01x07 - The Sparrow: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x07 - The Sparrow: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »


Beast warrior puma: sparrow!

Sparrowi have journeyed through time

And space to fight the forces

Of evil, and restore justice to the galaxy!

I am the sparrow!

Galaxy queen: how?

Furious max sealed you away in a dimensional prison!

[Snoring] -i escaped!

Well, things have changed since you were sealed away!

Furious max now rules over the entire galaxy!

His reign is about to come to an end!

Go mega-punch surprise!

It can't be... The galaxy queen's true identity

Is none other than...

You fool. Nobody can stop the dark emperor's curse!

Now you're my puppet.

Just like your precious puma.


Yuma: knock it off!

Man, her laugh is frightening.


Astral: you need to wake up.

No I don't.

Did you know that there's a boy called the sparrow,

And that he's from a different world, just like me?

Yeah, he's from the planet vortexia or something.

Where is that?

Leave me alone, I'm trying to sleep.

Yuma, please. I need to know more.

Fine, I'll turn it on.

Announcertune in tomorrow to watch the sparrow's

Destiny continue to unfold.


I thought that class would never end!

Crunchy ice-cream taco, here I come!

We need to return to your house immediately.

Why is that?

I have to "tune in to watch the sparrow's destiny

Continue to unfold."


If the sparrow really arrived here through a dimensional

Vortex, then there's a chance that he might know something

About me and my missing memories.

You don't understand what tv is, do you?

In the real world, there isn't any sparrow!

Torihey yuma, did you hear?

Hear what?

The sparrow is down by the seaport!

He is where?

They built a set or a studio or something, down on south street!

Bronklet's jam down there and take a look!

That sparrow could save my day any day!

He is so super and dreamy!

We cannot squander this opportunity, yuma.

I think I'm just gonna go work on some dueling techniques...

You're coming with us.

Let me go, leave me outta this.

Oh come on, I don't want to go!

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothin'

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪


I love you, sparrow!

Are we the only guys here?

I wish we could get in there to see him...

Flipif you wanna get in, just follow me.

It's possible to stroll right past these stage door guys.

I saw this on a reality show about celebrity fan clubs.

The secret is to act like an industry big shot.

Hey, how you doin', mac!

Just swung by ninjablue to grab some sushi, good stuff!

Man, the paparazzi in this town never give up,

I had to hide out in a...

Guardwhere do you think you're going?

My publicist is gonna have a field day with this, pal!

This is our chance.

Don't you know who I am?

Whoa, it's so cool.

He probably walked down this hallway,

Right where I'm walking.

I'm never taking these shoes off ever!

You lowly minions think you can defeat me?

Think again!

Ya' hear that? That's his voice!

Take that. Take that.

And that!


Whoa... It's him!

He's a little shorter than I thought he'd be.

Dark emperor furious max, your reign of terror is about to end!

The dark emperor furious max. Is that who I

Was sent here to battle?

Yuma, look behind you!

One of the emperor's minions is about to grab you.

Huh? This is just a costume.


Hey, bronk, take a picture of me with this.


Togetheryuma, no!

What's this?

Why did you not tell me you could fly?

Get me off this thing! Make it stop!

Bronk, tori do something!

Make it stop, turn it off, get me down from here!


You kids are trespassing on a closed set!

We're going to the security room and calling your parents.

Not you, you're coming with me.

Uh, wait, uh where are you taking me?

Is this yours? Because I know it isn't mine.

Nah, mine's right here in my bag.

Whoa! It's missing!

I musta dropped it while I was flyin' around!

The heart and soul of a duelist?

And you just drop it?


Anyway, thanks for my deck.

No need to thank me.

Though I do have a small request.

What is it?

I would like to challenge you to a lavish duel!

Oh awesome, you like to duel?

When I'm not saving the universe, yes.

Whaddya say we duel right now?

You mean it?

[Clears throat]

I meant to say... Are you sure?


The name's yuma, by the way.

It's really cool to meet you.

We have more important matters to address.

Find out what he knows about me and why I'm here.

He doesn't know anything about you, or where you come from!

He might.

No he won't, trust me, he's...

[Screaming and whimpering]

What's wrong?

That little spider?

I can't even... I can't look!

