02x21 - Family Leave

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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02x21 - Family Leave

Post by bunniefuu »


Vetrixtoo funny!

So, trey, you want to meet with yuma tsukumo?

Treyyes, I do. I have questions.

He was the reason we lost our last duel.

Yuma's power was too strong to overcome.

I want to know how he learned to duel with such intensity.

What's the source of his power?

I won't rest until I discover the truth for myself.

Alright, trey.

I can go?

Since you find yuma so intriguing, I encourage it.


♪ If life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams won't die ♪

♪ If I high-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings, take off, it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath, my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, ♪ I'll take a chance today

Yumaoh, c'mon!

There's gotta be somebody around here willing to duel me!

How about you, sir? Will ya? Huh? Huh?

You won't?

Fine, then!

Hey, kid, wanna duel?


How about you? Please duel me!

No, I meant with cards!


Toriwill you get a grip?

You're embarrassing me!

I'm in big trouble, tori.

If I don't win my last heart piece,

I'm out of the tournament.

It's the last day of the preliminaries!

I need an opponent and quick!

Wait for me at least!

Wait up!

I can't! The clock is ticking!

Astralbe at peace, yuma.

You will find the duelist that you are meant to battle with.

You sound like a fortune cookie!

Hey! Are you okay? Buddy!

Tell me what happened to you.

Duelist ai was... Dueling shark.


It looks like a tornado hit this place.

Shark did this?

Duelist bstop, that's enough!

I give up! I give up!



Whoa... Shark.

Why did you do this?

Hold on.

Aren't you even gonna try to explain?

Sharkexplain what?

There's a tournament going on, and I'm dueling in it.

Come on! You know what I mean!

Some duelists like to talk trash.

But I've decided to start trashing my opponents directly.

Shark, listen to me.

If you try to interfere, I'll make sure you regret it.

Stay out of my way.

You can't leave, shark.

Why not?

'Cause I won't let you.

Think you can stop me, yuma?

Yeah, I'm challenging you, shark.

We are gonna duel!

Right here and now?

That's right, you heard me.

I won't take no for an answer!

You're on, then.

I'd never turn down the chance to make this

The worst day of your life.

Great. We're set!


It is unwise to duel while angry.

You save it.

I know what I'm doing.

Duel disk go!

This duel's gonna be epic.

An epic fail for you.

Duel gazer, let's roll!

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision link established.

Let's duel!

Yuma is dueling against shark?

The last time shark dueled,

A number fragment entered his body,

Filling him with hate. Perfect!

I can learn a lot from watching this duel.

Yuma, soon all of your dueling secrets will be revealed.

Now! Big jaws,

Polish off gagaga magician!

Gulp grind attack!

Gagaga, no!

Next, I'm coming at you directly!

Hammer shark, attack!

I play the trap card small resistance!

Since gagaga girl is in my graveyard,

Hammer shark loses attack points

Equal to her attack points!

That was nothing.

Can't you do any better?

No problem.

I'll just have to stop taking it easy on ya!

But first I'll need a bigger fish!

I overlay my level three hammer shark and big jaws!

With these two monsters, I build the overlay network

And xyz summon submersible carrier aero shark!

I activate aero shark's special ability!

So now you're gonna get hit with points of damage

For each card in my hand!

And I've got three of them!

Torpedo take down!


Ready to call it quits?

It's only gonna get worse.

Is that all you got?

Honestly, I think you're losing your edge.

Try harder next time!

You go.

Good, then watch me carefully.

Maybe you'll learn something!

I summon gogogo giant in attack mode!

I end my turn. You're up, shark.

What's that? Why, yuma?

Is this wise?

If you attack with your giant now,

It can destroy shark's monster.

Do you have some other plan in mind?

Not really.

I'm just going with the flow.

All right, then.

I'll go!

What is yuma up to?

It's like our last duel.

He was unpredictable and never gave up.

Yuma wasn't just dueling to win a single victory.

