05x125 - Trouble-making Nin-Ham

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hamtaro". Aired: July 7, 2000.*
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Series involves the adventure of a brave and childlike hamster named Hamtaro, with his Ham-Ham friends.
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05x125 - Trouble-making Nin-Ham

Post by bunniefuu »

Nin-Ham in trouble!

I'm sorry to drag you on along Brandy's walk, Kana.

Don't worry, it's cold this early anyway, so it's good to go out for a while.

And then...

Why can't it go right? It's so troublesome!

Mr. Yoshi!


Hey, if it isn't Laura and Kana!

What's wrong, teacher?

No, it's nothing...

Charlotte, he said...

Could it be that you got into an argument?

Teacher, were you dumped?

No way! It's not something like a fight!

But you said that you were in trouble.

You heard that?

Could we be of help?


Come on, get out of the way!

Okay! Bring it on!

Do your best!

I'm scared!

NOTE: He says "gocharu" as a catchphrase; that's something that is used a lot when mimicking old Japanese speech.

A kite! Someone is riding on it!

Help me, please!

Is that Nin-Ham?

What? Nin-Ham?

I did it! Goal!

You little... Howdy! That was unfair.

It seemed to me that you were just bad!

What do you mean?!


He's not coming this way.

He might need some help!

That guy... Okay, leave it to me!

Grab this, Nin-Ham!

I can do it!

Over there... isn't it Mr. Yoshi and Charlotte's house?

It thought that was going to be the end of my life.

Where could this place be?

I have a bad feeling.

I-I was spared.


Hey, are you all right?

Oh my, it is you! Long time no see.

You look as healthy as always!

I'm glad!

Why were you flying on that?

Is that a mission from Iga-Iga Village?

T-That would be the case.

Being you, could it be that you fell asleep on the kite and, without noticing, got pulled off by the wind?

And then you fell!

That's exactly what happened.

How did he know?

What did you say?

Nothing... what a fool, to think that I fell!

It is just that I wanted to get off here!

Eh? Over here?

Of course; this is a ninja task.

Weren't you fairly scared and screaming "Help me" on the kite?

No matter how I look at it, it seems that you were being dragged.

Well then, it's time to continue my mission.

Eh? You're leaving already?

As you can see, I'm fairly busy. Hmm... the kite is...

The kite is here!

Thank you for retrieving...

It's a little broken. I can fix it to make it fly again, but it will take a while.

N-No way...

Well, I'll give it a try!

We're counting on you, Panda!


Then, while the kite is being repaired, let's play ninja tag with Nin-Ham!

Good idea!

Eh? Today is Charlotte's birthday?

That's right.

I wanted to congratulate her in a special way, so timing is very important.

So that's it.

Don't say it so simply! She's the most important person to me!


Oh, welcome.

Good afternoon.

Okay, this time...

Oh, Brandy!

It has been a while.

C-Charlotte, today is your b-birth...


Please, milk Mary and the others.

I'll check the chickens.

Oh... Okay, I got it.

Girls, you take it easy. We'll have some tea later.



Yeah. It's troublesome.

Even if it's just to congratulate her... it might be hard to do.

I will lose my chance if this goes on.

This is my biggest problem in my whole life!

There's still a chance.

That's right. Hang in there, Teacher!

You can call us by the name of...

Trotting Nin-Ham brigade!


NOTE: They call themselves "Tottoko Nin-Hamu dan".

Hey, isn't it cool?

You've started with it again.

No way, no way!

Just wearing those outfits doesn't make you ninjas.

Please don't say those harsh things.

Please let us show you our new ninjutsus.

You're persistent! I said no, and I mean no!

NOTE: This is a wordplay between 'kannin' (patience) and 'ninja'.

Just kidding.

It was a big joke!

Please don't try to do things that make him more angry.

Hey, I have it!

Like usual, you're still trying to become a ninja.

W-What are you implying by that?

After all, he didn't want to come down here.

T-That's nonsense!

Okay, I'll let you know that my mission consists of defeating a fearsome enemy.

Fearsome enemy?

That's right! If I defeat him, I'll become a real ninja!

He's always getting in trouble.

What will happen if you can't defeat him?

W-Well, that is... if I can't defeat him, I can't return to my village.

Are you okay with that, Nin-Ham?

With all my training, it will be a piece of cake!

What's the matter?

R-Run away!

That's right! I forgot that this is where the Chicky-Chickies live!

Hey Nin-Ham, could it be that these are the enemies you have to defeat?


But there are five of them!

N-Now that you mention it, I wonder if it was five enemies?

