03x08 - Haines Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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03x08 - Haines Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight jo meets the haines family...

Come on in. Hi. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo.

I'm suzanne. And she's shocked at the lack of energy

She's seeing from these parents. Oh.

Aah! That's not funny.

Aah! Because their -year-old, foulmouthed dictator sean

Controls the house.

[Suzanne] get over here! Open it!

Mom and dad have given in and given up. [Screams]

That's enough! Even -year-ld seth is sick of it...

Can you do anything about sean?

Mom and dad are getting really angry right now.

Well, you know who else is getting angry? Me!

Jo's got to take a radical approach

To energize these parents... He looks up to the pair of you as his parents,

Who, quite frankly, are very lame.

And get them to inspire their boys.



Will jo's tactics bring this family back to life?

Or will they end up flatlining?


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Another family that needs my help--

Let's take a look.

[Both] hi. We're the haines family.

I'm shane. I'm suzanne.

I'm taking this and putting it in my room. No.


We have boys. Our oldest is seth, and he's .

[Armpit squeaking]

And our youngest is sean, and he's . [Blows raspberry]

I'm a police officer. I usually work nights.


When I'm home, I'm usually either cleaning

Or disciplining the children...

[Cries]no tv!

While my husband's either working

Or trying to catch up on his sleep.

'Cause I'm with them all day,

By the end of the day, I'm just done. [Screams]

Aah! Ow!



Sean is the dictator of this house.

Sorry, who's the boss?

I said no! Get over here!

He's hitting... [Screaming]


He's biting... Hey, no!

[Spits] ew!

[Sighs] now he's starting to yell vulgarities.

I've tried everything, and it doesn't work. [Whining] mine, mine, mine.

Ow! Why'd you bite me?

Seth has started to get really mouthy.

Well, what are you mad about?

Him! What else am I mad about?

Hello? Can you do anything about sean? Seth.

Calm down. I'm getting really angry right now.

[Mocking voice] "I'm gonna get angry right now."

Well, you know who else is getting angry? Me!

Why aren't these parents doing anything?

It's turning into, like, a little bit of a nightmare,

I guess would be the word. This is your last chance. Shut it off. Stop.

I'm not playing with you now. I am being serious.

I've given up. I've given up with their behavior,

Because I don't know what to do. You did it!

[Seth screaming]

Go in the corner. No!

We definitely need supernanny. We need her help badly.

I better get to this family, and quick!


Hello.[Suzanne] hello! Come on in.

Hi. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo. I'm suzanne.

When jo first arrived,

I really didn't know what to think of her.

Who's this? This would be sean.

How old are you, sean?

Years old. You're years old?

My husband worked late last night,

So he's actually sleeping. All right. Okay, so dad's upstairs?

I didn't get a chance to take my coat off as mom told me

That she was taking sean to preschool for a couple of hours. I'll get the door.

No, I'm gonna get the door. Come on.

So whilst mom was off talking to one of the teachers,

I thought that I would take a chance to watch sean

And see how he interacts with the other kids.

I recognized very, very quickly that

He does lack the social skills to really involve himself

With the other children and have fun,

And it did bring a little concern.

So I thought that I would talk to sean's teacher to see what

She thought about it. What would you say sean's level of interaction

With the other children merits on a--on a level to, you know,

One to five, for example? It would be a one or a two.

One or two. Mm-hmm. When he's in a group, like a center group,

Where there's, um, two or three other children,

He is very quiet and very withdrawn.


When school had finished, I had a chance to meet seth.

Hi, seth. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo jo.

Hi. Hi. How old are you?

Um, I'm . . Pleased to meet you.

[Jo] we'd only been home for a couple of minutes,

And then sean started to have a meltdown

Over a piece of candy.

You're not getting the last one.

You already had one. Just one.


Mommy, let me have one.



[Crying] seth, no--don't...

That's all. You can't have any more.

Sean, you can't have it.

Mom said no.

[Jo] and I was wondering,

How many times is mom gonna watch sean hit seth

Before she does anything about it?

Give it back, sean. [Sobbing]

Sean gets away witheverything.

[Suzanne] sean... What?

Come out.

Stop. [Speaks indistinctly]

Come on.no! No!

You can't stay under there.no.

Come on.

Then stay under there.

[Suzanne] sean's behavior gets to the point

That I just give him his way, because it's easier for me

To give in than to sit there and fight with him all the time.

