03x02 - Bowersock Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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03x02 - Bowersock Family

Post by bunniefuu »

[Tires screech] tonight on "supernanny"...

Get off. Jo tackles the issue of spanking head-on.

It's taking all I have not to whip 'em.

You know what that feels like? Break the cycle.

These three kids push mom and dad's buttons.

Bring it on. [Screams]

No. Come on, pick up.

And when they wind mom up...

Get up.

She lashes out.

You wanna eat soap? Mom thinks her way is the right way...

I spank. I yell. That's me.

But jo's got a very different opinion.

What I'm hearing at this table is excuses.

I do not accept that.

Can jo stop mom from hitting her kids...


What does this picture remind you of? A lot of beating.

And overcome the demons of her past?

Or will mom revert back to her old ways...

I will smack your mouth off.

And shut the door on supernanny?

This happy [bleep] naughty corner is not workin'.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Well, let's see what I'm in for this week.

Hi. We're the bowersocks.

I'm jenniffer. I'm thad.

We have children-- madeline, who's ... [Growls]

Hayden, who's ,

And lily grace, who's .

Stop. Go play in the rocks. No.

I've been working as a juvenile correction officer.

I spend a lot of my time with kids that are locked down,

And not as much time as I'd like to with my own kids at home.

Hi, daddy. Hello.

The kids are running the show around here.


Shut up!hey.


Madeline, or maddie, as we call her, is going on .

You're driving me crazy, maddie. You driveme crazy.

Hayden is bad. Mine!

Anything he can do to aggravate, hayden will do.

Get off. No!

Pfft! Lily grace-- she can be sweet,

But then she can be evil.

My children do not respect me.

Be quiet, big mouth.

"Dear mom... Die." I-i didn't say that.

Away. Aah! When your dad gets home, that's it.

He hits a lot harder than I do.

I try to discipline to the best of my ability. Feet down, now.

Now! Off the road now.

Get in there! Yes, sir.

I spank. [Squeals]

Don't move. Start cleaning now.

Aah! Don't hit me.

What's she thinking? I have not found anything that works for my kids.

On the roof of your mouth so you can't get it out.

No drinks, no nothing. You can taste the soap.


It's very hard.

I swear, hayden, I will smack your mouth off.

Do you hear me?

I hope that supernanny can come in

And help put our family back together.

This family definitely need my help. Step on it!

[Doorbell rings]


Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm jo. I'm jenny.

Come on in. Thank you.

When I first saw supernanny, I was happy to see her,

But I was also very scared. So who do we have here?

Hayden. Hi, hayden.

You gonna shake my hand and say hi?

Hi. Hello, and how old are you?

. . Who are you?

[Giggles] lily.

Lily? And how old are you, giggling lily?

. . Pleased to meet you. I'm jo jo.

And who's this over there?

Maddie. Hi, maddie. Pleased to meet you.

How old are you, maddie?.

. So you got your hands full, then. Yes, I do.

In no time, mom's little sweeties turned sour.




The kids started acting up a bit too rough,

And then mom started acting even more aggressive.

If I get hit in the head, you're gonna get whipped.

Quit pinching.

[Banging] stop.

Find the lid, or I'm taking it down to the garbage.



Give it here. Let go.

Gimme. Brat.


Get out of the road now.

Get in the trash, and you're gonna get whipped.

I was getting angry.

Ow! Don't spit.

[Screams] okay, you can have some soap.

If you wanna spit, you can eat soap.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Your sister ate it.

I didn't tolerate her spitting,

And I'm not tolerating you spitting.

[Jo] there I was,

Watching mom put soap in hayden's mouth.

I couldn't believe it.

What's the lesson in using soap

And spanking your kids? [Laughs]

That's what you hear from people years ago.

That's ridiculous, if you ask me.


I've never once felt bad, the way I discipline my kids,

Whether it be spanking, soap, putting them in the corner.

Don't spit again.

Was that not enough? You want some more? Then go.

