03x03 - Weinstein Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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03x03 - Weinstein Family

Post by bunniefuu »

[Tires squeal]

Tonight jo meets the weinstein family...

Hi. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo. I'm chia.

[Screams] with four kids who have no respect for their parents...

I didn't even say anything. Do you want to get spanked?

Or the house.

I feel like I'm in a subway. So do we.

Dad's a raging bull...

Julia! No!

Hurry up! Shut it! Lay down!

And mom's waving the white flag.

What am I supposed to make her do?

This is your house, and this is your life.

Can jo get mom to toughen up? He doesn't dictate when he says sorry.

You're in charge of that naughty stool.

And turn dad from a big bully...

No, that I don't like. Oh, you don't like that.


To a gentle giant?

That's not a pretty sight, watching you grab up your kid. I'm sorry.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look

And see what family gets my help this week.

Hi. We're the weinstein family,

And my name is chia... And I'm david.

We have four children.

Our daughter mckenna, who is ...

Christina, who is ... What's up?!

Julia, who is ...

And our son robert, who is .

I'm a truck driver, and I'm gone anywhere

Between five to seven to maybe even ten days straight.

[Christina] I love you, daddy!

I love you, daddy. You gonna miss daddy?

The kids are...

Kind of uncontrollable when I'm not around.

What are you doing with my curtains?

Say you're sorry. Sorry!

Don't t*rture the hamster.

Kenny--she will just

Fly off the handle with emotion.

Julia--you push her button the wrong way, and look out.

Tina's the aggressor out of the family.

Now you stay in here for time-out. Shut up, you idiot!

Robert--you blink, and he destroyed something.

I have to discipline the kids and show them

The difference between right and wrong...

Sit down.

Do it now.

Get your hands off my face.

And then I turn into the bad guy.

Aah! You don't tell your mother, "bye-bye, sucker."

Do you understand? That is enough. Shut up!

Bedtime is next to impossible.

They scream. No!


They will hit me.

They will try to scratch me.

It stings. [Jo] now this is what I call a nightmare.

Eventually, I end up giving up.

And I'm here now,

And look how quickly you calmed down.

These kids are getting away with everything.

It's come to a point now,

We've gotta get these kids in line,

Not only for the kids' sanity,

But for our marriage.

[Voice breaking] supernanny, we are in a desperate situation,

And we really need your help.

Well, you certainly called the right person,

So I'm on my way.


Hello! Hello.

Hi. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo.

I'm chia. Come on in.hi.

I'm so glad you're finally here.[Laughs]

I'm gonna give you a hug. I'm sorry.

Couldn't wait.

When jo walked through that door, I thought, thank god.

What's your name?

Driving a car? [Chia] can you tell her your name?

Hi, christina. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo jo.


Hi. How are you?

Pleased to meet you. I'm david. Nice to meet you.

Hi, david. [David] jo's presence in the beginning kind of made me

A little bit intimidated, a little bit uncomfortable.

I was extremely nervous.

Hi, julia. I'm jo jo. [David] julia, come on. Be nice.

[Mouths words]

Hi, kenny. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo jo.

Hi. How old are you?

. ? Pleased to meet you.

[David] this is our, uh, kids' room down here. [Children yelling]

[Jo] okay.

I kind of let them, uh...

Do what they will, so to speak.

As I went downstairs to look at the children's playroom,

I thought I was going to see this playroom,

Very colorful, with artwork on the walls.

I saw a different kind of artwork on the walls.

The children had just gone mad.

[David] they put holes in the wall down here.

They were throwing toys up against the wall.

I feel like I'm in a subway.

Yeah, so do we.

It's very, very barren downstairs,

And it's uninviting.

It's down! It's not a nice place to be.

It's disgraceful. How come they've left it for so long?

I just got settled in with the family,

And then robert went missing.


[Sighs and mutters]

Where's robert?

Robert isso young. How did they lose him?

[Chia] robert!

I gotta find robert. Robert!

[Jo] he could be outside... In the road... Anywhere!