[Jo] sean seems to get away with blue m*rder in this house,

And even seth said that mom and dad need to do more

About controlling sean's behavior.

I mean, after all, he's years old.

He's got his own opinion, so I wanted to hear

What he had to say. Do you get tired of sean and his behavior?

Yeah. And how do you think

Mom and dad are dealing with sean's behavior,

I mean, personally?

I don't think they're dealing really well.

What do you think they'renot doing

That they could be doing a lot better?

I think, like, more punishments.

Usually, my mom and dad, like,

Let him get away with a lot of it.

Because of sean's behavior,

He needs so much parental attention

That I really do think

That seth feels a little bit left out.

Well, in the afternoon, dad got up,

And I finally got a chance to meet him.

Hi. Pleased to meet you. Jo.shane.

Hi. Good morning. How you doing?

Very well, thank you. Just watching the family.

[Shane] when jo first arrived,

I was thinking, oh, boy, she's probably

In for a real treat, you know, with my kids.

So you've just had a long sleep?

Slept a little longer than normal.

I thought, this one might be a tough one for her.

[Jo] well, I saw shane getting all fueled up,

Having lots of coffee, and I wondered,

What's up his sleeve for these energetic boys?



[Jo] everyone just kind of sat around.

Nobody really did anything. Where's the energy, you know?

Two lively, young kids-- let's have some fun.

Let's rock 'n' roll in this house...

Not in this house.

[Crickets chirping]

[Suzanne] hey! [Giggles]

That's not funny!

[Jo] sean's years old,

And there he is, cussing like it's okay,

And mom and dad barely react.

What's it gonna take to get these parents into action?

[Jo] a bit later,

With dadstill not interacting with the kids,

I watched mom play with sean.

Oh, but once again, sean had to have things his way. That's enough.

No! [Suzanne] it's really discouraging

To have a -year-old running everything.

Aah! Sean!

It drives me nuts. I absolutely hate it.

Stop! No!

When it comes to sean playing up,

Mom is very submissive. I'm just wondering,

When is she ever gonna step up and deal with sean's behavior?

[Crying] sean!

Seanie, mom said no. I said yeah.

Mom said no.


You give me a headache!

Coming up on...

In desperate need of attention...

It's not funny. Seth!


Seth cops an attitude... That's enough!

And jo gets brutally honest with mom and dad...

I've never come across two parents

Who have lacked so much enthusiasm.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] after hours of only playing with the lincoln logs,

It was so obvious seth was bored.

And he started to get really irritated,

But no wonder why. Seth's years old.

He needs more stimulation thanthis.


Daddy's getting a little upset right now, so--

Well, I'm getting a little upset, too!

That's enough.

It's not funny. Seth!


[Jo] I just think it's just unbelievable

That suzanne thinks restraining seth... [Groaning]

Is going to fix the problem.

That's enough!

It's not gonna be long before he's bigger than her,

And then what discipline is she gonna use then?

Your satellite's coming out,

And your tv's coming out of your room.

You think I'm kidding? I'm not.

I wind up making empty threats with them,

Because it's the only way I seem like

I can try to get my point across.

I'm not playing.

[Jo] seth actually looks like he's having fun,

But I'm not surprised, though.

It's the first time he's had attention all day.

I'm not kidding with you. I mean it. Stop it.

I'm getting really disgusted.

Mom and seth went downstairs,

But then seth started with the attitude all over again.

You play. [Suzanne] if you guys can't share,

I'm picking 'em up. No, you're not!

Yes, I am.

I've tried everything

To get him to at least listen, but it doesn't work.

So I'm to the point now-- it's like, why even bother?

[Suzanne] shane!

He took the box for the logs. Would you make him go get it?

He won't listen to me. [Jo] finally, dad stepped in, because mom gave up,

And she couldn't deal with it anymore.

Just go in your room for a bit.

I told you, like, five times--no!


Don't--don't joke around with daddy, all right? Stop.

Put him in his room, daddy.

[Groans] [giggles]

[Jo] shane may be a cop,

But I really don't see any enforcing going on here.

Shane-- I got down.

[Shane] here we go.

Here we go again.


[Jo] if shane really thinks that dragging seth upstairs

To discipline him like a -year-old

Is going to work, then he's fooling himself.

Seth's years old.

This is dead parenting.

I need to make some changes, and quick.

It's so quiet in here, it's scary.

Too quiet.

