03x13 - Duel of Destiny: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x13 - Duel of Destiny: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

( Yuma ) Last time on "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal"...

( man ) The opening duel of the semi-final round will begin now!

What's up with Shark?

He looks strange.

It is possible Shark has become possessed.

Shark summoned out a Chaos Number

during his battle with Quattro.

The darkness within that Number

was too much for Shark to control.

I believe it has overpowered him completely now.

Let's settle this...

once and for all, Yuma!

That crest on his hand...

We've seen it before.

It is the same crest that belongs to Vetrix.

Then Shark isn't possessed by a Number.

He's possessed by Vetrix!

You almost have it right.

To be precise, Shark's soul has been taken over by a Number.

But it is controlled by yours truly.

Because of this I also control Shark now!

I'm going to get revenge for my sister, Rio!

Spear Shark, attack Yuma directly!

He's angry.

But why is he angry at me?

It's Vetrix!

He changed Shark's memories!

I'll do whatever it takes to win this duel!

Hopefully that will restore Shark

back to his normal self!

I Xyz Summon Number :

Shark Drake!

This is bad, Yuma.

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid To challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪♪

We have to stop that Number!

It will be difficult.


I wouldn't wanna bump into that thing at night.

Or in the day!

Oh, wow!

That monster has "mean" written all over it!

It's magnificent!

I must have it!

I know you, Faker.

You're planning to seize control of Shark Drake

and its power.

But you don't realize I have plans too.

Show no mercy, Shark Drake!

Destroy Gogogo Ghost with Deep Sea Destruction!

He will keep attacking!

I know.

I activate Shark Drake's special ability!

By using an Overlay Unit,

when it destroys a monster,

Shark Drake has the power to summon it right back again,

with , less attack points!

So Gogogo Ghost is comin' back and I'm gonna take it out!

Looks like Shark's double-dippin' on his attack!

Yuma better find a way to stop him quick!

You only have life points left.

Once I finish off your Gogogo Ghost,

you're finished, too!

Get it done, Shark Drake!

Finish off Yuma and his monster!

That finished him off for sure!

I can't believe it.

What's this?

Yuma took his monsters and made a switcheroo!

Great move!

He still has a chance to pull this out!

How were you able to bring out Gogogo Golem?

I had to play my cards just right.

You see Gogogo Ghost's special ability

let me summon Gogogo Golem

from my graveyard.

When that happened, Gogogo Ghost got moved

into defense mode.

Even though it was destroyed by Shark Drake,

I was protected and didn't take any damage!

So that's how you survived.

But I'll defeat you on my next turn.

Most impressive, Yuma!

That was genius!

Of course it was probably Astral's idea.

Please Yuma, hang in there!

Not bad.

But still not good enough.

Reginald has completely reversed the course of this duel.

Yuma will need to summon his most powerful Number to survive.

Which means...

I'll be able to see Utopia's powers!

Listen, Yuma...

you must find a way to summon Utopia.

It is our only hope now.

I was thinkin' the same thing.

But I only have Golem on my field.

I need to draw another Level monster

to summon Utopia.

Okay, here goes!

I draw!

No luck.

It's not a monster card.

Patience, Yuma.


I don't have the patience to be patient!

I gotta save Shark before it's too late!

C'mon, Shark-- Snap out of it!

Vetrix is controlling your mind, but I know you can break free

if you just think back to all the duels

you and I fought together!

What are you talking about?

Don't you remember our first duel?

We battled for both Bronk's deck and mine!

It was intense!

And then there was the time we teamed up to duel

and you gave me a card after we won!

( Shark ) I'm outta here.

Wait up!

You're Armored Xyz.

Don't you want it back?

Nah, keep it.

You sure? Yeah.

You can use all the help you can get.

I'm the one who helped you.


It meant a lot to me when you gave me that card.

'Cause I felt like we were really starting to connect.

And when Kite tried to take my Golden Key,

you dueled him to protect it!

Think back, Shark!

Try to remember!

All those duels have helped me see who the true you is, Shark!

And that person is my friend!

No... I'm not!

I don't wanna be friends with anyone, Yuma...

Especially not with someone like you.

The one thing I care about is getting revenge.

You're gonna pay for hurting my sister!

But I've had enough chitchat for one day!

We're wasting time here!

