02x06 - Life Is a Carnival: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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02x06 - Life Is a Carnival: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Policeman awe've got you completely surrounded!

Put your hands on the back of your head

And get down on your knees!

Charlienot gonna say 'please?'

Now that isn't very polite of you, is it?

And look at that, you called in the birdies.

I had no idea you clowns would make such a

Fuss over a single card.

Whoa, how's it goin' fellas?

Nice touch with the glow-y sticks,

But I'm pretty sure I've got you beat.

♪ If life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams won't die ♪

♪ If I hi-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today

Karithere's a lotta buzz on heartland's private frequency.

Must be something going on.

Looks like heartland museum. Whoa, a break-in!

Let's just tap into the cameras and...

Is that?...

You've gotta be kidding.

Yo, kari.

Guessing you've hacked in and seen the security

Footage at this point.

Keep in mind,

The camera adds about ten pounds.


What have you done this time?

What did you take from the museum?

Just something I needed.

Thing is, I gotta deliver it today,

But I'm a little pinned down.

Feel like helpin' out your old boyfriend?

Okay charlie, one - you are not 'my old boyfriend!'

And two - you need to turn yourself in!

Now why would I do that?

As for 'boyfrien not boyfriend...'

We can discuss that when you bring me your old man's bike.

Just hop on and come meet me.

I'll sh**t you my location.

Give me one good reason.

Uuuuh, because you like me?

I'm kinda hungry too, so maybe you could swing by a



You selfish, reckless doofy, arrogant excuse for a...

I am not doofy.

At least that's not what you said

Last time we saw each other.

Meet me in , don't keep me waiting.

Charlie, I'm not gonna...

That guy.

"Last time we saw each other."

You sparkle like a diamond, kari.

See you around.

You're hungry, charlie?

I'll feed you a knuckle sandwich.

Yumaaw yeah, I am seriously feeling the flow today!

Toric'mon yuma, slow down!

I gotta get one more duel in while I'm feelin' like this!

Astraldo not get too relaxed, yuma.

Those who remain in the carnival do so because they are skilled.

When you say 'those who remain in the carnival', you mean like

Me, right? Because...

Hey sis, what's up?

What're you doing?

Where are you right now?

Uh, I'm near the train station.


There's a guy there in the courtyard,

I'm sending you a picture now.

I need you to find him and keep him busy.

I don't have time for this.

I've got things to do.

You find him and keep him busy.

I'm doing something right now.

I just need you to buy me some time.

But uh...

I was gonna go and...

Do it, yuma!


Now listen up.

Once you see him, corner him, capture him.

Do not let him out of your sight!

Why does my sister hate me?

Is this some friend of hers?

I don't know.

But wait,

If I don't do what she says,

It'll be morning noogies for a solid month!


Is that a duel?

Sharknext I activate submersible carrier

Aero shark's special ability!

Here comes - torpedo take down!

It's shark.

Peoplethat's right! That was awesome!

Man bsweet victory!

Ah wow, that was incredible!

Does this mean what I think it means?


You're competing in the world duel carnival!

Only for as long as I need to.

What do you mean?

As soon as I do what I gotta to do, I'm out.

What are you talking about?

The duelist I lost to in the nationals is in the carnival.

I'm gonna settle the score.

The nationals?

But I thought... You cheated and then like you got... Kicked out.

There's a lot more to that story than you know.

For now,

Just stay out of my way.

Wait up...


Kitego photon stream of destruction!

Now your souls are mine!

Thank you for your donation.

Two number cards for the price of one.

Orbital great deal!

Same old shark.

"I'm too cool to give a straight answer."

Yuma, look.

Earth to yuma!

Isn't that the guy?

Eh, that's a lady.

Sitting on the bench.

Oh yeah.

Hey, you!

Kari sent me,

I'm yuma.

She sent her little brother?

She said to capture me?

How are you supposed to do that?

I don't know,

She knows I'm busy with the world duel carnival.

You're in the duel carnival?

Then what would you say to a duel right now?

You wanna duel?

Well the thing is, I kinda need to test this card out.