Was that good?

Get out, or you're gonna get soap.

How about you clean your room?

In the afternoon while mom was making lunch,

She asked the children to tidy up their bedrooms,

But they didn't want to.

I don't like to clean my room.

[Giggles] go.

Pick up now. No.

Girls, are you cleaning? No.

You better clean. If I come in there,

You're gonna get your butt spanked. Unh-unh.

Get down. [Giggles]

Not much cleaning going on.

Get down. No.

The problem is, my kids don't listen to me.

[Giggles] it's not funny.

You want me to throw everything away? Not kitten.

I will throw kitten away. You got kitten--

Well, where's kitten at?

This is kitten.

Oh, I see her. [Laughs]

No, you don't get kitten until the room's clean.



You wanna eat soap?

They really couldn't give a hoot what she has to say.

Pick up! And they laugh in her face,

And they don't take her seriously.

Pinch me, and I'll smack you.

Look at the mess, lily. Aren't you embarrassed?

Get up! I was at my breaking point.

[Laughing]get off.

Bye-bye, kitten. [Cries]

Give her a kiss. Bye. Aah!

I'm not surprised that the kids are not listening to her.

Jen had lost it.

Come on! Pick up!ow.


It's clear to me what the problem is in this house,

And it's jen. Get it picked up now.

Coming up on...

What about me?

Jen's fishing for some sympathy...

I'm not here to sugarcoat.

I spank. I yell. That's me.

But jo's not taking the bait.

What I'm hearing at this table is excuses.

I really do find it appalling.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] jen had pretty much lost it.

To be honest with you, I was just hoping

That she would open up to me so that I could find out

Where all this frustration and anger was coming from.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking, why do I even try?

I just wish I could drive and leave.

They think I'm a joke.

These kids hate me.

There's nothing I could say or do to make them listen to me.

Are you really at that stage where you feel

You could just get in the car and leave them?

I am.

It's hard.

I know jen believes

That she's in a desperate situation right now,

But there's no excuse for the way she treats her kids.

Spanking is not the answer.

I don't know what to do,

And I don't know where to go from here.

You're my last hope.

We're going to make sure we can get this right, then.

I hope so. I have faith in you.

I feel like there is hope for my future.

I have to move forward. I can't keep going backwards.

Wow, we're making progress. You've done nothing.

Daddy should be pulling in at any second,

And I'm letting him deal with you.

You'll listen to daddy. No!

Mom's been trying to get the children

To clean their rooms all day. She's waiting by the window.

She's hoping dad's coming home soon,

Because she's used him as a threat--

"Wait till your father gets home."

Okay, get in the corner.

Get your feet off the wall and stand in the corner now.

I'm at the end of my rope.

Hayden, you're driving me crazy.

I am ready to strangle all three of the kids. Quit screaming.

Mom is like a time b*mb, just ready to go off,

And I'm afraid that if dad doesn't come home quick,

She's gonna resort to smacking those kids again.

Stop, that hurts. There's your dad.

Dad's home.

Oh, yay.

Hi. Pleased to meet you. Hi. I'm thad.

Hi. Hi.

As soon as I heard supernanny,

I thought to myself, "here we go."

Dad, she's all yours. Come here.

Dad walks through the door. "There you go, dad.

Clock in, clock out. You take care of the kids."

Yeah. Their bedroom's trashed.

Come on, let's go.

Come on.

Come here. Come here, I'll show you what to pick up.

And in dad goes to the bedrooms

And starts to help them tidy up their rooms.

Come on, let's clean up. Come on.

Put the hat in your drawer. Come on, let's pick up.

So do you normally do this, dad?

You'll help the kids tidy up their rooms and stuff?

You know, I try and encourage 'em.

I even get down and help 'em out, you know, help 'em pick up.

It was just ridiculous.

Jen was battling with the kids all day to clean up their rooms,

And then dad walks in and he does it for 'em.

You want a break?

