03x12 - Duel of Destiny: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x12 - Duel of Destiny: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

( Mr. Heartland ) We're down to our final four duelists

as the World Duel Carnival nears its thrilling conclusion!

But first, we'll unveil the stadium's latest upgrade!

Now elevate the Duel Tower!

( cheering )

Hope you're not scared of heights,

'cause you're about to witness

some of the dizziest dueling action ever

as Shark battles Yuma and Kite confronts Vetrix!

Yuma's gotta take on Shark!?

He's dueled against Shark before,

so it could give him a big advantage in this round.

Yuma knows all about Shark's cards and moves.

Now he can use that knowledge to plan out his strategy!

But Shark knows the same things about Yuma, too.

Besides we all know Yuma never plans his strategy,

'cause then he'd have to use his brain.

( Tori ) It's true that Yuma has dueled Shark many times in the past,

but he never had to battle a monster

like the one Shark used against Quattro.

Appear, Chaos Number !

Shark Drake Veiss!

I hope Yuma will be okay.

The opening duel of the semifinal round will begin now!

Our first duelist was unknown

when he took the World Duel Carnival by storm

in a series of spectacular victories.

He may look like a pint-sized pipsqueak,

but this kid has the heart of a giant!

Give it up for Yuma Tsukumo!

( Yuma ) I won't let you guys down!

( Mr. Heartland ) The last time we saw Yuma's challenger in the spotlight,

he was banished from the dueling world in disgrace,

but now he's back with a vengeance!

No opponent is safe when this "Shark" zeroes in on his prey!

It's Reginald Kastle!

What's up with Shark?

He looks strange.

Hey, Shark, is everything okay?

He didn't react.

Something's gotta be wrong.

Before you start dueling, let's add a little altitude!

Only one of these rivals will advance!

Will the winner be Yuma the dueling wonder kid,

or will Shark complete his comeback?

Our two duelists know they have to lay it all on the line!

Are you ready to see the most epic duel ever waged!?


Then let's go!!!

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪

( Yuma ) Shark looks totally spaced out!

Kind of like I get in math class.

It is possible Shark has become possessed.

As you surely remember, Shark summoned out a Chaos Number

during his battle with Quattro.

The darkness within that Number

was too much for Shark to control.

I believe it has overpowered him completely now.

You mean it's like it zombified him?

Poor Shark!

( Vetrix ) Shark versus Yuma!

What an entertaining matchup!

It should be a nail biter with these two.

Yes, even if I already know who the winner is going to be!

Snap out of it, Shark!

Fight that Number, don't let it take over!

Yuma, this duel will be challenging.

If that Number does control Shark,

then his dueling abilities

will be even sharper than they normally are.

You must stay alert!

Don't worry!

I'll help Shark and rule this duel!

Let's go!


Duel Disk go!

Duel Gazer, let's roll!

Get set to get decked!

( computer voice ) Augmented Reality Vision Link established.

Let's duel!

I guess I'll get things rolling!

I draw!

First, I'll place a monster in defense mode.

And next I'll play a second card facedown ending my turn.


The first card Yuma put down is Dododo Bot.

It has defense points.

The other card is the trap Impenetrable attack.

He has put himself in a strong position to survive an attack.

Take it away, you're up.

It's my turn.

To start, I summon my Spear Shark.

Only attack points.

It's harmless.

Are you sure?

Do not underestimate Shark's tactics.

Spear Shark attack Yuma's facedown monster.

Why would he make such a reckless attack

on a facedown card?

It could be much stronger than his own monster.


I do not understand.

To attack without knowing

the opposing card's strength is foolish.

Whoa, that move is costing Reginald big time!

He got careless

and now he's down for the count instead of Yuma.

Shark made a rookie mistake!

I only expected something that pathetic to be done by Yuma.

Maybe this is all part of Shark's game plan.

Think about it.

Yuma knows Shark's usual strategies

inside and out, right?

So what if Shark decided to change things up

'cause he figured that would confuse Yuma?

You're sayin' Shark took that damage on purpose?