Two young boys who are quite a handful,

To say the least.

But what's wrong with the pair of you?

You know, I'm really-- I'm really struggling here,

Because I've never come across two parents

Who have lacked so much enthusiasm.

Let's start with sean's behavior.

Your -year-old son is running your household.

I totally agree.

The biting, the cussing, the punching, the hitting.

I've got to ask-- I mean, why?

Why do you allow that, time and time again?

Well, uh, my--my powers with him don't work.

He just runs all over me. You put him in the corner, hold him there, whatever--

He'll still fight you. It seems like it never ends.

So what do you do, then, for his behavior?

I pretty much let him go...

To get his way, and then he's happy.

You guys are very clearly showing your son

That it's okay for him to behave that way.

And that's rather confusing for your son,

Because he looks up to the pair of you as his parents,

Who quite frankly are very lame.

You lot need to seriously wake up and smell the roses.

He's screaming out for some boundaries.

He doesn't have any right now.yeah.

He doesn't. We really don't probably don't really have

Anything set in stone. What about rules?

Probably not.

And seth's no different.

Seth gets mouthy

And then starts to back chat,

"Oh, stop doing that," and the next minute,

You wanna tickle him.

What are you afraid of? Obviously, discipline.

What do you think your kids are gonna do?

Stop talking to you?

Seth playing up,

So that he can get some of your attention,

Because he clearly sees that sean takes it all.

I do know it bothers seth. That's why I try to do

Some seth time myself, which I have a hard time doing.

"I have a hard time..." Everything's hard.

It is. "I have a hard time doing this..."

Parenting--it's challenging, full stop, /.

You don't get a day off.

What do you do for a living?

Police officer. A police officer.

You--you serve the community,

To protect and to take care of them.

I'm just wondering why

You lack the same ability to do that in your own home.

I-i guess when I'm at work, it can be

A little more stressful.

I try to keep the stress out of the house.

I don't like bringing my work home.

Everything that we've spoke about,

With regards to the way seth behaves

And the way sean behaves

Is because of your passive behavior.

It's like, I feel like

I wanna wind you both up 'round the back.

You're raising two boys here.

They need interaction, love, support, guidance...


They're not getting that.

Your kids are gonna end up very messed up in the head,

Seriously, if you both continue to behave this way with them.

So I wanna see a pulse on this family,

For the want of a better word, suzanne.

Because right now, it's flatlining.

[Suzanne] the hardest thing for me to hear is jo doesn't see

Any energy in the house, but I'm ready for a change.

I'm ready for things to get better.

'Cause I'm talking about big change here.

'Cause trust me, I'm not coming to this table telling you

That it's not going to be hard work, because it is. Okay.

I need to be more assertive right away.

I wanna, you know, fix this whole situation.

Hearts open, minds open. Let's get to work.

Okay. Sounds good.

Coming up on...

What are the kids gonna do now, dad?

Jo tries something she's never done before...

Sean and I and seth are going to leave

You and shane to improvise.

La, la, la, la.[Laughs]

But can mom and dad handle the pressure?

When "supernanny" returns.

But first... ♪ Be good, be good ♪

A tip from supernanny.

Parents, your kids scared of monsters in their bedroom?

Then here's a magical trick.

Spray some scented water throughout their room

And improvise-- "monsters, be gone!"--

Before they go to sleep.

It's an imaginative way to get rid of those pesky beasts.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪


[Jo] it's been such a long time

Since I've seen parents with such lack of energy.

And this time, it isn't the boys.

The problem's mom and dad.

So I've decided I'm gonna try a different approach this time.

But first, I'm laying down the rules.

This is what we have for the family house rules.

"Listen and do as you are told." [Shane] once she read off the first one,

I was like, this ain't happening.

"No hitting and biting each other."

Who bites in the house?

Yes, you do. Thank you for your honesty.

As soon as sean saw it, he immediately started to

Relate them to himself, and that really impressed me.

"No cussing or name-calling"-- unacceptable.

And last but not least-- "play nicely."

That's food for thought, right?

What happens if you don't do the house rules?

Like, you break them? There'll be consequences.

Right this direction. [Jo] so now that I'd laid down the rules,

It was time for me to put my plan into action.

What are the kids gonna do now, dad?

[Jo] these parents have got so used to do nothing all day,

That mom and dad don't even know

What to do with the kids all day.

It's kind of hard, isn't it?

The pair of you twiddle your thumbs,

Not really knowing what to do with the kids.

