01x11 - A Wagon of a Different Color

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bear in the Big Blue House". Aired: October 20, 1997 – April 28, 2006.*
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Bear lives in the Big Blue House where he is a caregiver for his friends Ojo, a bear cub; Tutter, a mouse; Treelo, a lemur; otters Pip and Pop; and storyteller Shadow.
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01x11 - A Wagon of a Different Color

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the Blue House ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big Bear
Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the House of Blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you
-In the House of Blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪

Oh, hi. It's so good to see you

and you're just in time!

I was just about
to check the mail...

Uh, look, we have mail.


♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ Is it a picture
that my grandpa drew ♪

♪ Of grandma dancing
with a kangaroo? ♪

♪ It could be a cookie recipe ♪

♪ From my aunt who says
she thinks the world of me ♪

♪ Is it a story
from a magazine ♪

♪ About a monkey
in a submarine? ♪

♪ I would love
to see a photograph ♪

♪ Of my good friend
jumping rope with a giraffe! ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ It would be fun
to send a letter back ♪

♪ Oooo yeah ♪

♪ It makes me smile
to think my friends will say ♪

♪ "I wonder what's
in the mail today?" ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ What's in the mail today? ♪

♪ I wonder wonder
what's in the mail today? ♪

♪ What's in the,
what's in the mail today? ♪

Well, let's see what we got
in the mail today.

Ooh, Wow! Looks like we got
a lot of interesting stuff.

Let's take the stuff inside
and check it out! Come on.

[guitar music]

[sniffing] Mm?



Hey. What's that smell?





Uh! It's you!

Ooh, you have that just
rolled out of bed smell!

Tell me did you
just roll out of bed

and stretch or do you
smell this good all the time?

TUTTER: Bear? Bear?


-Hi, Tutter!
-Hello, Bear!

So, Bear, did I hear
that the mail came today?

Yes, it did, Tutter, as a matter
of fact I was just about

to see what we got.

Good, Bear.

I hope there's something for me!

-Well, I hope so too, Tutter.

Now let's see. Wow!
We got coupons from the market.

Coupons! I love coupons.

Yeah! Coupons!


Bear, what's a coupon?

Well a coupon let you know
how much money you can save

when you shop at the market.
Like look, see?

There's a coupon telling you

that there's a big sale
on green beans...

Treelo loves green beans.

Green beans? Too stringy,
too stringy for a mouse.

Oh! Well, let's see.
It's a sale on golden honey...

Yum. You know who loves honey!

Golden honey? Too sticky,
too sticky for a mouse, Bear.

-Well, Tutter, look.

There's a sale
on yellow Cheddar!

Yellow cheddar. Yellow cheddar!

My favorite!
There is something for me!


Well then,
why don't we go to the market?

Great idea, Bear! Great idea!

Just gotta get dressed!

Gotta look my best
for the market. See you, Bear!

See ya later, Tutter.


[sighs] I just love
going to the market,

and seeing all the vegetables
and the good food to buy.

I just need to get my wagon
which is over here somewhere.

Or not...


Hey you know what?
I think it's up in the attic.

[guitar music]

Uh, the attic.

Ok, where is it? Aha!

There's my trusty old wagon.
But what's with all the paint?



-Hi, Ojo!
-Hello, Bear!

-What's the surprise?
-Well, Bear,

I'm painting your wagon!

-Huh? Painting? the wagon?

Now? But, Ojo we need it

to get ready
to go to the market... and...

But Bear, I'm going to be making
this wagon a work of art!

A masterpiece!

Well, it could use
a little bit of a paint job.

Okay, Ojo, what color did you
have in mind? Maybe red?

-No, no, no, no, no, Bear.

-I see.

I have something
completely different in mind.

I was thinking perhaps I
would paint the wagon orange!

Orange! What a great color
for a wagon.

But, Bear?

-Yes Ojo?
-The problem is,

I don't have any orange!

Hm... No orange.
But you do have...

...blue, yellow and red.

Maybe we could make some orange!

Make orange? No way! Really?
Bear, really?

Yes, Ojo, yes!
All you do is take some red.

And some yellow...

Ya mix them together
and you get...

Orange, look!

That's right, Ojo.
So you paint that wagon orange

so it can dry,
so we can get ready,

to go to the market and...

No, no, no, no, no.


Once Ojo sets
her mind to something

there's no stopping her!

Okay, Ojo, what else?


Yeah. I think your wagon
should be green, too.

An orange and green wagon.
What a great idea!

Ok I'll get ready to go
to the market and you...

-But, but Bear?
-Yes, Ojo?

I don't have any green.


No green.
But we could make some green!

Make green, Bear?
Really, really make green?

Sure. You just take some blue...

And some yellow...

Ya mix them together
and you get...