Robert! Mom, where's robert?

I don't know. I'm trying to find him.

Sorry? Here he is.

No. We're gonna take this in the house, okay?

[Jo] mom was lucky this time, because robert was found

In the driveway.

But next time it could be a lot worse.

Who was the last parent outside with the kids? Me.

I was walking to the car. You weren't, were you? Okay. Did you bring robert in,

Or did you even tell me that he was out there?

I didn't even know he was outside.

I didn't see him. I went to the car.

See, that's what the thing is, david. Why, he was out?

Yeah, he was outside. [Jo] well, quite clearly,

There's not a lot of teamwork going on between chia and david.

Play cleanup a little bit, kenny, or turn the tv on.

Robert, go!

Look at me.

What kind of look you see on my face?

It's called "I don't care." Go. No.

Go. No.

Tina, come on. I'm not playing games.

Let's go. [Chia] I agree, tina. If you don't...

Move. One, two and three. Done.

I was gonna give her a time-out.

I'm giv--her time's up.

Come on. Help daddy pick up.

Tina! Look at me! Now sit down and play.

[David] I don't want my children to be disrespectful

To me or to anybody else,

And I do what I feel I have to do to correct it.

Now you say you're sorry and get down and play.

Oh, boy. Say it.

Sorry.and I better not hear it come out of your mouth again.

I want you down and playing.no!

Play. No!

Tina may be getting mouthy, but that's no excuse

For dad to grab her by the face and scare her.

Julia! Move!

No! That's ten dang times. Move!

[Julia] no.

Kenny, I'm not joking with you, man.

You're years old. Get up and pick a toy up.

Pick it up.

I love david very much, but...

I feel a lot of times that david is aggressive

About how he talks to the kids

And how loud he actually is and how harsh his voice is.

Kenny, use your...

All night since I got home at supper

You've been wanting to do absolutely nothing.

[Jo] I wouldn't want to be

On the other end of david barking.

He's way too intimidating to the kids.

Coming up on...

We are seeing you be a real meanie.

Jo strikes a nerve with dad.

Relax. It's why we're here.

I'm sorry.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

The kids had just finished eating dinner,

And mom and dad wanted to start clearing the table.

Come on. Why don't you help mommy do the dishes?

Or daddy will put the stuff away... I'm not done yet.

And mommy can take a break. Huh?

Kenny, stop. Man, I hate that.

Quit telling everybody you wanna do nothing. Just let her go.

Kenny, just go. Go upstairs.

Why? She doesn't wanna do anything,

She doesn't wanna do anything.

Don't you think that's a problem,

If I'm telling her not to do it,

And now she's doing it?

That's half the reason she's up. If you're giving in,

And I'm telling her she can't do something.

She shouldn't be up in that room all day.

What am I supposed to make her do?

Make her do what you want her to do.

She doesn't want to play.

This is your house, and this is your life.

If you tell her to stay out of the room,

It's out of the dang room.

David and I don't communicate at all,

And I think that we both push a lot of, um, responsibility,

For whatever it may be, on the other person.

How long have you two been

At loggerheads with one another?

Since kenny was born. Yeah. Day one.

How long's that? Probably...

[David and chia] seven years.

I'm not mad at her, but no.

Not a year old is going to tell me or my wife

What they're gonna do

If it's wrong.

A lot of our issues are because

Of what to do with the kids.

[Jo] chia and david both have two very different approaches

When it comes to raising their children,

And it's been going on for just too long.


Too bad.

Mommy spent a half-hour reading to you. Mama...

That's fair enough. Lay down.

Julia, get up by the pillow. Lay down.

Come on, kenny. In your room.

Tina, no, no, no, no, no. Not again.

Not another night. Let's go. Lay down.


Into bed.


Tina, stay.

Tina, lay down.

[Robert] mom! Get to bed.

Do you wanna get spanked?

If I come back in here... I'm not kidding.

Tina, I kid you not.

You gotta go to sleep.

Good night.

She wants to test you.

Robert, you don't need anymore.

No. No more. Get in bed.

