01x13 - The Number Hunter: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x13 - The Number Hunter: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Female reporter awe're here at the city shopping center where

An unknown individual has blockaded all the access

Points to the top floor.

We understand that.

Litterbottrash identified, trash ident

Criminalnow you're trash!

Dumb litterbot!

Don't forget to recycle.

Yumahey, watch it up there!

For the last time make good on my demands or

The hostages are gonna get it!

Criminal I warnin' ya, I mean business!

The clock's ticking!

And so the stand off continues

It's uncertain if authorities are planning to meet his

Demands of money and a helicopter - we will see.

Oh man!

Not good!


You're at the shopping mall right now, aren't you?

Are you saying I'm goofing off at the mall instead

Of doing my homework?

How dare you!

Toriyou are.

Zip it!

Tori's right!

And do you know how I know she's right?

Cuz I'm watching you right now live on tv!


Now go find out what's going on so I get a scoop!

People say it's tough being a reporter.

Well they should try being a brother.

They help in this investigation.

Quit stalling me or you'll be sorry!

Who is this guy?

Astrallook, there.

It is a number.

So this bandit's has a number card!

I need a closer look!

Comin' through.


Kitenumber confirmed.

Time to spread our wings.

Orbital you got it, boss!

Let the hunt begin!


♪ As life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Down and down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams from dieing ♪

♪ I hi-five the skys

♪ Spread my wings say got this time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future is still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breathe my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'm taking a chance today


Watch yer back!

Peoplehey, look up there!

Looks like a glider or something'.

Whoa, check it out!


Time's up - where's my helicopt-what?!

Did you see that?!

What's going on?


What's goin' on?

Everyone's frozen!

No, time is frozen.

But how can that be?!



What's happenin' here?

How come nobody's movin'?

So you're behind this, huh?!

Such questions are irrelevant, little punk.

What is relevant

Is what I do.

And that's hunt numbers.


You're some accountant?

You thick-headed thug.

Why don't I just demonstrate.

This bozo has no respect for robots!

Yeah, demonstrate all over the hot head!

I mean, if you want, master kite.

Oh, I want.

Prepare to duel, you low life!


You serious?

Oh yes - I'm always serious when it comes to hunting numbers.

Well then come and get it.

I got one right here!

And I'm sure that you got a few of your own number cards, kite.

So whadaya say we make this interesting

Whadaya say you put one on the line, too!

That's fine

Because I won't be losing!

He ain't lying!

Now then, you don't mind if I change, do you?!

Go photon transformation!


I'm quite comfortable now.

And you're in quite a bit of trouble!

Please, I'm beggin' ya, move outta the way!

Yuma, a number duel is afoot!

A number duel?

No, this duel can't be over already, please, I beg you.

Show mercy!

I'm afraid that's one skill that I do not possess.

Go, galaxy-eyes photon dragon!

Attack with photon stream of destruction!

And now, to take my prize!


The number's mine.

Way to go, sir!

What in the world?

Whoa, what happened to you?

The, number hunter,

The number hunter?

What's that?

Number hunter?

Can it be!

Dear me!

His number was taken?

It's that bird-guy again!

That time use the door!

Policeman afreeze!

Don't move a muscle kid!

Policeman barrest that boy immediately!

And the plot has just thickened!

Policemenget him!

Don't let him get away!

Close all the exits!

Policeman cyou're under arrest!

Watch out for his hair!

Trash contained, trash contained, trash contained.

Hartit's starting again!

I'm so sorry!

The energy fills me!

Mr. Heartlandenter.

Did you retrieve the number, kite?

I did.

That's superb news.

And superb news for heartland city

Your dueling skills will soon bring peace there.

So, how many numbers is it you have now?


At last count?

Number cards are in our possession.


So many in such a short time!

I knew that I picked the right man for the job!

What's wrong, kite?

Now, now.

Don't tell me you're upset about all the souls that

You've been capturing

As you well know, when we take a number, there's no way to avoid

Taking a bit of that number keeper's life force, too.

But what's a few extra gray hairs?!

After all, everyone ages.

We're just speeding up the process.

And these number keeper's have it coming, too.

They're a villainous lot and should be shown no mercy!

Just promise me when all of the numbers cards are ours

My brother will be okay.

But of course!

As I've told you time and time again, once all the

Numbers are gathered, your brother will be cured.

I assure you of this!

You must believe me, kite.

Your brother's well being means just as much to me

As it does to you!


Keep up the good work and happy number hunting, kite!

Remember - the quicker you fetch them!

The sooner we can cure your brother!

Ah, dr. Faker!

Dr. Fakertell me, what is the latest in our undertaking?

Well, the latest is that everything is

Going just as planned.

And what a fine plan it is.

What is it they say - one man's trash

Is another man's treasure?

Well, it's true and with that treasure we will do

What we must to protect our future

Just as I protected kite and his brother before


Quite right, dr. Faker

Let the people of astral world try to stop me.

Let them send an envoy

Oh yes, I know he's here.

I knew the very minute he arrived

But mark my words, his visit will be short!

I'll send him back to the pathetic little

Planet he calls home

He'll go back as a broken, beaten soul!