[Jenniffer] it's either them or us. There's no helping.

She wants you to do it, and that's what you're doing.i know.

I'm helping the girls clean their room,

And here comes jenny in, yelling at me.

Sit the bag here and let her clean it up, thad. She's fine.

She can do it. See, it's not hard, is it?

You're looking at thad, and I can see you're shaking inside.

Yeah, it's aggravating, because he knows

That they are supposed to come in here and do it.

You could cut the atmosphere with a knife right now.

Go ask your mom. I'm getting ready to leave. Why?

Where you going, dad? To work out.

Dad came home from work,

And very briefly he was around,

And then he went again.

Did I hear you say you were gonna work out?

Yeah, I'm getting ready to here in a few minutes, probably.

I usually work out probably about an hour and a half.

I'm probably getting ready to take off.

I didn't care what jo was thinking when I went to the gym.

You know, I was just ready to get the hell outta there.

All right, guys, see you in a little bit.

Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss?

Bye. Bye.

So jen's been at home all day with the kids,

Thad's only been home for an hour,

And then he leaves to go to the gym.

The choices that these parents are making are not working.

Things have got to change now.

[Laughs] whoa.

I'm not happy.

I'm really not happy

With what I'm seeing.

And I'm extremely concerned

With the way that the pair of you

Are raising your children.

The first thing that I noticed--


You spank...

You yell...

You grab...

As a means of being able

To get your children

To do as you ask.

We do.


We got our butts spanked when we were little.

We knew not to do it again.

So does it work?

It does not work, but that is what I continue to do

Until I find something that's gonna work.

Why do you see it fit

To place disinfectant

Into your child's mouth?

Soap does not-- it's not gonna k*ll 'em.

Does it work?

I feel it does.

It's not working, jen,

The discipline you're using,

And what I'm hearing at this table is excuses.

The spanking, the yelling, the hitting,

The way the children are spoke to,

I find it appalling. I really do find it appalling.

What about me?

I mean, I am trying.

I am doing what I know to do.

I don't have this whole loving mother background.

I'm doing with the best I have.

I'm not here to sugarcoat--

"Oh, yeah, no, I don't spank."

I spank. I yell. That's me.

If you can show me something else that works better,

I am open to that.

I'm bringing to you what I know.

I don't think for one minute

That you don't love your children.

But patterns need to be broken.

Otherwise, cycles are gonna continue.

It's not a good enough excuse to say,

"I was raised that way. I don't know what else to do."

It's not a good enough excuse

To spank your kids because you don't know what else to do.

I do not accept that,

And neither do your children,

But they have to put up with it.

And it's got to stop-- I mean now.

It's got to stop.

Let's talk about the support in this house.

How much do you give jen?

Not much.

Whilst you're in and out,

And not here

Spending time with your family...

Jen's giving up.

Correct? I have given up.

Clearly, you've made a choice not to do anything.

You can't clock in and clock out of being a father.

It's /.

As a family, you're all suffering.

What I want to see in this house is affection.

Wouldn't you like to open up your heart?

I just don't know how.

I'm talking about changing lifestyle,

Changing the way that you parent,

And adopt a positive manner

And not a negative one.

We're so used to yelling and spanking the kids,

It's really gonna be hard to change that, but I'm up for it.

We need some serious love back in this house. Yeah.

We need some affection. Some of the things

That jo said made sense, and she was right,

And others I'm still firm on.

I don't see what's wrong

With spanking your child if they need it.

You both are gonna be open-minded?

You're gonna open that front door to me,

And your hearts to your family?

All right. Let's get going, then.

Coming up on...

Can jo show mom how to discipline the kids...


Without resorting to spanking?

It's taking all I have not to whip 'em.

What's it gonna do if you get out your--

Make me feel better. Make you feel better.

When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, most of you think that when you come home from work,

And you got the kids tugging at you,

And you gotta get things done, "let me get my work done first."