[Jo] everything's spiraling out of control.

It's getting later. People are tired.

The kids just weren't listening to mom and dad.

It was crazy time.

Robert, I've had enough! [Child crying]

Get in bed and leave julia alone. No.

[David] tina, just do it!

Mom! Get in bed!

No. Absolutely not.

[Chia] it is physically exhausting,

But it's also mentally exhausting.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

She told me to shut up. I didn't even say anything.

Tell her not to tell you to shut up.

You're here tonight. I do this every night.

It was just ludicrous. There's mom and dad,

Standing at the top of the stairwell,

Waiting for a fight with the kids.

[Chia] do you wanna give me an apology for saying shut up?

She just told me she was sorry,

And then she told me to shut up again.

You're here tonight.

I'll try and calm kenny down.

I get bit and scratched to death...

Chia, I know. I'm here. Trust me.

I don't wanna hear about how

You already got kicked-- you're done.

Say it again. You understand?

Why did he go in the room?

He went in the room for an argument. [David and children yelling]

No, you will listen to mommy and me.

Unbelievable. You do not tell her to shut up.

It is bedtime.

[Crying] [david] no.

[Chia] kenny, lay down.

I'm gonna put you to sleep for the next...

Shut it!lay down!

[Mckenna] mommy!


[Mckenna screams]

[Sobbing hysterically]

You have got to stop. You are years old.

Mommy... It is so getting out of hand now.

Lay down, kenny.

[Jo] / hours later, it was : p.m.,

And there wasstill no resolve in sight.

I could see by the way mom was behaving

That she was just going to surrender to it all

And go and lay on that bed,

And I'd seen enough.

Tomorrow morning, we'll talk. Yes, ma'am.

Okay? Okay. Sleep tight. Thanks.

[Jo] tomorrow morning, I'm gonna sit mom and dad down.

Have we got a lot to discuss.

Lay down.


You have beautiful children

Who are very loving, very articulate,

Have amazing sense of humor.

They're good kids!

Thank you.

Thank you. But...

When you're at home with the kids,

Everything is,

"Go down to the basement." "Go and play."

"Go and play." "Go and play."

Down in the holding cell.

That basement doesn't create an environment of creativity.

It's a joke.

It's disgusting.

If they're going to do something--

Writing on the wall, painting on the ceiling

Or ruining the carpet,

I'd much rather it be down there.

Put 'em in the basement. Let them play with the toys.

They got a lot of room down there--carpet, air,

Heat, whatever they want, the tv. Put 'em down there.

They don't want toys, chia, david. What do they want?

What do they want?


They're bored.

That basement could be full of energy

That is a joy.

They could have their paintings

And their drawings

Up on the wall to feel proud of,

Instead of looking at, really,

Their artwork that's just destructive boredom.

I noticed...

How there is a complete contrast

In your parenting styles.

David, you bark and you demand from them.

You were up in your kids' faces.


That's scary. Explain to chia.

Why--why do you feel that you have to be that way?

You're a good mother,

But you're a passive mother.

You're--you let them do things, and then I gotta step in.

By the time I step in, I'm mad. Because I'm mad--

Because you and I have been fighting or arguing.

I'm mad because you're crying,

And I'm mad because I've got kids running this house.

She's looking at you like you're a bully. Yep.

So she wants to protect 'em, on one hand

But also doesn't know how to stand up for herself

And be authoritative. Right, chia?

I've tried to take control, but...

I do. I give in.

Let's talk about bedtime.

No consistent bedtime routine exists.

But what does exist is the anticipation,

The adrenaline, the sword and the shield,

Ready for bedtime.

That's not a pretty sight,

Watching you grab up your kid. Well, it's not a pretty sight

Watching her bite everybody, either, and kick.

No, it's not, but what's-- and that's what I was holding her down from doing,

Because she likes to bite and she likes to kick.

I'm just holding her, trying to...

Get two points across, and then I walk out,

And feel like a jerk.

But that is what's coming across, david.

We are seeing that. We are seeing you be a real meanie.