You in the hat, I see you're waving a card around.

How about we put a heart piece on the

Line right here and right now?

Well, I'm not in the carnival,

But my friend yuma here is.

Why don't we wager one of his pieces?

My piece?

No way, man!



With the streak of luck I'm having,

There's no way this guy can beat me.

Dr. Fakermr. Heartland,

How is our kite doing?

Dr. Heartlandkite doesn't even know what it means to lose.


And as of now, over half of those competing in my duel

Carnival have been eliminated.

Many of those who remain most certainly possess number cards.

Then everything is proceeding

Exactly as we envisioned it would.

I hope you appreciate the opportunity we have here.

The envoy from astral world came here in order to bring us down.

However, how fortunate that upon his arrival,

An accident occurred and his number cards

Were scattered into the wind.

That accident bought us the time

We need to plan our counter measures!

We must gather those cards and

Prevent that envoy from remembering what he was sent

Here to do, mr. Heartland.

Do not let me down!

I won't.


I can't believe I let you talk me into

Wagering one of my heart pieces,

This guy is mopping the floor with you!

Don't worry, yuma.

I'm not gonna lose.

Glad you're confident.

Maybe you didn't notice,

He's got three xyz monsters on his field.

Not only that,

There is a considerable life point gap between them.

You need to forfeit!

Say you gotta go, make up a great reason, like...

Aagh, I can't think of anything!

Don't get so worked up.

After all, life is just a carnival.

You're supposed to have fun.

"Life is... A carnival."

It's easy to have fun when you're losing

Someone else's heart piece!

Who said anything about losing?

Well, lookee at what we have here.

I am activating the reload spell card!

This allows me to return my hand to my deck.

And then, I shuffle up and draw

A new card for every card that I returned.

Here we go!



Not sure that was a good idea.

Of course it wasn't!

It was terrible!

Just kidding.

I'm activating triple ace.

When I have three of the same level monster in my hand,

I can use triple ace to summon all three of them.

So now I can toss three dice levelers onto the field!


A hundred attack points,

What, are you givin' up or something?

Actually, this is the part where I start winning.

First, I activate dice leveler's special ability.

What's he doing?

Losing my heart piece.

Time to test my luck.

When I take a chance and roll the dice,

Their levels will increase by the number that

Comes up.

He rolled all sixes!

The odds of rolling six on three dice

At the same time are one in .

Heh, heh.

Looks like lady luck is wanting me to power up

My dice to level !

And just like that,

He has three level monsters on his field.

You've had a nice little run my friend,

But the winds of fortune are about to change.

I now overlay all three of my dice levelers!

With these monsters, I build the overlay network!

And then,

I xyz summon - number lucky straight!


He's got a number.

Interesting. Perhaps this explains his luck.

And now I'm activating the dream dice spell card.

It's a game of chance.

I give this here dream dice a roll, and if it comes up a six,

All your monsters lose all their attack points.

But anything else,

And my monster'll be the one losing all its attack points.


No way, he rolled another six?


Now your monsters are busted!

Hope you weren't fond of those attack points.

The odds of rolling that many sixes in a row are...

To one.


Do it, lucky straight!


I can points of damage!

You might be taking a lot more than that,

Cause I'm activating lucky straight's special


When lucky straight battles,

I can use one overlay unit to roll the dice.

And then, lucky straight's attack points

Get multiplied by the number that comes up.

So, if luck is on my side, this could be the end, my friend.


Now we just multiply lucky straight's

Attack points by six and then, this one's in the books.

This can't be!

The rumors about this card were true. It's incredible.

Just hope the luck it brings holds out until tomorrow,

When I really need it.

That was amazing.

A huge comeback in one turn.

But so much of that comeback depended on chance. Interesting.

To one. Those are the odds that he was facing.

You cheated, I know it!

Nobody rolls that many sixes in a row!

What is this all about?

Charlie mccay!

You are completely surrounded!

There's no getting away this time!

That's pretty much what they said last time I got away.

Put your hands on the back of your head!

Whatever you say...

Here's the problem though, fellas.