But actually, if you came home and you gave the kids

At least minutes in the beginning,

They'd give you double that in return,

And then you could get everything done.

It's worth a shot, so give it a try.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

The bowersocks need to get back to some basics,

And they need to start putting discipline in their house.

Hello. How's everyone?

Come and follow me, children. I wanna show you something here.

And it starts with rules for the kids.

Jo jo's putting something up on this wall

For all three of you,

And it's called "kid's rules."

The first one is to play nicely together.

"Speak kindly to each other."

"Listen to your parents"-- do you do that?


Not all the time.

"Please do as you are told."

If they ask you to go into your bedrooms and tidy up,

Then you do as you are told.

Seeing the kids' rules up there now, I think...

[Chuckles] it's a piece of paper with things wrote on it.

I'm thinking, "why did I not do this?"

Mommy and daddy expect you three to stick to those rules.

Now that the kids know the rules,

The next thing that we need to tackle

Is them cleaning their own rooms.

Jen uses intimidation and threats

To get them to clean their room.

But this time, I wanted to show her a different way.

Okay, guys, come here.

We're gonna go outside, and we're gonna play a game.

Yeah! Whoo!

But there's something we have to do first

Before we can go out and have fun, okay?

We have minutes to tidy up our rooms.

The point here is really

To set achievable goals in a set amount of time

So that she can continue to give them encouragement.

Okay, so let's get the toys first.

Mommy'll pick up a few of them, and you pick up a few of them.

We've all got to do it together.

[Jo] it's a start.

It's showing that they are doing it,

But always have something else to do afterwards

So that they see there's give-and-take.

Done. All right. See, that was easy, wasn't it?

Three minutes!

Compromise--you do the pillows, she does the throw.

I'll do the pillows, and you do your blanket.

I can't believe it!

We never clean our room, and now we're cleaning it.

The girls got the room done in minutes.

It wasn't the way I wanted it,

But I knew we were making progress.

Good job!

Good job! We--i see a floor!

Oh, good job for lily. Give me a hug. [Groans] good job.

[Jenniffer] now we get to have fun.


[Jo] later on in the afternoon,

Maddie had made a decision to break the rules,

Because she didn't listen to mom when she was told to.

You want respect from your daughter? Yes.

Then right now you better stand up

As a mother, right, that demands that respect.

This was gonna be a big test for jen,

Whether she could discipline without spanking.

She's getting ready to go into the corner. Well, let's go. Let's see it.

[Giggling] calmly.

Come on. [Giggles]

No, no, talk. Calmly. Just put her back. My arm's hurting!


[Screaming and laughing]

She wants your attention,

And that's how she's getting it--

By pinching back and being physical. [Madeline screams]

I'm about to lose it. Keep your patience. Keep it, 'cause I'm with you all the way.

Maddie was doing anything to test mom

To the point where she would revert and go back to smacking.


I was so frustrated with maddie.

It's taking all I have not to whip 'em.

What's it gonna do if you get out your-- make me feel better.

Make you feel better? There's only one way that goes--

Harder, because the more you get angry,

The harder your slap is gonna become.

You know what that feels like. Break the cycle.

Pick your kid up, put 'em back in the corner.

[Screams and laughs]

[Madeline giggles]

[Jo] take the bottle, take the bottle.

[Screams and laughs]

It's taking everything I have not to whip her.

I know she knew she was getting to me,

And it was starting to show on the outside.

[Crying] I can't do this.

What do you mean, "I can't do it"?

You're doing it.

Right now she's just testing to see if you're for real,

So go out there and continue. Okay? Okay.



[Giggles] ow.


All right.


Stop it. Don't talk.


Pick her up.

[Madeline whining]

[Screaming and crying]

[Jo] jen got really wound up, so I decided to step in

And really coach her to calm down.

I actually could feel the aggression

Really building up.


I didn't hit her. Good.

You got patience back.

Unh-unh, I thought about it, but I did not.