Relax. It's why we're here.

I'm sorry.

I'm not here to pussyfoot around.

I'm here to tell you how it is.

[David] I just was kind of hoping

Maybe a few things jo would overlook,

But she didn't.

It was rough on me seeing my wife cry.

It was rough on me. It was a very intense meeting.

So it does mean having a very open mind,

Changing some old behavior patterns

And making choices that are completely different.

I've gotta start standing up for myself

And start showing some control over the kids.

I think it will be really hard. Are you guys up for doing that?

Yes. Absolutely.


You sure about that? I'm positive.

We do have a good family.

And I know that you love your children very much.

They're my life.

Then you need to start showing them.

So let's get cracking the whip

And start straightaway.

I appreciate it. Okay?

Thank you.

Coming up on...

If I'm in your face like this...

Jo gives tough guy dad a taste of his own medicine... Oh, you don't like that?

And at bedtime, tina won't go down without a fight. [Screams]

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

The first thing I needed to do was to get

Mom and dad on the same page.

So rules needed to go into this house,

Because it had been lacking big-time.

One piece of paper.

And as you can see, it's got the rules on it.

You see? There are none.

You see the rules?

There are none. Exactly.

You need rules in this house

So that the children know what's expected from them.

Yes, ma'am. Okay.

I don't wanna strictly be

The good guy or the bad guy routine.

It's gonna be up here

That whether I'm here or I'm not here,

You can't keep making me look like the bad guy.

He doesn't trust you. You don't trust me, honey?

Certain things, no.

So what do you want from your wife?

Commitment. Just like a marriage commitment.

I stick by you no matter what,

And that's all I want out of you, 'cause I love you.

Here. What?

I promise to support you andus

In all of the decisions that we make.

Together. Together.

That's fair for me.

Now we can go on to one, two and three. All right.

"No jumping on furniture."

Well, I got a good one, too.

"No eating anywhere but the kitchen."

[Jo] it was really great to watch mom and dad

Communicate with one another and write down the rules.

And what they realized is, throughout that process,

They were recognizing the things that they hadn't done.

You know what that says?

House rules. That's right.

The first rule was "no jumping on the furniture."

Number four--

It's a big one, tina. Are you listening?

We're not gonna be calling each other names anymore.

[David] that was the first time that

Chia and I had ever sat down with the kids

And talked about good things like that.

Like, here's our home, our policy.

We're all one, and this is what we should do.

That was the first time that ever happened in this house.

[Jo] next, I took david aside so that

I could do some one-on-one on voice coaching.

When you communicate with the children,

This is what they're seeing.

All right? Right.

If I come down,

And now we're-- we're just chattin'.

What's my body language saying?

That you're comfortable. You're not a threat.

[David] it made me realize that I'm putting fear into my kids.

The year old just sees a big, burly man standing over her

And not knowing what's coming next.

That made me upset for what I did,

And it hit me right--

Right where I didn't really want it to hit.

But if I'm in your face like this... No, that I don't like.

Oh, you don't like that? No.

How uncomfortable is that?

That's actually more uncomfortable than

Standing up like you were.

Right. That's what your kids get.

He got the point.

One example that she gave me is gonna change my life

As far as my tone and my presence

And my attitude towards my kids

Or anybody's kids, for that matter.

The weinstein bedtime is a complete nightmare,

Full stop.

Now the first time

That the child comes out of the room,

I want you to say, "it's bedtime, darling."

Okay? And usher them back upstairs

And put them back into bed. The second time they come out,

You say, "it's bedtime." Okay?

The third time they get out of bed,

You say nothing.

What's important is not to reward the child

With communication

Or fan the flames if they start kicking off.

Okay. Low-key. It's :, mom.

Let's start bedtime routine.

Lady, you're in for a shock, 'cause it's not gonna fly.

It will not work.

Okay, let's tuck him in.

[David] love you, tina.

Good night. I love you.

[Jo] bedtime, darling. She's...

Bedtime. Just say, "bedtime, darling."

She already had that. I got her, I got her.

