02x16 - Losing Hart

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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02x16 - Losing Hart

Post by bunniefuu »

Kitehey hart!

You there?

Why aren't you answering me?

He's gone.

Where's hart?

Tell me right now!

Guardwe're conducting a search.

Dextra and nistro are trying to retreat...

Have you two found hart yet?


Have you?

Nistroi told the control team to keep this mission quiet!

So how did kite find out?


Nistro, come in!

Do you read me?

Why aren't you answering?

Because you're annoying, that's why!

Dextradon't cut him off yet.

Calm down, kite.

We can confirm that your brother is safe.

But dextra!


We're supposed to bring hart back.

And it won't be easy.

We'll need your help, kite.

You brother was detected on the roof of the windmill tower

Located in the bay area.

He's with a boy named yuma tsukumo.

Are you kidding?

We're supposed to handle this!

Why bring in kite?

Because we can't do this without him.

Hart is too powerful in his current state.

Last time we tried to nab him the results were expl*sive.

Kite is the only person I know

Who that boy will trust right now.

I believe hart will listen to kite and obey what he says.

Why is hart at that tower?


It's caramel.

It's a tasty magical power-up.

It can give you strength.

Hartit's sweet!

It's really sweet!

I feel energetic.

That's good.

I will always protect you.

Stop it!

Let me go, you...


Let him go!

He must have been drawn to that place. But why go with yuma?

I want answers and I'll stop at nothing to get them!

♪ If life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams won't die ♪

♪ If I hi-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today

Yumawell, that was certainly a weird goodbye.

Quintoni'm hart's friend.

I'm here to help.

Isn't that right, hart?

But hart did seem to know the guy, so I guess it'll be okay.

Torihe'll be fine.

I guess kite was too busy to

Pick hart up so he sent a friend.


But I feel like I don't understand anything about hart.

Kite once told me he hunts for numbers to help his little

Brother, but why?

My mission is to destroy astral world.

Astralcould it be true?

Who is it now?

Isn't that the chopper that took hart away?

It's you again.

Okay kid, where is hart?

What do ya mean?

Your guys took him away a few minutes ago!

Who took him?

Somebody with a chopper just like yours!

Aren't you guys all working for the same team?

The chopper that picked up hart had a symbol like that, too!

Did you hear that, dextra?



I don't believe a word that he says.

We're the only ones looking for hart.

Stop lying to us or else...

What have you done with hart?

Leave him alone!

Put me down, nistro!

Can it, kid!

Don't forget we're on the duel carnival's organizing committee.

All it takes is one word from us

And you'll be booted out of the competition.

I know.

Then we want a straight answer from you.

What have you done with hart?


What's that?

Orbital nice landing, sir.

Alright. Tell me hart is!

Is my brother okay?


Kite, I tried to tell them, but they think I'm hiding hart so

They won't listen to anything I say.

Are you hiding him, yuma?

No way!

The guy you sent came in a chopper to pick up your brother.

I didn't send anyone to pick him up.

Then he wasn't your friend?


If kite didn't send that guy to pick up hart,

Then where did he come from?

Stop trying to fool us!

We weren't manufactured yesterday, you know.

Be quiet.

I'm just saying, master kite.

Describe the person who picked up hart.

Tell me everything.

You said "guy."

I assume the person was male?

Yeah of course!

What did he look like?

He seemed pretty young.

I think about twenty years old.

He was tall.

Approximate height feet one inch.

Weight, pounds.

Yeah right, the guy was about six-one and weighed one-fifty!

He had long hair and his eyes were the color blue.

He had long hair, and his eyes,

What color did you say they were again?

You're askin' for it, twerp!

Stop it, nistro!

Or what?

I don't take orders from you!


But dextra, this kid is makin' up

Enough junk to fill a garbage dump!

It is hard to believe,

But it seems clear that someone outside of our team came here

And took hart away.

Let's go, nistro.

There's nothing more we can do for now.

Alright then.

You okay?

This whole mission was a big waste of time.

It's my fault.

I shouldn't have let hart go.

I'm sorry.

Hart isn't well.

I hope I find him soon.

Hart's sick?


Hold on!

It's my fault that hart is missing.

I'll help you find him.

This is my problem, not yours.

No, kite.

I made a promise to hart.

That I'd bring you both back together.

Give him the contact code.


If you airheads find him, this is how to reach us.

Good luck, kite.

How awful.

Hart's sick and we turned him over to a stranger.

It's all so confusing.

Why do you even hunt numbers anyway?

Well, answer me!

I do it because it's the only

Way I can save my little brother.

Kite is hunting numbers to save hart.

Is he hoping to cure him somehow?

Maybe someone else has promised to cure him.

I wish we knew the truth.

Perhaps we have a clue.

I am curious why dextra and nistro were searching for hart.

