02x14 - Pets Peeved

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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02x14 - Pets Peeved

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ If life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams won't die ♪

♪ If I hi-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today

Bronkwell, sorry if I made ya worry.

But me and caswell are totally fine, you guys!

And, since he's safe at home now, he's gonna stay fine, too.

Yumawell good!

That's a relief!

Flipi guess that leaves yuma as the only one of us

Left in the carnival.

Astralyour friend flip is right.

Only the very best duelists now remain, yuma.

And so...

So, I need to be at my best!

Toriwait, not everyone we know is out of the tournament.

Cathytori is right.

After all,

I'm still in.

You scared me!

Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up.

But check it out.

Whoa, looks like you have two heart pieces there, cat!

I happen to have four of them myself.

Let's not make this about you yuma, please?


When do I ever do that?

Well, I guess sorta all the time, huh?

Yeah, no 'sorta' t it.

But that's just you, yuma.

Guess ya can't have the candy without the wrapper.



That's not a chew toy!

Sit! Stay! Heel!

Looks like the only command those mutts follow is 'fetch.'

What are you going to do?

Without those heart pieces...

I know, I won't be able to make it into the finals

Of the world duel carnival!



Where'd these cats come from?

They're friends of mine.

And they're gonna get back what those dogs stole.


I've just always sorta had a way with the feline kind.


It's almost like you speak their language.

Actually tori,

Not 'alm' I do.

Litterbottrash identified, trash identified.

Good job!

Let's go, they found those dogs.

Uh, okay...

We found them, what now?


We take back what's yours!

And we do so with back up!

Don't worry,

They're all bark and no bite.

You sure about that?

Now be good little pups,

And give up the heart pieces!

Roscoemake way for the pack leader!

Now what's all this about?

That dog's talkin?

No way.

What's this here?

Someone's heart pieces?

You stole this, didn't you?

You're bad boys.

You are all bad boys!


Could someone tell me what's happening here?

Yeah, how's that big dog know about heart pieces?

I don't typically beg but in this case I will.

Please, accept my apology for any

Trouble my pack may have caused you.

Aw, it's cool.

You thieving mongrels!

Those mutts should all be kept on a very short leash!

Now now,

They've been disciplined, so let's just move on.

I've tried moving on,

But this stuff just keeps happening!

Take that shiba for example.

He's been stealing steaks from the town butcher.

And that pug over there has been digging holes all over the city.

Plus his face looks funny, and

He won't stop sticking his tongue out at me!

How dare you!

Cats are worse than us!

They sleep all day,

They scratch up anything they can get the claws on!

That's enough!

To settle this,

We need to have a duel!

Have a duel?

Sounds like a fine idea.

But if I win,

Then all you dogs have to leave the city once and for all!

And if I win,

You cats beat it.


Aw, this stinks.

I like cats and dogs!

And I just want my pieces back!

This takes precedence, yuma.

Cats and dogs are age old rivals.

Finally they have a chance to settle it.

What about what I want settled?

Like getting my heart pieces!

Duel disk,

Let's go!

Duel disk,

Get set!

Duel gazer, let's roll.

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision link established.

Let's duel!

I've heard of it raining cats and dogs,

But not dueling them!

I just hope cathy wins for my heart pieces' sake!

I'll start off!

So here goes!

First I summon stray cat!

Only a hundred attack points?

That stray cat's clawless!

That is true,

And that may be the plan.

Those mutts will be licking their chops to get to stray cat.

But when they do attack, they're gonna have another

Thing coming.

I now place two cards facedown.

Then I'll end my turn.

It's time to let the dogs out now!

That dog can draw?

Now I've seen it all!

You ain't seen nothin' yet, I summon tribulldog!

And when tribulldog is unleashed out in my yard, I'm allowed to

Summon another one from my hand!

But that's not the only trick I know. Next I play doubulldog!

Thanks to this spell card, when there are two tribulldogs in my

Yard, this card lets me summon

Another tribulldog from my deck!