And he wasn't trying to get even with his

Enemies either.

Yuma, what is it that motivates you?

Quintonare you sure it was a good idea to let trey go?

I am worried, vetrix.

Yuma's powers are far greater than you may realize.

What if trey falls under his influence and doesn't come back?

Don't be concerned.

Your brother is going to return.

And you're sure of that?


Trey is too trusting and loyal to ever leave us.

That's just the way he is.

I summon out black ray lancer!

This is serious!

Lancer, take down that giant!

Go, shimmering spear slash!

I'm sorry, gogogo giant.

Submersible carrier aero shark,

Attack yuma directly with devouring dive!

Are you okay?

Why are you dueling so recklessly, yuma?

I'm still in this.

You haven't broken me yet, shark!

Come on.

If you want me to end up like those other duelists

You pushed around, you'll have to try harder.

Careful. You are losing this duel.

I don't care.

It doesn't matter if I win or lose.

I'm gonna let shark beat me if that's what it takes!

Wait, yuma...


Listen, if I'm your enemy,

Then why don't you use all that anger

Building up inside you against me?

Strike at me as hard as you can!

If that's what it's gonna take to get rid of all your anger,

Do it!

Be quiet!

Tell me, are you proud of yourself for dueling this way?

Well, are you, shark?

You used to love dueling, but if you keep this up,

You're gonna grow to hate it, and you'll hate yourself, too!

You're my friend, shark, and I don't wanna see you

Destroy yourself with hate.

I won't let you!

[Stomach growling]

Uh, yuma...


Nice job!

That sure spoiled the mood!

I can't help it if my food t*nk's running on empty!

I must say, your sense of timing is as bad as your dueling.

Gimme a break! How can I control my stomach?

It's got a mind of its own.

You didn't even say, "excuse me!"

Excuse me. There, happy now?


Shark's heart freed itself by getting rid of

The anger from that number.

True champions don't take snack breaks.

That's it.

I'm out of here.

See you, yuma.

You're quitting?

But why? You can't!

I guess you could say

I lost my "appetite" for crushing you.

Ha ha!

You can't chicken out!

You can get your revenge in the finals.

Wipe off that goofy grin, yuma!

What have I done wrong now?

It's what you didn't do!

You didn't get to the finals yet, or have you forgotten that?

I forgot I still need to win one more heart piece

By the end of today!

In your urge to help your friend,

You also forgot one other fact.

Had you lost to shark, I would have faded from existence,

Along with all the numbers that we have gathered.


Guess I was feeling too much flow,

And I blanked about the tournament and the numbers!

Don't forget what you once promised your father.

You swore you'd become a champion duelist someday.

Yeah, and I'm gonna keep that promise.

But I still think I did the right thing.

I bet dad would've risked losing to help shark.

So he probably would've been proud of what I did!

Maybe yuma's father is the key.

This must be yuma's mother and father.

That's amazing.

Grandmawho are you?

Uh, I'm a friend of yuma's.

Will someone please duel me?

Help me out here! I mean...

Who's calling me?

Hey, grandma.

What's going on?

Your friend is here.

Hey, what do you think you're doing?

Yuma. It is fate.

Fate that brought me here to your house today!

Otherwise I wouldn't have seen all these awesome artifacts.

You have aztec masks, paleolithic tools, and...no way!

A royal incan necklace?

Sorry for geeking out, but this collection is incredible!

It's just like the stuff in my favorite cards.


Isn't that an aztec mask golem?

Yeah. Cool, huh?

This was one of the first cards I collected

For my chronomaly deck.

Chronomalys are mysterious artifacts that could link

This world to other dimensions.

This world is part of a multi-dimensional matrix,

And chronomalys may have come here from another dimension.

My father was a researcher and taught me about it.


My dad was into that kind of stuff, too.

He'd go on expeditions and always bring things back.

Wow, that's cool.

It sounds like he was somebody who loved adventure.

Yep. Just like me!

We have way more important things to discuss!

Like what you guys did to hart!