[drum rolling]

Wow, green!

That's right, Ojo. Green.

So you paint that wagon
orange and green

so it can dry,
so we can get ready to go

to the market and...


And purple, too, Bear!
Yeah, purple!

Oh, purple! What a great idea.

An orange,
green and purple wagon!

-But Bear! I don't...
-Have any purple. Right!

Hey, can we make some purple,
can we, can we Bear?

Sure! You just take
some red and some blue,

and mix them
together and you get...

[drum roll]

Hey! Purple! Yeah!

-That's right. Purple.
-Um... Bear?

Well, I sort of want
to surprise you.


And I can't surprise you
if you're watching me paint.


-Right. Okay...

I'll get ready for the market,
Ojo, while you finish painting.

Okay, Bear! Bye! So long!

-Bye! See ya later!
-See ya!

[Ojo humming]



Yeah! Color,

it makes everything
so beautiful.

Like, um, fireworks.

[crackers burst]

Or peacocks!

Or, this is a good one,

Colors, they're in everything
we see.

♪ Colors, oh colors
I see you all around ♪

♪ My house is big and blue
and my head is big and brown ♪

♪ You're red
just like a cherry ♪

♪ Or you're green
just like a tree ♪

♪ and those are some
of the colors I see ♪

♪ There's so many of them,
though! ♪

♪ Colors, oh colors,
you paint the world so bright ♪

♪ You lighten up my day
then you fade away at night ♪

♪ You make an orange orange
you draw rings around a bee ♪

♪ And those are some
of the colors I see ♪

♪ Colors, oh colors
the strangest thing of all ♪

♪ In summer leaves are green ♪

♪ But they turn
yellow in the fall ♪

♪ A sky of blue can turn to gray
as quick as one two three ♪

♪ And those are some
of the colors I see ♪

But wait...
I'm not finished yet!

♪ Colors, oh colors well,
if I had my way ♪

♪ I'd fly up to the sun ♪

♪ And paint it blue
just for a day ♪

♪ I'd give the moon
pink polka dots ♪

♪ As pretty as can be... ♪

♪ Those would be some
kinda colors to see ♪

♪ Those would be some
kinda colors to me! ♪

Yeah! Colors are so colorful!

Hey, I wouldn't be
brown without them.

But I'm curious.
Do you have a favorite color?


What do you think? What
are your favorite colors, hm?

-Light pink.

Purple and red.


-I would paint the sky pink.
-Make all the clouds green.

-A rainbow!
-A rainbow!

Wow. You guys got me
thinking about colors so much

that I can't wait to buy
that golden honey.

I better get everybody
ready for the market.

[Treelo laughing]

Hey! Did you hear that? That
sounded like Treelo laughing!


There it is again. Ooh,

maybe he wants
to come to the market too.

Let's go find him.

[guitar music]

Treelo? Treelo? Treelo?

I thought I heard him.

Do you see Treelo anywhere?

[Treelo laughing]

Hi, Treelo!

Look! Funny monkey.

Funny monkey? Where?

See, Bear, look! Funny Monkey!


Treelo, that's not just any
funny monkey! That's you!

Not me, Bear! Funny! Look!

Funny monkey have red nose!

Yes, Treelo, that's a red nose.


And green and white fur?

Yes and very pretty green
and white fur, if I may say!

Ooh. Look. A tail.

Tail with blue
and white stripes!

Yes, you have
a very pretty tail.


Tail? Tail mine? It's me!
Me! Funny monkey me!


Yes, Treelo, that's what
I've been trying to tell you.

[both laughing]


Treelo beautiful!

Yeah Treelo, you are beautiful!
You are!

Treelo look at Treelo.


So, Treelo, I was wondering

if you want to come
with us to the market.


Would you like to come
to the market?

Market? Treelo love market.
Treelo come soon!

[Bear laughs]

Okay, don't take too long.

-Bon jour, Bear!

Hey, Pip, hey Pop...
Where are you going?

We're on our way to help
Ojo paint your wagon!

What? But don't you guys
want to go to the market?

-Sure, Bear!

But we've got to paint
your wagon first!

Au revoir, Bear!


Why do I have a funny
feeling about this?


Well, getting ready
for the market

can kinda wear you out.

And since I obviously
have some time...

Why don't we find my friend,

I think I saw
her downstairs. Come on.

♪ O where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be? ♪

There you are!


-Hey, you big fuzzy Bear!
-Hi, Shadow! How are you today!

I'm fine, Bear. I've just been
dancing across the rooftops

of the buildings in the town.

Ooh that sounds like fun.

Well Shadow, I was wondering-
could you tell us a story?

Why certainly, Bear! Let me see
what I can fancy. Just watch.

♪ Roses are red
and violets are blue ♪

Gators are green
and I think I'll eat this shoe,

this blue suede shoe.