I came here to duel, not to have a conversation!

Hurry up and make your move!

All right then.

I'll have to let my dueling speak for me!

First, I'm changing Gogogo Golem

from defense to attack mode!

And then, I'll pump up its power with the spell Golden Form!

When my Gogogo Golem switches from defense to attack mode,

this spell doubles its attack points until my next turn.

( man ) Whoa!

Break out those sunglasses, folks!

That is the glitziest Golem I've ever seen!

But even if it's powered-up, its still not a Number

so it can't take out Shark Drake!

Yeah, so why did Yuma use the spell?


I know what I'm doing.

Even though I can't destroy Shark's Number,

my attack will still pack a punch!

Maybe the impact will be enough to bring Shark

back to his senses!

Now, Gogogo Golem!

Attack Shark Drake!

Gogogo Gust!

Shark, snap out of it!

C'mon, Shark!

Very clever!

Yuma just threw Shark a curve and got a solid strike!

He didn't even scratch Shark's Number,

but suddenly both duelists are down to life points!

You can't take down my Number, so you're tryin'

to drain my life points instead.

Only it's too late.

Well, we'll see about that, Shark.

Take your turn!

If you insist!

I draw!

It's time.

I just wish my sister were here to see this moment.

But she can't be, thanks to you!

( woman ) Hey, why's he glowin'?

( girl ) Is there something wrong with him?

Now go!

By combining Shark Drake with its Overlay Units,

it can further evolve itself!

Go Chaos Xyz Evolution!

Behold the dreaded Chaos Number ...

Shark Drake Veiss!


What is that?

That thing doesn't look friendly!

Oh, no...

How can we stop that thing?

I am not sure we can...

Shark summoned his Chaos Number!

The chances of us winning this duel

do not appear to be promising.

At last!

Now... Shark Drake Veiss, use your special ability!

It uses an Overlay Unit to banish a Shark monster

from my graveyard.

Good-bye Spear Shark!

Now its , attack points get deducted from Gogogo Golem!

You must stop this!

I will!

By activating my Power Change Barrier trap!

Now Gogogo's attack points get reduced by .

It's a small price to pay, 'cause the trap cancels out

Shark Drake Veiss's special ability!

Nice defense!

That Chaos Number has more Overlay Units,

so Yuma's still in trouble!

I'll do it all over again, Yuma!

I use an Overlay Unit to banish Double Shark,

so I can weaken your monster!

Double Shark, get that Golem!

That's not gonna happen as long as I keep activating

my Power Change Barrier!

Shark Drake Veiss's special ability is negated again!

I still have one Overlay Unit left, so I can strike again!

This time, I banish Shark Drake from my graveyard!

Which means your Gogogo Golem will lose , attack points!

Not yet!

I still have my trap!

So what?

My Shark Drake Veiss has one thousand more attack points

than your feeble Golem.

This next strike will end the duel!

Attack, Shark Drake Veiss!

Destroy that Golem!

Chaos Stream!

I activate my trap... Half Unbreak!

It saves Gogogo Golem from destruction!

And the damage I take is cut in half.

Oh, no!

You've survived everything I've thrown at you...

but I saved the best for last!

On my next turn, you're gonna lose!

I'm putting one card facedown.

It's your move!

( Vetrix ) If Yuma was wise, he'd stay down.

He doesn't have a chance.

It's over.

The card that I gave Shark as a present is too powerful.

Yuma will be finished once and for all!

We are down to life points.

This is our last chance.

I know.

But I'm counting on my deck to help me win this turn.

I gotta draw... the perfect card.

I'm feelin' the flow!

I did it!

I summon Gagaga Magician!

I overlay my Level Gagaga Magician and Gogogo Golem!

With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network

and Xyz Summon Number : Utopia!

Nice work!

Except your Utopia only has , attack points,

so it isn't strong enough to overpower my Chaos Number!

If Utopia tries to attack,

it's the one that's gonna get destroyed!

That's not true!

Utopia will survive.

And so will your Chaos Number!


I'm fighting this duel to save you!

But that doesn't mean I don't want to win.

It's important that I become the World Duel Carnival champion,

so I can stop Dr. Faker and Vetrix!

But it's also important to free you from the control Vetrix

has on your mind!

I'll do whatever it takes to help my friends,

especially one of my best friends...


This will work!