I know.

I feel truly sorry for what happened to him.


I did what I had to.


I guess... I figured the best way to duel

Was to tap into the anger in my heart.

But then I saw how you duel,

And I started to realize there might be a better way.

What's your secret?

I've seen how unselfish you can be when you're dueling.

Is that the source of the power you have?

What do you mean power?

The way you duel

Is unlike anything I've seen.

Like you're dueling with all your heart

And nothing can stop you.

I duel that way because...

Because of...

It's the only way I know how to duel.


I just always try to high five the sky!

High five the sky?


When I was small, my father told me

To never give up or stop trying!

Feel the flow and go for it!

That's awesome advice.

Karihey, yuma.

Lunch is ready, come on.

And you're all welcome to join us.

Oh, yeah!

Duel fuel! Let's dig in!


Not so fast.

Wait for everyone to sit.

Sorry, grandma.

Good boy.

Please, yuma, try to eat like a human today.

I'll try.

Wow. That looks delish!

There's plenty. Have a seat.

Uh... Thank you!

Mmm, not bad.

They're kinda small, though.

Lillybottea is ready. Tea is ready.

Be careful, tea is hot!

Sip it slowly this time, yuma.

Okay, I know how to drink tea!

No, you don't. No, you don't.


Why didn't you warn me it was hot?

Yuma stinks at drinking tea. Yuma stinks at drinking tea.

I don't see what's so funny, trey!

You're right, yuma.

The way you eat isn't funny.

It's disgusting.

I can't help it if I'm in a rush.

It's an emergency!


I gotta duel.

No cards at the kitchen table, got it?

I was just showin' ya!

Give them back, sis!

You don't want me to get eliminated

From the tournament, do ya?

You'll get 'em back when we're all done.

That could take forever! Can't you see I'm in a hurry?


Oh, quattro!

I almost forgot to show you!

It's an aztec mask golem.

Father gave it to me today!

Quattrohow come I didn't get one, too?

I want it!


Give it back to me! That's my card!

Oh, yeah?

Come on! Let me have it back!

You gotta take it from me!

Get your own mask card!

Alright that's enough, you two.

Father should be home any minute, so you'd better behave.

He started it. Me?

Can I please have it back?


You guys be on your best behavior,

And I'll teach you how to duel later.

That a promise?


Thanks, quinton.

Just watch me!

I'll be the tournament champion!

You haven't even advanced yet.

You're one win short still.

My family used to be like this.

But that was so long ago.

What's wrong?

Not feeling well?

Are you okay?

Please excuse me, but I have to leave.

Trey, hold up!

Sorry, yuma, but I know what I have to do now.

Trey, what's going on?

After spending time with you, I think I understand now, yuma.

It's your family.

They give you power.

It's not the same with me.

My family is different than yours.

It wasn't always that way.

We used to be as happy as your family is.

The day we swore we'd get revenge on our enemies,

Everything changed.

It was like we became different people.

Maybe, once we do get our revenge,

We'll go back to the way we were.

You're in our way!

We can't get vengeance because you keep getting in our way.

I will find a way to defeat you.

For the sake of my family, I must!

You're wrong, trey.

Revenge isn't the answer.

It'll just destroy you.

I have to be loyal to my family!

But, trey...

I'll do whatever I have to, yuma.

Oh, yeah?

You'll see!


We'll settle this tonight, once and for all!

He wants to meet you at these coordinates?

I guess.

We're gonna have a duel, yuma!

And you will lose.

Trey, don't go!

You're back?

Welcome home, trey.

Was your trip a success?


I guess.

You don't have to tell me a thing.

I already understand.

You're hungry for power.

The power that can help you crush yuma tsukumo.


Yuma, I do not trust that boy.

I advise you not to meet with trey.

I have to go. To talk to him.

Trey's better than he pretends.

There's a chance I can help him.

I have to try.

I will meet trey.

Tonight we're gonna duel!

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath, my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, ♪ I'll take a chance today
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