[Jo] after three grueling hours,

It took every ounce of mom's patience

Not to raise her hand and spank maddie.

And that was a massive achievement, a massive one.

I want you to tell mommy you're sorry.


Give me a hug.

I'm surprised by me not flying off the handle

And screaming and spanking and flipping out.

I'm actually calm, and I like it.

I'm proud of myself.

Coming up on...

What does this picture remind you of?

A lot of beatings.

Jo takes jen on a walk down memory lane.

I do see the courage that it has taken

To break this cycle.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

I felt there was a lot I wasn't actually getting from mom,

So I wanted to get to the heart of matters with jen.

Who's this?me.

What does this picture remind you of? Not fun time.

Lots of fear.

That's why that's the only picture of me as a child

In this house.

Childhood brought what for you?

A lot of beatings and a lot of negativity.

There was a lot of dysfunction in this family,

And a lot of past issues that had never been laid to rest.

And this little girl

Couldn't change the way her parents were towards her,

But she's grown up to become a woman, a mother,

Who can make sure that her own children

Never feel how you felt, like that little girl.

I love my kids,

And I wanna make a better life for all of us.

I didn't have that as a child.

I do see the courage that it has taken

For you to be able to break this cycle

And to be able to move forward.

The lightbulb finally did go off.

My kids are not me.

They're not... The--the kid I was.

And--and I can... I can change things.

So what we're going to do today

Is do big bear hugs

And kisses, okay?

But it's gonna free you

From feeling restricted from your own children.

Mom and dad just really need to feel comfortable

With showing affection,

So that's the next thing I'm gonna work on.

So this is what we're gonna play.

We're gonna play a game called "stuck in the mud."

[Children] ew! Okay?

This game is just like freeze tag,

But with a little twist.

I believe it will allow the whole family

To give and receive lots of hugs and kisses

In a really playful manner.

A hug and a kiss... Ew!

And that's the only way you can be free.

[Children] no! Yes!

I don't think I ever hugged my mom--never.

She didn't want it, she pushed me away,

And I felt myself doing that to my kids--pushing them away.

[Jo and children] mommy's it!

Okay. [Laughing]

I got hayden! [Laughs]

This technique allows the bowersocks

To give and openly receive affection from one another

As a family.

Mwah! [Jenniffer] oh, I'm stuck!

Ooh, mwah!

Mwah! Mwah! Oh, I'm stuck!

I feel guilty for pushing them away and not hugging them

And telling 'em I love 'em and doing things with 'em.

The only thing I can do now is make up for what I did do

And making their lives better.


Mwah! Okay, come on.

[Lily grace screams] [laughs]

Aha! Mwah, mwah!

I enjoyed the game we--we played.

It makes you feel pretty good when your kids come up

And hug and kiss you,

And then they laugh and have a good time at it.

It's a good excuse to kiss my wife. Aha ha!

Seeing this family

Finally giving each other lots of affection--

I know it was a move in the right direction.

You all right?

I could see that the "stuck in the mud" exercise

Was having a real golden touch on jen.

When another human being embraces another human being--

Especially one who is your partner and your husband--

That--that is avery good sign of love and affection.

I felt like we needed a lot of help.

I knew there was things we weren't doing right.

I just didn't know how to change 'em.

He just wants to be close to you.

Look, there he is there.

He's thataway.

Give him a big hug. Go on, I dare you.


Go on there.

[Jo] thad walked up to the porch,

And I said, "just go over to him.

"Just open up your heart,

Because he's not there to hurt you. He loves you."

As me and jenny were hugging, she started to cry.

You know, I just think just because

She's letting her emotions come out more now.

Why don't you tell thad how good that felt?

I like getting hugs from you.



It was just very emotional to watch

Because I just felt so much for her--

So many troubles and--and worries and...

She opened up,

Which was--which was very brave and courageous of her.

It just made me feel very emotional

To see her make those steps forward.

Love you. Love you, too.

