03x14 - The Hart of the Matter

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x14 - The Hart of the Matter

Post by bunniefuu »

( Kite ) The time has come, Hart.

I made it through to the semifinals.

It won't be long now 'til I collect...

Master Kite, please!

You can't continue hunting Numbers.

If you do, I'm afraid of what might happen...

I'm not gonna stop until I've made Vetrix

pay for what he's done, got that?

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe ♪

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪♪

( Mr. Heartland ) In our first semifinals duel,

the winner was an unexpected one.

The underdog duelist: Yuma Tsukumo!

Keep it up, Yuma!



Yuma will take on the winner of the upcoming semifinals duel.

Now let's meet the two who'll fight in our next faceoff!

With a past shrouded in mystery,

not much is known about him except that his dueling skills

leave the competition speechless!

Give it up for the masked dueling marvel-- Vetrix!

And ready to face him.

A remarkable young man,

said to have never lost a match in his life.

Put your hands together for Kite Tenjo!

Hart and I are counting on you.

Don't let us down Kite.

You do want to help your little brother Hart, don't you?

( Yuma ) Kite!

I'm totally rootin' for you to win.

Cause "A", I want to take you on one more time,

and "B", Vetrix is a real creep.

So duel the pants off 'em will ya?

Hello Astral.

Did he say Astral?

I'm listening.

I'll see you and Yuma in the finals.

He did mention me right?

Good catching up!

( Mr. Heartland ) Now that both duelists have arrived,

we'll elevate the stakes

and take this duel to the next level

in our state of the art Sky Field!

This I gotta see!

Yuma, where are you going?

( Yuma ) To get a good view!

Help, get me up!

Yuma, get lost!

Help him up Orbital.

Let 'em see how a real champion duels.

The Duel of the Century is about to commence!

But who will go home the winner?

Will it be Vetrix, or will it be Kite?

If I had a seat, I'd be on its edge!

Go Kite, let 'em have it!

Yes. "Let 'em have it,"

as cautiously and carefully as you can.

Oh dear.

( Vetrix laughing )

( Kite ) What's so funny?

( Vetrix ) I just find it so very amusing

that my nemesis is spying on me right now.

But try as he might,

he can't manage to cloak his presence.

I know you're watching, Faker!

I do hope you're enjoying the show!

Vetrix, or rather Byron.

It's hard to believe you returned.

Even more curious is that your body

took on such a peculiar form.

But your childlike shape and size are unimportant to me.

What is important however is seeing you crushed!

( Kite ) Vetrix this moment is long overdue.

I'm here to avenge what you've done to my brother, Hart.

This I promise.

So get ready for some payback!

( Vetrix ) Now, now, temper temper.

What if I told you that I have

a special surprise just for you?

Would that cheer you up a bit?

Enough of your nonsense!


Photon Transformation!

( Computer Voice ) Augmented Reality Vision Link established.

Let's Duel! Let's Duel!

I think I'll start things off, Vetrix!

Here goes!

I summon Photon Crusher.

Then I'll equip Photon Crusher with this!

The spell Photon Spear!

Prepare for punishment

because the monster equipped with Photon Spear

counts as two monsters instead of one!

Photon Crusher just became double the trouble.

( Kite ) Now I tribute my two Photon Crushers!

I summon the mighty Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!

What's with him?

M-m-master Kite?

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

It's your move.

My, it seems your little

Photon Transformation nonsense is quite taxing.

You're not in very good shape, are you?

Actually, that's putting it lightly.

I'm surprised you're still standing!

What's going on?

Kite's okay, right?

No comment!

It's my turn!

I draw!

I summon Heraldic Beast Basilisk!

Next, I'll equip the spell Heraldry Blast

onto your Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!


Why'd he equip Kite's monster with his own spell?

Heraldic Beast Basilisk!

Attack Kite's Galaxy-Eyes!

Wait, hold on!

Basilisk has only , attack points.