[Jo] it was time that shane and suzanne

Find their imagination

And do something with these boys.

They just need a good kick start.

Sean and I and seth

Are going to leave you and shane to improvise.

You're going to look at these items in this trailer here,

And when we come back in, us three are gonna watch a play.

Bye, mom and dad. Let's go, boys.

Come with jo jo. Mom and dad were taken aback at first,

But they do need to show the boys

That they can lighten up and be a bit silly for a change.

The younger children are gonna go out to play,

And we're gonna leave

The older kids in the house to play. Good-bye!

Why don't you sing, uh...

♪ La, la, la, la ♪


[Jo] jo jo's left them in the house then.

We're gonna see exactly if they can be big kids.

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

Jo made mom and dad act silly, and they never do that.

All right. Tag, you're it. [Giggles]

[Laughing] [jo] mom and dad were definitely making the effort, though.

They were running around the house,

Putting on a show, and the boys were loving it. That's funny!

[Suzanne] to me, the best part was watching

The kids just laugh at us

Because we were making fools of ourselves.

[Jo] but you see how they're having fun there

And they're laughing? This is what we want them

To do with the pair of you.

Should we go in and see what they've got ready for us? Sure.


Great. So we're ready to watch.

[All laughing]

It was really, really good to see mom and dad having fun.

[Deep voice] do, dee, do, dee, do.


Hey, baby. [Laughing]

[Jo]finally there was some life in the house,

And the laughter was contagious.

I came here to look at drums, scary man. [Laughs]

I have never laughed that much before.

Can you show me how the drum plays?

My mom and dad are funny.

And that's the end.

Was that good? Was that fun? Yeah.

Was that fun?

The end. Yay!

I tell you what was so funny--

Just absolutely watching these kids laugh.

When you guys really put the effort into it,

Youcan just really step outside yourselves

And have some fun.

[Jo] I've gotta be honest with you,

I wouldn't say that suzanne and shane change careers

And become stand-up comedians,

But the kids had a blast, and that's what matters.


Don't crash.

Coming up on...

Mom goes out on a limb

To set up a playdate for sean...

Come on in. But will the little dictator make it through

Without a fight? How about mommy will take this away

And you can play trains with your friends?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] suzanne has a really hard time

Dealing with sean during the day,

And I believe his behavior can be chalked up to boredom.

He's years old. He's cooped up in the house,

And he gets no social stimulation

From children his own age. Are you ready for your friends? Yes?

And we're gonna play nice,

And we're gonna have lots of fun sharing today!

I saw exactly how antisocial sean is at school,

So I'm having suzanne set up a playdate for him.

And it will take a little pressure for her

To keep them entertained. Time for your friends!

Give me five! [Suzanne] sean really never played well with other children,

So I never really pushed the issue

As far as getting a playdate,

Because I didn't want to have parents bring the children over,

And then have sean not play well. Let's go get your friends!

Hi, everybody. Come on in. Come on in.

Come on in. Take your coats off.

[Suzanne] he shook their hands and welcomed them and...

To me that was just great to watch,

Because it--he sparkled.

[Suzanne] sean, show all your friends your little trains.

[Jo] and right away, sean started playing by himself,

And it was a great opportunity for me to teach suzanne

How to teach sean how to behave

When other kids come to the house.

All the rest of the kids are playing on that one table.

He's taken the motorcycle and gone off on his own.

[Suzanne] jo said, before you take the toy away,

Have one of his friends offer him a toy

And then direct him more to the table.

[Suzanne] you guys wanna give sean a train to play with?

Somebody pick a train. How about mommy will

Take this away and you can play trains with your friends? Don't even mention it.

Don't even mention it. Just do.

[Jo] after encouraging sean how to play with the boys,

He finally caught on.

[Boy] watch this.

[Imitates siren wailing]

[Boy] whoa!

Good job sharing. [Jo] he was playing with the trains,

And then he went over to gregory and he said...

I have cookie.

"I made some cookies."

Here I come. To me, to see how proud he was that he made cookies,

And he brought them on a plate and he offered them--

It was great to watch. [Suzanne] and one for seanie.

[Jo] sean was so ready. He was so ready to be shown

How to engage with children, how to play,

And the playdate became that next step.

See the blue line? It's missing the blue line.

Marvelous to see how he's come on

In, like, minutes.

[Suzanne] I've never seen him

Talk this much to little-- little ones before.