I can't... [Whimpering]

Are you joking?

Do I look like I'm joking? Just please,

Do something about that thing. Get rid of it.

Uh, where's yuma?

It's gone now.

That, was terrifying. Thanks for helping.


You're supposed to be this awesome intergalactic hero

And you're afraid of a little spider?

I'm not a hero.

I'm just an average middle-school

Kid from the 'burbs.

I like video games and comic books, and pizza,

I'm not some monster-busting freedom fighter.

I mean, I can't even talk to girls without getting nervous.

But it's all about keeping the fans interested / so,

I had to keep up the act at all times.

And let's be honest, it's not like anyone

Wants to know the real me.

That's kind of a bummer.

I think lots of people would like to know the real you.

You think so? Thank you!

You're like the first person who's ever said that to me.

Okay, um hang on, I'm gonna try this out...

It is nice to meet you, my name is nelson.

What is a "nelson?"

That wasn't too hard, right?

Hey, what do you say we get to know each

Other more with a duel?

Sparrow's mom: there you are!

Who's this boy, nelson?

Mom! Uhhh...

That's your mom?

You're not to speak to anyone except for authorized personnel!

It's her... The galaxy queen.

I know that mom, but uh...

But nothing!

If people found out what kind of a kid you really are, the

Illusion of the sparrow would be shattered!

And it's not just about you.

Think about how many people depend on you being the sparrow.

You're part of something much bigger than yourself, nelson.

You need to remember that.

I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Huh? Well we, uh...

If you tell anyone that you met nelson,

I will make sure you never duel in this town again!

Come on lady, let go of me!

Shoo! On your way.

I'm not gonna say anything!

Not cool.

I'm sorry, yuma!

Nelson! We're gonna have that duel someday!

But first,

You have to stop letting everyone tell you who to be.

I can't.

The sparrow is more important than I am.

Nelson andrews doesn't matter.


I never knew being a tv star was so hard.

I am not following this.

Why was the sparrow calling himself a nelson?

There's no such thing as the sparrow.

I told you he's made-up.


Somebody somewhere just thought him up.

That's how tv works astral, it's all just pretend.

You mean, that someone was attempting to trick me?

No one was trying to trick you, it's just entertainment.

So then... He doesn't know anything...

I've been saying that, but you haven't been listening.

I see now.

Hold on? What's wrong?

What's with the sad face?

You kinda look like you're feeling

Bummed out all of a sudden.

What is "feeling bummed out?"

Bummed out is when you go to the candy shop

And they're all out of your favorite chocolate bar.

I understand. So nelson is bummed out too.


Did you not hear the last thing he said?

"Nelson andrews doesn't matter."

What's that?

It's a card.

Numberyes, nelson. Let the number take hold.


Man aoh, hey man. Nice cape.

Disregarding this city's littering laws? I know you.

You're one of the dark emperor's minions, aren't you?

Eh... The what?


Time for me to take out the trash.



Man bhey you, get outta the road!

Only a follower of the dark emperor

Furious max would try to harm an innocent creature.

It's too bad you don't have nine lives!

[Whipping sounds]

[People screaming]

Female announcermultiple eyewitnesses report

That the assailant was none

Other than the sparrow, the hero of the popular tv series.

We go now to a press conference being held

By the show's producers.

Our sparrow would never do such things.

He stands for honor, truth, and justice.

This is awful.

Someone's trying to make the sparrow look bad.

What are we doing out here, tori?

We're out here to prove the sparrow's innocence.

Tying random people up and flipping over cars?

The sparrow would never do stuff like that.

Yeah, you're right about that.

He'd be way too afraid.

Way too what?

Way too... Too awesome.

Man dhelp!

That way!

Let's go!

Are you okay, sir?

Some odd ball wearing a cape came outta nowhere.

Over there!

Hey you, stop!

Hold it right there!

It is you!

Yuma, just stay away from me.

Where is he?

I dunno... He got away from us.

That was definitely nelson behind that mask.

Why is he doing all this?

It just doesn't seem like the kid I met the other day.

The answer is out there.

Find it.

And how do I do that? I'm all ears.

You made a promise to nelson when you met.

You should fulfill that promise.


You told nelson that you would duel him.

That's exactly what you should do.