It's no match for Galaxy-Eyes and its , attack points!

Good math.

But due to Basilisk's special ability,

if Basilisk is destroyed,

so is the monster that's battling it.

Now when Kite's Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon is destroyed,

Kite here takes half its attack points as damage!

I hate to admit it,

but even Kite may not be strong enough to take down Vetrix.

And now Kite, prepare for the beginning of your end!

And now Kite, prepare for the beginning of your end!

( Kite ) I don't think so!

Because I'm stopping that attack!

I activate Galaxy-Eyes' special ability!

Both of our monsters are now banished.

By banishing Galaxy-Eyes,

he removed Heraldry Blast from his monster.

Quite incredible I must admit.

Aww, yeah, you go Kite.

( Kite ) Now that the battle is over,

both our monsters return to the field!

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

Well done Kite.

I admit your dueling is quite impressive.

Amazing in fact,

considering the sorry state your body is in at the moment.

Putting your own health at risk and hunting Numbers

to save your brother-- how valiant of you, Kite.

Yours is such a noble goal.

I also have a little goal of my own.

I've sworn to have my vengeance

on your father, Dr. Faker!

I'm not sure you know this,

but it was Faker who betrayed me,

leaving me adrift in the limbo between two worlds.

As a result, my body took the form you see here today.

Byron ceased to be and Vetrix was born.

It was at that moment that I was consumed

by a single minded objective:

to take my revenge on your father!

Revenge is my reason for being,

and I'll sacrifice anything at my disposal to obtain it.

You mean anything or anyone-- even your son, Quinton!

Oh, don't be so self-righteous.

In your pursuit of Numbers,

you've sacrificed countless human souls!

Of course you did it all for your dear little brother Hart.

But never the less, my point is clear.

Even though our motives are different,

you and I are alike.

Whoa, did you hear that?

I'm nothing like you.

Being compared to you and even looking at you make me sick.

So I'm gonna skip straight to beating you!

Now it's my turn!

I draw!

I summon Photon Satellite!

This card gains the level

of any Photon monster on my field.

Like Galaxy-Eyes.

It's Level .

So now Photon Satellite becomes Level !

And when I use Photon Satellite to Xyz Summon,

it counts as two monsters.

So I overlay my two Level Photon Satellites!

With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network!

And Xyz Summon...

Number !

Dyson Sphere!

What is that thing?

How did Kite come to have this card?

I got it from Quinton!

Your own son will help lead to your downfall.

I equip Galaxy-Eyes with Photon Wing

to further strengthen my Dyson Sphere strategy.

I activate Photon Wing's effect!

Now once per turn,

I can select an Xyz Monster on my field!

I choose Dyson Sphere!

So now my Galaxy-Eyes

absorbs all of Dyson Sphere's Overlay Units!

And it gains attack points equal to Dyson Sphere's Rank

multiplied by points.

Dyson Sphere is rank .

So Galaxy-Eyes gains attack points!

To make things worse for you,

Photon Wing allows Galaxy-Eyes to attack you directly!

So that'll mean a direct attack with attack points!


He'll win the duel for sure!

And Master Kite will be able to rest till the next duel.

Now this is it Galaxy-Eyes.

Attack Vetrix with Photon Stream of Destruction!


It's over.

( Vetrix laughing )

What, this can't be.

How can you have any life points left?

Yeah, what's going on here, huh?

How is it that Vetrix is still standing?

( Astral ) There is the reason.

He activated the trap Heraldry Change.

Heraldry Change allows me to summon a Heraldic Beast,

and then I take points less damage

for every Level that monster has.

I summoned Heraldic Beast Aberconway,

which is Level .

So you decreased the damage you'd take by points.

Yes, are you shocked?

Because I assure you you haven't seen anything yet.

Because Kite, I've been saving a little surprise

for you all this time.

And it'll take this duel to a whole new level!

Ready for your surprise, Kite?

( Vetrix/Hart ) Why do you keep attacking me?