[Jo] turn it around. [Children screaming]

[Child] daddy!


Is mommy downstairs?



Okay. Come away.

What do you need?


[Sobbing] [jo] I've just told david not to give the kids attention,

And there he is, switching the light on and off,

In confrontation with tina.

What are you doing? What are you doing? Huh?

What are you doing? Shutting the light off.

Dad, come here.

Don't play that game with her.

You're fanning into the flame straightaway.

That's what she wants.

Straightaway, you walk out the door,

And she's guaranteed to get your attention. Mommy!


This was gonna be w*r.

Tina was not gonna let mom and dad off easy,

That's for sure.


[Child] turn the light off!

[Sighs deeply]

[David] I didn't give in. I just--

I did what I was told to do.

I just kept walking her to bed, as much as I hated it.

And I'll tell you, I'm not gonna lie. Ihated it.

Come here. Let's regroup. Regroup.

This is what you need to do.

Keep your tempers, okay? She's gonna slap, punch.

Tina's gonna do what she can to make you guys

Do what you used to do,

And that's have a fight with her. Okay?

She starts to slap, turn her around

So that she hasn't got her arms to be slapping you.


[Jo] tina was just chaotic. She really was.

She kept coming in and out, in and out.

She started to swear. She slapped her mom and dad.

She did everything she could possibly think to do.


She's a [bleep]!

Such a [bleep]!


[Screaming] shut up, sucker.


It was exhausting. It really was.

[David] I didn't like the plan that jo put together for me,

To have to benice. It was very hard.

Julia's sleeping, and robert's sleeping,

And kenny's sleeping.

So it's just tina. Just tina.

I want to watch tv!

After two long hours, we were waiting...

But we heard nothing.

You've flipped the script completely,

And you've worked together...

Yep. Supported one another.

We can still smile. I know.

Give me five, girl. I tell you.

It certainly wasn't perfect,

But itwas a victory for mom and dad.

Three kids in bed, one kid on the landing...

Who they will put in bed later. Well done.

Hugs and promises. On to tomorrow, pard.

[Laughs] yeah, definitely.

Listen, get some sleep, yeah?

Good night. Good night.

[Chia] see you in the morning.

Coming up on...

[Crying] we need to finish eating first.

Robert's dishing out the attitude.

Mommy wants you just to finish that bit,

And then you can get down. No!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Today I was going to introduce a technique

That would encourage the children

To start tidying up their playroom.

Oh, look what jo jo's got. Look.

Busy bee outfits!

I've got skirts... Oh, I like that.

You like that? There you go then, tina.

The honeybee costumes,

The kids absolutely loved.

That looks cool. [Jo] once they got their costumes on,

There was no stopping them.

They couldn't wait to get downstairs.

You see these boxes here?

We're going to label them

And put certain things in them,

So we know what goes in those boxes.

These little busy bees were really keen,

And cleaning up was gonna be fun.

So we'll put all the dolls in this box.

Can you help me, robert?

Look, we got a purse box. Let's put purses in the purse box.

There you go.

Each child did their own particular job

Of writing the labels down... "A."

Sorting out the boxes... Help!

Good job, kenny! Where's the praise, mom? Good job!

Busy bees cleaned up all the mess.

[Jo] once the busy bees had completed

Part one of their mission, it was now time for dad

To bring some folks in to paint their walls,

And we were ready for phase two.

Let's get going! Get this stuff cleaned up.

Those half of animals.

The hard part is pushing the boxes.

What I really love about the children

All coming together and helping here

Is that already I'm seeing kenny start to use her imagination.

Doctors' appointments? Okay, that's good.

[Chia] put the box...

[Jo] well done, busy bee!

Look at your work, your work together. Well done.

All into the play area.

[David] very good. All in.

Look what you created-- this wonderful play area!

[Chia] I would like to say that

I'm very, very, very, very proud of all of you.

Gimme a kiss. [Jo] daddy?

I don't wanna talk right now.

Dad's tough guy exterior...