They were very anxious to recover the boy, as if they

Wanted to avoid getting into trouble.

Perhaps they lost hart and were trying to retrieve him before

Their superior found out.

Once they got the boy from you, they planned to take him back.

Back where?

They not only sit on the carnival's organizing committee,

But they are enforcers for the

Carnival's chief, mr. Heartland.

But if they're working for mr. Heartland...

Then the most likely explanation is that they were trying to

Return hart to mr. Heartland.

Hart must have been under

Heartland's custody when he escaped.

And if that's true, then it's possible... That in order to

Cure his little brother kite is being

Forced to collect numbers for mr. Heartland.

And so the person behind it all...

... Must be mr. Heartland.

Wait, the person who took hart

Away wasn't working for mr. Heartland.


There must be another powerful figure who

Wants to have control of hart.

Someone else?

Who is it?


We can start the ritual now.

Hart, can you hear me?

Where are you?

Answer me.

Please, little brother.



Come out, come out wherever you are!

Found you.

You win, kite.

Like you always do.

You're really good at hide and seek.

It doesn't matter where I try to hide, you can always find me.

I always find you, hart.

I'll find you this time too.

Just call out!

Call out to me!

Finally the moment has come!

I will drain hart's power from him and make it mine!

My plan for revenge can at long last be fulfilled!

With my new power, dr. Faker will have no chance!

Yes, I can sense it!

It's so beautiful.

This must be astral world!

Hart's power truly is great!

Stop please...

No, you can't...


The potential is truly awesome!

I'll be even stronger than I dared dream!

I will be all powerful!

Help me!


He's calling me!

That's hart!

What's going on astral?

Why'd ya stop?

Hart is... In trouble.

What kind of trouble?

Do you think he's in some kinda danger?

Save me, big brother!


Hurry, please!

Hart needs help right away.

He is quite desperate.

Your power is truly incredible!

It's a shame I can't let you keep some of it.

But unfortunately I must have all of it for myself!


I need you!

Hurry, kite!

I'm here, hart!


How can I find you?

Tell me!


Hart, where are you?

Look for...

The moon in water...


A white... Castle...

Moon in water.

A white castle.

I'm on my way, hart!

So hart doesn't know the name of the place?


But he described it.

It must be near water.

And looks like a white castle.

There's a lot of water around here, but no castles.

Where could this place be?

It might be... That abandoned museum just outside of the city.

Yeah, it could be.

Look here.

It does look sort of like a castle.

Yeah you're right, tori.

And there's a pond on the property, so that could be where

Hart saw the reflection of the moon.

That must be the place.

Let's move it.

There's no time to lose.

Kite, come in. Kite!

That's where they're holding hart.

I hope he's alright.


Hart's locked away in that old museum.

How can you be sure of that, yuma?

I just know, okay?

It's not okay!

There's no room for error!

My brother's not well!

I need help, kite.

Please hurry!

Yuma, our time is running out.

Listen, kite.

We have to come up with a rescue plan quickly.

How did they find us so fast?

Quattrowho knows?

Maybe someone tipped them off. Or maybe kite followed you here,



Well since they're here, it would be rude not to say hello.

And then bid them goodbye.

I'll be back.

Don't push your luck, quattro.

Do you think those losers are too tough for me to handle?

Don't underestimate kite.

He is a powerful duelist.

It's only necessary for you to delay them until vetrix has

Completed the ritual.

Once we start dueling, there's no guarantee.

I may not be able to hold back.


Keep him reined in.

Treyi will.

You can count on me.

It seems that hart's captors are inviting us in.

Then let's accept their

Invitation and go at them deck to deck!

I'm going in alone.

Bad idea.

You don't even know who's waiting in there.

Besides I got hart into this mess,

And I wanna help get him out!

No matter what you say, I'm

Gonna be part of this rescue too.

So what're we waiting for, c'mon!

The place looks empty, guys.

Where could hart be?

He's gotta be here somewhere.

If it isn't the infamous kite.

What an honor.

Hey, it's quattro!

You've met before?

We have.


I'll be happy to duel you too, twerp.

You'll suffer the same fate as your friends.

Do not give in to your anger, yuma.

If you duel for revenge you will never defeat him.

Don't worry.

I understand there's something a lot bigger at stake.

Are you the ones who took my brother?

Where is he?

Relax, no harm has come to him.

At least not yet.

What's that mean?

When we're finished, we'll turn hart back over to you.

Well, what's left of him.

If you want to save the kid, you don't have any choice.

You'll have to get past us first.

This will be...

...a tag team duel!


Bring it on!

I'll crush you creeps and get my brother out of here!

Hart isn't going anywhere yet!

Duel gazer, let's roll!

It's on!

Your souls will be mine!

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision link established.

Let's duel!


♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today
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