Okay, I'm going away for a while

To leave you guys to soak in all the information,

And when I get back--

Hopefully, that naughty corner's got cobwebs on it. [Laughs]

Keep talking to one another, jen and thad, all right?

And I'll see you soon.

I'm feeling really nervous about jo not being around,

'Cause she was there to help me through all these emotions,

And now I'm gonna be on my own, and that's scary.

Bye! Thad, take care, mate. All right, I will do.

I'll see you when I get back, okay? Thank you.

[All] bye!

The really big test

For jen and thad whilst I'm away

Is going to be to stop the spanking.

Coming up on...

No! No!

While thad's barking out the orders...

And you're not doing nothing. No! No! Turn the water off!

Jen's ready to call it quits.

[Jenniffer] this happy [bleep] naughty corner is not working!

When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny...

If your kids are out of control and your blood's boiling

And you think you're gonna smack,

Step back.

Think of the bigger picture.

Be the audience and not the player.

Back, not smack.

It's your choice.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

This is the first time

That jen and thad are gonna watch themselves.

They're gonna get to see how they behave,

How they resolve situations,

Or maybe how they don't resolve situations.

But what they are gonna see is the truth.

So, jen and thad, I've been gone for a few days.

And whilst I've been away,

I've been taking a good look at some footage.

So are you ready to take a look with me?

Yes. Yep.

All right, let's go then.

[Lily imitates duck quacking]

[Thad] just little pieces, lily.

Look how--look--look at their heads tucked in there.

Look, do it like this--

Roll it in little balls, throw it out there.

[Thad] can't go too fast.

Yeah! Whoo!



Higher? Did I get your tummy?

[Children giggling]

This is fun!

Mm-hmm. I love it. I loved your tone of voice,

And you were just, like, really relaxed as well.

I've been trying. Yeah, that's what I've been working on.

Well, it was good to see, very good to see.

What's over there? Go turn the water off.

Go turn it on, and you're not doing nothing.

Maddie, no. No! No, no!

Put the water down. Now go turn it off.

Knock it off. Get away. [Laughs]


No. No. Maddie, go turn the water off.

Where are you, at work?

[Chuckles] nah.

What is your tone of voice? Aggressive.

Mm... "Turn the hose on. Do this. Do that. Do that."

It's commando.

I was mad 'cause they were picking at each other,

And I was trying to get the pool set up.

That was my--that-- that was my top priority.

So your priority was to get the pool done,

But you're missing everything in between.

And instead of it being a fun activity

With you all chipping in, everybody's moody.

Just think about how you address people,

How you deliver, the inflection in your voice

And what that carries,

Because that will create a certain atmosphere.

Okay, move on to the next one.

You are in the naughty corner

Because you won't help me pick up your room. [Giggling]

[Laughing] aah!


There--there's not gonna be no three hours

Of walking her ass back to that corner.

I'm gonna lose it.

If I go back out there, she's gonna get her butt spanked,

And I'm getting very fed up, very much fed up.

Come out here now. [Madeline] no.

[Madeline screams and laughing]

[Jenniffer] this happy [bleep] naughty corner

Is not working!

[Knock on door] jenny?

I was at my boiling point,

But I calmed down.

[Lily grace] mommy?

Hey, just get away.

Mommy needs some, uh, relaxation time.

The only thing I can do

Is keep doing the techniques she's taught me

And keep showing my kids every day that I love 'em,

And I'm doing this for them, and I'm never giving up.

That was the old jenny,

And the new jenny is not giving up.

[Thad] you all right? [Jenniffer] yep.

I'm sorry that I got mad,

But I had to go in my room and be by myself

Because I didn't wanna--

I didn't wanna yell at you guys,

And I knew if I stayed out here that I would,

And I'm not that mom anymore...

You're not--yay!

'Cause I love you guys.

But mommy's not spanking you anymore.


What did you get from that?

I do not want to resort back to the spanking and screaming,

And I knew if I stayed there, maddie would get spanked.