I think I'm breaking down bit by bit,

And I'll make a softy out of him yet.

I'm very happy with everybody... Come down.

Talk to your-- talk to your girls.

Tell 'em how proud you are.

Today I was very happy with everybody.

Me, daddy. You guys did a great job.

My little bees. [All laughing]

[Jo] what are we doing now? [Chia] lunch.

Ready for lunch.

[Jo] after cleaning the basement,

Chia went up to make the kids some lunch

But robert didn't listen to her,

Because he didn't want to finish off his food.

You need to eat your food. And after you eat your food,

You can have some pudding.

But you cannot have pudding if you do not eat your food.


We need to finish eating first.


[Jo] I was waiting for chia

To take control of the situation,

But it didn't happen.

I'm not quite sure

What I need to do here. This is...

Good! I'm glad you're asking me. Why you're here.

Brilliant. [Jo] it was a perfect opportunity for me to show chia

That these kids cannot just walk all over her.

Turn around. Bring him back around. Okay? [Whining]

Come down to his level,

And then tell him what you want him to finish,

And then you can get down, okay?

Say to him, "mommy wants you just to finish that bit,

And then you can get down." No!

He still wasn't having it, so it was off

To the naughty stool for him. On here...

And you're looking at him.

Mommy's put you on the naughty stool

Because you are misbehaving and being naughty, robert,

And you did not listen to mommy

When she asked you to eat your lunch.

Now you stay there.


Not to me.

Robert was quick to apologize, but chia needs

To follow through and discipline him.

He doesn't dictate when he says sorry.

You're in charge of that naughty stool,

So continue with what you were doing. Okay. Kenny...

If I was trying this on my own,

I wouldn't have been able to do it.

You put him back onto the stool. [Whining]

Back onto the stool.

[Jo] robert realized that mom was serious,

And he stayed for his two minutes.

What do you say to mommy?

What do you say?

Sorry. Aw, thank you.

Okay, hugs and kisses. Thank you.

Thank you, little man.

[Chia] using robert on the naughty stool

Actually wasn't as hard as I thought it was gonna be.

I stuck it out, and I got it accomplished.

Well, I love you. Thank you.

[Jo] chia and david have learned a lot

Over the last couple of days...

Say night-night. And it's now time for me to leave them on their own.

Support one another.

Stay calm and composed.

Keep up the strength, chia.

I wish you farewell, and I'll see you soon.

Thank you. You're definitely welcome.

Good, 'cause, uh, if I got questions,

You're not gonna be here. Thank you.

Write 'em down. Stick with it, okay, david? Oh, I will.

[David] jo was a security blanket for me.

Without her, I'm not sure. I'm hoping for the best. [Jo] I'll see you soon.

Whilst I'm gone, I hope that david and chia

Don't forget every little thing I've taught them.

But I'll be back in a few days to find out.

Bye. [Chia] bye.

Coming up on... [David] we're not negotiating with you.

Jo's got dad in the hot seat...

We don't have any band-aids,

So shake it off. Be a man.

Hurry up! But he can't take the heat.

Jeez, turn that down.

Sorry, turn it down? Sorry, david?

Turn it down? I can hear.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


[Jo] I've been away for a couple of days,

And it's now time for chia and david

To face the music.

Are you both ready to take a peep?


Let daddy help you.

Good boys. Be good boys.

Door open?

That good?

Good night.

[David] he's out.

Come on, julia.

Let's get comfy land. Tina's coming.

Come on, julia. I want to see you guys try...

No, I don't-- and go to sleep.

[Whining] where are your socks?

[Continues whines] tina, get in your bed.

Here's your cooler. Relax.

[Tina] you stupid [bleep]!

I want the door open. I want the door open!

I want the door open!

[Rhythmic pounding]

[David] tina's gonna put a hole in that wall.

[Chia] if she puts a hole in the wall,

Take the door down.


Do you hear that?

It's silence. What time is it?

:. [Laughing]


It blew our minds.

Did I hear :?



Minutes after they laid down,

That was the end of it. Yes!