Female reporter bso as you can see by the footage from today's

Earlier incident at the mall - it seems a

Young boy was somehow involved

We have since learned that this young boy was released but

You were supposed to get me the scoop not be the scoop!

Torii don't understand how yuma got mixed up in

All of this in the first place.

What happened, yuma?

Oh, I don't know, I guess I was just in the wrong place

And the right time



Are you not going to tell them about the number hunter?

No way - my sis hates it when I get mixed up in dueling drama!

If she finds out I'm in big...



Nothing at all!

Are you mixed up in some dueling drama?

Of course not, kari, why would you ever think that?

I wonder what this all means

Girlreally, for me?

Hey, kite.

Hey hart, you ready to check out the fair?

Don't think so.

Come on.

They got games and balloons down there, you love that stuff

I don't remember liking games or balloons.

In fact, I don't remember liking much of anything.

Why can't I remember kite?

Did something happen?

Is there something wrong with me?

Hart, you...


I don't think I ever liked anything.


You're wrong about that, and I'm going to prove it to you.

You promise?

Yeah, I promise...


Yeah, what's up?

What is up is someone other than you and I are gathering numbers

And that is troubling.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

You do realize that eventually this hunter will

Come looking for us.

In fact, it is more than likely that he is

Looking for us as we speak.

We need some sort of plan, yuma.

Hey, I've gotta plan for us, astral!

Let's not wait for this hunter to hunt us down,

Let's go hunt them!

Whadaya think?

I think this is a bad idea.

For real, bronk?

Bronkyou bet, it's a bit outta the way but a

Great place for pick up duels!


I duel anyone, anywhere and anytime!

Wanna join us?

Come on,tori?!

It'll be fun!

Um, alright, but you're buyin' lunch!

Aw, man,

Bronk was right, that was tons of dueling fun!

And did you see how great I played?

I was so on!

Really, do you always lose all your matches when you're 'on'?

Not 'all'!

Just some.

Or most.

Or, okay, all of them but so what?

It's not like anyone's keeping track - then again,

I guess you were


I sense that danger is near.

Do you feel it as well?


But thanks for freaking me out.

What's wrong, yuma?


I'm sure it's nothing.

Uh oh.

Oh no, my hair!

Let's get outta the rain.

Wait up!

Come on, tori!

I'm moving as fast as i-


Yuma, yuma!

What's the deal?


What's going on here?

It's just like the mall,

That whistling

He's here!

Hey - I'm getting's sick a'this?

Why do you keep freezing everything?!

Things aren't exactly frozen.

Time's simply moving at /,th of its normal

Speed and do you know why?

Because it's a special duel field I created!

Quite special, only people with numbers can move

Freely in this field.

You see, that's how I know you have a number.

We should leave this place now.

But I'm not scared of him!


Get out of here!

Run, quick!

Aw, I can take this guy!



I'm not going anywhere.

That's right - from here on out, you're stuck on this field!

We can't separate!


Yes, it is great because now you have no choice.

Now, you and I will duel for numbers!

Well get set to get decked!

You're going down number hunter!

Good attitude, yuma.

We must be fearless.


You were the guy who was just telling me to run away!

That is when I thought you could run away, yuma.

Thanks for the confidence boost.

Get ready, yuma, this duel we are about to have

Is not just for fun and games.

The stakes have never been higher.

Hey, I'm at my best under pressure, so let's

Cut the chitchat and duel!

Aw yeah, now this is what I'm talking about!

I am feeling the flow!

Oh yeah?

Well, you're about to feel the pain!


What's happenin'?

Go photon transformation!

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision

Link established.

There is no escape now my little friend

You and your number will be hunted down.

Bothnow let's duel!

Allow me to go first, won't you?

I draw!

First I activate the spell card photon veil from my hand!

With this card, by returning three light attribute monsters

From my hand to my deck, I can then add three

Light attribute monsters from my deck

To my hand.

So he gets to pick the monsters he wants?

Next, I'm gonna activate the power of the spell card

Photon lead which lets me summon one of the monsters I

Just added to my hand in attack mode!

And the monster I summon is daybreaker!

But there's more - when this card is successfully summoned,

I can summon another one from my hand!

So that's two daybreakers!

And now the second one's ability activates!

So welcome to the field daybreaker number three!

Three monsters just like that?!

Oh no

And each one of them share the same level of !

Aw,just great.

I overlay my three level daybreakers to

Build the overlay network!

I xyz summon, number : illumiknight!

Oh my.

No way - he brought out a number on his very first turn!

That's right,

And guess what, I'm still not done because now

I play illumiknight's ability!

With it, once per turn, I can use an overlay unit to discard

One card from my hand to draw one new card from my deck!

Then lightserpent's special ability activates!

You see, when lightserpent is sent to the graveyard from my

Hand - it's then summoned to the field!

Next I'll bring out the monster plasma ball!

You kiddin' me?

Three monsters again!

This guy really oughta pace himself out - it's

Gonna be a long duel.

I fear,

Not at this rate.

I now overlay light serpent and plasma ball!

And with that I can once again build the overlay network!

I xyz summon - number !


Oh boy.

He summoned two numbers in just one turn


The hunt truly begins.

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪
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