Yum, yum, yum. Tasty! Yeh!

Wow! What a great story. Um,

I'm curious.
What color is a shadow?


That's a tough one, Bear.

But I'd say it's whatever color
we're failin' on,

just a little darker!

-Wow. Now that's interesting.

Well, I'm off to play
with the sun! Bye-bye, Bear!

Bye-Bye, Shadow. Thank you.

TUTTER: Cheddar chunks! Brie!

That sounds like Tutter.

Look, there he is!

Great gobs of Gorgonzola!

TUTTER: [frustrated] Oh!

Come on, let's see
what's going on. Hey, Tutter.

-What's wrong?
-Bear, you wouldn't understand.

You wouldn't understand!

All that warm fur, that nice,
thick, warm bear fur.

You wear it everywhere you go.

How could a bear possibly

the problems of a mouse!

But Tutter, I thought
we were getting ready

to go to the market!

I was, Bear, I was,
but I don't know what to wear.

I don't know what to wear!


Sometimes trying to decide
what to wear can be hard.

Has that ever happened to you?

Well, Tutter,
maybe I can help you.

Well okay, okay, Bear...
but I'm warning you,

this won't be easy, no!

Well, ok Tutter,
let's see what you've got.

Ok! Wait right here!

Tutter has a very extensive

Well, what do you think, Bear?

What do you think?

Ooooo, red hat,
red scarf very nice very... red.

But, is it too red, is it?

They'll probably
look at me and say...

"Hey, look at that little
mouse all dressed in red...

he must really like
to get attention!"

Tutter, I don't know about that.

Well, wait right here, Bear,
I've got another one.

What do you think Tutter's
going to wear this time?

[Tutter laughs]

what about this, Bear?

What do you think, Bear?
What do you think?

Ooh black hat, yellow scarf...
Two colors. Nice combination.

I don't know, Bear.

They'll probably
look at me and say,

"What's with the mouse
in yellow and black?

He looks like a bumble bee!"

Oh! It's hard for a little mouse
to know what to wear.

Tutter, why don't you just
wear what you like best?

Me? Wear what I like best?

Me? Tutter the mouse?
What I like best? Me?

Yeah, just wear what
you like best!

What a great idea!
I'll be right back, Bear!


Do you have a favorite
scarf or hat

that you like to wear best, hm?

[giggles] Look at me, Bear!
Look at me.


Wow! You look great!

I do!
And I feel great too! [laughs]

Well come on, Bear,
let's go to the market!


Hey, Bear, come upstairs!

BOTH: Huh?

Oh! It's the wagon.
It must be ready!

Come on, Tutter, let's go!

Hey, wait for me! Bear!
Comin' Bear! Bear I'm comin'!

Bear! Bear! Your wagon is ready!

It is? But um,

where is it?

[Tutter gasping]

Yeah, yeah where's the wagon?
Let's get going!

Ready? A-one, a-two, a-three!


It's really, really... original.
It's great!

I love it!

I think it has every color
in the world.

-You're right it does!
-And we helped!


Look, Treelo colors.

That's right, Treelo, it has
all of your colors too!

Yeah, yeah!
Well, come on, everybody.

Are we ready
for the market or what?

Can't wait to get
that crispy cheddar!

-Okay, are we all ready?
-ALL: Yeah!

To the market!

[indistinct cheering]

[guitar music]


What a great day at the market.


You know, I can't wait to tell
Luna about our day. Come on.

Aaah, the attic!

Hey, it looks like Ojo,
Pip and Pop cleaned up!

How nice. Well, let's go
find Luna. Come on.

Uh! There she is!
Good evening, Luna.

Good evening, Bear!

I was just admiring
the beautiful sunset

on the other side of the world.

How was your day
in the Big Blue House?

It was very... colorful,
you might say, Luna.


Ojo, Pip and Pop painted
my wagon every single color.

Oh! And there are
so many colors!

And Tutter came up
with a great outfit.

[giggles] Tutter is a very
smart looking mouse!

[laughs] He is, he is.

And Treelo saw himself
in the mirror!

Oh! What did he think?

He loved his tail and his nose
and his ears and all his colors!

Well, Bear,
from up here where I am

I get to see all the beautiful
colors of earth!

The blue oceans, the green
forests and jungles,

and the red deserts!

Wow! It would be great
to fly up there

and see the world
the way you do!

Well it is quite a sight.

It must be, Luna, it must be.

Well, Luna, would you like
to join me in a goodbye song?

I'd love to Bear, I'd love to.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say, well,
that's okay ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you
very soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the Bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!

[soft guitar music]

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House! Bye now.

I was thinking.

Should I paint the Big Blue
House another color?

Naw! [giggles]

See you soon!

[theme music]
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