[All laughing]

I'll high-five that one.

How wonderful!

Thank you. Well done.

Okay, now...

All of you, grab a lid and be creative.

That's a dragon egg? Wait, I'm gonna make this thingy.

This is a leg for it. Mash it down...

Like that.

Mommy, look! A dragon feet! Mom, look!

[Chia] cool! See, that's using your imagination.

That's very good.


The kids enjoying it-- the arts and crafts,

Giving lots of positive praise there.

You're using your imagination. I am so proud to see that.

Thank you very much. Well done.

[David] hey, kenny.

Kenny, I told you to turn that tv off. Do it.

Move! Do it again, and I'm gonna spank you.

Kenny, trampoline only. No driveway.



Come on, talk. What do you see?

My tone. I can hear it right away.

Tina, go play.

Robert, get up there and play. Look, dad.

Daddy, look. We don't have any band-aids.

Shake it off. Be a man.

Julia! Julia! Julia! Robert, come here!

No cookies. Who said you can have a cookie?

Julia, come on. Downstairs and play.

We're not negotiating with you. Go now.

What, you want everybody to think you're a little baby?

Hurry up!i meant that nicely, kenny. Hurry up, please.

Jeez, turn that down. Sorry, turn it down?

Sorry, david? Turn it down? I can hear it.

Where was you last week?

Where was i? I was here.

I beg to differ,

Watching this piece of footage here, david.

Tone of voice... Too harsh.

Seriously, we do need to work on your tone of voice.

Real drill sergeant stuff going on there,

And it's not necessary. I didn't know it was like that, though.

It's good for you to have seen this,

Because now you know what you're kids receive.yeah.

I didn't think that I sounded that way. I was shocked.

I didn't like it.

You've seen it for what it is, and we'll work on that today.


All right? So, great start on this dvd footage

That I'm very proud of,

And you should be very proud of, too.

And what I'm going to do today

Is be here just to go through anything

That I feel needs tweaking. That's what we are gonna do. Okay.

All right? Sounds good.

Okay, brilliant.

Coming up on...

When daddy gets frustrated, what does he do?

Does he go like this... [Growls]

Will dad finally face the truth?

[Imitates david] oh, julia!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Okay, I've got a plan.okay.

We watched the dvd footage...mm-hmm.

And we saw the sergeant up there,

Giving off his commands.

After watching the dvd footage, I could still see

That dad was being very threatening with his voice.

So I wanted to put david to the test.

I am going to get david to take the kids out.okay.

But I'm gonna getyou to call him.

Okay. All right?

Pull everything out the bag

To keep that man on the phone.okay.

It might've been a little bit off-key, yeah.

But I just wanted to see if dad was gonna keep his cool,

Even with all the distractions he was going to get.

Chia... [Chia] yes?

[Jo] chia? She's not around. She's busy.

Well, I just wanted her to help with the...

[Jo] bye! [Laughs]

[Cackles] daddy's got the kids.

We're going for a ride on our bikes.

Come on, you guys. Down the driveway this way.

Where's kenny? Kenny, wait up.

[Jo] oh, and right off the bat,

Dad had his hands full. That's for sure.

Come on. Let's go for a walk.

[Cell phone rings]

Hello? [Chia] hi.

Are you leaving at, like, : in the morning? No!

Or are you leaving at, like, : in the morning?

Robert! You're shoutin'.

Robert, honey. You're shoutin'.

Don't. That is not for you. [Jo] david, julia's down here.

Julia, wait.

Julia, wait up! You're shoutin', dad.

Julia, honey, wait up. [Jo] there was david-- "what do I do? The phone?

Do I put the phone down? What do I do? What do I do? Aah!"

Tina! Hey, tina! [Jo] you're shouting at tina.

Hey, honey. Tina, honey.

That was a bad, bad walk, man. I wanted to scream.

I need to organize myself really quick. Just hang on.

Tina, would you come with daddy, please?

I want you guys all in front of daddy.

Come on, robert. Be a big boy. Good boy. Nice tone.

Thank you. Tina, slow down a little bit.