Okay, Utopia...

Attack Shark Drake Veiss!

Rising Sun Slash!

Instead of trying the same old strategy,

you should use a little imagination!

And that's why you're always a failure!

Go Chaos Stream!

I'll use an Overlay Unit to activate...

...Utopia's special ability!

It can stop its own attack!

Hang on!

Utopia stopped its own attack?

Are you ready?

I am!

I'm activating my trap Rivals Unite, right now!

Since Utopia stopped its attack, this card equips

on to your monster, and I get to take control of it!

No-- You can't!

Leave Shark at once, hear that Shark Drake Veiss?

I order you to enter my soul instead!

( Yuma ) Shark Drake Veiss...

Leave Shark and enter my soul!

You're free from the Number!

Now try to remember the truth about the past!

You're a good duelist.

I'll see ya around.

Aw, come on!

I thought we were friends!

Don't go.

Yuma, you and I are finished.

So don't you ever come bothering me again.

I'm not gonna step aside and let you throw your life away, Shark!

You're my friend, Shark, and I don't wanna see you

destroy yourself with hate.

I finally remember, Yuma...

You're not the one responsible for what happened to my sister.

Vetrix was behind everything.

He's the one who's guilty!

It was him!

He's planted that Number in my soul and made me forget!




( Vetrix ) It's too late for Yuma!

Soon his soul will be completely consumed by Shark Drake Veiss!


If he truly is your friend,

you'll want to help him of course.

What can I do?

Ah, so you remember.

You just have to use the trap card I gave you...

Heraldry Catastrophe!

Don't worry, Yuma.

Shark will save you!


Since you took control of Shark Drake Veiss,

Shark can now activate his facedown card.

It is a trap called Heraldry Catastrophe.

Since you now control Shark's monster,

this trap destroys it...

Along with all your monsters that have equal

or fewer attack points.

So that means that Shark Drake Veiss and your Utopia

will both be wiped out!

Wiped out?

No way!

Oh, and you'll also take damage

equal to those monsters' attack points.

That's a total of , points!

So Shark, it's a win-win for you:

You free Yuma from Shark Drake Veiss ' control,

and you win the duel!

Am I brilliant or what?

I expected Yuma to take over your monster

and that's why I gave you the trap!

Your victory is guaranteed!

If Utopia gets destroyed, Astral's a goner too!

I have to think...

There must be something I can do!

Of course!


All I have to do is destroy a trap card on my field

to summon it!

That means I can get rid of Rivals Unite!


Shark Drake Veiss will return to Shark,

plus Utopia and I will be saved.

But Shark will once again be controlled by that Number...

And ultimately by Vetrix!

So then I have to choose...

between saving you or saving Shark?

I can't!



Use that trap card.

It's the only way you can help Yuma.

Every second you hesitate,

that Chaos Number tightens its grip on Yuma's soul.

You must activate Heraldry Catastrophe

before it's too late.

It will save your friend and assure your victory!


I can't do it!

I can't choose between you!

You and Shark are my friends!

I care about what happens to both of you...

and I don't want to see either of you hurt!



There's that card I put facedown at the start of the duel...

That's it!

I activate a spell...

Underwater Snow Prison!

I'll use it to put Shark Drake Veiss on ice... and banish it!

I activate a spell... Underwater Snow Prison!

I'll use it to put Shark Drake Veiss on ice...

and banish it!

Using this spell has a price.

I take , points of damage.

Shark, no!

( gasping )

I... can't believe it.

Yuma Tsukumo wins the duel.

Shark, are you okay?


Please, answer!

Tell me you're okay!

I'm fine.

You saved me.

My soul could have been lost forever...

but you never gave up on our friendship.

Vetrix tried to use me to hurt you and Astral...

But in the end, I never gave up on our friendship either.

Just promise me this...

you'll defeat Vetrix for good!

Defeat me?

For good?

I'll teach that twerp Yuma not to meddle with my plans!

Shark failed his mission, but that won't make any difference.

After I defeat Kite,

I'll eliminate Yuma Tsukumo once and for all!

( Astral ) Shark lost the duel to save us.

I know.

When it was all on the line,

Shark proved that he's a true friend.

He asked one thing in return, though.


And if I do face Vetrix in the finals, I won't let Shark down!

I'll win it all and high five the sky!

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪
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