A duel can bring out someone's inner strength,

No matter how deeply it is buried.

"Nelson andrews doesn't matter."

Yeah, let's do this.

Aaaaand... Action!

Nelson, why are you going around and attacking people?

What are you doing here?

I thought I told you to stay away.

What are you doing running around dressing up

And acting up like the sparrow?

I have to fulfill my duty to the galaxy queen.

Your mom?

I swore to defeat the dark emperor

Furious max and his minions.


Why do you keep calling me by that name?

For I am known in every corner of the universe as the sparrow!

Now, as for you, why have you come here?

Has the dark emperor managed to sink his claws

Into you, as well?

"Think about how many people depend

On you being the sparrow."

Oh, man, you're really letting all this get to you.

What is going on? All what?

Nelson has started thinking that he's actually the sparrow.


So you are saying, he's stuck in the fantasy

Tv world of make-believe and pretend?

Well yeah, listen to him!

He must've snapped under all the pressure or something.

The world is waiting for me to deliver justice far and wide!

Snap out of it, nelson!

Yuma, I didn't want it to come to this.

Alas, if you're with the dark emperor,

Then I have no choice but to battle you!

Alright. Bring it on!

You want a battle?

I challenge you to a duel!

I accept your challenge.

Duel disk go!

Duel gazer, let's roll!

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision link established.

Get set to get decked!

You want a piece of me?

Well, I'm gonna serve you the whole pie!

Together: let's duel!

You're going to lose yuma!

Do you see?

He's got a number card, right?

It must be amplifying the pressure that

He feels to be the sparrow.

So once again, it's your fault that trouble is popping up.

Right, let's do this!

I draw!

I summon beast warrior puma!


I have seen him in action.

Not only is he incredibly acrobatic,

He is a rather gifted swordsman.

I end my turn by playing one card facedown.

Puma, meet yuma!

I draw!

I summon gogogo golem!

I suppose you're going to send that

Lumbering brute in to attack puma.

You took the words right outta my mouth!

Gogogo gust!

I can't believe it!

You walked right into my trap!

Since I have three copies of triple star trion in my hand,

I can activate trion barrier,

And force your golem into defense mode!

And then, I can summon my three triple star trions to the field.

Three cards at once?

I play one card facedown!

That's it!

Then it's my turn!

I draw!

First, I'm releasing two of my trions,

So that I can tribute summon!

Esper star sparrow is ready to crash this party!

Astral, what's tribute summoning?

To summon high-level powerful monsters,

You must tribute other monsters.

Nelson had to tribute monsters

In order to summon his epser star sparrow.

And now, I'll activate my trion's special ability!

Which means, I can restack my field by bringing back

The other two trions that are in my graveyard.

Go lavish return!

Welcome back you two!

Next, I'm activating space ration from my hand!

I can activate this card's power because

Esper star sparrow is on my field.

Thanks to its effect, I can draw two cards from my deck!

And with that done, I overlay my three level trions!

With these three monsters, I build the overlay network!

I xyz summon!

Kneel before number , galaxy queen!

You just summoned your mom.

The galaxy queen...


She was revered as a good and noble leader, but then...

I equip the galaxy queen with furious max's curse!

While under this spell's influence,

The galaxy queen can't be destroyed in any situation!

And now I use one overlay unit to activate the

Galaxy queen's special ability!

The galaxy queen can grant every monster on my field immortality

Until my next turn, and allow them to deal damage even if your

Monster is in defense mode!

Galaxy queencome!

Follow me and gain the ultimate power!

So this is all kinds bad news for me, isn't it?


If gogogo golem is att*cked, I am afraid

It will not be very pleasant.

Your life points will be damaged.

Beast warrior puma, attack!

Go dark slash!

Since gogogo golem is in defense mode,

It can avoid being destroyed in a battle once a turn!

Perhaps so, but your life points still take damage!

And now, to finish what puma started,

Go star sparrow, attack!

Hope you enjoy his mega-punch surprise!


Don't you see?

You can't win!

I am the sparrow!

I have journeyed through time and space to fight

The forces of evil and restore justice to the galaxy!

Well you know what? I've journeyed from my bedroom

To restore you to your true self.

And I'm not about to back down!


♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪
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