I can't wait for another playdate.

Thank you for coming.

Bye. [All] bye, sean.

Sean made it through the playdate without cussing,

Having a meltdown or controlling everything.

Come and play again. [Suzanne] to see that part of him is just great for me,

Because I'm not used to seeing that part of it.yeah!

[Jo] seeing how much sean enjoyed himself

With his friends,

I hope this will teach suzanne how important it is

To have variety into his day and to do it more. I'm so proud of you.

[All] we had fun.



[Jo] shane works a lot, but when he's home,

He's completely emotionally absent with the boys.

There's an imagination box here.

It's now "the haines detective agency."

I want to get shane more revved up

So that he starts thinking outside the box

And recognizing what he needs to do

To start becoming connected again with the boys.

So I'm setting up a mystery

Where the boys will be detectives.

So you might wanna lead them to sample that tree over there.

To the white pole?


Now we're talking.

It was definitely fun planting the clues.

Ready? I'm ready.

Let's go get the boys.

All right, here's your badges.

Your detective i.d. You gotta have a thumbprint on it, though.

On went the fingerprints, the i.d., The walkie-talkies...

The flashlights, and our three detectives went into the woods.

[Walkie-talkie beeps] ten steps forward.

Stop and turn around, and reach for the sky.

We had to find clues.

Have we found the first clue?

I repeat--have we found the first clue? We have found the clue.

Let's go to the tree stump.

Run, detective.

We're now heading for our next clue.

[Jo] it's so important

That shane show those boys some enthusiasm

So they can get really into it.

We gotta save the passengers!

And guess what?

He really got into that mystery and enjoyed it.

It feels fantastic-- me and the boys

Just running through the woods playing detective.

We're en route. Copy? [Jo] copy.

When I found myself constantly on that walkie-talkie,

"Okay, -, -, copy."

Do we have our flashlights on? I repeat. [Walkie-talkie beeps]

We need to look for the tire.

Direct information from the office--

Look for the red cross.

He did it! Detective sean, good job!

The train was in the leaves.

Mission complete. [Walkie-talkie beeps]


I hope we'll be playing in the woods more often.

You did good. We have found it.

For these boys,

Anything would have been fantastic for them,

Because they were spending time with their dad.

Every moment I have with my boys is a--is a precious moment.

It's definitely special.

[Shane] did you have fun? Let's go.


Well, I'm going, but I'm only going for a short while.

I'll be back soon.

I know, but we will miss you, so... [Laughs]

[Shane] when jo leaves, I feel like

I'm gonna have to come up with all the games,

And me and my wife-- we'll figure it out, though,

But it should be exciting.

Give me a big hug. Aw.

Oh, look it! You didn't even have to ask for that one.

I think jo jo's pretty.

Give me a high-five... And a big cuddle.

I really hope that we keep having fun

As a family when jo leaves.

I'll see you when I get back. Thank you.

Thank you. Fingers crossed, whilst I'm away,

Suzanne and shane are gonna keep up their creativity

And use their imagination,

But I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Hey, time for supper now.


Coming up on...


What'd you say? Jo finds a new issue in the house.

I'm telling mama. No, no!


When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny. ♪ Be good, be good ♪

Parents, do your children constantly complain

About getting shampoo in their eyes when they take a bath?

Well, here's a fun idea-- give them a pair of goggles

The next time you give them a wash and rinse,

So that it will keep the shampoo out of their eyes,

And it will make bath time a lot easier.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

I've been away for a few days,

So now it's gonna be interesting to see if suzanne and shane

Have kept up their energy,

Or whether they've gone back to their tedious old ways.

Are we ready to take a look... I think so.

At the dvd footage?

I think so. We're ready.

The first one is the boys playing.

I'm gonna get your shoe on, and then you can run. Ow!


What'd you say? Sean...

For that I'm sorry. I didn't say it on purpose.

It's okay. It's just an accident.

I'm sorry. That's a bad word, sean.

I'm sorry, seth.

I'm telling mama. No, no!

[Crying] seth!


Sean swore.

Did you say a bad word, though?yeah.

Yeah? But it was an accident.

It was an accident?yeah.

All right, you don't say that no more, okay?

It was just an accident. Okay, but this is your warning.

Don't say it no more, okay? Okay.

All right. You go out there and play.

That was handled very, very well, shane.

Thank you. Give me five on that one.