That's three level monsters!

Here we go.

I now overlay this threesome of tribulldogs,

And since I have,

I can now build the overlay network!

Which means things are about to get really ruff!

I xyz summon sumo king dog!

How does a dog know how to make that play?

I mean, an xyz summon?

I just learned how to do that move myself and it wasn't easy!

When it comes to dueling, between that dog and yuma,

I would say the dog is better trained.

So not cool!

Go on fido, take the bait!

And let the cat out of the bag.

Next up I play this:

The spell card pooch party!

This lets me summon two pooch party tokens out to my yard!

And next, I activate the equip spell dogking!


And since dogking will be joined up with sumo king dog, my sumo's

Attack points go up points

For every dog in my yard!

I've got three, so that's a power boost of points!

Talk about a bite as big as your bark!

I just hope that pooch isn't hungry for my heart pieces!

And now, go!

Attack that little stray!

Ha, she's not even going to see it coming!

I play a trap card!

Cat confusion!

But there's no confusing what it does.

Now, since your monster att*cked my cat, your attack is

Negated, and your monster returns to your hand.

I've been more confused chasing my own tail than by that card.

I play sumo king dog's special ability!

Now, by using one overlay unit,

I can negate and then destroy your trap card!

That is an extraordinary ability.

This is not gonna be pretty!

Oh no, cathy!

That card's gone to the dogs.

I wouldn't be so sure!

Before I took sumo king dog's attack,

I played this!

My facedown, cat food.

Thanks to this scrumptious spell,

By tributing stray cat, I can summon stray cat girl!

And when stray cat girl is in attack mode,

She can't be destroyed in battle.

What difference does it make?

You only have life points left.

You've been all but declawed!

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

Now that my turn is over, my

Pooch party tokens are destroyed.

My turn then!

And for you fleabag, it'll be cat-astrophic!

Flea bag?

I just had a bath!

Here I go!


Sure you knocked me pretty good last round, but now you'll see

Why cats always land on their feet.

I summon cat girl!

Next, I'll overlay it with my other level monster.

And now that I have, I can build

The overlay network and xyz summon cat girl magician!

Next I activate the equip spell catnip turbine!

And with it, I'll be nipping at your life points because this

Card increases the attack points

Of one of my cats by points.

What a purr-fect move!

Now cat girl magician is the strongest on the field!

But the drawback to this spell is that my cat

Can't attack your monsters.

So then what's the point, it's useless to you!

That's not quite so.

I'm now activating cat girl magician's ability!

With it, by using one overlay unit, and halving her attack

Points, cat magician can attack

You directly!

She can wha?

Now, go cat magician!

Attack with cataclysmic clobbering blast!

Aw yeah!

I now place two cards facedown,

And end my turn.

Which means cat magician's attack points return to normal!

And speaking of cats, that was one cat's meow of a turn!

Well it's gonna be nothing but the dogs days for you as

This duel goes on, no way am I gonna

Roll over and keep taking this!

Pipno way am I gonna roll over and keep taking this!

You hear me?

I'll make ya sorry!

Where'd she come from?

Who? Me? Oh...


What in heartland city is going on here?


Did that girl just come out of that barrel?

Does this mean,

That girl was dueling the whole time?

Guess that makes more sense than a dueling dog.

Then that would mean,

The dog is not better trained than yuma.

However, that little girl is.

So not cool!

Hi there,

It's okay.

What's your name?



Speak up!

I said my name's pip!

Is that loud enough?

Well, pip.

Would you mind...

Telling us why you're pretending to be a dog?

That's easy.

You see,

Dogs are the most loyal animals there are.

And loyalty is super duper important to me.

Because you can't always count on people.

They can be mean.

But I can always count on my dogs.

In fact, that's how I learned to duel in the first place.

Roscoe and I would practice on the beach all day long!

That's how he learned how to draw cards!