I needed to get away.

I just needed time by myself, and I had to go in my room.

That's a breakthrough. You've grown.

You've realized that there are things

That you don't want to do anymore. Mm-hmm.

You did make a choice not to spank, okay?

We did see you lose it, okay? 'Cause you got, you know,

You got physical with her by squeezing her cheeks.

But it's recognizing what you do with your anger,

And that's a very good thing, jen, okay?

You have made a choice to not be that parent anymore.

And you're very powerful,

And you should be proud of yourself for that, okay?

And this is going to take time,

But recognize the journey.

I was really scared when jo came back,

'Cause I figured she would rip me apart.

But when jo put her hand out

And held my hand to tell me how great of a mom I was,

That was like a really proud moment.

I knew I had done it.

You got to grow up, in a way,

And this process has all been a part of that.

Let's get busy with today and continue,

And we'll just work through it.


Coming up on...

[Hayden screams]

Two more bites of your sandwich.

When dad corners hayden,

Hayden makes a break for freedom.

Hayden, will you please open the, uh, door up, please?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] after the dvd meeting, things were going fine,

And then hayden decided

He wasn't going to listen to dad and eat his lunch.

All right.no!

We're not--we're not gonna leave the table

Till you take two more bites.

You do need to insist that he eats those two bite fulls,

And you have done by asking him,

And he's chose not to listen to you,

So now you gotta follow through with the naughty corner, okay?

It was the perfect opportunity for thad to just step up,

Back jen up and really get down to disciplining.

[Thad] get up. I don't want to.

Two arms.

[Hayden] no eating.

Use both these arms, okay?

So that his weight is not gonna pull his arm out of the socket.

You're in the naughty corner 'cause you do not listen.

You did not listen to daddy when I told you to eat--

Take two more bites of your sandwich.



[Jo] so it's locked. So it's locked.

So this is what you're gonna do.

Okay. Okay, for now...

Hayden rushed off into the bathroom,

And he locked the door.

The most important was for thad not to lose it. Are you gonna walk away?

'Cause right now you're feeling a little bit--

How you feeling? 'Cause I can see it. [Laughs]

Tell me. Share it with me. I'm getting a little aggravated, frustrated.

Right, right, so are we gonna go there? No.

Hayden, will you please open the, uh, door up, please? [Hayden] no!

Just understand that, uh, you're gonna stay in there

As long as you want, but as soon as you come out,

You're gonna stand back in the naughty corner. No!

[Jo] okay, walk away. Walk away.

We don't negotiate--one, because you're the parent,

And two, because he's in discipline.

[Thad] hayden's gonna be awfully hungry, isn't he?


I don't like the naughty corner.




I think that hayden, in the end, got tired of being ignored,

So he came out of the bathroom, and that's when thad

Put him straight back into the naughty corner.

[Hayden screams]

I was really proud of thad. He didn't raise his voice,

He stayed composed, and he didn't lose it at all.

'Cause you did not listen to daddy.

[Thad] now tell me you're sorry.

All right, give me a hug. Give me a hug. You give hugs, too.

Give me a hug. Give me a hug.

[Jo] all right, hugs and kiss.

Okay, good job, dad.

It felt good.

I knew I was the one in control, and I wasn't gonna lose my cool.


All right, let's have some fun with this.

When I was walking around mom's bedroom,

I saw a little something that gave me an idea.

I saw this on the wall, and I thought,

"Oh, okay, so jenny used to do cheerleading."

So I was thinking that what we could do

Is have mom teach maddie some cheerleading moves.

I can do that.

Jen and thad have made some real progress

With controlling their anger,

So I thought it was time for some positive reinforcement,

And it starts with maddie and mom.

[Jenniffer] today was just a time for me to be the mom

And maddie to be the kid and just go out and play.

[Both] one, two, three, four!

Come on, back, guys, let's score!

Well, I'm very pleased this has happened.

Mom's very open to the idea.