Very well. You addressed it straightaway.

You allowed sean to be able to say, "it was an accident."

He recognized he made a big boo-boo.

You gave him a warning about it. Dealt with beautifully.

Car ride is the next thing that we're going to look at.

This car ride-- it was actually better

Than most car rides have been, so... Okay.

[Sean] ow!

Mom, seth hit-- seth hit me.

[Suzanne] I think you both need to settle down.

No, he smacked me. Ow!

Seth, I heard that.

Ow! Don't pull me.

Seth, are you pulling him? No.

Seth is not pulling you.

Yeah, he is.

Ow. That was hard.

It was not an accident.

That was on purpose.


Stop hitting back there.

I'm not hitting you.

We'll take off some time from your video time today.

Okay, this will be your warning.



So now you can see, because you're not driving.

What are you seeing?

Oh, it's seth antagonizing sean.

We get sean telling you that seth has hurt him.

You ask seth, seth says no.

Well, I guess my thing was,

I was driving. I didn't want to pull the car over and stop

And turn around and try to see--

Stop right there. And that's why it happens. Okay.

So because you didn't want to,

Meant, really, you didn't want to deal with the kids,

But you're not resolving the situation.

I should have specifically gave him

A warning first.

He's , and he's doing something wrong.

We can skip the warning part.

Seth is being smart with you, negotiating.

"Oh, you never gave me a warning."

It's not time to get cocky and smart-mouthed.

Because he sees your mistakes before you see 'em.

He knows he can get away with blue m*rder

When it comes to messing on his brother.

What have you genuinely thought about what you've seen here?

You've definitely come in and showed us how to get through

To sean in a way that we've never been able to do.

You know, obviously I need to work on some

Of my disciplining measures with seth.

Okay, and what I've heard here from the pair of you today

Is a realistic account of what you need to do to move forward,

Which is very positive.

So today what we are going to do

Is move everything on to the next level.

We're gonna work on the pieces that still need working on. Okay.

So we're ready for some more, are we? We're ready.

We're ready. Okay, good.

Coming up on...

Seth, lies and videotape... Ow!

Do you remember that?

I had asked you, and you said "no," so that was wrong.

Where could they possibly be being taken?

And jo gives dad and seth

An experience they'll never forget...

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Seth is old enough to morally know

That he shouldn't be lying to mom,

So I needed to call him out on it.

And using the dvd was a perfect way

To show him he'd been caught in the act.

You wanna look at something? All right.

And then we're gonna figure out a way

So that we can work to improve this, okay?


[Suzanne] seth, are you pulling him? No.

I could tell by when I was looking at him

That he was a little bit shocked that he had been caught.

Ow! Stop it.

I watched seth's face in the beginning,

And he went slightly red,

And I could see him kind of go into himself.

You remember that?

When I watched myself on the dvd,

I saw how much I picked on sean.


What did you see wrong with that?

I hit him.

When I had asked you, and you said, "no,"

So that was wrong.

When mom said to you

That you were gonna get time off your video games,

And you said, "I didn't get a warning"? Yeah.

Well, because you're older-- you're --

I think that you should understand right from wrong,

So you really shouldn't have to get warnings.

This was a big step for suzanne, because it was the first time

That she had set out any real expectations for seth.

For the future, I want you to know

That dad and I are gonna keep a watch,

Because we're not going to just think

That sean's not telling us the truth.

After watching myself,

I realized I have to make a good example for sean.


Now that seth knows what's expected of him,

I wanted to give him a special memory that he'll never forget.

[Jo] morning, seth. Morning.

Up until now, shane and seth have never really had a chance

To spend time together doing father and son stuff,

Like playing catch, so I wanted to change that, big time.

Dad, you know where we're going?

Where are we going? I have no idea.

No? Seth? Unh-unh.

You mean you don't know where we're going? No.

You didn't bring a map? I was so excited when I got in the car

With my dad and jo, 'cause I had no idea where I was going.

I knew it was a surprise.

And the anticipation builds up in the backseat.

Where could they possibly be being taken?

What better place

Than lambeau field-- the mecca of football

And home to the green bay packers?


[Seth] whoo-hoo!

What better place to give them a magical memory

And to inspire them to spend more time together?

It was unspeakable. It was amazing.

Get it! Whoo!


Nice catch. Wow.

That was great, seeing the expression on his face.

I mean, I could tell he was just...

Just full of joy, just...

He was just loving this. He was in heaven.