Then the enemies you have to defeat are the Chicky-Chickies?

There's a dead-end ahead!

Don't get any closer!


Nin-Ham, do some ninja trick!

It's impossible!

But you said earlier that it would be a piece of cake!

T-That is...

How troublesome.

We're saved.

Was that... Nin-Ham's trick?

That's incredible!

Where is that Nin-Ham?


That was no trick.

How did I let myself get into that story about defeating an enemy?

But I can't tell them it's a lie now.

T-They're here!


If it has come to this, we have no choice but to fight!

Fighting... these guys, you mean?

Yeah, because if we just run away endlessly, Nin-Ham won't ever be able to return to his village!

That's right!

We need to help our allies!


Okay, I've made up my mind!

Let's go, Hamtaro!

Get ready!

I-I don't want to!

We're going to get you for sure this time.

I-It has become troublesome already.

Episode dedicated to Che Clarke

Trotting Nin-Ham brigade!


With the girl thieves!


Saying something like that will only anger the enemy.

Acting so cool...

It doesn't suit you at all!

NOTE: Howdy made kind of a word joke here; he said "hiyoko", which can mean both "juvenile" and "chick".

You're still juvenile!

That's right, because they're chicks, right?

They're mad!

At a time like this...

With this, I'll help Hamtaro and the others escape!

This is a ninja trick!

A pig stampede!

Why are they coming our way?

If the pigs won't do it, these will!

This is a ninja trick!

Oh my... Another failure...

What is going on? There are more coming!

I can't go any faster!

This time for sure...

This is a ninja trick!

W-We're surrounded.

This is bad.

In the end, we're going to be finished off by the Chicky-Chickies.

It can't be helped. It was for Nin-Ham's sake!

Now that you mention it, where is Nin-Ham?

Dang, that guy...

This cake is delicious, right?


Speaking of cake, wouldn't it be good for a birthday cake?

This is your chance, Teacher.

That's right, speaking of birthdays... Charlotte, happy-

What could it be?

Oh my!


Philip, help me!


They're still on the chase?

Those Chicky-Chickies are very stubborn!

Brandy, what are you doing here?

Leave that for later. We're going to get caught!

Brandy, please save us!

I made quite a disaster.

It is always like this.

Hey, Nin-Ham!


We were looking for you!


That's right, because you disappeared so suddenly.

We were worried!

I'm so moved. Even after making you face such danger...

It's okay, just ride! Look, those guys are coming.

Brandy, jump over it!

We did it!

We were saved.

Thank you very much, Brandy!

Come on, everyone, let's get back to the corral.

Hey, wait!


Oh no, don't do that, jeez...

Everyone, I am terribly sorry.

Why are you apologizing, Nin-Ham?

Actually... the story about getting a mission to defeat an enemy... it was a lie.

What did you say?

Then about not being able to go back to your village if you didn't fulfill the mission...

That was also a lie!

You little...! Everything that happened today was your fault!

Darn you!

They're coming!

Right here, we'll be fine.

Huh? Where are the Chicky-Chickies?

Could it be that they've given up already?

Here, I have you.

I'm sorry, I don't have any crumbs to give you.

Come on, let's go home.

We were saved.

I thought we were done for.

They're such persistent guys.

I don't want to ever fight them again.

I was so scared. I thought I was done for!

Hey, don't cry! More importantly, everything has been your faul-

It is all right now, Boss.

It was not good for him to lie, but he confessed and apologised, so I forgive him!

It is already forgiven.

Let it go.

Well, we were saved thanks to Charlotte.

I don't mind forgiving him.

I-I guess so...

Everyone... I'm unworthy!

I told you not to cry! Come on, let's go home.

Oh, well that's it.

It has been a long time since we've gone through this.


Happy birthday!


I got these flowers for you!

I'm happy that you remembered!



I finally said it! Hooray!

Make sure not to break it this time, okay?

I promise! Once again, farewell!

Don't fall asleep on it again!


I'll come to play again!

I'm glad that today, Teacher could congratulate Charlotte!

I think that being able to show your feelings is very important!

Because of Nin-Ham, we had a bad time, but I'm glad it turned out well in the end!

Today was really fun, but tomorrow will be even better, right, Hamtaro?


I'm Hamtaro!

And I'm Laura!

Heke! Doctor Lion's veterinary clinic got a new nurse!

Her name is Flora, and she's a cute girl hamster! It's nice to meet you!

Kushi-kushi! Everyone's surprised!

It seems that Stan likes Flora, and that gets him into trouble!

Next time! Kind Flora!

See you next time!
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