There's something I gotta do.

I really don't have time to hang out.

It's show time.

Alright people,

Who's up for a game of chance?


Yuma, your number card!

-Hey! -What's going on?

My cards!

Yuma, look up!

You might want to run.

Yuma, look up!

You might want to run.

-Look out! -Run as fast as you can!


What's he doing?

Everybody okay?

-We're fine, officer. -Yes, thank you so much.

What's happening?

-How's he doing that? -Hey, give those back!

This is against the law!

Good thing I was standing here,

This donut could've hurt me.

Seriously, I mean talk about close calls, right?

But hey, close calls make life more fun.

And since life is a carnival, the more fun I have, the better.

Hey yuma, when your sister gets here,

Tell her I'm sorry I had to bolt!


I'm not letting you just run off with my card,

Come back!

Yuma, wait!

Please tell me the donut wasn't your fault.

It wasn't.

Where is he?

He's, uh... Gone.

So he snagged everyone's cards and then took off?

I don't believe that guy!

And to think I actually took some time to make him food.

So do ya' think that crazy card

He dueled with is what he stole from the museum?

Sounds like it.

I heard them talking about the card on the heartland frequency

And so I did some quick research.

Everyone who's ever had that card has been blessed with a

Sudden streak of crazy luck.

In the past few months,

That card has turned people into overnight celebrities and


That's nuts.

He totally acted like he knew who I was.

Who is this guy, sis?

Charlie mccay was dad's assistant.

He helped him with his research and went on a

Few excavations with him, and then basically

Decided to become a big block-headed buffoon

Who flies all over the world looking for

Ancient shiny things.

Every time I think I'm never gonna see him again,

He has this way of showing up.


Alright you two, you guys up for a little recon?

Yeah, we'll find this guy!

We'll turn this whole city upside down

If that's what it takes!

Togetherlet's do this!

All right, tori.

Let's start looking!

Do you have any leads?

If you search randomly, you will never find him.

What do you suggest, know-it-all?

At first I was not sure why I recognized those words,

And then I realized.

Th district, th area.

I have seen those words while riding the d line

Monorail with you.

They spin around at the top of a building.

I admit that this might be what you would call

"Kind of a stretch."

But it might be worth looking along that rail line.

Perhaps if we explore the surrounding areas, we will find

This charlie mccay and retrieve your number card.

What's going on?

Looks like the police are heading toward the bay area.

The d line goes through there!

It's him!

It's gotta be!

Policeman clieutenant!

We've stopped the monorail

And evacuated all passengers and personnel.

The suspect is surrounded.

Policeman bget down on your knees, mccay!

Man, you guys just do not give up, do ya'?

Did your bosses not give you the memo

About what this card can do?

-Hey! -The monorails closed!

No hard feelings boys, but I've really

Got somewhere I need to be.

Helicopter pilot: something's wrong!

Our controls are jammed!

Police radiosuspect is on the westbound d rail,

Moving through the bay area!


Kari, I've got him!

We're on the d line monorail!

I'm on my way!

So you found me.

Little quicker than I thought you would.

You took my card,

I'd like to have it back!

Heh, heh, heh.

Direct and to the point.

Well as it happens, I've jammed this monorail

So it can't be stopped by the control center.

And I'm afraid our destination is all the way

On the other side of the city. So uh, what do

You say we pass the time with a little duel?

A duel?

And if you manage to win, then I'll give you your card back.

Yuma, you have to retrieve that number card.

All right.

Let's do it!

Duel disk go!

Duel gazer, let's roll!

Computer voice: duel interface set.

Augmented reality vision link established.

Be careful, yuma!

Togetherlet's duel!

What's yuma doing on top of that monorail?

Is this the best time to be doing this?

This guy took my number card and I'm getting it back, tori!

That's nice and all, but if this monorail can't be stopped,

Then who's supposed to hit the brakes?

Who's supposed to hit the... Brakes?

Somebody help me!

Don't be scared, yuma!

Nothing bad will happen.

Luck is gonna protect us.

So let's get this duel started!

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today
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