, , Set, go!

[Seth] aah! Yeah!

This is going to be, without a doubt,

A beautiful memory for the pair of them

And a really good, solid foundation for them to build on.

Oh, man, I don't think I can kick it this far.

I mean, you don't have to be at a famous football stadium

To spend special time with your kids.

But itis all about spending time with them

And making sure that you do something extra-special,

Which, undoubtedly, will be something

That your kids will never forget.

Dad, do the bowling pin.

There's not a dad in the world

That wouldn't want to do this with their son.

This is just awesome.

I wanna do stuff like this with my dad all the time.


When we got back from lambeau field,

It started to snow.

And whilst mom was outside playing with the boys,

I had one more thing for shane to do.

Because even though he just had a great time with seth,

There was still a little somebody

Who needed extra-special time, too.

There's not been much time for you and sean.

Our kids love music,

So why not put the drum practice into play,

Bring sean in and have some fun with him?

Have him sit down with the drums and stuff.

Sean's years old, and he can't always do the things

That his older brother likes to do.

However, I found out that dad plays the drums,

So I thought it'd be a perfect idea

To get dad playing alongside sean.


So he may want to sit on your lap and do it.

Whichever you prefer.

Okay, superstar.

All right. Here we go.

[Playing rock rhythm]

It was a great time for me and sean,

Just to be playing the drums,

Just to see him try and do the same techniques as I was

In just a matter of seconds, you know? It was pretty cool.

Up here. There you go.

Just for sean being able to spend time with his dad

And mess around with a drum kit is kind of cool for sean,

And he has come along in leaps and bounds

Because his mom and dad are just presenting

These opportunities for him all the time to explore.

Thank you! Good night! Thank you. Good night.

[All laughing]

Suzanne and shane?

Listen, guys, I'm gonna go,

Because you've got suppertime soon.

We're definitely a stronger family 'cause of jo.

It was a great experience, and I'll never forget it.

I really do believe that you guys are moving

In the right direction, which is very positive.

I wanted to enjoy the boys, and I wanted to enjoy my family,

And jo coming here has made that happen for me.

I was glad that jo was able to come out and fix us.

Seth, take care of yourself.

I'm so thankful that jo came and took the time

To help our family.

I'm probably gonna miss most of the english accent.

Take care, shane. All right. Thank you very much.

You're welcome. The impact that jo has had on our family

Has been more than words can say.

She's definitely tops in my book.

[Suzanne] say, "good-bye, jo jo."

[Sean] good-bye, jo jo. Bye-bye, darling.

[All] bye. Good-bye.

Aw. That's a perfect good-bye.

I love you, jo jo.

Yeah, I'll have a safe journey.

You take care. You take care. Bye-bye.

[Seth] bye, jo jo. Bye-bye, darling.

It was nice meeting you. Thank you for everything. Bye.

Everything's turned around in this house.

Bye-bye, sweetie. Bye.

I'm glad at how far the haines family have come.

You sad? I'm sad, too.

It's great because suzanne and shane

Have learnt to live a little,

So now things are gonna be more exciting in their family.

[Sean screams]

I definitely think there's more energy in the house.

Aah! Help me!

Shane is starting to see how much fun

He can actually have with the boys.

I just enjoy watching them smile.

My relationship with seth is better

Because in the short time we do have together,

You know, we're making it quality time.

[Suzanne and seth chanting] go, seanie, go seanie, go seanie.

[Seth] go, sean.

I've seen sean change degrees--

Completely, completely change.

Once upon a time, there was a skeleton...

Whoa! And he lived in the woods.

Aah! No!

Out there?! Out there.

I think both boys are seeing a different side of me--

A better side, I think.

[Seth] whoa.

[Suzanne] here, seanie. Don't be afraid. Go ahead.


I see us doing a lot more together as family,

And getting out and doing a lot more than we did before.

Are you guys ready to light some fireworks?

[All] yeah!

What I've learned most is, you know,

If I change a little, they'll change.

If my change is positive, their change is positive.

I definitely can see that.

[Fireworks crackle]

Mom and dad are a lot more fun.

They--they're more creative, and they do more things.

Suzanne can discipline the boys on her own now.

Just seeing her take over is great.


[All cheering]

I'm definitely the parent I want to be.

[Shane] the most important thing

In the world to me is my family--

One big, happy family.

Ugh! [Laughs]

Aw! [Laughs]


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