It hurts, Kite.

This is all your fault, big brother.

You promised you would help me get better Kite,

but I've gotten a lot worse.

Just look at me!

This is all kinds of weird.

Yes, you are correct.

What madness is this?

( Kite ) Vetrix, I knew you were low

but I didn't know how much lower you could sink.

But by hiding behind my kid brother,

you've hit rock bottom.

So that's it.

I won't stand for this anymore!

Are you angry?

Vetrix, stop playing games.

I'm not Vetrix.

It's me your brother, Hart.

Stop pretending to be Hart!

Oh no, you've got it wrong.

I'm not playing make believe.

I'm really Hart, and Hart is me!

( Vetrix/Hart ) Remember when I kidnapped Hart?

How silly of me, of course you do.

Well, when that happened

I absorbed all of Hart's power and memories!


No, it's true.

Our minds joined together and we became one.

I'll prove it, look up here!

Hart, it's me!

Save your breath, he can't hear you.

Now say for instance I give myself a little pinch.

Hart can feel it too!

Stop, Vetrix!

My dear boy.

Someone get to Hart's room and check on him now!

( Dr. Faker ) Hurry!

We're locked out!

We can't access Hart's room!

The door is jammed.

He's gone too far.

Vetrix must be stopped.

It hurts, Kite.

Can't you make it stop, please?

Listen up Vetrix.

I 'm done playing this silly game of yours--

this duel's over.

I don't think so.

This battle is just getting started, Kite.

( Vetrix ) Didn't you hear me?

I wish I didn't have to force you to duel,

but you've simply left me no other choice.

Hey Kite!

I'll find Hart and free him from Vetrix.

You just stay here,

and work on making sure you win this duel, okay?

I plan on it.

Come on, Orbital!

Aye Aye Captain!

Hang on Hart!

Here we cooooooooome!

Yuma is such a pest.

Now where were we?

Oh, yes, it's my turn.

I draw!

I overlay Level Aberconway and Basilisk!

With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network!

And Xyz Summon Number :

Heraldic King Genom-Heritage!

So Vetrix is dueling with a Number Card.

Now I activate Heraldic King Genom-Heritage's

special ability!

By using one Overlay Unit,

I can select one of its three special abilities.

When Genom-Heritage battles your monster,

your monster's attack points drop to

until the end of the turn.

Oh, and where do those attack points go?

They become Genom-Heritage's attack points.

Your monster will be unstoppable.

Yes, that's right.

And now I'll attack Dyson Sphere!

( Vetrix/Hart ) Dyson Sphere's attack points have dropped to zero.

And my Genom-Heritage's attack points soar to .

That move may not work out the way you'd hoped.

Because If you attack Dyson Sphere

when it has no Overlay Units,

it gets back all the Overlay Units it lost

and then stops any attack you may have started!

Oh, what a pity.

I'll just have to use my Number's second Overlay Unit

to select its next special ability!

Remember how Genom-Heritage

stole your monster's attack points?

Well, Genom-Heritage steals your monster's special abilities.

You've taken away all my monster's powers.

That's right, and now I'm taking away your life points.

Go, Genom-Heritage.

Attack his Dyson Sphere!

Flash Impact!

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

That was fun.

But the fun won't stop there.

Wait till you see what I have in store next!

You see now we'll begin to feel each attack,

so the stakes have just gotten more interesting.

So when you strike at me,

you attack your poor, defenseless little Hart.


Now what will I do?

The real question you need to ask yourself is:

"Are you willing to harm Hart to beat me"?

I won't do it.

I will never hurt Hart!

Well looks like you'll have to!

Just go easy on me okay, Kite?

I'm comin', hang in there.

I will rescue you Hart!


Enjoying the show, Faker?

Ingenious, isn't it?

You're about to watch both your sons

get crushed in the same duel.

And I won't go easy on 'em either.

( Vetrix laughing )

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪♪
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