him?


We'd be happy to help you out.

But, uh, didn't we leave you a shrink disc
last time we saw you?

Oh, yeah. To study how they work.

Come to think of it,
I've got a grow disc too.

-Thanks, TRACE-E.

So I'll shrink down,
and once I find Antonello,

I'll grow back to normal size
and get him home.

I believe that's what they call
a Search "Ant" Rescue Mission.

[all chuckle]

Yep. Thanks.

If you need anything else, call us.

We're always glad to help.

Come on, TRACE-E. Let's go find Antonello.


Okay, I'm ready to shrink myself down.

Keep an eye out for Aunt May,
will you, TRACE-E?


It's shrinkin' time.


Everything looks huge from down here.

But I don't see Antonello.


Huh, not over here, either.

He could be anywhere.

[grunts] Hi-yah!





I really do need to keep my room cleaner.

Antonello, where are you?


[Spidey] Good idea, TRACE-E.
I'll check behind the baseball.


Nope. Ah!

-[Aunt May] Peter?

[Spidey gasps] Aunt May is coming!

Peter, have you finished-- Hmm.


[Spidey] Whoa!

Yikes! [grunts]

-[Aunt May] Where did he go?

-[panting, grunting]
-[Aunt May] And this room is still a mess.

-[gasps] Huh?

-[distant beep]
-Oh, the oven's ready.

Time to put the pie in.

[sighs] That was close.

Antonello? Antonello?


Nope, not in there.



Hi-yah! [grunts]

Whoo! [chuckles]

Ant-Man and Wasp
must have a great time being small.

-Wait, what's that noise?


-[groans] There you are.

Hey! Uh-oh.

Wait! Antonello! Come back!

Hey! Stop!

Man, you are fast.

Not the door!

[grunts] Gotcha!

-Whew, nice one, TRACE-E!

Now all I have to do is grow big again
and get you home.

One grow disc, coming up.

Ah, that's better.


-Wha-- That's not-- Aw, man!

I forgot that if I'm holding on to you,
you're gonna get big too.

Whoa. [grunts]

No! Antonello!

[exhales sharply] Aunt May is out there.
I can't let her see him.

-[Spidey grunts] Antonello!

Hey, stop!

I'm serious. Come on.

-[Aunt May] Peter, is that you?
-Quick! TRACE-E, hide!

Hmm. [chuckles]

I thought I heard someone.

Huh, I guess not.

[Spidey] Oh, no!

Antonello ran into the kitchen.
Aunt May's in there!

[exhales] Where is he?


-He's going for the food.
-[Aunt May hums]

-[bell dings]
-Oh, my pie's ready.

[sniffs] Mm-hmm, doesn't that smell good?

Ooh, and looks good too.

Ah, I'll just let that cool off for a bit
while I set the table outside.

[Spidey grunts]


[groans] Antonello, take it easy.

I'm trying to get you home.

[grunting, groaning]



Oh, no. Not again.



-We have to catch him.

-[Spidey] I don't see him. Do you?

[purrs, meows]

Oh, my sweet little Bootsie.


[Spidey gasps] There he is! Antonello!

[meowing continues]



[gasps] Bootsie, what's wrong?

[meowing continues]

Oh, Bootsie, did something scare you?

Ah, you poor thing. It's okay.

There's no one in this backyard
but you and me.

[Spidey screams]

He's going for the food again.


-See? Nothing to be afraid of.

I got you.

Antonello. That food is not for you.

[grunts, sighs]
Is he ever going to stop running around?

Oh, the pie should be cool enough
to put on the table now.

I'll be back. Okay, Bootsie-wootsie?


[grunts] No!

Aunt May's pie! That's not yours!

Come on, Antonello.

Give it back! Argh.

Uh-- [scoffs]
Hey, what happened to my pie?

Hmm, did I already take it outside?

Come on, buddy.

Give me the pie. Please?

Wait, why am I asking you? You're an ant.

Sorry, but this is Aunt May's.

Onto the table you go.

Ah, there's my pie!

I don't remember putting it there.

[exhales] I need to take a little break.

[exhales sharply] That was close.

TRACE-E, where's Antonello?


[Spidey] He won't come out?

Come on out, buddy. It's okay.
I'm here to help.

-[Antonello chitters]
-[sighs] What am I gonna do?

I need to get him home,
but he won't come out.

And I don't have any more shrink discs
left to make him small again.

[TRACE-E chirping]

Great idea! I'll call Ant-Man and Wasp.

Hey, me again. [chuckles]
I need some more help.

[Wasp] We're on our way!


[Wasp grunts]

[both laugh]

So, you've still got yourself
a little ant problem.

More like a big ant problem now.

[Ant-Man] Here we grow!

Antonello is under the shelves
and I can't get him to come out.

I got this. Here, boy. [whistles]

Oh! Whoa!

Down, boy! Somebody's excited.

What? I've been chasing him
all over the house.

You can just whistle and he'll come?

He will to me. Sure. I'm Ant-Man.

Oi, Antonello really made a mess
of your room, huh?

Well, it was mostly already like that.

[TRACE-E giggles]

He can help clean it up. Check this out.

-[electronic beep]

[Antonello chitters]


I got it! [grunts]

[Wasp] Come on!



Yes! Thanks, Antonello.

-[Antonello chitters]
-What's that? You're tired?

Okay, let's get you home.

Back to the ant farm you go.

Thanks, Ant-Man. You too, Wasp.

-You're welcome.
-Anytime, buddy.

Peter? Are you in your room?

Oh, my Aunt May's coming.

-Time to fly!
-See ya!


-Hi, Aunt May.

Oh, it looks really nice in here.

[laughs] Sorry, it took a little longer
to clean up than I expected.

Well, you got it done just in time.

Our friends are here for dinner.

Can you help me set the table?

Sure thing, Aunt May.

And look, buddy.
Here's a little pie crumb.

You have a nice dinner too. [laughs]

[TRACE-E chirps]
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