Now, Yuma I will place one card facedown and end my turn.


Shark's totally not acting like himself this duel.

You have no way of knowing what is going through his mind.

I believe the wisest course is to keep your guard up

and stay prepared for surprises.

And you must not grow overconfident.

I'm too good to let that happen.

Watch out!

It's my turn to draw!

I summon Gogogo Golem!

Now, I switch Dododo Bot to attack mode!

Okay, get moving, Gogogo Golem!

Blast Spear Shark!


He's still under the control of that Number.

I'll have to shock him back to his senses.

Get set, Dododo Bot!

Discharge your Lightning Blade!

( Mr. Heartland ) Whoa, talk about electrifying!

That jolt just cost Shark life points!

If he doesn't rise soon,

he'll have to forfeit the duel completely!

Get up, Shark!

You've gotta gut this duel out to the end!

( audience ) Shark, Shark, Shark...

What's wrong?

I know Shark isn't a quitter!

Don't give up now, Shark.

Keep on battling.

You're the fiercest duelist I ever met.

Nobody's tougher than you!

You're supposed to duel like a shark.

I've seen guppies with more fight.

I won't attack him when he's down.

I'm putting a card facedown and ending my turn!

Aren't you at least gonna try!?

Yeah, that's right, c'mon, Shark.

Get up an' duel!

( Shark ) Yes, I must duel.

That's why I'm here, but what am I fighting for?

I know there's a reason, but I can't remember what it is.

Try to remember.

What's my reason for dueling?

( Vetrix ) Have you really forgotten?


You know who I am!

That's very good, Shark.

I'm relieved that your memory

has not been completely wiped out.

Together we can rebuild what has been lost.

If you trust me, I can help you remember everything.


I know the reason that you duel.

It is simple.

You duel for me. For you?


That is your whole purpose.

You are my puppet and you obey my commands.

And now I command you to completely destroy your enemy!

My enemy must be destroyed completely.


Shark, what's wrong!?

( Mr. Heartland ) Uh-oh, Shark's having a massive meltdown!

The pressure of competing on the big stage

must be getting to him.

( Vetrix ) What's the problem, Shark?

I've told you what you have to do.

So why are you resisting my commands?

I told you before.

I planted a dark seed in your heart.

Use it to destroy your enemies.

Let me remind you of who your enemies are

and why you detest them.

Think back on your own sister and what they did to her.

You must get revenge on those responsible.

( Shark ) Rio!

I know him!

That's Quattro!

And Vetrix, too!?

Could they be my enemies?

Who is that?

( Vetrix ) It's Dr. Faker.

Faker... I feel like I've heard that name before.

Dr. Faker.

His name should fill your heart with rage, of course.

You see, he's the one who injured your little sister.

You vowed that you would make him pay for his terrible crime

and that you wouldn't let anyone stand in your way.

Yes, of course, Dr. Faker.

He's the one who hurt my little sister.

Dr. Faker is my enemy.

I'll do whatever it takes to destroy him!

It's true.

You must destroy Dr. Faker.

But that's not possible, Shark.

Because there's someone else standing in your way.

But who do you mean?

You've forgotten his identity, too?

Let me jog your memory.

That's Yuma Tsukumo.


Surely you remember how ruthless Yuma can be!

He's always meddling in your plans and sabotaging them!

Even now Yuma is standing in your way.

He's trying to defeat you for Dr. Faker

just as he teamed up with Faker before

to strike down your sister, Rio!


I'll never forgive you!

Let's settle this once and for all, Yuma!

That crest on his hand.

We've seen it before.

You are correct.

It is the same crest that belongs to Vetrix.

Then Shark isn't possessed by a Number.

He's possessed by Vetrix!

( Vetrix ) You almost have it right.

To be precise, Shark's soul has been taken over by a Number.

But it is controlled by yours truly.

Because of this I also control Shark now!

He is my puppet.

And I will use this puppet to destroy you, Yuma!

Get ready!

Here it comes, Yuma!

I summon my Double Shark!