They're having fun with it, and, uh, as you can see,

Maddie's doing a little wiggle, so I'm glad they came out.

[Both] who do we appreciate?

Jo! Jo!

Go, jo!

Jen does need to realize how important it is going to be

For her to spend one-on-one time with each child,

Because those special moments make such a huge impact.

I'm happy spending this time with you,

And it's been really fun.

Have you had fun?

And we're gonna--we're gonna do this a lot more often,

Just me and you.

I never really talked to maddie like a person before.

It was always, "do this, do that." I was barking orders.

And, "you do it, or you get your butt spanked."

That was a real special moment.

And I have never-- never had a moment like that,

And it felt good.

Give me a hug.


You love me? Yeah.

You want me do a cartwheel? Yes, yes, yes!

[Jo] can I have a hug and a kiss?

[Kisses] [hayden] mnh-mnh.

'Cause jo jo's going now. You take care of yourself.

We're never gonna forget jo jo.

Hayden, can I get a high five? Yeah.

Way to go. Thad, give me that hand. [Thad chuckles]

Listen, take care of yourself, all right? Okay, thank you.

I liked what I saw with you and jen.

I'll tell you what--if she can make a believer out of me,

She can make a believer out of anybody.

Jen, be positive. Head up high. Be proud of who you are.

Give me a hug, you!

[Jenniffer] I never expected jo to be able to change my family

In this short of amount of time.

Take care.

She's helped us in so many ways.

Jo showed me that there's a part of me that I didn't know I had.

[Jo] lily's completely crashed out. [Kisses]

Well, I'm off. Take care, all of you, okay?

[Thad] come on. Come on.

When you watch this family,

And you see the before and the after,

They really have made progress before my eyes.

And I think, ultimately,

What's been brought into this house is love.

There's no other way, really, of explaining it--

To see a family with so much anger

Into a family that have grown to love and respect one another,

And create a completely different energy

In that house sorted out.

[Jenniffer] I didn't know how to--to be a loving mom.

I didn't know how to express myself.

The only thing I knew how to do was express

Anger and yelling and hitting, because that's all I knew.

It's hard to change that, but I feel like I'm doing good.

[Thad laughs] I'm proud of myself.

[Jenniffer] she didn't get me. Did she get me? [Thad] yeah.

Ha ha! And me and jenny

Aren't screaming and yelling at the kids like we used to.

That feels very good. Miles per hour.

[Jenniffer] the best parts have been

Just watching how the kids have changed--they're happy.

I didn't notice before how they truly weren't happy,

And now they're happy.

Good job!

You're doing it! We're beating daddy.

Mommy's talking nice now,

'Cause she's talking softly and not screaming.

I thought this could be our "girl time"

To go and do something special together.

I think thad's changed a lot.

He listens to me now, and he's been telling me he loves me

And hugging and kissing me, and I'm--i'm not used to that.

...tell you how much I loved you.

I don't believe we'll go back to our old ways,

But it's just definitely gonna be challenging at times.

But I have confidence in myself and jenny that we can do it.

Aah! She did it!

[Jenniffer] I really feel like

Our lives have changed for the better.

The way you get love and respect from your children

Is to show them love and respect.

[Jenniffer] I know my kids are never gonna have to experience

What I've experienced,

And that makes me feel really good

That I'm breaking the cycle.

Why is this under the bed? A cr*cker?

Nasty. It's been under these beds for four years. [Laughing]



♪ Twinkle, twinkle, little star ♪

♪ How I wonder what you are ♪ ♪ how you poop ♪

♪ Up above the world so high ♪

♪ It does poop, like a poopy in the poop ♪

♪ Like a poop ♪ ♪ twinkle, twinkle, little star ♪

♪ How was the poop where you are ♪

♪ How I wonder what you are ♪

[Gas passing]

[Laughs] ooh, yuck! Yucky! [Jenniffer] what's yucky?

He farted. That guy did.
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