Okay, now what's up? [Jo] david did a really good job using the tone of his voice,

And he got it.

But there was a few people at home that just wanted

To remind him of what he was like when he was angry.

When daddy gets frustrated, what does he do? [Growls]

What's his face look like? Does he go like this... [Growls]

What does he sound like? [Imitating david] julia!

That--that was a good one, yeah. [All laughing]

[Imitating david] oh, julia!

[David] being intimidating to a kid is not being a man.

I'm not gonna raise my voice anymore.

Point taken? Very well, thank you.

Yeah? [Laughs]

Now we're seeing big, bad dave turn into quite a teddy bear.


[Jo] I had one last exercise for mom and dad to do.

And for it to really work, mom needed to be blindfolded.

Okay, obviously, I hear something, but what? [All laughing]

When I first arrived,

I really did see a lack of trust between chia and david,

With regards to raising their children,

And I hope this will just show them how far they have come.

You guys have to rely on one another,

Which means you have to work together.

[Jo] with his voice only,

David is going to lead chia to these scattered blocks.

And when they're arranged correctly,

They're going to spell out

A very important, meaningful word.

You ready? Walk straight ahead. Stay calm, mommy!

Great. Stop. Stop.

[Chanting] mommy! Mommy! Mommy! [David] turn a little to the right.

They did it very well.

They listened to one another. They took directions...

Stop. Yeah, right there. And they worked together.

That's it. Just give her some encouragement.

Right there. Right there. Stop.

Come on! [Chanting] mommy! Mommy!

I don't understand what it's supposed to be.

[Chia] what letters do we have?

We have an "s," "r," "t," "u," and a "t"...

I can't figure it out.


Well, I was looking for something else.

I wasn't the spelling bee champion in high school,

If you wanna know. [Laughs] so there.

Thanks for making me look bad.

[David] it was a very good game as far as it's faith and trust,

Knowing that your wife or husband's really out there

For your best interests,

To lead you in the right direction.

[Jo] well done.


Well done. Give mommy clap!

At last, we have come full circle,

And it is time for me to say good-bye. I wanted to say to you,

Just worked some miracles around here, and it's meant a lot.

That's coming from the heart. You did some fabulous stuff. Thank you.

[David] she gave us our life back,

Our life together as a couple back--

Something that was desperately needed,

And it couldn't have been a better gift.

Keep it up, okay? Oh, I promise.

Keep it up. I definitely will.

I'm going.

Can I have a hug?

I know that jo has brought me a lot closer to my children.

It's really nice to know that my kids respect my authority.

Let's have you all stand behind it then.

[Jo] working with the weinsteins has been

An amazing experience for me,

Because I really have seen two parents open up

And be completely vulnerable.


But at the same time,

There's communication. There's love. There's warmth.

And yes, there's trust.

[Shutter clicks]


We're all going on a walk together.

[Chia] we have literally gone

From yelling, biting and profanity from our kids

To love, respect and enjoyment.

What color? Daddy, can you paint mine?

Yes, daddy can do that.

And it's a beautiful thing.

Good boy. [David] everything's changed, and they're happier.

All my kids are enjoying different activities.

They're wanting to participate.

They got that extra burst of enthusiasm and energy.


I can swim.

Ready? One... Two...

[Chia] we all enjoy our time together.

More cannonball!

[Robert] oh, no. Uh-oh.

"Oh, no" is right. Cannonball!

Everybody actually wants to be there and have fun together.

Whoa! Oh!

It's the first time in seven years that

I've actually seen my wife chia have a backbone

And not let these kids push her around,

And I love every minute of it.

Daddy, come on!

[Children giggling]

We've actually become a family.

On your mark, get set, go!

[David] thanks for giving me my life back.

I have peace now. I have my nice little family.

[Chia] it's really nice to know that we all respect each other.

My daughters and my son all respect each other,

And to see that with your children

Is a proud moment in your life.



[Giggles] how'd that happen?

[Both giggling]



I'm a busy bee!

Hey, what is this?

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