And that's how he learned how to make sense

Of the cards that he saw!

We became a team!

And since I didn't want to be hurt by any mean people,

I just thought,

Well, it'd be easy,

To keep on dueling other people as a team, too.

That's when

I started hiding in the barrel and using this phony deep voice.

But not all people are mean.

We humans can be loyal too.

You'd learn that if you stopped hiding behind that dog.


You're not even giving us a fair chance.

Cathy's right!

Don't bother, yuma.

Sounds like this pack has made up pip's mind for her.

Yep, it sounds like she's never going to duel for herself.

Go hide in the barrel, pip!


You're wrong!

If I'm wrong,

Then prove it!

By not hiding anymore!

Duel disk set!

We're ready to go!

Then so are we!

Simply amazing...

A duel that was about dogs and cats,

Is now about a little girl coming out of her shell.

It's my turn now!

I draw!

First I play a spell card,

One that's gonna make you howl!

Go raise the woof!

Now, since I have no level -or-above monsters in my yard,

I'm allowed to summon four woof tokens!

And with more dogs in play,

Sumo king dog gains more attack points!

, And all thanks to my dogking's effect.

Now sumo,

Rise to the air,

And attack cat girl magician!

I play a facedown!

The trap, gold coins for cats!

And now, since you att*cked my cat,

Half your monster's attack points are added to my

Magician's attack points.

Five thousand, seven hundred fifty?

Now she's got more than that sumo!

That is true,

But you are forgetting one thing yuma.

I play sumo king dog's special ability!

Now, by using one overlay unit,

Your trap's effect will go bye-bye!

Not good.

Cat magician's back to her normal attack points!

And that's just what I wanted.

After all, sumo king dog may be able stop a trap, but it can't

Stop a spell.

Like my second facedown card,

And here it is!

Counter meowsure!

Now, since my trap was destroyed,

I get to have revenge,

And can destroy a trap or a spell

That's on your field!

And then,

The attack points of one of the cats I have out

Are doubled for the rest of the turn!


Oh no!

And now for the spell or trap card that I'll destroy

I select...

The spell dogking so now sumo's attack points return to !

Then my cat girl magician's attack points increase to !

And you do know what that means, don't you?


You and your dogs are through!

She's right.

I'm gonna lose.

Guess I should've never come out of that barrel.

Guess I should've just stayed away from people.

What's the hold up, pip?

You feeling like quitting?


You can't give up, pip!

Keep on dueling!

You can win!

Trust me!

Yeah, yuma's right!

Don't quit now!

You've gotta keep fighting 'til the end!

Yeah, be loyal to your cards.

Just like your dogs are loyal to you.


They're right.

I've gotta stay loyal!

There's still some fight left in this dog!

And I know there's fight left in all of you!

I play my trap card,

Superior howl!

With this, by destroying one of my equip spells, I can return

All monsters on the field to

Their original attack points.

They say that every dog has its day, young lady.

And I think this one is yours!

Now go!

Sumo, take out cat magician!


I won?


That's what I'm talking about!

Way to go!

Wait, what about my heart pieces?

I used to think only a dog could be my best friend.

But now I know better.


It's my heart pieces!

At last! Thank you!

One good deed

Deserves another one.

Take these.

But, they're yours!

They were tyou beat me!


Absolutely, pip.

Guess cats and dogs can be friends after all.

Which makes sense,

Because deep down, we're not all that different.

See, I used to be like you, pip.

Afraid of people.

But when I came out of my shell like you came out of that barrel

And started dueling,

I realized that people weren't all bad.

And I even started to believe in myself.

I guess I am feeling more confident.

That's so cool.

All thanks to dueling.

And look there.

Guess this town's big enough for both cats and dogs after all.

Let's just hope people pick up after their pets!

Observation #:

People say "a dog is a man's best friend."

Yuma would make a good dog.

All right, time to feel the flow and get my last heart piece!

Watch out carnival, 'cause here comes yu

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today
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