Next I'll give my Shark some extra bite

by using my Aqua jet spell card!

It gains a thousand attack points

till the end of this turn.

Okay, Double Shark, it's chow time!

Polish off Gogogo Golem now!

Yuma, launch a defense!

I'll use a trap!

Impenetrable attack!

It protects Gogogo Golem from destruction!

It's no use, 'cause I can neutralize your trap card

with my spell card Shark Spark!

So your Gogogo Golem is a goner!

No way!

Good work, Double Shark, now finish your attack!


You're not out of danger!

Double Shark can double-up its attack!

Get Dododo Bot!

For a second there it really looked

like Shark was throwing in the towel,

but now he's going on the attack!

That's what I call showing real heart!

Way to go!

It's a total turnaround!

I wonder what woke him up?

Maybe he was faking it before.

I'm not finished yet, Yuma!

It's payback day!

I'll start by activating my spell Upswell!

Since I just destroyed one of your monsters in battle.

I can use this spell to summon Spear Shark

back from my graveyard!

I just have to lower its attack points by one thousand.

Spear Shark, prepare to attack!

I'm going to get revenge for my sister, Rio!

Spear Shark, attack Yuma directly!

Oh, Yuma!

Well, at least he's dueling like his normal self again.

Shark is far from normal.

It is clear that Vetrix

has intensified his control of Shark's mind.

The rage that is growing inside Shark

makes him a much more dangerous opponent.

He's angry.

But why is he angry at me?

I'll never forgive you!

I'm going to get revenge for my sister, Rio!

He thinks I hurt her.

It's Vetrix.

He changed Shark's memories!

He has.

By making Shark believe you harmed his sister,

Vetrix unleashed Shark's anger.

I'll finish you off on my next turn, Yuma!

But since I'm done for now,

Double Shark is back down to attack points.


Two monsters destroyed plus a direct attack on Yuma

and he did it all in a single turn.

Shark has become a ruthless dueling machine!

After this duel, I can unleash him on my archenemy, Dr. Faker!

I've gotta find a way to help Shark!

But how can I stop Vetrix from controlling him?

The problem is not just Vetrix.

A Number is possessing Shark, too.

And that Number can evolve into a Chaos Number,

Shark Drake Veiss.

If Shark summons the Number

before you break Vetrix' grip on his mind,

then it will be almost impossible to save Shark!

It's not gonna happen.

I'll do whatever it takes to win this duel.

Hopefully that will restore Shark back to his normal self.

( audience ) Yuma, Yuma, Yuma...


It's my turn, I draw!

I'm gonna scare up Gogogo Ghost in attack mode!

All right, Gogogo Ghost!

Slam Spear Shark with Fear Strike!

I don't think so!

I'm activating a trap.

Zeus' breath!

You can't overpower the mighty Zeus!

It easily blocks your monster's attack

and since I have a Water Attribute monster on my field,

this trap blasts you with points of damage!

Yuma got hit again!

If this keeps up, he'll be a goner!

I thought Yuma had this won, but now it's all Shark!

Yeah, but Yuma still has more life points.

And I bet he's gonna need every last one of 'em!

My move-- I'm placing one card facedown.

And ending my turn.

You're up!

And you're going down, Yuma.

I have a card that's gonna finish you off forever.

I'll get revenge for what you did to Rio!

You've got it wrong.

Vetrix is tricking you.

What happened to your sister is his fault.

I don't believe you.

We both know you'd say anything to save yourself.

But it's too late, Yuma!

It's ending now!

You're guilty and this is your judgment day!

I'll finish you off when I use my Number!


Of course, Shark only needs one more monster

to build the Overlay Network.

At last!

I summon Shocktopus to my field in attack mode!

Now everything is set.

I'll overlay my Level Shocktopus,

along with my Double Shark and Spear Shark!

With these three monsters I build the Overlay Network!

I Xyz Summon Number : Shark Drake!

This is bad, Yuma.


I'm very pleased with you, Shark.

Now unleash your Number

and stomp out that pest once and for all!
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